Egg decorations for the New Year's table. Decorating New Year's table dishes. Video: carrot flower

That’s why many people compose with such trepidation New Year's menu 2019, looking for recipes for New Year 2019 with photos and are racking their brains with questions “what to cook for the New Year 2019?” and “how to cook New Year's dishes"? The menu for the New Year 2019, recipes for New Year's dishes, recipes for the New Year's table are thought out in advance by prudent housewives. If there are children in the family, New Year's recipes for children begin to be discussed. Some are looking for simple New Year's recipes, others are looking for original New Year's recipes, and others are looking for traditional New Year's dishes. In the West at this time, people are most often only interested in the recipe for New Year's cookies, but our people approach this issue more thoroughly and prefer to prepare New Year's hot dishes and New Year's main courses. The New Year's menu for 2019, in principle, must be compiled with taste, literally and figuratively. If you have any unrealized culinary recipes, new year holidays- it's time for them. Dishes on the New Year's table 2019 can be very diverse. For those who have already begun to compile the New Year's menu, recipes, and those who are interested in eastern calendar, we remind you that the symbol of the new year 2019 according to Chinese calendar– Pig or Boar, more precisely, this is the year of the yellow earthen pig. Astrologers are already drawing up their horoscopes to predict what the year of the pig has in store for us. We’ll tell you what to prepare for the New Year’s table for the Year of the Pig. Read more about the New Year's menu in the year of the pig. Celebrating the New Year is a very troublesome task, so it is better to select New Year's recipes for the Year of the Pig in advance. Recipes for New Year's dishes for the year of the pig have a simple rule: this animal must like them. The New Year's menu for the year of the pig must include various salads. Vegetables, fruits, meat - the pig loves everything tasty, but mostly still eats roots. New Year's recipes for the year of the pig (2019) can be prepared using nuts and mushrooms; wild boars also love them. New Year's recipes for children for the year of the pig, you can cook from fruits and vegetables, you can bake Acorns or Three Little Pigs cookies. Original New Year's recipes for the Year of the Pig for children can be prepared from boiled eggs and mashed potatoes. And of course, it would be nice to decorate children’s dishes for the year of the dog with handmade pigs and piglets with snouts. Recipes for the New Year's table in the year of the pig (2019) do not require anything completely surprising, since the pig, in principle, is an unpretentious animal in terms of food, so all ours are simple hearty dishes will come in handy. New Year's meat dishes can be prepared in a variety of ways, but of course not from pork. And it would be good to cook them with vegetables and fruits. To quickly and correctly prepare delicious New Year's dishes, use New Year's recipes with photos for the year of the pig. We have specially selected New Year's dishes with photos for the year of the pig. Recipes for the New Year 2019 with photos will tell you step by step how to make any dish you like. We hope that our New Year's recipes will help you prepare truly delicious New Year's dishes, and it doesn't matter whether you used complex New Year's recipes or simple New Year's recipes. The Year of the Pig will bring you happiness on January 1, when family members and guests will thank you for a wonderful New Year's table. It would also be nice for yourself and your guests to come up with appropriate New Year’s names for dishes; this will make the 2019 New Year’s table even more original and mischievous; recipes with photos will spur your imagination and make this process even more fun. And don’t forget to make New Year’s recipes with photos during the cooking process. On our website we have collected the best New Year's recipes, recipes for New Year's dishes, the most beautiful New Year's dishes in the New Year's menu 2019 to the New Year's table 2019. New Year's dishes with photos will help novice cooks. Recipes for New Year's dishes with photos will save time and protect you from mistakes. Post your New Year's recipes 2019 with photos with us, we will place them in the New Year's dishes 2019 with photos section, and we will be sure to quietly whisper to Santa Claus for you. And let's grunt loudly to the yellow pig :)

Reading time: 5 minutes

The December race for gifts, New Year's outfits and all kinds of delicacies for the table is in full swing! It's time to leaf through culinary notebooks, comb through gigabytes of the RuNet in search of a New Year's menu. We decided to make your life easier, save time and collect original ideas for decorating your holiday table in one article. We have delicious treats for every taste!

Woof-woof - delicious food

The symbol of 2018 is the Dog, so the table must have dishes decorated in its honor.

Bake dog cookies with your kids. You can visit with these delicious treats all year round! Test different recipes and choose the best one.

Almost any puff salad can be placed on a dish in the shape of a puppy. Show your imagination!

Nobody canceled breakfast on December 31st, and on all other days too. Treat your baby to a truly dog ​​treat - cutlets and macaroni and cheese. Don't forget to add vegetables to make the dish not only beautiful, but also healthy.

