My family is in debt. SOS! Tired of living in debt. How to achieve the required amount

Do you urgently need a new coat, your husband needs a fall jacket, and your daughter needs winter boots? But the money, minus the cost of food, rent and other essential expenses, is only enough for one thing? It seems there is only one way out - to ask for a loan. Is it worth it to solve financial problems that have arisen in the family in this way? And who should I contact with such requests?

In many families, debt becomes a way of life. With low incomes, people strive to have expensive things in order to live “as good as others.” And okay, if it comes to grabbing a couple of thousand rubles from someone you know for the “clothing” you like... People take out multi-thousand-dollar loans to buy new furniture, washing machine, refrigerator, TV, computer, car and, finally, housing. It happens that when paying for one loan, they end up in a new “bondage”, because either there is no money for the next “dream”, or they are “toad strangled” to give the entire amount at once.

As a result, at least a third of family earnings are spent on paying off debts and loans. Family psychologist Margarita Barsukova talks about a woman who had to pay off several loans at once: “One couple lived in a civil marriage and took out loans in the woman’s name, since her official salary was higher. They lived in her apartment. One fine day the man disappeared in an unknown direction, leaving a note: “Darling, I fell in love with someone else, I’m leaving you, goodbye!” The lady was never able to find her former common-law spouse - apparently, he changed his mobile number, and she didn’t really know the coordinates of his work.” .

People often cannot afford to repay debts. To pay off one debt or make another loan payment, they borrow money from someone who can “wait for the return.” But sooner or later you will still have to pay off this person. Sometimes people hope for " better times", when, according to their fantasies, they will have money. However, with this approach, the money never lingers.

— The paradox is that “eternal debtors” are not necessarily poor people who really don’t have enough money to live“, states the psychologist. Families who really have nothing to live on rarely get into debt: they simply have nothing to give. They would rather sit on potatoes and pasta and wear cast-offs than ask for a loan.

— Typical debtors are people with average incomes who simply do not know how to manage money correctly, says the specialist. - Thus, marital status implies the arrangement of a “nest”, and newlyweds begin to acquire one new thing after another, even if you can do without it for now. When a child appears in the family, debts grow even more, since children need “a lot of things.” As a result, if you constantly live in debt, you will never have free money, - Margarita Barsukova scares. - And if, due to some circumstances, you are unable to repay debts or pay loans, you will find yourself in a very difficult situation.

What to do? First of all, the psychologist strongly advises you to give up debt. This is not so difficult to do: plan only those purchases that you can really afford. If the price of an item is too high for you, try saving money by putting aside a tenth of your income every month. Most likely, in six months or a year you will be able to make a purchase. Avoid excesses. Use the old one washing machine Until you have saved up for a new one, do not change your old car or use public transport if you do not yet have the money to purchase a new car.

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Please keep me and my family in prayer.
The fact is that I have a very large debt.
Almost $40,000. I had a small construction business.
I paid all my bills regularly.
But a misfortune happened. My back hurt.
A total of 3 intervertebral hernias. My legs gave out.
The business, naturally, collapsed.
My wife and I prayed, besides this
I wrote to various sites asking for prayers for healing, and the Lord healed me.
But the consequences remained.
Doctors forbade me to work.
My wife is temporarily unemployed. Daughter 2 years old
The time for paying off the debt has already passed, my family is being threatened.
All hope is only in the Lord Jesus.
I'm just completely desperate.
The wife said that she would take her daughter and leave.
I just don't see a way out.
Please help in prayer.
I believe that the Lord will not abandon us.

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Hello. Oleg, my wife can work remotely, at home, and contribute to family budget. You are also slowly looking for a place, there will probably be a suitable vacancy. Peace to your family, health!

Irina, age: 30 / 12/16/2017

Oleg, good afternoon, Please don’t despair! Pray, dear!
Try to somehow come to an agreement, explain the situation, break the debt into small parts, since you can’t pay the whole thing now. Ask your friends/relatives for the first part. Call everyone you remember and don’t remember. Or ask for another year/half year of deferment, renegotiate the contract and collect money. The main thing is, don’t despair! God will help. I will pray for you!

