The main idea of ​​the story tell me about Singapore

The main character of the story “Tell me about Singapore” from V. Dragunsky’s collection “Deniska’s Stories,” an eight-year-old boy Denis Korablev, once went with his parents to visit relatives in a small town near Moscow.

There he was delighted to learn that one of his relatives, who was supposed to arrive late at night, was a real sea captain, and last year he had been in distant Singapore. When Denis fell asleep in a small room, he thought about what a dangerous and, at the same time, interesting profession - a sea captain.

At night, Denis woke up from a strange growl that was heard from behind the screen in the room. He thought that there was a dog in the house that couldn’t sleep. Denis immediately began to remember what commands should be given to the dogs so that they would not make noise. For a while, the commands he remembered made the growling stop, but then it started again.

Then Denis decided that the dog was hungry. And he had with him a basket containing food. The boy threw a couple of eggs behind the screen, and then another cutlet. Soon the growling stopped, and only snorting could be heard from behind the screen. Now Denis was able to fall asleep.

In the morning he jumped up, ran to wash his face and sat down with the adults to have breakfast on the veranda. But then Denis remembered that the sea captain was supposed to arrive and asked where he was. It turned out that the captain was tired from the journey and was still sleeping. Soon he left the house onto the veranda. He was a tall man with a very in a loud voice. The captain met Denis and began to complain to those sitting at the table that at night he could not sleep for a long time, because some commands were heard and food fell on him.

Then Denis realized that at night there was not a dog behind the screen, but a sea captain who was snoring in his sleep. Denis had to explain that he mistook the captain for a dog. Denis was afraid that the captain would be angry, but he was not angry with the boy at all. And then Denis asked him to tell us about Singapore.

That's how it is summary story.

The main idea of ​​the story “Tell me about Singapore” is that what we assume is not always reality. The main character of the story thought that a dog was growling behind the screen, but it was just a man snoring in his sleep. The story teaches you to be attentive and thoughtful when assessing a situation.

I liked it in the story main character, Denis, who at night, deciding that a dog was growling in the room, was not afraid and did not call for help, but tried to calm the noisy animal with his own efforts.

What proverbs fit the story “Tell me about Singapore”?

If you don't see it, you will hear it.
Make a mistake, but admit it.

Dragunsky Tell me about Singapore: Deniska's stories for children. Read the story Tell me about Dragunsky's Singapore and other funny Deniska stories and funny stories for children

Tell me about Singapore

My dad and I went to visit our family on Sunday. They lived in small town near Moscow, and we quickly got there by train.

Uncle Alexey Mikhailovich and Aunt Mila met us on the platform.

Alexey Mikhailovich said:

Wow, Deniska has matured so much!

And Aunt Mila said:

Come, Denek, next to me. - And she asked: - What kind of basket is this?

There is plasticine, pencils and pistols...

Aunt Mila laughed, and we walked across the rails, past the station, and came out onto a soft road: there were trees on the sides of the road. And I quickly took off my shoes and walked barefoot, and my feet were a little ticklish and stinging, just like last year when I walked barefoot for the first time after winter. And at that time the road turned towards the shore, and the smell of the river and something else sweet was in the air, and I began to run through the grass, and jump, and shout: “O-ha-ha-a!” And Aunt Mila said:

Veal delight.

When we arrived, it was already dark, and everyone sat down on the terrace to drink tea, and they also poured me a large cup.

Suddenly Alexey Mikhailovich said to dad:

You know, Haritosha will come to us today at zero forty. He will stay with us all day, and will only leave tomorrow night. He's passing through.

Dad was terribly happy.

Deniska,” he said, “your cousin Khariton Vasilyevich will come!” He's been wanting to meet you for a long time!

I said:

Why don't I know him?

Aunt Mila laughed again.

Because he lives in the North, she said, and rarely visits Moscow.

I asked:

Who is he?

Alexey Mikhailovich raised his finger up:

A sea captain - that's who he is.

I even got goosebumps down my spine. How? My cousin is a sea captain? And I just found out about this? Dad always remembers the most important things completely by accident!

Why didn’t you tell me, dad, that I have an uncle, a sea captain? I won't clean your boots!

Aunt Mila laughed again. I have long noticed that Aunt Mila laughs at the right and inappropriate times. Now she laughed inappropriately. And dad said:

I told you the year before last, when he arrived from Singapore, but you were still little then. And you probably forgot. But it’s okay, go to bed, you’ll see him tomorrow!

