Extracurricular event "autumn". Scenario of the game "Field of Miracles" "In the garden or in the vegetable garden"

Emelina Ekaterina Valerievna
Job title: teacher additional education
Educational institution: MOU DO Children's Creativity Center
Locality: Ulyanovsk region r.p. Terenga
Name of material: lesson notes
Subject: Russian Vegetable Festival
Publication date: 21.07.2016
Chapter: additional education

Lesson summary: “Feast of Russian vegetables”

Additional education teacher: Emelina Ekaterina Valerievna.


promote the formation of a comprehensively developed personality; - develop active activities; - develop a sense of self-control and mutual assistance.
Quiz progress

. Guys, autumn has arrived and of course the time has come for various preparations for the winter. Your mothers and grandmothers are probably also engaged in preparations. Are you helping them? But before vegetables and fruits get into jars and then onto our table, they need to be grown in the garden. Today we will play the game “Feast of Russian Vegetables”, and at the same time we will find out whether you know what is growing in your beds. To do this, you need to divide into two teams, come up with a name for your team, choose a captain... I will ask each team questions in turn and give a point for the correct answer. The team that scores the most points will be the winner. And so we begin our quiz.
Quiz "In the garden"
■ It can be bitter and sweet, and its fruits have different shapes and color. It is famous not only as a unique food, but also as an aromatic and medicinal product. It contains five times more vitamin C than lemon. (Pepper). ■ This vegetable “came” to us from America two hundred years ago and at first we didn’t like the taste at all. People just didn’t immediately figure out what they needed to eat - they even ate flowers and green berries. For some time, its bushes with flowers and fruits unusual for Russia served as decoration for ladies’ hats at balls and theaters. A lot is currently being made from it. delicious dishes and sauces. (Tomato or tomato).
■ This vegetable was known in India already 3 thousand years ago and from there it spread across all continents. Since then, people have learned to make many salads and pickles from it. And sometimes they are grown in gardens for the sake of their beauty. yellow flowers and leaves. There is a known wild species of this plant, the fruit of which “shoots” seeds several meters away. (Cucumber, “mad” cucumber). ■ This vegetable has always been valued for its sweet juiciness and healing properties. After all, it contains a lot of vitamin A (beta-carotene), which is very important for human health and growth. This vitamin improves vision. Therefore, all children (and not just hares) need to eat it as often as possible. (Carrot). ■ This vegetable is a long-standing symbol of health and well-being. It is no coincidence that in many houses, vegetable stores, in markets to this day they hang braids and wreaths woven from it. It, both green and onion, is a “protector” from harmful microbes. (Onion). ■ This vegetable in green pods is one of children’s favorite delicacies in the country garden. Since ancient times it has been grown not only for delicious soups and porridge, but also for very nutritious flour, which was mixed with wheat or rye flour and baked into bread, pancakes, and pies. (Peas). ■ This vegetable has long been known on all continents. Even in the north of our country and America it gives good harvest and feeds people all year round. A total of 35 species are known. They are eaten fresh, making various salads, cabbage rolls, and cutlets. And in fermented form it is a storehouse of various vitamins. (Cabbage). ■ One of the largest vegetables. And people always have a weakness for the huge - it awakens the imagination. Therefore, this vegetable is treated with special respect. At the whim of a person, this vegetable reaches incredible sizes and can weigh up to 100 kg. It is easy to grow: it is unpretentious, grows even without care, and because of its size it is not popular with thieves. (Pumpkin). ■ Closest relatives of the most common pumpkin. They are fried or stewed with other vegetables, canned like cucumbers, and sometimes eaten raw and even made into jam. (Zucchini). ■ These vegetables are very beautiful, looking like stars or flowers. They decorate New Year trees, decorate kitchens and cottages, and make funny toys, decorative vases and baskets. (Patissons).

