How to propagate red maple from cuttings. Red leaf maples. Varietal maples are propagated in two ways

The maple that everyone knows.

The most common type of maple growing in our country is Norway maple (Acer platanoides) , - unlike many others, it is found not in mountainous, but in lowland forests. Its appearance and characteristic leaves are well known to all people, even those far from dendrology. This is a tree up to 30 m tall with an ovoid, tent-shaped dense crown.

The varietal diversity of Norway maple is so great that, using only it, you can create interesting wood compositions. There are color forms, varieties with a modified growth form and leaf blade. Maples look especially impressive with unusual leaf colors, such as purple, as in the varieties "Royal Red", "Crimson King", "Deborah", "Schwedleri", or with a white stripe along the edge of the leaf blade, as in "Drummondii". Decorative forms "Columnare" and "Globosum" attract attention with their crowns - columnar and spherical, which makes them a bright accent in compositions. They are also good in co-letter and row plantings.

Types of maples: tall and majestic

Among the maples there are very large representatives. One of them - majestic maple, or velvety maple (Acer velutinum) , growing in eastern Transcaucasia and the mountains of Northern Iran. With a height of 50 m, it looks like a real giant, moreover, the diameter of its trunk reaches 1.2 m. This maple looks especially impressive during fruiting, when it is decorated with large hanging fruiting panicles carrying up to 60 lionfish. A truly majestic sight.

Slightly smaller in size false sycamore maple (Acer pseudoplatanus) , is a typical representative of mountain forests in the southwestern part of Ukraine and the Caucasus. Tree up to 40 m tall and up to 2 m in diameter with dark gray bark peeling off in plates to reveal light young bark. It is especially beautiful when standing freely; it forms a dense tent-shaped crown. In ornamental gardening, various forms of false sycamore maple are most often used. The "Purpurea" variety has two-colored leaves, dark green above and purple below. Young leaves of the Leopoldii variety are covered with yellowish-pink spots, adult leaves are variegated, with uneven, light green or cream spots.

No less monumental is the North American silver maple (Acer saccharinum) reaching a height of 40 m with a trunk up to 1.5 m in diameter.

A characteristic feature of this species are deeply dissected five-lobed leaves on long petioles. They are light green above and silvery-white below, hence the specific name. IN autumn period This maple stands out for its light yellow foliage. It looks great along the banks of reservoirs, in alleys and group plantings, but it should be remembered that its branches often break off from adhered snow and strong gusts of wind. The decorative variety "Wieri" is notable for its elegant carved foliage and picturesque crown with long, hanging shoots.

Far Eastern maples

It is believed that maples are the face of the Far East. There they live in the mountains and along river valleys. Their appearance differs from European and North American species, which Lately appreciated by landscape designers who actively use them. In addition, growing most Far Eastern maples in central Russia does not present any particular problems, with the exception of some species. In the Central Russian landscape, they look like real exotics, which with their appearance can decorate any composition.

Widely known in culture river maple (Acer ginnala) It is characterized by high frost resistance and unpretentiousness. Growing up to 6 m in height, it is quite suitable for creating hedges and single plantings. In autumn, its three-lobed leaves turn purplish-red, imbuing the landscape with vibrant colors.

Grows in mountain mixed and coniferous forests of the Far East green maple (Acer tegmentosum) , the trunk of which is decorated with smooth green bark with longitudinal white stripes. With such an unusual bark, maple always stands out from other plants.

When listing the Far Eastern species, one cannot fail to mention the often found in this region small leaf maple (Acer mono) . This is a tree up to 15 m high with a low crown. The leaves are similar to the foliage of Norway maple, but 2 - 3 times smaller. In autumn they turn bright yellow and red. Small leaf maple plantings effectively reduce city noise.

If we talk about the beauty of leaves, then, of course, first of all it is worth mentioning palm maple or fan maple (Acer palmatum) , without which not a single garden in Japan can do. Its openwork dissected leaves acquire bright, picturesque colors in autumn. Unfortunately, this species is quite thermophilic and in central Russia it freezes to the level of snow cover. Therefore, to create a stylized Japanese garden in our climate, the best replacement would be no less spectacular Manchurian maple (Acer mandschuricum) and false maple (Acer pseudosieboldianum) .

North American maple species

A large number of maples grow on the North American continent. Many of them settled in Russia long ago, having acquired a second homeland, and ash maple (Acer negundo) It has become so naturalized in our open spaces that it sometimes behaves like a weed. Now it is difficult to imagine that this plant was previously grown in greenhouses as a valuable exotic. Currently, ash-leaved maple is widespread in cultivation. First of all, due to its rapid growth, frost resistance and undemanding soil conditions. However, its fragility and low decorative qualities make it necessary to use this species as a temporary breed with others - slowly growing, but more decorative. There are a number of interesting color forms of this maple, which are widely used in landscaping: Aureovariegatum, Variegatum, Flamingo, Odessanum.

