Make your own drip irrigation from bottles. Basic rules for do-it-yourself drip irrigation from plastic bottles: getting ready for the summer season. How the method works

Useful tips

Many summer residents are trying to create drip irrigation, so they are trying to find out more about it, because, having installed such irrigation, you can leave the entire system almost unattended.

The main advantage of drip irrigation is that it works autonomously, and you do not need to stand with a hose or walk with a bucket filled with water to water the seedlings.

However, it is worth noting that ready-made drip irrigation, which is powered by a water supply system, is very expensive.

A good and inexpensive alternative to ready-made irrigation is drip irrigation fromplastic bottle . This option cannot be called completely autonomous, since you will have to add liquid to the bottles.

The benefits of drip irrigation

With all this, the creator of such irrigation will still have time for other activities.

Several important advantages of drip irrigation:

1. No need to purchase material - everyone has plastic bottles.

2. This type of watering is easy to make, even for inexperienced summer residents.

3. Drip irrigation saves time and effort.

4. This watering system is easy to use - just go to the bottle and add liquid.

5. Evolving root system due to the fact that all moisture goes under upper layer soil, thereby feeding only the roots, without spilling over unnecessary territory. It also strengthens the roots of the plants.

6. Water consumption is significantly less and swamps do not form.

7. The excess surface remains dry, which means there are no conditions for weed growth.

Read also:Crafts for the garden

Simple DIY drip irrigation

As already stated, this type Watering not only costs almost nothing, but it is also very simple to do.

1. Prepare some plastic bottles and make holes in the bottom of each of them through which water will leak.

* The volume of the bottle depends on the area of ​​the site. The minimum volume is 1.5 liters.

2. Bury the bottles in the ground at a distance of 1 meter from each other.

3. Now simply fill the bottles with water.

* The speed of watering directly depends on the diameter of the holes in the bottles.

* Experts advise making sure that water flows into the ground slowly.

* If desired, you can dilute compost tea in water - it is believed that the water will become more beneficial.

Do-it-yourself watering and flower bed from plastic bottles (step-by-step instructions)

In this design you can grow vegetables or herbs at home.

You will need:

Thick thread



Stationery knife.

1. Cut a plastic bottle in half.

2. Using a screwdriver, make a hole in the cover.

3. Cut a piece of thread 3 - 3.5 cm long, fold it in half and tie a knot at one end.

4. Thread the thread through the hole in the lid so that the knot is located in its inner part. This thread will carry water directly into the ground, giving the ground as much water as it needs.

5. Screw the cap back and insert top part plastic bottle in the bottom, neck down.

* Monitor the amount of water and replenish the container if necessary. However, first, pour water on the ground and only then use the structure from the top of the bottle for watering.

Read also:15 original and useful crafts made from plastic bottles

Watering with your own hands at home (video instructions)

Watering from a plastic bottle with your own hands

Do-it-yourself watering system for a summer residence

You will need:

2 liter plastic bottles


Stationery knife.

1. Take a utility knife and make 2 cuts at the base and 2 more cuts in the middle of the plastic bottle.

2. Using a screwdriver or awl, make 2 holes at the bottom of the bottle.

3. Check how much water flows from the bottle. Ideally it should drip.

4. Make a small hole in the ground to place the bottle in.

5. Pour water into the bottle.

How to do watering yourself

You will need:

1.5 liter plastic bottle

Screwdriver or awl

FUM tape

1. Using an awl, make holes in the side of the bottle. To make the process easier, heat the awl - it will penetrate the bottle more easily.

2. Insert the watering hose into the bottle. However, you should first wrap the end of the hose with FUM tape, thereby ensuring a tight connection between the bottle and the hose.

3. Use a clamp to tighten the neck of the sprinkler structure.

* You can also create vertical irrigation. You will need a small stake inserted into the ground. Attach the hose to this post.