Then Aunt Mila took me by the hand and led me from the terrace into the house, and we walked through a small room into another, the same one. There was a narrow ottoman tucked in the corner. And near the window there was a large colorful screen.

“Lie here,” said Aunt Mila. - Take off your clothes! And I’ll put a basket of pistols at my feet.

I said:

Where will dad sleep?

She said:

Most likely on the terrace. You know how your dad loves Fresh air. And what? Will you be afraid?

I said:

And not at all.

He undressed and lay down.

Aunt Mila said:

Sleep well, we are here, nearby.

And I lay down on the couch and covered myself with a large checkered scarf. I lay there and heard people talking and laughing quietly on the terrace, and I wanted to sleep, but all the time I was thinking about my sea captain.

I wonder what kind of beard he has? Is it really growing straight from the neck, as I saw in the picture? What kind of tube? Curve or straight? Is the dagger a nominal one or a simple one? Sea captains are often awarded personalized daggers for their bravery. Of course, because during their voyages every day they run into icebergs, or meet huge whales and polar bears, or rescue people from ships in distress. It is clear that you must show courage here, otherwise you yourself and all the sailors will disappear together and destroy the ship. And if such a ship as the nuclear icebreaker "Lenin" is a pity to destroy, right? But generally speaking, sea captains don’t necessarily go only to the North, there are those who go to Africa, and they have monkeys and mongooses on their ship that destroy snakes, I read about it in a book. Here is my sea captain - he came from Singapore the year before last. What an amazing word: “Sing-ha-pur”!.. I will definitely ask my uncle to tell me about Singapore: what kind of people are there, what kind of children are there, what kind of boats and sails... I will definitely ask him to tell me. And I thought for so long, and imperceptibly fell asleep...

And in the middle of the night I woke up from a terrible growl. It was probably some dog that got into the room, smelled that I was sleeping here, and didn’t like it. She growled in a terrible way, from somewhere under the screen, and it seemed to me that in the darkness I could see her wrinkled nose and bared white teeth. I wanted to call dad, but I remembered that he was sleeping far away, on the terrace, and I thought that I had never been afraid of dogs and now there was no point in being a coward. After all, I’m almost eight already.

I shouted:

Tubo! Sleep!

And the dog immediately fell silent.

I lay in the dark with my eyes open. Nothing was visible through the window, only one branch was barely visible. She looked like a camel, as if it stood on its hind legs and served. I placed the blanket in front of my eyes so as not to see the camel, and began to repeat the multiplication table by seven, which always makes me fall asleep quickly. And it’s true: before I got to seven seven, everything began to shake in my head, and I almost fell asleep, but at that time in the corner behind the screen the dog, which probably wasn’t sleeping either, growled again. But how! A hundred times scarier than the first time. Something even skipped a beat inside me. But I still shouted at her:

Tubo! Lie! Sleep now!..

She became a little quiet again. And I remembered that my travel basket was at my feet and that, in addition to my things, there was also a bag of food that my mother had put on the road for me. And I thought that if I feed this dog a little, then maybe she will become kinder and stop growling at me. And I sat down, began to rummage in the basket, and although it was difficult to figure it out in the darkness, I still pulled out a cutlet and two eggs - I just didn’t feel sorry for them, because they were soft-boiled. And as soon as the dog growled again, I threw both eggs behind the screen to her, one after the other:

Tubo! Eat! And go to sleep right away!..

She was silent at first, and then growled so fiercely that I realized: she doesn’t like soft-boiled eggs either. Then I threw a cutlet at her. You could hear the cutlet slapping against her, the dog barked and stopped growling.

I said:

Here you go. And now - sleep! Now!

The dog no longer growled, but only snorted. I covered myself more tightly and fell asleep...

In the morning I jumped up from the bright sun and ran in my panties to the terrace. Dad, Alexey Mikhailovich and Aunt Mila were sitting at the table. On the table there was a white tablecloth and a full plate of red radishes, and it was very beautiful, and everyone was so washed and fresh that I immediately felt happy, and I ran into the yard to wash. The washbasin hung on the other side of the house, where there was no sun, it was cold there, and the bark of the tree was cool, and cold water flowed from the washbasin, it was blue color, and I splashed there for a long time, and got completely cold, and ran to have breakfast. I sat down at the table and began to crunch the radish, and eat it with black bread, and salt it, and it was wonderful for me - I could have crunched it all day. But then I suddenly remembered the most important thing!

