The effect of solar flares on electronics. Nuclear explosion in space. Why are solar flares dangerous?

On September 6 at 15:02 (Moscow time), the largest solar flare in the last 12 years was recorded. The most powerful release of energy occurred during a period of minimal solar activity, which amazed astronomers. How such events affect the Earth is in the Futurist material.

The largest solar flare in the last 12 years was recorded by the SDO Solar Dynamics Observatory in active region 2673. The explosion with a power of X9.3 (the letter indicates the class of extremely large flares, and the number indicates its strength) occurred as a result of the interaction of two largest groups in several years sunspots. Judging by the radio emission, there was an ejection of matter from the corona - the outer layers of the Sun's atmosphere. The flare followed a weaker one (X2.2), which appeared in this area at 12:10 Moscow time, and on September 4 a series of class M flares, the previous most powerful, occurred.

As the Laboratory of Solar X-ray Astronomy of the Lebedev Physical Institute writes, this is one of the most powerful explosions that our star is capable of producing. Over 20 years of observations of the Sun, only five flares of greater intensity have been recorded (the last with a power of X17.0 was recorded in November 2005). The largest of them occurred in November 2003, its capacity was X28.

As a rule, such events occur at the peak of solar activity, but this flare appeared against the background of solar minimum - and this is its uniqueness. The flare activity after the explosion was 10.3, which corresponds to highest level. Scientists continue to figure out what caused such a large explosion during the “calm” period and predict the consequences for the Earth and outer space. The flare was observed only by foreign space observatories. The only Russian solar project (the ROC Arka space observatory) is scheduled only for 2024.

What is a solar flare?

This is a powerful explosion on the Sun, as a result of which a colossal amount of energy accumulated in the star’s atmosphere is quickly released. It is caused by reconnection of magnetic field lines in solar plasma. Typically, flashes occur in neutral areas located between dark spots of opposite polarity. Major solar flares most often occur during the period of maximum activity in the 11-year cycle. The last maximum of the current solar cycle was in April 2014. Powerful flares can be accompanied by the ejection of matter from the solar corona.

How will this solar flare affect Earth?

According to data from space coronagraphs (instruments that monitor the solar corona and plasma flows in it), a large ejection of solar matter has occurred, and it is directed towards the Earth. The Laboratory of X-ray Astronomy of the Sun suggests that clouds of plasma (usually they are 100 million kilometers near the Earth's orbit and move at a speed of 1000 km/s) will approach the Earth on September 8 and hit its magnetic field. The arrival time of solar matter is still being calculated. The exact strength of the effects is not yet clear: it depends on the direction of the magnetic field in the cloud. If upon impact it coincides with the earth’s, the consequences will be minimal: solar plasma does not break through. If the magnetic fields are multidirectional, the plasma will break through the magnetic shield and rush into the Earth’s magnetosphere - and then auroras will bloom across the entire planet from the equator to the poles and a strong magnetic storm will rage. Determining the direction of magnetic fields is a daunting task.

Due to the action of the flow of charged particles, the upper layers of the Earth's atmosphere are heated. Along with intense radio emissions, this impairs the accuracy of navigation systems and leads to disruption of satellites, radio communications and telecommunications equipment. Satellites in high orbits are especially affected: either the vehicle becomes highly charged during a storm and its parts fail, or its components are bombarded by charged particles. But it is impossible to predict which specific satellite will die.

So far, observatories around the world are predicting a magnetic storm in the next three days with a strength of 1-2 on a 5-point scale, which will last at least 24 hours. Scientists note sudden changes Earth's magnetic field.

What other problems could there be?

Power outages over large areas. The most famous case occurred in 1989 in Quebec. Powerful currents in the magnetosphere cause excessive high voltage in power lines and damage electrical transformers and power plants. This most often occurs closer to the Earth's poles, where induced currents are greatest and in regions with long power lines and where the ground conducts poorly.

Is it true that due to solar flares Do you have a headache and are in a bad mood?

Yes, this can happen. On the surface of the Earth we are well protected from the effects of charged particles and X-rays from the Sun magnetic field and the Earth's atmosphere. The small number of very high energy particles that reach the surface does not significantly increase the levels of radiation we experience every day. Warming of the atmosphere can lead to changes atmospheric pressure, which may affect weather-sensitive people. There are claims of influence magnetic storms on human health, but there is no convincing evidence. Basically, the discussion of the harm of geomagnetic storms takes place in the Russian environment, while abroad it is discussed, but not postulated.

