Drawings of yacht models for DIY assembly. Homemade yachts: sailing, motor, plywood. K. Golovin, master of sports of the USSR

For model making enthusiasts, sheets of pressed and glued wood veneer have always been one of the most sought after materials. They are easy to cut, perfectly processed, drawings of ships made of plywood are easy to find on the Internet, and therefore it is with plywood patterns that many craftsmen begin their acquaintance with modeling various ships.

Making models with your own hands is a very difficult task, requiring a significant amount of knowledge and a certain skill. In this article we will only talk about the most basic techniques, and you will hone further skills yourself.

Materials for work

If you want to make a small model of a ship, then you will need the following materials:

  • Wood - cedar, linden, walnut or other wood, preferably soft and non-fibrous. Wood blanks must be smooth, without knots or damage. Wood can be used both as a material for the main elements of the model (hull, deck) and for fine detailing.
  • Plywood is perhaps the most popular material. For ship modeling, either balsa or birch is used, since these are the types of wood that provide the minimum number of chips when sawing. Model ship plywood, as a rule, has a thickness of 0.8 to 2 mm.

Note! Sheets of beech veneer of thin thickness are sometimes used as an alternative to birch: although they are inferior in strength, they bend much easier.

  • Veneer – thin plates natural wood expensive breeds. As a rule, it is used for veneering, i.e. pasting surfaces from inexpensive material.
  • Fastening elements - thin chains, laces, threads, brass and copper nails.

In addition, we will definitely need wood glue, cardboard and tracing paper for transferring templates, etc. Fine detailing is made from metal casting. As an alternative to metal, you can use colored polymer clay.

Making a souvenir boat

Preparing for work

Any work begins with preparation, and modeling will by no means be an exception.

  • First we need to decide what we will build. If you have not previously dealt with shipbuilding art, we recommend downloading drawings of a ship made from plywood online: as a rule, they contain all the necessary information and are understandable even to a beginner.

Note! Kits are available for sale that allow you to assemble a ship from ready-made parts. Beginners will be interested in such kits (although the price of most of them is quite significant), but it is still better to master the technology from the basics.

  • After analyzing the drawing, we check whether everything necessary is available. In principle, if something is missing, you can buy more a little later, because building a ship (even a miniature one) is not a quick task!

  • After printing the drawing, we make templates for the main parts.
  • We transfer the templates to .

Cutting out and assembling parts

You can cut blanks using either a manual or an electric jigsaw.

The latter costs more, but with it you have less trouble when cutting small parts:

  • We make a starting hole in the plywood sheet into which we insert a file or jigsaw blade.
  • We cut out the part, trying to move exactly along the marked contour.
  • We process the sawn workpiece with a file, removing small chamfers along the edges and removing the inevitable chips and burrs.

Advice! Working on one element (deck, sides, keel, etc.), we immediately cut out all the parts necessary for assembly. This way we will spend significantly less time, and the work will move faster.

When everything is ready, we begin assembling our ship.

  • First, we put transverse frames on the longitudinal beam - the keel. At the bottom of each frame there is usually a groove for fastening to the plywood keel.
  • For connection you can use standard glue, or maybe special adhesive mixtures, intended for ship modeling.
  • We attach the upper parts of the frames to the deck. U simple models the deck is a single sheet of plywood, and for complex ones it can be multi-level.
  • After the glue on the frames has dried, we begin to sheathe the sides with thin strips of plywood. The thickness of the material should be no more than 1.5 mm, since only in this case we will be able to bend the skin without the risk of damaging it.
  • For bending, you can heat and humidify. After this, the material will bend without difficulty, and over time it will acquire a stable shape.

Note! The body can be covered with a continuous sheet for painting. But to imitate plank cladding, it is better to use strips up to 10 mm wide (depending on the scale).

  • We fix the glued plywood with clamps and clamps and leave it to dry.

Final finishing

By by and large, this is where carpentry ends and art begins.

