Scenario: September 1, solemn assembly in the school. Scenario for a holiday at a children's art school

teacher of the Krasnoyarsk adaptive boarding school Shaldina Anna Viktorovna
This development will be useful to teacher-organizers, music directors, and teachers in preparation for the September 1st holiday.
Target: creating a festive atmosphere before the start school year.
A significant feature of the September 1 holiday at a boarding school is that at the time of preparation there are no students in the school line-up. As a rule, children come from all over the region on the opening day of the school - September 1, therefore, unfortunately, it is not possible to prepare songs, dance numbers, or learn poetry with the children. However, despite this, the First Bell celebration at our school is fun and interesting.

(the hall is festively decorated with balloons and bells, all classes are lined up, fanfares sound to the tune of the song “Dialogue Christmas tree» presenters read the text backstage)

Presenter 1: What's going on in the world?

Presenter 2: It's just September!

Presenter 1: Just September? Are you sure?

Presenter 2: Yes I'm sure. I already heard the school doors creaking,
and our first school bell will ring soon!

Presenter 1:
What will happen after all this?

Presenter 2: And there will be a lesson!

Presenter 1: Will there be a lesson? Just one?

Presenter 2: No, a lot.
The school road awaits us all, a very long road.
It's time for the school year to start...

(the music changes to a more solemn one, the presenters appear)

Presenter 1: Yes. The school year can already begin,
The school is ready to accept all the children

Presenter 2: Over the summer, classrooms and desks were painted,
Textbooks, atlases, maps are ready

Presenter 1: Come to discoveries and knowledge sooner
The teaching staff will help

Presenter 2: And to continue our holiday,
We must give the floor to the director!

Presenter 1: The floor is given to the school principal __________________

(administration speech)

Presenter 1: I wonder if all the classes gathered at our holiday?

Presenter 2: Let's check and take a roll call

(a shouting game is being played (our school does not have a second grade, so roll call starts from the third))

Presenter 1:
Guys, there are so many of you at school!
Third graders, are you here? (Here!)

Presenter 2: And the fourth, as always,
Are you happy about the new meeting? (Yes!)

Presenter 1: Well, what about the fifth one?
Have you lost the habit of studying?
This, brothers, is not a problem!
Do we all want to learn? (Yes!)

Presenter 2: Somewhere nearby, sixth grade-
Very nice guys!
At school you always
Is life good? (Yes!)

Presenter 1: Seventh grade is not easy,
Well, give us the answer:
Will there be many twos? (No!)

Presenter 2: Eighth grade
It's almost graduation.
Give us your word of honor?
Are you ready for the test? (Yes!)

Presenter 1: Hey graduates, don't yawn,
Answer in unison!
Always during exams
The best score is two? (No)

Presenter 2: They are here for the first time today
Heading off to their first class
With backpacks and bows,
First graders, are you with us? (silence)

Presenter 1: First class is missing, no order...

Presenter 2: No problem, we'll fix it now. Meet our dear first-graders, ____ boys and ___ girls and their first teacher ____________________________________

(music sounds, first-graders enter the hall, accompanied by a teacher)

Presenter 1: We congratulate you, first-graders,
We wish you excellent success in your studies

Presenter 2: Be friends with the school, teachers,
And soon you will become graduates

Presenter 1: Just like those who are today
He will lead you by the hand to first grade!

Presenter 2: But first, listen to their order!

(congratulations to second-graders from graduates)

Graduate 1:
Our school welcomes you today
And wishes you success.
The school was very worried
I tried to please you,
After all, it is your second home.
Let there be order in it!

Graduate 2:
Don't bring chewing gum to school
Better keep it at home.
After all, then, after the lesson,
I want to chew it

Graduate 1: Do you still want to scream?
Run, jump and knock.
And the lesson is to learn,
To strive for knowledge,
Answer questions
And get grades.

