Partition and load-bearing walls made of expanded clay concrete blocks - select the thickness. How to calculate the optimal wall thickness of a building made of expanded clay concrete blocks? Density of expanded clay concrete blocks for a two-story house

It is one of the types of concrete. IN Lately this material has become increasingly used for various works: construction of cottages, outbuildings, garages, etc. Expanded clay concrete is also used to fill the frame multi-storey buildings, built from reinforced concrete. Expanded clay concrete is so popular that it is used in almost all countries of the world, or rather, already made blocks of expanded clay concrete are used.

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Those who have not yet been able to appreciate all the advantages of expanded clay concrete are already beginning to notice them. Those who decide to start building a house from this material should carefully study the issue regarding the thickness of the walls of expanded clay concrete blocks.

Let's figure out why this nuance is so important.

Dependence of thickness on type of masonry

The thickness of a wall built with expanded clay concrete blocks primarily depends on the choice of masonry type. In turn, each type depends on the weather and climate. It is also necessary to consider how much the building will be used. During capital construction, other building materials can be used: brick, cinder blocks or foam blocks. The thickness of the walls of the future building will also depend on what kind of thermal insulation of the room will be needed. In addition, you need to take into account the thermal conductivity and moisture-repellent properties of the material used.

Depending on which masonry option is chosen, the thickness of the walls will be calculated. In this case, both the internal and external layers of plaster with which the walls are finished are also considered.

Laying options:

  • First option: the supporting wall is built from blocks measuring 390/190/200 mm. In this case, the blocks are laid with a thickness of 400 mm, without taking into account the internal layers of plaster.
  • Second option: the load-bearing wall is laid in blocks measuring 590 by 290 by 200 mm. In such a situation, the wall size should be 600 mm, and the resulting voids in the blocks are filled with insulation.
  • Third option: when using blocks of expanded clay concrete measuring 235 by 500 and 200 mm, the resulting wall will be equal to 500 mm. In addition, layers of plaster on both sides of the wall are added to the calculations.

Effect of thermal conductivity

Scheme of a block made of expanded clay concrete.

Before starting any construction work, you need to calculate the thermal conductivity coefficient, since it has great value for durability of the structure. The resulting coefficient is necessary to calculate the thickness of walls made of expanded clay concrete blocks. Thermal conductivity is a characteristic of a material that indicates the ability to transfer heat from warm to cold objects.

In calculations, this characteristic of the material is shown through a certain coefficient, which takes into account the parameters of the objects between which heat exchange occurs, as well as the time and amount of heat. From the coefficient you can find out how much heat can be transferred in one hour from one object to another, while the size of the objects is 1m2 (area) by 1m2 (thickness).

Different characteristics have different effects on the thermal conductivity of a particular material. These characteristics include: size, composition, type and presence of voids in the material. Thermal conductivity is also influenced by air temperature and humidity. For example, low thermal conductivity occurs in porous materials.

During the construction of each specific house the thickness of the future walls is measured. It may vary depending on the purpose of the building. To build a residential building, the wall thickness must be exactly 64 cm, which is prescribed in special norms and rules for construction work. But some people think differently, and I make a load-bearing wall only 39 cm thick. In fact, such calculations are only suitable if for a summer house, garage or country house.

Example of calculating wall thickness

The calculation must be made very accurately. It is necessary to take into account best thickness walls built from expanded clay concrete material. In order to make an accurate calculation, you need to use a special formula.

To do this, you need to know only two quantities: the coefficient of thermal conductivity and the coefficient of resistance to heat transfer.

The first value is indicated by the symbol “λ”, and the second by “Rreg”. The value of the resistance coefficient is influenced by such factors as the weather conditions of the area where construction work will be carried out. This coefficient can be determined by building regulations and standards.

The thickness of the future wall is indicated by the “δ” icon. And the formula for calculating it will look like this:

δ = Rreg x λ

For example, you can calculate required thickness walls for the construction of a building in Moscow or the Moscow region. The heat transfer resistance coefficient for this area has already been calculated and is approximately 3-3.1. The thickness of the block itself can be any, for example, let’s take 0.19 W. After making calculations using the above formula, we get the following:

δ = 3 x 0.19 = 0.57 m.

That is, the thickness of the walls should be 57 cm.

Most experienced builders advise erecting walls with a thickness of 40 to 60 cm, provided that the building is located in central regions Russia.

Thus, having calculated simple formula, you can build walls that will ensure not only the safety of the structure, but also its strength and durability. Having done this simple action, You will be able to build a truly strong and reliable house.