Astronauts on the ISS do not suffer from radiation, since the station is in a fairly low orbit. But a solar flare could be dangerous for those flying to the Moon or Mars.

Do pacemakers break?

Pacemakers can detect the effects of strong solar storms, but these “glitches” are not dangerous for patients.

Do solar flares affect the psyche?

Some researchers have identified a correlation between the solar flare and an increase in suicide rates. However, there is no direct evidence. Presumably, geomagnetic storms can desynchronize circadian rhythms associated with the cycle of day and night and the production of melatonin, a hormone that has an anti-stress effect. The pineal gland, which regulates circadian rhythm and melatonin production, is sensitive to changes in the magnetic field. This can affect our mood.

Do solar flares affect historical events?

Not directly. However, a case is described when a solar flare almost became a cause for war. In May 1967, during the Cold War, Americans began preparing their air force for war with nuclear weapons, thinking that Soviet Union disabled their surveillance radars in the polar regions. In fact, two days before this there was a powerful flare on the Sun, which led to a powerful geomagnetic storm and disrupted radio communications in America for a whole week, and northern lights was visible in the southwest of the country.

For several decades, scientists around the world have been trying to find out whether it is possible to somehow predict such a natural phenomenon as a solar flare.

It has already been proven that the frequency of its occurrence is determined by solar activity cycles, which change at intervals of 11 years. But, unfortunately, the most powerful manifestations of the activity of a celestial body occur suddenly.

Impact of solar flares on humans

Despite the fact that our planet has reliable protection in the form of the ozone layer and the geomagnetic field, solar flares pose a great danger to human health. Each such solar activity is accompanied by a cloud of so-called plasma, which causes magnetic storms. And they, in turn, have a detrimental effect on all life on Earth and disable even the most powerful equipment.

According to, from the beginning of the flare itself to the moment when its radiation reaches our planet, only 8-10 minutes pass, after which powerfully charged particles begin to move towards the Earth. After which, within 3 days, clouds of plasma collide with it, forming magnetic storms. In duration, each outbreak lasts no more than a few minutes, but this is quite enough to affect people’s well-being.

Impact on outer space

For astronauts, solar flares are considered the most dangerous. This is due to the fact that the force of a blast wave in space can disable communication satellites and even damage space rocket. In addition, as a result of the flare, powerful proton fluxes are formed, due to which the level of radiation increases noticeably, which can lead to severe exposure of the astronaut. By the way, airplane passengers in the air during the peak of a solar flare are also at some risk of exposure.

Who should be wary of solar flares?

It has been scientifically proven that various accidents and disasters caused by humans most often occur on days when solar flares are active. This is due to the fact that during this period, concentration is impaired, and brain activity noticeably weakens. In addition, we can distinguish several groups of people who feel the effects of magnetic storms more strongly than others. These are those who have a weakened immune system, a tendency to migraines, heart disease, blood pressure problems, chronic diseases, and mental disorders.

To prevent the effects of magnetic storms from taking you by surprise, experts recommend regular medical examinations. This way you will be prepared for exacerbation of chronic diseases and will be able to prevent possible illness in a timely manner.

11.09.2017 09:01

Yesterday evening there was a new strong flare on the Sun. Many inhabitants of the Earth began to have severe headaches.

Powerful solar flare

According to the Solar X-ray Astronomy Laboratory (FIAN), this is an X8.2 level event. A flare of level X8.2 (the second event in a week, one of the largest in the history of solar observations) was recorded yesterday evening at about 19:00 Moscow time. The second burst of activity, which began on September 7, after a daily pause that accompanied the X9.3 flare of September 6, ended in the same way as the first. Unable to burn off all the energy that is now continuously being thrown into the atmosphere of the Sun along with magnetic fluxes emerging from its depths, our star got rid of its “problems” with one powerful explosion- an X8.2 flare, the second strongest since 2005, and second only to its direct predecessor, which occurred four days earlier.