Growing in river valleys and swamps red maple (Acer rubrum) It tolerates excess moisture and stagnant water very well, and it is not picky about soils. Received its specific name for the red female flowers and orange-red leaf color in autumn. Its decorative forms - "Red Sunset" and "Scanlon" are characterized by a pyramidal crown shape and dark red leaves in autumn.

Very beautiful smooth green bark with white longitudinal stripes attracts attention Pennsylvania maple (Acer pensylvanicum) . Its large three-lobed leaves turn a rich yellow color in autumn. The flowering and fruiting of this maple looks impressive: the flowers and then the fruits are collected in long, hanging clusters.

Shrub maples

Among the maples there are also shrubby species that fit well into small gardens.

They also tolerate shearing well, so they make very dense and impressive hedges. These maples include - in addition to the above-mentioned riverine maple and false Siebold maple - also bearded maple, curled maple, Tatarian maple.

Bearded maple (Acer barbinerve) very beautiful during flowering, in the fall it can boast dark yellow or orange leaves, and in winter its young shoots with purple-red bark stand out against the background of white snow. It shapes and cuts beautifully.

Very decorative throughout the growing season North American

Where else are maples used?

Many types of maple have valuable wood, which is used in the furniture industry, for the manufacture of sports equipment and musical instruments, in particular bowed instruments.

The sap of maple trees contains quite a lot of sugar, especially in species native to North America, such as the sugar maple (Acer saccharum). In Canada, the sap of this maple is used to obtain maple sugar, and its leaf is the national symbol of the country. A stylized image of a carved sugar maple leaf appears on the jackets of Canadian hockey players and on national flag Canada.

Types of maples: photos and descriptions

1. Hornbeam maple (Acer carpinifolium) H = 10 m

A deciduous tree native to the mountain forests of Japan. The leaves are bright green, very similar to hornbeam leaves, and yellowish-brown in autumn. Greenish-yellow flowers appear at the same time as the leaves bloom. Relatively frost-resistant, in central Russia it grows with light shelter or in places well protected from the wind. This rare species will bring special joy to collectors.

2.River maple (Acer ginnala) H = 8m

A large shrub with a tent-shaped crown, grows along the banks of rivers and streams, hence the specific name. The leaves are three-lobed with an elongated middle lobe, dark green, shiny, and purplish-red in autumn. The flowers are yellowish, fragrant, collected in multi-flowered panicles, appearing after the leaves have fully bloomed. It grows quickly, is winter-hardy, produces abundant growth.

3. Acer pseudosieboldianum H = 8 m

A slender tree with a dense, tent-shaped crown. During flowering, large, yellowish-white flowers with purple sepals appear. Inflorescences are racemose with pubescent axes. The leaves are bright green, round, palmately dissected up to half of the leaf blade, and turn red-pink in autumn. The winged fruits are pinkish-red at the beginning of ripening, then yellowish-brown.

4. Manchurian maple (Acer mandshurirum) H = 20 m

Deciduous tree with a highly raised, rounded, openwork crown. The leaves are graceful, trifoliate on long reddish petioles, becoming purple-red in autumn. The inflorescences are yellowish-greenish, racemose, consisting of large flowers. Flowering is short-lived, 10-12 days. It is an excellent honey plant. Does not tolerate urban conditions and formative pruning.

5. False sycamore maple (Acer pseudoplatanus) H = 40 m

A tall tree with a well-formed trunk, especially beautiful when standing freely, forms a dense tent-shaped crown. The trunk is covered with ash-gray bark, peeling off in large plates. Narrow, multi-flowered inflorescences up to 16 cm long look impressive against the background of blossoming leaves. The leaves are 3-5-lobed, dark green above, bluish or whitish below.

6. Pennsylvania maple (Acer pensylvanirum) H = 12 m

A tree with a dense crown, the trunk is covered with dark green bark with longitudinal light stripes. The leaves are large, obovate with three shallow lobes; in autumn they turn clear yellow tones. The yellowish flowers are collected in graceful drooping racemes up to 15 cm long. Flowering lasts 7-10 days. The fruits remain on the plants for a long time. Externally very similar to green maple.

Varieties of maples: photos and descriptions

"Crimson King"

Norway maple H = 15 m

A tree with a spreading crown and large lobed leaves of red-purple color, which turn orange in autumn. The flowers are yellow with a reddish tint and appear simultaneously with the leaves blooming.


