Fortune telling with dice. Fortune telling on bones. Online fortune telling with dice. Fortune telling for wish fulfillment

Fortune telling, which was a favorite of Empress Catherine II, according to legend, was quite simple. 40 cards depicted 40 symbols that had a classic decoding, but for specific situation could have a direct meaning and mean exactly what is depicted on them. Out of 40 cards turned upside down, three were selected and, depending on the question of interest, the result was interpreted. Try this fortune telling to predict your fate or clarify a question that interests you.

Fortune telling in the name of the future husband is quite common and well known. Previously, our mothers and grandmothers wrote the names of men on pieces of paper, placed the pieces of paper in a container and pulled out one; the name that came out was the name of the future husband. We offer you an analogue of such fortune telling - fortune telling in the name of your future husband using a table with numbers. Click on any part of the table and the name of your future husband will immediately appear to you. This fortune telling can also be done for married people.

Love fortune telling on gypsy cards, the Tarot will tell you how the hidden person treats you and what he thinks about you. This layout also shows what feelings the person you are interested in has towards you, what attitude he demonstrates and what he hides, what goals he sets in your relationship, what he plans for you in the future, and what the outcome of communication with this person is. Think about your question and select cards from the deck.

Fortune telling on the runes of Odin “One rune” is the simplest and at the same time exact layout rune You can ask a question and get an instant answer by pulling out just one rune. If a question has a clear answer, then straight position runes means “Yes”, the inverted position of the rune means “No”, the empty rune of Odin means the answer is uncertain..

Love fortune telling on gypsy Tarot cards “Feelings of a loved one” is a simple way to find out how your partner treats you, what he expects from your relationship and what threat exists to your love. Just three gypsy cards They give an exact answer, but sometimes the decoding is veiled and in order to understand the prediction it is necessary for some time to pass and facts unknown to you to be revealed. Think about your question and choose three cards from the deck.

Fortune telling on the six runes of Odin “Clarification of relationships” is used in cases where the relationship with a partner does not work out or for some reason does not move beyond the serious stage. This simple, but very informative layout will help you understand what feelings your partner has towards you and what interferes with your love. Ask your question and choose 6 runes from the scattering.

Lenormand card layout “Do I like it or not?” used in cases where the fortuneteller would like to clarify the real relationship with his partner. The cards show how your partner treats you, what he thinks about you, what he plans to do and how you should behave; the cards also give a forecast for the development of your relationship in the near future. Before fortune telling, ask your question to the cards and imagine your partner.

Fortune telling with bones

Byzantine fortune telling is one of the variants of fortune telling using dice and diagrams. The cube is thrown onto the table three times and occupies one of its 15 sectors. For each throw, the table has its own interpretation for each segment. So, the first throw of the dice will show what awaits you in the very near future, the second throw - which events should be kept secret, and the third - what changes will soon enter your life.

Fortune telling on two dice “For love” gives a love forecast for a relationship with a partner in the future or a characteristic of your partner or you. In any case, the information that fortune telling cubes carry will help you understand an important and unknown nuance concerning your personal life. Think of your question and click on the cup to roll the dice.

Fortune telling on two Gypsy dice allows you to get an answer to one of ten questions regarding love, relationships and personal life. This is one of the oldest ways find out the future of your relationship with your loved one. Before starting fortune telling, select the question you are interested in from the list, throw the fortune telling dice and immediately receive a decryption.

Fortune telling to make a wish come true on two dice is one of the most simple types predictive fortune telling. You just need to throw two dice and find out the decoding of the sum of the numbers you got. The transcript indicates whether your wish will come true or not and why.

Mahjong dice, used for the traditional Chinese game of the same name, are also used for fortune telling and predicting the future, as each die symbol has a unique meaning and corresponds to a known image. This fortune telling is suitable for finding out the circumstances of an event of interest or answering a pressing question. Select 13 mahjong tiles from a scattering and ask your question.

An ancient method of fortune telling “Yes or No?” on two dice gives a simple answer to a clearly formulated question. For this fortune telling, a round napkin was used on which two cubes were thrown, then the sum of those cubes that remained on the napkin was calculated. If both cubes were outside the napkin, no more guessing was done that day. Before starting fortune telling, ask your question and click on the bowl to start fortune telling.

