How to understand that higher powers have heard. How your spiritual development affects your connection with higher powers. Who is God

​​​​​​​Higher powers are the forces of the magical world, that which is higher (stronger) than ordinary earthly (physical and social) laws and institutions and to which earthly life invisibly obeys. Higher powers distribute to people, insert a Mission, prepare Lessons for a person, arrange Retribution, create obstacles and leave Signs in life that only a person who is attentive to them or an initiate can see.

Alternatively, Higher powers talk to us through our feelings and intuition. If we feel something without justification, we are either stupid and glitchy, or our intuition is whispering something to us. “A person really doesn’t want to get on a plane (provided that there is no phobia and this usually doesn’t happen!), but he really needs to fly. He still remains on the ground, gritting his teeth, and later finds out that the plane is crashing.”

Belief in a Higher Power is typical for people with an irrational picture of the world, and first of all these are children and people of primitive cultures. Among adults in Western civilization, belief in a Higher Power is more common among women and less common among men; it intensifies closer to old age and in situations where death is close. Like any faith, faith in a Higher Power largely has roots in family upbringing and is often transmitted through literature of religious content.

Higher powers are not always bad. Parents for a child are also Higher powers, but they tell him that it’s time to get up, they prepare him breakfast, take care of him, protect him from the scary neighbor’s dog and send him to school. These are the Higher powers that raise him as a future adult, help him grow up. But if parents, as Higher powers, form a feeling of weakness in the child, accustom him to the fact that he cannot do his own homework, or prepare breakfast, or iron his shirts, they develop in him a feeling of dependence: “Mom, don’t go, I need you.” It’s scary without you!”, such Higher powers stand in the way of the formation of a healthy and independent personality. Such a child will grow into an infantile.

Remember who infantiles are: these are adults with childish self-awareness. This is a man who cannot lift himself off the couch, because it is very difficult and above him. This is a girl who can’t decide to go to the dentist because it’s terribly scary, because it can hurt. These are students who do not study anything during the semester, hoping that some miracle will happen during the session and they will be lucky... And if they are not lucky, then they can get upset, cry, then they will feel sorry for you - and again everything is fine. You can even eat cake. These are infantiles.

What higher powers are common in today's practical psychology?

  • The unconscious is larger and stronger than our tiny consciousness. To what extent our unconscious is friends with us, read from Freud... No, it is not.
  • If you go against your own desires, you will experience severe internal conflict and inevitably lose. You are small, you will lose.
  • Whatever your feelings are, they must be accepted, otherwise you will not be able to do anything about them. If your feelings lead you to death, you will go to death.
  • Love is a great mysterious force that cannot be avoided and nothing can be done about it. And don't you dare think.
  • Everyone has their Destiny. Fate leads the one who is friends with her, and drags everyone else.
  • Nothing in our lives happens for nothing: the world gives it to you for a reason. If you guess, well done, if you don’t, it’s worse for you.
  • Be attentive to the signs of Peace. Going against the signs is like writing against the wind.
  • Only by guessing and finding your Destination (what the Higher Powers intended you to do) can you find your happiness. Believe and hope. Some people are lucky. (see I'm small, the world is big)

If the Higher powers tell a person that he can cope, he can do it - these are the Higher powers supporting the person. With their authority, they raise my self-esteem, give me confidence, force me to move forward and not lose heart in the face of obstacles. And for a mass individual, for a person who is not strong, faith in such Higher powers is probably good. “The Universe is friendly”, “Our unconscious takes care of us”, “Love will unexpectedly appear, / When you don’t expect it at all, / And every evening will immediately become / So surprisingly good, and you sing...”, “A person who has felt his Destiny will cope with any difficulties" - all these attitudes and suggestions about the Higher powers can once carry quite positive content. However, we must not forget about something else: all these attitudes, so widespread in modern practical psychology and psychotherapy, are the consequences of betrayal of the scientific position. This is a consequence of the fact that practical psychology I have not yet decided to focus on science.

Higher powers and the supernatural

Higher powers are often called powers. When an inexperienced person sees an unusual phenomenon, he is usually not able to explain how this is possible. We admired, reading S. Holmes, how he could dissect the completely incomprehensible, and after “elementary, Watson,” all that remained was to smile. This is what happens most often with the supernatural. For clues to the supernatural, see

On the eve of Christmas, when the heavens are open to our requests, I want to talk to you about how to correctly ask questions to the Higher Powers, incl. questions to the angels.

