N Kurdyumova smart garden details. Kurdyumov - Smart garden and cunning vegetable garden (N. Kurdyumov). N. I. Kurdyumov Smart garden and cunning vegetable garden

Grandfather planted a turnip. The turnip has grown

big, very big...

Wow! Where is this grandfather? How did you plant it? How

grew it?!

What is this book about?

This book is about how to outwit everything that turns the garden into a problem.

Let's face it: we're too busy and too tired to have a model garden. Just like the neighbor's. It’s good for him - he doesn’t leave the dacha... But we have work and a lot of other problems!

Let's admit that the garden has become a curse for most of us (especially for the husband, there's nothing to say about the children...). We admit that with all our love for the earth, we would gladly spend most of our time doing something more pleasant than digging, digging and carrying buckets of water. Let’s admit it: deep down we want everything to grow beautifully on its own, without our participation. If you can admit this, I will say that this is your most reasonable desire.

In practice good harvest- a rare event. Most summer residents, spending quite a lot of effort, still lose their harvest. Many become disappointed and give up - in some partnerships, a third of the plots are abandoned. I found out why this happens. Not because of bad agricultural policy, and in no case because the owners are lazy and irresponsible. The reason is that traditional system gardening requires too much, an absurd amount of work - several times more than a normal working city dweller can and should afford, but what is it - just a normal person.

10% - actions are aimed at results,

30% – specifically against the result and

60% - to fight these thirty.

It’s not about us: this is essentially the culture of arable farming. If you, dear reader, regularly grow rich harvests, then you are unique, a genius of hard work and accuracy. There are only a few of them.

The earth loves work, yes, but more mental than physical.

The solution is not to work hard - we are already too hard working. It is enough to simply eliminate ineffective actions. Stop creating problems for yourself that you then have to deal with. And add some productive actions.

And the picture will change beyond recognition. Receiving a harvest at the cost of enormous, constant labor is not yet success in gardening. Improving life in general by getting a harvest is the success of a gardener. This is what the book is about. Still, as you can see, it is about success.

For those who already know me

Greetings to everyone who has read “Smart Garden”! This was my experience, confirmed by the experience of old gardeners. I described what I do myself. “Smart vegetable garden” is rather the experience of gardeners in Russia, Europe and the USA - both old and modern. I haven’t experienced everything I’m talking about here myself—it’s impossible to grasp the immensity. But I considered it my duty to tell you everything I know about this and leave you with the experience yourself. technical subtleties. I think in a couple of years we will be able to discuss the finer details of smart gardening.

Many thanks to everyone who read “Smart Garden” and responded - you inspired me to new “feats.” And for those who don’t know me yet, let me introduce myself.

I am Nikolai Ivanovich Kurdyumov. For friends - Nick (but Nick is not an abbreviation, rather a generalization, for ease of communication...). I am already 38. In 1982 I graduated from the fruit and vegetable department of the TSHA. He didn’t let his wife, Tatyana Mikhailovna, finish her fruit school; she took her to Komsomolsk-on-Amur. We have been living in Kuban for ten years. Three children - Ivan, finishing school, Yulia and Anastasia, approaching the same milestone. We live together and adolescence children never became a hooligan. Tanya is a musician by vocation and first profession, but she loves plants very much, grows flowers and is engaged in the formation of young gardens. My career aptitude test was all average. I love tourism, photography, music, original songs, teaching (6 years of teaching experience, which is nice to remember). Now I am looking for and developing productive technologies for maintaining a small private garden. I am interested in form gardening and garden design. I am convinced that each of us can turn our five acres into a source of beauty, harvest and pleasure. For

To do this, you need, firstly, to understand that, in fact, pleasure is the goal of giving, and secondly, to learn more from nature than from books. I see how dacha difficulties become problems in the lives of dacha residents, and I try to solve them as a whole. I’m trying to become a gardener—that used to be the name given to masters who could grow absolutely anything. I love to talk about all the good things. I try to write simply and clearly. It is important that the text of the book is completely clear to you and that we speak the same language. That's why:

1. Read it in the garden. Touch and look at everything you read about. Even if it’s a single copy or just a little bit. Do at least in a micro volume, on one meter, what needs to be seen, and observe. By reading a book only in a chair, you may understand everything or be entertained, but you will not be able to apply what you read.

2. If you suddenly lost the thread of reasoning and do not quite understand what it is about, it means that you missed (did not understand or misinterpreted) one word. It is located where everything seemed to be clear to you. Go back there, find the word that you can't clearly imagine

present, and clarify it in our context. All disagreements come from different interpretations words! To avoid misunderstanding, I marked all “suspicious” words with a “+” sign and put them in the local dictionary. Check back there often and we will have mutual language: You will understand exactly what I wanted to say.