Planet Earth is bombarded by heavy particles coming from the Sun. The illustration shows images coming from the LASCO C3 space coronagraph, located on the Sun-Earth line at the Lagrange point L1 (1.5 million kilometers from our planet). The entire field of view of the telescope is “strewn” with traces of flare particles. The size of the telescope detector is approximately 1.5 by 1.5 cm2. One can imagine the density of particle fluxes bombarding spacecraft. Near-Earth satellites, as well as the Earth’s ionosphere, which was supposed to bear the brunt of the hard X-ray and ultraviolet radiation flashes.

Judging by the shape of the flare's emission profile (rapid growth followed by a long decline), the flare was accompanied by a large ejection of matter that went into interplanetary space. The speed and direction of the release have not yet been determined.

Despite the power of the flare, the mass ejection containing the main energy of the explosion will not reach the Earth.

The solar flare that occurred, although visible from Earth, occurred on the far side of the solar disk. One can only guess what its true score was, since part of the energy simply did not reach the Earth due to the shielding of the flare by the disk. We can say that this time the Earth was shielded from the new explosion by the Sun itself. The central vector of the explosion was directed not towards the Earth, but away from our planet. Given the current positions of the planets solar system, the main powerful blow this time will fall on Venus, which is now located almost exactly on the central line of the ejection.

Despite the unexpectedness and incredible power of the events occurring on the Sun, astronomers continue to consider them as a one-time burst of activity - probably the last one before the long hibernation of the Sun, into which it was supposed to fall (and seemed to have already fallen) for the next few years.

Why are solar flares dangerous?

Solar flares, which produce powerful proton streams, significantly increase the level of radiation, causing people to outer space can easily be exposed to very serious radiation. There is a serious risk of exposure even for airline passengers. And of course, during solar flares, people with weakened immune systems, those who suffer from cardiovascular diseases, migraines, surges and changes in blood pressure, people with chronic diseases, and also mentally suffer. unbalanced people. It is not yet clear whether this is related to solar flares.

17-07-2017, 14:41

Researchers from the NASA aerospace agency are again scaring the population of our planet. They say that today, July 17, there will be a powerful coronal ejection of energy from the Sun, better known as a solar flare. It will have an impact on all cosmic bodies in the system of our star, not bypassing the Earth. In this regard, serious problems are expected on the planet, in particular, cataclysms, problems with equipment and communications. What else do powerful flares on the Sun threaten us with and what experts say about it. Let's find out about this.

Opinions of NASA researchers

Experts from the American space agency claim that a huge ejection of masses on the Sun will lead to cataclysms, such as increased seismicity and earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and tsunamis. The researchers also added that the brightness of the star, which warms our planet with heat, will be several percent higher than normal. Scientists conveyed their concerns to the intelligence services, people were warned about natural problems, and in the United States the population was given instructions on how to behave during abnormal solar activity.

Since the release will be very strong, scientists have no doubt that many inhabitants of our planet will feel its consequences themselves. The unstable period will last for several hours in a row, and during this time particularly active volcanoes may erupt and earthquakes may occur.

In addition, the “blue” planet faces landslides, avalanches, floods, problems with water supply, electricity and telephone communications. There is also an opinion that today transformers will begin to burn, which is why not only short circuits, but also fires may occur in different parts of the planet. Overall, millions of people could be affected throughout the Earth. However, the real apocalypse will not come yet.

According to Nasovites, yesterday’s solar flare surpassed in power all previous solar mass ejections that occurred this year. It covered the entire Earth, which shows that in 2017 the Sun really “activated”.

Previously, scientists predicted no longer rosy prospects. They said that the star would fade, and the Earth would plunge into darkness, soon all the reserves on the planet would run out, and humanity would cease to exist, because it would be left without food and water. Before this, researchers promised that the Sun would “burn” our “cradle of life”, all seas and oceans would dry up, and people would be left without water. Are such dire consequences really awaiting the Earth?

What happens to the luminary?

Although the Sun looks quite calm, it can explode, releasing huge amounts of its energy into space. Astronomers classify this phenomenon as solar flares. They occur in the atmosphere of the star, in the chromosphere and corona. In this case, the plasma is heated to millions of degrees Kelvin, and the particles move at enormous speed. In an instant, up to 6 x 10*25 J of solar energy is released into the atmosphere, which is why ultraviolet radiation is released.

