Runic formulas for damage. Runes of mirror protection from enemies and ill-wishers - How to negotiate. Choosing a day to work

The power of runes is not known to many. This secret knowledge, which opens up to those who are ready for anything. They can heal, cause love and attraction. These same symbols in the right combination can create very strong damage and curses. If you decide to use runic damage, then be very careful. It is necessary to accurately perform the entire ritual from beginning to end. If you do not treat the runes with sufficient respect, the Scandinavian gods will play a cruel joke on a person. There is a whole family of runes that carry powerful destructive meaning. Their energy works at a distance. You will need a photograph of the person or a personal item. Anyone can perform the ritual - follow the instructions carefully and prepare. You need to be absolutely sure that this method is right for you, because the effect comes quickly and is difficult to reverse.

The power of the Scandinavian runes

The meaning of some Scandinavian runes is very negative. They can only be used for destructive actions:

  • Curses;
  • Damage;
  • Damage to death;
  • Driven crazy.

The most famous of them are Hagalaz and Uruz. They carry a force that is difficult for a person to withstand. The target becomes weak, nervous, depressed and angry. His anger tears him apart from the inside, destroys him. Very often the consequences are irreversible - the person goes crazy. Strong damage to death is not advisable for those who have just begun to get acquainted with runes.

How to cause damage using runes

Runes need to be drawn with a pen, marker or razor on a photograph of a person. If it is not there, a personal item is used. This could be a pen, a scarf, or an item of clothing. The damage is strong and unfolds very quickly. Rapid action can occur in 2-5 days. All effects are designed not for a single impact, but for a long time.

Nautiz. Hagalaz. Uruz. Isa

Corruption of Nautiz-Hagalaz-Uruz-Isa

This is one of the simplest but most powerful damage. It destroys a person from the inside and does not even give him the opportunity to recover. Rune Isa means ice, freezing. It preserves the situation, does not allow the object to get out of the icy shackles of this damage. It can be described as constant destruction of personality, suppression of all possibilities, closing of paths. A person loses all his strength, loses the ability to stand up for himself. You can cross out his success once and for all, happy life. You will need to activate this becoming with your blood. Little blood is needed, literally to cover the written runes. The Uruz rune carries the burden of suppressing personal will. Be particularly clear about its impact.

Corruption of Isa-Uruz-Uruz-Isa

It is applied as follows:

  • Two Uruz runes are applied to the face of the subject in the photo, one above the other in an inverted position.
  • Large Isa are drawn on the right and left.

If you look closely at the shape of the resulting ligature, you will see Hagalaz. This effect enhances the effect of the entire ligature. The two ice runes show a cyclical repetition that will not stop. Troubles begin that drive you crazy, calling for aggression and anger. Sometimes, prolonged exposure to this ligature leads to the fact that the object does not control itself and can start a fight. The inverted position of the runes leads to complete collapse in all areas of life. A person can be fired from his job at the same time, he will lose money, his family will fall apart, and important property will be lost. This is cruel damage. Activated by saliva.

Corruption of nightmares by ignorance

A person cannot sleep peacefully; he is tormented by very real visions. Every night becomes a terrible ordeal for the object of corruption. Many people start drinking and using drugs, but this only enhances the effect of damage. Constant lack of sleep makes a person very weak and tearful. He makes mistakes at every turn. After sleep, bruises, scratches, and bruises may remain. Damage is applied to any personal item in the following order:

  • The top is Isa.
  • The second level is an inverted Perth.
  • Third level - lane. Soulo, Pertro lane, Manaz, Perth lane, Evaz.
  • The fourth level is Perth lane.
  • Last level - Fehu lane

Perth, Soulo, Manaz, Evaz

In the center of the ligature is the Manaz rune, which personifies a person. He is affected by the negative positions of the Perthro runes - fears, nightmares in his sleep. Soulu - lack of help from higher powers. Fehu personifies constant fears and mistrust. Evaz destroys a person’s connections with his family and friends. Activation by blood.