When the body is assembled and dried, we need:

  • Extend the sides so that they protrude above the plane of the deck.
  • Cover the surface of the deck with wooden veneer or outline it with an awl, imitating plank cladding.
  • Make and install all the small parts like the steering wheel and steering blade.
  • Secure the masts with all additional devices (the so-called spar), install the sails and stretch this entire structure using rigging threads.

Finally, all plywood parts must be treated with stain and varnished. This will provide our souvenir with at least a couple of decades of preservation.


Almost anyone can make a simple plywood boat with their own hands - just patience and minimal skills in working with a jigsaw (read also the article). But if you want to implement complex drawing with many small details, you will have to work hard. That's why we recommend starting with the simplest models and gradually increasing your skill!

In the video presented in this article you will find Additional information on this topic.

Similar materials

The classification of the European Association of Amateur Ship Modeling Sportsmen (NAVIGA) provides for competitions of controllable models of sailing yachts of three classes: F5-M (Marblehead), F5-10 (Tenriter) and F5-X (free). The designs of yacht models of the first two classes are named after the first winners of European competitions.

In 1976, our magazine introduced fans of this fascinating sport to the F5-10 and F5-X classes.

The proposed model of the yacht F5-M was built by the USSR champion, master of sports Kliment Golovin from the city of Kazan.


Frame The model consists of two layers of fiberglass and is glued onto a wooden block made according to a theoretical drawing (Fig. 6, 7). Fiberglass matting is more suitable for the inner layer, and ACC-10 fiberglass or similar for the outer layer. Easier to use for gluing epoxy resins“cold” hardening ED-5, ED-6 and others.

Technological frames, a transom made of balsa or foam plastic and a “centerboard” well, which serves to secure a removable keel with ballast, are glued into the hull treated with sandpaper. This part is cut from baked plywood or the same type of material with a thickness of 10 mm (see Fig. 7). At the bottom of the keel, ballast is attached with screws - two lead plates with a total weight of 2.9 kg.

Before installing the deck, made of aircraft plywood 1.5 mm thick, pine stringers with a cross section of 8X8 mm are glued along the sides along the entire length of the hull using resin. Birch bars measuring 60x20x15 mm are glued to them at the places where the stay cables are attached with screws. Along the diametrical plane of the body, a spruce beam measuring 285X25X10 mm is cut into and glued into the technological frames. It is used to secure the mast steps with the main boom swivel and the jib boom swivel on one board with screws.

Mast elliptical in shape with a groove into which the luff of the mainsail, glued together from pine slats, extends (Fig. 5). It rotates freely in the hinges of the step and the attachment point for the shrouds and jib stay (Fig. 1, 2) to the mast.

The main boom and jib boom are made from thin-walled duralumin tubes (see Fig. 7), Ø 10 mm and 8 mm, respectively.

The design of the jib boom swivel, mast step units, shroud fastenings and jib stay on the mast are shown respectively in Figures 1-3.

Steering wheel can be cut along the contour and profile from a duralumin plate 9 - 10 mm thick or glued together from six layers of aircraft plywood 1.5 mm thick.

When turning, the steering wheel should be shifted to both sides by 35-40° with minimal play. Eyelets for guiding the main sheet and jib sheet from the winch drum with boom are machined from fluoroplastic or brass and secured in the deck.

The rosin blocks of jib sheets are machined from duralumin. The clew winch is homemade. It is equipped with a “gnome” type electric motor. The gearbox can be taken from synchronous clock electric drives such as SD-2, SD-2L and SRD-2 with a gear ratio of 1:120.

Sail models are made of nylon sailing fabric DZ (weight 1 m2 - 61 g). They can also be made from bologna fabric.

To control the yacht model, two-channel radio control equipment is used.

1 - main sheet, 2 - grommet in the deck, 3 - steering gear, 4 - receiver, 5 - power source, 6 - jib sheet blocks, 7 - jib sheet, 8 - sheet winch.