Chapter 1. “cohabitation” with a vegetable garden

Brief - sisters. tal

You know, there is no fear in nature. No worries. Only a person has such concepts as “sinful”, “should”, “obliged”, “guilty” and “nobody needs me”. Plants simply live – whether they thrive or not. They don’t understand that they can grow a garden “to be like everyone else,” out of obsessive concern about children or out of the belief that “it’s necessary.” Watching summer residents, I see a general “garden necessity”. I very rarely meet those who maintain a dacha for themselves, for their own pleasure - as a friend. This is where it's buried main reason the barrenness and abandonment of our gardens! We try to treat the garden as a piece of land on which food grows. And this is a mistake.

Nikolay Kurdyumov

Garden and vegetable garden in a new way

© Kurdyumov N. I., photo, text, 2013

© Publishing House "Vladis", ill., 2015

© AST Publishing House LLC, 2016

Section 1: Garden in a new way

What does it mean to have a new garden?

If you want to lay out, plant and build a garden,
Explore the region first, find out how rich it is.
Then you use the opportunities skillfully,
And the undertaking will bear fruit.

Jacques Delisle

In a new way means smarter, more convenient and more productive than the average everywhere else. Do you agree?

Smart garden as a phenomenon is simply defined : this is the place where A) good for you, and b) good for plants. All. A piece of forest in this sense - if it fully satisfies your needs - is the smartest garden.

From here we dance.

First. The stupidest thing is to judge your dacha by someone else’s standards, even by authoritative and agronomic ones. A garden in which you feel good is a plant expression of your personality. The garden is a way to express and please yourself. He's YOURS. You deserve it!

Second. For it to be good for you, it must be good for the plants too. And they will be fine only in the conditions they need. That is, in a suitable climate or microclimate. There are few such problems south of the Black Earth Region. But in Siberia and the Non-Black Earth Region - here gardens cannot be planted everywhere, but it is better to look for favorable microzones: southern slopes, protected from the winds. Don’t even think about planting a garden on a northern slope or in a lowland - it won’t do any good.

To this we must add normal, non-critical soil conditions. For example, you cannot grow stone fruits in a swampy, flooded area, even in the south: the roots rot away. And in the north they must be planted in hills, otherwise the root collar will rot. Or: when planting, especially in the dry south, humus in the hole and thick mulch are required, otherwise the tree may lag behind and wither from lack of moisture. On chalk and limestone soils, special rootstocks are needed. Etc.

Third. Believe it or not, a third of the northern seedlings in the Kuban either die from the heat and drought, or hardly bear fruit. And in Siberia, 80% of seedlings die precisely because they were brought from the south! If acclimatizing plants is not your hobby, your garden should consist mainly of local plant forms. They, of course, are not so tempting with their novelty, but they are stable and durable.

And fourth: so that you feel good, the garden should be COMFORTABLE. Siberians do not know our southern misfortune: ten-meter cherries, eight-meter apple trees... The crop is at the top, ropes, ladders, but if you fall, thank you for being alive. Our solution is low and flat crown formations, which requires regular work, or dwarf rootstocks. But you need to breed and graft them yourself, because working with rootstocks is its own topic. In Siberia it’s the opposite: trees grow weakly, and the less you touch them, the more resistant to frost they are.

A very important part of convenience is fenced off permanent beds and flower beds, smart borders, supports and trellises, smart arrangement of garden areas, paths and the trees themselves. In general, everything requires brains!

So, we take stable, reliable plants, convenient designs and formations, proper landing– and everything grows. But the hardest thing is all this cleverly arrange in advance. Depict the garden before the seedlings have already been delivered. So that it’s both beautiful and expedient, and even expresses your personality. There are no recipes here. But there are working principles.

A seedling from which something will come

Is the seedling a problem?

Variety - a suspicious type who sells varietal-type seedlings.

Our reality, which has not changed in ten years: more than half of the purchased seedlings turn out to be not what they bought. Why? This is the only truth: precisely and only because the buyer has no idea what he is buying. I am writing this chapter as a pill against naive consumer irresponsibility.

Damn, instead of the desired tree, it turns out in three cases.

CASE 1: just a hoax. What they sell you is not what you buy. It is detected only in the 3rd–5th year by fruits. “I bought six varieties, but they started producing them - and everything is the same!” Oh, did they bear fruit after all?.. So this is not the worst!

What are the exits?

Exit a), professional: become an expert on seedlings, types and varieties and KNOW BETTER THAN A SELLER WHAT YOU ARE BUYING. And where. The only sure way, albeit the most esoteric.

Exit b), wise: conscious application of sociability, charm, intelligence, external data, connections and everything good in yourself to establish friendly relations with a local master gardener, good manufacturer seedlings or his friends. Very effective, although not absolutely reliable: the sympathies of professionals are inscrutable...

Exit c), take off your eyes: be able to see if they are trying to push you into a game or a suffocated animal. Almost all varietal seedlings vaccinated(in Kuban - “kalyarovany”). On their root neck there is a characteristic bend, and on the bend there is a stump or a round wound from the cut rootstock. If in front of you there is a straight stem and a powerful tap root, then it is very likely that these are seedlings. And most often the wild ones are from the forest - where things grow. We especially like to dig forest dogwood, but I have also seen forest pear and wood sorrel. But they often dig anything that sticks out and at least somehow resembles a seedling. Can you tell a poplar twig from a pear without glasses? Oh, even with glasses...

