A boy fell in love with you - fortune telling. Fortune telling for girls. Fortune telling by book

Love fortune telling for girls is a fairly simple process. They allow you to find out the future on paper by names, dates and other data that is very easy to find.

Sometimes it happens that you like a young man at first sight. It seems that he is the only one with whom the girl will be together. In such a situation, you really want to know the prospects for a joint future, even if practically nothing is known about your beloved.

Fortune telling on paper

Fortune telling on paper, which is carried out when information such as full name and date of birth is known, can be very effective and truthful. This is provided that they are carried out according to all the rules and exactly as required.

As a rule, fortune telling for girls for love is recommended in the following situations:

when you just met a guy and know very little about him .
Finding general data in the modern world does not seem difficult. After certain manipulations on the Internet, you can know his full name and date of birth. This means that you can perform a ritual that will show whether you are compatible and what future awaits you.
for girls who have known their lover for a long time, but the relationship is not moving forward .
In such a situation, a simple ritual will tell you how many chances you have to be together and when.

Love fortune telling for girls can be used in almost any situation. It is considered very effective when you need to find out whether there is love and whether there is a future together. It is very important not to overdo it, since rituals on paper for love tell the truth only the first time the ritual is performed. If you are not satisfied with the result, then you cannot guess again. As a last resort, you can wait a day and then repeat the manipulations.

Fortune telling

For this ritual you will need a piece of paper and a pen. You can hold a magical event at any time in any setting.

On a piece of paper you need to write your first name, last name and patronymic in such a way that the appearing letters are located one under one. This is repeated with all data. Let's look at the example of Olga Mikhailovna Ivanova:

And IN A n O l b G M X th
And IN A n O l

Now we continue with the first name, last name and patronymic of the beloved. Let's say Petrov Mikhail Sergeevich.

And V A n O l b G M X th P e T R With h
And V A n O l G m X e R
And V A O l e
And V A O e
And V A
And V A n O l b G M X th P e T R With h
And V A n ABOUT l G m X e R
And V A ABOUT l e
And V A
1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1

And the last stage of fortune telling involves recalculating all the numbers. In this case, the result was 9. If the result was a two-digit number, then one would need to add the two digits of the two-digit number to obtain a single-digit number.

Now you can see the meaning of this game on paper:

0 – love;
1 – no chance:
2 – you need to act;
3 – he will soon take the initiative;
4 – date;
5 – he has a lot of girls;
6 – sympathy;
7 – kiss;
8 – he is jealous of you;
9 – bored.

This ritual is great for girls who know not only the name of their lover, but also his date of birth. To perform a love ritual, you will need a blank sheet of paper and a pen.

The first, last and patronymic names of the beloved and his date of birth are carefully written on paper in one row. The same details of the girl are written under it. Now you need to count the number of characters in each row (full name and date).

Ivanova Olga Mikhailovna 11/26/1990 – a total of 30 characters, 3+0=3;

Petrov Mikhail Sergeevich 05/11/1987 – a total of 29 characters, 2+9=11, 1+1=2;

Let's look at the values:

1 – sympathy;
2 – jealousy;
3 – separation;
4 – reciprocity;
5 – everything depends on you;
6 – no chance;
7 – sincere feelings;
8 – date;
9 – dreams.

As you can see, it’s not difficult for girls to find out what awaits them with a guy. To do this, you just need a piece of paper, a pen or pencil and a little time.

Fortune telling for girls on love on paper is a popular and extremely common method. It is used to find out on paper what the future holds for the boy. Is love present or absent and are reciprocal feelings possible? By strictly following all the rules for fortune telling, you can get answers to all your questions in the shortest possible time.

School years are the most wonderful time in life. These are not only boring lessons, but also fun breaks, communication with classmates, funny notes, and treasured notebooks that are carefully stored and passed from hand to hand. Your friends and girlfriends fill out questionnaires with various questions, but the most important question in these questionnaires is “Which boy do you like? Who do you love? In these notebooks, covered with beautiful pictures and envelopes, your girlfriends and friends put their photographs and write their most intimate secrets and secrets, they contain love poems, omens and fortune tellers. Moreover, these notebooks are kept not only by girls, but also by boys.