After painting and assembling the model, using turnbuckles and stays, install the mast with an inclination aft at 3-5° relative to the deck, then by changing the length of the mainsail and jib sheets, it is necessary to ensure that on the close-hauled course the jib begins to “take the wind” (“ rinse") earlier than the mainsail. After this, a check is carried out on all courses, except for backstay and jibe. In the future, the model with the rudder set in the neutral position should be slowly brought to the wind (that is, gradually turn the bow against the wind), while the jib should not “blow” into the mainsail and “flush” itself too early. A model adjusted in this way will handle well and sail steeply into the wind.

As shown in Figure 4, the centers of rotation of the luffs of the sails and the axis of rotation of the booms are spaced along the length in the centreline plane. This allows you to increase the amount of deflection (“belly”) of the sails when moving to full courses.

Further adjustment (finishing) of the model's handling is carried out in joint yacht model races.


Maximum length (Lн) - 1270 ± 6 mm. The size of the bow fender is not included in the total length, but the latter should not protrude more than 12.7 mm.

Beam, draft, freeboard, displacement and ballast weight are not limited.

The transition from the model's hull to the keel amidships is rounded with a radius of at least 25.4 mm.

The thickness of the spar cannot exceed 19 mm.

The planks of the halyard corners at the base are no wider than 19 mm.

The sail area without spinnaker is no more than 5160.0 cm2.

The height of the jib stay above the deck is no more than 80% of the height of the mainsail halyard plank. Maximum amount the batten on the mainsail is four, and on the staysail no more than three. The battens are installed at approximately equal distances from each other. The length of the mainsail battens is no more than 101.6 mm; jib - no more than 50.8 mm. Armor is not a required element.

Round armor is not used.

Setting up two grottoes at the same time is not permitted.

A spinnaker sail can only be installed with a spinnaker boom, the length of which should not exceed 380 mm, measured from the middle of the mast to the tip of the spinnaker boom. It is prohibited to use the spinnaker boom as a bowsprit or secure it in this position on the deck. The spinnaker must not be secured above the jib stay and its rigidity must not be increased. It is not allowed to attach jib sheets and spinnaker sheets to the main boom.

Finally, the rules stipulate that at the moment of launch the spinnaker boom must be on the opposite side of the main boom.

The following are prohibited: movable keels, middle, side and bilge centerboards, bowsprits, rudders protruding above the water, remote floats, double or multi-piece hulls, loose or variable ballast.

Stansel area (Sс), cm 2 …………………..1991

Grotto area (Sg), cm 2 …………………………3112.5

Total sail area (Sp), cm 2…….5103.5

Displacement (G), g……………………………5200

K. GOLOVIN, master of sports of the USSR

The yacht "Dolphin" is designed for sailing on lakes and open sea bays with a depth of at least 0.7 m. The design of the yacht is designed for amateur construction. Sailing weapons The yacht consists of a grotto with an area of ​​10 m². In calm weather, as well as when sailing in narrow straits and bays, the yacht can move with the help of an outboard motor mounted on the transom. Travel speed with 10 hp Moscow outboard motor. With. is 6-7 knots...

The experience of three navigations showed that, in general, the layout and design elements justified themselves. It was possible to squeeze into a small (less than 6 m) body something that, with a traditional layout, could only be accommodated in an 8.5-meter body. As my passengers usually say, “there is more inside than outside”...

"Scat" has all the advantages and disadvantages inherent in three-keel planing hulls. With relatively small - “economical” dimensions, the boat is spacious and stable, holds well on waves up to 0.7 m high. It is unsinkable (thanks to the foam); in emergency condition, "Scat" will keep all four of its passengers afloat...

You don’t have to be a millionaire to take trips on your own yacht. Thanks to the instructions and recommendations in this article, you will be able to handle such a task as a DIY yacht made of plywood.

As for the tools, they should be prepared in advance.

The list of necessities includes:

  • hammer and nails;
  • screwdriver;
  • drill electrical action and a set of drills;
  • hacksaw;
  • plywood.

For those who are interested in the implementation of such a project as a do-it-yourself plywood yacht, drawings play an important role, both during the construction process and during initial stage procurement of materials. Based on the drawing, you will not only draw up general idea about the amount of work you have to do, but also about the amount of material that needs to be purchased.

