We make refrigerator magnets (and not only) from improvised, waste and natural materials. Making a magnet at home What can be made from a magnetic

To date, probably only the deaf have not heard about neodymium magnets. They are made from an alloy - NdFeB, which has remarkable magnetic properties (it is not only powerfully magnetite, but also very resistant to demagnetization). It is not difficult to buy neodymium magnets in Moscow, but they can bring a lot of benefits in the household. Let's consider several non-trivial ways to use such magnets in the household. So,

The simplest and most fun are toys and puzzles. For this, rather weak small magnets are used, usually in the form of balls. Various are collected from them complex shapes and sculptures. But do not forget that such magnets should NEVER be given to children under 4 years of age! A swallowed pair of such magnets, pinching the wall of the intestines or stomach, can easily cause its perforation with all the consequences.

Neodymium magnets are excellently used as clamps. In principle, a pair of medium magnets are quite capable of replacing bench vise. However, it is more convenient to use magnets, since they can be used to fix parts of complex shapes.

Motorists will probably be interested in using neodymium magnets as an oil filter. If you hang it on the engine crankcase drain plug, it will trap all metal inclusions in this place, which will then be easy to remove.

Due to their strength, such magnets can be successfully used in search activities. For example, finding a fallen needle in a carpet, or a machine gun from the times of the Great Patriotic War in a river. Patriotic War(special search magnets with an eye for a rope are sold for this purpose). Can also be used to search for reinforcement in walls.

Magnets have been used by magicians for a long time to create the illusion of levitation. With the advent of neodymium, such tricks reached a new level.

You can also successfully magnetize various steel objects (screwdrivers, bits, tweezers, needles, etc.) with such a magnet. They can even re-magnetize a demagnetized ordinary magnet.

Fixing inventory and tools. Special holders with magnetic properties will help you in proper planning of your workspace.

Correcting dents starting from body repair and ending with the repair of wind instruments.
To delete data from magnetic media (hard drives, audio and video cassettes, credit cards). A powerful magnetic field perfectly removes all information. Quickly and without additional effort.

In general, neodymium magnets are simply an indispensable assistant on the farm. Only when working with them, especially powerful ones, strictly follow safety precautions. If a finger or other part of the body gets caught between magnetic objects (I already wrote about children), this could end very badly.

Take care of yourself!
Based on materials from: http://neo-magnets.ru/

Contactless badges, mounting-free mounts, search devices - this is not all that can be made from neodymium magnets. This unique material currently retains its status as the strongest magnet known to mankind. Thanks to the unique parameters of durability and magnetic force, the alloy of neodymium, iron and boron becomes the most compact, durable and reliable source of the strongest magnetic field. Almost the only limitation for the use of this material is its weakness to heat. Standard neodymium magnets lose their quality at +80⁰C. For the most heat-resistant modifications of the alloy, the upper threshold value operating temperature is +200⁰C.

Use of neodymium magnets in industry

Neodymium magnets resist demagnetization well due to exposure to external magnetic fields from strong sources. Together with their long service life and high magnetic force, this ensures wide application materials in the following industries:

· Medicine. Neodymium magnets, round and rectangular, are an integral element of modern electromagnetic equipment used in the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of various diseases. In particular, such products are necessary for the operation of magnetic resonance imaging scanners and many other devices.

· Production of electrical equipment. Neodymium magnets are used to make relays and sensors for security systems. This material is used in the production of electronic storage media, in the manufacture of television and audio equipment, telephone devices, etc.

· Power plants and lifting equipment. A strong magnet with a stable magnetic field becomes an economical and at the same time very high-quality solution for equipping turbine generators and load grippers.

Using neodymium magnets in everyday life

Most consumers are primarily interested in the question of how to use magnets for the home. In fact, the use of this material is limited only by your imagination and its weakness to high temperatures. Neodymium magnets in skillful hands can bring many benefits:

· Fasteners and clamps. Attach any metal objects with ease and convenience without any additional accessories. If you need to ensure reliable fixation of parts when gluing, then best solution There is simply nothing better than a pair of neodymium magnets - the compression force of such a clamp remains unchanged in any situation.

Cleaner automobile oil. During vehicle operation, small metal particles accumulate in the oil. Place a neodymium magnet on the crankcase drain plug (you will need a weatherproof one for this purpose). high temperatures model) to easily and quickly get rid of accumulated metal particles at the next oil change.

· Attaching signs to cars. Install advertising materials, various tables or signs on the car without violating the integrity of the body or causing harm paint coating. To do this, it is enough to use neodymium magnets of suitable power. They will confidently hold the necessary tables or signs in any weather and at any speed.