Quiz "Vegetable"
■ Which vegetable changes its name three times? (Nigella onion, onion sets, onion). ■ What was given in Ancient Egypt after dinner for dessert? (Boiled heads of cabbage). ■ What vegetable were lazy people called in the old days? (Peas). ■ Which vegetable contains a lot of starch? (Potato). ■ Which vegetable resembles a flying (space) saucer? (Squash). ■ What causes tears without pain and sadness? (Onion). ■ What is not sweeter than radishes? (Horseradish). ■ The name of which vegetable comes from the Latin word “kaput”? (Cabbage). ■ What does the word “melon” mean? (Garden). ■ Which vegetable contains a large number of growth vitamins? (Carrot). ■ Round and smooth, if you take a bite, it’s sweet... Settled firmly in the garden bed... (Turnip). ■ Which vegetable is called the second bread? (Potato). ■ What did Cinderella's carriage turn into? (Pumpkin). ■ It sits in the ground, its tail looks up, you can get sugar from it, cook delicious borscht. (Beet). ■ What caused the princess's insomnia? Peas.
Blitz quiz “Vegetables”
■ A place where vegetables grow. (Garden). ■ It can be both sweet and bitter. (Pepper). ■ It is used to make ketchup and tomato paste. (Tomato). ■ A vegetable whose fruits are the largest of all vegetables. (Pumpkin). ■ Cabbage, Brussels sprouts, Savoy, kohlrabi, leaf cabbage - this is... (Cabbage). ■ A vegetable that contains a lot of vitamin A (Carrots).
■ They are called plant-based meats because they contain a lot of protein. (Peas and beans, or legumes.) ■ They make a delicious puree from it. (Potato). ■ A relative of watermelons and melons. (Pumpkin). ■ Stem turnip. (Kohlrabi). ■ Homeland of the tomato. (America). ■ Name of wild onion. (Chemramsha). ■ In Italian “tartufel”, and in Russian...(Potato). ■ Small, bitter brother of onions... (Garlic). ■ When they clean it, they cry. (Onion). ■ Seed of a leguminous plant used as food. (Bean). ■ Root vegetable. If it is steamed, then it couldn’t be simpler. (Turnip). ■ Sunflower and pumpkin product. (Seeds). Summarizing.

Interesting and educational quizzes for primary and secondary schoolchildren school age. Quizzes on the topic “Vegetables”. All quiz questions with answers. Quizzes about what grows in the garden, in the beds, about vegetables for children.

Quiz "In the garden"

■ It can be bitter or sweet, and its fruits have different shapes and colors. It is famous not only as a unique food, but also as an aromatic and medicinal product. It contains five times more vitamin C than lemon. (Pepper).

■ This vegetable “came” to us from America two hundred years ago and at first we didn’t like the taste at all. It’s just that people didn’t immediately figure out what they needed to eat—they even ate flowers and green berries. For some time, its bushes with flowers and fruits unusual for Russia served as decoration for ladies’ hats at balls and theaters. Many delicious dishes and sauces are currently made from it. (Tomato or tomato).

■ This vegetable was known in India already 3 thousand years ago and from there it spread across all continents. Since then, people have learned to make many salads and pickles from it. And sometimes they are grown in gardens for their beautiful yellow flowers and leaves. There is a known wild species of this plant, the fruit of which “shoots” seeds several meters away. (Cucumber, “mad” cucumber).

■ This vegetable has always been valued for its sweet juiciness and healing properties. After all, it contains a lot of vitamin A (beta-carotene), which is very important for human health and growth. This vitamin improves vision. Therefore, all children (and not just hares) need to eat it as often as possible. (Carrot).

■ This vegetable is a long-standing symbol of health and well-being. It is no coincidence that braids and wreaths woven from it are hung in many homes, grocery stores, and markets to this day. It, both green and onion, is a “protector” from harmful microbes. (Onion).

■ This vegetable in green pods is one of children’s favorite delicacies in the garden garden. It has long been grown not only for delicious soups and cereals, but also for very nutritious flour, which was mixed with wheat or rye flour and baked into bread, pancakes, and pies. (Peas).

