Drawings of a 2-story transformable bed. DIY bunk beds for children - drawings. Preparation of tools and materials

Need bunk bed to the nursery? You can go to the nearest furniture store and choose the desired model at a reasonable price. You can also save money by making the bed yourself, especially if you have the talent and skills of a carpenter.

How to make a bunk bed with your own hands?

  • Materials
    • 4 timber 5 cm x 10 cm length 3 m;
    • 4 timber 5 cm x 10 cm length 2.5 m;
    • 2 boards 10 cm x 2 cm 3 m long;
    • 1 board 15 cm x 2 cm 3 m long;
    • 1 board 20 cm x 2 cm 3 m long;
    • 2 sheet of plywood, chipboard or MDF 2.5 m x 1.25 m for mattresses. At least 2.5 cm thick;
    • Self-tapping screws 70-80 mm;
    • Self-tapping screws for plasterboard 40 mm;
    • 8 15 cm screws with washers;
    • 10 bolts with nuts and washers 8 cm;
    • 2 bolts with nuts and washers 16 cm;
    • Varnish, sandpaper, wood glue.
  • Tools

    • Screwdriver;
    • Saw;
    • Level;
    • Roulette;
    • Construction pencil;
    • Hands and head.
  • Assembling frames

    We measure the mattresses that you are going to use and leave a small margin of 1-2 cm. We get the size of our frame. We measure parts from the beams the right size, saw and fasten with long self-tapping screws.

  • We attach the sides to the frames

    We saw off wide boards to fit the length and width of the frame and fasten them along the perimeter of the sides with drywall screws. For the upper berth you can use wider ones.

  • Making a leg

    For this children's bunk bed, we use one leg, since it will be mounted in the corner on two adjacent walls.

    Measure the required height distance from 10 cm of bars and fasten them with screws to each other, as shown in the image.

  • We install and secure the future bed

    Pre-drill a hole in the top assembled frame to attach to the leg. Then drill a hole in the leg at bed height.

    Drill holes in the assembled frames for wall mounting.

    Screw the leg to the top frame and have someone hold the frame against the wall. Level the frame and mark the holes in the wall.

    Drill holes in the wall and secure top part. Secure the bottom one in the same way.

  • Making the top fence

    We saw off 4 pieces from the timber to fit the top fence. We saw off 10 cm fencing boards to size. We fasten it to the bed.

    Don't forget to leave room for the stairs.

  • Making a staircase

    Depending on the height of your bunk bed, the ladder may come in different sizes. For my case, the figure shows the dimensions. I secured the steps with bolts.

  • Ready!

    We connect the stairs to the bed and install a base for the mattresses. Your bed is ready!

  • A self-made bunk bed should not only be durable and comfortable, but also beautiful. Therefore, sand the visible parts and varnish them, and it will retain its appearance for a long time.

    Video: how to make a children's bunk bed.

    You can make a bunk bed yourself if you have some skills and study the instructions for making this set. It is important to clearly understand what kind of product you will get after completing the work. A design like this will help.

    A children's bunk bed is considered fashionable furniture for a children's room. The advantage of the product is that it saves space. In addition, the original product will create a cozy and functional interior in the nursery. There are options for such a headset. There is a bunk children's bed with a wardrobe, a sofa or a table. These models are suitable for rooms with limited space or for a studio apartment.

    The bunk bed is suitable for two children and one child. In this case, instead of a sleeping place, a work area or play area is installed.

    When deciding self-made design, it is worth considering that it must be durable and withstand heavy weight. An important criterion bed stability is considered. High-quality and durable material is selected. This furniture is considered ergonomic.

    Before you begin, perform the following steps:

    1. The quantity of materials is determined: timber beams, bolts and corners.
    2. A set of tools for installation is being prepared.

    When developing a drawing, the height of the second tier is determined taking into account the height of the ceiling. The location for the staircase is determined. In this case, the staircase functions as a Swedish wall.