Damage to failure

The combination of the runes Hagalaz - Yera - Hagalaz attracts failure to a person. All his endeavors will be destroyed. He loses money, business, position in society. Applied to the photo, activated by saliva. Yera - inspiration, clarity of mind. All this is covered by a powerful negative impact two Hagalaz runes.

Destruction of relationships

The formula Nautiz - Hagalaz - Gebo - Hagalaz - Nautiz will help to separate two people and forever close their path to each other. This damage can be used to separate a husband from his rival. At the center of Gebo is the relationship between a man and a woman. If there is a joint photo, draw between them. If not, print out a photo of your husband and rival on one sheet of paper, write the formula between them. You can add the Uruz rune on top to speed up the effect. Activate with blood on Loki's day.

Scandinavian elemental ritual

Choose damage and begin the ritual. Writing runes must be learned by heart. During the ritual, you must act confidently and clearly. You cannot look at a piece of paper or at your phone screen.

Protecting yourself against kickback

You can protect yourself with the help of runic script - Helmet of Horror. It needs to be drawn on the forehead with charcoal. If you look closely, you will see the runes Hagalaz and Isa in it. They will protect you. It must be on you before the ritual begins. It is forbidden to wash it off afterwards. The rituals are carried out in the evening or at night, so you will need to go to bed with a protective symbol on your forehead. He must wipe himself off his face. Most often, this happens in the morning.


The helmet will help you protect yourself from the side effects of damage - rollback. Rollback - returning part to you negative energy from the ritual. This is a kind of price that must be paid for successful damage. You will pay your price, but not with a kickback, but with a sacrifice to the gods. If they like it, there will be no negative consequences for you. The only thing that cannot be done is to inflict runic damage on a pregnant woman. Even the powerful Helm of Terror sign will not help us against such a rollback.

Choosing a day to work

Each day of the week is dedicated to a specific Norse God. Any rituals with runes are prohibited on Sundays. You have 6 days left in which you can perform rituals. The Supreme God Odin and the God Loki are responsible for revenge, damage and deceit. They both can help you punish your enemies, target them powerful damage. Before starting the ritual, be sure to contact the chosen god:

  • Monday is Odin's day;
  • Thursday is Loki's day.

The appeal usually takes place in poetic form. Visas are ritual appeals to the gods. You can create your own, or use ready-made ones.

Appeal to Odin

"The name in Odin's brotherhood
I rarely hide
because people
they can guess.
Who is skilled in songs,
he can feel it
in the hang that I folded,
discover the secret."

Appeal to Loki

"Loki the great, the clown mockingbird,
You are the equalizer of the sinless with the sinner,
Became a brother-in-arms of the Supreme Ace,
Messenger of the gods and the last hour.

By changing yourself, you change worlds,
You intoxicate people with the poison of madness.
Wise joker, come to my aid -
Turn your deceit on your enemies.

Entangle their souls with a cunning net -
Make me listen to my sentence in silence.
We'll play a cruel joke on them -
What was their paradise will seem like hell.

Turn your flaming gaze to them -
May my sentence be fulfilled! "

The texts must be memorized. The address should be polite, but confident. You must invite them to your ritual, and then make a sacrifice. This required condition carrying out any runic ritual

Preparing the altar

The Scandinavians believed in the power of the elements. You will need:

  • Water in a bowl (take not boiled water);
  • Salt (Earth element);
  • Fire (wax natural candle);
  • Air (incense stick with forest or sea scent).

These elements must be arranged clockwise. A photo or personal item of the person being damaged is placed in the center of the altar. Place a pen or marker there that you will use to apply runes. If blood is needed for the ritual, place the blade or knife in the center of the altar. This is done to ensure that all items receive an elemental energy charge. You can draw the Uruz symbol on the candle so that the effect occurs faster.

Runes are a very powerful tool for working in various directions.

Lesser Runic Ritual

To cause damage, a small, shortened ritual is enough. It is carried out according to a simple scheme:

  • Stand in front of the altar, turn to god or gods.
  • Lift up right hand up.
  • Point her to the elemental elements one by one and call them to work with the words:

Water, I ask you to take part in my ritual.

