Observe subordination, which means. Subordination in business relations: what is it and why?

Subordination is a service relationship that is built on a hierarchical principle. They are needed to maintain a certain distance between subordinates and superiors. Competent and correct subordination has a positive effect on productivity and helps maintain a good working atmosphere in the company.

Subordination in business relations works both ways, since not only subordinates must listen to and respect management, but management must also be tactful and polite, even when they are dissatisfied with the work of employees and do it to them.

WITH legal side working subordination is also regulated by the main Charter of the organization. When hiring a person, a specific contract is concluded with him, that is, which spells out all the rights and obligations regarding subordination. Sometimes companies also have an agreement, which is concluded by the entire team, and certain norms are also spelled out in it. Naturally, the main importance here is mainly the norms of ethics and their non-compliance is a direct violation of the mentioned labor discipline.

All subordinates, in order to maintain a positive atmosphere in the team, are required to behave correctly, politely and tactfully with their director. An employee's career growth largely depends on his behavior, so a rude tone, as well as boorish address to higher authorities, are not acceptable. Such behavior may be considered an administrative violation.

Each company and organization must have its own vertical and horizontal lines of subordination. Deviation from them leads to a certain, and not only individual, but also collective.

In article 192 Labor Code RF lists all types of subordination disciplinary sanctions. Violation of subordination in business relations may entail consequences, namely:

  1. Comment. It can be caused by a one-time violation labor relations, after which the management will more carefully monitor the quality of the subordinate’s work and the fulfillment of all duties.
  2. Rebuke. This type of punishment can be both oral and written, with an entry in the employee’s personal file. The reason for such a penalty can be either one-time or regular violation of subordination.
  3. . An extreme measure of punishment, for which one, however, extremely gross violation, falling under one or another administrative or even criminal article (for example, physical harm to one’s superiors), will suffice. However, sometimes employees are fired for not so serious, but regular offenses that negatively affect the work environment.

Types of subordination

As mentioned above, there are 2 lines of subordination in the team. This means that, accordingly, there are 2 types of subordination in business relations:

  • Vertical labor relations
  • Horizontal labor relations

Vertical subordination implies a direct relationship between a manager and a subordinate, that is, this system is characterized by a “top-down” scheme. With this type of relationship, it is believed that the bosses will not allow themselves to have an overly familiar attitude towards their subordinates, and they, in turn, will not joke or behave too openly with management. The vertical is a clear and coherent hierarchy in the team.

The advantages of such a system:

  • Coordinated and productive work in a team, since employees do not waste energy and time sorting out any relationships with management
  • Each person, due to a clear hierarchy, has his own clear place, and his rights are not infringed in any way
  • The management treats all its employees equally and does not reward those with whom it is on friendly terms

The vertical has only one significant disadvantage: excessive subordination, with which management can go too far. In this case, work in a particular company will resemble a totalitarian state, and subordinates will simply stop trying, and the working atmosphere will be disrupted.

How a subordinate communicates with a manager determines his future career. Excessive ingratiation or, conversely, a rude tone can anger your superiors.

Horizontal subordination implies relationships between colleagues occupying equal positions: for example, between heads of different departments, or ordinary workers of one. In this case, the key rules of communication are different and imply equality, partnership, mutual assistance and mutual respect.

The advantage of horizontal subordination is that with a good atmosphere in the team, overall productivity increases. People who respect and listen to each other and work as a team are truly capable of amazing things.

The disadvantage of horizontal is obvious. Unfortunately, colleagues often use each other for selfish purposes, especially if their relationship develops into friendships and goes beyond work. For example, some people can do someone else's work for someone else simply because he asked. It should be remembered that even if you are equal, you need to keep a certain distance.

Common mistakes

Many people often make mistakes in the vertical-horizontal subordination of business relationships. For example, the director should not distribute his own without the knowledge of the head of the department. Thus, he undermines the authority of junior management, and his subordinates will simply stop respecting him, and as a result, listening to him.

