Exhibition of icons and paintings from the collection of the church and archaeological museum of the pstgu. new discoveries. The exhibition “Modern Iconographic Image” has opened

Icon painting has always been a separate art form. Traditions and canons that go back to ancient Russian times. Moreover, this type of creativity is directly characteristic of East Slavic culture and appears to be a unique phenomenon. Many modern masters support this tradition, elevating it to the rank of modern art. One of the masters of the creative direction is Igor Klimov. The exhibition of icons by the young icon painter was presented at many domestic exhibition venues. All exhibition icons of this artist are a real work of art, since each of them is the result manual labor and the artist's thoughts.

  • 24. “Moscow International Art Salon 2011” - Central House of Artists.
  • 23. “Traditions of Russian landscape.” To the 150th anniversary of the birth of I.I. Levitan. Central House of Artists 2010-2011
  • 22. Christmas exhibition of the publishing house “Our Isograph” 2010-2011. State Exhibition Hall "On Kashirka".
  • 20. Exhibition at the residence of the Ambassador of the European Union to the Russian Federation. As part of TSPH.
  • 19. Personal exhibition in the gallery “Union of Positive Artists”.
  • 18. XX Moscow International Exhibition-Competition of Contemporary Painting “Golden Brush” 2010
  • 17. Moscow International Art Salon 2010 Central House of Artists
  • 16. Russian Art Renaissance 2010 Federation Tower
  • 15. Exhibition of contemporary art “Walks of a Lonely Dreamer 2010” Central House of Artists.
  • 14. “Peace through art” World Charitable Alliance “Peacemaker” 2009-2010. Central House of Artists.

Museum icons are also in great demand. Having undergone a restoration cycle and having new frames, they still have the spirit of antiquity and deep inner energy. Many of them were painted by masters of the 19th century. But there are museum icons from an earlier date. It is difficult to overestimate their spiritual weight and the many events through which they passed to us through the centuries. The purchase of such items can only be appreciated by craftsmen or appraisers. Receiving such an icon as a gift is a definite symbol of a sense of respect and high opinion of you as a person. Museum icons, like original works, can never be cheap, since their production is, first of all, a process of creative thought, the result of which, as practice shows, can survive centuries.

Exhibition icons by Igor Klimov

For the first time, Igor Klimov seriously announced himself at the exhibition in 2006. Where the exhibition of icons of this artist was a great success. Today, his name is associated with a lot creative projects And interesting directions. The exhibition icons in his performance are the world of ancient Russian traditions in the shell of modern art.

In the Central Museum ancient Russian culture and art named after Andrei Rublev, an exhibition opens, presenting selected masterpieces of icon painting from private collections, created by artists of the royal icon-painting workshop at the Armory. Viewers will see more than 50 icons, which make it possible to trace the evolution of the style of sovereign isographs from the 1670s to mid-18th century centuries. Almost all of the works are unknown not only to the general public, but also to specialists, and are being exhibited for the first time.

The highlight of the exhibition is the presence of the icon of the Mother of God from the marching iconostasis of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich in the early 1670s. It was once part of a large complex of icons of the camp church, which was taken abroad in the 20th century and scattered. The image of the Mother of God presented at the exhibition was discovered quite recently and returned to Russia in 2017.

Tsar Fyodor Alekseevich, the elder brother of Tsar Peter I, owned the icon “Our Lady of Murom” by the most famous artist of the Armory Chamber, Simon Ushakov. This is indicated by the presence in the margins of the figures of the Great Martyr Theodore Stratelates and the Venerable Martha - patronal saints of the king and his second wife Martha Apraksina. Another “royal” image at the exhibition is a unique dimensional maternity icon of Princess Maria Ioannovna, daughter of another brother of Peter I - Tsar Ivan Alekseevich, with the image of her heavenly patroness Venerable Mary Egyptian. The authorship of the icon is rightfully attributed to the famous royal master Tikhon Filatyev.

Among the exhibits, of particular value are the signature works of the masters of the Armory Chamber - Tikhon Filatyev, Kirill Ulanov, Efim Shestakov, Ivan Ushak, Sergei Bodyagin, Timofey Matveev, Nikita Rozhkov, Alexey Andreev, Ivan Dorofeev, Fyodor Bushuev, Ivan Rozhnov, Yegor Grek and his son Ivan Grekov.

A catalog has been prepared for the exhibition, in which most of the icons presented are published for the first time.

During the exhibition days within the framework of the cultural and educational program special ones are waiting for you author's lectures, excursions And concert European baroque music.

February 8 – “New iconography of the Mother of God in the works of the masters of the Armory Chamber of the early 18th century”

Entrance to lectures is provided with tickets to the exhibition. All lectures start at 17.00


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At the Moscow Academic Art Lyceum of the Russian Academy of Arts. IN AND. Surikov, on October 29, the exhibition “Modern Icon Painting Image” opened. Perhaps for last years This is the first such large and representative exhibition of contemporary church art.

The exhibition included more than 300 exhibits: icons, mosaics, photographs of church paintings, designs for iconostases, products applied arts. Leading icon painting schools, such as the Icon Painting School at the Moscow Theological Academy and St. Tikhon's University, and the Trinity Orthodox School of Art, presented their works. Among the participants in the exhibition are also the largest Moscow workshops: “Cinnabar”, “Cathedral”, etc. The real decoration of the exhibition were the works of famous icon painters: Alexander Lavdansky, Alexander Sokolov, Sergei Cherny, Alexander Chashkin, Irina Zaron, Alexei Koshevoy. For the first time at the exhibition, icons of Archimandrites are presented. Zinona (Theodora). You can call this a kind of sensation, because Fr. Zinon, despite his fame, had never given his works to exhibitions before. And now viewers have the opportunity to see his icons live, and not from reproductions.