4. You can improve the design using conventional plastic handles. Use a 3 liter plastic bottle. Make holes in it slightly smaller than the diameter of the pen. Take the handles apart and insert the top half of each handle into the holes.

If necessary, seal the structure with FUM tape.

Make a hole in the lid and insert the hose adapter into it. It is advisable to treat this adapter with silicone glue to make it more airtight. This design will provide water to a large area of ​​your garden and/or vegetable garden.

DIY drip irrigation from plastic bottles

This type of drip irrigation is best suited for plants with a small root system. It will not be able to feed long roots, but is great for watering shallow roots.

You will need:

Plastic bottle with cap (1.5 – 2 l)

An awl, a small nail with a hammer or a screwdriver

Stationery knife or scissors.

1. Make several holes in the cap of a plastic bottle. This can be done using an awl or a screwdriver. It is advisable to preheat the instrument.

2. Make a small hole next to the plants. It should be deep enough to insert 1/3 of a plastic bottle with a volume of 1.5-2 liters.

3. Using a utility knife or scissors, cut the bottom of the bottle.

4. Insert the bottle into the hole, neck down. Use earth to secure the bottle in place. Place some rocks around the bottle to keep soil out.

5. Fill the bottle with water.

Make several more similar designs for the remaining plants.

Do-it-yourself drip irrigation for your dacha

You will need:

Plastic bottle with cap

Stationery knife or scissors

An awl, screwdriver or small nail with a hammer

Thin fabric (cotton) or old nylon tights (to create a filter).

A fabric filter is needed to prevent soil particles or small debris from clogging the irrigation system.

The size of the bottle depends on the size of the plant for which watering is being prepared. For example, for one plant, a small bottle with one hole on one side is sufficient.

1. Make holes over the entire area of ​​the plastic bottle. In this case, leave a little more than 2 cm to the bottom of the bottle. There is also no need to make holes in the lid. A 2 liter bottle should contain about 10 holes.

2. Make a hole next to the plant. Its size should be equal to the size of the bottle.

3. Bury the bottle, leaving its neck on the surface.

4. Attach a nylon stocking to the neck.

* The bottle can be closed with a lid, or left without a lid. The only difference is the rate of evaporation of water from the container.

Now just add water to the bottle when needed.

Do-it-yourself hanging drip irrigation from bottles

This type of watering is more suitable for short plants, including cucumbers or herbs. To make it, you need to make a frame in the shape of the letter P or G.

1. Bury the posts into the ground at both edges of the garden and attach a long stick to them, which should be parallel to the bed. The height should be such that the neck of the suspended bottle is about 50 cm from the ground.

* Bottle length - no more than 40 cm.

*The number of plastic bottles depends on the number of plants.

2. Using an awl or screwdriver, make several holes in the bottom of the bottle. Also make holes in the lid (their number depends on how much you want to water the plant).

3. Cut off the bottom of the plastic bottle, and next to the cut edges, make holes through which you need to insert a wire or strong rope and hang it upside down from the frame.

* Drops of water from the bottle should not fall directly on the plant, but between neighboring bushes.

* Now all that remains is to add water as needed.

How to make drip irrigation from a plastic bottle for a summer residence

When spring comes and the earth warms up, gardening time begins. Summer residents and villagers take on planting various fruit crops. But for good harvest It’s not enough just to plant and weed the plants; they need constant watering, especially when the weather is sunny and dry. One of best options watering when not large quantity water or time every day, there will be drip irrigation. This method has many advantages over traditional ways, and just a few shortcomings. So what is the essence of drip irrigation from a plastic bottle?

DIY drip irrigation from plastic bottles

Drip irrigation is when water flows in uniform small portions directly to the roots of the plant if the irrigation device is in the ground, or next to the plant in the hole when it is on the surface. Only gets water cultivated plant, and not nearby growing weeds. There is no need to buy a device for drip irrigation; you can make it yourself without special costs. It is best to use a plastic bottle for this; such a device will last for several years if treated with care.