Tibetan fortune telling with Mo cubes, which originated in ancient Tibet and is rooted in the local Buddhist culture, like any fortune telling, is aimed primarily at predicting the future, determining important nuances in the present, as well as explanations of the events of the past that most influenced the current situation. Ancient Tibetan wisdom will tell you the right attitude to certain circumstances of your life and advise you on which area of ​​life it is advisable to pay attention to. Before starting this fortune-telling, it is advisable to undergo a relaxation meditation in order to perceive the decoding of the fortune-telling correctly.

Fortune telling with two dice “What will appear?” is aimed at showing the fortuneteller hidden but interesting nuances. Just one phrase of the prediction may contain great wisdom; if the answer is not immediately clear to you, perhaps you will soon understand what the decoding of the fortune-telling is all about. Think of your question and click on the cup to roll the dice.

Fortune telling with two dice “Prediction” allows you to find out what awaits you, whether your wish will come true, or to get advice on action. Unlike simple fortune telling with three dice, here, in addition to the sum, the numerical value on each of the dice is taken into account. Think of your question and click on the cup to roll the dice.

Fortune telling with three dice “For the future” is a simple fortune telling that predicts the near future, gives advice or warning, or shows nuances unknown to you at the present time that matter. To start fortune telling, concentrate and ask your question and click on the glass to mix the dice.

Independent fortune-telling technique:

Among the methods of fortune telling, the most ancient and effective is fortune telling with bones. For many centuries, people have been telling fortunes using this ritual, this suggests that bones or zara really allow you to see the desired result.

Cubes are best suited for this fortune telling. These are unusual cubes, they have inclusions on each side. Since the cube has six faces, then, of course, we are dealing with a type of probabilistic approach. They use the cubes to tell fortunes about their future; you can get an answer to a question or tell your wish. You can guess a lot.

Unlike cards, fortune telling with dice is absolutely safe and accessible to everyone. No magician or sorcerer abilities required. Anyone can guess with dice, without preparation or training. You just need to follow the rules. To avoid mistakes in fortune telling, you need to study the rules and generally understand the essence of such a thing as fortune telling. Then you can safely begin the process itself.

Although special preparation is not needed, it is better to concentrate, otherwise it will be a waste of time. You choose one bone, then guess for what period of time you are guessing: day, week, month. You need to relieve stress from extraneous thoughts and concentrate on the fortune telling process. This is necessary to clearly and accurately formulate your question. The question is formulated in the head, and not spoken out loud. Once the question is formulated, throw the dice into the middle of the table. One of the numbers will appear. What happens next depends on the number you get.

The value of the number drawn:

1. One falls on lucky people who have had a lot, if not everything, in their lives, their dreams have come true. If the number is one, it means that everything is going as it should and you need to stick to your chosen path. You need to expect something very good, a miracle. Number one also warns of possible health problems in the vascular system.

2. Expect change. Everything can change at any moment and you need to be prepared for it. You should pull yourself together and look carefully at the changes, perhaps they have already begun. Pay attention to your liver and digestive organs.

3. If a three is rolled, then this is good for entrepreneurs. Your business will be successful. Possible problems with the nervous system.

4. Four is good for creators. If you are an artist, musician, writer, then all your creative ideas will come to life. The time is coming good time to implement ideas.

5. The number five should alert you, as it concerns adventurers by nature. Five falls specifically among adventurers and warns of the need to plan life, and not rush into adventures.

6. Stability figure. Everything will go as it should and you just need to follow the plans. A dropped six indicates that the person is very confident in himself. There is a danger of going to extremes, of self-confidence, and then expect trouble.

You should know that gypsies, as masters of fortune telling, most often tell fortunes using bones. The predictions of gypsies very often come true, only because they take the fortune-telling process very seriously.

Fortune telling using dice goes back many hundreds of years. Also in Old Testament The predictions associated with this ritual were often mentioned. The popularity of such attempts to look into the future is understandable, because bones are known and in demand in all corners of the Earth.

The very principle of operation of such predictions is based on divination, where bones act as lots. Although for such purposes Previously, it was not the cubes themselves that were used, but their analogues. The immediate “ancestors” of the already familiar dice were astragalus - parts of the vertebrae or ankles of a sheep. The convenience of the astragalus was the presence of four clearly distinguishable surfaces, which made it possible to throw comfortably. Each of the surfaces was assigned its own designation. Mentions of them come from Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome.

Not only has the material of the dice changed, but their familiar shape is also not the only one. Even now you can find dice with 20 sides. The same is true with shape and size. The ancient sorcerers made their bones from wood, Ivory and even from gold, supposedly increasing their power for predictions.