· Detection of metal objects. Neodymium magnet is truly an indispensable assistant home handyman. With its help, you can quickly and accurately determine the location of pipes and other metal objects in the wall, detect hidden mount in the wall or find hardware that has rolled under the bed.

· Panel for tools, kitchen appliances or small items. With the help of powerful magnets, you can set up a functional home workshop or create excellent conditions in the kitchen for the housewife. The magnetic panel can accommodate any metal tools and devices. At the same time, you will have the maximum easy access to them.

Precautions when using neodymium magnets

You are probably already thinking what can be done with a neodymium magnet in own home. Before you start implementing original ideas, be sure to learn and remember these simple safety precautions: Do not allow your fingers or hands to get between the neodymium magnets. When using products with a tearing force of hundreds of kilograms, remember to be careful. Never place any body part between a pair of strong neodymium magnets or between a strong magnet and a large metal object.

The unique properties of some substances have always surprised people with their unusualness. Special attention I was attracted by the ability of some metals and stones to repel or attract each other. Throughout all eras, this has aroused the interest of sages and the great surprise of ordinary people.

Starting from the 12th – 13th centuries, it began to be actively used in the production of compasses and other innovative inventions. Today you can see the prevalence and variety of magnets in all areas of our lives. Every time we come across another product made from a magnet, we often ask the question: “So how are magnets made?”

Types of magnets

There are several types of magnets:

  • Constant;
  • Temporary;
  • Electromagnet;

The difference between the first two magnets lies in their degree of magnetization and the time they hold the field inside themselves. Depending on the composition, the magnetic field will be weaker or stronger and more resistant to external fields. An electromagnet is not a true magnet, it is just the effect of electricity that creates a magnetic field around a metal core.

Interesting fact: for the first time, research on this substance was carried out by our domestic scientist Peter Peregrin. In 1269 he published the “Book of the Magnet,” which described unique properties substance and its interaction with the outside world.

What are magnets made of?

Iron, neodymium, boron, cobalt, samarium, alnico and ferrites are used to produce permanent and temporary magnets. They are crushed in several stages and together melted, baked or pressed to obtain a permanent or temporary magnetic field. Depending on the type of magnets and the required characteristics, the composition and proportions of the components change.

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This production makes it possible to obtain three types of magnets:

  • Pressed;
  • Cast;
  • Sintered;

Making magnets

Electromagnets are made by winding wire around a metal core. By changing the dimensions of the core and the length of the wire, the power of the field, the amount of electricity consumed and the dimensions of the device change.

Component Selection

Permanent and temporary magnets are produced with different field strengths and resistance to environmental influences. Before production begins, the customer determines the composition and shape of future products depending on the place of application and the high cost of production. All components are selected to the nearest gram and sent to the first stage of production.


The operator loads all the components of the future magnet into an electric vacuum furnace. After checking the equipment and matching the amount of material, the furnace is closed. Using a pump, all air is pumped out of the chamber and the melting process is started. Air is removed from the chamber in order to prevent oxidation of iron and possible loss of field power. The molten mixture is poured into the mold on its own, and the operator waits for it to cool completely. The result is a briquette that already has magnetic properties.

Sometimes people ask how to make a neodymium magnet with your own hands. Let's try to figure out how possible this is, and what the process of producing such products is all about.

So, the devices we sell consist of an alloy that is 70% iron and almost 30% boron. Only a fraction of a percent in its composition is made up of the rare earth metal neodymium, natural deposits of which are extremely rare in nature. Most of them are in China; they are found in only a few other countries, including Russia.

Before making neodymium magnets, manufacturers create molds for them from sand. Then the tray with the molds is doused with gas and subjected to heat treatment, due to which the sand hardens and retains its future shape on its surface. metal blank. Hot metal will later be placed in these forms, from which, in fact, the necessary products will be obtained.

Now let's directly look at how a neodymium magnet is made. Unlike ferromagnetic products, the metal here is not melted, but sintered from a powder mixture placed in an inert or vacuum environment. Then the resulting magnetoplast is pressed while simultaneously exposing it to an electromagnetic field of a certain intensity. As we see, even on initial stage production, it is noticeable that the question of how to make neodymium magnets at home sounds inappropriate. The operations and equipment used are too complex. Creating such conditions at home is hardly possible.

After the blanks are removed from the molds, they are subjected to machining- carefully polished, then fired to improve the coercivity of the products.

Finally we come to the last stages, which will help to finally answer the question of how neodymium magnets are made. The sintered NdFeB alloy is again machine-finished using a special tool. During operation, a cooling lubricant is used to prevent overheating or ignition of the powder.