Drip irrigation from plastic bottles

Pros and cons of drip irrigation

  1. With this type of plant watering, significant water savings occur when compared with conventional watering from a hose or watering can. In addition, you will not have to loosen the soil, as after heavy watering, since drip watering does not create a dried crust that interferes with the growth of the plant. There is no spreading of water in different directions.
  2. Possibility of autonomous irrigation of plants with water. This is very convenient for summer residents who are not on the site every day. The structure will work independently, without creating a danger to the site and the country house.
  3. The ability to easily apply fertilizer in the required proportions, and only the plant itself will receive it.
  4. Another significant advantage is that drip irrigation can be used both in greenhouse conditions and in open ground. If this is a place open to the sun, then the water in the bottle will heat up during the day and irrigation with sufficiently warm water continues at night.

The principle of drip irrigation

Although this method is very convenient, it cannot be called perfect. Its disadvantages are that:

  1. Irrigation large areas almost impossible. To do this, you will need many devices for drip irrigation, and this will be inconvenient and no longer rational.
  2. If the soil is heavy and contains a lot of clay, then when the irrigation device is in the soil, it may become clogged and will have to be cleaned out.
  3. Such watering cannot completely replace the full traditional moistening of the soil, especially in hot summers. With the help of irrigation, you can only maintain humidity, but you will still have to water the beds generously from time to time.

Drip irrigation cannot completely replace traditional soil moistening

What is needed to make a drip irrigation device?

The set of tools and materials is small and any home owner can find it. The design will differ from an expensive purchased one in materials, but not in efficiency. So, we need:

  1. Plastic bottle. Its size depends on what kind of plant and how long it needs to irrigate it; small ones, with a volume of 0.5 liters, are not recommended; it is better to take a container ranging from 1 to 5 liters. Such containers usually remain from those completed in grocery store purchases, and you won’t have to purchase it separately.

Approximate ratio of bottle size and consumption time with light watering:

Relationship between hole size and watering amount

The accuracy of the data depends on the number of holes in the bottle and the type of irrigation method.

  1. Tool for making holes. A thin nail or a thick needle is suitable for this, depending on the size of the future holes in the bottle.
  2. Textile. This should be either a piece of thin cotton or nylon tights, and in the second option longer use is possible, since nylon is stronger.

Option No. 1. Bottle buried bottom in the ground

Bottle buried upside down in the ground

We take the prepared bottle, its size should be such that it fits well in the garden bed between several plants. If you need to water only one bush, then the bottle can be small, and the holes in it can only be on one side, close to the plant.

Holes in the bottle

Next, take a nail, step back a few centimeters from the bottom and make small holes. If the diameter of the holes is too large, water will flow out quickly. You need to make about 10 holes, they should be located in the middle of the bottle, do not touch the neck part.

Digging in a bottle

Then we dig a hole the diameter of the bottle and dig it in there, leaving the top part outside. It is better to put a nylon cap on the neck to prevent debris from getting in. Fill the bottle with water using a watering can and leave. Water will gradually flow evenly to the roots of the bushes and irrigate them.

Option No. 2. Bottle hung upside down

For this method of irrigation, you first need to make a structure above the crops on which a bottle of water will rest. These can be two buried sticks and a crossbar between them, on which you can hang a bottle on a hook; if there is a metal mount that looks like a small horizontal bar, you can hang it on that too. The maximum height is 45 - 50 cm, and the minimum is 35 cm (taking into account the size of the bottle).

Homemade drip irrigation system

We make holes in the lid; a nail is again suitable for this. The more holes in the lid, the more droplets of water will fall on the plant. We cut off the bottom of the bottle with a knife or scissors; water will be poured into it. We hang it, fill it with water and stretch the fabric to remove the debris.