I said:

Where is the sea captain?! Have you really deceived me?

Aunt Mila laughed, and Alexey Mikhailovich said:

Oh you! I slept next to him all night and didn’t notice... Well, okay, now I’ll bring him, otherwise he’ll sleep all day. Tired from the road.

But at this time a tall man with a red face and green eyes came out onto the terrace. He was in pajamas. He didn't have any beard. He walked up to the table and said in a terrible bass voice:

Good morning! And who is this? Is it really Denis?

Dad said:

Yes, these hundred grams of freckles - that’s Denis, that’s all. Get acquainted. Denis, here is your long-awaited captain!

I immediately stood up. The captain said:


And he extended his hand to me. She was hard as a board.

The captain was very nice. But his voice was very scary. And then, where is the dagger? Some kind of pajamas. Well, where is the tube? It doesn’t matter whether it’s straight or curved, well, at least some kind! There was no...

How did you sleep, Kharitosha? - asked Aunt Mila.

Badly! - said the captain. - I don’t know what’s the matter. Someone was shouting at me all night. Just, you know, I’m starting to fall asleep when someone shouts: “Sleep! Sleep now!” And I just wake up from this! Then fatigue takes its toll, after all, it’s been five days on the road, my eyes are drooping, I start to doze off again, I fall into sleep, you know, and again I cry: “Sleep! Lie!" And to top off all this devilry, they began to fall on me from somewhere different products- eggs, or something... I think I smelled cutlets in my dream. And still in my sleep I heard some unclear words: either “jackpot” or “fetch”...

“Tubo,” I said. - “Tubo”, not “aport”. Because I thought there was a dog... Someone was growling like that!

I didn't growl. I must have been snoring?

It was terrible. I realized that he would never be friends with me. I stood up and stretched my arms at my sides. I said:

Comrade captain! It sounded a lot like a growl. And I was probably a little scared.

The captain said:

At ease. Sit down.

I sat down at the table and felt as if there was sand in my eyes, it was stinging, and I couldn’t look at the captain. We were all silent for a long time.

Then he said:

Keep in mind, I'm not angry at all.

But I still couldn’t look at him.

Then he said:

I swear by my personalized cutlass.

I approached the captain and said:

Uncle, tell me about Singapore.

My dad and I went to visit our family on Sunday. They lived in a small town near Moscow, and we quickly got there by train.
Uncle Alexey Mikhailovich and Aunt Mila met us on the platform.
Alexey Mikhailovich said:

- Wow, Deniska has matured so much!
And Aunt Mila said:
- Come, Denek, next to me. “And she asked: “What kind of basket is this?”
- There is plasticine, pencils and pistols...
Aunt Mila laughed, and we walked across the rails, past the station, and came out onto a soft road: there were trees on the sides of the road. And I quickly took off my shoes and walked barefoot, and my feet were a little ticklish and stinging, just like last year when I walked barefoot for the first time after winter. And at that time the road turned towards the shore, and the smell of the river and something else sweet was in the air, and I began to run through the grass, and jump, and shout: “O-ha-ha-a!” And Aunt Mila said:
- Veal delight.
When we arrived, it was already dark, and everyone sat down on the terrace to drink tea, and they also poured me a large cup.
Suddenly Alexey Mikhailovich said to dad:
– You know, today at zero forty Kharitosha will come to us. He will stay with us all day, and will only leave tomorrow night. He's passing through.
Dad was terribly happy.
“Deniska,” he said, “your cousin Khariton Vasilyevich will come!” He's been wanting to meet you for a long time!
I said:
- Why don’t I know him?
Aunt Mila laughed again.
“Because he lives in the North,” she said, “and rarely visits Moscow.”
I asked:
-Who is he?
Alexey Mikhailovich raised his finger up:
– A sea captain – that’s who he is.
I even got goosebumps down my spine. How? My cousin is a sea captain? And I just found out about this? Dad is always like this – he remembers the most important things completely by accident!
- Why didn’t you tell me, dad, that I have an uncle, a sea captain? I won't clean your boots!
Aunt Mila laughed again. I have long noticed that Aunt Mila laughs at the right and inappropriate times. Now she laughed inappropriately. And dad said:
– I told you the year before last, when he arrived from Singapore, but you were still little then. And you probably forgot. But it’s okay, go to bed, you’ll see him tomorrow!
Then Aunt Mila took me by the hand and led me from the terrace into the house, and we walked through a small room into another, the same one. There was a narrow ottoman tucked in the corner. And near the window there was a large colorful screen.
“Lie here,” said Aunt Mila. - Take off your clothes! And I’ll put a basket of pistols at my feet.
I said:
-Where will dad sleep?
She said:
- Most likely, on the terrace. You know how much your dad loves fresh air. And what? Will you be afraid?
I said:
- And not at all.
He undressed and lay down.
Aunt Mila said:
- Sleep well, we are here, nearby.
And she left.
And I lay down on the couch and covered myself with a large checkered scarf. I lay there and heard people talking and laughing quietly on the terrace, and I wanted to sleep, but all the time I was thinking about my sea captain.
I wonder what kind of beard he has? Is it really growing straight from the neck, as I saw in the picture? What kind of tube? Curve or straight? Is the dagger a nominal one or a simple one? Sea captains are often awarded personalized daggers for their bravery. Of course, because during their voyages every day they run into icebergs, or meet huge whales and polar bears, or rescue people from ships in distress. It is clear that you must show courage here, otherwise you yourself and all the sailors will disappear together and destroy the ship. And if such a ship as the nuclear icebreaker "Lenin" is a pity to destroy, right? But generally speaking, sea captains don’t necessarily go only to the North, there are those who go to Africa, and they have monkeys and mongooses on their ship that destroy snakes, I read about it in a book. Here is my sea captain - he came from Singapore the year before last. What an amazing word: “Sing-ha-pur”!.. I will definitely ask my uncle to tell me about Singapore: what kind of people are there, what kind of children are there, what kind of boats and sails... I will definitely ask him to tell me. And I thought for so long, and imperceptibly fell asleep...
And in the middle of the night I woke up from a terrible growl. It was probably some dog that got into the room, smelled that I was sleeping here, and didn’t like it. She growled in a terrible way, from somewhere under the screen, and it seemed to me that in the darkness I could see her wrinkled nose and bared white teeth. I wanted to call dad, but I remembered that he was sleeping far away, on the terrace, and I thought that I had never been afraid of dogs and now there was no point in being a coward. After all, I’m almost eight already.
I shouted:
- Tubo! Sleep!
And the dog immediately fell silent.
I lay in the dark with my eyes open. Nothing was visible through the window, only one branch was barely visible. She looked like a camel, as if it stood on its hind legs and served. I placed the blanket in front of my eyes so as not to see the camel, and began to repeat the multiplication table by seven, which always makes me fall asleep quickly. And it’s true: before I got to seven seven, everything began to shake in my head, and I almost fell asleep, but at that time in the corner behind the screen the dog, which probably wasn’t sleeping either, growled again. But how! A hundred times scarier than the first time. Something even skipped a beat inside me. But I still shouted at her:
- Tubo! Lie! Sleep now!..

She became a little quiet again. And I remembered that my travel basket was at my feet and that, in addition to my things, there was also a bag of food that my mother had put on the road for me. And I thought that if I feed this dog a little, then maybe she will become kinder and stop growling at me. And I sat down and began rummaging in the basket, and although it was difficult to figure it out in the darkness, I still pulled out a cutlet and two eggs - I just didn’t feel sorry for them, because they were soft-boiled. And as soon as the dog growled again, I threw both eggs behind the screen to her, one after the other:

