Why do small cucumber fruits turn yellow? Treatment of cucumbers from yellowing of leaves. Pollination in a greenhouse

Any more or less experienced gardener I have noticed more than once that the leaves of cucumbers in the greenhouse turn yellow. There can be many reasons causing this phenomenon, but if you know the main problems that lead to this, then you can understand why exactly the leaves on your bushes turned yellow. Let's figure out why cucumbers turn yellow in a greenhouse and how to deal with it.

Possible causes of yellowing leaves

Poor pollination

Many times in the comments we came across a phrase like “Cucumbers are turning yellow in the greenhouse, what should I do?” One of the reasons why your cucumbers began to turn yellow may be insufficient pollination of the plants being grown. This is possible due to the fact that you planted only artificially pollinated plants, which led to their covering yellow spots. This problem also occurs when the greenhouse is rarely ventilated and insects such as bees do not have access to pollinate the plant. If the problem is not ventilation, then to prevent yellowing it is necessary to spray the cucumber bushes with boric acid dissolved in water. You can make the solution yourself by mixing 5 liters of water per 2.5 grams boric acid. Or you can use ready-made drugs for the treatment of diseases such as “Ovary” or “Bud”. Also the next day after spraying, you can additionally spray the bushes sweet water, which will attract pollinating insects to your beds.

Affected by diseases

A very common problem is damage to plant bushes by insect pests or various kinds fungal infections. It’s not your fault, it’s enough to carry out prevention, and then you can protect yourself from a problem of this nature.

The most common diseases that can cause cucumber leaves to turn yellow are fusarium and pernospora. Let's talk about them in more detail.

Fusarium is fungal disease. It is quite simple to characterize it. Cucumbers grow well and sprout exactly until the ovaries appear. After the ovaries appear, the cucumber leaves begin to turn yellow and then dry out completely. If your greenhouse is visited by such an infection, then it is practically useless to fight it, since the process of fusarium is very fast, and it is extremely difficult to detect it at first. However, in order to protect your crop from fusarium next season, you need to choose the right cucumber variety that is more resistant to this species diseases, as well as treat the soil in the greenhouse using potassium permanganate.

Pernosporosis - this disease occurs in greenhouses with densely planted plants, and also occurs from waterlogging of the soil. Pernosporosis is much easier to detect at an early stage than fusarium. Therefore, the chances of saving the harvest are much greater. Signs of this disease are the leaves covering with yellow spots, which later turn brown and the leaves dry out. If you do not pay attention to this problem, you can lose your entire harvest in just a week.

Pest infestation

Also big pest spider mites are thought to be infesting your cucumbers. He lives on inside leaves. There he is engaged in weaving a small web, barely noticeable to the naked eye. As a result, spots begin to appear on the leaves, then they turn yellow and the bush dries out. It is also quite easy to deal with this ill-wisher. The leaves are sprayed with preparations such as “Tsimbush” or “Fitoverm” and spider mites no longer harm your crop.

Too many ovaries on one bush

This is also a common problem that causes yellowing of cucumbers. It must be remembered that one bush should have no more than twenty to thirty ovaries. But many of hybrid varieties cucumbers can form 100-150 ovaries per bush. Therefore, if you pinch out new shoots in time, which will contribute to the normal development of the plant, then you don’t have to be afraid that your bushes will turn yellow and your cucumbers will become irregular in shape.

Failure to comply with agricultural practices for growing cucumbers

If your cucumber leaf turns yellow in a greenhouse, then perhaps you are not following the agricultural practices for growing this vegetable. We all know that cucumbers love warmth and moisture, which is why we plant them in greenhouses to get a larger harvest. So, we may forget to close the doors for ventilation at night, or leave them closed during the day. Optimal temperature, at which cucumbers develop most well, is 24-28 degrees. If the temperature drops below 14 or exceeds 42 degrees, then the plant stops its development. Therefore, compliance temperature standards is extremely important when growing cucumbers, otherwise it may happen that the cucumber leaf in the greenhouse turns yellow.

Another problem due to which the cucumber bushes in your polycarbonate greenhouse begin to turn yellow may be insufficient saturation of the soil with mineral elements. As a rule, the plant does not have enough nitrogen. The scenario is the same as always: first the leaves become covered with light spots, then they turn yellow and dry out. This can happen due to the huge amount of fertilizers containing potassium or wood ash. To protect yourself from this problem, use fertilizers with minerals that contain nitrogen.