  • Once you have summoned all 4 elements, you can begin.
  • Get on your knees and write a runic sign on the photo so that it is in the area of ​​the person’s head.
  • Be very clear about the action of each rune. When you're done, activate the runic stave. The activation method is indicated for each damage: breath, blood, saliva. When activating, say:

From now on, I will activate the power of the runes. When I decide to finish their impact, I will burn this photo.

This completes the small ritual. Now thank each of the elemental elements, thank the gods.
After performing the ritual, you need to make a sacrifice.

Sacrifices to the gods

For Odin - light beer, honey. For Loki - dark beer, fire. You must take the gifts outside, the beer is poured under the tree. The ritual fire is a small candle that you will also place under the tree. You can put it in a glass. Before pouring out the beer, take one big sip. You must go to the sacrifice in silence and return silently. Do not speak to any person, do not answer questions. On the ground in front of the tree, draw the Hagalaz rune as a symbol of destructive damage.

If you are absolutely sure and have protected yourself, start working with runes. The more you use them, the more you see the effect. Practitioners recommend making or buying a set of runes for fortune telling and diagnostics. This will help you track the effect of any of your influences. Working with runes is not suitable for everyone, but doing simple damage is not difficult. All runic damage carries enormous power of destruction of personality and drives you crazy.

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If the black line is prolonged, make sure you don't walk along it.

IN practical magic there are a great many runes that carry mighty force destruction, which works over long distances, affecting a person even from a photograph. Anyone can inflict runic damage and perform other rituals to destroy the enemy, his luck and loneliness - the main thing is to follow the instructions. It is important to choose the ritual you need, choose carefully - after all, it is possible to perform it, but it is difficult to return the result.

The full power of ancient runes is not known to many people - this is sacred, magical knowledge that is revealed only to a select few. Runes can evoke love or destroy the brightest, because the meaning of some ancient symbols has a powerful destructive meaning. Thus, by carrying out runic damage, you can direct their power to:

  • Damage and curses;
  • Guiding Death;
  • Madness.

Runes destroy the object of influence from the inside and ultimately cause death, if this is the goal.

How to cause damage using runes

Corruption with the help of runes is an ancient and proven ritual that will be more effective if a person does them himself. In particular, it is worth knowing that rune signs are applied to natural material– wood, stone, pen or marker. At correct implementation, the result of the influence will be visible after 2-3 days.

The Peter rune carries fear and death.

Damage by runes Orcha Nautiz – Hagalaz – Uruz – Isa

It is considered simple and effective damage, destroying the object of influence from the inside, does not give the victim a chance to recover. In this ritual, the main rune is Isa - it means ice and freezing. By using it in a ritual, you deprive a person vital energy, blocking the paths of luck and strength for him, suppressing his will.

The power of this rune is activated by blood - a drop of your own blood is enough, which is enough to cover the symbolic meaning. In the ritual, the Uruz rune used carries the power of suppressing the personality and, in particular, its effect should be specified.

Corruption isa - uruz - uruz - isa

Apply symbolic meaning rune as follows:

- in the photo of the object of influence, 2 Uruz runes are applied to his face - one goes above the other in an inverted state.

- runic symbols - ises - are drawn on both sides.

If you look closely, you can see a combination of certain connections - Hagalaz, symbolic cyclicity, which, without stopping, will involve the object of influence in troubles and failures, a series of destructive anger and aggression. This symbol is activated by saliva.

Damage to failure

To do this, combine the following runes in the drawing - Hagalaz - Yera - Hagalaz, which in their influence will attract constant failures to a person. This combination of runes is activated by saliva.

Destruction of relationships

To even divorce loving people forever and close them common path– use a combination of the runic combination Nautiz - Hagalaz - Gebo - Hagalaz - Nautiz. The central rune is Gebo - this is directly the relationship of the couple itself. And if you have group photo pairs - draw the formula between them, if not, take the photos separately and apply runes between them on a piece of paper. This formula is activated own blood, and it is recommended to carry out the ritual on Loki’s day.

Scandinavian elemental runes

The power of runes in wise hands is great

Having chosen one or another damage for yourself, you can gradually move on to preparing and conducting the ritual. The order of writing runic signs should be learned by heart - you won’t be able to copy it from a sheet of paper.