    For the stability of the structure, it is worthwhile to provide additional fastenings to the ceiling or wall.

    If you are planning a bunk children's bed with a table, then think about the location working area.

    Two-story structures have the following advantages:

    1. Save usable area for the location of a cabinet or work area.
    2. Sleeping area has dimensions of 170 by 200 cm, which allows you to use this design for a long time.
    3. Availability of additional playing space and functional elements.

    When using these beds, pay attention to important parameters:

    1. This bed is not recommended for children under six years of age.
    2. The sides on the second floor are selected high to protect against falls.
    3. Select a safe staircase with non-slip steps.
    4. The bed is stable.
    5. The length of the bed is determined taking into account the height of the children.
    6. There should be no sharp elements on the surface.

    It is necessary to check the strength of the bottom of the product. The material for mattresses must be safe and natural.

    Bed installation technology

    The height of the tiers is calculated taking into account the height of the ceiling and the thickness of the mattresses. When getting up from a lower place, a person should not hit his head on the second tier.

    The product is made of wood. In this case, parts of the following sizes are selected: 140 * 20, 30 * 30, 140 * 80 and 140 * 40 mm.

    Chipboard is used to make the bed. In this case, edging is used. The edges are processed and glued to the cuts.

    Material and tools

    To make a bed you will need the following tools:

    1. Hammer, pliers and screwdriver.
    2. Tape measure, square and building level.
    3. Screwdriver and drill.
    4. Hacksaw and clamps.
    5. Electric jigsaw.
    In order for the structure to fit into the interior, it is necessary to determine its location in advance. The dimensions of the sleeping places are taken into account.

    If you are making a children's bunk bed from solid wood, then it is worth preparing the following set of materials:

    1. Wood beams 2.5 and 3 meters long.
    2. Three meter boards.
    3. Plywood sheets and chipboards.
    4. Nuts, washers, screws.
    5. Screws, screws, bolts.
    6. Putty, which is intended for wood.
    7. Sanding paper and polyurethane.

    Instead of wood, you can use chipboard. Before installation, the boards are kept for a week at room temperature. This will prevent the material from drying out.

    The following sequence of actions is performed:

    1. Bed frames are being made. In this case, a beam measuring 5 * 10 is attached in the form of a rectangle according to the size of the sunbed. Angles or carpentry with the tenon-in-groove method are used as fasteners.
    2. Spacers are mounted into the frame. They are needed to compensate for the load.
    3. The boards are used to make sides that are attached to the frame. For this, self-tapping screws are used that are screwed in from the inside.
    4. 4 racks are made for the frame. Bars with a cross section of 5*10 mm and a length as high as the bed are taken and mounted in twos to form an L-shaped profile.
    5. Holes for mounting screws are made in the supports and frames.
    6. The structure is fixed to the wall. In this case, the upper level is attached to the risers using screws. Holes are drilled in the wall for fixing with screws.

    The furniture is sanded and coated with shiny varnish. The edges are sealed with plastic edge and thermal tape.

    A children's metal bunk bed is made as follows:

    1. For frame applied metal corner size 45*50 mm. At the edges of the corner, areas are cut out for tightness of the connection. The elements are welded. The evenness of the angle and the parallelism of the parts are checked.
    2. They are made from a pipe with a cross-section of 25 mm vertical racks. A frame is mounted to them. The welding areas are lit.
    3. The headboard and sides are ordered in the workshop. You can make a side from a pipe.

    If laminated chipboard is used for manufacturing, then sanding and leveling will not be required. The edge is processed and glued. This material is characterized by wear resistance and strength.

    Creating a bed from chipboard consists of the following steps:

    • planning and creating a project;
    • edge processing;
    • cutting materials;
    • assembly of elements using self-tapping screws.