Sweets are bad for dogs, but kids can’t live without them. Make pies like little Yorkies or Westies.

A la beard made of cotton wool...

Who are the kids looking forward to? Who main character holiday? That's right, Santa Claus. We will give him and his granddaughter Snegurochka a place of honor at the festive table, so that she can look after her grandfather, who knows what... suddenly his beard ends up in the salad.

It doesn’t matter what kind of salad is “under a fur coat”, what matters is the fur coat itself! Red beets or peppers will help create a robe for Santa Claus, and an egg (white) tinted with blue food coloring will help create a Snow Maiden's fur coat. Fur - boiled protein, rice or grated cheese (whichever is more suitable for the recipe).

Fruits are present on any table. Take time to serve - and children will definitely receive a portion of fresh vitamins here and now.

Sweet strawberry dessert with whipped cream will be a 100% hit with little sweet tooths. Just a matter of minutes, but how beautiful!

Another delicious and beautiful dessert is banana Santas. Chocolate eyes, strawberry caps... Mmmmm...

Now she's smart...

A gray wolf was trotting somewhere, they say... But he didn’t touch our beautiful Christmas tree, because he doesn’t like dill! Here!

Red cranberries or pomegranate seeds will do the job perfectly. New Year's balls and decorate your salad. Five-pointed star You can cut it out of red pepper and put it on a skewer.

A Christmas tree made from canned green peas will decorate not only Olivier, but also other salads.

If there is a lot of greenery in the salad, then you can simply lay it out in a mound and decorate it with a star-shaped top - very similar to an elegant Christmas tree.

Lay out the puff curls in the shape of a triangle. On top is the filling. A tomato garland and a yellow pepper star - the New Year's dish is ready.

Your favorite sauce and pepper will help turn triangular pieces of pita into edible Christmas trees.

Sandwiches with fresh cucumber in the shape of Christmas trees add variety to the New Year's menu. The pieces cut with a curly knife look original.

Ordinary pancakes, so loved by many children, will appear in a new light, you just have to put them into a pyramid, add berries and fruits in sweet syrup. Why not New Year's breakfast?

Vegetarian Christmas tree made from celery and carrots is not the only option New Year's decoration. You can mix anything!

But the wolf with a sweet tooth will definitely not disdain these Christmas trees. Coconut flakes and fresh cream - yum-yum.

Believe it or not, there are fresh strawberries hiding under the layer of green cream! What a treat!

Custard cookies homemade in the form of Christmas trees. A star can be cut from canned pineapple.

Spread round cookies of different sizes with cream and fold them into a Christmas tree pyramid. Children can take an active part in making this sweet New Year's dessert.

Fruit trees - vitamin decoration New Year's table. Just the thing for kids! For cheese lovers - assorted fermented milk.

At the heart of this fruity New Year's tree- carrot. Toothpicks with orange slices, kiwi, and berries are inserted into it, like into a trunk.

Wafer rolls will instantly become Christmas trees - colored candies, sweet fudge and coconut shavings will do their job.

You can simply draw a Christmas tree with chocolate icing!

I made him out of what was

Children will be happy to make snowmen from tangerines. You will need toothpicks, fragrant cloves for the eyes, twigs for the hands and bottle caps as hats. Invite your little helpers to decorate themselves festive table- the invasion of citrus snowmen is guaranteed!

This snowman just melted... Poor guy was out of luck. Well, it’s okay, they’ll eat it with appetite even in this form!

Sweet snowmen are a treat for those with a sweet tooth of any age. Use your imagination, there are no bad snowmen!

The salad can be placed on a platter in portions in the form of small snowmen. Don't add too much mayonnaise, otherwise spring will come to your plate ahead of schedule.

Cutting off the tops of boiled eggs and placing them on a wooden skewer is another option for decorating New Year's dishes. Decorate with buttons, clove or pepper eyes, carrot noses and hats. Even the most capricious kids will happily eat this dish.

If little Nehochukha is still hungry, try a win-win option - potatoes! Roll the puree into balls and make a snowman out of them! Won't he eat it?

Sandwiches are a familiar dish, but even they can be served at the holiday table if you experiment a little with the design.

Christmas wreath

Place the salad on a flat dish in the shape of a wreath, garnish with fresh herbs, black olives, boiled carrot slices.

Dill looks like spruce branches, and pomegranate seeds look great as beads.

How many colored balls are there on the Christmas tree?

Simple products: beets, carrots, cheese, mayonnaise, egg, dill. If you approach the decoration of the salad creatively, then the most banal “Herring under a fur coat” will become a favorite of the New Year’s table.

Make balls - and the holiday snack is ready! Icicles, houses... Everything is edible and very beautiful!