A seedling growing from a piece of thick horizontal root is root sucker. Do you think it was taken from a rooted tree (and only in this case will it repeat its properties)? More than not a fact! There are currently few varieties propagated by offspring. They are produced mainly by semi-cultivated rootstock - seedlings of cherries and plums. There's a lot of this goodness! Why not take it to the market?..

Exit d) is philosophical. Something like fatalism or romantic nihilism: “Well, apparently, fate is like this...”, or: “Everything good varieties They’re looking for me, but I won’t do it on purpose!”

Exit d), compassionate: “Son, take it, you won’t regret it, you’ll remember me later, honestly!” The truth is: you will have to remember in any case. Good advice: kill two birds with one stone - give the money to your grandmother, and don’t take the seedling for yourself. You can take it as a gift to a harmful neighbor. Or out of pure curiosity. The main thing is to be able to contain hope!

Any profitable deception is always accompanied by hackwork: the seedlings may already be dead, half-dead, dried out, with dried roots - that is, not residents. I don’t even single this out as a special case: you are selling something that is unclear – it is something that is unclear. In fact, the quality of the seedling is guaranteed only in one case: it was dug up in your presence. But more about the quality below.

CASE 2: seedlings are already in the nursery contracted tinder wood rot. The problem with all stone fruits (cherry, cherry, plum, cherry plum, peach, apricot, nectarine). Mass phenomenon: the first graft died - let's graft a second time, don't throw away the rootstock. Extra wounds, extra year - that’s rot. SOLUTION: a) choose the healthiest seedlings, and b) ensure that the tree grows sufficiently strong. And more about this below.

Let me quietly remind you: by doing your own seedlings or grafting, you do not have the mentioned problems at all. True, there is nothing to complain about, and then there is no one to grumble about - a huge minus! And yet... maybe you can somehow live without this?..

CASE 3: living, strong seedling does not have a normally formed root system. A mass phenomenon wherever they pay not for quality, because they have no idea about it! EXIT - the ability to choose a good root system. I'll teach you now.

Explanation of good roots

From a seed
Something is growing.
Oh, don't interfere!

Imagine the picture: all summer residents, when starting a new garden, are accustomed and taught to prepare places for trees in advance - to plant and sow the best local rootstocks. Southerners - plant their dwarfs, sow antipka, quince or cherry plum; Northerners and Siberians - sow forest apple trees, pears and cherries, Chinese plum and Manchurian apricot, shadberry and cotoneaster for pears. Several seeds per hole, so that later you can leave a couple of the strongest ones. By the end of July, strong seedlings grow. Summer residents call and invite craftsmen to do budding(kidney-eye grafting). Or in the spring - do it copulation(graft end-to-end with cuttings). They can come with their own varietal cuttings, and they can also graft those that the owner cut and saved. Grafting is cheaper than seedlings, and almost all of them take root. Another year and the garden will bristle with strong varietal trees. No risk, no hassle with survival, no punctures!

You can graft into a one-year-old seedling, or into the crown of a two- or three-year-old tree. Volga scientists have long been calling for this way to plant apricots, whose root collars rot during snowy winters. And so I sowed a plum in place of the pit, and after a couple of years regrafted it with an apricot at a height of about a meter - you will get a tree that does not wither away.

The historical village of Shushenskoye is the bank of the Yenisei. The soil is poor sandy loam, in summer it can be above +35°, in winter up to −45°, there is little snow. Every second year there are severe droughts. Bread burns out in arable fields, potatoes don’t bear fruit—many people don’t even dig them. And at this time Zamyatkin was stable and without special effort harvests fivefold.

Zamyatkin’s site has not seen a shovel for about twenty years. According to him, in ten years fertile layer deepened to 30-40 cm. The soil has become so loose that there is no need to drive in pegs for tomatoes - they stick in easily. The potato harvest approached two tons per hundred square meters. Cabbage - heads of cabbage per pound - up to 1800 kg per hundred square meters. The yields of cabbage and carrots are three to five times higher than average, and the berry fields produce abundantly. Zamyatkin does not use manure, much less compost. From fertilizers - only ash. Now in his beds, as he puts it, there is truly fertile agrozem. This means that the maximum harvest is guaranteed in any year.

How does he do this?

Of course, a third of the increase comes from varietal agricultural technology: Zamyatkin selected the best varieties for himself and literally became close to them. But two-thirds of the success is the natural garden system: narrow beds, no plowing, sowing green manure, reasonable fruit replacement, mulching.

“The harvest is no longer a problem. I seem to have gotten over record mania. Now my goal is maximum natural fertility and sustainable agro-biocenosis.”


Zamyatkin’s beds are stationary, 80 cm wide, with passages of at least a meter. This is how they are born. In the first half of June, the lush grass is trampled down. A half-thick layer of various plant organic matter is piled on top of it. And from above - two fingers of the earth. An ideal bed: it won’t let out the weeds, and it breathes so that it can quickly rot, and it’s a home for the worms. It stays like that until the end of summer. In August, cold-resistant green manure is sown here: mustard, oilseed radish. And in the spring - peas, beans, beans: let them fertilize the soil additionally. Fruit production begins with them. And if the soil is good, you can plant watermelons and potatoes.