Protecting yourself against kickback

The Helm of Terror rune will serve as your protection - it is drawn exclusively with charcoal in the center of the forehead. It is this that must be applied to the body before the ritual begins, although washing it off after is also prohibited, since the ritual is performed in the evening and at night. It is with this that they go to bed, and during sleep it will erase itself. She will protect you, and you pay your price later - not with blood, but with gifts to the gods. And if the gods like the sacrifice - Negative consequences will not come for you. The only taboo is not to damage a pregnant woman with the help of runes.

Choosing a day to work

Each day of the week is dedicated to one or another Scandinavian deity, but regardless of this, it is forbidden to perform the ritual on Sunday. In particular, the supreme Odin and Loki are responsible for revenge and damage, deceit in the hierarchy of the Scandinavian gods - it is to their help and protection that one should appeal with the help of runes.

Monday is considered Odin's day, and Thursday is considered the day of the god Loki. Appeals to deities can be pronounced either in any form, composing your own, or using existing texts. Finding them on the Internet will not be difficult, the main thing is that they all come in a polite, courteous, confident manner. In your conversion, you invite the gods to a ritual, after which you are required to make a sacrifice.

Correct runic ritual

Preparing the altar

To conduct an elemental ritual, you should prepare in advance:

  • Water – preferably running water and not boiled, raw.
  • Salt – it represents the earth.
  • A candle – it symbolizes the element of fire.
  • Aromatic sticks with the scent of forest or sea breeze are a symbol of the element of air.

They are all placed in a circle, clockwise and in the center - you put a photograph or a personal item of the object of influence. Also place a pen or marker in the center of the circle, with which you will apply the runes, and place a sharp knife next to it. Let the objects lie in the center for a while and become saturated with the energy of the elements.

Runes are a powerful tool in destructive magic.

Lesser Runic Ritual

The ritual is carried out in the following stages:

  1. You stand in front of the built altar and address the words to the supreme Scandinavian gods.
  2. Next, raise your right hand up and point it to all the elements of the altar, calling for help with the words - Water, Earth, Air, Fire, I ask you to take part in the ritual.
  3. When each element is called upon, kneel down and write your chosen runic combination of symbols on the photo of the object of influence, always in the head area.
  4. The main thing when drawing each rune is to specify its role and action in the ritual, activating it in one way or another, with blood or saliva, or breath. During the activation process, say - from now on, by my will, I will activate the runes, and when I want to end their influence, I will burn this photo.

Sacrifices to the gods

For a sacrifice to the god Odin, you should choose high-quality light beer, honey, for the god Loki - dark beers or fire. Making an offering to the gods is simple - go outside and pour the beer under a tree. For fire, this could be a candle that you place and light under a tree, and for honey, just pour a little on the roots and bark.

Before you pour your beer under the tree, take one sip yourself. When going to a ritual sacrifice, be sure to remain silent and also return home silently, do not answer questions or calls. In front of the tree, at its roots on the ground with my own hand draw the symbolic rune Hagalaz - it symbolizes destructive force I'll spoil it.

Runic corruption for beginners

1. For the speedy “departure” of an unwanted person - a banishing cross (Nauthiz + Raido)

It is used when you need to quickly get rid of the company of a certain person, when turning away. Not really damage, it’s just that the person becomes “not interested in you”, he has urgent matters and problems.

2. Hagalaz + Perth + Inverted Odal + Isa = destruction of family relationships. Hagalaz - as a direct rune of destruction, Perth - “opening the gates” for nasty things, inverted Odal - troubles for the home and destruction of family protection, Isa - freezing this situation, cooling relationships, quarrels + staying in this state for a long time.

3. Nautiz + Raido + Eyvaz + hagalaz = a kind of “path for trouble”, i.e. all the enemy’s undertakings (nautiz+raido) will end in failure (Eyhvaz+Hagalaz)

4. Kenaz + Hagalaz + Turisaz + Vunyo = not damage, complete return of nasty things to the enemy.

5.Hagalaz+Uruz+Hagalaz=for destruction vitality enemy, illness.