■ This vegetable has long been known on all continents. Even in the north of our country and America, it gives a good harvest and feeds people all year round. A total of 35 species are known. They are eaten fresh, making various salads, cabbage rolls, and cutlets. And when fermented, it is a storehouse of various vitamins. (Cabbage).

■ One of the largest vegetables. And people always have a weakness for the huge - it awakens the imagination. Therefore, this vegetable is treated with special respect. At the whim of a person, this vegetable reaches incredible sizes and can weigh up to 100 kg. It is easy to grow: it is unpretentious, grows even without care, and because of its size it is not popular with thieves. (Pumpkin).

■ Closest relatives of the most common pumpkin. They are fried or stewed with other vegetables, canned like cucumbers, and sometimes eaten raw and even made into jam. (Zucchini).

■ These vegetables are very beautiful, looking like stars or flowers. They decorate New Year trees, decorate kitchens and cottages, and make funny toys, decorative vases and baskets from them. (Patissons).

Quiz "Vegetable"

■ Which vegetable changes its name three times? (Onion, onion sets, onion).

■ What did they give for dessert after dinner in Ancient Egypt? (Boiled heads of cabbage).

■ What vegetable were lazy people called in the old days? (Peas).

■Which vegetable contains a lot of starch? (Potato).

■ Which vegetable resembles a flying (space) saucer? (Squash).

■ What causes tears without pain and sadness? (Onion).

■ What is not sweeter than radishes? (Horseradish).

■ The name of which vegetable comes from the Latin word “kaput”? (Cabbage).

■ What does the word “melon” mean? (Garden).

■ Which vegetable contains a large amount of growth vitamins? (Carrot).

■ Round and smooth, if you take a bite, it’s sweet... Settled firmly in the garden bed... (Turnip).

■ Which vegetable is called the second bread? (Potato).

■ What did Cinderella's carriage turn into? (Pumpkin).

■ It sits in the ground, its tail looks up, you can get sugar from it, cook delicious borscht. (Beet).

■ What caused the princess's insomnia? Peas.

Blitz quiz “Vegetables”

■ A place where vegetables grow. (Garden).

■ It can be both sweet and bitter. (Pepper).

■ It is used to make ketchup and tomato paste. (Tomato).

■ A vegetable whose fruits are the largest of all vegetables. (Pumpkin).

■ Cabbage, Brussels sprouts, Savoy, kohlrabi, leaf cabbage - this is... (Cabbage).

■ A vegetable that contains a lot of vitamin A (Carrots).

■ They are called plant-based meats because they contain a lot of protein. (Peas and beans, or legumes.)

■ Delicious puree is made from it. (Potato).

■ A relative of watermelons and melons. (Pumpkin).

■ Stem turnip. (Kohlrabi).

■ Homeland of the tomato. (America).

An interesting and exciting vegetable quiz for schoolchildren.

Quiz about vegetables for schoolchildren

1. Who and where were potatoes brought to Russia from? (From Holland by Peter I)

2. B Central Asia Indians use this vegetable to make dishes North America Birdhouses are made from it. (Pumpkin)

3. What vegetable was used to poison George Washington? (Tomato)

4. In ancient times, the vegetable was bitter and tasteless; he was called the mad apple. (Eggplant)

5. Rich people drank the juice of this vegetable with rose water for health, and used it to treat fever and dog bites. Its name is translated from ancient Greek as “unripe.” (Cucumber)

6. What vegetable was used to treat snake bites? (Garlic)

7. What vegetable was grown for beauty in the flowerbed? (Tomato, potato)

8. With the help of this vegetable, the Indians defeated the Spanish army in 1532. (Pepper)

9. In Ancient Egypt, this vegetable was a symbol of grief. The ancient Greeks decorated their rooms with leaves on holidays. The boiled roots of this vegetable were used for frostbite, and the oil from the seeds was used to improve digestion. (Parsley)

10. Ancient philosophers, cutting this vegetable crosswise, used it to explain to their students the structure of the Universe. In the Middle Ages, it was believed that this vegetable protected against arrows and sword blows. (Onion)

11. In Ancient Egypt, this boiled vegetable was served for dessert. Translated from Latin as “head”. (Cabbage)

Quiz "In the field"

What are the names of plants whose stem is a straw, and their seeds are called grains? (Cereal plants, or cereals).