Graduate 2: Let the fives fly into the diary
And a little bit of four.
You need to be friends with them
And be diligent.
Threes and twos are not friends.
They should not be allowed into the diary!

(music sounds, graduates leave the stage, the music changes and Dunno appears)

Dunno. Go your separate ways! Make way! Let me get through in the end!

(Dunno reaches the presenters, puts a large backpack on the floor, wipes his forehead with his sleeve)

Dunno: I'm not late? (to the presenter) Hello!

Presenter 1: Hello, Dunno!

Dunno: It took me three days to get ready and I was completely exhausted. Now full order! Now, so to speak, he is armed to the teeth. Do you think it's easy? Knowledge, it weighs so much! But I was determined to become smart. And as I decided, that’s it: I’ll die, but I’ll become. Where do you sign up for school here?

Presenter 2: Are you really going to our school?

Dunno: Of course, why do you think I came, and even brought such a large backpack with me?

Presenter 1: Yes, the backpack is really big, just huge!

Presenter 2: What did you put there?

What is it, everything you need for successful studies!

Presenter 1: And what do you think is needed for successful studies?

Dunno: Well, different things... And books... In general, I brought everything I found at home!

Presenter 1-2:

Dunno(proudly): That's it!

(Leader 1 looks into Dunno’s briefcase and takes out an iron)

Presenter 1: Why do you need this?

It's just an iron! You must go to school neatly dressed. So I grabbed the iron, in case I remembered my trousers. Also, if I get into a fight with someone, I can apply it to the bruise. Like this!

(Dunno applies the iron to his cheek, presenter 2 takes a broom out of his backpack)

Presenter 2: Well, why do you need this?

And an acquaintance advised me to do this, he said that if they sweep it out of school, at least they’ll sweep it with my broom - it won’t hurt so much!

Presenter 1: Yes, your friend has a good sense of humor! But you don't need all this!

Dunno: Isn't everything really necessary?

Presenter 2: Real schoolchildren will never make mistakes and will never take the wrong things to school.

Presenter 1: Our kids know very well what subjects they can’t do without at school, don’t they, guys? (all Yes!")

Dunno: I do not believe!

Presenter 1: And now we will prove it to you and play a game with the guys

Presenter 2: We will ask questions if "NO" you say, then tap your feet.
If you say "YES"– then clap.

(“yes” - they clap, “no” - they stomp)

Presenter 1: What's in your briefcase?
A box of bright watercolors...

Presenter 2: A simple regular pencil...

Presenter 1: Plate with fish and goulash...

Presenter 2
: Textbook with glossy cover...

Presenter 1:
Paper bow for playing with a cat...

Presenter 2: Your favorite toy...

Presenter 1: And the New Year's cracker...

Presenter 2: Rubber eraser and ruler...

Presenter 1:
Battery powered crane machine...

Presenter 2: Notebooks, books and notepad...

Presenter 1: And a machine gun, and a machine gun...

Presenter 2: And a compass, and a large pencil case...

Presenter 1: And an electronic dump truck...

Presenter 2: And replaceable shoes - sneakers...

Presenter 1:
Album for a cool sketch...

Presenter 2: Universal slingshot...

Presenter 1: And a medical glove...

Presenter 2: The designer is new for work...

Presenter 1: A set of paper of all colors...

Presenter 2: Cardboard, and glue, and plasticine...

Presenter 1: And kerosene, and Vaseline...

Presenter 2: Diary with a filled page...

Presenter 1: To put one there...

Presenter 2:
We managed to collect the briefcase,
For which everyone gets a high five!

Presenter 1: You see, Dunno, our guys know very well what should be in a schoolchild’s briefcase

Dunno: Thanks guys, you helped me a lot. Now I will definitely be able to collect my briefcase and I will be able to go to your school! Hooray! Well, then I ran to get ready before I forgot anything...

Presenter 2: Goodbye, Dunno!

Presenter 1: We will be glad to see you at our school again!

(Dunno leaves)

Presenter 1: The sonorous summer has flown by
Back to class today
Let it be solemn and loud
The first bell will ring!