Hanging drip irrigation system

Option number 3. A bottle buried with its neck in the ground

We take a bottle and select the dimensions in the same way as in the previous case. This method is inferior to the first only in that more water will flow to the very bottom of the roots of the bushes, and with the first option, it will spread along their entire length. We remove the lid and make several holes in it; it is not recommended to make more than 4 holes, the water will quickly leave and you will have to add it often. If it is a 5-liter bottle, then the lid is large and the holes need to be made larger; if it is a liter or one and a half liter bottle, then smaller ones. We cut off the bottom completely and pour water into it.

Bottle buried upside down in the ground

We make a not very deep hole next to the bush; such a depth is necessary that the bottle cap is not located significantly below the roots; it is advisable to place it a little higher - then all the moisture will be used for its intended purpose.

Option number 4. Simple method with a purchased nozzle

Drip irrigation nozzle

Such a device can no longer be called completely hand-made. In specialized stores for gardeners you can find a special oblong nozzle with holes, which is screwed onto the bottle instead of a cap. Next, you just need to stick it into the ground along with the bottle on. The bottom can be cut off, or you don’t have to work, because when the water runs out, it can be twisted, without special effort take water and screw it back on, and then return it to the ground. This method is practically no different from burying a bottle upside down, just a little simpler.

The disadvantage is that such nozzles are most often standard and the maximum volume of the bottle can be 2.5 liters; for 5 liters such a nozzle in width is already more difficult to find. The advantage of such a nozzle is that it can be used to irrigate not only plants in a greenhouse or open ground in the garden, but also flowers in pots at home; a small 0.5 liter bottle is also suitable here.

Video - Do-it-yourself drip irrigation for a dacha at no cost

How to apply fertilizer using an irrigation device from a plastic bottle?

Those fertilizers that are subject to dissolution in water or dilution of the finished liquid must be poured already diluted into a bottle.

How to properly make a solution in the ratio of water and fertilizing - read the instructions and strictly follow them. They will spread evenly around the root, allowing the plant to consume them. This does not apply to those after which abundant watering is required.

It is impossible to grow cucumbers without watering. Saturating plants with moisture is daily painstaking work. Make it easier to care for while growing healthy vegetables will help homemade design from plastic bottles for drip irrigation of cucumbers, which you can make yourself.

System Description

Drip irrigation - organizing timely watering of plants using storage tanks and water. Simple, effective method moisture supply directly to each sprout. Water easily passes through the top layer of soil, filling the roots with life-giving moisture.

Experienced gardeners know firsthand that a good harvest depends on the quantity and quality of timely irrigation. Cucumbers require warm water in large quantities. Drip irrigation will be an excellent help throughout the entire vegetable ripening season.

Water consumption for growing cucumbers is on average 5 liters per 1 m2.

Drip irrigation from bottles is much cheaper than a ready-made system

Overwatering threatens the development of fungal diseases. Drip system – alternative solution. Specialty stores sell a variety of prefabricated irrigation systems. They take time to install. Not everyone likes the pricing policy.

Install drip irrigation yourself using plastic bottles - a solution that does not require financial costs. Using available materials, it is easy to make such a system for anyone.

Advantages and disadvantages of a bottle watering system

All the pros and cons collected by gardeners will help you make sure of the need for such an installation on your site.

First, about the advantages of the bottle system:

  • tangible saving water(a watering can or hose is used more);
  • autonomous operation systems (you can safely leave the garden bed unattended for several days);
  • versatility: the possibility of application does not depend on the type of soil, the method of growing vegetables (greenhouse, vegetable garden);
  • availability of material;
  • ease of installation and maintenance;
  • targeted targeted moisture ingress;
  • absence of hardened earthen crust around the plant;
  • reducing the need to loosen the soil around the bush;
  • slow evaporation of moisture (only on hot days will you have to monitor the condition of the plants: do they need additional watering);
  • saving money;
  • facilitating human labor;
  • the top layer of soil is not washed away;
  • roots get warm liquid(has time to warm up under the rays of the sun);
  • simplification of application of fertilizing (only to seedlings).