For construction you will need at least ten plywood sheets measuring 1220x2440 mm. Seven of them should have a thickness of 6 mm, the remaining three - 10 mm.

Features of material selection

To build a yacht, you can use different plywood, but it is preferable to use poplar plywood, the thickness of which will vary from seven to ten millimeters.

Note! Such a deviation in thickness is acceptable and will not affect the weight of the material at all.

Permitted to use birch plywood, but in this case the thickness of its sheets should not exceed 5 mm. Naturally, when selecting material for construction, it is recommended to buy plywood with very high level water resistance.

Plywood is a glued layered structure that consists of three or more layers. Moreover, the arrangement of wood fibers in adjacent layers is perpendicular. Due to this manufacturing technology, sheet strength is achieved in all directions. It is this fact that makes plywood the most optimal material for making a yacht.

If you use plywood sheets large format, you can reduce the amount of effort spent on construction. Plywood construction involves the use of transverse patterns, on the basis of which the contours of the body are set.

Yacht manufacturing process

The frames for your yacht can be made based on the most simplified form. Parts are used for their subsequent assembly rectangular shape(footoxes). The advantage of this design is that, unlike yachts with round bilge lines on the hulls, it does not require mandatory gluing of laminated frames made of thin slats.

Special attention In the process of making a yacht, the hull assembly deserves to be assembled, which should start from the workbench and finish on the ground. A keel is laid on the surface of the workbench, which is connected to the frames and stems. In order to ensure strong fixation of parts, large screws, nails, small bolts and rivets are used.

After completing this stage, it is necessary to carefully check the structure for distortions and irregularities, which should be eliminated if any occur. All connections are made with porous paper or thin cloth impregnated with resin. If you secure structural parts with nails, control their length. Nails must protrude beyond the parts being connected.

Note! The boards that are intended for the sides must be applied on both sides of the frame. They are tightly fixed to the stem using twine.

Then the side boards are bent around the frames, brought to the transom and tied. The excess ends should be removed, after which you can temporarily fix the sides with nails. As a result of these actions you get a strong frame base, which is subsequently covered with plywood.

To conveniently fasten the longitudinal elements to the frames, cut grooves for them in advance. The sheathing parts are made of five-millimeter plywood, which is fixed with galvanized screws. To increase the reliability of fastenings, screws can be processed adhesive composition. Fender beams are mounted on top of the casing, after which you can begin plating the bottom and making bench cans.

It is recommended to give the centerboard a triangular shape. To do this, you need to take a piece of plywood in the form of an elongated hexagonal figure. The front and rear edges should be rounded using sandpaper. The finished parts are soaked in hot drying oil.

The steering device deserves special attention. The tiller and stock are made of ten-millimeter plywood. The hinges must be of the detachable type. Like other parts, these elements are impregnated with drying oil and covered with two layers of varnish to secure them.

To make a mast, it is best to take a cone-shaped pine beam. In the upper part, the diameter of the beam should be 4.8 cm, and in the lower part - 3 cm. Do not forget that in the nest, an element such as a mast should feel free and, if necessary, rotate freely.

Cushion teak edged with nylon tape can be used to make sails. Eyelets are attached along the front and lower luff. To make it convenient to use the sails, you can add a pair of batten pockets designed for battens.

Baby 15. This is the name of a cruise yacht, a family mini yacht.

This type of vessel is good for independent type the buildings. The vessel is small in size, but this does not in any way affect its popularity. The yacht is quite comfortable and practical for a holiday with the whole family.

The yacht is located in such a way that it has four sleeping places, that is, it is suitable for a small family. There is also a table for family lunch. The simple but effective construction of the yacht makes it very convenient for a pleasant pastime.

The sailing equipment on the yacht is of very high quality. The operation of the sailboat is made simple and not stressful, thanks to the furling on the jib. The baby is a very stable vessel and can rightfully be called a seaworthy vessel. If the weather turns bad or a storm breaks out, the boat will be able to continue its journey under threatening waves. In addition, transportation on a trailer is also provided.