Whose mittens?

Any salad can be laid out in the shape of a mitten. The decor can be anything: cheese, boiled vegetables, egg.

Colored glaze can turn any gingerbread into a delicious souvenir. There is no shame in visiting with such a gift!

A cone fell...

“Bumps” made from delicious salad and nuts! It looks unusual.

Snack cake from beef liver. Why not design it in the form of a cone?

My best gift is... cake!

Surprise your guests with an unusual design of familiar dishes.

The clock strikes twelve

The striking of the chimes is an important component of the holiday. Let your watch always be at hand!

Dear readers. Surely you have your own original ideas for decorating New Year's dishes. Share them in the comments, someone will probably find your experience useful.

On the New Year's table 2020, everything should be solemn and conducive to the holiday. Not enough to cook delicious snacks. They also need to be arranged correctly, and most importantly, decorated in an original way. This is what we will talk about. After all, you don’t have to cook something unusual to make the table festive. You can decorate even a simple Olivier salad or the familiar herring under a fur coat in a beautiful and unusual way.

A tasty and simple “Mouse” salad, a symbol of the coming year, will become a table decoration. But it is also very tasty; first of all, my household eats it. Detailed recipe with step by step photos.

Options for decorating salads in the shape of a Mouse

assorted photographs with original decorations for New Year's salads

How to decorate a New Year's salad, general principles

There are not many ways to decorate salads. The situation is easiest with puff snacks. Firstly, they already look beautiful in transparent portioned salad bowls. Secondly, the puff salad can be laid out in any shape, for example: crescent, Christmas tree, snowman, heart. It will already look unusual and beautiful. In this case, the upper part can simply be decorated with a pattern or inscription made from mayonnaise or other dressing sauce.

Penguins or snowmen made from eggs, olives and carrots, strung on a toothpick, will be an excellent decoration for your New Year's salad.

Christmas trees made from vegetables, fruits and sweets.

And here is an example of New Year's carrot carving - a Christmas cone.

And here’s how the hostess decided to present it to the New Year’s table in an original way, only instead of the traditional cabbage or fresh cucumber, rice was added to the salad.

No less original version Serving a puff salad can be done by wrapping it in a roll. In this form, any appetizer will look very unusual, even a simple herring under a fur coat. By the way, making a roll is quite easy if you collect the salad not on a plate, but on cling film.

“Bullfinch on a spruce branch,” another original decoration for a New Year’s salad made from tomatoes, eggs, green onions and olives. On the second salad we used it as a cone. Walnut, and the spruce branch was decorated with pomegranate seeds.

You can work a little more by preparing the decoration from half eggs and Korean carrots. From these ingredients it is easy to lay out, for example, a watch dial. But this is quite simple. In fact, entire artistic compositions can be created from ordinary boiled eggs.

At all, the best option Sprinkles are used to decorate any salad. This design does not take much time, but the scope for imagination is almost unlimited.

Here is an example of how you can decorate a fruit salad for the New Year. These Christmas canapés can simply be placed on the table as a snack.

However, it is worth understanding that the products that will be used to decorate the salad must be in harmony with the ingredients of the appetizer itself. In fact, it is not very good if a salad with red fish is decorated with pieces of sausage. Although there are exceptions. For example, balls made from low-fat cottage cheese mixed with chopped herbs and crushed garlic can be an excellent addition to a vegetable salad with tomatoes.

New Year tree made from onion feathers.

An interesting design option is the unusual presentation of the dish. Salads that contain vegetables or fruits can be served in salad bowls made from the same vegetables. A wonderful portioned salad bowl is made from a sweet pod bell pepper or from half a large apple, if all the pulp is removed from it. A boat-shaped salad plate can be made from a cucumber slice. Well, half a pineapple will make a whole salad ship.

Bags of lettuce stacked on one dish will look completely unusual. Making them is also not difficult. Place a couple of spoons of salad on pre-baked pancakes. The pancake is wrapped in a bag and tied with a stem green onions.

Ideas for decorating New Year's salads 2020

Now it's time to get straight to the ideas. Of course, no one says that you need to decorate salads exactly in the ways described below. Here are just a few examples. So you shouldn’t limit your own imagination. But perhaps these options will become the basis for creating your own masterpieces.

How do you like this culinary masterpiece of boiled beets and carrots and pickled cucumbers? The author of the salad is a real artist!

Decoration “Christmas balls”

An ordinary salad can be turned into a New Year's composition if you put a “fir branch” of fresh herbs on its surface and decorate it with balls made from halves of cherry tomatoes and olives. Additional decorations can be cut from colored bell peppers. The background for such a “drawing” can be grated egg white or fresh cucumber. It all depends on what ingredients the salad itself consists of.