When I was at school, I also kept notebooks like these; moreover, I was the best fortune teller among my classmates, I had many methods of fortune telling, I collected them, wrote them down, and came up with some myself. But, unfortunately, these treasured notebooks were not preserved; my mother found them, tore them and burned them in the oven, destroying my magical magical world.
I was punished and was offended by my mother for a long time, of course, having matured, I forgave my mother, but for many years I did not trust her and did not share my girlish secrets.

And when my children came to the period of keeping love questionnaires, I helped them in every possible way, advised them on how to properly prepare these notebooks. Recently, while cleaning out my closet, I found these notebooks for my sons when they were 8-11 years old and showed them. They are already adults, but they re-read these entries with pleasure, they were happy to return to childhood and remember their friends.

School fortune telling

School time is the first very timid feelings for a boy from a parallel class or for a neighbor at his desk. You look forward to the end of the lesson, but the minutes go by so slowly, and sometimes it seems as if the clock has stopped completely. And then the long-awaited bell rings and, running out of the classroom into the corridor, you meet your eyes with this boy, and your happiness knows no bounds, but he quickly looks away and runs past you, and you are unable to understand whether he likes you or not. And to find out whether the boy you like loves you and how he treats you, you need these school fortune telling. Of course, you shouldn’t do this in class, but during recess or after school, during the holidays, it’s quite possible to find out your fate.

First fortune telling.

When leaving home for school, you think of the name of the boy you like, and the first thing you meet on the way will determine his attitude towards you. Or you can just make a wish for what awaits you on this day.

If you saw it first:

A car is good luck, everything will be successful with it;
butterfly - date, you will see him;
cat - tears, he will bring you to tears;
bicycle - will offer friendship;
woman is a deceiver, don't trust him;

chicken - will come to visit you or invite you to visit.
mom - you will receive a note from him;
man - he loves another girl;
fly - he is having fun with the other;
mouse or rat - quarrel;

wedding - you will be friends or make peace if you are in a quarrel;
dad - he will invite you to the cinema;
bird - he likes you;
rainbow - you have mutual love;
dog - you will meet another boy;

sun - you will love a stranger;
brother - you will have fun in the same company;
sister - you will rejoice;
your enemy - to treason;
girlfriend or boyfriend - for fun;

rain - to disappointment;
black cloud - he doesn’t trust you;
wind - to jealousy;
snow - to laughter;
man with flowers - loves your friend.

Fortune telling second.
How to find out which boy loves you?
For this fortune telling you will need a pen and a piece of paper. Mentally think about the name of the boy you are going to guess. Quickly draw any number of sticks in four rows. In each row, cross out three sticks until one or two sticks remain, in each row write a number, if there is one stick left, then write 1, if two sticks remain, then write 2, if all sticks are crossed out, then write -0. Now write these numbers in a row in pairs, for example: 21-01 Look for the answer in the table.

00-00-loves you for your character.
00-01-looks at another.
00-02-he only needs you.
00-10 - he is infatuated with someone else.
00-11-he will soon stop loving you.

00-12 - loves, but hides her feelings.
00-20 - really wants to be with you.
00-21-constantly thinks about you.
00-22- loves you for your beauty.
01-00 - afraid to ask you out on a date.

01-01 - he will kiss you soon.
01-02 -he likes your character.
01-10-he loves you very much.
01-11-likes your eyes.
01-12- don't trust him, he's deceiving you.

01-20 - you will see him soon.
01-21-suffers for you.
01-22- he really likes you.
02-00 - constantly thinks about you.
02-01- very sad.

02-02-wants to be friends with someone else.
02-10 - your image is always before his eyes.
02-11 loves your smile.
02-12- will never cheat on you.
02-20 - you'll be with him soon.

02-21-he will cheat on you.
02-22- believes that you love him.
10-00 - will make a date soon.
10-01-wants to see you.
10-02- don't trust him.
How to find out which boy loves you?
10-10 - respects you.
10-11-jealous of you.
10-12 - embarrassed to talk about his love.
10-20 - can’t forget you.
10-21 - he is interested in you.