    Nuances to consider

    Before proceeding with the installation of the structure, it is worth studying the following recommendations:

    1. You can consider offers from IKEA. A variety of two-tier products are available. You can purchase a bed frame. Its cost starts from 6 thousand rubles. Add children's Corner will help.
    2. For the stairs and racks, beams from whole wood are selected.
    3. The end panels are the same size for the entire bed.
    4. The dimensions of the mattress are taken into account. In this case, the structure increases by 2 cm on each side. This will make making the bed easy.
    5. To determine the height of the lower tier you need to focus on the child. The baby should easily overcome this height.

    A children's bunk bed with a sofa can become good option. Things and bedding are stored in the sofa or in special drawers. There is also a box with toys under the lower tier. The lower tier is equipped with a play area.

    Wood base requires additional processing. Leveling is carried out using a plane and sanding with sandpaper. The varnish coating will extend the service life of the structure.

    If you follow the instructions and select quality material, then you can make an ergonomic and beautiful bunk bed. This set will decorate any interior.

    High quality and original furniture not only emphasizes the uniqueness of the home, but also allows you to diversify your life.

    You can make a bunk bed from several types of materials: quite popular chipboard, timber and edged boards, furniture board, and also an array.

    A wooden bunk bed can be made quite quickly with your own hands, but you will have to put a lot of effort into it due to a number of features.

    Selection of materials before the work process

    Exists whole line materials from which a bunk bed can be made with your own hands, but in reality only a few are used:

    1. Chipboard, among others, is particularly popular due to its low price and the possibility of extremely fast production. If you work skillfully with a jigsaw, problems will not arise, but you cannot make an internal drawing, because... closing it requires complex equipment, which is installed only in factories. The downside is the color scheme (it is impossible to create a high-quality imitation), as well as small emissions chemical substances into the air in places not covered by the edging.
    2. Edged boards and timber are also very popular, but increasingly as load-bearing elements, while they are rarely used as main ones. Working with them is quite difficult, besides, it can be quite difficult to evaluate the material without prior experience, and only an experienced person can distinguish 17% humidity from 30%. In the presence of lathe timber is gaining particular popularity because You can form a very interesting support structure.
    3. Furniture board is the most expensive among all, and it cannot be found in every city in the world. To make a bunk bed with your own hands, this material is ideal, and its strength and environmental friendliness are almost equivalent to solid wood. It lends itself to processing quite well, and it is possible to form a pattern even without through holes, which is highly valued among wood cutting enthusiasts.
    4. The array is used extremely rarely, because prices are almost always astronomical, although you can get it everywhere. The convenience of this approach lies in the minimum number of parts, as well as their complete homogeneity. Working with the material is quite complex (you need to properly dry it, select it and process it), so it is better not to start working without good prior experience.

    The fittings used are standard, but it is advisable to use galvanized steel instead of aluminum, which often does not look as impressive, but is much more reliable, and this is especially important for the upper tier.

    Preparation and main activities

    Tools and materials:

    • roulette;
    • edged board;
    • beam;
    • bar;
    • jigsaw;
    • protective composition;
    • flat brush;
    • screwdriver;
    • steel furniture corners;
    • furniture screws.

    At the very beginning, you need to prepare a drawing of the future workflow. It is advisable to use a minimum number of parts in the drawing; moreover, it is often simplified during work, because Not all elements can be turned. The dimensions of the bed may vary depending on the physical characteristics of the vacationer, i.e. with a height of 190 cm, there is no point in making a bed shorter than 210, whereas with a height of 160 cm, 180 would be optimal.

    In this case, we will consider the most inconvenient option - working with edged boards and timber, because, having learned from the complex, it will be much easier to move on to the simple. First you need to make a complete cut of the elements that will later be used:

    • timber 60*60 mm – 4 pcs. 1800 mm each;
    • edged board 25*150 mm – 6 pcs. 1900 mm each, 12 pcs. 750 mm each and 2 pcs. 1550 mm each;
    • block 25*80 mm – 2 pcs. 1800 mm each and 6 pcs. 300 mm each.