I am sure that each of us, in one way or another, has received messages from angels in our lives. Someone received greetings from the other side in the form of clear signals expressed in some kind of visual or auditory images - it could be a phrase uttered in your head, or maybe some visions that came as a response to a request. But most often the message from the angels comes in the form of a deep feeling of calm, a feeling that everything will be fine, i.e. is expressed simply by an obvious change internal state. This is the most common option and, by the way, the most truthful.

Because you can hear a voice sounding in your ears, you can hear a bell, you can see some image - and all this can be a falsification of the mind. But it is impossible to falsify a state of peace, especially if before that you were in confusion, anxiety and tension.

How exactly should you formulate your requests to the angels?

There is one thing important rule– you need to ask not for events, not for some advice, not for facts, you need to ask condition.

We all came here to Earth with our own unique stellar handwriting, with our own unique past lives in order to build our own unique life. And if we wanted to know the answer, we would simply open our genetic memory and immediately quit the game. It's like seeing a game of chess that has already been completely played out. Why play then? Then there is no need to be in the body. But the fact of the matter is that we chose to play this game, knowing in advance that in this particular life we ​​have limited ourselves in some way.

Often the mind wedges itself into the dialogue of our heart with the Higher powers and wants to receive some logical or rational answers. But, in fact, the angels cannot give you any valuable instructions, they can only help energetically influence your space, help you maintain calm. You decide everything else yourself, because you are the one who decides your life.

You have probably heard such a metaphor that a person is stronger than an angel, because he can choose between good and evil, has freedom, unlike the executing angel God's will. Therefore, it is you who are the master of the situation, and you choose the road. And heavenly forces are beings who energetically help you make your desires come true. They help you achieve that inner balance, create such inner harmony that will be favorable for bringing your creative desires to life. The angels can tell you whether it is better to go to the right or to the left along the road you have chosen, but they cannot tell you which road to take.

Accordingly, the questions you ask should be not so much questions as requests. You ask with all your heart - what should I know in order to... For example - What should I know so that I can do this? And you wait for an answer.

Information should come to you completely by accident, in everyday life: you will accidentally see it in a magazine, hear it in a momentary television interview or in a conversation... Just be careful, follow the signs. If you wanted to look at a magazine - take a look, you wanted to linger at the TV - linger, you suddenly wanted to talk to a person with whom you have never spoken - talk. Those. you need to feel the gravity within yourself - this is openness to contact. And this information will help you make a decision that will clarify some of your internal doubts.

But you must understand that the answer will come at the time you need. While you are tense and waiting for an answer, you will not receive it.

In any case, remember that when you receive an answer (whether it is words, visions or signs), you must certainly have a feeling of deep peace inside. Because any answer from the Higher powers is accompanied by a feeling of calm. Unmistakable help always brings with it the energy of the Home, the energy of God, the energy of Creation. And this energy definitely gives a feeling of serenity.

So if you doubt whether you are receiving a response, the marker is very simple: is it arriving? in your soul and warmth? If yes, then you have received the support of Higher powers.

For many, their conscience does not allow them to contact angels often, to “pull” them over trifles. This is a common misconception. We ourselves, no matter how much we love each other, but we get tired of communicating even with the closest people, and we need time to be in peace and recover. And we unconsciously transfer this image to our angels.

But here we need to understand that angelic energy is built into us. The Creator manifests itself through us on Earth; His spark is present in each of us. And angels are the light of God. Therefore, when you find yourself in a situation of unbearability, when you understand that in a “human” way you cannot disperse the clouds in the depths of your heart and the sticky web in your thoughts, you need to ask for help not from someone, but from your own divine part - turn to the Heart. This is where help comes from.

Angels are happy to transform our pain, our fear. Because the transformed distorted energy returns to the Creator with radiant light. And this is the purpose of the angels - the return of divine light to its original pure state. And it is thanks to people that angels can realize this.

But they cannot respond until you have made a request. And in this sense you should always contact. When, for example, you feel offended by your parents and turn to the angels, saying: “I ask you to remove this burden from my soul and tell me what I should do to resurrect my love for these people,” you give green light, give access for transformation.

Therefore, it is not just “you can contact”, but you can always contact when you lose clarity of thought, experience confusion, when you are confused, when clouds appear in your sky... Ask for clarification, ask to transform all the negativity, ask.

It is very good to make a request at night. In general, it is good to contact not at the moment when you are already feeling bad, but regularly with a request to set you up - for the day or for the night. If you asked for peace in your heart for today, if you thanked life, if you tuned in to love, then no hardships of life, no turmoil will harm you in any way.