And the last answer to the question: “Why do the leaves on cucumbers turn yellow in a greenhouse” will be a simple lack of water in the plant. There is no point in explaining anything here for a long time, because it is already clear that this plant loves moisture and needs to be watered abundantly. It is only worth noting that watering cucumbers is only allowed with warm and settled water. Under no circumstances should you water cucumbers. cold water, this can destroy your cucumber bushes. This should be done approximately twice a week. If it hasn’t rained for a long time, but it’s shining outside scorching sun, then watering can be done every other day. Moisten the mail generously, being careful not to get it on the leaves of the plant. Only with abundant watering do you provide the plant with the opportunity to grow comfortably.

The dream of any vegetable grower - bountiful harvest high quality fruits. If the embryos of cucumbers grown in a greenhouse turn yellow and fall off, there is clearly no need to talk about record harvests of cucumbers. To the delight of gardeners faced with this problem, agronomists found the answer to the question of why such a failure occurs in the process of fruit formation and gave recommendations on what should be done in this case. We, in turn, suggest that you familiarize yourself with the advice of professionals and consolidate your acquired knowledge using the final video instructions posted at the end of the article.

It can be very unpleasant to look into the greenhouse one morning and find wrinkled, yellowed ovaries on the green cucumber vines. It would seem that you did everything right, and a few days ago the plants looked absolutely healthy, and then suddenly such a misfortune happened to them. Are hopes for a good harvest completely buried or is it still possible to somehow fix it? To understand what to do in this case, you must first reliably establish the cause of what is happening.

In fact, there may be several such reasons, the most likely of them include:

  • violation of the temperature and water regime in the greenhouse - if it is too hot, stuffy, damp and parky, the embryos of the fruit may well turn yellow due to an uncomfortable microclimate; in addition, significant daily fluctuations in indoor temperature and insufficient watering can lead to the same consequences;
  • low quality of the substrate - a deficiency of microelements, a lack of organic matter, or, conversely, an excess of fertilizers can cause curling and yellowing of the embryos;

There can be many reasons for cucumbers turning yellow.
  • overload of cucumber bushes - cucumber hybrids are capable of forming a huge number of ovaries; in case of their overabundance, the plants are physiologically unable to provide all embryos with sufficient normal development nutrition;
  • dense plantings - cucumber bushes growing in crowded conditions are forced to fight for access to light and “food”, so they direct all their efforts to growing stems and gaining leaf mass;
  • irregular harvesting - if the cucumber vines have a large number of large, sometimes even overripe fruits, they rightfully draw all the juices from the plants, and the weak “babies” do not have enough nutrition;
  • diseases and pests. Root rot, bacteriosis, powdery mildew, spider mites, melon aphids, greenhouse whiteflies - all of them harm the health of cucumber bushes and therefore can cause yellowing of the embryos.

How to prevent yellowing of cucumber ovaries

In order to avoid such an undesirable phenomenon, which is the yellowing of cucumber embryos, in the greenhouse you need to:

  • equip the greenhouse efficiently forced ventilation or simply ventilate the structure regularly;
  • ensure a constant, optimal temperature for cucumbers in the greenhouse structure;
  • to intensify self-pollination of parthenocarpic hybrids, create a light draft in the greenhouse in the morning;
  • make sure that the number of ovaries simultaneously growing on a cucumber bush does not exceed 25-27 pieces;
  • adjust watering of bushes, i.e. do not allow the substrate to become waterlogged or dry out and water the cucumbers with small portions of warm, settled water;

Cucumber ovary
  • Do not plant cucumbers for several seasons in a row in the same greenhouse and fertilize the soil under them with potassium-phosphorus complexes strictly according to the instructions.

Ways to fight diseases

In order to prevent possible infection of cucumbers, it is necessary to carefully remove all last year’s plant remains from the greenhouse and around it, and burn them outside the site, and this must be done regardless of whether they were infected or not.

Advice. Before planting seedlings, the greenhouse must be treated with a disinfectant solution, and its wooden parts must be whitened with lime.

Detected yellowed buds or diseased leaves must be disposed of immediately, but if the entire bush is affected, it must be disposed of. If painful symptoms are detected, you need to quickly establish an accurate diagnosis and treat the cucumber bushes with appropriate medications.

Advice. To repel aphids, you can plant mint, garlic, coriander or fennel between cucumber bushes.

Carrying out all of the listed preventive measures is not a complete guarantee that the ovaries will not turn yellow, but it significantly increases the chances of getting good harvest cucumbers

Why do the ovaries on cucumbers turn yellow: video

Even gardeners with extensive experience in growing plants can have cucumbers turn yellow. Why cucumbers turn yellow and what to do in such cases - find out below.

We wrote about the benefits of cucumbers and the harm they can cause to the body in.

Growing cucumber seedlings is a troublesome task. Any deterioration in conditions leads to yellowing of the leaves. Chlorosis begins after the appearance of the second true leaf. Cotyledons rarely turn yellow.

In any case, yellowing of the leaves of seedlings is not the norm and indicates that the plant was not provided with optimal conditions.