Norway maple H = 12 m

An elegant tree with a regular crown. Young leaves are pink at the edges, later a wide cream border appears on them. The light color of this variety goes well with plants that have dark-colored foliage.


False sycamore maple H = 20m

Tree with a wide cone-shaped crown. Young leaves are red-brown, later change color and until autumn remain dark green above and deep red below with a purple-violet bloom.


Ash-leaved maple H = 4 m

This is a low tree or large shrub. The variety is very beautiful, variegated. Young leaves are pink, later becoming white-variegated. Maple is suitable for small gardens as a tapeworm and for use in color compositions.


Silver maple H = 20 m

A picturesque tree with hanging, long, thin branches. The leaves are carved, strongly dissected, graceful, silver-green in color, turning light yellow in the fall. Preferably used as a tapeworm.


Norway maple H = 7 m

Without pruning, the tree forms an even, very dense spherical crown, which in adult plants takes on a flat shape. Recommended for landscaping city streets, but also suitable as a decorative element for a small garden.

"Royal Red"

Norway maple H = 12 m

The crown is broadly conical, the leaves are large, shiny, bright red throughout the growing season. Yellow inflorescences look very impressive against the background of brightly colored leaves. The tree grows quickly. This variety is widely used.


Ash-leaved maple H = 5 m

A beautiful tree with decorative, white-green, variegated leaves and showy fruits. Used as a solitaire and in contrasting compositions with others deciduous trees. Tolerates urban conditions well.

Acer, Maple. Trees and shrubs with opposite buds and simple, usually palmate or entire or pinnately compound leaves without stipules. Flowers are bisexual or unisexual (due to underdevelopment of the pistil or stamens). The fruits are lionfish with an elongated wing. Flowers in panicles or corymbs.


The name is derived from Latin acer- “sharp”, in the form of leaves with sharp blades.

Types and varieties of maple

The genus contains about 150 species, distributed in North America, Asia, Europe and North Africa, mainly in temperate regions. There are 16 species growing in our country. About 40 species are used in ornamental gardening.

Norway maple, or sycamore maple (Acer platanoides)

Homeland - European part Russia and the Caucasus.

Norway maple reaches a height of 30 m, the bark is fissured, at first dark gray, later turning black. It blooms in mid-May, at the same time as foliage.

The species is demanding on soils, does not tolerate stagnant moisture and salinity, and is wind-resistant.

USDA Zone 3 (4)

Norway maple, or sycamore maple, Acer platanoides

Decorative forms and varieties of Norway maple:

Albescens" - a large deciduous tree with a broad oval crown, young leaves are creamy white, mature leaves are green;

Bicolor" - young leaves are light yellow with cream strokes, later they turn pink;

Cleveland’ - characterized by a compact crown shape, when blooming the leaves are light red, then bright green, autumn color is yellow-orange;

'Columnare' - up to 10 m high, with a columnar crown shape, characterized by a slow growth rate. The leaves are red when blooming, later dark green;

Plantain maple Crismon Sentry or Crimson Sentry - a slender tree, up to 7-8 m high with dark red leaves

Crimson King"—the leaves are purple throughout the season;

Drummondii" - a tree up to 5 m high, distinguished by a wide cream border on the leaves;

'Emerald Queen' - up to 12-15 m high, distinguished by an oval crown shape and leaves that, when blooming, become light red, then become dark green color, and in autumn it is light yellow;

'Faassen's Black'- young leaves are light red, mature leaves are dark purple (almost black);

'Fairview'— the variety is distinguished by its pyramidal crown shape and dark green leaves;

'Farlakes Green' — the variety is distinguished by a wide pyramidal crown, bright yellow autumn and dark green summer leaves;

‘Fassen’s Black’— the variety is distinguished by a regular wide-pyramidal crown and large red-brown leaves;

'Globosum' — the variety is distinguished by a dense, spherical crown shape;

Maculatum" - a low tree, young leaves with small white and pink strokes;

Norway maple or sycamore variety ‘Royal Red’ is distinguished by large bright red leaves during the growing season

‘Schwedleri’— the variety is distinguished by shiny red young leaves that change color from bronze-green in summer to orange-copper in autumn;

Variegatum" - young leaves with pink strokes, then they turn white.

Field maple, or oaklen (Acer campestre)

Homeland - forest-steppe of the European part of Russia, Crimea and the Caucasus.

Tree or shrub up to 15 m high with a dense, spreading, tent-shaped crown. The bark is light gray, the shoots and buds are pubescent, the leaves are smaller than those of K. holly.

Field maple is shade-tolerant and drought-resistant. It is preferable to plant it in places protected from the wind. In winter hardiness it is inferior to Norway maple. It tolerates pruning better than other maples.