10-22 - he doesn’t need you.
11-00 - he has another one.
11-01 will send you to hell.
11-02-see you soon.
11-10 - he will fall in love with someone else.

11-11 - he likes your girlfriend.
11-12-he likes you, but only as a girlfriend.
11-20 - I really like you.
11-21 you will receive a letter from him.
11-22 - thinks you are beautiful.

12-00 - waiting to meet you.
12-01-very jealous of others.
12-10 - he dreams of someone else.
12-11 - wants to invite you to the cinema.
12-12 - you'll be kissing soon.

12-20 - misses you.
12-21 is boring with you.
12-22 - you will never be together.
20-00 - wants to offer you friendship.
01/20—you won’t see him today.

20-02-you shouldn’t believe him.
20-10-he stopped loving you.
20-11 - loves it very much.
20-12-he dreams of you.
20-20 wants to be friends with you.

20-21 - he will deceive you.
20-22 - loves another.
21-00 - better forget it.
21-01-he dreams of seeing you.
21-02- you like him very much.

21-10-remembers another.
21-11- considers you the best.
21-12-angry at you.
21-20 - wants to kiss you.
21-21-you will quarrel with him.

21-22 - wants to leave you.
22-00 - you don’t love him.
22-01-remembers you often.
22-02-you will be together.
22-10 - he doubts his feelings.

22-11 - you're wasting your time on him.
22-12 - you will be happy together.
22-20 - he doesn’t believe that you love him.
22-21 - wants to be friends with you.
22-22-dreams about kissing you.

Fortune telling by RONGLIS
How to find out which boy loves you?
The meaning of the word RONGLIS: R - joy, O - resentment, N - trouble, G - grief, L - love, I - betrayal, S - date.

Do you want to know what awaits you or your girlfriend, or the boy you like, then this fortune telling is for you. Write the full first and last name of the person you are guessing about.

Underneath them write the date, month, and time of day, for example:

Ivan Petrov
First May morning

Cross out two identical letters, one on the top line, the other on the bottom, count how many letters are left: for example, 9.
At the bottom, write R O N G L I S. and cross out every ninth letter until there is only one left.
The letter that remains uncrossed will determine what awaits you, or the person you were wondering about. I still have the letter C, which means Vanya Petrov will have a date today.

Fortune telling by L U R N I S T.

You can also find out how this or that boy treats you by using the word LURNIST.

The meaning of the word LURNIST: L - loves, U - respects, R - jealous, N - hates, I - cheats, S - suffers, T - yearns.

Write your last name, first name and patronymic on top, and the boy’s last name, first name and patronymic below. Just as in the previous fortune-telling, cross out the same letters in the top line and in the bottom, and count those that remain uncrossed out. At the bottom, write LURNIST and cross out each letter that matches the number until one letter remains. From it you will find out how the boy treats you.

Fortune telling with chamomile.

It’s better to guess with daisies with your friends. Draw a daisy, cut it out and on each petal write the names of the boys from your class, turn the daisy over with the names down and have each girl tear off a petal and find out the name of the boy who loves her.

And if it’s summer outside, then you definitely need to tell fortunes on a daisy flower, tearing off the petals and asking the question: “Loves - doesn’t love, hugs - deceives, laughs - loves, kisses - spits, presses to your heart - sends you to hell” and so on in a circle . The word that will fall on the very last petal and will mean how the boy treats you.
How to find out which boy loves you?

Why do boys dream?

Monday - he really likes you.
Tuesday - he will fall in love with you.
Wednesday - will write you a letter.
Thursday - will love you forever.
Friday - goodbye.
Saturday - for separation.
Sunday - loves you.

And you can also find out who loves you, if on the night from Thursday to Friday, you wash your face with water without wiping yourself - you go to bed, make a wish, saying the following words: “From Thursday to Friday I will wash my face with water, Friday, Friday, who loves - let him dream." And the boy who likes you will definitely dream of you.

Love signs.