What plant flour is used to make bread, cakes, pastries and buns? (Wheat).

Which cereal plant is not afraid of either cold or drought? (An unpretentious cereal - rye).

What cereal plant is sown in autumn? (Rye).

What plant grains are they made from? pearl barley and coffee that replaces natural coffee? (From barley).

Which cereal plant ripens earlier than others? (Barley).

What plant was bred many years ago only to decorate flower beds? (Sunflower).

Which plant is sometimes called the “flower of the sun”? (Sunflower).

What cereal flour is black bread made from? (Rye).

The sweet grains of this plant are eaten raw and canned. (Corn seeds).

What plant is used to make popcorn, the favorite treat of many children? (From corn).

What cereal plant grows in a field specially flooded with water? (Rice).

From the stems of which cereal plant are beautiful summer hats, handbags and baskets woven? (From rice straws).

Quiz “In the meadow”

What flower is considered a symbol of Russia? (Chamomile).

What plant received this name because the flower on a thin stem sways even in a light breeze? (Anemone).

Does this plant have several names? (Primrose, lady's hands, extinguisher, goldenwort, firstborn, springs, rams, lungwort).

What are the flowers that appear immediately after the snow melts called? (Primroses).

Here is a rough stem, in the middle there is a coal, the petals shine like varnish, a red one has blossomed... (Poppy).

What kind of plant do they say: “The prickly hedgehog grabbed your clothes”? (Burmock).

This plant is interesting because on the same shoot there are flowers of different colors. (Lungwort).

Which flower is masculine and feminine? (Ivan da Marya).

To the left of the path, on a thin blade of grass, this meadow flower bends over the grass. (Bell).

Which plant tells you where it lives? (Plantain).

I show off as a white fluffy ball in a clean field. (Dandelion).

Mown and dried grass. (Hay).

Bitter grass is also a remedy for the stomach, and it is fragrant and sweeps cleanly. (Sagebrush).

What plants can be used to brew tea? (Oregano, thyme, raspberry and strawberry leaves, hawthorn and linden flowers).

There is a curly hair, a white shirt, a heart of gold. What it is? (Chamomile).

What plants predict the weather and how? (Barometers - fireweed, dandelion, thistle, bindweed, which close prematurely and droop when it rains).

Quiz “On a branch”

Fruits are very tasty, healthy and beautiful... (Fruits).

What fruits grow in our country?

Where do fruits come from? fruit trees? (From flowers).

How are fruits prepared for the winter? Fruits are eaten fresh, juices, jams and compotes are made from them...

What sweet, juicy and fragrant fruit, which came to Europe from Persia as an exquisite delicacy, was called the “royal fruit”? (Pear).

The name of which fruit is included in the name of many other fruits? (Apple (“earth apple”, or Jerusalem artichoke, “apple of love” (because it looks like a heart) or tomato)).

What are fruits with bright, fragrant skin called? (Citrus).

Where it is warm, these trees grow in whole groves. And in colder countries they are grown even in flower pots on the windowsill. What are these plants? (Lemons).

What fruits can't anyone live without? New Year or another fun holiday? (Oranges and tangerines).

These fruits came to us from India and China, where noble people were named after them. What kind of fruit is this? (Tangerines, noble people were called “tangerines”).

Which sweet fruit has flesh that is more elastic and dense compared to cherries? (At the cherry tree).

What fruit is unusually sour and juicy? (Lemon).

What fruits, with a small seed inside, have spread all over the world, growing in America, Africa, Australia, and in our country even in frosty Siberia? (Cherry and cherry).

What fruit evokes admiration for its subtle color and aroma and has become a symbol of sunny, velvety tenderness? (Peach).

What fruit appeared as a result of crossing thorns and cherry plums that resembles its ancient ancestors in taste and color? (Plum).

What kind of wood? fruit tree make furniture and musical instruments? (Pear).