For example, I always have before my eyes two large portraits by the artist Suvorov - Archangel Uriel and Archangel Michael. I communicate with them every day, thank them and interact, and read messages to them in the morning and evening. Despite the fact that the era of cataclysms has long passed in my life, I clearly understand that this is not superfluous, even now.

I am often asked: how to develop and strengthen the connection with the Supreme?

My dears, the era has come. In past eras, communication with the Supreme was a way out of the fields of the Earth, but now communication with the Supreme is, on the contrary, an invitation to Him to us, to Earth. And this happens through a point in the Heart.

Therefore, one should not confuse genuine enlightenment with a game called esotericism and. True enlightenment is when every cell in your body increases in frequency. And this happens when you are focused on loving people, the world and yourself, as a part of this world.

Those. If you set the goal of love in your heart, life itself will tell you what practices will help you. Some people may benefit from meditative handicrafts or drawing mandalas to open their hearts, others need to go to a dog shelter and have them treated there, and others need to make peace with their grandmother, with whom they have had a tense relationship for the last 10 years.

You yourself feel what allows you to open a new door within yourself. That's why stay inthis is the most rapid approach to the Supreme. That's what I wish for you!

The Higher Self is your personal God. People often pray to different gods and call upon different Teachers asking for help and guidance. But for some reason they forget that each of us has our own personal God - our Higher Self. The Higher Self is you yourself in the fullness of your capabilities. This driving force all your actions.

Your Higher Potential is your Higher Self, which exists here and now. We reveal our potential throughout our lives, while we grow, while we develop, gaining experience, we can establish a connection with our Higher Self.

Sometimes we already have all the necessary information for a breakthrough in life Here and Now, we just need to feel ourselves.

How often we do not understand what is happening in our lives, we do not see our unconscious desires, we may do what we don’t want to do, or we don’t know what to do, how to act in a given situation. It is at this moment that the Higher Self helps us find the path to ourselves, to our best life.

Our Higher Self is the Supreme Essence that exists outside of this world, an Entity of a very high level that has information about everything. And not only possessing information, but also possessing enormous capabilities.

First, it awakens feelings and desires in us, then we begin to build goals on the path to achieving what we want, and we see specific actions that will subsequently lead us to the best for which we unconsciously strive. This is the thread through which we draw vitality.

The Higher Self cannot be perceived as something separate from us. It is also us, it is also our Self, but more high level, in another dimension, with another, higher consciousness. The Higher Self pays little attention to a person until he awakens spiritually.

And even when a person is awakened, but he is driven by the ego, the Higher Self most often simply observes and allows mistakes to be made. If such a person is faced with the task of spiritual development, the Higher Self will create difficult situations in his life, pushing him to development.
And if this does not help, then the Higher Self can lead him to life's dead end when all areas of life begin to fall apart.

It is in such situations that you need to rethink your life. And if a person no longer holds on to his ego, if he understands that the Higher Self knows better how to build his life, then life gets better very quickly.

Many people are confident that they have contact with the Higher Self, that they hear it. But often this is not the case; they hear, at best, their own thoughts, and in the worst case, astral entities.

The Higher Self helps only those who work on themselves, who learn awareness, who develop.
If a person does not learn anything, constantly steps on the same rake and only demands help from the Higher Self, it will not help. We must definitely go through our part of the path so that the Higher Self is interested in us and helps us.

People who work with the Higher Self begin to experience real miracles, insights that they experience, help that they begin to receive in different situations from your highest aspect, and about simply wonderful, magical gifts from the Higher Self, which can truly be called real miracles.

It is with the help of the Higher Self that we can unite the material and the spiritual. The Higher Self can manifest through us in the material world, and it will do this if we build a relationship with it correctly.

What do you need to do to feel your Higher Self?

To feel your Higher Self, you need to be a conscious person, you need to understand yourself, perceive yourself as a Soul, be in harmony with yourself and the world. The Higher Self cannot be seen with earthly vision; it can only be felt, let into oneself. You need to look into yourself, feel yourself on all levels, at the deepest levels of consciousness and subconscious.

It will not be difficult for every person with a sufficiently developed soul to establish contact with the Higher Self. Like now, the most favorable time for this is when the curtain between the real world and the spiritual world is slightly open for everyone. Feel the Divine flow. The moment you meet your Higher Self will be one of the most spiritual moments in your life. You will feel an unimaginable flow of love energy passing through you.

When can you turn to your Higher Self?

You can turn to your Higher Self at any time, when you are happy and when you are sad, when you need to find an answer to life situation. The Higher Self can tell you the path through life, help you get through all the hardships and barriers. To gain connection with the Higher Self, you need to tune in to the desired frequency, as in many activations, you need to start with meditation.