Often boys are very shy and hide their attraction to girls because they are afraid that their friends will laugh at them. Therefore, sometimes they behave incorrectly, push the girl they like, pull her pigtails, hit her.
If a boy hits a girl on the hand, it means he loves her, on the shoulder, then he is a traitor, on the back - he shows that he is jealous, on the head - he trusts.

If your lips itch - for a kiss, your chest - your loved one is yearning, your right hand - for a sudden meeting,
left hand - he will give a gift, heels - you will go to heaven on a date, head - he thinks only about you, cheek - for love.
How to find out which boy loves you?
If his face is burning on Monday - he is talking to someone about you, Tuesday - he loves you, but hides his feelings, Wednesday - he will soon confess his love, Thursday - he will set up a date, Friday - he laughs at you, Saturday - he wants to cheat on you , Sunday - loves and is looking forward to meeting you.

If your ears are burning: Monday - for guests, Tuesday - for a date, Wednesday - for acquaintance, Thursday - for a gift, Friday for news, Saturday - for tears, Sunday - for fun.

These are simple, uncomplicated fortune telling, but you and your girlfriends will know a lot about the boys you like.

We all sooner or later experience first love and the first doubts and experiences associated with it. Do you already know this feeling? Many girls, feeling love for a boy, try in every possible way to find out whether it is mutual. It is very scary to approach a boy and ask him directly, because you are so afraid that they will refuse you and laugh at you. How to find out who really loves you, and for whom you are just an acquaintance? You can watch how the boy behaves towards you, and also tell fortunes about him.

Recognize a boy in love by his behavior

Boys are also embarrassed by their feelings because they are afraid of seeming funny. They are good at hiding their love, but an observant girl will always notice the one who is in love with her. How can you tell which boy loves you by their behavior? There are several true signs.

  • He is always happy to see you, even when he is in a bad mood. He greets you with a smile, often calling you by name.
  • He likes to watch you furtively, and when you notice this, he immediately looks away because he doesn’t want to be noticed.
  • In your presence, he often gets embarrassed, blushes, and tries to put himself in order (straighten his hair, clothes, etc.).
  • He is always ready to help you if needed.
  • He is interested in knowing as much as possible about you. He listens with interest to what and how you say, and often asks you about your life. He can also ask mutual acquaintances and your friends about you.
  • He can give you beautiful compliments or give you nice little things.
  • He will get jealous if he notices how sweetly you are chatting with another boy.
  • Even if you said something stupid, he will not laugh at you, take everything calmly or pretend that he didn’t notice anything.
  • He tries to be near you as often as possible.

Fortune telling, tests, omens

Now you can find many psychological tests and fortune telling that will help you determine how this or that boy treats you and understand which of them loves you.

We offer you several tests that will help you find out who loves you. You need to wish for a specific boy and answer the questions honestly.

Many girls, wondering: “Does he love me?”, turn to various fortune telling. You can also use some to understand whether a boy loves you.

  • The simplest and most well-known fortune telling is fortune telling with a chamomile. You just need to pick a daisy you like and gradually tear off its petals, saying “loves” and “dislikes” for each torn petal in turn. The last torn petal will let you know whether the boy loves you or not. You can also get together with your friends, draw a large daisy with petals on paper, cut it out and write the boy’s name on each petal. Then the daisy must be turned over so that the names are not visible, and let each girl tear off one petal at random. Whose name appears on the petal is the one the boy loves.
  • The girls consider this fortune telling to be true. Take a piece of paper and a pen and start drawing sticks in a row, and when you feel that’s enough, say “Stop!”, go to the next line and continue drawing again until the moment when you want to say “Stop!” This should give you 4 rows of sticks. Once all the sticks have been drawn, cross out three sticks in each row until you end up with 2, 1, or 0 sticks left. When you cross out all the extras in all rows, you will get four numbers. Write them down in a row and see the interpretation.
  • There is also one simple fortune telling with matches. Take a box of matches, pour out all the matches from it, take two of them and secure the box at opposite ends. Now try to light both matches at the same time and watch how they burn. If the matches lean towards each other, then there is definitely something between you. If the matches “look” in different directions, then it’s not fate. When performing this fortune telling, be sure to make sure that nothing catches fire, so put out the matches in time!