Drip irrigation saves the amount of liquid and allows it to flow directly to the roots

Weeds rarely germinate in such an area.

A homemade drain system often gets clogged. For warning similar situation old nylon tights - best option creating drainage. The material does not rot in the ground and has excellent throughput.

Now let's talk about the disadvantages:

  • frequent clogging of holes;
  • the impossibility of using such a system on a large plot: a lot of containers will be required, the garden does not look aesthetically pleasing;
  • limited volume liquids;
  • difficult to use on heavy soils (bottles often become unusable when they become clogged);
  • on hot days, plants receive little moisture from such a supply.

For cucumbers and tomatoes, drip irrigation using bottles will not replace a full-fledged one: Depending on the weather, the sprouts will need additional moisture.

Description of drip irrigation of cucumbers and tomatoes

Such a life support system for vegetables is entirely justified. With its help it is easier to achieve a good harvest of cucumbers or tomatoes. There are many ways to install such a structure. Let's look at some of them.

Lid up

A universal option. Common among summer residents. Suitable for greenhouse and open area.

Bottle system with cap up

Craft diagram:

  1. Measure 3 cm from the bottom. With an awl, a gypsy needle (whatever is in the house) pierce holes lengthwise to the point where the narrowing begins. The number of holes depends on the type of soil and container volume. On average - 10.
  2. Make a hole near the bush so that the dishes fit up to the neck (the conical tapering part should protrude above the ground).
  3. Wrap the bottle in cloth, place it in the hole, fill it with water, and close it with its original lid.

When empty, plastic containers may shrink under soil pressure. This can be avoided by simply piercing the lid and replenishing the liquid in a timely manner.

Lid down

Cut off the bottom completely. Screw the lid all the way, pierce it in a circle. Bury the dishes near the stem without damaging the roots. Wrap with gauze to protect from debris.

Root watering

Choose small flasks - 1.5 liters. Pierce the lid with a hot needle. Place nylon fabric between the lid and neck and screw tightly. If planned this system in advance, first dig the bottle halfway into the ground with the cut bottom up. Pour in the seeds and fill the container.

Special nozzles for root watering

The seedlings are planted - no problem. The flask can be placed under small angle, pushing the neck closer to the roots. Cut the bottom accordingly as well, maintaining a certain angle (more liquid can fit in).

A more expensive option is to screw the lids instead special nozzles(sold at garden centers). It is convenient to stick them near the root. Minus - strong wind capable of turning such a structure over.

Another method of root moisturizing requires cocktail straws, juice. Place the container between two stems. It is measured from it required length to the root. One end of the tube goes inside the container. A plug is placed on the other. A tube is pierced from the bottom of the seedlings so that the liquid flows to the desired place.


Suitable for a small bed of cucumbers hanging option. Make a frame of timber and wire along the row. Pierce the bottles with a through hole on both sides. Thread the twine. Screw to the wire above the seedlings. Pierce the bottom.

It is impossible to grow cucumbers without watering. Saturating plants with moisture is daily painstaking work. To make it easier to care for when growing healthy vegetables, a homemade design made from plastic bottles for drip irrigation of cucumbers, which you can make yourself, will help.

Drip irrigation is the organization of timely watering of plants using storage containers and water. A simple, effective way to deliver moisture directly to each sprout. Water easily passes through the top layer of soil, filling the roots with life-giving moisture.

Experienced gardeners know firsthand that a good harvest depends on the quantity and quality of timely irrigation. Cucumbers require warm water in large volumes. Drip irrigation will be an excellent help throughout the entire vegetable ripening season.

Water consumption for growing cucumbers is on average 5 liters per 1 m2.

Overwatering threatens the development of fungal diseases. The drip system is an alternative solution. Specialty stores sell a variety of prefabricated irrigation systems. They take time to install. Not everyone likes the pricing policy.

Install drip irrigation yourself using plastic bottles - a solution that does not require financial costs. Using available materials, it is easy to make such a system for anyone.

