1s economic accounting of the municipality. Household accounting. prompt formation of various lists: voters, future schoolchildren, conscripts, pensioners

The head of the department of finance, economic development and investment of the district administration, Alexander Alexandrovich Rodionov, made a report on the issue.

Alexander Alexandrovich reported that household accounting is a form of collecting statistical information, which is carried out by local government bodies of settlements and local government bodies of urban districts in order to describe the households of the population.

Household accounting in municipalities of the Tatishchevsky district is carried out on the basis of two federal laws: Federal Law dated July 7, 2003 No. 112-FZ “On personal subsidiary plots”, and on the basis of Federal Law dated October 6, 2003 No. 131-FZ “On general principles of organization local self-government in the Russian Federation".

The head of the department recalled that the law on personal subsidiary plots determines the procedure for recording farms, the form of accounting, and the information recorded in household books. The Law on the General Principles of the Organization of Local Self-Government in the Russian Federation, when defining issues of local importance of settlements, speaks of the need to take into account various types of information necessary in shaping the socio-economic development of the settlement (Article 17 of Law No. 131-FZ).

The simplified forms of personal accounts of household books adopted by order of the Ministry of Agriculture No. 345 of October 11, 2010 do not prohibit the collection, recording and analysis of other information about households in settlements, which, in particular, was entered into the books earlier.

Therefore, by resolution of the district administration No. 1375 dated July 4, 2014, an insert was developed that takes into account the completeness of the information necessary for analyzing and forecasting the socio-economic state of the municipality, which supplements the main personal account with the following information: a complete description of the housing stock (indicating the year of construction, material, area, condition and availability of communications); - information about the place of work (study); - data on nationality; - data on education, information on the assignment of a pension (other social benefits).

In each municipal formation of the district, the decision of the Councils of Deputies also approved the form of personal accounts, inserts and the procedure for maintaining household books.

By order of the heads of municipalities of the district, those responsible for maintaining household records were appointed.

Based on the procedure for maintaining household books (order of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia dated October 11, 2010 No. 345), the walk-through is carried out annually from July 1-15. Based on all the information specified in the personal account and insert, municipalities must summarize the information by settlement by September 1 of the current year.

Alexander Alexandrovich drew attention to the fact that a door-to-door survey must be carried out by visiting each household and describing it not in words, but by seeing it yourself. All sections must be completed. And each completed personal account must be signed by the head of the household.

By June 26 of this year, the administrations of the municipalities of the district must provide a plan for door-to-door crawls, indicating for each date the streets where the crawl will be carried out, the number of households, as well as the names of the specialists who will conduct the crawl. And then weekly, during July, it will be necessary to submit a report on actual performance to the Department of Finance, Economic Development and Investment.

The door-to-door inspection is controlled by the district administration. By Decree of the district administration No. 1654 dated August 19, 2014, a commission was created to check the completeness and quality of household accounting, which included specialists from the department of finance, economic development and investment, the department of organization of activities of local government bodies and the department of agricultural development of the department of agriculture, property and land relations .

In 2014, starting from August 1, the above commission went to the settlements of the municipalities of the region, selectively entered houses and checked the data with entries in household books. In addition, the commission checked the correctness of filling out personal accounts and inserts. At the end of the visits, inspection reports were drawn up, which were approved by the deputy head of the district administration S.E. Mikhailov.

A.A. Rodionov noted the good organization of work on door-to-door visits in Storozhevsky, Sadovsky, and Oktyabrsky municipalities.

The comments received were eliminated in the Vyazovsky municipal formation: in the household books there was no data for the villages of Sokur, Korsakovka, the villages of Gartovka, Agarevka, Pervomaiskaya; in the Idolga municipality there was no data in the household books for Idolga.

Such checks will be carried out this year as well.

Since 2010, on the basis of the resolution of the administration of the Tatishchevsky municipal district dated March 31, 2010 No. 396 “On maintaining household records,” municipalities of the district are required to maintain household records in the AS program “Administration of the Municipal Formation.”

According to the resolution, on a monthly basis, specialists responsible for maintaining household accounting in municipalities, in an approved form, submit a report to the department of finance, economic development and investment. In general, there are no complaints about the execution of this work. Municipalities have done a lot of work in this direction: 100% of households are entered into the electronic database. Another issue is the quality of this information, and a responsible approach to door-to-door visits is important here.