This damage is very good when you need to make the enemy incapable of resistance, or even active action in general. The life force, designated Uruz, is subjected to complete destruction due to 2 Hagal. You won't envy the victim. But again, I don’t recommend using it as a weakening of the will of the beloved.
In general, the formulas Hagal - XXX - Hagal are powerful destructive formulas, tantamount to an explosion, they do not spare anything, they sweep away everything. You need to take this into account and be careful. In the center we insert the rune that most clearly describes the situation, or the quality that needs to be destroyed. For example, Hagal-Mannaz-Hagal is a strong blow to the personality, mental disorders are possible, not to mention the collapse of a career.

6. Hagalaz + Yera + inverted Perth + inverted Fehu = for ruin, Hagalaz - destruction, Yera - wealth itself, trans. Perth - deprivation of strength and nourishment, inverted Fehu - destruction, poverty.

7. Inverted Algiz + Manaz + inverted Algiz = destruction of personal protection.

8. "Spear of Morrigan" = Yer + Gar + can be used with (Hagalaz + Thurisaz) = curse, implies a fatal outcome for the target.

9. Evaz + Hagalaz + inverted Laguz = Evaz to direct the action of the spell, Hagalaz - to destroy shields, Laguz lane - to disguise your actions.

10.Hagalaz + Isa = for the illness of the enemy: hagalaz - for poor health, Isa - as stabilization of this condition for a while.

11. Coercion through circumstances
Hagalaz + Kenaz = so that the object, in certain circumstances, does what you need. Hagalaz is a push, a crisis situation, Kenaz is a blow from the inside, pushing to make a decision.

12. Eyvaz + Naud + Fehu = trap for the mind, Eyvaz - sacrifice, bonds, Naud - submission, let the person do what I need, Fehu - applied force.
If you just need to feel a person, his mood, etc. then Eyvaz + Evaz + Manaz = Evaz - let the object and the object be connected, Evaz - let me know the feelings of the object, Manaz - let me direct the object’s thoughts in the right direction.

13. Eyvaz + Hagalaz = enslavement, Hagalaz - hacking of protection + Eyvaz - bonds of submission. Or like this: Hagalaz + Naud + Eyvaz.

14.Curse of the area:
Hagalaz+(Isa+Perth)(1 ligament)+(Isa+inverted Inguz)(2nd ligament)
Hagalaz - curse, Isa + Perth - “not an achievement”, destruction, defeat, disaster, Isa + inverted Inguz - increased disasters, misfortune.

15. Stun - destruction of magical shields, anticipation of enemy countermeasures, the effect of the spell is short.
Hagalaz (let all shields be destroyed) + (Isa + Ansuz) (slowing down the activity and memory of the object) + inverted Algiz + inverted Berkana (indicates that the spell is short-term + the direction of the spell + the inability to quickly recover)

16. Damage from Dmitry Voron: First, we remove the protection - draw an inverted Algiz above the head in the photo, an inverted Teyvaz under it, Hagalaz on the chest, Isa under the feet - symbolizes the road to the kingdom of Hel. Draw with a black marker or pen. You can draw Nautiz on both sides. Bury under a dry tree. Appeal to Hel is best done on Saturday, when the moon is waning.

17. “Prison” - palindromic ligature Nautiz-Isa-Odal (inverted)-Isa-Nautiz

18. “For impotence” - Eyvaz ligature (mirror) - Tyr (inverted) surrounded by two Isa.

19. Hagalaz-Nautiz-Isa. A curse. Drawing:

20. "Rabies of the Uterus." Making the “mirror pert + uruz” script

More damage:
1. Stop ("Ice Prison") - Nauthiz-Isa-Nauthiz

2. Curse - Isa-Nauthiz-Thurisaz
A curse. In ancient times, such an amulet was kept along with buried valuables, as a curse to robbers.