Only a flat cutter takes care of the beds, and only superficially. All summer - mulch, in spring and autumn - green manure. The weed problem disappeared along with the empty land. When there is always a dense crop, or mulch, or thick green manure in the garden bed, where can weeds live when their niche is occupied? And they exist quietly, without pretending to be massive and greyhound.

Diseases are also a thing of the past.

Zamyatkin introduced into his practice the smartest technique - eliminating morning dew. Places simple film screens over the beds. Heat rays are reflected back onto the garden bed - that’s it, no dew! Only those things that are prone to getting sick are covered this way: onions, tomatoes, cucumbers, potatoes.

Mulch Zamyatkin has the same basis for soil maintenance as green manure.
He spends almost no time or effort on collecting organic matter. A thick layer of separately harvested “hay” is used only for special purposes: to create new beds, smother weeds, cover tree trunk circles seedlings. And on the beds all year round there is natural, “green manure mulch”.

The technology is simple. In August, some kind of cold-resistant green manure is sown under a rake, and before frost it produces a thick green mass. Without allowing it to set seeds, we cut it off with a sharp shovel. It turns out to be a layer of hay. In the spring it is three times thinner: it has become denser and partially melted. We rake clean furrows in it, sow and plant in them. The plants stood up, burst into bloom - all the soil was covered.

Winter rye usually does not freeze and begins to grow in the spring. This “mulch” has to be cut below the tillering node, otherwise it will grow back.

Option: the green manure is not cut, it freezes, and in April the bed is bristling with straw. Same effective mulch- will protect from wind and frost. We make holes directly in it or cut rows. Later we break it and put it on the garden bed.

You can mulch with any organic material, as long as you have it.

Experiments have shown that excellent potatoes grow under a thick layer of plant dust and straw. IN last years Zamyatkin grows it that way. I spread the “seeds” over the bed, covered them with loose organic matter, helped the sprouts emerge if necessary, and finally covered everything up. In August, I lifted the mulch - there were clean tubers underneath, even straight into the pan.

And here’s what’s typical: wireworms, May beetle larvae and other beetles are not found in mulch. Apparently, they do not risk rising from the soil: too many here are not averse to feasting on them. One way or another, but for many years now under the straw all the tubers have been clean and without damage. And if you bury them in the soil, many will be chewed up.

The rules of organic mulch are simple. In the fall, cover the soil as early as possible - let it live longer and freeze later. In the spring, on the contrary, first rake the coarse mulch onto the paths: let the soil thaw and warm up.

What gardeners cover their seedlings with in order for them to take root! And it still dries. Zamyatkin, as always, took a closer look at nature - and everything was already invented there. The snow has melted - we sow phacelia. By the time of disembarkation - a covering carpet. We dig holes and plant. Calm, partial shade - the seedlings are thriving. And if frost threatens, it’s easy to throw the film directly on the green manure. The seedlings began to grow, it became crowded - we cut off the green manure and put it as mulch.

Now everything is clear!

Mulch is a multi-layered and multifaceted concept. Speaking about protecting the soil and seedlings, it is difficult to draw a clear boundary between the layer of sawdust, dead turf, dry stem... dwarf cedar, shrubs, trees. Forests and steppes are the “mulch” of the planet. Woodlice and worms live and swarm in the forest floor and turf, and you and I live in the layer of forests, gardens and parks. But imagine that your garden and forest are uprooted. “One month the soil is bare, a month it dies,” says Zamyatkin.

N. I. Kurdyumov

Kurdyumov is confident that to obtain high yields it is necessary to expend more mental labor than physical labor. According to Kurdyumov, a vegetable garden should be smart.

Let's start with planning

Kurdyumov claims that site planning helps save time by 2-3 times.

First, calculate how many vegetables you need and plant only what you need. Strive not to increase the area for planting, but to increase productivity.

Plants need sun

According to Kurdyumov, the garden should be constantly illuminated by the sun's rays: in the shade it will not be possible to get a good harvest. Only greens, lettuce and some root vegetables can be grown in partial shade.

In order not to create a shadow on the site, it is recommended to orient the trellises on which tall vegetables are placed to the north and south.

Pumpkins, beans and melons can be planted near fences and illuminated walls, and used to decorate arbors and arches.

We arrange beds according to Kurdyumov

In the garden according to Kurdyumov, when placing beds, work is taken into account. For example, if the beds are watered from a well, then in order to reduce the effort required, it is recommended to place the beds radially around the well.

A vegetable garden according to Kurdyumov requires the presence of high beds. To do this, you should build walls using any available material. Raised beds will help plants tolerate drought more easily and prevent waterlogging, and will help you reduce the area to be cultivated.

Another requirement of a vegetable garden according to Kurdyumov is the mandatory presence of organic matter. To do this, you need to build a compost heap next to the beds.