USDA Zone 3 (4)

Field maple, or oaklen, Acer campestre

Popular varieties of field maple:

"Albovariegatum" - as a rule, a shrub, about 5 m tall with white-variegated leaves, yellow in autumn;

"Carnival" - young leaves with a wide pink border, then the border turns white;

"Elsrijk" - a tree, up to 8 m tall with a compact conical crown and small leaves;

"Red Shine" - a tree up to 5 m tall with purple leaves;

"Postelense" - a low tree with a wide and low crown, the bark is brownish with longitudinal cracks, the leaves are first golden-yellow, then green, and yellow in the fall;

"Pulverulentum" - young leaves are creamy, adults - with a large number of white spots.

Maple mono, or small-leaved maple (Acer mono)

Far Eastern view.

A tree up to 15-20 m high with a dense and low crown, leaves smaller than those of Norway maple. Young branches are yellowish-gray, old ones are brown. The leaves are five-lobed, small, dense. The flowers are light yellow (May), collected in paniculate inflorescences. The fruits ripen in August. Autumn foliage color is bright yellow, orange and red.

Popular variety Marmoratum" - a low tree with rounded crown, gray bark, leaves with white spots various sizes, yellow in autumn.

Mono maple, or small-leaved maple, Acer mono

Red maple, scarlet maple or swamp maple (Acer rubrum)

A fast-growing deciduous tree with a spreading tent-shaped crown, up to 15-20 m tall in cultivation, in nature up to 30-40 m. The bark is dark gray, young shoots are reddish. The leaves are five-lobed, reddish when blooming, and during the summer they are rich green on top and whitish on the underside. In autumn the foliage is bright orange.

Red maple is quite frost-resistant and undemanding to soil conditions. Grows well in urban conditions, on uncompacted soils. Not affected by powdery mildew.

Decorative varieties of red maple or swamp maple:

'Armstrong'— the variety is distinguished by a column-like crown shape and smaller foliage;

'Bowhall'— the variety is distinguished by a narrow pyramidal crown shape and bright orange foliage in autumn;

'Brandywine'- the variety is distinguished by its rich, even purple, bright foliage color in autumn;

'Karpik'— the variety is distinguished by the regular columnar shape of the crown and the bluish color of the foliage;

'Northwood'- the variety is distinguished by very bright autumn foliage color - red and orange;

‘Autumn Flame’ - the variety is distinguished by bright red autumn foliage;

'Red Sunset'- the variety is distinguished by a pyramidal crown shape and large purple leaves in autumn.

Ginnala maple, or river maple (Acer ginnala)

Homeland - forests of the Far East.

Shrub or tree height from 2 to 5-7 m. The bark is brown. The leaves are oblong, three-lobed, pinkish when blooming, mature dark green, bright red or orange in autumn. The flowers are yellowish, fragrant. The fruits are lionfish, bright pink before ripening. The species is light-loving and frost-resistant.

In the variety " Flame"extraordinarily beautiful autumn leaf color, and variety" Durand Dwarf" - only 50-60 cm high, the leaves are small, the autumn color is very bright.

Ginnala maple, or river maple, Acer ginnala

Palm maple or fan maple (Acer palmatum)

Shrub or small tree up to 8 m tall, with a round or umbrella-shaped crown. The leaves of this maple are strongly dissected, lobed, bare, up to 12 cm in diameter, very decorative: red when blooming, green in summer, purple in autumn.

It grows slowly, is demanding of soil and moisture, suffers from dry air, is quite thermophilic, and regularly freezes, sometimes to the level of snow. Prefers fertile, humus-rich, well-drained acidic or neutral soils. It is possible to grow in a container culture with winter maintenance at low positive temperatures.

USDA Zone 6 (7)

Fan maple variety "Butterfly" - low-growing variety with small, gray-green leaves with a white or pink border along the edges of the leaves. Can be used for winter shelter.

Popular varieties of palm maple:

"Aureum" - shrub up to 1 m tall, young leaves are light yellow with a reddish edge, yellow-green in summer, yellow in autumn;

"Atropurpureum" - about 2 m high with highly dissected, dark purple throughout the season;

‘Dissectum’- a group of varieties in which the leaves are divided to the base into pinnately divided lobes: " Dissectum Flavescens"—leaves are yellowish-green in summer and yellow in autumn;

'Deshojo'— maple is distinguished by the crimson-red color of young leaves, later they become light green;

‘Okushimo’— the variety is distinguished by green foliage;

‘Ornatum’- the variety is distinguished by the color of the leaf blade: red-brown - green-brown - fiery scarlet, depending on the season: spring - summer - autumn.