Applied to magnets protective covering. This is due, firstly, to the fact that sintered metals are quite fragile and need to be strengthened, and, secondly, the metal will be protected from corrosion processes and other influences external environment. So manufacturers worry in advance about how to make a neodymium magnet stronger and more durable. The coating can be copper, nickel, zinc. In the last phase of the production process, magnetization is applied through a strong magnetic field. Then they are sent to the warehouse, and from there to customers.

So, after we have looked more or less in detail manufacturing process, it became clear that you probably shouldn’t seriously ask the question “how to make a neodymium magnet at home.” After all, this requires not only certain knowledge, but many complex units.

It has long been a custom for travelers to bring magnets from their travels. Have you tried to create such a product yourself? In our article we offer you 7 ways to create exclusive magnets.

Method one: image

Material you will need:

  • interesting drawings (pictures cut out from magazines);
  • glue;
  • magnets in the shape of a circle with a diameter of 1.25 to 1.75 cm;
  • glass circles (must match the size of the magnets).

All you need to do is glue a picture to the magnet and a glass circle on it. Glass circles are sold in craft stores.

If a magnet is visible through the picture, it would be advisable to add another detail. Namely: prepare a mug the right size from white cardboard and glue it under the drawing.

Method two: they are alive

A DIY refrigerator magnet can be a living creature. To make this, you should prepare:

  • magnet;
  • hot glue gun;
  • screwdriver
  • cortical plugs;
  • small plants;
  • some land;

Manufacturing stages and features:

  • Make a hole in the cork.
  • In depth - up to the middle of the cork. It is important not to damage the edges.
  • Using a glue gun, you need to glue the magnet to the cork.
  • Immerse the soil in the resulting void and plant the plant.
  • As a result, you got a kind of pot.

Don't forget to take care of the plant you planted. After all, it will grow up and ask to be moved to new house, and in the existing one you can grow a new flower.

Method three: magic clay

Making refrigerator magnets will not be difficult if you have the following materials at your disposal:

  • magnets;
  • polymer clay;
  • ink;
  • hot glue gun.

And these are the tools:

  • Bakeware;
  • rolling pin (or any other object that can be used to roll out clay);
  • sandpaper (you can use a manicure file);
  • stamps.

To make a souvenir, you need to roll out the clay to make a sheet approximately 5 millimeters thick. The pattern is applied to the material with stamps, and individual shapes must be cut out using clay molds.

Method four: magnet in a bag

If you're worried about scratches on your refrigerator, you can easily prevent them by making a fabric magnet. Simple technique manufacturing will allow you to change the so-called bag as soon as you like.

All you need for this little masterpiece is:

  • magnets;
  • colored rags;
  • threads;
  • needle;
  • scissors.

First you need to create blanks for magnets from a flap. The size of the blanks should be approximately 3 times larger size magnet. The edge of the fabric must be folded and stitched so that the stitches lie as close to each other as possible. As a result, you got a bag like this. Place a magnet inside, tighten the thread, tie it and cut it.

Between magnet and fabric with front side you can put a little cotton wool or foam rubber. Then the product will gain volume.

Method five: wood is always in fashion

Prepare your tools:

  • wood saw;
  • electric drill;
  • drills for it;

The manufacturing technology is simple. It consists of the following steps:

  • Saw the branch, thus creating “washers”, the thickness of which is approximately three centimeters.
  • Sand the edges (if necessary)
  • Drill a small hole about 3 cm deep in the middle of the washer.
  • Glue a magnet into the hole.
  • Drying time: from 6 to 8 hours.

If desired, you can decorate the pucks with a pattern or in another way.

Method six: oh, this is amazing Lego

To make a bright, colorful and functional souvenir, select your favorite parts from the construction set, prepare required quantity magnets and hot glue gun.

The creation process is simple: you need to glue the part to a magnet. However, it is worth considering 2 important factors:

  • DO NOT use magnetic tape. She is weak to hold the cube. Such a magnet will not last long.
  • Hot melt glue can be replaced with super glue.

It should be said that this product must dry for at least 24 hours. Such a bright magnet can be used not only by adults, but also by children.

Method seven: they also chip

To create a magnet that will not only magnetize, but that can also be pinned, you need:

  • magnetic tape;
  • wooden clothespins;
  • acrylic paint;
  • thin brush;
  • sparkles.

Now that you have everything ready, get to work. First, decorate the clothespin. Secondly, you can simply paint it. Thirdly, glue the tape on the other side. Everything ingenious is simple!

Photo of refrigerator magnets