At the opening of the exhibition, many icon painters noted that it was so important that the exhibition was opened in the Art Lyceum, previously it was called MSKhSh - Moscow Secondary Art School, and here they studied and began their creative path many now famous icon painters. “It’s nice to exhibit at my alma mater,” said exhibition participant Svetlana Rzhanitsyna, and Sergei Cherny emphasized that not only he graduated from the Moscow Art School, but his son studied here, and now his granddaughter is studying, that is, three generations of one family are related to this school.

Ekaterina Sheko in her speech noted the importance of the fact that today’s students of the Lyceum, who also presented their works at the exhibition, found themselves in the same space with great masters. And this will become a real school for them and an incentive to work.

The exhibition is aimed at a wide range of visitors and attracts the attention of specialists in the field of ancient Russian and church art, the scientific and restoration community, believers and everyone who is close to Christian art.

The exhibition “Modern Iconographic Image” is timed to coincide with the 1st All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference “ Current issues formation of a modern iconographic image”, which will be held within the walls of the Lyceum from October 31 to November 2. Not only Muscovites, but also icon painters from St. Petersburg and other cities will take part in the conference. is dedicated to the creativity of modern icon painters, their view on the creation of an iconographic image, the choice of technologies and materials for their works. A wide range of technologies used today, and an active search for a new iconographic image through a rethinking of the accumulated experience of Russian icon painters at the turn of the 20th-21st centuries. makes modern icon painting especially interesting and significant.

Reports and master classes, round tables and discussions - all these various forms of professional communication between icon painters will be called upon to pose and, if possible, solve current problems facing modern icon painters, but also before the Church, since the icon is an expression of the Orthodox faith.

The main organizers of the exhibition and conference were the Moscow Academic Lyceum of the Russian Academy of Arts and the Moscow Icon Painting Center “Russian Icon”.

On January 23, 2018, the opening ceremony of the exhibition “ Cultural heritage Russia. Preservation of spiritual traditions" The exhibition is dedicated to the glorious pages of the history of the Fatherland, the victories of the Russian people and the contribution of Russian culture to the world artistic heritage.

Chairman of the State Duma Committee on the Development of Civil Society, Public and Social Issues religious associations, coordinator of the Interfactional Deputy Group for the Protection of Christian Values Sergey Gavrilov noted the uniqueness of the presented exhibition.

For the first time in the State Duma we can see an amazing picture of the spiritual unity of the Russian world, the succession of generations. Our exhibition unites the spiritual traditions that connect us with the world of Orthodoxy,” the deputy said, opening the exhibition.

Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Olga Timofeeva expressed gratitude to the organizers for the opportunity to see such a variety of exhibits - children's drawings, ancient icons and lists of icons, photographs from the territories of military operations - united by Orthodoxy, spirituality, religion, faith.

Head of the Communist Party faction Gennady Zyuganov reminded event participants:

Only our country with a thousand-year history had to defend its faith, truth, and land with weapons in hand for 700 years.

According to G. Zyuganov, the main weapon that allowed Russia to survive is the wisdom and steadfastness of the executive branch, high spirituality, justice and collectivism.

Without faith, justice, love and friendship in a country where the Russians united 190 peoples and nationalities without destroying a single faith, language and culture, it is difficult to get out of the modern crisis,” said Gennady Zyuganov.

The head of the LDPR faction spoke about the tragic history of the Church in Russia, the problems of restoring churches and the persecution of Christians in the Middle East Vladimir Zhirinovsky.

Metropolitan of Moscow and All Rus' Russian Orthodox Old Believer Church(Titov) noted that the most valuable icons and other objects of spiritual culture presented at the exhibition have been kept by the Old Believers for centuries.

For the first time in history, such an opportunity has arisen within the walls of the State Duma to present those most valuable icons and other objects of spiritual culture that the Old Believers kept and are preserving. This storage came at a great cost to them - there were the most difficult centuries, when the Old Believers were persecuted, their temples were destroyed, when they were even burned in log houses for their faith. Therefore, the value of what the Old Believers carried through the centuries is very, very significant. I would like to express my gratitude to the Chairman of the State Duma Vyacheslav Viktorovich Volodin, who visited our spiritual center on Rogozhsky after the visit of Russian President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin. This is iconic historical event: in the last 350 years, for the first time since church schism, the head of state visited the spiritual and historical center of the Old Believers, opening the exhibition “Strength of Spirit and Loyalty to Tradition» , - noted Metropolitan Cornelius.

The exhibition presents a unique Old Believer icon of the Mother of God Petrovskaya, dated XVI century. The image is presented by the museum and library archival department of the Russian Orthodox Old Believer Church.

It is impossible to see the icon in the temple. You have to pray in church. And at the exhibition, we are happy to participate now, acquaintance is possible,” said the head of the museum and library archives department of the Russian Orthodox Church, Fr. Alexey Lopatin.

Exhibition “Cultural Heritage of Russia. Preservation of spiritual traditions”, organized by the State Duma Committee on the development of civil society, issues of public and religious associations, is held in the State Duma during the period from 22 By January 26, 2018. It is dedicated to VI Rozhdestvenskthem Parliamentary meetings, which take place within XXVI International Christmas Educational Readings.

The exhibition includes several expositions: “ Orthodox miraculous icons - heavenly intercessors», « Court St. Petersburg», « Cabinet at the turn of the 19th-20th centuries.», « Arts and heritage" Within the section “Orthodox miraculous icons - heavenly intercessors”, both ancient and modern lists with miraculous icons. The final part of the exhibition, dedicated to the revival of spiritual traditions in contemporary art, presents works filled with spiritual and patriotic meaning, the authors of which are students of art universities.