The use of expanded clay concrete in the construction of external walls, partitions and ceilings is a common practice; this masonry material is valued for its strength, good insulating properties, compliance with safety standards and stability of characteristics. Thickness building structures, sizes and number of blocks, determines the calculation that takes them into account functional purpose and performance indicators of a specific brand. The main reference point for this is the manufacturer’s data and the requirements of SNIP 02/23/2003.

To calculate this value in relation to structures in contact with external environment or areas with different temperature conditions, a simple formula is used: δ=R he g ·λ, where λ is the thermal conductivity indicator of expanded clay blocks, and R he g is the heat transfer resistance coefficient, determined empirically and depending on the climatic conditions of the region and the type of room (unheated or residential). For the Moscow region, its official value varies between 3-3.1 m²·°C/W, Murmansk and the northern zone - 3.63, southern cities - 2.3.

The exact value for a specific large settlement taken from the tables, it is considered averaged over the region and is suitable for use in calculations to determine the thickness of walls for nearby objects.

Taking into account this parameter and the approximate thermal conductivity of blocks with a strength class of at least B3.5 in the range of 0.19-0.21 W/m °C in middle lane In Russia, the outer walls of houses with single-layer solid masonry must be made at least 57 cm thick. In practice, the value of this indicator is always higher; the minimum recommended by standards for these regions is 64 cm. A smaller deviation is permissible only for buildings that are rarely used: bathhouses, dachas, garages or workshops, to protect against freezing the facades of such objects are recommended to be covered with a 5 cm layer of insulation.

When calculating the thickness of partitions, the key factors are the requirements for acoustic comfort and their expected self-supporting capabilities. If there is no need to mount heavy furniture or equipment on them, the standard minimum of 190 mm will be sufficient provided that elements with good sound absorption are used - hollow or lightweight, based on highly porous expanded clay granules. If simple separation is required internal space thinner products are used (90-100 mm). When laid load-bearing partitions the width is increased to 40 cm.

Factors influencing the thickness of a wall made of expanded clay concrete blocks

Based on the above, the dimensions directly depend on two criteria: climatic operating conditions (the greater the difference between the temperature outside and the given range inside, the higher the value of the heat transfer resistance coefficient) and the thermal conductivity of the material. In the case of expanded clay concrete, the latter is closely related to the density grade, size, number of voids and degree of moisture. The optimal thermal insulation indicators are for slotted stones with a specific gravity of up to 700-1200 kg/m3, the worst are solid stones with a high proportion of heavy sand and small granules in the composition.

At first glance, reducing the thickness is very simple - by using lightweight and hollow blocks. But due to the inevitable reduction in strength, this method is only suitable for partitions and frame houses, but not for external main walls. As a result, when constructing a building in a cold climate, the developer has two options: make the thickness within the calculated limits, thereby increasing the load on the base, or insulate it. The second is recognized as more effective; depending on the location and method of arrangement of the thermal insulation layer, they are distinguished:

  1. Well masonry of two parallel walls of the same size made of expanded clay blocks connected by reinforcement. The advantage of this option is the possibility of using it as insulation as bulk materials or hardening foams with low density, and slab varieties.
  2. Three-layer with external thermal insulation and subsequent cladding with bricks or partitions made of expanded clay concrete. The difference from the previous scheme is in different ways fastening insulation and a thinner outer wall.
  3. Systems with ventilated facades attached to single-row masonry. This option is one of the most popular, when standard thickness elements, its width varies within 20 cm. This allows you to significantly reduce the weight load on the foundation and make it less massive. Insulation in such cases always has a rigid and slab form; the lathing for fastening the cladding is laid in advance.
  4. Walls with a thickness of 20-40 cm (1 or 1.5 blocks, respectively), without porous or fibrous insulation, covered on one or both sides with a thick layer of heat-insulating plaster.

The nuances of laying expanded clay concrete products

After determining the dimensions of the structures and choosing the ligation method (single-layer in half a block, in a block, two connected walls with insulation in the middle or other options), it is recommended to make an accurate diagram that takes into account the thickness of the seams and the need for reinforcement. The calculation of the number of elements and volume of the connecting solution is carried out in advance; classic cement-sand or specialized ones are selected as the latter. ready-made mixtures. Installation work It is recommended to perform it in the warm season, the base under the rows is reliably isolated from ground moisture roll materials and 20-30 mm layer of CPR.

Expanded clay concrete is one type of concrete. It has recently become quite often used in construction work: the construction of cottages, outbuildings, garages. It is also used to fill the frame for multi-story buildings that are built of reinforced concrete. This material has become so popular that it is difficult to imagine a country in which it would not be used by builders. More precisely, pre-made expanded clay concrete wall blocks are used.