Fruits and berries in riddles for children

Blue uniform

Yellow lining

It's sweet in the middle. (Plum)

Balls hang on the branches,

Turned blue from the heat. (Plums)

In the red body

Bone heart. (Cherries)

She was green, small,

Then I became scarlet.

I turned black in the sun -

And now I'm ripe. (Cherry)

Two sisters are green in summer,

By autumn one will turn red,

And the other one will turn black. (Red and black currant)

I am a drop of summer on a thin leg.

They weave boxes and baskets for me.

He who loves me is happy to bow down.

And the name was given to me by my native land. (Strawberry)

Low and prickly

Sweet, not smelly,

Pick the berries -

Low and prickly

Sweet, not smelly,

Pick the berries -

You'll rip off your whole hand. (Gooseberry)

I'm red and sour

I grew up in a swamp,

Ripened under the snow,

Come on, who knows me? (Cranberry)

Red beads hang

They are looking at us from the bushes.

Love these beads very much

Children, bees and bears. (Raspberries)

Under a leaf on every branch

Little children are sitting.

The one who gathers the children

He'll stain his hands and his mouth. (Blueberry)

Round, rosy,

I'm growing on a branch.

Adults love me

The kids love me. (Apple)

Bright, sweet, poured,

The cover is all gold.

Not from a candy factory -

From distant Africa. (Orange)

They came to us with melons

Striped balls. (Watermelons)

Himself scarlet, sugar,

The caftan is green, velvet. (Watermelon)

Delicious - lick your fingers -

Orange balls.

But I don't play them

I always eat them. (Tangerines)

Quiz "Vegetable"

Which vegetable changes its name three times? (Onion, onion sets, onion).

What did they give in ancient Egypt for dessert after dinner? (Boiled heads of cabbage).

What vegetable were lazy people called in the old days? (Peas).

Which vegetable contains a lot of starch? (Potato).

Which vegetable resembles a flying (space) saucer? (Squash).

What brings tears without pain and sadness? (Onion).

Why aren't radishes sweeter? (Horseradish).

The name of which vegetable comes from the Latin word “kaput”? (Cabbage).

What does the word "melon" mean? (Garden).

Which vegetable contains a large amount of growth vitamins? (Carrot).

It’s round and smooth, if you take a bite it’s sweet... It’s stuck firmly in the garden bed... (Turnip).

What vegetable is called the second bread? (Potato).

What did Cinderella's carriage turn into? (Pumpkin).

It sits in the ground, its tail looks up, you can get sugar from it, cook delicious borscht. (Beet).

What caused the princess's insomnia? Peas.

Blitz quiz “Vegetables”

A place where vegetables grow. (Garden).

It can be both sweet and bitter. (Pepper).

Ketchup and tomato paste are made from it. (Tomato).

A vegetable whose fruits are the largest of all vegetables. (Pumpkin).

Cabbage, Brussels sprouts, Savoy, kohlrabi, leaf cabbage - this is... (Cabbage).

A vegetable that contains a lot of vitamin A (Carrots).

They are called plant-based meats because they contain a lot of protein. (Peas and beans, or legumes.)

A delicious puree is made from it. (Potato).

A relative of watermelons and melons. (Pumpkin).

Stem turnip. (Kohlrabi).

Homeland of the tomato. (America).

Name of wild onion. (Chemramsha).

In Italian it is “tartufel”, and in Russian...(Potato).

Small, bitter brother of onions... (Garlic).

When they clean it, they cry. (Onion).

The seed of a leguminous plant used as food. (Bean).

Root vegetable. If it is steamed, then it couldn’t be simpler. (Turnip).

Sunflower and pumpkin product. (Seeds).