A mandatory condition put forward by a vegetable garden according to Kurdyumov is the presence of paths that should not remain bare. They should be covered with boards or other materials so that they do not draw water from the beds.

Pay special attention to the irrigation system

When arranging a vegetable garden according to Kurdyumov, you cannot save on. Ideally, it is recommended to use a “tee” made of thin hoses, one end of which is connected to a container of water, and holey hoses are attached to the other ends, which are dug into the beds. The container must be placed on a hill so that the water can move independently through the hoses. This will make your work much easier: you can open the tap and go about your business, while the garden will be watered. It is advisable to collect in a container rainwater from the roof.

Let's summarize. What should you pay attention to when organizing a vegetable garden according to Kurdyumov?

Requirements put forward by the garden according to Kurdyumov:

  • site planning;
  • increasing the yield, not the size of the plot;
  • constant presence of sun;
  • compost heap preparation;
  • placement of beds taking into account work;
  • preparation of raised beds;
  • paths should not be bare;
  • the orientation of the trellises is south-north;
  • high-quality irrigation system.

And the last condition: according to Kurdyumov, a vegetable garden does not spoil the appearance of the site, but decorates it, like flower beds and lawns.

Video “Vegetable garden from A to Z according to Kurdyumov”

Arrangement of a garden plot according to Kurdyumov

Almost every owner of a garden plot is of the opinion that the more land plot, the more vegetables and herbs he will collect as a result of its processing. However, many of the efforts of gardeners and summer residents do not always result in huge harvests, since physical work, directed in the wrong direction, is just a waste of time and energy.

This is precisely the approach to cultivating the land that the author of the most interesting books on cultivating vegetable gardens, improving the soil, growing many vegetable crops Nikolai Kurdyumov, describing his personal experience, bringing a large harvest from small territorial land plots.

The author's works related to gardening and gardening

The collection of Kurdyumov’s works, aimed at saving effort and costs while working in the garden, is reduced to the following publications:

Features of cultivating beds according to Kurdyumov

A smart garden according to Kurdyumov is a whole developed growing system based on the constant favorable psychological mood of the farmer and proper fertilization of the soil.

Absolutely all plants feel the energy of the person who cares for them throughout the growing season. The gardener's desire to achieve main goal– high yield, always leads him to deep knowledge in agrotechnical science, but not all modern ones carried out technological processes cultivating land plots is advisable, you can effectively do without plowing, cultivation and other mechanized costly work, more attention should be given to improving the microbiological composition of the soil, which will help create natural favorable climatic conditions for plants for growth and development without all kinds of picking, treatment with poisons from harmful insects , the main thing is to ensure nutritious crop rotation and compatibility of plants of different groups and species in a certain area.

The main success of a gardener is to get to the bottom of the success of his work on the land, and it lies precisely in minimizing the work performed, classifying them into completely useless and the most necessary.

When this goal is achieved, then working on a personal plot or summer cottage will be easy and simple, enjoying an effective result.

Kurdyumov’s publication “Smart Garden in Details” teaches the gardener not to get hung up on the standard customary norms of sowing and caring for plants, but to learn a lot of interesting things about plants and test his knowledge with a great desire in practice, confirming the truth of their effectiveness.

Success is your own individually developed system for growing any plants - an individual technology that brings high-quality decent harvest. It is precisely this successful scheme that Kurdyumov shares with many beginning and professional gardeners, discovering completely natural, ordinary phenomena that modern agronomists do not pay attention to.

Technology for growing vegetables and garden plants from Kurdyumov, set out in “Smart Vegetable Garden” and “Smart Garden”

Work for country garden or garden can bring joy and real satisfaction if organized within them correct disembarkation all plants that can perform the functions and tasks that a person is busy with throughout the entire period of caring for plants - ensuring optimal levels of light, humidity, killing insects, removing weeds.

You can do without all these tedious procedures. How? - many will ask. Easily!

So, what is Kurdyumov’s smart vegetable garden, which does not require huge physical expenditures and pleases with the desired achievements:

  • this is the undisturbed fertility of the soil, humus consists of many living organisms that determine the favorable decomposition of plant roots into nutrients that decompose and create the basis for the development of favorable bacteria, the naturally formed cover of the earth perfectly allows air and moisture to pass through, the so-called mulch does not allow the earth to dry out , maintaining an optimal level of humidity for a long time; plowing disrupts the natural balance due to compaction of the soil, due to which there is a disruption in the moisture and air exchange of the earth with environment, which naturally cannot have a positive effect on plant yields; growing plants according to Kurdyumov - no mechanical tillage on your own plot of land;

  • this is the desire to provide plants with a favorable environment for flowering and fruiting; for this, the earth should be provided with sufficient saturation of nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, chlorine, sulfur, as well as microelements - iron, manganese, boron, iodine, cobalt, silicon, zinc; however, few people know that land covers that cannot be machining, have this list in full and are able to ensure excellent growth of plants not in the mass of their stems and leaves, but aimed at the formation of the largest high-quality fruits; the soil after plowing is not capable of retaining the entire microbiological nutritional composition and therefore it is necessary to apply mineral fertilizers;

