New Year's kitchen games. Sarah's kitchen games for girls. It's time for business

Sarah is, without exaggeration, the youngest chef in the whole world. WITH early age She was so passionate about cooking that she grew up and decided that she would devote her whole life to this business. She spent all her time in the kitchen, inventing and creating new recipes. When she grew from a little girl into a young girl, she successfully graduated from culinary institute, after which she visited more than a dozen countries to learn the secrets of all the cuisines of the world. The girl studied culinary art from the best chefs in the world in the most famous and expensive restaurants, and she put all the acquired skills and secrets into her games!

Our cook's workplace is arranged in accordance with the last word technology. Sarah is clean and tidy, her workplace is in perfect condition, everything is laid out on shelves and put back in its place in a timely manner. She is not shy about sharing her experience, which is why Sarah's kitchen games will teach all future cooks and housewives the culinary arts very quickly and as efficiently as possible!

Entertaining kitchen

The culinary theme is quite widely covered among computer games for girls, and many have probably already learned how to cook simple but quite tasty dishes, and have also mastered several more complex recipes. Now we invite you to Sarah’s kitchen games, where, together with the young cook, you will learn even more tempting ways to turn food into delicious dishes. When there is a partner nearby: a mother, sister or friend, this process becomes much more fun than if you pore over the stove yourself. If the companion also has unique knowledge and talent in the culinary field, cooking becomes a real adventure. And when everything is ready, it’s especially nice to take samples together.

Let's learn the art of cooking by playing Sarah's Kitchen games

First, Sarah will tell you about all the initial, preparatory stages. Then he will introduce you to the process itself, where you will need to sort, wash and chop juicy fruits. And when the consistency is ready, put it in molds and put it in the freezer. Wait for the ice cream to harden and you can take it out to enjoy it yourself and treat others to your magnificent masterpiece. The taste and color of the product will depend on what berries you decide to use, but it will certainly be wonderful, because you prepared it with so much love.

Also, Sarah's kitchen games will teach you how to bake for free:

  • cakes,
  • cupcakes,
  • cookie,
  • another baked goods.

Among such a variety, there is always something that you would like to learn how to cook yourself. And if Halloween is coming soon, together with Sarah open an old cookbook and look in it unusual ideas to mark this day original dish. First, Sarah will ask you to find everything you need in the kitchen: dishes and food. You can look into all the cabinets and bedside tables, open the refrigerator and explore the shelves. When you hover your cursor over an object, you will see its name, and when what you are looking for is found, click on it, and it will appear on the table and be marked with a check mark in the list. Now that preparatory work behind, it's time to start the most interesting part - combining the products, stirring them, whipping them, cutting them. Your teacher will not leave you alone with the groceries in the heat of the moment, but will help you go all the way to the end. When it's all over, you like the recipe, remember it or write it down so you can repeat it again. real life in my kitchen with my mother. Likewise you:

  • learn culinary masterpieces for the New Year;
  • learn different National dishes different countries;
  • After exploring virtual toys, learn how to beautifully decorate ready-made dishes.

Having discovered the talent of a confectioner in yourself, you will no longer want to be content with store-bought cookies, but will begin to create them yourself, without ceasing to delight your family with new products. You will also find recipes for original salads, delicious main courses and a variety of soups. After spending some time in Sarah's company, you will learn a lot more useful information.

Bright, skillfully executed, these online courses simply cannot leave girls indifferent! Sarah's kitchen games are much more interesting than a labor lesson where semolina porridge and meatballs are taught. Real gastronomic magic happens in Sarah's kitchen - together with her young students, the chef creates such delicious culinary masterpieces that you want to eat them immediately! Sarah's kitchen games allow girls to participate in the cooking process themselves. Thus, unlike ordinary video lessons from leading chefs that can be found on the Internet, they not only learn the recipe, but also hone their cooking technique!

Under the guidance of an experienced mentor, everything becomes easy! Whipped cream cake? Gourmet pastas? Delicious muffins that melt in your mouth? Nothing could be easier! After all, every gesture, every action is accompanied by a hint from Sarah, and if you do everything in strict accordance with her instructions, the dish will turn out to be of the highest class!

How often do we see in cookbooks the formulations “mix all the ingredients and knead the dough”, “combine all the ingredients and beat until thick sour cream”! Meanwhile, any experienced chef will tell you that the order in which the components are combined is often (although not always, of course) as important as correct adherence to proportions or good choice products! That is why everything is always clear with Sarah: they broke the eggs, then poured out the flour, only then took the mixer... And this detail in the elaboration of each seemingly elementary action not only allows the student to completely immerse herself in the atmosphere of preparing a new dish, but also accustoms her to slowness and accuracy.

One word, two words - there will be a song!

Each action that needs to be performed is clearly commented on by Sarah. No, she will not leave her young student unattended, leaving her alone with an obscure recipe! Together, step by step, each time she goes through the process of preparing a dish from beginning to end, all the time suggesting what needs to be done. Of course, there is also a recipe compiled into the usual single entry - or maybe the little housewife will want to repeat her culinary masterpiece, not online, but in real life?