Quiz questions

1. What insect wears ears on its legs?(Grasshopper)

2. Use the same word for both the animal and the road markings.(Zebra)

3. How many months are there in a year?(12)

4. What organ does a snake smell?(Tongue)

5. What is the name of a non-venomous snake?(Already)

6. What is the name of the forest in which oak trees grow?(Dubrava)

7. What are the names of the signs used to record musical sounds?(Notes)

8. Name the birds that cannot fly.(Ostrich, penguin)

9. What do toads and frogs eat in winter?(Nothing, because they are hibernating)

10. What is the name of the store that sells medicine?(Pharmacy)

11. The long-awaited February has arrived. First one apple tree bloomed, then three on the left. How many apple trees have bloomed?(Not at all, because apple trees don’t bloom in winter)

12. Why are penguins not afraid of polar bears?(They live at different poles)

13. What kind of shoes did Puss in Boots wear?(Boots)

14. What is a kennel?(Doghouse)

15. Which part of the word is in the ground?(Root)

16. The sum of the numbers 3 and 5 was halved by 2. What number did you get?(4)

17. Name the fourth letter of the alphabet from the end.(b – soft sign)

18. What do you call a person who writes poetry?(Poet)

19. What does the expression “hack on the nose” mean?(Remember for a long time)

20. Iceberg is...?(Floating Ice Block)

21. How many paws do three cubs have?(12)

22. Baba-Yaga's vehicle.(mortar, broom)

23. Which letters in some cases represent 2 sounds?(I, e, e, yu)

24. Name the capital of the country in which you live.

25. How much characters in the fairy tale “Ryaba the Hen”?(4)

26. What do sailors call the stairs on their ship?(Ladder)

27. How many cm are in 2 dm?(20 cm)

28. Viut Lee migratory birds nests in the south?(No)?

29. Name the symbols of the state.(Anthem, coat of arms, flag)

30. Who is this? She herself is motley, eats green, and gives white to people.(Cow)

Music is playing

Presenter 1:

Good evening, invited and welcome guests!
People old and young, married and single!

Presenter 2:

We invite everyone to autumn,
Fun and Have a good mood we wish!

Presenter 1:

Gather together people
A lot of interesting things awaits you!

Presenter 2:

Autumn has come to us for a holiday,
She brought her brothers.

Presenter 1:

Get started, little brother, September the sorcerer!

Music is playing. On the screen there is a reproduction of “September”

(Coming out September)


In a golden carriage
What's wrong with the playful horse?
Autumn has galloped
Through forests and fields.
Good Witch
Changed everything -
Bright yellow color
I decorated the earth.

Presenter 2:

Music is playing

Historical reference

September - younger brother autumn. The name September comes from the Latin “septimus” and means “seventh”. In the ancient Russian calendar, September was the seventh month from the beginning of the year. The first month was then considered to be March, and not January, as in the modern calendar. IN ancient Rus' The first day of September was the first meeting of autumn and was called the summer guide - farewell to summer. September is the driest month of autumn. These warm days of autumn are called Indian summer. Indian summer usually lasts one to two weeks. This is the best time to pick mushrooms.

Presenter 1:

Anyone who goes into the forest to pick mushrooms thinks whether his trophy will be great. A folk sign will help us find out.

Presenter 2:

We take the basket, throw it up and shout:

Timoshka, Timoshka,
Pick a whole basket -
Whole, half, on the bottom
Or nothing.

Presenter 1:

If the basket falls to the ground with its handle up, there will be a basket full of mushrooms; on the side - up to half; leaning slightly towards the handle - the mushrooms will cover only the bottom of the basket.

Presenter 2:

But not every mushroom is put in a basket. Which mushrooms can be taken and which ones cannot? Let's listen to the preparatory class students!

Mushroom Poems

Here the boletus mushroom grows,
He is both beautiful and great.
Wearing a thick hat on one side
The leg is as strong as a stump.

Under the aspen trees on a hummock
Mushroom in a raspberry scarf,
Call me boletus,
And you will have to take it.

How old are you, morel?
You look old.
The fungus surprised me:
My age is only two days.

Multi-colored toadstools
They climb into the clearings themselves.

Chocolate hat
White silk uniform.
Having looked, the honey agaric gasped:
A real commander.

Song about mushrooms

Presenter 1:

September is cold and full. We say goodbye to the youngest month. Be as kind and generous as September!