3. Working off sins - Nauthiz-Hagalaz-Nauthiz

4. Striking runes - Thurisaz-Hagalaz-Eihwaz. Striking runes. Eihwaz brings negative changes here.

5. Isa + Inguz - infertility

6. Hagalaz + Berkano + Nautiz + Isa + Laguz - damage

7. Hagalaz + Vunyo - curse of obsession

8. Isa + Isa + Isa + Isa - harmful frost

9. Hagalaz + Berkano + Nautiz + Isa + Laguz - damage

10. Isa + Ansuz + Isa - freezes the thought process

11. Damage to the damned house. (author Bebik)

Isa-lane Feu-Hagalaz-Otal-Hagalaz-lane Uruz-Isa

Otal - this apartment (house)
Hagalaz is cursed and brings destruction and pain to its residents
Feu lane - monetary losses and poverty
Uruz lane - deprives one of vitality, which ultimately leads to serious, incurable diseases
Isa - freezes all this negativity into one indestructible whole

About application: fagots can be applied to the volt or photo of the enemy, unlike normal use runes - blood is not applied, you can turn to Hel or Khedr, Vidar, Vali, giants, etc. with the request. Also used in conjunction with runic spells and songs of Odin. Bringing gifts when using runic damage is mandatory.

Magic surrounds a person, even if he does not believe in it. Runic damage, like any other evil eye, works purposefully, worsening the quality of life of an enemy or ill-wisher. To remove damage and detect the evil eye, you will need special skills and rituals that can be performed at home. How does runic damage work?

Damage and the evil eye are the most dangerous magical actions

Runic damage is a negative program induced by another person. With the help of special attributes, you can punish a person who has harmed his personal or professional life. Runic damage is serious and complex rituals. They work instantly, not leaving a person much chance of salvation. How does damage work? Evil eyes create interference in all areas of human life. Starting from work, troubles at home, ending with the health of enemies. Runic damage is difficult to remove, and detecting them will require a lot of time and effort.

You can find out about the evil eye by a number of symptoms that are visible not from the first days of inducing damage. Recognize real threat will help external signs, increasing over time:

  • deterioration in quality of life – constant malaise and apathy;
  • violation of sleep patterns (a person sleeps during the day, but at night he is tormented by insomnia);
  • causeless pain in the body;
  • deterioration of tactile senses, perception of the world through vision and hearing;
  • migraine (pain in different parts head), which does not decrease after taking painkillers;
  • damaged relationships with family, friends and colleagues.

It will begin to work quickly, gradually ruining a person spiritually and materially. Corruption affects the financial part of human life. Ruin is one of the most common consequences of runic damage. Complications from a strong evil eye:

  • accident;
  • accident, injury at work or at home;
  • a person can be fired without explanation;
  • death to the enemy;
  • severe illness of the ill-wisher.

The message with which the conspirator addresses the runes is important. The destroyer of female and male happiness - runic damage, works in most cases. The chosen position begins to influence the removal of energy protection. The victim, outside of home and work, weakens, becomes lethargic and lifeless. Without looking for the meaning of ailments and problems, the person suffers and cannot get out of the current situation on his own.

Definition of spoilage

You can find a negative program not only by symptoms. Before the first signs of the evil eye begin, runic damage can destroy all areas of human life. For work, the state of affairs is still fixable, but for personal life, the changes are disastrous and irreversible. Signs indicating damage are easy to miss and mistaken for normal processes and problems. In fortune telling using cards or runes, you can find the truth and answers to problems that have arisen. Predicting the “fleece” is just one way to determine the effect of negative energy.

  1. Runes that literally burn all a person’s victories and successes make it difficult to find an outlet for energy for work, partnerships and relaxation.
  2. Personality is depleted by leaps and bounds. Energetic old age is death for a person as a social being.
  3. Runes contribute to the death of a man or woman, but physical death occurs much later.
  4. Diagnostics of current conditions is very important, it allows you to see the truth and remove negative destructive problems.
  5. There are no boundaries for a negative program, and distance does not threaten it.
  6. Damage can be done hundreds of kilometers from the victim.
  7. The ritual of corruption, which is done according to all the rules, does not go away on its own.

Discord can be done at home or you can seek help from a professional magician, but you cannot do nothing. Strong protection against damage is your character, willpower and hope for a better outcome. Just as a mother’s womb protects a child, so perfect rituals and amulets protect a person from the tricks of enemies.