At an early stage of development, cucumber plants may turn yellow for the following reasons:

  • lack of light;
  • the small volume of the glass, due to which the roots are strongly intertwined and the leaves do not receive nutrition;
  • lack of nitrogen;
  • lack or excess of moisture in the soil;
  • diseases - powdery mildew, root rot, fusarium, peronosporosis;
  • pests – , ;
  • low temperature– at temperatures below 17°C, the roots are not able to absorb nutrients from the soil;
  • seedlings get sick after transplanting to a permanent place.

What to do

When the seedlings turn yellow, you need to return the emerald color to the leaves of the cucumber seedlings. To do this, you should adjust the growing conditions: move the pots to a bright and warm place, make sure that the substrate does not dry out, but is not excessively wet, feed with complex fertilizer for seedlings - Kemira, Ideal, Agricola. It would be useful to spray young plants with a means to enhance immunity, for example, Epin.

When diseases and pests are detected, the same preparations are used as for cucumbers in a greenhouse, but in lower concentrations. From aphids and spider mite the solution will help laundry soap or Fitoverm, for fungal diseases - Topaz.

Cucumber ovaries turn yellow

Modern hybrids form several ovaries at once in the leaf axils, but not every vegetable grower can preserve all the cucumbers that have set.


The problem is caused by:

  • too dense planting;
  • lack of formation;
  • malnutrition;
  • untimely harvesting of fruits;
  • lack of pollinator;
  • improper care - lack of light, heat, moisture;
  • lack of nutrition.

In addition, any plant produces more ovaries than it can feed, so yellowing and drying of some of the crop is normal.

What to do

To keep more ovaries on the plant, you need:

  • ensure that the required distance between neighboring plants is maintained - indicated on the bag of seeds;
  • when grown in a vertical culture, pluck out the stepsons from the axils of the lower three leaves for better lighting of the plants;
  • feed the cucumbers not only with manure, but also with potassium-phosphorus fertilizers;
  • promptly remove fruits that have reached the size declared by the manufacturer as optimal;
  • plant varieties with male flowers in addition to bee-pollinated varieties and hybrids;
  • make sure that the soil is always loose and slightly moist;
  • When it gets cold, spray the plants with Epin or Zircon.

What to do

The leaves located in the depths of the bed turn yellow from lack of light. This shouldn't be a concern. You need to wait until the yellowed plates are completely dry, and then cut them off with a knife.

The cause of chlorosis is a lack or excess of moisture in the soil. In this case, it is enough to set up water regime. Cucumbers love water, so you need to make sure that the soil in the garden bed is slightly moist.

Most common reason yellowing of cucumber leaves open ground- aphid. Fitoverm is used against sucking pests. To prevent the appearance of aphids, the cucumber bed is kept under a non-woven covering material, opening only for collecting fruits and watering.

False powdery mildew or peronosporosis is easier to prevent than to treat. Be sure to tear off all suspicious leaves that have begun to turn yellow and become stained, and burn them or take them away from the cucumber plantings. Spray the plants themselves with Trichodermin infused in water.

If the leaves turn yellow, droop and the plant loses turgor, then this indicates root rot. Experience shows that it is useless to treat such a plant - it needs to be uprooted and thrown away.

The disease is caused by waterlogging of the soil in cold weather. In such conditions, bacteria quickly multiply, causing root rot. To prevent root rot in rainy weather and when it gets cold, Trichodermin is added to the soil.

With the spread of greenhouses from cellular polycarbonate It’s a rare gardener who denies himself the pleasure of growing greenhouse cucumbers. However, even with extensive experience in growing pumpkins in open ground, cucumbers in a greenhouse may not work out.


IN closed structures special microclimate and no soil change. These circumstances can lead to an outbreak of diseases, the first sign of which is yellowing of the leaves.

Why do the ovaries of cucumbers turn yellow? It's so common vegetable crop What we know about her, it seems, is absolutely everything. Gardeners may not understand eggplants, grow strawberries or cultivate currant bushes, but each of them will have at least a small bed or greenhouse with cucumbers.

So why does this vegetable throw us different surprises every year: sometimes it dries out, sometimes it becomes crooked and unsightly, sometimes it grows poorly. Here we will talk in detail about why cucumber ovaries turn yellow and how to deal with this phenomenon.

Lots of ovaries

The principle works here: a lot of good is very bad. If cucumber ovaries do not grow, this may be due to the formation of an excessive number of fruits on one vine. The normal number of them on each plant is 25 - 30 pieces. But some varieties, especially hybrids that are prone to this development, manage to form 150 ovaries at once. Of course, the plant cannot support so many fruits, so gardeners observe shedding and rotting of the ovaries, and the formation of crooked, degenerate cucumbers.