  • this is a constantly maintained level of humidity, the creation of a system of air holes for soil breathing, soil cooling, an excess of organic acids; create such favorable conditions only natural, prepared humus can contain the decay products of everything that could decompose into small elements; humus is the coexistence of worms, microorganisms and insects working to create a unique favorable environment for plants; You can create separate composted beds using organic natural fences - logs, stones, filling the resulting containers various sizes humus prepared in advance;

  • this is the absence of weeds in the beds, which do not interfere with the plants’ development; this can be achieved with the help of organic mulch - straw, hay, small shavings, wood, sawdust, which are sprinkled on land plots after sowing seed material into the soil;
  • This is the observance of the soil structural natural balance, achieved through minimal physical activity, giving excellent results in the form of large fruits.

Video: how to properly fertilize a garden according to Kurdyumov?

Igor Lyadov’s vegetable garden is a miracle that everyone can do

The longer a plot of land is used for growing crops, the less fertile it becomes. Harvests fall, no matter how much effort is put into them, and what can be grown is not pleasing in either quality or quantity.

A resident of Far East country, Igor Lyadov, like many gardeners, spends his few weekends at his summer cottage. Lyadov, who was accustomed to dealing with a drop in productivity at the aircraft factory where he works, did not put up with the most advanced technologies, but decided to make every effort to restore fertility to the land and achieve high productivity with the least amount of labor. This is understandable - after all, a summer resident could only devote time to his favorite beds on weekends.

Technology of Igor Lyadov

The result of observations, studying the experience of foreign colleagues and our own practical work On twenty acres there was a record harvest and the creation of a truly smart vegetable garden. The technology turned out to be extremely simple and, at first glance, similar to the method proposed by the American Jacob Mittlider at the end of the 20th century.

However, unlike the overseas agronomist, who proposed using exclusively mineral additives to fertilize plants, Igor Lyadov gave preference to organic matter and even developed unique proprietary mixtures based on herbs and traditional fertilizers: manure and bird droppings.

What the two trends have in common is the construction of high beds-boxes, filled, among other things, with the remains of plants that have lived their lives. Therefore, there are no untidy people on the site compost heaps, everything is hidden in narrow beds and immediately begins to be useful.

Features of narrow beds:

  • The width of the beds is 60–100 cm, which is narrower than what Lyadov’s American colleague recommended.
  • The width of the passages is comparable to the ridges, they are 60–80 cm and can be covered with roofing felt, tiles, ordinary sand and sawdust. If grass is sown in the aisles between the ridges, it is mowed periodically.
  • The location of the beds is strictly from north to south.
  • But the walls of the boxes in Lyadov’s garden can be made of any available material: boards, logs, slate, bricks or blocks, depending on the work and capabilities of the gardener.

Advantages of Igor Lyadov’s smart vegetable garden

The main advantage of the method is that the yield on the site almost doubles compared to traditional technology when crops are grown in wide, level beds.

However, there are other positive aspects that attract more and more attention from summer residents to Lyadov’s experience:

  • The boxes are durable and their maintenance does not take much time.
  • The amazing vegetable garden of Igor Lyadov is convenient for loosening.
  • The moisture inside the box does not stagnate, but is not wasted on moistening unnecessary areas.
  • No painstaking, time-consuming weeding is required, especially when mulching the soil under the plants.
  • The plantings are well lit and actively ventilated.
  • There is no leaching of useful substances from the box bed.
  • Saves time and effort on digging up the site.
  • The ridges need to be loosened to a depth of only seven or ten centimeters.
  • The crop is not affected by pests and plant diseases.
  • Every year you can easily change planting locations and plan the desired proximity of plants.
  • Igor Lyadov’s smart vegetable garden, due to the height of the beds, gives the summer resident real opportunity plant much earlier.
  • If you cover the box with film or install plastic arches, then the bed will allow you to grow vegetables in a homemade, but very effective, way without additional effort.

A bed using the Lyadov method works for several years, and with regular replenishment of plant residues and properly fertilized, its service life is difficult to determine.

When the harvest is harvested, the author of the idea advises sowing fast-growing green manure, which will further enrich the soil in the box. When planting, there is no longer any need to add humus or fertilizers, because, in fact, the bed itself is a kind of compost storage.

As it becomes clear, Igor Lyadov’s garden has many advantages, but there is only one drawback. These are the costs of labor, money and time in the first year when switching to unusual technology.

Creating a box bed

The beds in Igor Lyadov’s smart garden are built in the fall and stretch strictly from north to south, and for their manufacture you can use any available materials from slates and planks to bricks or building blocks.

During the master class, which was given by Igor Lyadov himself, he used old logs from which the house was once built, and cuttings of boards. However, before assembling the box, it is important to select a suitable platform and level it.

Then the walls of the future bed are firmly installed, perhaps slightly deeper, on the soil, observing the rule that the width of the box should not exceed 120 cm. The length can be arbitrary.

The walls must be knocked together or twisted together so that the structure gains strength, and cardboard is placed at the bottom of the resulting box, which will become a barrier to the ubiquitous, perennial weeds.