The yacht's structure is wooden. The casing is made of plywood. The amount of work involved in building a hull is not at all complicated, and the time required is short. Manufacturability of the case highest quality. The materials are simple, but very good quality. There is not a lot of equipment, but the most necessary things are there. All the advantages taken together allow you to enjoy your stay on this wonderful ship.

Scheme for building a yacht

A person can build such a vessel himself. You only need to have desire, and the skills are not difficult to acquire. If your monthly income is very modest, then you can still build such a yacht. It is possible to create such a version of the vessel that the steering wheel will be designed for two rudders. You can also make a cockpit with a convenient passage to the stern. This option is especially good for those families who have small children. This option is also suitable for those people whose body sizes are oversized.

In some versions, the cockpit is open on the stern side. Although there is only one steering wheel, it is located on the transom and it has a tiller. Thanks to this design, space and comfort are added to the cockpit.

Materials for self-built yachts

Material Quantity Note
Pine 0.5m³
Oak 0.1m³
Plywood 10mm 4 sheets sheet 1.25x2.5 meters
Plywood 8mm 9 sheets sheet 1.25x2.5 meters
Plywood 6mm 5 sheets sheet 1.25x2.5 meters
Epoxy resin 20kg
Fiberglass 150-200g/sq.m 40 linear meters
Lead 300kg
Independent construction of a yacht according to the Krokha-15 project

The age of the vessel is quite impressive, considering her size. But you should not see this phenomenon as a disadvantage in terms of the seaworthiness of the vessel. There are several important reasons for this. What are these reasons? First, it is a well-known fact that heavier weight vessels are usually more comfortable and more stable on the water. Especially if the sea is rough, heavy vessels are less susceptible to harmful effects stormy weather on the ship itself and passengers. If there is oncoming waves, this may stop some vessels. But the boat is powerful in strength and heaviness, it will stand easier, and not only will it stand, but will also move forward, towards the intended goal.

Yacht drawings

The weight of the vessel also affects the area in which the boat can sail. The weight allows the boat to be operated with complete safety, both in open water bodies and in coastal sea areas. Light boats rush to places of shelter in bad weather conditions. But the yacht we are talking about is not afraid of any weather.

The weight of the ballast also gives the vessel stability. And the design of the boat is solid, although it does not consist of exotic and very expensive materials. The materials that are used for the construction of this vessel are very simple, but proven by experience and time, at the same time. The materials and design allow the vessel to be distinguished not only by its strength, but also by its durability.

In addition, it is very comfortable and pleasant to relax on a ship made of wood, rather than in an iron or metal can. Agree, it’s not very comfortable in a vessel made of cold and frosty materials. If you relax, you want to do it with maximum pleasure and satisfaction. The buoyancy blocks of the vessel are finished with polystyrene foam, and the lining of the inside of the hull is also covered with foam plastic.

What does this achieve? If suddenly the yacht begins to fill with water, you don’t have to worry, since the above-mentioned work has ensured that the vessel is unsinkable in such situations. Therefore, if you decide to go sailing on your own, without the help of a specialist, just such a vessel will be the most suitable and reliable for you.

There is a baby 15 different types. For example, there is a pocket type of such a yacht. The purpose of this yacht is to sail in the coastal open and inland areas of the seas. Also, such a boat is suitable for sailing in the area of ​​reservoirs and lakes, as well as in the territory of rivers with internal waterways. This yacht is also often used for family cruises.

When there are children in the family, the trip will become very entertaining and exciting for them. Degree of safety and high comfort on board the ship of this type extremely large. Therefore, you can safely go on a trip with your youngest children. The cockpit in the boat is safe and protected from bad influences.

The cockpit has a helm station, which is good. For have a nice rest The ship has portable tables. There is also a swimming area. This will add fun and laughter to your holiday. There are very strong and reliable sides on the deck, holding on to which you can not be afraid of tripping and falling. There are special places for sunbathing. Fans of this type of recreation probably already want to try such a pleasant way of spending time.