Currently, a database on household accounting has been formed in municipalities: the number of households in the district included in the program was 12,337 units, individuals in the district - 27,373, the number of land plots - 6,118, housing facilities - 7,439, technical equipment - 4,644, cattle - 2421, pigs - 2273, sheep and goats - 5462, poultry - 29638, cats - 3066, dogs - 3682 heads.

The existing database allows you to make reports on all indicators available in the personal account of the household ledger, as well as provide various types of certificates.

Only Storozhevskoye and Oktyabrskoye municipalities use the program when issuing certificates. Specialists in Vyazovsky, Idolgsky, Sadovsky, Yagodno-Polyansky municipalities issue certificates manually.

During 2014 and to the present, specialists responsible for maintaining economic records of the Vyazovsky, Idolgsky, Oktyabrsky municipalities, together with Krista-plus LLC, are working to combine databases in the AS program "Municipal Administration" with the municipalities attached to them .

Currently, only the Yagodno-Polyanskoe municipal formation has not completed the above work due to the dismissal of the contractor in the village of Bolshaya Ivanovka, and the newly hired employee has not yet mastered household accounting in electronic form.

Resolution of the district administration No. 1697 dated August 29, 2014 approved the regulations for the provision of municipal services “Issuance of documents (extracts from household books, certificates and other documents) in the territory of the Tatishchevsky municipal formation of the Tatishchevsky municipal district of the Saratov region,” which determines the composition, sequence and timing of administrative tasks procedures for issuing certificates, and also approved certificate forms.

In turn, municipalities also approved regulations for the provision of certificates and extracts from household books.

Alexander Alexandrovich noted that certificates should be issued upon request every day, on all working days, from the beginning of the administration’s working day until the end (there were cases when reception hours and days of reception were established). The certificate must be issued on the day on which it is requested. It used to be that people ordered certificates a week in advance. The certificate must be issued in the locality where the applicant lives and there is an administration employee (for this there must be a resolution on the appointment of the employee, and a power of attorney for the right to sign must also be issued to him). And the most important thing: on the basis of economic accounting, only extracts from it can be issued, indicating only the information that is in the books. It is unacceptable to provide information that is not provided for in economic accounting.

Thus, to summarize it is necessary:

Municipalities must submit a plan for conducting door-to-door surveys in 2015 as part of household accounting, indicating specific streets, dates of the survey and responsible specialists from the municipal administration conducting the survey.

Conduct a door-to-door survey from July 1 to July 15, 2015 in all settlements of municipalities that are part of the Tatishchevsky municipal district.

Based on all the information specified in the personal account and insert, municipalities must summarize the information by settlement.

The commission to verify the completeness and quality of household accounting of the district administration will conduct a door-to-door inspection in the municipalities of the district.

The head of the district administration, Pavel Vasilyevich Surkov, noted that the work of maintaining household records is carried out formally, the data with which one has to work is not accurate, which is why it is impossible to make a qualitative analysis of the work. As Pavel Vasilyevich said, the heads of municipalities do not know their tax base; as a result, there is no collection of income into the budgets of the settlements. Household accounting must be carried out from house to house, taking inventory of everything that the owners have, and this must be done as soon as possible.

This issue will be considered at a separate meeting with a report from the heads of municipalities on the work done on the household accounting.

Department of control work and internal policy of the municipal district administration.

Site news

The 1C company together with the TsentrProgrammSystem company notifies users and partners about the release of a new solution "1C: Municipal Economic Accounting", developed on the 1C: Enterprise 8.3 platform in the Taxi interface.

The configuration "1C: Household accounting of a municipality" is intended to automate the processes of household accounting in local governments, in particular, for registering and processing information about personal subsidiary plots, individuals, and land plots. At the same time, the cartographic module allows you to display the outline of a land plot on the general layer of the public cadastral map of Rosreestr.

From 02.12.2016 the following software products go on sale:



Permanent partner

1C:Enterprise 8. Household accounting of a municipality.