Presenter 2: The honorary right to ring the first bell in the new academic year is granted to _____________________________________________________________________

(bell rings)

Presenter 1: The bell is ringing, getting louder and louder.
What trill is spreading over the world?
Do you think the nightingale has sung?

Presenter 2: Oh, how it rings in all corners of the earth!
Let the sleeper wake up quickly.
Do you think that guests have come to us?
But no, lessons begin!

Presenter 1: Take your briefcase and walk merrily
Some lazy people take a long time to sleep.
Do you think the tram is ringing loudly?
But no, lessons begin!

Presenter 2: The bell is ringing for each of us
People smile when they hear him,
And the guys’ faces bloom:
The time has come...

Together: Lessons begin!

Presenter 1: The first call line is declared closed!
(music rings, all classes go to their classrooms)



Holiday script.

"1 September - Day of Knowledge ».

Prepared by: Kolesnik I. A.

P. Glushkovo

Children enter the hall to the music and perform a song« It's fun to walk together» (music by M. Plyatskovsky, lyrics by M. Matusovsky).

Host: Hello, adults! Hello children!

We are very glad to see you today!

He is in a hurry to learn different people.

The Day of Knowledge is celebrated in our Motherland.

Red day on the calendar!

Festival of Knowledge in September.

This holiday is the most important

This is a holiday for all children.

This day is everywhere for us

The whole country celebrates.

This day is the best

Good calendar day!

Presenter: We congratulate you all on the holiday and want you all to like it and remember it. This day opens the school year. Let it be exciting, interesting for you and bring you new knowledge, discoveries and new friends.

Toffee flies out on balloons.

Toffee: I was flying on balloons, looking in all directions.

I see the city below me, and how green it is!

There are gardens all around, flowers of unprecedented beauty.

And the houses are big, like sea ships.

Tell me in confidence what the name of this city is.

Presenter: Iriska, you flew to the Glushkovskaya children's art school, Glushkovsky district, Kursk region.

Toffee: To school? Do such wonderful flowers grow at school? ( points to the guys sitting in the hall)

Presenter: In our school - they grow! Flowers are our children.

The most fun on this planet. They play, dance, sing here.

And friendly cheerful family live.

Toffee: Do your children like to play?

Toffee. Then I suggest you play interesting game. If you agree with what I say, then answer: “This is me, this is me, these are all my friends.” If you don’t agree with me, then remain silent.

Your school is coming to life today after the summer holidays.

The world of knowledge, children, is very complex, who is ready to go into it? (answer).

So that you can then get a “5” grade in class? ( answer)

Who likes to sleep in the morning and miss exercises?

Whoever is capricious and lazy, come on, answer quickly! ( answer)

Toffee. Well done guys, no one made a mistake! But it is true that they say that the most cheerful people on the planet are children.

Children perform a dance to the soundtrack of a song« Childhood» (music by Y. Chichkov, lyrics by M. Plyatskovsky)

Toffee: How great you are! Can I come to you and learn everything?

Leading : Of course, come, Toffee.

Toffee: Will you teach me to dance? I really love to dance. Let's dance together, guys.

Children performing a dance« Allow me to invite»

Toffee: Oh, guys, how much fun I have with you! I don’t want to leave you at all. Let's play with you some more! If I show you a red flower, you will be silent, when I show you a yellow one, you will clap, and if you see a blue flower in my hands, you will stomp.

Host: Well, Iriska, did you like it with us?

Toffee. Very!

Host: Then stay with us.

Speech by the administration of the educational institution.

Presenter: Like a little children's planet, we are launching this balloon.

Fly, fly into the depths of the universe. Today is our holiday - Knowledge Day!

Strive, guys, for the science of good. On a good journey, on a glorious journey, children.

Released into the sky Balloons and the children sing a song« May there always be sunshine» (music by A. Ostrovsky, lyrics by L. Oshanin).