Advantages and disadvantages of a bottle watering system

All the pros and cons collected by gardeners will help you make sure of the need for such an installation on your site.

First, about the advantages of the bottle system:

  • tangible saving water(a watering can or hose is used more);
  • autonomous operation systems (you can safely leave the garden bed unattended for several days);
  • versatility: the possibility of application does not depend on the type of soil, the method of growing vegetables (greenhouse, vegetable garden);
  • availability of material;
  • ease of installation and maintenance;
  • targeted targeted moisture ingress;
  • absence of hardened earthen crust around the plant;
  • reducing the need to loosen the soil around the bush;
  • slow evaporation of moisture (only on hot days will you have to monitor the condition of the plants: do they need additional watering);
  • saving money;
  • facilitating human labor;
  • the top layer of soil is not washed away;
  • roots get warm liquid(has time to warm up under the rays of the sun);
  • simplification of application of fertilizing (only to seedlings).

Weeds rarely germinate in such an area.

A homemade drain system often gets clogged. To prevent such a situation, old nylon tights are the best option for creating drainage. The material does not rot in the ground and has excellent throughput.

Now let's talk about the disadvantages:

  • frequent clogging of holes;
  • the impossibility of using such a system on a large plot: a lot of containers will be required, the garden does not look aesthetically pleasing;
  • limited volume liquids;
  • difficult to use on heavy soils (bottles often become unusable when they become clogged);
  • on hot days, plants receive little moisture from such a supply.

For cucumbers and tomatoes, drip irrigation using bottles will not replace a full-fledged one: Depending on the weather, the sprouts will need additional moisture.

Description of drip irrigation of cucumbers and tomatoes

Such a life support system for vegetables is entirely justified. With its help it is easier to achieve a good harvest of cucumbers or tomatoes. There are many ways to install such a structure. Let's look at some of them.

Lid up

A universal option. Common among summer residents. Suitable for greenhouse and open area.

Craft diagram:

  1. Measure 3 cm from the bottom. With an awl, a gypsy needle (whatever is in the house) pierce holes lengthwise to the point where the narrowing begins. The number of holes depends on the type of soil and container volume. On average - 10.
  2. Make a hole near the bush so that the dishes fit up to the neck (the conical tapering part should protrude above the ground).
  3. Wrap the bottle in cloth, place it in the hole, fill it with water, and close it with its original lid.

When empty, plastic containers may shrink under soil pressure. This can be avoided by simply piercing the lid and replenishing the liquid in a timely manner.

Lid down

Cut off the bottom completely. Screw the lid all the way, pierce it in a circle. Bury the dishes near the stem without damaging the roots. Wrap with gauze to protect from debris.

Root watering

Choose small flasks - 1.5 liters. Pierce the lid with a hot needle. Place nylon fabric between the lid and neck and screw tightly. If this system is planned in advance, first dig the bottle halfway into the ground with the cut bottom up. Pour in the seeds and fill the container.

The seedlings are planted - no problem. The flask can be placed at a slight angle by pushing the neck closer to the roots. Cut the bottom accordingly as well, maintaining a certain angle (more liquid can fit in).

A more expensive option is to screw the lids instead special nozzles(sold at garden centers). It is convenient to stick them near the root. The downside is that a strong wind can overturn such a structure.

Another method of root moisturizing requires cocktail straws, juice. Place the container between two stems. The required length to the root is measured from it. One end of the tube goes inside the container. A plug is placed on the other. A tube is pierced from the bottom of the seedlings so that the liquid flows to the desired place.


For a small bed of cucumbers, a hanging option is suitable. Make a frame of timber and wire along the row. Pierce the bottles with a through hole on both sides. Thread the twine. Screw to the wire above the seedlings. Pierce the bottom.

Uniform moisture supply adjust required quantity punctures. Make sure that drops do not fall on the leaves. Otherwise, a burn is guaranteed.