Take a meditation pose in a comfortable place. Start breathing, concentrating on your breath, feel how the air passes through your nostrils, how the walls of your abdomen stretch and accept reverse position. Stop your internal monologue and concentrate only on your breathing.

When you enter your usual meditative state of silence, begin to imagine the meadow along which you are walking. Be sure that you will meet your Higher Self and so it will be. Imagine cozy house, and go into it, it is there that you will meet the Higher Self. It can be a light, an image, a symbol of something familiar to you. Greet your Self and feel the immense flow of love from it.

If you are ready for more specific contact and want to know something specific, ask your Higher Self for a message. Most likely it will be a stream of thoughts that will pour into your head. At first you will think that these are other people's thoughts, not yours, but then awareness will come to you and you will find the answer to your question. The main thing is to trust this process at this moment and not be distracted.

Try to return to this as often as possible during meditation. sacred place to know ourselves. This can be a ritual for you, communicating with your Higher Self, who knows everything about you and guides you hand in hand through life.

If you again find yourself in the whirlpool of everyday affairs, try to find time to return to your meadow, to reach the house where your Higher Self will always be waiting for you. It will remind you of how true and complete you are. Feel the flow of energy, love, support for your Self.

After your contact with the Higher Self has become stable and permanent, you will be able to hear its voice without meditation, but at any time of your being. Your Higher Self knows everything about you, about every talent that can be revealed, about every action that has ever been performed, about all your lives. The Higher Self also knows your future, which means you know it too, it will be happy to hold a conversation with you and answer any of your questions that suggest your Path.

How can you discern who you can contact and who you shouldn’t?

Here you need to know several rules or regulations that should be followed until you learn to independently distinguish who you are in contact with, namely:

  1. The Essences of Light and in that your number The Higher Self never gives negative information, does not name dates or timing of upcoming bad events, or instills fear or anxiety.
  2. Entities of Light do not predict your future, because in this case you are deprived of the opportunity to choose.
  3. The Entities of Light do not give guidelines - what exactly and how you should do, since this deprives you of the opportunity to gain your experience.
  4. The best way to practice question-and-answer dialogue is to ask questions. In this case, the question should be asked in such a way that it can only be answered “yes” or “no”.
  5. Don’t ask questions like: “What is the right thing to do in such and such a case, like this or like that?” No one will decide or make a choice for you. If they answer you such a question, then these are not the “comrades” who should be trusted.
  6. It is more correct to ask this way: “If I act in this situation in this way, will this correspond to the fulfillment of my individual plan for evolutionary development?” Any answer to such a question leaves you with the right to decide and, accordingly, your karmic responsibility for the decision made.

All random encounters, coincidences, lucky finds and losses, dreams, victories and defeats need to be analyzed from the point of view of their significance for you. There is a Force, the logic of which can only be guessed at. You can call it the Universe or Infinity, or Intention. This Power controls our destiny. But we can also control our destiny and influence this Power.

We can conduct a dialogue with her, cooperate or not cooperate. To be her guide or not. Signs are the Force’s way of dialogue with us. The answer comes by itself, from within, through sensations. You just understand, that's all. But we must strive to SEE these signs and wait for the inner answer. The point is that you want to do something, but small obstacles persistently arise in front of you. Don't you think this is a warning? Maybe yes.

Signals from space

The right choice is a feeling of joy, elation, pleasure from what is happening to you. If you do something with delight and inspiration, then this is a sign of fate, indicating that you are going in the right direction.

You are probably very familiar with the expression “the soul does not lie.” Violence against yourself does not lead to anything good. If our whole life consists of continuous “shoulds” and never “wants,” it becomes unbearable and useless for us. Because we live not our own, but someone else’s life, we live up to other people’s expectations, we fulfill other people’s promises and pay off other people’s debts.

If you are accompanied by victories and good luck in your chosen business, everything works out for you - great! Higher powers approve of your choice and send confirmation of this. But if nothing goes well from the very beginning, as if you are hitting an impenetrable wall, this may be a signal that you have taken on the wrong thing. Or you are not yet quite mature for it.

Dreams – universal method communication with cosmic forces. Only in order to unravel what exactly the heavenly forces want to tell us in their vague and confusing messages, we must first learn the basics - memorize these messages, and then analyze them.