Holiday script for children and parents “Hello, school!”

Butorina Elena Ivanovna, teacher of theoretical disciplines, Children's Art School, Gornozavodsk, Perm region.
Description of material: I bring to your attention a script for an entertaining event at the Children's Art School, dedicated to the beginning of the school year. The scenario may be of interest to teachers additional education, teachers of music schools and art schools in organizing a holiday for children and parents. In the script, the main character is Kaprizka, a character from the fairy tale of the same name by V. Vorobyov.
Target: prepare an entertaining event dedicated to the beginning of the school year at the Children's Art School.
- create an atmosphere of celebration and emotional comfort;
- form positive attitude To educational activities;
- cultivate communication connections teacher – student – ​​parents;
- use a popular fairy-tale character to create a friendly, relaxed atmosphere and reveal positive emotions.
Location: concert hall schools.
Equipment: laptop, projector, screen (for showing a presentation about the school), sound equipment (speakers, amplifiers).
Methodical techniques: game situation, conversation-dialogue with the audience.

Progress of the event:

Solemn music (fanfare) sounds
Leading: Hello children! Hello adults!
Just yesterday it was summer, just yesterday you were enjoying the last days of the holidays - the best of the year. What about today? Tell me, what kind of day is today? What's so special about him?
...remarks from the audience...
Leading: That's right. Today is the first of September, the first day of autumn, the first school bell, the day the painstaking study begins, and officially – the Day of Knowledge. Ceremonial assemblies were held in all schools across the country. Tell me, were you at school today? Surely you miss your classmates and teachers, do you miss them?..
Tomorrow you will start classes and study conscientiously, to the glory of your parents and teachers. But all this will happen tomorrow, and today...
I think nothing bad will happen if we rest today and have a holiday for ourselves. So, a surprise awaits you!
Kaprizka’s appearance on stage accompanied by music (J. Strauss, “Trick-Trak” polka).
Capricious: Ha! Didn't you wait? Here I am. I! I! I!
Leading: Guys, who is this?
Capricious: Ha! You'll never guess!
Leading: Look, guys, how grimy, disheveled, nimble, and impudent he is. And here is another sign on the shirt, similar to an inverted letter “K”.
Capricious: I'm not arrogant, I'm not dirty! I'm good! I'm the best!
Leading: Guys! I already guessed who came to us. This little man in the distant city of Prostorechensk did a lot of nasty things in his time. He forced the boy Pavlik to paint zebra benches, taught the girl Natasha to cook the famous French soup “Bourdet”, taught the talking dog Bimbo to pronounce words backwards and quarrel with his owner... In general, this character did a lot of other dirty tricks.

Answer from the audience: This is Kaprizka!!!
Capricious: Ha, that's wrong!
Leading: Why is this? You are a real whimsy. And there is nothing to deny. It's all written all over your face.
Capricious: Nope! My name is too long. I am Capricecrynadoedoplyukin. It's short for Capriciousness. But I'm good, I'm the best, I'm just wonderful.
Leading: Somehow your words raise doubts. Guys, do you believe that Kaprizka has reformed?
...remarks from the audience...
Leading: Hard to believe.
Capricious: You do not believe me??? To me, the most honest of the honest?
Leading: Let's give him a test, guys. After all, any trust must still be earned. Do you agree, Capricious?
Capricious: Ha! You have no doubt about it. What kind of test?
Leading: Let's agree: you will behave decently today, you won't spoil the holiday, and we'll please you with something.
Capricious: Agree!!! What kind of holiday is this?
Leading: The first school day of the year, Knowledge Day.
Capricious: Ha! So what do I get from this holiday? You claim that today is the Day of Knowledge, but what do you know and can do?
Leading: Little whimsical girl! Before drawing any conclusions, isn't it better to make sure that our children are erudite, witty and talented?
Capricious: Ha! Kaprizka is also very smart!
Leading: Yes, you cannot be denied modesty. Come on, Capricious, I’ll ask the children questions, and you’ll see for yourself.
Capricious: Start your questions!