Sugar maple, or silver maple (Acer saccharinum)

A large North American tree with a tent-shaped, spreading crown in nature up to 40 m, in cultivation up to 25 m in height. The bark is light gray. The leaves are five-lobed, heavily indented, bright green, silvery-white underneath, turning light yellow or pinkish-orange in the fall. The flowers are greenish-yellow (April), the fruits ripen early.

It grows quickly, is shade-tolerant, and is quite undemanding to soil.

In their homeland, the sap of sugar maple and sugar maple is used for the industrial production of maple sugar.

USDA Zone 3 (4)

Sugar maple, or silver maple, Acer saccharinum

Popular varieties of sugar maple:

"Aureo-variegatum" - a deciduous tree with a wide spreading crown, the leaves are silvery below, with yellow strokes on top, with an orange tint when blooming;

"Citreo-variegatum" - young leaves are yellow-green;

"Vagneri" - a low-growing variety, the leaves are small, with a small white border;

"Hance's Variegated" - leaves with creamy white strokes.

Manchurian maple (Acer mandshuricum)

A slender tree up to 20 m high. The crown is openwork, usually raised high. The bark is gray, young shoots are red-brown, glabrous. The leaves are dark green, compound, trifoliate with reddish petioles. The flowers are greenish-yellow, collected in corymbose inflorescences. In summer the leaves are often reddish along the veins and along the edges, in autumn they are deep red. Blooms in May, bears fruit in September.

The species tolerates some shade, but develops better in sunny places. The soil is preferably fertile, the species is winter-hardy.

Tatarian maple, black maple or non-maple (Acer tataricum)

Shrub or tree with a spreading crown, up to 9 m high. The bark is smooth, almost black. The trunk is gracefully curved. The leaves are entire, up to 10 cm long, dark green in summer, yellow or red in autumn. The flowers are white, collected in dense panicles. The fruits are lionfish, remain on the tree for a long time and are colored red in summer.

Tatarian maple is winter-hardy, drought-resistant and undemanding to soil conditions. Tolerates haircuts well.

Tatarian maple or black maple

Flowering Tatarian maple

Greenbark maple (Acer tegmentosum)

This species grows in the Far Eastern taiga forests, China and Korea. It was introduced into culture in 1892.

A tall shrub or tree in nature up to 15 m high. The bark is smooth green with longitudinal whitish stripes. Leaves are up to 17 cm long, yellow in autumn. Blooms in the second decade of May. Flowering and fruiting begins at the age of 9 years.

Greenbark maple grows quite quickly, prefers sunny places, but also tolerates slight shading. Does not need pruning. Frost-resistant.

Ash-leaf maple, or American maple (Acer negundo)

Homeland - North America. This North American species has successfully adapted to the climatic conditions of Russia.

A tree up to 20 m tall, often multi-stemmed, with a wide spreading crown. The bark is light brown. The bark of young shoots is covered with a bluish waxy coating. The leaves are compound, consisting of 3-5 leaflets. It blooms in May, the fruits ripen in September.

The species is extremely unpretentious, light-loving, and undemanding to soils. Propagates well by self-sowing and at a young age grows quickly and weeds.

Popular forms and varieties of ash maple:

"Auratum" - tree up to 7-10 m tall, spreading crown, young foliage bronze, later lemon yellow;

"Elegans" - up to 5 m, young leaves with a bright yellow border, adults - with white;

Ash-leaved maple variety Flamingo or Flamingo - up to 5 m tall, leaves with white and pink patterns

‘Aureo-Variegatum’- the variety differs in the color of the leaves: dark green with golden-yellow spots, light-loving;

‘Odessanum’- when blooming, the leaves are bronze in color, later becoming bright, golden yellow;

‘Variegatum’- the leaves are pink when blooming, then with a white border or random strokes.

Pennsylvania maple, or striped maple (Acer pensylvanicum)

Tree up to 12 m tall, the bark is smooth, dark green, with longitudinal whitish-green stripes. It grows slowly. K. Pennsylvanian is a shade-tolerant species, undemanding to soils and frost-resistant.

Curly maple (Acer circinatum)

Homeland - territory along the Pacific coast of North America.

A low tree with spreading shoots, often growing as a bush. The leaves are round in outline, have 7-9 lobes, each with a serrated edge. The leaves reach 6-12 cm in diameter. Blooms in the first half of May. The flowers are red, collected in drooping racemes.

Frost-resistant, annual shoots can freeze.

Curly maple varieties:

"Little Gem"- a dwarf variety with a rounded crown. The leaves are small, with a reddish tint when blooming, in the fall - red and orange;

"Monroe" - branches are purple, leaves are dissected to the very base into wide, coarse-toothed lobes, orange-yellow in autumn;

"Pacific Fire"- The branches are bright red, the leaves turn yellow in the fall.