Let's consider a version of the yacht in which there is only one rudder on the transom. This model is very simplified. But, despite this, this model of the vessel is distinguished by its practicality. And there are quite a lot of fans of this particular type of vessel.

The construction of such a vessel is very simple. The yacht is slightly lighter in weight than the options already considered. But the only difference between such a yacht is that it has one rudder. In all other respects, it remains reliable and practical, applicable and effective. If you raise the rudder, you will be able to approach the shore, closer to the stern. This can be seen as an advantage of this vessel.

Now let's talk about a multi-purpose boat. This type of boat can interest every person. If you want to travel with your family, this option is suitable for you. If you want to go fishing or watch the underwater world, you will also be quite happy with this option. At the stern of the ship there is a very wide platform.

Therefore, it is very convenient to fish, and also very comfortable to go into the water. You can easily dive into the water, and the wealth of beauties of the underwater world will open before you. If you are interested in sailing racing, then such a vessel will also suit you. Only one good advice. Equip the vessel with the tallest mast to maximize the sail area. And you can order the keel so that it has maximum depth.

If you are a yachtsman, then you will be interested in a dinghy-type boat. It is suitable for sailing conditions on not very large lakes, as well as on small rivers. Mounted steering wheels for turning will be very useful for lovers of this type of entertainment. If we talk about material costs, then a dinghy is a more expensive option.

Building such a ship is not cheap. A keel yacht will cost less. But, of course, the best and practical option there is still a dinghy left. The only negative is that the dinghy cannot guarantee safety. And most people prefer peace of mind and confidence that the rest will be beneficial and will not cause harm. Therefore, if you want to be sure of your safety if a storm begins, then best option you won't find anything like a yacht.

Tiny 15 is capable of receiving and sheltering a certain number of people under its deck. Moreover, this number is quite large. Therefore, during bad weather or just at night, there is a wonderful opportunity, without fear, to feel even more confident and calm.

If we talk about the comfort of relaxation on such a vessel, then a lot in the design brings unforgettable pleasure and pleasant memories. Lockers, Beautiful design all the furniture, all this colors the journey. The fact that the tables are portable is also a big plus. If you wish, there is the opportunity to have lunch while watching the waves and the beauty of nature. Or perhaps you want to sit in complete silence. The choice is yours. Conditions for comfortable rest provided in in perfect order. And how exactly to relax is up to you.

Let's discuss the stability of the ship. What is its reliability? Stability is very high. This becomes possible due to the fact that the center of gravity, that is, the keel, is located quite low. And the mass of the boat, despite its size, is very heavy. This factor also gives the boat stability. The stability index of this vessel is such that it can be classified as a sea vessel.

If something happens that by chance, due to a strong squall, the sails suddenly put you on the water, and the hatch is open, then the entrance to the cabin will remain at a level higher than the water level. Therefore, you don’t have to worry about your boat getting flooded. You can see a sort of definite bulge in the diameter. This is an area of ​​stability, and increased stability at that. Therefore, if the cabin suddenly begins to submerge in water, then a moment of additional restoration will appear.

The weight of the vessel plays a rather large role in how stable the vessel will be. This is especially true for shaertbrots. If the yacht is a keelboat, then ensuring safety will not greatly depend on the location of the crew. You don't have to worry about this situation.

As we have seen, a yacht can be of interest to different categories of people. Whether you are a family man and you have a desire to organize a trip with your whole family through the expanses of pure sea ​​air, whether you are an avid fisherman who wants not only to go fishing, but also to experience true pleasure from it. Perhaps you are drawn to look at undersea world, see all the beauty of the excellent, beautiful world, which exists below us.

What is inaccessible to the human eye often attracts and beckons. If you experience the emotions and feelings listed above, you may want to consider building your own yacht. In addition, as mentioned earlier, this does not always require a lot of material costs. You can start from the very beginning simple option, which is affordable for every person. And this will open up unprecedented opportunities for you and your family. The world is beautiful and you can make many discoveries for yourself. Don't dismiss this idea right away. Decorate your gray everyday life, add some bright and magical colors to it.

Have a nice and magical holiday.