Leading: Well, guys, let's not let us down? Listen to the first question:
I’ll take paints, a brush, an easel...
I can easily create a masterpiece!

Leading: Who is this?
Children answer: Artist!
Leading: Next question: how musical instrument can I have some cabbage soup?
Children answer: Spoons!
Here's a wooden helper for you.
It must be sharp at all times.
Contour, still life, portrait, landscape
Draws quickly...

Children answer: Pencil!
Capricious: Ha! These are easy questions. I have something more complicated. Can I make a wish now?
Leading: Make a wish.
Wooden sister
He can sing loudly and loudly!
Well, guess what:
What is this?

Children answer: Balalaika!
Leading: Kaprizka, you just rest for now, and the guys will answer my question:
(words by S. Kabanova, L. Chekalova)
Who runs the orchestra?
Who knows all the instruments?
Waving a magic wand,
He neither sings nor dances,
But a dreamer at work?
We answer -

Children answer: Conductor!
I love swimming in paint
Absolutely no fear
I'm immersed in my head,
And then I don’t wipe myself off,
On a sheet of paper
Or woven canvas
Left, right, up and down
I walk. What am I?
(from the collection "Riddles about the artist")
Children answer: Brush!
Capricious: Can I, can I ask a question? I know a musical riddle! If you are so smart, tell me what notes are used to divide the pie?
Children answer: Do, La, Mi. (In shares).
To arrange the notes,
Musicians have music stands.
And to dilute the paints,
Artists need...
(from the collection "Riddles about the artist")
Children answer: Palettes!
Capricious: Are you tired of guessing? Here's the last riddle:
Bolshoi Theater, backstage,
Gorgeous costumes...
To the music of the orchestra
The plot develops.
Like gods, slender dancers,
Dancers in pointe shoes...
And this type of art is called...

Children answer: Ballet!
Capricious: Okay, really good! We dealt with the questions.

Leading: Did you have any doubts?
Capricious: Young, well done!.. (draws attention to the piano behind him, looks at it). What kind of monster is this dark, huge, black? Oh, and there are so many strings – I can’t count them! Thick, thin... I know what it is. It's a harp! One hundred percent gusli, and don’t go to grandma.
Leading: What are you saying, Kaprizka, this is not your harp, but our concert grand piano.
Capricious: Hmm... (examines the keys) Wait a minute, I've seen pieces of wood like this before. White, black...How many are there? Why so much!.. I remembered!!! These are the keys.
Leading: That's right, keys. A musician, touching the keys, performs some piece of music.
Capricious: Ha! I want to play too!
Leading: Wait a minute. Firstly, you don’t know how, and secondly, you can’t touch the piano with such dirty hands!
Capricious: Yes, I can play! We bet? Natasha taught me in Prostorechensk.
Leading: Maybe it's not worth it?
Capricious: But I’m talented! I can and I want to. Forgot my motto? I want it, I don’t want it, I do what I want!!! Listen... (Caprizka plays “Waltz of the Dogs” with paper on the strings of the piano).
Leading: Guys, have you noticed that the sound of our piano is somehow different?
Capricious: Normal, I would say, sound. Great sound! I like! (starts playing again)
Leading: No, indeed the sound is ruined. But I guess what’s going on (goes to the piano, takes out paper, shows it to the children). Capricious, is this your work? Back to old times? And when did you have time?
Capricious: What did I do? It’s not my fault that you didn’t like the waltz...I’m unhappy! Have pity on me, I won’t do this again... (runs off to change clothes).
There will be a musical number performed by teachers. During the performance, Kaprizka, dressed in a medical gown and cap, runs around the hall with a huge syringe in her hands, “giving injections” to the audience, causing confusion.