False Siebold maple (Acer pseudosieboldianum)

Homeland - Far East.

A low, no more than 8 m tall tree with a dense spherical crown. Blooms in mid-May. The leaves are fan-shaped, medium-sized, nine-lobed. In summer they are light green, in autumn they are yellow, pink and red.

Winter hardiness is high, but harsh winters annual shoots may freeze.

Naked maple (Acer glabrum)

A small tree or shrub several meters high. Young branches are dark, reddish-brown, later turning gray. Leaves are up to 5-6 cm long, 3-lobed, on red petioles, dark green above, bluish below, yellow in autumn. The flowers are greenish-yellow. Unripe fruits are red.

Yellow maple (Acer ucurunduense)

A small tree or shrub up to 8 m tall, with a narrow crown. Leaves are up to 14 cm wide, with 5-7 lobes, the lobes are oval, long pointed, with rough teeth. The leaves are dark green, orange and red in autumn. It blooms after the leaves bloom. Small flowers are collected in long and narrow protruding racemes up to 15 cm long. The wings of the fruit are compressed.

Maple care

Maples are demanding on soil (they act as soil-improving species). On marshy soils and in close proximity groundwater drainage is required. The soil mixture for maples that require fertile soil includes humus, turf soil and sand (3:2:1); for less demanding ones, leaf soil, peat and sand (2:2:1) are suitable.

Maples are relatively shade-tolerant and wind-resistant. They grow slowly, many species are drought-resistant, but maples need to be watered in hot weather.

It is necessary to cut out dry branches and frost-damaged annual shoots.

Most species overwinter without shelter, however, some species, such as K. palmate, are heat-loving and in central Russia require shelter for the winter.

Maple propagation

Maples are propagated by sowing, and decorative forms by grafting.

False-platan maple Simon-Louis Fréres or Simon-Louis Fréres is a tree up to 20 m tall with a dense crown. The variety is close to the famous Leopoldi variety. The leaves are cream when blooming, then light green with a creamy white and green pattern, when mature they are even more contrasting.

Plant nursery "Sign of the Earth"

Landscape design of the site

Landscape design of a site is a real art, which involves a whole group of specialists. Landscape design is distinguished by individuality, because you are unlikely to find two identical plots: each house with its surrounding area and landscape is unique. Therefore, designers and planners create a landscape design that is suitable only for you and where all your dreams are realized. Landscape design is only limited by your imagination. For example, you need to beautifully decorate your terrace for a pleasant pastime. Or maybe you dream of a small pond with a cascade of murmuring water. If the project includes a swimming pool, then a changing cabin is needed, and the ground around the entire perimeter must be covered with safe materials.
Having equipped a fountain, you can listen to the sound of falling water. Some people do not need the presence of ponds on their plot, then a landscape design specialist can create the appearance of water with the help of a “dry” stream. The imagination of our landscape designers is limitless, and the photo gallery of our completed projects will help you in determining what your summer cottage should be like. Our company employs creative personalities, who are experienced and highly qualified specialists who are ready to fill your garden with life, which will bring you the joy of communicating with it for many years.
Our landscape design studio strives to preserve and improve the natural environment that has developed on the site. In this regard, each tree, shrub or part of the relief, at your request, will become integral organic elements of the new garden design. Our specialists love their work and will be happy to provide any assistance!

Ornamental plant nursery

We are engaged landscaping personal plots, cottages, suburban and urban areas. Our task is A complex approach to landscaping. We are ready not only to give you beautiful and adapted plants, but to deliver them and plant them.

Our plant nursery employs only competent and qualified specialists in various fields. Each of us has unique knowledge of planting and replanting plants, pruning trees and shrubs, we will tell you how to properly care for your garden and give recommendations on landscape design.

Japanese maples are deciduous shrubs and trees that grace gardens, patios, decks and flower beds around the world. Red foliage looks attractive; the decorative appearance of plants with purple, orange, and maroon crowns is appreciated by landscape design professionals and amateur gardeners. (red) is a challenge to the author of the tired phrase “green spaces”. The unusual coloring of the graceful leaves appeared as a result natural processes And painstaking work breeders.

Maple with red leaves and openwork crown

The Japanese maple acquired its spectacular appearance thanks to its complex biochemical composition. From school, many people know about chlorophyll, which gives leaves their green color. In addition to this pigment, plants contain carotenoids, their presence causes red, yellow and orange colors. Purple, brown, orange and foliage are due to the accumulation of anthocyanins in the cell sap. Beautifully shaped leaf blades can be painted in purple and carmine tones, in harmony with gray tint bark. The crown of trees is usually round, found in the shape of an oval or a mushroom cap. The dissected leaves of red maples look like lace from a distance. Inflorescences, fruits, even bark patterns - all aboveground part looks very decorative. In autumn the leaves become more bright shades, and fall off in the winter. But the plant continues to delight the eye with the grace of its thin branches and unusual crown.