    After which they should be sanded as thoroughly as possible with sandpaper. Particular attention is paid to the places where the cuts are made so that no burrs remain on them, and after finishing sanding you need to use a damp sponge (not wet) to collect all the dust from the wood, but not to wet it too much.

    Then, without fail, all elements are covered protective layer against moisture and insects. Drying usually takes up to 12 hours, after which you can begin working again.

    Now we have to assemble many sawn elements into 1 general design DIY bunk bed:

    1. At a height of 30 cm from the bottom of the beams, a perimeter is formed from edged boards.
    2. Another perimeter is formed mirror-like from above.
    3. The footboards and headboards are covered with 2 short boards.
    4. The upper tier along the perimeter is covered with boards, and only the platform for the stairs needs to be left.
    5. A staircase is formed.

    In order to organize the joint between the board and the timber, you will need a furniture steel corner, 2 screws for each joint. It is this design that will ensure maximum reliability of the entire system during operation, regardless of the weight of the vacationer.

    If desired, you can use long-length furniture screws, but for them you initially need to drill holes of small diameter, after which you can finally tighten them. Installation with self-tapping screws is more reliable, but the joints will be visible (it is better to use 2 options in a pair so that the quality is extremely high).

    Important aspects at work

    Tools and materials for further work:

    • PVA and sawdust;
    • furniture plugs;
    • stain and varnish;
    • flat brush;
    • rubber heels;
    • hammer and bead nails.

    After you have made a bunk bed with your own hands, you need to make sleeping places in it. To do this, you will need 8 cuts of a 25*40 mm bar along the entire internal length on 2 levels - these will be the drawers.

    To fix them, ordinary screws are used, but you still need to drill holes so as not to split the wood. The fastening pitch is only 25 cm with mandatory joints at the corners.

    Mattress pads are formed on them from edged boards. To do this, the board is cut to the entire internal width of the bed and fixed in increments of 10-13 cm. If the increment is reduced, then the bed will be too hard, and if increased, the mattress will fall into the cracks. All fixing is done using self-tapping screws with a flat head, and the head must be inserted into the board (a groove is cut with a chisel). Otherwise, the mattress may be damaged, which is strictly prohibited.

    All screws visible to the eye must be covered with special furniture plugs, allowing the metal to merge with the wood. If you want to achieve a better result, you can mix PVA with sawdust (you get an improvised putty) and carefully tighten the metal with this mixture. In any of the 2 options the result will be quite good, but upon closer inspection you can still see the screws.

    And now the bed is completely ready, but you can’t rest on it yet. Now you need to cover it with stain and varnish, and then let it sit for 36 hours. complete drying in a ventilated area. You should not rely on the fact that 4-5 hours after varnishing you can no longer feel anything with your fingers, because... harmful chemical compounds will be released into the surrounding atmosphere for a very long time.

    Before use, rubber heels are nailed to the legs using glazing bead nails, which will help level out uneven floors. Instead of rubber, you can use plastic analogues, but they will not provide such softness.

    • Date: 08-04-2015
    • Views: 3294
    • Rating: 28

    Today, people quite often make furniture with their own hands. If there are two children in a family, then in order to save space in the children's room, you can make or purchase a children's bunk bed.

    A bunk children's bed can be designed as pirate ship. To do this, you can add elements such as a strong rope, a slide and a steering wheel.

    DIY bunk bed: manufacturing technology

    If you plan to purchase a high-quality bunk bed for children, you should know that it is quite expensive. Budget designs are not always of high quality. The two-story structure must be able to support both children and parents. The stability of the product is also important.

    In some cases, three-tier beds are also made, but builders do not recommend this.

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    Necessary materials

    A bunk bed, decorated in the same style as other furniture elements, perfectly complements the interior.

    To make your own crib for children, which will have two floors, you need the following tools:

    1. Pliers.
    2. Hammer.
    3. Screwdriver.
    4. Electric drill or screwdriver.
    5. Building level.
    6. Roulette.
    7. Square.
    8. Hacksaw.
    9. Clamps.
    10. Electric jigsaw.