Another mistake is that sometimes a randomly selected person from the team controls the work of another person or the entire department, without being the immediate superior. Remember that there should always be a specially authorized person to check and evaluate a particular work process.

A person who is directly one career step above him should punish this or that employee, i.e. his junior boss. Naturally, other management also has the right to do this, but only in the presence and with the consent of immediate management. This rule is often forgotten in various companies.

Unfortunately, what often happens is that management does not give clear orders to subordinates, which is why they get the impression that the director himself does not know what he wants. Remember that a good boss always makes it clear exactly what tasks need to be completed, and also clearly sets deadlines for completing them.

And, of course, the most main mistake lies in the fact that sometimes superiors go beyond the boundaries of business subordination and condemn not the quality of this or that work, but the character or even appearance of the subordinate. Such behavior is unacceptable; it completely destroys the working atmosphere in the team and humiliates the personal dignity of subordinates. Management should under no circumstances interfere in the personal life of a subordinate, give the employee advice that has nothing to do with work, or evaluate things that have nothing to do with the work process.

Consequences of non-compliance

Fortunately, in most cases, insubordination in business relationships is not, and often it is an ordinary violation of certain ethical standards.

Subordination is a way of designating responsibility for each employee, both for superiors and subordinates.

Obviously, it is different for each worker, and, for example, an ordinary employee risks being left without a job, and the boss, on top of everything, also risks his reputation, as well as money. Therefore, the higher the responsibility, the more demanding a person is in relation to his subordinates. The company will not be successful without maintaining horizontal and vertical subordination.

Remember that even if an employee is irreplaceable, and at the same time takes liberties in relation to colleagues and superiors, you still need to apply certain punitive measures to him, up to and including dismissal. The boss is the leader in the team, and he must monitor compliance with subordination.

The consequences of failure to maintain proper labor relations depend on how far the subordinate has departed from the chain of command in relation to his superiors. A one-time violation of norms will be punished through verbal reprimand and deprivation, but disciplinary offense or regular disregard for subordination may result in a severe reprimand. The reprimand is not entered in work book, however, may well be considered grounds for dismissal.

Dismissal under this article can greatly affect your future career, since other employers will not want to hire employees who are prone to violations of labor discipline. If the management itself does not comply with subordination, then subordinates must complain to higher authorities, then the same penalties will be taken against him.

    I work at a school where I once studied several years ago, and many teachers remember me, as they say, “from the cradle.” Naturally, everyone calls me “you,” and only one teacher who taught me calls me “you.” Everything would be fine, I don’t mind, but sometimes in front of the children they call me by name and “you,” which I think is unacceptable. How can I explain this to them? Is this subordination or basic rules of etiquette during working hours?


Regardless of the number of employees at the enterprise, of course, if it is not equal to one, subordination establishes not only the degree of subordination, but also the degree of responsibility of everyone - from the director to the ordinary performer. This degree of responsibility is very different for everyone. If a subordinate risks, in the worst case, only his job, then the owner or manager of an enterprise risks his considerable funds and reputation. The greater the degree of responsibility, the more people has the right to demand from those who obey him. No matter how unhappy you are with your boss, no matter how stupid you think he is, he is the one who is responsible for his decisions, even if they seem irrational to you. It is your duty, in accordance with your official chain of command, to fulfill them unquestioningly. The only thing you can afford is to try to explain your point of view to your boss and warn him as a professional and specialist. This is your direct responsibility, but he still makes the decision and responsibility for it. No enterprise management is simply possible without. It is on this that the horizontal and especially the vertical of power is built. Subordination is an implementation tool management decisions and bringing them from the head of the enterprise to the very last subordinate. With the help of the subordination established staffing table and job descriptions, every performer, starting with deputy directors, knows who his immediate supervisor and whose orders he must carry out. Subordination allows you to increase the status of managers and their authority, and, consequently, executive discipline. Subordination determines a person’s status, regardless of his personal qualities and proximity to superiors. This is a fair system of placing authorities according to the position held. And the principle of fair distribution has always been one of the main ones that increases staff motivation. The strictness of compliance with the law of subordination may vary depending on the structure, profile and size of the organization. IN small company engaged, for example, in sales or providing services, the manager may well even allow himself to replace a sick employee and will do this without compromising his authority and power. At a large enterprise it is impossible to imagine that the manager would stand at the machine instead of a sick worker. In this case, his authority may be significantly shaken. But the degree of responsibility, including material, for these leaders is different. In any case subordination must be followed as a method and way of carrying out the management of an enterprise, and every person must strictly adhere to it.