There are also a number of signs by which you can find out whether you are loved. If you dream of a boy, then you need to look at what day of the week you had this dream:

  • PN - I like you a lot;
  • VT - will fall in love with you;
  • SR - will write a letter;
  • TH - his love for you will be eternal;
  • PT - date;
  • SB - separation;
  • VS - he loves you.

There are also signs. For example, if your lips itch, this indicates a kiss in the future; right hand - about an unexpected meeting; left - expect a gift from him; heels - you will have a date with him soon; head - his thoughts are occupied only with you; cheeks - for love.

If your face is burning on Monday, he is discussing you with someone; on Tuesday - loves, but hides; Wednesday - wait for recognition; Thursday - a quick date; Friday - mocks you; Saturday - wants to cheat on you; Sunday - loves and is waiting for a date.

School years are the most wonderful time in life. These are not only boring lessons, but also fun breaks, communication with classmates, funny notes, and treasured notebooks that are carefully stored and passed from hand to hand. Your friends and girlfriends fill out questionnaires with various questions, but the most important question in these questionnaires is “Which boy do you like? Who do you love? In these notebooks, covered with beautiful pictures and envelopes, your girlfriends and friends put their photographs and write their most intimate secrets and secrets, they contain love poems, omens and fortune tellers. Moreover, these notebooks are kept not only by girls, but also by boys.

When I was at school, I also kept notebooks like these; moreover, I was the best fortune teller among my classmates, I had many methods of fortune telling, I collected them, wrote them down, and came up with some myself. But, unfortunately, these treasured notebooks were not preserved; my mother found them, tore them and burned them in the oven, destroying my magical magical world.
I was punished and was offended by my mother for a long time, of course, having matured, I forgave my mother, but for many years I did not trust her and did not share my girlish secrets.

And when my children came to the period of keeping love questionnaires, I helped them in every possible way, advised them on how to properly prepare these notebooks. Recently, while cleaning out my closet, I found these notebooks for my sons when they were 8-11 years old and showed them. They are already adults, but they re-read these entries with pleasure, they were happy to return to childhood and remember their friends.

School fortune telling

School time is the first very timid feelings for a boy from a parallel class or for a neighbor at his desk. You look forward to the end of the lesson, but the minutes go by so slowly, and sometimes it seems as if the clock has stopped completely. And then the long-awaited bell rings and, running out of the classroom into the corridor, you meet your eyes with this boy, and your happiness knows no bounds, but he quickly looks away and runs past you, and you are unable to understand whether he likes you or not. And to find out whether the boy you like loves you and how he treats you, you need these school fortune telling. Of course, you shouldn’t do this in class, but during recess or after school, during the holidays, it’s quite possible to find out your fate.

[b]First fortune telling.

When leaving home for school, you think of the name of the boy you like, and the first thing you meet on the way will determine his attitude towards you. Or you can just make a wish for what awaits you on this day.

If you saw it first:

A car is good luck, everything will be successful with it;
butterfly - date, you will see him;
cat - tears, he will bring you to tears;
bicycle - will offer friendship;
woman is a deceiver, don't trust him;

chicken - will come to visit you or invite you to visit.
mom - you will receive a note from him;
man - he loves another girl;
fly - he is having fun with the other;
mouse or rat - quarrel;

wedding - you will be friends or make peace if you are in a quarrel;
dad - he will invite you to the cinema;
bird - he likes you;
rainbow - you have mutual love;
dog - you will meet another boy;

sun - you will love a stranger;
brother - you will have fun in the same company;
sister - you will rejoice;
your enemy - to treason;
girlfriend or boyfriend - for fun;

rain - to disappointment;
black cloud - he doesn’t trust you;
wind - to jealousy;
snow - to laughter;
man with flowers - loves your friend.

Fortune telling second.