How does a strong evil eye work?

Damage by runes occurs one day or several days in a row. The power of the magical action and the ritual itself depend on the applied rune (stava) and the skill of the magician, damaging. Strong ancient runic damage works without delay. Runic damage to loss of property is difficult, if not impossible, to remove. Why is this kind of magic so powerful? Runes work from a person, from his inner desires. If the enemy sincerely wishes death or harm to the victim, then the staves will work for a long time without replenishment. With the help of ancient symbols, a person can damage any person. Without exception. In secret magical rituals additional ones are used magical attributes, violating energy protection, even the strongest.

Runes are opportunities, chances, weapons in skillful hands. Casting the evil eye is difficult, especially for a beginner.

Not all experienced magicians perform quick damage, fearing the consequences. What harm can staves cause? Loss of money, poverty, loss of love, any failure. Cleaning such a program will require a lot of effort. The victim will also remove the spell on the runes if he is able to recognize the danger in time. The house is suitable for cleaning, workplace and the street. Powerful Ritual cleansing from the evil eye (will remove any program) is carried out with reservations and only after careful preparation. The damage done will be difficult to undo or return, so before inflicting it you should think twice and evaluate your own strengths.

Inducing runic damage

Runic signs are applied in a certain sequence. Whether for cleaning, protection or guidance - any task will be performed by the symbols printed in in the right order. The most powerful cleansing helps to improve the condition of the victim, but without performing lapel rituals, the program cannot be corrected. To direct a destructive program, a master or runologist will need a photograph of the victim or any of his things saturated with energy. This way the damage will get a strong connection. A universal becoming that acts as an evil eye when the customer does not have specific purpose. Such runic locks can worsen the life of the victim as a whole from all sides.

Deadly damage by runes is a complex order that not every magician undertakes. Women's diseases and infertility are induced by inverted symbols of fertility and strong unions. It is enough to put the necessary symbols on the victim’s photo and hide the photo in a secluded place. Before our eyes, the victim will begin to lose energy and get confused in problems that will arise out of nowhere. The whole ritual is based on constant exposure day after day. You should protect yourself during the ceremony. To do this, protection is applied to the body.

The “Frying Pan” damage consists of several symbols that are combined into one whole picture. You can draw several different evil eyes on a photograph, but such an effect will also affect the customer. It is unreasonable to take any actions to your detriment; no enemies, enemies or rivals are worth such great sacrifices.

Cleansing from the runic evil eye

To protect yourself on runes, you will need the most superficial knowledge of how staves work. Magical protections (rituals of varying strengths) are engaged in the return of negative programs that are directed against enemies. Such protections are not suitable for inducing reciprocal evil eyes. The curse is lifted using the formula, reverse that, which brings the evil eye. Thanks to the combination of runes, you can return the previous state of mind and body. Health lost from external influences will no longer bother a person. Removing the program requires special formulas. For such witchcraft you will need faith in quick healing and the help of an experienced magician.

The “Snake” cleansing formula consists of several symbols, and unlike hagalaz, it acts comprehensively and comprehensively. The most famous and effective schemes runes can be seen in the photo (mentions, pictures and photos are easy to find on the Internet). The consequences of such cleansing will appeal to every person who feels weakness and constant apathy. The conspirator will spend only a few minutes applying the runes.

The negative programs sent are based on rituals, ancient symbols or special attributes. They use such techniques to harm the enemy or drive away a rival. The best protection against them is amulets and amulets. Runic damage, among other types of influence on someone else's energy, is the most powerful and difficult to cancel.

Runic damage is one of the most dangerous and severe

The concept of runic damage

It's purposeful negative impact. They are used to neutralize the enemy, destroy his happiness and level his successes. You can cause damage. This is the symbolism of the ancient Druids. It is found in many European cultures. Each sign has its own designation, protective power and validity period.

Damage by runes is used in the following cases:

  • if the enemy’s tricks destroy all efforts, it is difficult to fight such an ill-wisher even with strong traditional
  • when a loved one was taken away by another woman - runic evil eyes have such a property as turning away what was sent;
  • if the conspirator is confident in it and is not ready to retreat.