- Tubo! Eat! And go to sleep right away!..
She was silent at first, and then growled so fiercely that I realized: she doesn’t like soft-boiled eggs either. Then I threw a cutlet at her. You could hear the cutlet slapping against her, the dog barked and stopped growling.
I said:
- Here you go. And now - sleep! Now!
The dog no longer growled, but only snorted. I covered myself more tightly and fell asleep...
In the morning I jumped up from the bright sun and ran in my panties to the terrace. Dad, Alexey Mikhailovich and Aunt Mila were sitting at the table. On the table there was a white tablecloth and a full plate of red radishes, and it was very beautiful, and everyone was so washed and fresh that I immediately felt happy, and I ran into the yard to wash. The washbasin hung on the other side of the house, where there was no sun, it was cold there, and the bark of the tree was cool, and icy water flowed from the washbasin, it was blue, and I splashed there for a long time, and was completely chilled, and ran to have breakfast. I sat down at the table and began to crunch the radish, and eat it with black bread, and salt it, and it was wonderful for me - I could have crunched it all day. But then I suddenly remembered the most important thing!
I said:
– Where is the sea captain?! Have you really deceived me?
Aunt Mila laughed, and Alexey Mikhailovich said:
- Oh you! I slept next to him all night and didn’t notice... Well, okay, now I’ll bring him, otherwise he’ll sleep all day. Tired from the road.
But at this time a tall man with a red face and green eyes came out onto the terrace. He was in pajamas. He didn't have any beard. He walked up to the table and said in a terrible bass voice:
- Good morning! And who is this? Is it really Denis?
He had so much voice that I was even surprised where he fit it.
Dad said:
– Yes, these hundred grams of freckles – that’s Denis, that’s all. Get acquainted. Denis, here is your long-awaited captain!
I immediately stood up. The captain said:
- Great!
And he extended his hand to me. She was hard as a board.
The captain was very nice. But his voice was very scary. And then, where is the dagger? Some kind of pajamas. Well, where is the tube? It doesn’t matter whether it’s straight or curved, well, at least some kind! There was no...
- How did you sleep, Kharitosha? – asked Aunt Mila.
- Badly! - said the captain. - I don’t know what’s the matter. Someone was shouting at me all night. Just, you know, I’m starting to fall asleep when someone shouts: “Sleep! Sleep now!” And I just wake up from this! Then fatigue takes its toll, after all, it’s been five days on the road, my eyes are drooping, I start to doze off again, I fall into sleep, you know, and again I cry: “Sleep! Lie!" And to top off all this devilry, various foods began to fall on me from somewhere - eggs, or something... I think I heard the smell of cutlets in my dream. And in my sleep I kept hearing some incomprehensible words: either “kush” or “aport”...
“Tubo,” I said. - “Tubo”, not “aport”. Because I thought there was a dog... Someone was growling like that!
– I didn’t growl. I must have been snoring?
It was terrible. I realized that he would never be friends with me. I stood up and stretched my arms at my sides. I said:
- Comrade captain! It sounded a lot like a growl. And I was probably a little scared.
The captain said:
- At ease. Sit down.
I sat down at the table and felt as if there was sand in my eyes, it was stinging, and I couldn’t look at the captain. We were all silent for a long time.
Then he said:
“Keep in mind, I’m not angry at all.”
But I still couldn’t look at him.
Then he said:
- I swear by my personalized cutlass.
He said this in such a cheerful voice that it was as if a stone had been lifted from my soul.
I approached the captain and said:
– Uncle, tell me about Singapore.

My dad and I went to visit our family on Sunday. They lived in a small town near Moscow, and we quickly got there by train.
Uncle Alexey Mikhailovich and Aunt Mila met us on the platform.
Alexey Mikhailovich said:

Wow, Deniska has matured so much!
And Aunt Mila said:
- Come, Denek, next to me. - And she asked: - What kind of basket is this?
- There is plasticine, pencils and pistols...
Aunt Mila laughed, and we walked across the rails, past the station, and came out onto a soft road: there were trees on the sides of the road. And I quickly took off my shoes and walked barefoot, and my feet were a little ticklish and stinging, just like last year when I walked barefoot for the first time after winter. And at that time the road turned towards the shore, and the smell of the river and something else sweet was in the air, and I began to run through the grass, and jump, and shout: “O-ha-ha-a!” And Aunt Mila said:
- Veal delight.
When we arrived, it was already dark, and everyone sat down on the terrace to drink tea, and they also poured me a large cup.
Suddenly Alexey Mikhailovich said to dad:
- You know, Kharitosha will come to us today at zero forty. He will stay with us all day, and will only leave tomorrow night. He's passing through.
Dad was terribly happy.
“Deniska,” he said, “your cousin Khariton Vasilyevich will come!” He's been wanting to meet you for a long time!
I said:
- Why don’t I know him?
Aunt Mila laughed again.
“Because he lives in the North,” she said, “and rarely comes to Moscow.”
I asked:
- Who is he?
Alexey Mikhailovich raised his finger up:
- A sea captain - that's who he is.
I even got goosebumps down my spine. How? My cousin is a sea captain? And I just found out about this? Dad always remembers the most important things completely by accident!
- Why didn’t you tell me, dad, that I have an uncle, a sea captain? I won't clean your boots!
Aunt Mila laughed again. I have long noticed that Aunt Mila laughs at the right and inappropriate times. Now she laughed inappropriately. And dad said:
- I told you the year before last, when he arrived from Singapore, but you were still small then. And you probably forgot. But it’s okay, go to bed, you’ll see him tomorrow!
Then Aunt Mila took me by the hand and led me from the terrace into the house, and we walked through a small room into another, the same one. There was a narrow ottoman tucked in the corner. And near the window there was a large colorful screen.
“Lie here,” said Aunt Mila. - Take off your clothes! And I’ll put a basket of pistols at my feet.
I said:
- Where will dad sleep?
She said:
- Most likely, on the terrace. You know how much your dad loves fresh air. And what? Will you be afraid?
I said:
- And not at all.
He undressed and lay down.
Aunt Mila said:
- Sleep well, we are here, nearby.
And she left.
And I lay down on the couch and covered myself with a large checkered scarf. I lay there and heard people talking and laughing quietly on the terrace, and I wanted to sleep, but all the time I was thinking about my sea captain.
I wonder what kind of beard he has? Is it really growing straight from the neck, as I saw in the picture? What kind of tube? Curve or straight? Is the dagger a nominal one or a simple one? Sea captains are often awarded personalized daggers for their bravery. Of course, because during their voyages every day they run into icebergs, or meet huge whales and polar bears, or rescue people from ships in distress. It is clear that you must show courage here, otherwise you yourself and all the sailors will disappear together and destroy the ship. And if such a ship as the nuclear icebreaker "Lenin" is a pity to destroy, right? But generally speaking, sea captains don’t necessarily go only to the North, there are those who go to Africa, and they have monkeys and mongooses on their ship that destroy snakes, I read about it in a book. Here is my sea captain - he came from Singapore the year before last. What an amazing word: “Sing-ha-pur”!.. I will definitely ask my uncle to tell me about Singapore: what kind of people are there, what kind of children are there, what kind of boats and sails... I will definitely ask him to tell me. And I thought for so long, and imperceptibly fell asleep...
And in the middle of the night I woke up from a terrible growl. It was probably some dog that got into the room, smelled that I was sleeping here, and didn’t like it. She growled in a terrible way, from somewhere under the screen, and it seemed to me that in the darkness I could see her wrinkled nose and bared white teeth. I wanted to call dad, but I remembered that he was sleeping far away, on the terrace, and I thought that I had never been afraid of dogs and now there was no point in being a coward. After all, I’m almost eight already.
I shouted:
- Tubo! Sleep!
And the dog immediately fell silent.
I lay in the dark with my eyes open. Nothing was visible through the window, only one branch was barely visible. She looked like a camel, as if it stood on its hind legs and served. I placed the blanket in front of my eyes so as not to see the camel, and began to repeat the multiplication table by seven, which always makes me fall asleep quickly. And it’s true: before I got to seven seven, everything began to shake in my head, and I almost fell asleep, but at that time in the corner behind the screen the dog, which probably wasn’t sleeping either, growled again. But how! A hundred times scarier than the first time. Something even skipped a beat inside me. But I still shouted at her:
- Tubo! Lie! Sleep now!..

She became a little quiet again. And I remembered that my travel basket was at my feet and that, in addition to my things, there was also a bag of food that my mother had put on the road for me. And I thought that if I feed this dog a little, then maybe she will become kinder and stop growling at me. And I sat down, began to rummage in the basket, and although it was difficult to figure it out in the darkness, I still pulled out a cutlet and two eggs - I just didn’t feel sorry for them, because they were soft-boiled. And as soon as the dog growled again, I threw both eggs behind the screen to her, one after the other:

Tubo! Eat! And go to sleep right away!..
She was silent at first, and then growled so fiercely that I realized: she doesn’t like soft-boiled eggs either. Then I threw a cutlet at her. You could hear the cutlet slapping against her, the dog barked and stopped growling.
I said:
- Here you go. And now - sleep! Now!
The dog no longer growled, but only snorted. I covered myself more tightly and fell asleep...
In the morning I jumped up from the bright sun and ran in my panties to the terrace. Dad, Alexey Mikhailovich and Aunt Mila were sitting at the table. On the table there was a white tablecloth and a full plate of red radishes, and it was very beautiful, and everyone was so washed and fresh that I immediately felt happy, and I ran into the yard to wash. The washbasin hung on the other side of the house, where there was no sun, it was cold there, and the bark of the tree was cool, and icy water flowed from the washbasin, it was blue, and I splashed there for a long time, and was completely chilled, and ran to have breakfast. I sat down at the table and began to crunch the radish, and eat it with black bread, and salt it, and it was wonderful for me - I could have crunched it all day. But then I suddenly remembered the most important thing!
I said:
- Where is the sea captain?! Have you really deceived me?
Aunt Mila laughed, and Alexey Mikhailovich said:
- Oh you! I slept next to him all night and didn’t notice... Well, okay, now I’ll bring him, otherwise he’ll sleep all day. Tired from the road.
But at this time a tall man with a red face and green eyes came out onto the terrace. He was in pajamas. He didn't have any beard. He walked up to the table and said in a terrible bass voice:
- Good morning! And who is this? Is it really Denis?
He had so much voice that I was even surprised where he fit it.
Dad said:
- Yes, these hundred grams of freckles - that’s Denis, that’s all. Get acquainted. Denis, here is your long-awaited captain!
I immediately stood up. The captain said:
- Great!
And he extended his hand to me. She was hard as a board.
The captain was very nice. But his voice was very scary. And then, where is the dagger? Some kind of pajamas. Well, where is the tube? It doesn’t matter whether it’s straight or curved, well, at least some kind! There was no...
- How did you sleep, Kharitosha? - asked Aunt Mila.
- Badly! - said the captain. - I don’t know what’s the matter. Someone was shouting at me all night. Just, you know, I’m starting to fall asleep when someone shouts: “Sleep! Sleep now!” And I just wake up from this! Then fatigue takes its toll, after all, it’s been five days on the road, my eyes are drooping, I start to doze off again, I fall into sleep, you know, and again I cry: “Sleep! Lie!" And to top off all this devilry, various foods began to fall on me from somewhere - eggs, or something... I think I heard the smell of cutlets in my dream. And in my sleep I kept hearing some incomprehensible words: either “kush” or “aport”...
“Tubo,” I said. - “Tubo”, not “aport”. Because I thought there was a dog... Someone was growling like that!
- I didn't growl. I must have been snoring?
It was terrible. I realized that he would never be friends with me. I stood up and stretched my arms at my sides. I said:
- Comrade captain! It sounded a lot like a growl. And I was probably a little scared.
The captain said:
- At ease. Sit down.
I sat down at the table and felt as if there was sand in my eyes, it was stinging, and I couldn’t look at the captain. We were all silent for a long time.
Then he said:
- Keep in mind, I'm not angry at all.
But I still couldn’t look at him.
Then he said:
- I swear by my personalized cutlass.
He said this in such a cheerful voice that it was as if a stone had been lifted from my soul.
I approached the captain and said:
- Uncle, tell me about Singapore.

Victor Dragunsky

My dad and I went to visit our family on Sunday. They lived in a small town near Moscow, and we quickly got there by train.

Uncle Alexey Mikhailovich and Aunt Mila met us on the platform.

Alexey Mikhailovich said:

- Wow, Deniska has matured so much!

And Aunt Mila said:

- Come, Denyok, next to me. “And she asked: “What kind of basket is this?”

I said:

- There is plasticine, pencils and pistols...

Aunt Mila laughed, and we walked across the rails, past the station, and onto the soft road; there were trees on the sides of the road. And I quickly took off my shoes and walked barefoot, and my feet felt a little ticklish and stinging, just like last year when I walked barefoot for the first time after winter. And at that time the road turned towards the shore, and the smell of the river and something else sweet was in the air, and I began to run through the grass, and jump, and shout: “O-ha-ha!” And Aunt Mila said:

- Veal delight.

When we arrived, it was already dark, and everyone sat down on the terrace to drink tea, and they also poured me a large cup.

Suddenly Alexey Mikhailovich said to dad:

– You know, today at zero forty Kharitosha will come to us. He will stay with us all day, and will only leave tomorrow night. He's passing through.

Dad was terribly happy.

“Deniska,” he said, “your cousin Khariton Vasilyevich will come!” He's been wanting to meet you for a long time!

I said:

- Why don’t I know him?

Aunt Mila laughed again.

“Because he lives in the North,” she said, “and rarely visits Moscow.”

I asked:

-Who is he?

Alexey Mikhailovich raised his finger up:

– A sea captain – that’s who he is.

I even got goosebumps down my spine. How? My cousin is a sea captain? And I just found out about this? Dad is always like this – he remembers the most important things completely by accident!