Subordination is a system that regulates relationships not only between superior and subordinate, but also between senior and junior, meaning the position held.

The attitude of a subordinate superior was formulated by Peter I, who on December 9, 1708 issued a decree on the attitude towards superiors, where he formulated the requirements for a person under subordination: “A subordinate, in front of his superiors, must look dashing and foolish, so as not to embarrass his superiors with his understanding.” . More than 300 years have passed, but some managers still understand subordination this way.

But if a manager wants to achieve truly high-quality work and high results, subordination will be the mechanism that will allow him to achieve this goal. After all, in fact, subordination is a clearly regulated system of business relations that makes it possible to achieve coordinated work of the entire team, united by the implementation common task.

Many people can work on this task. Each of them at his workplace must clearly know which of the other employees he interacts with, who he has the right to ask, and who has the right to ask him. Only in this case will the team work like a well-oiled clockwork.

Subordination is a system of subordination in the service, determined by the degree of responsibility. The degree of responsibility is usually determined by the position held or temporarily assigned powers.

What is insubordination?

Subordination is based on established rules labor discipline, it implies that all relationships between employees are subject to this discipline and are strictly within the framework of work. The actions of each employee and, accordingly, his responsibility for them are limited to job description, no one has the right to demand more from you.

Each employee has his own immediate supervisor, whose instructions he must carry out. If you disagree with the actions or orders of your management, you must appeal them in the manner established by the work regulations, without violating the chain of command or going over his head. The same applies to cases when you have proposals to improve the quality of work and labor. Compliance with subordination significantly simplifies and facilitates relationships in the team, eliminating the possibility of non-compliance with management decisions.

Subordination at work- this is a special relationship between a boss and a subordinate, in which there are no conflicts, and all interactions are aimed at solving a common goal.

Unfortunately, not every subordinate is able to adhere to subordination.

For each violation of the rules there is a special responsibility.

What's happened

Subordination is a special working relationship that is built on subordination junior groups positions for senior groups.

By “subordination” we mean not only the interaction between the boss and his subordinates, but also certain rules of behavior when communicating with management.

One example of subordination is the relationship between military personnel and their commanders.

Subordination at work according to established rules

Now there are four types of subordination in the workplace, and the rules of behavior depend on these types.

Rules of subordination between superior and subordinate:

  1. If a subordinate has not followed the instructions of management, he must be reminded of this, otherwise he may think that everyone has forgotten about the task and simply will not complete it in the future. As a rule, this is how evasion of work responsibilities and insubordination begin.
  2. It is better to make a remark to a subordinate in private, otherwise offense may arise. When scolding a subordinate for poorly done work, you cannot get personal and morally humiliate the person.
  3. Under no circumstances should you give a subordinate advice regarding his personal life.
  4. Even during big problems in production, the boss must control himself and clearly give orders. If the boss starts to panic, he will forever lose his authority in the eyes of his subordinates.
  5. If the employee did an excellent job following the instructions, then be sure to praise him.

When communicating with subordinates, you must immediately select correct form communication. The orders are suitable for those employees who do not do their work very conscientiously and simply do not understand any other way.

The boss must be respected in the eyes of his subordinates, but not allow familiar relations.