Leading: Capricious! Here again you are violating our agreement. During the performance of the artists, no one should run around the hall and disturb the audience. Even children know this! Is that right, kids? ...remarks from the audience...
Capricious: What don't you like? Are you offended? Just think how well-mannered everyone is! But my Nichevoks really like my doctor’s outfit. And from the syringe they all become affectionate and obedient! By the way, here they are!
Concert number: “Dance of the Nichevokov”
Capricious: Well, how do you like my eagles? To be honest, I was shocked, I didn’t expect anything like this. But tell me, kids, what is so interesting about what you do at school? (replicas from the audience)
Leading: Capricious! Our children are very, very hardworking and talented. They learn to sing, play, draw, dance, and in general, engage in creativity.
Capricious: Ha! You're probably lying.
Leading: We're not lying! We’d better show you everything now. How our school lives, what we can do, what we learn here and what we can rightfully be proud of.
(Kapriska jumps off the stage, approaches the screen, examines the laptop...)
Capricious: Interesting thing! I have never seen such a miracle...
Leading: You are dark, Capricious! With the help of this, as you put it, “thing,” we will show you a presentation, a film about our school. It would be better for you to sit somewhere and carefully look at the screen (showing a presentation about the school, student achievements).
Capricious: Yes, very much yours – what’s her name? – I liked the presentation. Now I believe that you are studying at school necessary things to do. Everyone is so outrageously smart and disciplined that it has become boring. I’ll run to my Nichevoks, otherwise they don’t know what they’re doing without me. I wish you not to be bored. Wait for a visit! Bye-ah!!!
(Caprizka runs away, saying goodbye to the audience)
Leading: Well, dear guys, Kaprizka has gone to his native Prostorechensk, and teachers, lessons, and everyday work are waiting for you.
Word from the director, congratulations on the start of the school year.
Festive music plays.

Leading: Our holiday is over. Congratulations to all of you on the beginning of the new school year! See you again!

Scenario of the first of September First and last call

Subject: First and last call
School-themed music plays. There is a poster on the school door with a picture of a bell.
HOST: Hello, beloved teachers!
HOST: Hello, dear parents and dear guests!
HOST: September has come, summer has ended.
The holiday of knowledge, learning, and grades has arrived!
HOST: Children, parents, teachers,
Happy holiday, friends!
HOST: The floor for the opening of the Day of Knowledge holiday and congratulations is given to the director of the school TATIANA ANATOLYEVNA MISYAKOVA (FANFARES)
Speech by an 11th grader for first graders
At this time Dunno comes out and starts walking from class to class and always looking somewhere
HOST: School doors will open again, (September 1)
Tomorrow school days will begin.
Well, today is a festive hour!
HOST: We congratulate you all on this holiday!
Dunno: (mutters under his breath):
– That would be something to rejoice at!
Dunno (interrupts everyone):
- Friends, when can we go home? I'm already tired of playing at school!
HOST: (surprised)
- What are you talking about, Dunno! Now you can’t just leave, because from now on you are closely connected with the school for ten whole years, and it will be your very true friend!
And now we welcome to the ceremony the main heroes of our holiday. Those who will cross the school threshold for the first time today to follow the long road of knowledge to new discoveries. We greet our dear first-graders with friendly applause.
SONG “Hello 1st grade”
The first time you came to school,
For the first time in first class,
Everything is new for you today,
Everything worries you now!
Dear kids,
We know you were prepared!
Tell your poems
You're already tuned in!
SONG “Hello 1st grade”
We are very big now
We came to school.
And now no one will say
That we are kids.
Stay home, dolls,
I'm leaving to go to school
No time to play now
I will read books!
I looked in the mirror for a very long time
I looked at myself,
I kept wondering: when
I managed to grow up!
Yesterday there was a little robber,
And now I’m an adult, a schoolboy!
For some reason mom and dad
We got so excited
It's like going to school instead of me