Today, scientists are especially carefully monitoring our bright star. Observations are carried out from the GOES 15 satellite. This device, according to known data, has a complex X-ray telescope that studies the Sun and its radiation. It monitors flares and their early detection, as well as recording coronal mass ejections, which can affect the state of outer space in our Galaxy, as well as the weather on Earth.

Using the graph, you can see the “rise” and “fall” of solar activity and the appearance of different flares every day. They are divided into three classes (depending on strength) - A, B, C, M, X. The latter are considered the most powerful. In the diagram, the maximum X-ray irradiation of the star ranges from one to eight angstroms (0.1-0.8 nm). They are depicted in red as the most potentially dangerous.

From the history of observations of the Sun, it is known that the most powerful flare so far was recorded 14 years ago, in 2003. Then the star emitted so much energy that it damaged the sensors on the Nasov geostationary environmental satellite.

Impact of solar flares

The greatest harm is caused by the radiation emitted into near-Earth space during flares to astronauts working on the ISS. Because powerful energy flows increase background radiation, they expose people working in orbit to large radiation. Passengers of airliners flying at great heights during peak solar activity may also suffer from it.

Flares can also be dangerous for people on Earth, despite the fact that our planet has a protective geomagnetic field and an ozone layer in the atmosphere. But when solar masses are ejected, plasma is released, which, “reaching” the Earth, creates magnetic storms that affect the well-being of living beings and disable communication systems.

Among the representatives of the human race, there are certain groups of earthlings that are most susceptible to the effects of solar energy emissions. These include people with a weakened immune system, chronic illnesses, pressure surges, migraines, heart and vascular diseases, suffering from insomnia and mentally ill individuals.

In addition, it has been proven that the number of accidents and various incidents during special solar activity increases significantly. This is due to the fact that during the outbreak brain activity and concentration are very weakened, so people may not notice obstacles on the road and get into accidents. During solar flares, it is best to stay at home, avoid direct sunlight, and avoid using cars and other equipment to protect yourself from negative consequences the powerful influence that the Sun has on us, capable of both helping to live and destroying.

The sun has not raged like this for twelve years. On Wednesday, September 6, due to the merger of several sunspots, the Sun released a huge amount of energy. This solar wind will be truly destructive.

Scientists from NASA recently predicted a significant decrease in solar activity, because there have been no serious magnetic storms over the past couple of months. Contrary to expectations, on September 6 a unique, but very real event happened - the Sun went beyond its “traditions”.

Communication problems

As you know, the solar wind itself does not cause problems, because it simply does not reach us, because the Earth has two magnetic poles that protect us from these bombardments. But every medal has back side. In the case of storms, this side is obvious - the magnetic field is excited, and its waves negatively affect people and equipment.

Speaking of technology: all over the world on September 7 and 8, communication problems are or have been observed. This is quite obvious given the scale of the problem. Most of the explosions or flares on the Sun, fortunately, occurred in a place where it is more difficult for the solar wind to reach the Earth. If you draw an imaginary line from the Sun to the Earth, then the flash was directed slightly to the side. If it were aimed directly at Earth, the problems would be much more dangerous.

Magnetic storm on September 8 and 9

The solar wind travels to Earth for about two or three days. After the flare on September 6, the released energy will reach Earth on the 8th. Even though the flash was not direct, the magnetic storm from it will reach an incredible fourth level. If this outbreak had been directed at us, it would have exceeded the record fifth.

The storm will not only be unpleasant, but destructive. Not only weather-sensitive people, but everyone else can experience headaches. Chronic diseases will worsen in almost one hundred percent of people. According to the first estimates of scientists from America, on September 8 and 9 pharmacies will have huge profits, because the problem will be on a global scale.

On the 8th, the fourth level storm will subside in the evening, reducing its strength to the first level. September 9 will not be a time for relaxation. The Earth's magnetic field will still be excited. We are all lucky that a problem like this comes before the weekend, because in the middle of the week it would lead to serious troubles at work for those who give it their all.

The only way to protect yourself from danger is common sense and caution. Don't drink alcohol and don't overwork yourself at work. All you will need on September 8 and 9 is peace. Abstract yourself from negative thoughts. They should not torment you during these two days. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

08.09.2017 13:03

Usually, the northern lights can only be observed by residents in the polar zones, but in light of recent events, scientists suggest...

Scientists are noticing alarming news: sunspots are increasingly disappearing on the Sun. And this means that solar Activity decreases. ...