1C: Economic accounting of a municipality. Client license for 1 workstation

1C: Economic accounting of a municipality. Client license for 5 workstations

1C: Economic accounting of a municipality. Client license for 10 workstations

1C: Economic accounting of a municipality. Client license for 20 workstations

1C: Economic accounting of a municipality.NFR


The software product "1C:Enterprise 8. Household accounting of a municipality" provides automation of the following business processes:

  • maintaining household books and personal accounts of personal subsidiary plots;
  • accounting and registration of individuals;
  • accounting of agricultural machinery;
  • recording of farm animals;
  • provision, in accordance with administrative regulations, of municipal services for the provision of extracts from the household ledger and certificates at the request of the population;
  • prompt formation of various lists: voters, future schoolchildren, conscripts, pensioners;
  • maintaining a list of land plots, including cadastral information, information on rights, as well as a list of buildings on the corresponding land plots; display of land plots on the public map of Rosreestr;
  • prompt generation of regulated and management reporting.

A detailed description of the functionality of the software product "1C:Enterprise 8. Household accounting of a municipality" is given in Appendix 1 to this information letter.

Additional information can be found on the website

The software product "1C:Enterprise 8. Household accounting of a municipality" has passed the "1C:Compatible" certification, information letter

The information system “Electronic Household Book” is a solution that allows you to carry out household accounting in electronic form. Maintaining household records in electronic form provides many advantages compared to maintaining paper household books.

Legislative framework for organizing household accounting:

  1. Federal Law of 06.10.2003 No. 131 – Federal Law “On the general principles of organizing local government in the Russian Federation”
  2. Order of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation No. 190 dated December 27, 2010 “On approval of Technical requirements for the interaction of information systems in a unified system of interdepartmental electronic interaction”
  3. Federal Law No. 210 of July 27, 2010 – Federal Law “On the organization of the provision of state and municipal services”
  4. Federal Law of July 7, 2003 No. 112 - Federal Law “On Personal Subsidiary Farming”
  5. Order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 17, 2009 N 1993-r “On approval of the consolidated list of priority state and municipal services provided by executive authorities”
  6. Order of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia dated October 11, 2010 No. 345 “On approval of the form and procedure for maintaining household books by local government bodies of settlements and local government bodies of urban districts”

Residents page:

interface of the “Residents” page. 1 – top menu of the application. 2 – Function buttons. On the “Residents” page there is one such button for adding new residents. 3 – filter block. Using these filters, you can search for residents by last name or street. You may not enter your full last name. In this case, as a result of the search you will see all residents who fall under the search conditions. For example, by entering the query “Ivanov”

you will see residents with the surnames “Ivanov”, “Ivanova”, “Ivanovets”, “Ivanovich”. 4 – setting up a table with data. You can independently set the number of records to be displayed. 5 - “Live search”. The search is carried out across all fields of the table. If you entered the surname “Ivanov” during the search, using a live search you can find the resident you need by specifying the name, year of birth, etc.

In the previous figure, all residents of a certain street were found in the fortieth year of birth. 6 – a list of residents in the form of a table. The data in the table columns can be sorted in ascending/descending order or alphabetically. To do this, simply click on the heading of a specific table column. 7 – information about how many records are displayed and how many in total. 8 – page navigation.

For each resident of a locality, the secretary can generate a certificate in a few minutes.

Window for viewing a resident’s personal card:

General functionality of the service:

  • Fast, thoughtful search. Thanks to the filter system and full-text “live” search, information on a resident or household can be obtained in 3-5 seconds.
    • Fast issuance of certificates of family composition, death, etc.
  • Integration with an information system for supporting urban planning activities using electronic household ledger data as additional attribute information for land registration objects.
  • Integration with analytical GIS with the ability to visually provide analytical information on a cartographic basis.

  • The service is built on web technologies. Advantages:
    • There is no need to install or configure client software on workstations
      • Minimum number of people to maintain the service;
      • Minimum cash costs to maintain system functionality;
    • Minimum requirements for workstations. Only – modern browser (Google Chrome 30+, Firefox 30+, Opera 24+, Internet Explorer 10+)
    • It is possible to expand the functionality of the service and access it to remote employees of structural units via the Internet.

Population functionality:

  • Statistics:
    • Dynamics of population growth (by year);
    • Percentage of men/women;
    • Pupil/student/employee ratio;
    • National composition and shares;
    • In terms of beneficiaries.
  • Email notification service (for example, about upcoming elections or other socially important events).

Farm functionality:

  • Statistics:
    • Share of the private and multi-apartment sector
    • Ownership share in lease
    • Land area
    • Housing area
    • Dynamics of housing stock growth
    • Dynamics of growth of motor transport
  • Information about the housing stock (can be used in emergency situations to quickly find out about possible accidents, the presence of gas, hot materials of walls and roofs, etc.).
  • History of farm ownership.