Music is playing. Reproduction of “October” on the screen

Presenter 2:

And now we ask you, dear October, playful brother!

(Coming out October)

Suddenly it became twice as bright,
The yard is like in the sun's rays.
This dress is golden
On the shoulders of a birch tree.
In the morning we go to the yard -
Leaves are falling like rain,
They rustle underfoot
And they fly, fly, fly!

Presenter 1:

What do we know about this month? 4th grade students will tell us about this.

Music is playing

Historical reference

October is called the peak of autumn. Why? (It's mid-autumn). Khmuren - that’s what October was called in the old days. It is also called the evening of the year. At this time, nature is preparing for bed. Everyone has a lot to do. Trees need to shed their leaves in time, insects need to bury themselves in the forest floor or hide in cracks, and the last birds need to hurry up and fly away.

Presenter 1:

Indeed, the days and nights have become colder, not only animals, but also people are preparing for winter: vegetables are being harvested in the fields and gardens.

Presenter 2:

The fruits are harvested in the fall.
There is a lot of joy for people after all their hard work.
We are welcoming autumn
A rich harvest.

Presenter 1:

Scene "Dispute of vegetables"

Which one of us is a vegetable?
Both tastier and more useful?
Who with all the diseases
Will everyone be more useful?

Polka dots:
I'm so pretty
Little green boy.
If only I want
I'll treat everyone to peas!

Let me say a word,
Listen first.
We need beets for borscht
And for the vinaigrette.
Eat and treat yourself,
There is no better beetroot!

You, beetroot, shut up,
Cabbage soup is made from cabbage.
And how delicious
Cabbage pies!

Trickster Bunnies
They love stalks.
I'll treat the kids
Sweet stalk.

You will be very pleased
Eating a lightly salted cucumber.
And a fresh cucumber
Everyone will like it, of course!

I am a ruddy radish
I bow to you low and low
Why praise yourself?
I'm already known to everyone!

A short story about me:
Who doesn't know vitamins?
Always drink carrot juice
And bite the carrot -
Then you will be, my friend,
Strong, strong, dexterous!

There's a tomato pouting here
And he spoke sternly.

Don't talk, carrot, nonsense,
Shut up a little.
The most delicious and enjoyable
Of course, tomato juice.

There are a lot of vitamins in it,
We drink it willingly.

I am the seasoning in every dish
And always useful to people.
Did you guess it? - I'm your friend,
I am a simple green onion.

I, potato, am so modest.
She didn't say a word.

But potatoes are so necessary
Both big and small!

(A knock is heard on the door)

Someone seems to be knocking.

(Doctor Aibolit enters)

This is Doctor Aibolit!

Well, of course it's me!
What are you arguing about, friends?

Which of us is from vegetables,
Everyone is tastier and more important?
Who with all the diseases
Will it be more useful for you?

To be healthy and strong,
Gotta love vegetables
All without exception
There is no doubt about it.
Each has its own benefit and taste,
And I don’t dare decide:
Which one of you tastes better?
Which one of you is more needed?

Presenter 1:

Autumn is a glorious time!
Children love autumn.

Presenter 2:

Plums, pears, grapes -
Everything is ripe for the guys.

Presenter 1:

We welcome you to autumn with a song!
We invite you to your round dance!

Presenter 2:

Meeting 2nd grade students

Presenter 1:

We welcome 3rd grade students with autumn riddles!


1. What vegetable were lazy people called in the old days? (They put them on their knees on peas)

2. What fruit was used to poison the princess from A.S.’s fairy tale? Pushkin? (Apple)

3. Great berry. (Watermelon)

4. What causes tears without pain and sadness? (Onion)

5. What caused the princess's insomnia? (Pea)

7. In Italian – tartuffel, and in Russian… (Potato)

Presenter 2:

I wonder if we know the same about potatoes?

Presenter 1:

4th grade students will tell us about this.

Music is playing

Historical reference

Potatoes appeared in Rus' more than 200 years ago. It could not take root for a long time, and was even considered poisonous, because at first, instead of tubers, people collected green berries that appear on a potato bush after flowering.