    In order for the bed to fit perfectly into the interior of the children's room, you will need to think in advance about where it is best to place it. You will need to take into account the size of the beds so that you can understand how much material will need to be purchased. For work you will need the following materials:

    1. Wooden beams 2.5 m long – 4 pcs.
    2. Wooden beams 3 m long – 4 pcs.
    3. Three-meter boards – 4 pcs.
    4. 2 plywood sheets, chipboard or slats 12 mm thick.
    5. Screws 75 mm long.
    6. Screws with a diameter of 6 mm, which have a hexagonal head - 8 pcs.
    7. Bolts with a diameter of 6 mm and a length of 75 mm – 10 pcs.
    8. Nuts and washers.
    9. Putty, which is intended for working with wood.
    10. Self-tapping screws.
    11. Bolts 150 mm long – 2 pcs.
    12. Polyurethane.
    13. Sanding paper.

    Wood can be replaced with laminated chipboard. If you still plan to use boards, then before performing all the work they will need to be kept in the room for approximately 1 week, so that the temperature and humidity are approximately the same as in the room where the structure will be made. This will need to be done to ensure that the material does not warp.

    Assembling the crib with your own hands must be done carefully, because the structure will be an important component of the children's room.

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    Work order

    A bunk bed, decorated in a classic style, harmonizes well with the interior.

    The manufacturing process is as follows:

    1. First of all, you need to determine load-bearing structure beds, location of fixation points for wooden boxes that are intended for mattresses.
    2. It is necessary to make a hole on both sides of the longitudinal bars for each of the screws.
    3. Next, the lower longitudinal beam is pressed against the first wall, after which it is fastened with a screw. The same must be done with the second wall.
    4. In the same way, the upper longitudinal bars, which are intended for mattresses, are installed. At this stage it will be produced supporting structure children's bed
    5. It is necessary to secure the cross bars under the children's bed. This should be done with both the lower and upper tier. They must be firmly fixed with screws to the beams at a distance of 30 cm from each other.
    6. Next, the frame of the box is covered with boards in the side part. For sheathing, it is recommended to use screws with invisible heads.
    7. Next, side guards are attached that can prevent accidental falls of children who will be sleeping.
    8. The ladder to the upper tier is rigidly secured with screws.

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    Nuances to consider

    Scheme of a bunk bed with a built-in table and shelves.

    You definitely need to be sure what size the sleeping area should be and which side is best to install the vertical ladder. The size of the children's bed should be larger than the sleeping area in length by approximately 8 cm and width by 10 cm. A ladder will increase the size of the bed by approximately 4.5 cm.

    In order to determine the appropriate height of the bed, it is necessary to take into account the height of the ceiling in the room. The distance between the lower and upper floors should also be taken into account. You will need to leave enough space so that the mother can sit down with the child if necessary.

    For the stairs and racks you need beams and boards made of solid wood. The panels at the ends are the same for the entire structure; this point will simplify their preparation. Side panels have the same width as the end ones. If you connect them differently to each other, you can make an original design.

    Based on the size of the mattresses that will need to be placed on the bed, then it is necessary to increase the dimensions of the structure by 2 cm on each side. This is necessary so that you can easily tuck in your bed linen. The most important guideline in this work is the comfort of the crib that is being manufactured.

    The lower position of the first tier can be determined if we take as a basis the calculations the height that the child can easily overcome. In most cases, the height is 35 cm for a child under 3 years of age. The frame for placing the mattress should be lower by its thickness. For the second tier, the upper position must be set so that an adult child who sleeps upstairs can sit down on the first floor at any time without touching his head to the upper floor.

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    How to make a strong frame?

    Bunk bed drawing

    A children's bunk bed must be reliable, aesthetic side at the same time it is secondary. The bars must be firmly connected using screws. The result will be 2 frames that have almost the same dimensions. Aesthetically, they can complement each other well.