Many who have not yet had time to appreciate the benefits of this material are beginning to notice them. Those who decide to use it for their construction must carefully consider such a characteristic as the thickness of the wall made of expanded clay concrete blocks. This is all for good reason, because having studied all the nuances, you will be able to get the most out of this insulation.

Dependence of thickness on type of masonry

The thickness of the surface finished with expanded clay concrete block mainly depends on which masonry option you choose. Each option, in turn, depends on weather and climatic conditions. It also takes into account how much the building is used. When construction is major, often more than just one block of expanded clay concrete can be used. In addition, bricks and foam are used. The thickness of the future masonry will depend on what kind of thermal insulation is required for a particular building. The various thermal conductivity and moisture-repellent characteristics of the insulation will also be taken into account.

Depending on the choice of masonry, you will calculate the thickness of the walls that are being made ceramic blocks. Moreover, the outer and inner layers of finishing plaster applied to the wall will be taken into account:

  1. First option: if the supporting wall is laid out in blocks of 390:190:200 millimeters, then the masonry must be laid 400 millimeters thick, not counting the layers interior plaster and insulation that is located outside.
  2. Second option: if it consists of blocks measuring 590:290:200 millimeters, then the wall should be exactly 600 millimeters. In this case, it is worth filling special voids in the blocks between the walls with insulation.
  3. Third option: if you decide to use 235:500:200 millimeters, then the wall thickness will be 500 millimeters. Plus add layers of plaster on both sides of the wall to your calculations.

Effect of thermal conductivity

Scheme of expanded clay concrete block.

In construction work, it is important to calculate the thermal conductivity coefficient, since it has an impact on the durability of the entire structure. The coefficient is important when calculating the thickness of walls that consist of expanded clay concrete blocks. Thermal conductivity is a material property that characterizes the process of heat transfer from warm objects to cool ones. Everyone knows this from physics lessons.

Thermal conductivity in calculations is expressed through a special coefficient. It takes into account the parameters of the bodies between which heat is transferred, the amount of heat, and time. This coefficient shows how much heat can be transferred in one hour from one body to another, which measures one meter thick and one square meter area.

Different characteristics have their influence on the thermal conductivity of each material. These include the size, type, presence of voids of the material or substance, its chemical composition. Humidity and air temperature also affect this process. For example, low thermal conductivity is observed in porous materials and substances.

For each specific building, its own wall thickness is measured. It varies depending on the purpose of the building. For a residential building, the standard thickness will be exactly 64 centimeters. This is all spelled out in special building codes and rules. True, some people think differently: that the load-bearing wall of a residential building can be 39 centimeters thick. In fact, such calculations are more suitable for a summer house, country house, garage, and buildings for household purposes. Can be erected interior finishing a wall of such thickness.

Calculation example

Table of reduced heat transfer resistance for various designs walls

The moment of making an accurate calculation is very important. It is necessary to take into account the optimal thickness of the walls, which are made of expanded clay concrete blocks. To achieve results, use a very simple one-step formula.

Builders, to solve this formula, must know two quantities. First you need to find out the thermal conductivity coefficient, which was mentioned earlier. In the formula it is written through the sign “λ”. The second value that needs to be taken into account is the heat transfer resistance coefficient. This value depends on many factors, for example, on the weather conditions of the area where the building is located. The area in which the building will then be used is also an important factor. This value in the formula will look like “Rreg”. It can be determined by building codes and regulations.

The value in the formula that we need to find, namely the thickness of the wall being built, we denote by the “δ” icon. As a result, the formula will look like this:

To give an example, you can calculate the thickness of a wall under construction in the city of Moscow and its region. The value of Rreg for this region of the country has already been calculated and officially established in special rules and regulations for construction. So it is 3-3.1. And you can take any wall size as an example, since you will already be calculating yours on the spot. The thickness of the block can be completely different. For example, it will be possible to take 0.19 W/(m*⁰С).

As a result, after solving this formula:

δ = 3 x 0.19 = 0.57 m.

We understand that the thickness of the walls should be 57 centimeters.

This is how, by calculating a simple formula, you can build such walls near your house to ensure the safety of the building, its stability and durability. Just by performing a simple action, you will build a truly good and reliable house.

The construction of walls from blocks based on expanded clay concrete is characterized by a number of advantages, among which are:

  • high strength indicators;
  • powerful thermal insulation properties;
  • simplicity and perfect quality of finishing, etc.