For this fortune telling you will need a pen and a piece of paper. Mentally think about the name of the boy you are going to guess. Quickly draw any number of sticks in four rows. In each row, cross out three sticks until one or two sticks remain, in each row write a number, if there is one stick left, then write 1, if two sticks remain, then write 2, if all sticks are crossed out, then write -0. Now write these numbers in a row in pairs, for example: 21-01 Look for the answer in the table.

00-00-loves you for your character.
00-01-looks at another.
00-02-he only needs you.
00-10 - he is infatuated with someone else.
00-11-he will soon stop loving you.

00-12 - loves, but hides her feelings.
00-20 - really wants to be with you.
00-21-constantly thinks about you.
00-22- loves you for your beauty.
01-00 - afraid to ask you out on a date.

01-01 - he will kiss you soon.
01-02 -he likes your character.
01-10-he loves you very much.
01-11-likes your eyes.
01-12- don't trust him, he's deceiving you.

01-20 - you will see him soon.
01-21-suffers for you.
01-22- he really likes you.
02-00 - constantly thinks about you.
02-01- very sad.

02-02-wants to be friends with someone else.
02-10 - your image is always before his eyes.
02-11 loves your smile.
02-12- will never cheat on you.
02-20 - you'll be with him soon.

02-21-he will cheat on you.
02-22- believes that you love him.
10-00 - will make a date soon.
10-01-wants to see you.
10-02- don't trust him.

10-10 - respects you.
10-11-jealous of you.
10-12 - embarrassed to talk about his love.
10-20 - can’t forget you.
10-21 - he is interested in you.

10-22 - he doesn’t need you.
11-00 - he has another one.
11-01 will send you to hell.
11-02-see you soon.
11-10 - he will fall in love with someone else.

11-11 - he likes your girlfriend.
11-12-he likes you, but only as a girlfriend.
11-20 - I really like you.
11-21 you will receive a letter from him.
11-22 - thinks you are beautiful.

12-00 - waiting to meet you.
12-01-very jealous of others.
12-02-you will be friends, but not for long.
12-10 - he dreams of someone else.
12-11 - wants to invite you to the cinema.
12-12 - you'll be kissing soon.

12-20 - misses you.
12-21 is boring with you.
12-22 - you will never be together.
20-00 - wants to offer you friendship.
01/20—you won’t see him today.

20-02-you shouldn’t believe him.
20-10-he stopped loving you.
20-11 - loves it very much.
20-12-he dreams of you.
20-20 wants to be friends with you.

20-21 - he will deceive you.
20-22 - loves another.
21-00 - better forget it.
21-01-he dreams of seeing you.
21-02- you like him very much.

21-10-remembers another.
21-11- considers you the best.
21-12-angry at you.
21-20 - wants to kiss you.
21-21-you will quarrel with him.

21-22 - wants to leave you.
22-00 - you don’t love him.
22-01-remembers you often.
22-02-you will be together.
22-10 - he doubts his feelings.

22-11 - you're wasting your time on him.
22-12 - you will be happy together.
22-20 - he doesn’t believe that you love him.
22-21 - wants to be friends with you.
22-22-dreams about kissing you.

Fortune telling by RONGLIS

Meaning of the word RONGLIS: R - joy, O - resentment, N - trouble, G - grief, L - love, I - betrayal, S - date.

Do you want to know what awaits you or your girlfriend, or the boy you like, then this fortune telling is for you. Write the full first and last name of the person you are guessing about.

Underneath them write the date, month, and time of day, for example:

Ivan Petrov
First May morning

Cross out two identical letters, one on the top line, the other on the bottom, count how many letters are left: for example, 9.
Write below R O N G L I S. and cross out every ninth letter until there is only one left.
The letter that remains uncrossed will determine what awaits you, or the person you were wondering about. I still have the letter C, which means Vanya Petrov will have a date today.

Fortune telling by L U R N I S T.

You can also find out how this or that boy treats you using the word LURNIST.

Meaning of the word LURNIST: L - loves, U - respects, R - jealous, N - hates, I - cheats, S - suffers, T - yearns.