Coincidences are patterns well thought out by heaven. Deciphering these signs is as difficult as dreams. But their correct interpretation gives unmistakable results in behavior correction. For example, you tripped. "ABOUT! - you think. - This bad sign. I probably shouldn’t go on a visit, because a higher mind is warning me of some troubles.” In fact, you just tripped. The road is rough. You have to watch your step. That's all! Now, if you stumble two or three times in a row, rushing to some meeting that is very significant for you, then this is a clear signal. About what? Well, here you yourself need to strain yourself and figure it out. Maybe you don't need this meeting, or too great importance you attach it to it, but maybe, on the contrary, you haven’t prepared for it very well.

All random encounters, coincidences, lucky finds and losses, dreams, victories and defeats need to be analyzed from the point of view of their significance for you. And then even the most unpleasant surprises will be perceived by you calmly and with gratitude.

Background hum of events

Background hum of events is a fairly common term among people studying anomalous phenomena and events. This term means “signs of fate”, “hints of a guardian angel”, “hints of a personal genius (spirit)”, etc. Most people are not able to correctly evaluate these signs; accidents, failures, and illnesses are especially difficult to decipher. According to esotericists (and scientists who believe in the possibility of foreseeing the future), all serious troubles are a preliminary, warning wave of future events.

Animals are much better than man feel this very background hum of events that will soon occur. This “sixth sense”, apparently, was also inherent in man, but over time it atrophied.

People rarely notice, much less believe, in the “clues” of fate that come in the form of warning signs and events from the information field through a guardian angel or in another way, but this is a real-life, practice-tested phenomenon. The only thing that suits everyone is observation and analysis.
Everyone has the power to draw conclusions and act according to them. The main criterion for the correctness of actions can only be the feeling of the harmony of what is happening. Harmony is a kind of universal state when you feel simultaneously in complete peace and absolute movement.

Man is the Universe, which contains the meaning of existence, just as every grain of sand on the seashore contains the universal laws of the universe. When you understand this, when you feel your unity with everything and everyone, then the secrets of heavenly signals become available to you. Then you begin to understand what the signs of fate are and how to live with them. They should be received with joy and gratitude. And follow them to come to a bright and happy state of mind.


It will be addressed mainly to those who have already reached the level of communication with the Higher Powers of the Universe.

This communication can happen differently for everyone, depending on what the person is more sensitive to.

This can be visual communication, that is, a person sees pictures or images. As a rule, this happens in sleep or during meditation. This is the so-called inner vision. For some, such pictures are very bright and clear, for others they are barely visible, rather tangible. Anyone who has experienced this at least once will understand what we are talking about.

Very often it seems to you that this is just a figment of your imagination. And there really is a very fine line between them. I will try to teach you to distinguish between messages from above and images inspired by your imagination.

Such visions can arise either on their own during your meditations, in a dream or in a state bordering on sleep, or at your request.

Most often this happens when the Higher Powers want to convey to you something very important and urgent - something that can radically affect your life. In this case, everything is done to ensure that you remember your dream or your vision and think about what it means.

And if a person takes such a hint seriously and accepts it with gratitude, then he can avoid many troubles in his life.

But, unfortunately, people often do not attach importance to this, and all the efforts made by your Spiritual Guides and your Guardian Angels are in vain.

Believe me, my dears, help and support are provided to every person on Earth, but not everyone knows how to hear it and accept it.

Information from Higher Powers may also come to you in the form of messages and dictations. This can be automatic writing, where someone “writes” with your hand, or dictations, which are most often picked up by the inner ear.

And in this case, my dear ones, a very great danger may await you, since a person who has the ability to “hear” can very easily be connected to the entities of the lower and higher astral plane, which “feed” on the energy of people.

How can you avoid this?

First of all, ask yourself the question: “What motivates me when I take these dictations?” and answer it very honestly.

Truly pure information can only come to someone who is completely devoid of pride and any selfish interest, since in this case the energy that you emit simply will not be able to attract to you entities whose vibrations are lower than yours and who “feed” energies of the human Ego. Like attracts like - always remember this.

And the last thing I would like to tell you today.

Never set yourself the goal of mastering these skills at any cost. Everything should happen completely naturally. As your vibrations rise and your consciousness changes, everything will begin to come to you naturally, without any effort on your part.

The only thing that is required of you is to keep your soul pure, radiate Light and Love, live in such a way that, no matter what, you yourself are happy and bring joy to everyone who meets on your way - be it your family and friends or a random passer-by whom you gave a gentle and sincere smile, thereby lifting his spirits.

And I see that many of you are already living like this and, looking back, cannot believe what they were like just recently.

I bless you, my dears, for wisdom and patience, for finding true happiness and harmony in your life!

Loving you immensely