After the cardboard comes a thin layer of sand.

And then the box is lined with a layer of rough plant residues. Do not forget about protecting the structure from moisture and pests. Therefore, the author of the technology advises treating the wooden box with durable but safe paint. water based for outdoor work.

When painting is completed, you can finally fill the bed with more succulent and smaller waste, tops and leaves of collected vegetables, grass or straw cut from the lawn, excluding perennial weeds with roots that could sprout. Manure and humus, compost are laid out on top and the nutrient mixture is poured with an infusion prepared according to Igor Lyadov’s original method. Upper layer, about 10 cm thick, the box contains ordinary soil.

It should be noted that in the northern regions the boxes should be made higher, and in the southern regions, lower in order to prevent rapid loss of moisture.

Such beds come in handy in places where spring flooding is common.

Thanks to the large, about 30 cm, layer of organic residues in Lyadov’s garden, goes constant the process of overheating, which means that the temperature in the depths of the box turns out to be increased, but not critical. Plants sprout faster and begin to bear fruit.

Arranging a greenhouse based on a bed using Igor Lyadov’s method

  1. Along long sides Pegs are installed in the beds opposite each other at a distance of no more than a meter.
  2. The ends of plastic pipes are placed on these pegs so that arcs are formed above the bed.
  3. The structure is covered with film or other material, resulting in a warm, covered bed for early growing a variety of vegetables and berries.

The system of narrow beds used in Igor Lyadov’s garden makes it possible to significantly lengthen the growing season of plants and obtain consistently high yields, regardless of the weather and the characteristics of the garden plot.

It is important that to ensure ventilation and adequate space, plants are planted in such beds in a checkerboard pattern. Large crops, such as cabbage or eggplant, are planted in two rows, and smaller ones, such as radishes or onions, in four.

Feeding the garden

The author of the method believes that the fertility of the mixture in the box can be restored not with the help of chemical additives, but with the help of personally prepared infusions, which include yeast fungi and lactic acid bacteria. The starter for the mixture can be ordinary mash.

For three liters of well water, take five tablespoons of sugar and a package of dry baker's yeast. The liquid after two or three days of fermentation can be added to total capacity, it is better to store it in the cold so that the fungi do not die.

Feeding recipes from Igor Lyadov

All recipes are designed for a two-hundred-liter container. The compositions are infused for at least a week, and when used, they are diluted at least twice in the case of an herbal composition, and even more when using droppings or manure.

  1. For the first mixture you will need:
    • a shovel of sifted ash;
    • half a bucket of manure or bird droppings;
    • a bucket of rotted straw bedding or fallen leaves;
    • a shovel of turf soil, humus or rotted compost;
    • a shovel of clean sand;
    • one litre fermented milk product or serum;
    • three liters of mash.
  2. For the second infusion, fill the container two-thirds with weeds or mowed grass, add two shovels of sifted ash. Now you can fill the mixture with water and cover the barrel with film. After two weeks, the product is ready, but before use it is diluted 1 to 10.
  3. The third mixture includes a third of a barrel of dung or manure, which is poured clean water and also insist for up to two weeks. The infusion of manure is diluted 1 to 10, and the mixture with droppings is diluted in a ratio of 1 to 20.

The roots of plants in Igor Lyadov’s wonderful garden are always provided with everything necessary for growth and fruiting, and the carbon dioxide produced by the bacteria is not wasted, but immediately goes to the roots. The heat generated also plays a role, making it possible to obtain guaranteed early harvests.

Organic farming, which Lyadov advocates, allows you to forget about chemical additives, carry out gentle cultivation of the soil and invariably enjoy the useful, high-quality fruits of your labor, without thinking that after growing them the soil loses fertility and will soon become impoverished.

About life, about life and only about it

The poet sings until he drops.

After all, there is nothing more for a poet to look at,

And there’s nothing else to hover over...

What is this book about?

This book, like “The Smart Garden,” is about how to create a comfortable, productive and beautiful garden, in which relaxation and pleasure are the main activities, and routine work and struggle are an insignificant addition.

This is the kind of garden that is normal and natural. Here you control the development of plants confidently and without stress. This is where you, a busy city dweller, come with pleasure on the weekend - not to work hard, but to change the environment, relax and renew your impressions. Here even your loved ones, who are usually looking for an excuse to stay at home, find interest for themselves - it’s enough that you’re not obsessed, not exhausted, and you’re not annoying anyone!

Unlike our traditional gardening, one of the main goals of which is to load a person with work as much as possible, reasonable use of dacha strives to reduce labor to a minimum and add a little personal freedom to you. At the same time, the randomness of the harvest is outlawed, and methods are used that increase the likelihood of yield in the garden.

Now the rationality of dacha use is more relevant than ever. It happens that the very awareness of the meaning of maintaining a dacha returns former interest, resolves problems with relatives and even greatly improves harmony family relations. And with the help of intelligent gardening, I have solved many of my problems, and I will deal with this most interesting issue until I myself learn everything that I write and talk about. And I try to talk only about what I can, what knew how or know how other people. They learned it yourself. We can also learn everything only from our own experience: to be able means to do. But they spent decades on this, and we, using their experience, can learn faster.