Decorative red maple

The plant belongs to the Sapindaceae family (lat. Sapindaceae), belongs to the Maple genus. Homeland - forests of Southeast Asia. The variety of small forms of Japanese maples is surprising; they have been created in the Land of the Rising Sun for centuries. Now in many countries, breeders are developing new cultivars of the popular ornamental plant. Varieties of maples belonging to three types look bright and elegant:

  • maple or fan maple (Acer palmatum);
  • red Japanese maple (Acer japonicum);
  • Shirasawa maple (Acer shirasawanum).

In summer, the golden foliage of the Shirasawa maple attracts attention in gardens and terraces; in autumn it turns bright orange. Dutch fan maple varieties are covered in glossy dark red leaves in the spring that change color to orange-red before falling. The openwork crown acquires bright shades with good sunlight or in partial shade.

Palm maple (fan)

Compact in size, Red Fan Maple displays rich shades of purple, orange and pink. The homeland of this species is the forests of Japan, Eastern China and Korea. Under natural conditions, trees reach a height of 8-10 m. The crown becomes round or mushroom-shaped with age. Young shoots of the plant are covered with colored skin. In spring, the leaves turn red; in the summer of some cultivars they turn green, and in the fall they turn purple. The flowers are collected in bright loose inflorescences. The shape of the lionfish varies greatly among different varieties of fan maple. The plant is heat-loving, demanding on soil fertility and moisture, but does not tolerate excess water. Temperatures below -15 °C lead to damage to the root system. The species is propagated by seeds, which can be sown immediately after collection. Common forms of palmate maple: pink-bordered, crimson, purple dissected and others.

Planting a red maple

Trees with red leaves look good alone in groups. When planting, the distance between plants should be left 1.5-3.5 m. For seedlings, prepare a planting hole 50-70 cm deep. In a wetland, you need to take care of good drainage (sand, crushed stone, construction waste). Red maple seedlings are placed in a hole with a loose layer at the bottom. Fill the planting hole halfway with water and cover it with substrate, which is mixed with full mineral fertilizer. There are new varieties that do not exceed 1.5 m in height and can grow in containers. Pots for planting should be ceramic or plastic Japanese style. Red maple prefers loose, humus-rich substrates and does not like waterlogging. Soil for containers is mixed with compost in a 1:1 ratio or prepared from equal parts turf soil and peat, add sand.

Caring for Japanese Maple

Red maples do not require radical pruning, but be sure to remove diseased and dead branches. In spring, care consists of replacing the top layer of compost with fresh compost, pre-enriched with fertilizers. The mixture is prepared from 40 g of urea, 30 g of superphosphate and 25 g of potassium salt. can be covered with mulch to retain moisture and protect against crusting. Watering in summer must be combined with fertilizing and loosening. Red maple tolerates lack of moisture, but loses its decorative properties. The watering regime must be adjusted depending on the climate of the area and weather conditions. Winter hardiness largely depends on the type, variety and age of plants. In autumn, the roots of young trees and bushes on the site should be insulated with dry leaves, and the containers should be brought indoors.

Diseases and pests

Red maple propagation

In autumn they are cut for vegetative propagation cuttings (20 cm). They are dug in in the winter and rooted in containers or pots in the spring. Fill the containers with light soil, be sure to mix it with sand. In the spring, buds or cuttings of ornamental cultivars are grafted onto more winter-hardy and fast-growing varieties of the same species (or closely related ones). For seed propagation, lionfish are collected and sown in the soil in the fall. But it is better to create conditions for them that resemble stratification in nature, which occurs in winter at a temperature of about 3 °C. In the spring, the seeds are soaked before sowing, and when they hatch, they are sown in the garden to a depth of 4 cm. In the hot summer, the seedlings need to be shaded. Seedlings that have reached 50-80 cm can be transplanted to a permanent location.

Red maple in the garden

Red maple is a hardy plant, but vulnerable to direct sunlight and drafts. Trees and bushes affected by unfavorable conditions may shed their leaves prematurely. Branches and roots are damaged by frost if the temperature drops below -15 ° C. Maples do not like open areas facing south. Ideal place for them - protected from the wind, with mosaic lighting. All cultivars are suitable for Asian-style gardens, patio landscaping and front gardens. The umbrella-shaped crown creates shade in seating corners and on garden paths, contrasts with the bright greenery of the evergreen hedge, plants typical of middle zone. Original shrubs and trees can be used in rocky gardens; they harmonize with dark coniferous species. Fast-growing varieties of palm and fan maples reach a height of 4-5 m. Perennial flowers that do not require good lighting can be planted under the crown of these red trees.