That is why Sarah does not skimp on words and is not lazy to say too much. After all, during the learning process there are no unnecessary tips! And since the visualization of the processes occurring in the kitchen, the game for girls, Sarah’s kitchen is quite large, then this excellent example You can easily learn how to bake beautiful cupcakes or decorate a finished pie with cherry topping.

It's hard to learn, but it's easy to fight!

It would seem, why do you need to learn to cook using computer game, if there is a real kitchen, and in it there is a mother or grandmother who can teach her daughter or granddaughter all the intricacies of female skill? In reality, it's not that simple. And we are not specifically considering now the case when the mother does not know how to cook very well or does not have enough time for culinary experiments!

Just imagine how much food a young housewife wastes and irrevocably spoils while learning to cook! Probably, every accomplished cook has a couple of stories in her arsenal about extremely unsuccessful experiments conducted in her own kitchen during her youth. Of course, you can prepare simpler dishes that are difficult to spoil and do not require expensive products. But you must admit that it is much easier to instill an interest in cooking in a little girl if you cook lasagna and tiramisu, rather than borscht and cutlets.

And such delights already require considerable expenses! Letting an overly inexperienced cook use such complex and expensive ingredients is very risky. But if you first practice online, hone your skills and remember exactly the sequence of all actions, then you can experiment in a real kitchen without harm to family budget! And if the first experience is successful, then it is much more likely that in the future the young housewife will want to try more and more new dishes.

To the delight of the cook and the family, the fabulous dishes for which Sarah's kitchen games are so famous will migrate from the computer browser to the real table. The main thing is to remember that, even if, despite all the training, the result did not fully live up to expectations, this is not yet a reason to get upset and give up cooking! You need to try again and again, bringing your masterpieces to gastronomic perfection, and over time, even new recipes will work out faster and better.

It's time for business!

There is no room for empty fuss in Sarah's kitchen. All actions must be performed quickly and accurately, and speed should in no way harm quality. A certain time is given to complete each stage of the game; if the player does not have time, the stage will have to be completed again.

But such a strict time frame is no reason to rush! Often, trying to perform some action faster than expected leads to the opposite effect. After all, when monitoring the progress of the process, Sarah takes into account not only speed, but also quality. For example, you won’t be able to cut an onion if you move the knife around at random - you’ll only waste extra time trying to carelessly chop what Sarah demands to be cut into neat cubes. So, take your time, but don't delay too much!

On our website, Sarah's kitchen games are presented in sufficient quantities large quantities. In different variations, they offer their fans recipes for a wide variety of dishes - from Italian pasta to the most delicate French desserts. At the same time, all games for girls in Sarah's kitchen contain a separate recipe with exact proportions, which allows you to repeat the culinary masterpiece in your kitchen. You can play Sarah's Kitchen games online, directly from your browser, which is especially convenient if you suddenly find yourself on someone else's computer.

Dear Guys. The game takes a long time to load. Therefore, be patient. Everything will be loaded soon :)

New Year's suitable for those users who are going to celebrate the New Year with a wonderful and good-natured hostess. Imagine what you can create tasty dish in a matter of minutes. But what is needed for this (according to the plot of the game)? Surely there are some special products. And right now we’ll talk about them in the game. So, to prepare vanilla sweet mass, you will need: 6 egg yolks, ½ cup of sugar, 1 cup of milk, 1 cup of cream and 1 vanilla pod. To make the pudding, you need the following: ¼ cup of cinnamon raisins, ½ spoon of raisins, 4 handfuls of bread crumbs, 1 tablespoon of candied fruits and of course, water.

To make the vanilla cream, pour the milk and cream into the game ladle, then drop in the vanilla bean (without the seeds) and bring to a slow boil over medium heat. As soon as the milk boils, immediately remove the ladle from the heat. Whisk the game egg yolks and sugar in a bowl until combined. pale yellow. Slowly pour the eggs into the heated milk mixture, continuing to stir. Gently whisk the mixture, making sure that no foam forms. Place the game ladle back on medium heat and cook until the stuff begins to thicken. Stir the game constantly and do not let the cream boil, otherwise it will become uneven.

As soon as the sweet dish thickens in Sarah's New Year's kitchen game, remove it from the heat and immediately strain through a sieve. To prepare the pudding mixture, place in a large bowl: raisins, golden raisins, currants, bread crumbs, lard, brown sugar, pumpkin pie spice mix, flour, apple and salt. Mix well. In a separate bowl, lightly beat 6 eggs with a fork. Pour the beaten eggs and dark beer into the dry solution and playfully mix with your hands or a spoon.

Lubricate with oil inner surface heatproof plate, transfer the pudding mixture into it and press it down lightly. Cover the game plate with parchment and foil. Tie the resulting “lid” with twine. Place the tableware in a ladle half filled with water (the bowl should not touch the bottom of the ladle) to create a water bath. Place a saucepan over high heat and bring the water to a boil. As soon as the water boils, reduce the heat. The pudding should be cooked on low heat for 4-5 hours. Check the water level in the game: make sure it doesn’t boil over. When you have done everything, your dish will be ready. So listen to the clues Sarah's New Year's Kitchen Game and be successful in every endeavor!