Nadezhda, age: 31 / 12/16/2017

Fear has big eyes. They don’t kill people for debts, they don’t put them in prison. They have no right to threaten you. record all threats. and it is unlikely that they will come true. They just put psychological pressure on you to keep you in discomfort and you looking for money. no matter how big the debt is, no one will do anything illegal against you. The point is, you have time to earn money. They can threaten and put psychological pressure on you. despite threats and pressure, maintaining restraint, thinking with a cool head, this is the main thing. study the law on debt collectors and the law on bankruptcy of individuals. regarding the debt, send it to court. Bailiffs will withdraw no more than 50% of your salary, if any. You can find a non-physical job, as a security guard in a private security company or as a supply manager. after things like this difficult situations life always gets better. the terrible moments pass and everything gets better, albeit not right away. I supported him with prayer, although I am not a religious person, but still.

Sergey B, age: 29 / 12/16/2017

Thank you all so much for your support!
May the Lord bless you.
Unfortunately, my situation is a little different.
If you want, I can post here how things are going.

Oleg, age: 41 / 12/16/2017

Here Full description my problem, Christian businessman preacher.
Unfortunately, I have not received an answer yet.

Dear ***
I'm Oleg
You answered me on Facebook so that I could write to you by email.
I already wrote to you.
I wrote that I have a big debt of $40,000 and I can’t find a way out.
I know that there is a way out of any situation, but unfortunately I don’t see it.
He took the money to develop his construction business.
At first everything went well until my legs gave out.
As a result, three intervertebral hernias.
My family and I prayed for healing and the Lord healed me.
Glory to Him for this.
Consequences after the illness remained
But while I was sick, my entire business fell apart.
My wife doesn't work yet. My daughter is 2 years old.
The fact is that the debt is private and taken at interest.
It's impossible to reach an agreement. I have already postponed the release date three times.
If I get a job simple work, I will have to pay only interest until retirement. And I never will pay off the debt.
To restore the business, I must first pay off my debts.
I talked to the creditors, they are not going to wait.
They are threatening my family.
Lenders said that if you want, you can only pay interest until retirement.
There is no use going to the police either. We have Small town only 50,000 people.
Lenders are very familiar with the police.
It turns out to be some kind of vicious circle.
Life has simply turned into hell on earth.
Although the whole family goes to church all the time.
And we pray constantly.
Don't think about it, I'm not asking you for money.
I wrote to you because I heard that you give advice to businessmen.
Maybe you will see a way out of my situation.
Thanks in advance.
May God, in the name of Jesus, bless you richly.

Oleg, age: 41 / 12/16/2017

Oleg, I don’t know how they are threatening you...pray to John the Warrior, order a prayer service for him, to the icon “Taming” evil hearts", St. George the Victorious. I want to say that 10 years ago, when I buried my husband, I was left with 2 children, my employer cheated me out of money... now, I found out that he is bankrupt and has a debt of 40 million rubles, he lives and is healthy and has no intention of committing suicide... and, most importantly, ask for forgiveness from those who were offended, it’s so simple similar situations are not allowed.. this, as they say, is the Lord’s punishment..

Irina, age: 56 / 12/18/2017

Hello, Oleg! What if you move to another city? When we were looking for a rented apartment in Moscow, we met with a real estate agent who, like you, ended up in debt and left his city in Siberia for Moscow. Just like you, he had a business in his city, it went bankrupt, and he was left with debts that he couldn’t pay. And now he lives and works in Moscow. I don’t think that the people you owe will be looking for you all over the country. Maybe this will be a solution for you? Now you need to recover first of all. And later, if you can earn the required amount, then repay the debt.

Abigale, age: 55 / 12/20/2017

I wish everyone a Merry Christmas!
I wish you all your wishes and God's Blessings!

Oleg, age: 41 / 12/23/2017

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