Maples are symbols of autumn. This genus of plants is interesting and large; there are more than 150 species of shrubs and trees growing in different places on Earth. In our climate, up to 25 species can be cultivated. According to Feng Shui, maple is considered a family tree.

Maples are widely used in landscaping of populated areas. The most widely used maples include ash-leaved (American), holly, riverine, Tatarian, field, and false-sycamore (sycamore). Red, silver, spike and sugar maples in landscape design are also used, although they are not yet widely known.

Types and varieties of decorative maple

Maples are endowed with a variety of lobed leaves that form a beautiful mosaic of the crown. These plants are beautiful in any season of the year. When deployed in the spring, they give a pink or red tint, become rich green in the summer, and in the fall they delight with a riot of scarlet, orange and yellow colors. Among all the common types there are maples of unusual decorative forms:

  • Reitenbachii, Crimson Kinq, etc. – maples with permanent red foliage;
  • Aurea, Drummondii – the leaf blade has a yellow or white border;
  • Laciniatum - leaf with deeply dissected lobes;
  • Columnare, Globosum, etc. – pyramidal or spherical crown. These are the most decorative woody plants.

Decorative maple will provide protection from dust, scorching sun, and extraneous noise due to its dense, thick, relief shape. All maples, except silver and ash-leaved, are wind-resistant.

Flowering of decorative maple

And how fragrantly and magnificently the maples bloom! I would especially like to highlight the flowering of the red maple; its bright scarlet inflorescences appear in April. Flowering of other species occurs at the end of April - mid-June.

Decorative maple trees

Gardeners are often intimidated by their size when growing maples on their property. Yes, most maples are large trees with a crown up to 20 m in diameter and up to 20-25 m in height. Of course, only owners of large suburban areas can afford such trees.

Little is known about Far Eastern maples, which differ from American and European species. Among them there are big trees and small trees with a bizarre, peculiar “Japanese” crown, as well as shrubs.

Far Eastern maple

The Far Eastern maple will be a godsend, as it does not create problems in cultivation, thanks to adaptation to the cold climate in its homeland. Trees (15-20 m) include Manchurian and small-leaved maples.

Manchurian maple

The Manchurian maple is endowed with a magnificent spherical crown, under which comfortable partial shade is created, and unusual tripartite leaves attached with long red petioles. The flowering of this maple is beautiful, and in the summer the ripening red fruits-cralats look beautiful among the green foliage. But the Manchurian maple has its most stunning appearance in the fall, when the top of the leaf becomes bright scarlet and the bottom light pink.

small leaf maple

The small-leaved maple has a denser crown, its leaves are similar to the leaves of the Norway maple, but their size is somewhat smaller. In autumn, the leaves turn yellow to bright orange.

Multi-trunked Far Eastern maples grow 10-15 meters high; they can take the form of trees with one or several trunks or the shape of large ones. The gardener himself, armed with pruning shears, can give the desired shape. This type of maple includes greenbark and yellow maple.

Greenbark maple

This ornamental maple has variegated bark with alternating white, gray and green stripes. Its leaves are large and soft with shallow lobes, reminiscent of the well-known “quality mark”. In autumn, the leaves turn neutral yellow and lemon yellow tones, which contrast wonderfully with the bark.

Yellow maple

The yellow maple is endowed with soft yellowish-gray bark, its leaves are lobed, covered with reddish hairs on the underside. In autumn their color turns salmon-red or orange.

Decorative maple shrubs

bearded maple

Among the shrubs, I would like to introduce the bearded maple; this dense bush with many trunks grows in diameter and up to 4-5 meters in height. It lends itself well to shaping and cutting, and blooms beautifully. The bright green summer leaves change to orange or dark yellow in the fall. In winter, the garden is decorated with young shoots with purple-red and dark pink bark. They are especially elegant against the backdrop of sparkling snow.

Fan and palm maples, etc.

For lovers of Japanese gardens, three-flowered, false siebold, fan, and palmate maples are suitable. These views cause special delight; they are unusually beautiful and meet the canons of Eastern ethics. Low, with graceful, sometimes intricately curved trunks, these maples are endowed with an asymmetrical crown, often inclined towards the light. The grace and tiered transparency of the crown is given by the horizontal branching of the terminal shoots. These maples are highly prized professional designers. It is not necessary to create a Japanese garden, just plant a maple on the site and over time you will be able to create a beautiful corner next to it by planting fern or forest moss nearby, installing stone lantern or a beautiful stone.

In any case, there is never any need to rush; over time it will become clear how you want to see the corner of the garden in which the decorative maple grows.