Write your last name, first name and patronymic on top, and the boy’s last name, first name and patronymic below. Just as in the previous fortune-telling, cross out the same letters in the top line and in the bottom, and count those that remain uncrossed out. Write below LURNIST and cross out each letter corresponding to the number until one letter remains. From it you will find out how the boy treats you.

Fortune telling with chamomile.

It’s better to guess with daisies with your friends. Draw a daisy, cut it out and on each petal write the names of the boys from your class, turn the daisy over with the names down and have each girl tear off a petal and find out the name of the boy who loves her.

And if it’s summer outside, then you definitely need to tell fortunes on a daisy flower, tearing off the petals and asking the question: “He loves - he doesn’t love, he will hug - he will deceive, he will laugh - he will love, he will kiss - he will spit, he will press it to his heart - he will send him to hell” and so on in a circle . The word that will fall on the very last petal and will mean how the boy treats you.

Why do boys dream?

Monday - he really likes you.
Tuesday - he will fall in love with you.
Wednesday - will write you a letter.
Thursday - will love you forever.
Friday - goodbye.
Saturday - for separation.
Sunday - loves you.

And you can also find out who loves you, if on the night from Thursday to Friday, you wash your face with water without wiping yourself - you go to bed, make a wish, saying the following words: “From Thursday to Friday I will wash my face with water, Friday, Friday And whoever loves, let him dream.” And the boy who likes you will definitely dream of you.

Love signs.

Often boys are very shy and hide their attraction to girls because they are afraid that their friends will laugh at them. Therefore, sometimes they behave incorrectly, push the girl they like, pull her pigtails, hit her.
If a boy hits a girl on the hand, it means he loves her, on the shoulder, then he is a traitor, on the back - he shows that he is jealous, on the head - he trusts.

If your lips itch - for a kiss, your chest - your loved one is yearning, your right hand - for a sudden meeting,
left hand - he will give a gift, heels - you will go on a date with him, head - he thinks only about you, cheek - for love.

If his face is burning on Monday - he is talking about you with someone, Tuesday - he loves you, but hides his feelings, Wednesday - he will soon confess his love, Thursday - he will make a date, Friday - he laughs at you, Saturday - he wants to cheat on you , Sunday - loves and is looking forward to meeting you.

If your ears are burning: Monday - for guests, Tuesday - for a date, Wednesday - for acquaintance, Thursday - for a gift, Friday for news, Saturday - for tears, Sunday - for fun.

These are simple, uncomplicated fortune telling, but you and your girlfriends will know a lot about the boys you like.

Happy fortune telling!

You've probably noticed that when traveling on public transport, if adults sit in the same seat, they may remain silent until one gets off at their stop. But if children are nearby, dialogue is inevitable. In childhood, school, joy, fights, love, school fortune-telling - everything happens naturally, for real. Because sincerely.

Sincere and children's fortune-telling. Yes, they are somewhat primitive and naive. But that’s their charm, isn’t it? To interest a schoolchild or schoolgirl in the magical act of fortune telling, there is no need to light candles, play the Enigma melody, or smoke scented sticks. It’s enough to ask: “let’s tell our fortune?” – and the process began!

Sometimes you want to be in a crowd of boys and girls with the same joyful little person, and, having prepared a pen and a blank notebook, ask: “Shall we tell our fortunes?”

The guys will scatter around the corners and, looking sideways at each other (who should they tell fortunes for?), begin the sacrament. Naive, but the results of which are already believed, even before they have been received.

Guessing about a classmate

The simplest and most popular fortune telling of the time of youth.

1. The girl guesses the boy’s last name (and the boy, accordingly, the girl’s last name).

2. Quickly, without thinking, draw four rows of sticks with an arbitrary number.

3. In each line, cross out three dashes until the result is a remainder of less than three: 2, 1 or 0.

4. We write down the number of dashes remaining in the line in numbers, and make a row of the four resulting numbers.

5. Let's move on to the school interpreter.

School interpreter:

  • - loves, but for his character.
  • – like the other one (other).
  • – you are the only one (the only one).
  • – sees no one except the other (other).
  • - love doesn't last long.
  • - secret love.
  • - dreams of being around.
  • - thinking only about you.
  • – I was captivated by your beauty.
  • – wants to invite you on a date, but doesn’t dare.
  • - wait for the first kiss.
  • – he (she) likes your character.
  • - strong love.
  • - crazy about your eyes.
  • - deceiver (deceiver).
  • - see you soon.
  • - you are the cause of his (her) suffering.
  • - not love, but I like you.
  • - can’t help but yearn for you.
  • - yearns, dreams, loves.
  • - will be friends, but not with you.
  • - wakes up and falls asleep with your image before his eyes.
  • - I like your smile.