    You will need to secure the board to one of the sides and the end with screws; the importance of this fastener should be taken into account. It is recommended to screw screws with inside, you will need to take care that they do not go right through the board. For short-length self-tapping screws, large holes can be drilled. To do this, it is recommended to use a depth stop on an electric drill.

    The side is also installed on another frame. It is recommended to hide the holes for fasteners using putty. After it has dried, the putty should be treated with sanding paper. The length of the leg must correspond to the height of the fence. Make sure that the leg can withstand the load that will be placed on it.

    You will need to make a hole in the leg where the upper tier is attached. The same hole is made in the frame with a side. You will need to make recesses in the leg that will help you easily hide the hex head of the screw and the washer. The hole must be made of such a depth that the screw, passing through the side and the leg, can be securely fastened in the block.

    A children's bunk bed has one advantage: under the first tier you can place a small box in which you can store a bed or a small number of necessary things. For example, a child will be able to place his toys in such a box. The front panel of the drawer should not be as long as that of the crib. The height should correspond to the panel of the first floor, which can complement the design of the room for children.

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    Bed installation technology

    The lower tier of the bed can be equipped for a child’s play by equipping the structure with additional elements.

    The base of a bunk crib should be made of wood. High-quality preparation of this material requires some effort: you will need to level it with a plane, sand it with sandpaper, and finally you will need to varnish the product to be able to extend its service life.

    If the walls are made of plasterboard, then determining the location of the racks is quite simple. It is very important to make holes in the required places. For this purpose, it is recommended to find an assistant who can support the frame at the bottom, pressing it firmly against the wall.

    Guide holes will need to be made by drilling the profile of the racks, plasterboard sheet and frame block. It is necessary to prepare places for screwing in screws that have hex heads. For such an operation, a long drill bit should be used. The screws will need to be screwed in so that they connect all the elements and are secured in the racks. In the same way, you need to install the first tier, that is, a frame with a side.

    Particular attention should be paid to the installation of the fence, because it can create some safety guarantees for children. The fence can be made of strong boards that are secured to posts placed in a vertical position. In this case, the screws are screwed in from the inside. It is worth keeping in mind that there should be a hole in the fence for the stairs that lead to the upper tier.

    The vertical staircase is quite simple to make; it will take up less space, when compared with a staircase, which is located at an angle. First of all, two beams are fixed that can guide the movement of children during the ascent or descent. The steps must be securely fixed with bolts that are 6 mm long. Long bolts are used to secure the top step and simultaneously secure the ladder to the bed.

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    Bunk bed for children made of laminated chipboard

    The upper tier can be mounted on the wall. The lower bed can be equipped with wheels.

    If laminated chipboard is used to produce a bunk bed for children, then there will be no need to level, sand and varnish the material. Instead, you just need to sand and glue the edge around the edges of the chipboard. Thanks to the use of such chipboard, you can make beautiful bed with your own hands in a short period of time. You should know that laminated chipboard has good strength and wear resistance.

    Laminated chipboard must be cut outdoors. This material has its own specifics, and therefore some changes will need to be made to the construction technology. A bunk bed for children made of laminated chipboard will have much more weight compared to wooden structure, making the bed more stable.

    Bunk beds can be placed adjacent to each other. This saves a lot of space in the room.

    If using chipboard, you should purchase the following tools:

    1. Portable manual circular cooker.
    2. The iron you will need to apply the safety edge.
    3. Screwdriver.
    4. Bits and drills for a screwdriver.
    5. Protective gloves or mittens.
    6. Ruler.
    7. A simple pencil.
    8. Roulette.

    To be able to make a bunk bed with your own hands good quality, from materials it is necessary to use not only chipboard, but also edges, glue, and sanding paper. You will also need to purchase the wood that is used for the stairs leading to the second floor.

    Stages of making a bed:

    1. Creating a project.
    2. Gluing the edge to the chipboard.
    3. Cutting the material.
    4. Connecting all elements to each other using self-tapping screws.