The laying technology using jute tape, which is placed in the space between the inner and outer strip of mortar, guarantees the prevention of the appearance of “cold bridges”. The popular material is used in almost all countries, no matter what. climatic zone they weren't there.

Blocks from the Aleksinsky plant for walls 0.4 and 0.6 m thick

You can get the maximum benefits from the use of expanded clay concrete blocks by correctly determining the thickness of the walls. Sometimes construction features require the use of supporting walls in masonry in addition to blocks based on expanded clay concrete, bricks and other types of blocks. You need to know exactly what the thermal insulation characteristics of the walls of the facility should be.

The most common are two solutions: supporting walls made of blocks based on expanded clay concrete are built with a thickness of 0.4 or 0.6 m (without internal plaster and external finishing).

A thickness of 0.4 meters can be achieved using expanded clay concrete blocks measuring 390:190:188 mm solid (M75 F50 D1300) and hollow 2-slot (M25 F35 D800), 4-slot (M35 F35 D900) and 8-slot (M35 F35 D900) type.

When creating walls 0.6 meters thick, 6-slot hollow expanded clay concrete blocks of 300x390x188 or 600x390x188 mm format should be used. When installing partitions, you can use blocks of the M75 D1300 brand in the format 120x390x188 or hollow PKTs of 80 and 90 mm thickness - 390x90(80)x188.

Everything that is required to solve construction problems is present in the range of expanded clay concrete blocks of the Aleksinsky plant.

About the nuances of choosing thickness

The wall thickness that should be followed in a particular region of the country is indicated to designers by the relevant standards. In the Central District of the Russian Federation for walls residential buildings It is recommended with some margin that the thickness norm is 64 cm, for other buildings - 0.4 m. The parameter above 0.6 m is somewhat overestimated compared to the calculated data. A simple formula takes into account the values ​​of 2 coefficients:

  • thermal conductivity "λ";
  • heat transfer resistance "Rreg".

Thickness of supporting walls δ = Rreg (3.0-3.1 in the Central District of the Russian Federation) x λ (0.19) = 0.57 m. Adhering to this standard in the capital and surrounding regions, it is possible to build a guaranteed reliable, safe building with a long service life .

The complexity of building a house, cottage or just a building for office rooms determined by several factors. These include choosing a project, developing communication systems, calculating the required building materials and other components, and determining the type of foundation. The question of the number of external corners of the building also deserves attention. Creating a project with six or fewer corners falls into the category of simple construction work. When building a house with corners of six or more, the process will be long-term and labor-intensive. Required condition The success of such a project will be the involvement of a professional mason.

Laying expanded clay concrete blocks for walls:

One of the easiest to build will be the laying of expanded clay concrete blocks for a single-layer wall. To create, use walls made of expanded clay concrete blocks, foam concrete, ceramics or hollow bricks with insulating material. Some bricks and hollow expanded clay concrete blocks must be laid on a heat-saving mixture. Additional manufacturers building materials offer wide choose special molds that can be used when making crowns and lintels. Incorporating forms into the wall construction process makes the job much easier. The undeniable advantage of single-layer walls is the ease of plastering using a proven method. The advantages also include high level thermal insulation and quick forcing of walls. A single-layer wall can be treated with a solution of cement and lime, which significantly reduces the cost of the interior finishing process.

The next step in increasing complexity and cost of work is the laying of expanded clay concrete blocks for a two-layer wall. The bearing layer is usually laid out from expanded clay concrete blocks or the same hollow ceramic bricks at least twenty or forty centimeters thick. A second insulating layer is installed outside. To do this, use polystyrene foam or mineral wool. Thermal insulation is created from the inside by laying out thin layer plaster mixture. This process is the most labor-intensive. The successful construction of a two-layer wall made of expanded clay concrete blocks is ensured by using all components from one manufacturer. Only if these conditions are met can we expect guaranteed good quality and aesthetics of the facade. The main advantages of a two-layer wall include thermal insulation and the absence of thermal bridges.

Laying expanded clay concrete blocks for a three-layer wall uses proven technologies. The first layer is load-bearing, made of expanded clay concrete blocks or hollow ceramic bricks. External insulation is performed using facade brick, stone or clinker bricks. A protective wall at least ten centimeters thick is being erected. An accurate calculation of the laying of a three-layer wall made of expanded clay concrete blocks is required. Especially at the junctions of walls, during the installation of insulation. It is especially important not to miscalculate air ventilation in the walls of the facade. The beauty of three-layer walls, as well as practicality and technical specifications attract professional builders.