Nowadays, cubes are mostly made of plastic with six sides and dots on them indicating numbers. It is not so difficult to purchase them; moreover, the cost is low, which makes them an affordable tool for fortune-telling and predicting one’s own future.

Possible methods

If in ancient times only sorcerers and shamans were engaged in fortune telling with bones, today you can predict your future using them. absolutely anyone can. For fortune telling, it is enough to adhere to the basic rules and rituals:

Fortune telling with one die

Before you start asking your questions to the bones, you should identify required period, this could be in the near future within a week, a month, or a longer time - about a year. The next step divination is a clearly formulated thought or question that the die must answer. For better effect you can use visualization, imagine a situation that will solve the problem. The die will answer you with the number rolled on the top face.

The meaning of the numbers on the dice.

Fortune telling using one dice is based on numerology; for more complex fortune telling, geomancy is already provided.

On request

For such fortune telling, the die is thrown 4 times.. Before you begin the divination ritual, you should focus well on your desire.

In this fortune telling, only odd results are interpreted; even results are considered invalid. Having received all the numbers and discarded the unnecessary ones, you can begin to interpret. For example, a man threw a dice 4 times, but out of the odd numbers he only got 5 and 3. By adding these numbers, he gets 8, which is the answer to his question.

Meaning of numbers.

On two bones

A pair of cubes is much more often used in fortune-telling, and there are a huge number of variants of such rituals. The most popular and interesting of them: gypsy fortune telling on dice, predicting the answer to a question and fortune telling with dice “for love”.

Getting an answer to a question

To test your own destiny This is the version of fortune telling with dice that you should use. Its interpretation in more detail will help determine the response of the Higher Power.

To carry out the divination ritual, the bones are immersed in a glass, they concentrate on the question and throw them on the fortune-telling table. The glass must be in the left hand, which is rotated, mixing the cubes clockwise. Once you feel sufficient concentration, you can roll the dice and read the answer to your question based on the result.

Combination values.

Great multitude. They were revered in ancient times and have not lost popularity even today. Of course, there are people who consider dice predictions to be nothing more than entertainment, but fortune telling is still successful. Over the centuries, it has acquired new details and become more accurate and truthful.

Preparing for fortune telling

Fortune telling is not particularly difficult, but you will have to prepare. For the ritual you will need bones, a dark glass or cup and a sheet of paper. Draw a circle on the sheet - it will play the role of a kind of magic board. Cover the table before fortune telling with a piece of red cloth.

Try to throw the dice carefully. If they roll out of the circle, repeat the throw. If you fail again, it means you chose the wrong time. If there is only one bone left in the circle, you need to interpret the result based on it.

It is better to carry out the ritual in calm, windless weather, alone and in complete silence. There is an opinion that telling fortunes about oneself at home is a bad omen, but here the points of view of esotericists differ.

Popular and true fortune telling with dice and dice

Because the various fortune telling There are too many on the bones, we’ll limit ourselves to the most popular ones.

To the exact answer

For such fortune telling, one cube is enough. Concentrate, think about what is bothering you and throw the dice so that it does not roll out of the circle. The answer depends on the number drawn.

  • 𝟙 – positive result;
  • 𝟚 – it is impossible to do without intervention;
  • 𝟛 – you can save your energy and postpone solving the problem until later;
  • 𝟜 – expect quick changes;
  • 𝟝 – be careful, don’t take unnecessary risks;
  • 𝟞 – everything will be fine.

The option with two cubes also has a place. In this case, the interpretation will be as follows.

  • 𝟙 – definitely yes;
  • 𝟚 – definitely not;
  • 𝟛 – be careful;
  • 𝟜 – act wisely;
  • 𝟝 – expect good luck;
  • 𝟞 – required;
  • 𝟟 – believe in the best;
  • 𝟠 – be patient;
  • 𝟡 – unambiguous;
  • 𝟙𝟘 – unlikely;
  • 𝟙𝟙 – don’t pay attention;
  • 𝟙𝟚 – unexpected events.

For love

If you are going to tell fortunes about love, think about your loved one and throw the die into the circle. There are six answer options, as well as faces.

  • 𝟙 – loves;
  • 𝟚 – doesn’t like;
  • 𝟛 – platonic feelings;
  • 𝟜 – only friendly feelings;
  • 𝟝 – has feelings for your girlfriend/boyfriend;
  • 𝟞 - loves, but does not dare to say about it.

If you're already dating and want to know if you and this person have a future together, ask a question and roll a die.