“Smart Garden in Details” is a developed “Smart Garden” that has grown fat from new information. I’m typing the first lines, and I’m already regretting that the book will lose its lightness. But there is too much I want to say. It's accumulated. There will be several new chapters - about the nuances of shaping, about the laws of pruning, about working with mature trees, about regulating growth, about varieties and ways to propagate the necessary plants. Old chapters will be changed to reflect new experiences. There will also be “applied philosophy”, but I will try to be brief and not lose my sense of humor. But in general any good book should be fun, especially “usnechology”. What is this book about? Of course, about success. About success, whatever one may say, and only about it.

And now I want to introduce myself:


I am Nikolai Ivanovich Kurdyumov, to friends - Nick. I’m already 39 (it’s a nightmare, how the years fly by! Tomorrow there should be another end of the world. If only time would stop!) My wife Tatyana Mikhailovna and I studied in Timiryazevka at the very beginning of the 80s. They lived a cheerful life, were engaged in tourism, art songs, photography, music, and were interested in psychology and pedagogy; all this is still near and dear to us. The children, it turns out, have already grown up and continue this business very successfully. Ivan, at sixteen, is a student at KTU. Yulia will finish school at fifteen and is preparing for music school. Tasya hasn’t made up her mind yet, but she has enough energy for all of us combined. We live together, albeit cramped, in the village of Azovskaya.

At first I just trimmed the trees. Then I discovered that I was needed. Then it became clear that in books and stores there was a beautiful, desirable thing that had nothing in common with the unsightly dacha reality. Finally it turned out that the wildness of our dachas is a thing, although introduced by culture, but not at all obligatory

Productive ways were found for giving, and usnechology was found - technologies for success developed by Ron Hubbard (USA). They turned out to be so practical that we had to develop this direction. What Tanya and I are doing now: I work with large gardens, she works with small ones. At the same time, their owner often interests us more than the garden: after all, after us, he must work meaningfully himself.

This is how the profession turned out. You could call yourself a gardener, but a gardener is a master who knows how to masterfully grow everything, from peaches to radishes. In the meantime, without a title, we have to talk and write books for a long time. And to be honest, I love talking about all the good things almost more than growing gardens. Therefore, now I am a popularizer. I am writing about how best to have a summer residence. And he is very concerned about the clarity of the text of the book. I will try to write as simply as possible, and you, please, try to read without leaving anything incomprehensible for yourself.

Scientific research means reading

several books that no one has read,

and write another one, which

The last thing I want to do is write a scientific book and most of all a book that is practical, useful and entertaining. And for a book to be useful, good content is not enough. It is important that it does not contain not a single word whose meaning you do not understand or understood partially, approximately, with difficulty. It is an unclear word that causes the loss of the thread of reasoning. It is the unclear words that make the book difficult to read, uninteresting, annoying, and make you feel too ignorant and stupid. Thank God no! You're fine, the author, trying to show his colleagues his competence, used the language accepted in their company. It turns out that the book was not written for you. Therefore, I tried to reduce the incomprehensibility of the text to a minimum. There is a glossary at the end of the book. I marked all suspicious words with a + sign and placed them there. Not just terms. It is important that we interpret commonly used (seemingly!) words in the same way. Then you will understand exactly what I wanted to say, and we will not have to argue.

And now you understand the text. This is enough for entertainment. For use - no. To use the book, read it in the garden. Find, look at and touch everything mentioned. Create in a micro volume, on one tree, on one square meter something to see. And often watch how it behaves. Then you will have experience- the very hook without which, no matter how hard you try, “you can’t take the fish out of the pond” for your success. And knowledge is just bait!

P.S. A major drawback of the book, which cannot be avoided: it contains too much different detailed information. Please read it little by little, with long breaks, like several separate small books.

Chapter 1. MEET YOURSELF: SUCCESS IS NORMAL (my applied philosophy)

It's not easy to rise above yourself,

And everyone can hardly handle it.

But that's it, we are so tall.

What ceiling did you choose?

T. Smirnova

I always feel great pleasure when meeting with in successful ways life. You can’t, you can’t, and suddenly - there is! Impossible, unthinkable, but here - here it is! Everyone got used to it, was imbued with it, absorbed “patience and work…” with mother’s milk, and suddenly one took it and didn’t believe it, checked it, thought about it and bang! - made it much better. And it couldn’t be simpler - how didn’t you think of it before?! The most interesting thing is what comes next. Then friends admired it, the press made a fuss, science criticized it, and success quietly sank to the bottom. And for major successes one often had to fight, and brutally. Success does not take root in our world. Because the holders of power and science cannot live with people who do not need their control and care. Because if we spread success, the holders of the economy and politicians will not be able to sell us anything - their income rests on our inability and helplessness. But success is life itself. Achievements, like seeds, settle, but then germinate. Progress still happens, and only because someone once showed: this is both better and simpler.