How to organize a system of plastic bottles in a country house or greenhouse

For a summer residence, larger containers should be selected. This will allow you to leave the area for longer, without fear that the bushes will die.

The experience of summer residents shows that a liter bottle feeds cucumbers and tomatoes 5 days, three-liter - 10 , 6th – 15 .

Provided that there is accurate knowledge of the predominant type of soil. From it the calculated number of holes is calculated and the size of the container is selected. All that remains is to choose suitable option drip irrigation installations. Prepare tools, materials, dishes. Take the time, install and enjoy the work done.

There are no boundaries for perfection. Having set aside a day to install such a structure, you can actually come up with your own version and you won’t have to water the plantings with your hands. The garden will thank you for your efforts with a generous harvest.

Watering the garden is a pressing issue for summer residents, especially for those who visit their summer cottage only on weekends. And for those who live in the country, but have problems with a constant water supply, watering remains actual problem during the summer drought. Gather rainwater- not a very suitable option when precipitation is irregular and not heavy. Purchasing a drip irrigation system requires considerable expenses from gardeners. And here things that seem unnecessary at first glance - plastic bottles - will come to the rescue.

Among the many ways to use plastic watering bottles, there are three of the simplest and easiest to assemble and use:

  1. Watering from bottles without burying them in the ground.
  2. Drip irrigation from bottles buried in the soil.
  3. Hanging watering system made from plastic bottles.

Benefits of using plastic bottles

The use of plastic bottles in the garden for watering will allow you to significantly save on the purchase of expensive equipment, and with the help of such a system you can ensure watering of the entire plot, and not just individual beds. The advantages of the “bottle” system are also that:

  • the soil is moistened to a depth of one meter;
  • plants receive already heated water;
  • Bottles can be used both in open areas and in greenhouses;
  • there is no change in soil composition;
  • it is possible to add liquid fertilizers;
  • constant access of water does not allow plants to “starve”;
  • allows you to water not only garden crops, but also garden plants, shrubs and trees.

A strong argument in favor of using plastic bottles in the countryside is that in the absence of the owner, thieves are unlikely to covet such an irrigation system.

Watering from bottles without burying them in the ground

Fill a 2-liter plastic bottle with water, leaving a little empty space to the top of the bottle. Instead of a lid, place a suitable piece of foam rubber on the neck. Place the bottle under the plant at the very root.

Place such containers with water throughout the area for each planted crop. When the bottles are completely empty, they need to be filled with water again.

Drip irrigation from bottles buried in the soil

Cut the bottom of the bottle, but not all the way, so that you get something like a lid (it will protect the water from getting into the ground and from evaporating in the sun). If desired, the bottom can be cut off completely. Screw the cap tightly, and make small holes around the neck at the top of the bottle for water to escape. Such holes can also be made directly in the cork itself.

When watering sandy soil 2 holes are enough, but for LOAM you need 4 holes.

Bury the bottle between the seedlings 15 cm deep, with the cut bottom at the top and the neck at the bottom. To avoid clogging of the holes, it is recommended to place dry grass under them. Pour water, cover with a lid-bottom. Top up as needed.

Hanging watering system made from plastic bottles

Cut off the bottom of the bottle and make watering holes in the cork. Some gardeners leave the plug intact and simply unscrew it slightly so that the water flows out little by little.

Make a support holder: install a slingshot holder at both ends of the bed, and place a crossbar on top. Hang the bottles upside down on the support and pour water into them. Cover the soil under the bottle on which water will drip with a small piece of film and sprinkle it with soil. This is necessary so that the drops fall on the film and flow from it onto the ground, and not erode it.

The video will show you how to make drip irrigation from a 5-liter bottle

Drip irrigation called watering in the form of evenly falling drops. It has been used relatively recently - since the middle of the last century, but immediately gained popularity.

This method of watering plants on arid soils is especially effective when forced to save water.

Today, summer residents use drip system watering in gardens and orchards, in greenhouses and open beds.