Some varieties cope well with this problem on their own (the flowers fall off like barren flowers), while others will have to get a little help and cut off all the excess. So everyone will receive the remaining fruits nutrients and will begin to grow actively.

Pollination. How to attract insects

One of the most probable causes The reason why the cucumber ovary does not develop is a lack of pollination. There are several options for solving this problem, and here are the most effective ones:

Make sure that only self-pollinating varieties grow in the garden bed, but this must be provided for at the stage of purchasing seeds;

Along with cucumbers using the forced pollination technique, plant several plants with male flowers from self-pollinating varieties: with a small greenhouse, this is quite enough for the formation of fruits;

Provide insects with access to flowers: this is especially important when growing cucumbers in a greenhouse;

Pollinate the flowers by hand with a brush.

In addition, to further attract insects, you can spray the plants with a weak sugar solution, as well as special preparations (“Ovary”, “Bud”, etc.) that attract pollinators.

What is missing in the soil if the cucumber ovaries turn yellow and dry out?

Some gardeners believe that there is no need to fertilize cucumbers. They believe that this procedure is harmful, but everyone desired plants will be taken from the ground. However, the soil under cucumbers is depleted very quickly, since they grow quite intensively and take many components from it.

If there is a lack of microelements in the soil, then the cucumbers dry out, the ovaries fall off en masse, and no harvest will be possible. This culture reacts especially sharply to a lack of potassium - the ovary in the absence of it in sufficient quantity turn yellow especially quickly. Cucumbers also need nitrogen and some other substances vitally.

So cucumbers need to be fertilized, but if it comes to shedding of the ovaries, then the situation is critical, and scheduled fertilization will no longer help. In this situation, it is necessary to take emergency measures and carry out foliar feeding: add 1 tablespoon of urea, three tablespoons of wood ash to a bucket of water and spray the cucumbers with the solution. It is better to do this in the evening, and if everything was done correctly, the plants will return to normal in a couple of days.

Cucumbers dry out, the ovaries turn yellow and crumble: temperature changes may be the cause

Even in a greenhouse it is not always possible to create acceptable conditions for good growth, and there is nothing to say about open beds. Cucumbers do not tolerate temperature changes well, and they react poorly to both cold (at 8-9°C the plant dies) and heat (at 35-40º ovaries do not form). If cucumber ovaries do not grow, this may be due to a sharp and steady decrease in temperature - at 15°C growth slows down, and at 10°C it stops completely.

Dealing with this problem is difficult, but possible. In case of excessive heat, ventilate the greenhouse more often; when it gets cold, install a heater or cover the bed with bottles of hot water.

Watering mode

Do cucumbers turn yellow and their ovaries fall off? This may be due to wrong mode watering, and the plant simply does not have enough water. Cucumbers in open ground must be watered at least three times a week, and their greenhouse counterparts - at least 4-5 times. Be sure to use warm, sun-warmed water, otherwise the ovaries will fall off from the sharp cold.

Timely provision of water will save you from another problem - the appearance of bitter cucumbers. Despite the fact that they are very useful and help relieve swelling and remove excess salts from the body, eating them is not very pleasant.

Proper agricultural technology

If even with maximum provision comfortable conditions cucumbers turn yellow and the ovaries fall off, then most likely this is due to a violation the right technology cultivation of this crop. There is no need to talk about the need to regularly change the location - any gardener knows this rule well. If cucumbers are planted in the same soil for several years, this will lead to a sharp depletion of the soil, as we already wrote about above. But there are other common mistakes, for example, when they try to place a large number of seedlings in a small area, hoping for a rich harvest. But after the green mass grows, the plants begin to interfere with each other; they lack sun, water and microelements. Typically, the result will be a sharp reduction in yield.

In addition, it is necessary to collect ripened fruits on time, since while they are in the garden, they absorb part of the nutrition and do not allow young ovaries to develop.

The answer to the question of why cucumber ovaries turn yellow sometimes lies on the surface. You just need to take a closer look - perhaps they are sick or are being attacked by pests and molds. For example, bacteriosis often develops due to excess moisture and violation of crop rotation, fungal mold due to dense planting and lack of fresh air.

It is easier not to solve these problems, but to prevent them using prevention: treat the seeds, use crop rotation technology, disinfect the soil, and prevent excessive growth of green mass. In addition, the lashes can be sprayed with a 1% solution of Bordeaux mixture.

You can also often find small saboteurs on the underside of the leaf - spider mites and common aphids. An infusion will help get rid of these parasites onion peel and a solution of wood ash or special drugs- insecticides.

In this article, we answered in detail the question why the ovaries of cucumbers turn yellow. This information will help identify the cause this process, as well as find ways to correct the situation and save the harvest.