Between subordinate and boss

  1. There is no need to heat up the atmosphere in the team and discuss the management, even if it is not entirely qualified.
  2. When offering your boss an idea for promoting products or services, you need to do it in a polite manner, with respect in your voice.
  3. If a manager asks a question, then you need to answer it as openly as possible, and emphasize in your answer your knowledge of your business.
  4. You should always contact your boss directly, and not the person managing your boss. This behavior may offend the manager. The only exceptions are critical situations when a lightning-fast solution is required.
  5. It is strictly forbidden to enter the management office without knocking.

Between company leaders

  1. It is necessary to clearly and concisely lay out the necessary information; there is no need to start the meeting with questions about the partner’s affairs.
  2. During a conversation, it is recommended to use facts and figures together - this will force your partner to understand the essence of the conversation.
  3. If your partner begins to get excited and tries to conflict, you need to remain calm - this will reduce his ardor a little.
  4. You need to offer all the ideas you have about a project. Taking the initiative will make your partner respect you even more.
  5. When talking with your partner, you should avoid talking on the phone.
  6. It is recommended to exchange with partners business cards– this will once again emphasize your status.
  7. When talking to your partner on the phone, you definitely need to clarify whether he has time now.
  8. While communicating with business partner The use of obscene language is strictly prohibited.

Between subordinates of the organization

  1. If several subordinates perform one task together, management needs to equally divide the entire amount of work.
  2. It is worth refusing to “intercept” clients from your colleagues. It will still be possible to find clients, but the relationship with colleagues will be irrevocably damaged.
  3. Don't make premature promises. If one of your colleagues asked for your help, you need to first make sure whether you can do it, and only then start doing it.
  4. It is not recommended to discuss personal life in the workplace, as this can become a reason for envy or ridicule.

Failure to comply with subordination and its rules

This concept is more of an ethical than a legal term. Therefore, it is impossible to contact any authorities with a complaint about non-compliance with subordination at work on the part of a subordinate. The only exception is direct insults, threats and slander. You can go to court, but only if you have evidence.

In another situation, a subordinate may be an irreplaceable employee and his dismissal will cost the company a pretty penny. So what should we do? In no case should such an appeal be ignored, since the boss is a leader and he must, if necessary, prove this to each of his subordinates.

The best way out is to talk directly. Invite your subordinate to your office and ask him directly what the problem is, so you will at least know the reason and be able to fix it.



When considering subordination in the context of official relations in the civil service, it can be noted that it is regulated by special charters and regulations. The documents regulating subordination are the employment contract and job description.

Sometimes, in addition to documents, things regulating subordination are special job insignia (in the army) or certificates.

Subordination does not have any legal support.

Basic mistakes in maintaining subordination

Sometimes insubordination appears in the work atmosphere. In order not to break it and remain in good relationship The following mistakes should never be made with subordinates and management:

  1. Report for completed tasks bypassing immediate superior. Such a situation can shake the authority of your immediate superior, and he will take out his anger on you.
  2. If a boss issues a task to his subordinate, then he himself must control the implementation of this task. You cannot force one subordinate to supervise the work of another.
  3. Punish a subordinate without informing his superior.
  4. You cannot assign multiple employees to perform the same task separately. It is acceptable to assign several employees to perform one task together.
  5. You should not show aggression if the task is not performed correctly.
  6. Make comments to a subordinate in front of the entire work team.
  7. Discuss the manager behind his back.
  8. Do not adhere to business communication ethics.

If you do not make these mistakes, you can achieve a friendly and non-tense atmosphere in the team.

What is subordination at work?

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Subordination of some managers, together with their departments, to managers of higher levels.

Subordination provides for a respectful relationship between a superior and a subordinate, a special procedure for issuing orders, instructions from the superior, as well as a procedure for reporting the results of their implementation to the subordinate. In addition, the rules of subordination regulate a special procedure for appealing the actions of a superior to a superior superior.

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