This method provides water directly to the roots of the plant throughout the growing season. With its help you can irrigate all vegetable and berry crops:

  • Cucumbers;
  • Potato;
  • Tomatoes;
  • Raspberries;
  • Strawberries;
  • Grapes, etc.

How to make a watering system from plastic bottles

You can buy in specialized stores ready-made system drip irrigation.

But this option is not suitable for summer residents who rarely visit their plots, since similar system requires constant monitoring. In this case, drip irrigation from plastic bottles.

Principle of operation Watering from bottles involves applying water slowly, drop by drop, to each plant. To make a bottle system you will need:

  • Plastic bottles, volume 1.5 – 2 liters
  • Rods from ballpoint pens (pre-washed)
  • Matches or toothpicks(which will play the role of stubs)
  • Awl
  • Knife or scissors

Simple ways to make watering systems from bottles

Let's consider the technology for creating the most simple systems glaze using plastic bottles:

  • For open ground . First, you need to cut off the bottom of the bottle. Cutting height – 2-3 cm. It will be used as a bottle cap to reduce water evaporation. Holes are made in a tightly screwed cork (it is better to burn it with a hot nail or awl). Holes can be made - 2 or 3, depending on the soil type. The heavier it is, the more holes need to be made. To prevent the holes in the plug from becoming clogged with soil, you can put a nylon stocking over it. The bottle is buried in the soil at an angle 30-45° near the root of the plant to a depth 20-30 cm, at the same time, the bottom should remain on the soil surface. Watering occurs as follows: the bottle is filled with water to the brim and closed with a lid-bottom. The system is ready, and you don’t need to look at the dacha for about a week; uniform drip watering will provide the plant with moisture during this time
  • For greenhouses you can use the above method, but with minor modifications. The holes are made not in the cork, but in the bottle itself. It is pierced from 3 to 5 holes in a random order, then completely buried next to the plant. The neck and a small part of its shoulders remain on the surface. Water is poured through the neck, and it gradually seeps through the holes made and moisturizes the roots of the plant within 5-7 days. The water consumption in a bottle also depends on weather conditions: the higher the temperature, the higher the evaporation of moisture

Attention! If the holes become clogged, the bottles are removed from the ground, cleaned and washed.

Drip irrigation from bottles through a rod

First option

To install a mini-drip system for each individual plant, you will need a plastic bottle and several empty ballpoint pen refills:

  • All rods must be removed or cut writing element- ball
  • Bottles and refills should be carefully Rinse so that there are no substances harmful to the plant left in them
  • One side of the rod is required close tightly using a toothpick or match
  • Having retreated 3-4 mm from the closed end of the rod, pierce a hole on it with a needle, the diameter of which can be increased if the rate of droplet formation is very low
  • The rod is inserted horizontally into the bottle, at a distance 3-4 cm from its bottom
  • Fill the container with water and place the structure on the soil near the plant, so that the drops fall to its roots. To prevent the bottle from falling, it can be secured by burying it deep into the soil 4-5 cm

Second option

  • U 1,5-2 liter bottle the bottom needs to be cut off. Above the middle of the bottle, pierce two holes for the rods (you can make them at the level of the hangers)
  • The bottle is capped and secured neck down into the soil near the plant
  • The bottle is placed according to the same principle as in the first method: installed near the plant and secured. If the holes in the rod are too small, they can be slightly widened. You regulate the rate of drop formation yourself: it depends on the plant’s need for moisture and how often you can add water to the bottles

Note! A watering system made from plastic bottles will be much more effective if you place your own dropper under each plant.

As you can see, mount mini drip irrigation system plants are easy. Many summer residents use this in a simple way for constant irrigation of plants and give positive reviews about it.

With a minimum of effort and spending a little time on its device, you can make great system drip irrigation, which does not require constant presence and monitoring.

How to organize a drip irrigation system from plastic bottles in your garden is clearly demonstrated in this video.