  • – faithful (faithful).
  • - fast friendship.
  • – doesn’t value feelings – will change soon.
  • - thinks you love.
  • – a quick date.
  • - waiting to meet.
  • – if you trust, there will be tears.
  • - respect.
  • - jealousy.
  • - afraid to confess his love.
  • - will never forget you.
  • - you are interested.
  • – forget it, there will be no relationship.
  • – there is a rival (rival).
  • – don’t come closer – he’ll turn away.
  • - see you soon.
  • - love, but not with you.
  • - between you your friend (your friend).
  • - just friendship.
  • - not yet love.
  • - will send a note.
  • - thinks that there is no one more beautiful than you.
  • - decides to meet.
  • - He is jealous of everyone.
  • - short friendship.
  • – dreams of another (about another).
  • - will invite you to the cinema.
  • – kiss “like an adult.”
  • - bored.
  • - no interest in you.
  • - it's not meant to be.
  • - will offer friendship.
  • - I have no time for you today.
  • - never believe.
  • - there is no love anymore.
  • - loves very, very much.
  • – you often dream about it.
  • – is embarrassed to offer friendship.
  • - will soon deceive.
  • - the heart is busy.
  • – forget it – nothing good will happen.
  • - dreams of you.
  • - admit to yourself: do you love?
  • - the heart is occupied with the past.
  • – you are the best (best)!
  • – anger.
  • - will go for a kiss.
  • - argument.
  • - will quit soon.
  • - You don’t love it, why are you asking?
  • - recalls.
  • - this is destiny.
  • - don't lie.
  • - save time for the other (other).
  • - happiness.
  • – doesn’t believe you.
  • - is waiting for a friend proposal from you.
  • - dreams of a kiss.

Love omens

Fortune telling is fortune telling, but during school years there is rarely a desire to spend time on calculations, reading and interpretation. There are plenty of other things that are more interesting.

Therefore, among schoolchildren (and even among boys, because many of them believe that fortune telling is for girls), signs of love are very popular. It's like express fortune telling.

The boy hit the girl (of course, not out of anger, but as a joke):

  • Hit my hand. Fell in love - but is embarrassed about it.
  • Hit on the left shoulder. Womanizer.
  • Hit your back. He's jealous of someone.
  • Hit the hair or head. Will soon offer friendship.

Itch says:

  • Lips itch - they say kiss.
  • Itchy chest - someone often thinks about you, sighs.
  • The center of the palm of the right hand itches - this is a sign of a meeting.
  • The center of the palm of your left hand itches - expect a gift.
  • Your heels are itching: you'll run to a date.
  • Your head itches - someone is devoting all their thoughts to you.

If it turns red and “burns”:

  • Your face is “flaming” - they are talking about you.
  • Ears “burn” - they are discussing, scolding or gossiping about you.
  • Cheeks “burn” - someone is thinking about you, yearning, dreaming of meeting you.

The first thing I saw when leaving the entrance in the morning:

  • Car. To good luck - whoever it is intended for will have good luck with it.
  • You met a butterfly - wait for a date.
  • The cat is caught - this means tears. It’s better not to meet the person you have your wish for today.
  • The first woman to meet means deception.
  • Rain in the morning is a disappointment.
  • In the morning there is wind - something will happen that will cause jealousy.
  • It's snowing - today will be a fun day.
  • Meeting a dog is a new acquaintance.

It is with these simple fortune-telling and signs that schoolchildren try to discern their first, most touching relationships. Everything is sincere, pure and simple. Author: Igor Vaskin