These berries were boiled with sugar and tried to be eaten as jam. But the jam was very tasteless, just disgusting. The potato became known as the “devil’s apple.” Ladies attached beautiful blue and white potato flowers to their hats and gave them to each other on holidays. But the time came when people understood the taste of potatoes, and they became indispensable on the table.

Presenter 2:

People say: “Autumn will cover the earth with leaves and snow.” We are spending the middle month. Be as caring as October!

Music is playing. On the screen there is a reproduction of “November”

Presenter 1:

And now it’s your turn - serious brother, frosty November!

The earth has cooled, the birds have flown away,
Leaf fall in nature has ended.
The prickly cold
And the first white snow
November covers the bare garden.
The ponds are frozen and slightly
The river turned icy.

Music is playing

Historical reference

November is the last month of autumn. Its ancient Greek name is gruden, from the word “breast”, which meant a broken, bad and frozen path. In November, the sky is often covered with heavy clouds, and it snows and rains.

By folk signs November was considered the gate of winter, the twilight of the year.

November is called the month of full pantries. After all, many animals stocked up on nuts, cones, mushrooms and acorns for the winter. And people's cellars are full.

Presenter 2:

It's time for us to have fun!

Chastushki (3rd grade)

And now it's all over
Prick up your ears!
We'll sing about autumn
Funny ditties!

How beautiful everything is all around
Golden autumn day!
Yellow leaves are flying,
They rustle underfoot.

Autumn is a damp time,
The rain is pouring down from above.
People are more likely to disclose
Multi-colored umbrellas.

Autumn is a wonderful time,
Children love autumn.
We go to the forest with baskets,
We find a lot of mushrooms there.

No tastier than apples ripe,
The kids know this.
How can we see apples?
We all shout at once: “Hurray!”

We love beets and carrots
And there is cabbage too,
Because vitamins
In vegetables and fruits!

Autumn, golden autumn,
It's good that you came!
You and apples, you and honey,
You brought bread too.

We sang ditties for you,
You say from your heart:
Our ditties are good,
And we are good too!

Presenter 1:

The rowan brushes are already burning with fire,
And the leaves on the birch trees flew away,
And the singing of birds is no longer heard at all,
And autumn quietly flies away.

Presenter 2:

By the way, 4th grade students will talk about rowan and other amulets.

Let's meet!

Music is playing

Historical reference

Rowan and onion were considered amulets by our ancestors, they had magical power: protected people from the evil eye and damage, from evil spirits. Therefore, rowan trees were planted at gates and gates, bunches of onions were hung at the entrance to the hut, onions and garlic strung on a thread were tied around the necks of domestic animals so that they would not become infected during the epidemic. Onions were sewn into amulets, which were hung on the chest when preparing to go on a campaign. Onions were glorified by sayings: “Onions are good both in battle and in cabbage soup,” “Onions are good for seven ailments.”

Presenter 1:

The ever darker face of nature:
The gardens have darkened, the forests are becoming bare,
The bird voices are silent.

Presenter 2:

Why don't we play?

Game "The birds have flown away"

The presenters read the poems, the children listen to them carefully and, if they hear an “extra” word, they begin to clap their hands.

The birds flew away:
Pigeons, martens.

The birds flew away:
Pigeons, tits,
Flies and swifts.

The birds flew away:
Pigeons, tits,
Lapwings, siskins,
Jackdaws and swifts,
Mosquitoes, cuckoos.

The birds flew away:
Pigeons, tits,
Jackdaws and swifts
Lapwings, hedgehogs.

The birds flew away:
Pigeons, tits,
Jackdaws and swifts,
Lapwings, siskins,
Storks, cuckoos,
Swans and ducks
And thanks for the joke.

Song “Colorful Autumn”

Music is playing

Presenter 1:

Good people, we greeted you with an affectionate smile. We hope that you warmed your soul near our fire and found many friends.

Presenter 2:

The doors of our house are always open for you. If the road passes by, do not bypass our threshold!