A person uses the runic “alphabet” for justice when it is not possible to return the well-deserved benefit in any other way. The ancient ritual is performed in complete solitude, regardless of lunar phase. To implement your plan, you need faith in the symbols of the Druids.

Duration of damage

Runic damage works from a specific element: a person can wet a rune, burn it, or direct a stream of air at it. The activator directly depends on the sign used.

In runic formulas, fundamental elements are used that serve as a kind of background: they provide the main service life of the induced program - it is at least six months. Damage tied to a personal item lasts longer or a type of ritual is chosen based on the purpose.

Staves (combinations of runes) are used only for their intended purpose: you cannot throw runes out of the formula or redo them, so as not to invite trouble on yourself.

Runic formulas

Runic damage is dangerous and not suitable for inexperienced magicians. They consist of several signs, which together turn into a strong destructive force. Runic formulas have their own direction of action.

  1. Dirty. Such formulas are used to cause slight harm to the enemy, image or mood, but do not pose a serious threat. They use the formulas “annoying fly” or “scream” - modern stavs to induce negativity at a distance.
  2. Are common. They destroy all areas of activity. Stakes bring chaos to love and professional life. Choose “chaos” or “bomb”. Such runes are connected by modern magicians; they are used to suit the current specifics of life.
  3. Damage to the sexual sphere. After activating the staves, the enemy will begin to lose sexual energy. He will be constantly dissatisfied, embittered and nervous.
  4. Deprivation of strength. The “drought” position is used to weaken the enemy’s physical shell. This combination allows you to draw strength from another living being.
  5. Runes for a child's illness. The formula breaks the energetic “umbilical cord” and deprives the baby of the protection of its parents.
  6. . Such runic damage destroys the connection between lovers or friends. Statutes are used that deceive people, and they are no longer able to restore relationships.

Using more than 2-3 formulas over the course of a year is harmful. Staves feed on forces from the conspirator, and abuse of such signs leads to health problems.

Program for death

Damage through runes to death is a responsible decision that cannot be undone. With the help of staves they cause physical or moral death. The formula is used only in extreme cases. IN complex drawing includes 10 equal elements. Together they bring death - a person gets sick, loses strength, work, money.

What does damage to death with runes consist of:

  • upside down;

For runic damage to work, Gebo is used as a basis. This is a universal sign that provides security to the conspirator. The remaining runes for damage to death are applied in the stated sequence to any thing that is made of durable material.

Program for the enemy

In order for the enemy to be unlucky, a special negative program is directed at him. She destroys everything he believes in. He will have no luck, no success, no joy in life. Runic formula destroys any opportunities, and soon the person transforms into a weak, useless person. Druid signs block the road - a person cannot follow his destiny.

Yera is also used as a mischief for the enemy. The first is written upside down. It is mirrored: with the help of the sign, any opportunities or chances are closed. The enemy will degrade and become stupider. Hyera symbolizes the dry harvest. No matter what the victim does, she will not succeed.

Program for an opponent

A frequent order of the masters is to destroy the forces of a rival. When another woman takes away the man she loves, there is nothing left but to destroy her, to return to her the misfortune that she created.

In the first part of the runic drawing, Laguz and Uruz are depicted - two strong signs that seem to block the life of the victim. In the second part of the formula, Khalagaz and Laguz are written. They deal a physical blow - the spouse’s mistress begins to get sick and suffer from various diseases. When the legal spouse uses ancient symbolism, she first puts on herself protection from the Gebo rune.

Runes Laguz, Uruz and Gebo

Consequences of runic damage

Runic damage is dangerous not only for the victim. If such symbols are used inappropriately or in the wrong order, they can turn against the conspirator. To prevent this from happening, you need simple runes, and formulas are written according to a ready-made scheme.

It is mandatory to put on your own home strong protection- it will protect the enemy from reverse actions. Staves are applied throughout the house.

Actions that have no basis are dangerous. If the conspirator changes his mind, cancel such severe damage it will be hard.

Over time, the stakes weaken and need to be strengthened.