  • 𝟙 – yes;
  • 𝟚– it all depends on you;
  • 𝟛 – nothing binds you;
  • 𝟜 – another person is destined for you;
  • 𝟝 – definitely yes;
  • 𝟞 - they will prevent you from being together.

If you doubt who exactly from your environment has romantic feelings for you, think of five names for the first five numbers. The number drawn will indicate a specific name. If a six is ​​rolled, it means he is in love with you. stranger.

"Not really"

This method is considered the simplest of the existing ones. To get an answer, focus on the problem, voice the question, and roll the die. Even number means a positive answer, odd means a negative answer.

For the future

To tell fortunes for the future you will need two dice. The principle here is the same as the previous ones - think about the question, shake the dice, and throw them into the center of the circle. The combination that appears will correspond to one of the following options.

  • 𝟙+𝟚 – luck is on your side;
  • 𝟚+𝟚 – what was planned is not destined to happen;
  • 𝟙+𝟛 – will not come true;
  • 𝟙+𝟜 – perhaps the plan will come true;
  • 𝟚+𝟛 – will definitely come true;
  • 𝟙+𝟝 – an event can equally happen or not;
  • 𝟚+𝟜 – unlikely to happen;
  • 𝟛+𝟛 - it will come true if you are careful;
  • 𝟙+𝟞 – you need to be patient;
  • 𝟚+𝟝 – will happen with a high probability;
  • 𝟛+𝟜 – good chance of implementation;
  • 𝟚+𝟞 – will not come true;
  • 𝟛+𝟝 – very small probability;
  • 𝟜+𝟜 – no answer yet;
  • 𝟛+𝟞 – will not happen;
  • 𝟜+𝟝 - will not happen;
  • 𝟜+𝟞 – will happen very soon;
  • 𝟝+𝟝 – will come true under any circumstances;
  • 𝟝+𝟞 – will almost certainly come true;
  • 𝟞+𝟞 – will happen in the near future.

Fortune telling by bones: Byzantine table

Byzantine fortune telling is carried out using bones and a special diagram consisting of fifteen sectors. The die is thrown three times: the first throw will tell you events that will happen in the near future, the second will tell you things that should be kept secret, and the third will tell you what will change in life in the near future.

Most of the time, the bones tell the truth. If for some reason the prediction did not come true, check whether you made a mistake.

  • Fortune telling may not come true if the ritual was performed on a Sunday or Friday. According to professionals, dice on this day do not always tell the truth.
  • When thrown again. It happens that the fortuneteller “rerolls” the dice if he is not satisfied with the first answer. This should not be done under any circumstances.
  • If the question is asked too often. When divining on bones, you can ask about the same thing no more often than once every moon month. Otherwise, expect an incorrect answer.

If you are sure that you have understood the principle of fortune telling with bones, feel free to proceed. You can make fortunes about yourself and your loved ones, just follow all the conditions and clearly formulate your questions. If done correctly, dice can help you look into the future or even change it for the better.

To tell fortunes with dice, you need to throw three dice. Add up the sum of the points you got and see in the results what awaits you in the future.

If during fortune telling one of the dice does not show a result after being thrown, try again.

There is no need to throw dice several times a day, you should believe the first fortune telling!

The amount of points rolled means the following:

Three- an unexpected pleasant gift, news, a surprise from Fortune, unexpected joy, the beginning of a period of luck.

Four- failure, trouble, great disappointment. Be careful and careful.

Five- the time will come for your wishes to come true, a new friendship will appear that will bring you happiness.

Six- unfaithful partner, imaginary friends, financial losses. You need to be careful and not get into adventures.

Seven- gossip, scandals, failures. You should keep your secrets to yourself.

Eight- strong influence from outside: you will be fairly or unfairly blamed for something or scolded.

Nine- happiness in love, there is a holiday coming up, a wedding, reconciliation after a disagreement, a fun event.

Ten- promotion, happiness at home, birth of a child. Don't miss the lucky chance!

Eleven- sadness for a loved one, separation, illness. Show attention to people dear to you.

Twelve- you need to think carefully about your decisions, good news. At making the right choice Good luck awaits you.

Thirteen- blues, bad mood, melancholy, worries.

Fourteen- a new fan or admirer will appear, a friend will help. You can count on outside help.

Fifteen- pay attention, gossip and disputes will begin around you. Try not to get involved in them.

Sixteen— A pleasant trip awaits you, a long journey.

Seventeen- moving to a new place, serious changes in life. You should change your environment.

Eighteen- luck in everything, prosperity, success. A favorable period for beginnings!