We gathered for the first time!
Dad cleaned my shoes
He shook off specks of dust from me,
Mom is my big briefcase
I spent all day collecting!
I dreamed about books today,
They walked in formation, lay down in the briefcase,
Pencils in a notebook
They wrote: “Everything is fine!
We are clean, neat, new,
We are ready to study!”
7th: (Kate)
I told my sister “don’t be bored”
And I gave all the dolls to her.
“You can’t go with me,
We need to grow up a little!”
8th: (Tanya)
On this wonderful bright day
We are not too lazy to go to school,
We say: “Cozy class,
Make us welcome!”
ALL (in unison):
We promise not to be lazy
Just study well!
SONG “September 1st”
HOST: Dear first-graders!
So the summer has flown by,
Unnoticed the same year
Your training will flash!
Here is my gift for you
(shows alarm clock)
Let him call in the morning boldly.
Remember: it’s time for fun,
Well, it’s time to get to work!
Years of study are ahead,
And excitement in the chest!
Hide it away
You just need to strain your brains:
And you will solve the problem,
You will write an essay,
You will surprise everyone with your knowledge!
Dunno: Well, let's say I am a lot. And this can be called interesting. But what am I going to do here every day?
- You will study. You will run with the guys during recess. Eat delicious buns in the dining room. And the most important thing is to get A's in your diary!
- Yes, it's true, great! But will it really be necessary to do this for ten whole years?
– This time will fly by very quickly, and you will be sad about it. Look at those guys over there (points towards the high school students). Do you see how sad they are?
- I see. And why?
- Because for them this is the last day of Knowledge at school, and they loved it very much during this time.
- Is it true?
HOST:- School is a special place where you gained not only knowledge, but also friends. You found it interesting and fun here. Many of you went to the director and understood the meaning of the word “on the carpet.” Because the main thing is not that you not only stand on it, but that you only look at it. You learned to joke here. Sometimes your jokes were rude and wrong. But you were always sincere. But now that there is a wide road ahead of you that you must walk on your own, you look at everything completely differently.
HOST: Dear 11th graders!
It's your last school year
From this minute it comes.
On behalf of the teachers
We wish you more courage
The road is difficult to walk
And find the right path in life!
HOST: It all starts with a school bell:
Dream, science, friendship - whatever you want!
HOST: All this will be late or sooner,
Everything is ahead, guys, but for now...
(The bell comes in.)
RING: I called for the last time on May 25th.
And then I said, saying goodbye to spring:
“Relax, sunbathe,
Have fun, don't fight.
Read different books
Don’t forget about me!”
Now I'm calling again,
To invite you to school!
Start the school year
Absorb knowledge again!
Everyone learn together
Be sad and have fun!
Thank you all for coming.
And they brought smiles,
A sea of ​​aromas
Hello guys!
HOST: The honorable right to give the first call is granted
Student 11 “B” class Alexey Kulebyakin, applicant for gold medal, and student 1 “B” Plotnikova Polina
HOST: Ring, bell! Ring, ring!
Cheerful, sad, daring!
HOST: Another lesson awaits you in life,
Childhood is passing away quietly!..
HOST: Ring, bell! Ring, ring,
Opening lessons!
HOST: We are moving forward towards knowledge,
Without knowing fatigue!
I have to confess to you! Before, I didn’t really feel like going to school! But now I've changed my mind! There are so many interesting and good things here! Maybe I’ll study with the guys too!
I want to go to the first lesson with the guys now!
The floor is now given to the Deputy Director for educational work Brzhitskikh Elena Vladimirovna (presentation by class teachers)
Classroom teacher 1 a __________________________________________
Class teacher 1 b ________________________________________
Class teacher 1 in ________________________________________
Class teacher 1 year _____________________________________________
Class teacher 1 d_________________________________________
Class teacher 11 a _____________________________________________
Class teacher 11 b ________________________________________
SONG “Hello 1st grade”
Leading: We once again congratulate everyone on the beginning of the school year! May he bring you only lasting knowledge, true friendship, good mood. And now, to friendly applause, we escort our first-graders to class for their very first lesson.