Or you can create a composition of different salads, laying them out in the form of the same Christmas balls. You can decorate them with boiled carrot figures or simply paint them with mayonnaise. Well, the spruce branch is again made from fresh greenery.

Decoration of New Year's salad "Candles"

Candles are a great highlight Christmas mood. So such decoration would be quite appropriate. Almost any salad can be decorated in this way, since the main products for decoration are greens, cheese for sandwiches, and canned corn.

To begin with, the finished snack must be laid out in the form of a ring or garland. Place thin sprigs of dill and rosemary on top. Scatter some corn over the greens. It will look nice if the yellow corn kernels are “diluted” with a small amount of pomegranate seeds. And the finishing touch is evenly placed candles made from rolled cheese. Flames can be made from boiled carrots, pieces crab sticks, Korean carrots or small pieces of sweet bell pepper.

You can simplify the task somewhat and simply “draw” a candle. To do this, the salad must be laid out in the shape of a truncated triangle with a rounded base. Level the top of the salad and spread with mayonnaise. Sprinkle the entire surface with grated cheese, and in the upper part pour a small oval of grated egg white. The candle wick can be made from a piece of prune, and the flame from cheese, egg yolk, boiled carrots and a piece of red bell pepper. Lay out the lower part of the composition with sprigs of dill and decorate with a bow and balls, again cut from sweet peppers.

Christmas wreath

For this design, the salad should be placed on a large plate in the shape of a ring. It’s quite simple to depict this by placing a glass in the center of the plate, laying out the ingredients or a ready-made snack, and then taking out the glass. The surface of the salad must be leveled and coated with mayonnaise.

The workpiece should be sprinkled with finely chopped herbs and decorated with cherry tomato halves. Imitation of ribbons tying the resulting wreath can be made from strips of daikon, radish or boiled carrots.

Decorating the Christmas Bell Salad

You can arrange the salad on a bell-shaped dish in almost the same way as in the previous case. First, the dish is laid out in in the required form, and then the salad is sprinkled with grated carrots. The design on the resulting bell is laid out with black caviar or finely chopped olives.

If desired, the composition can be supplemented with a bow of red bell pepper. Well, a spruce branch can be modeled from dill.

Decoration “Watermelon slice”

Not only fresh fruits, but also salads made in their shape, for example: in the shape of a watermelon slice, can perfectly decorate the table. This design option is well suited for vegetable or meat salads, the ingredients of which are not cut into very large pieces.

Place the finished salad in the shape of a watermelon slice, level the surface and grease it a little with mayonnaise. Cover the entire surface of the salad thin layer finely grated carrots (you can use either boiled or fresh root vegetables). Make a watermelon rind from finely chopped herbs, for example: dill, parsley and green onions. Between the “crust” and “pulp” pour thin strip grated cheese - this will make the salad look even more like a real watermelon. Well, small pieces of olives can become seeds.

Fish salad can also be presented in the form of a watermelon crust. But in this case, instead of carrots, it is better to use red caviar (and not necessarily real) or finely chopped red parts of crab sticks.

New Years is soon. Someone is going to celebrate it at home, just like one of the birthdays of the universe, someone is with their family, visiting and expecting guests, but one thing is sure to be the same, everyone is waiting for something new, good, cheerful mood and a New Year's miracle.

How to create such a holiday atmosphere so that it is memorable, lifts your spirits, and is fun and surprising.

Let's talk about decoration, decorating the holiday table.

These will mainly be salads, cold cuts, assorted dishes, because these are the first courses placed on the table and how they look determines the mood of the guests invited to the table.

Here are examples of how you can beautifully decorate assorted meats, vegetables, and fruits; perhaps you will like something, and you will use it in practice, delighting your guests.

Beautiful cutting
Artistic decoration of assorted vegetables Everyone will like the fish platter
Assorted seafood
Fruit platter

Recipes for beautiful and tasty salads for the holiday table

Salad “Shrimp under a fur coat”

Making this salad is not difficult, the only thing is that you need to prepare it in advance so that it sits in the refrigerator for several hours.

  • Peel 500 g of boiled shrimp and cut in half.
  • 4 large potatoes, boiled in their jackets, 4 boiled eggs, peeled and grated.
  • Grease the bottom of the salad bowl with a thin layer of mayonnaise.
  • Lay in layers, coating each layer with mayonnaise: shrimp, potatoes, egg, shrimp.
  • On upper layer spread the mayonnaise over a jar of red caviar in an even layer.
  • Garnish with the remaining shrimp, lemon slices, herbs and shaped tomato.

Original vinaigrette

To be honest, I have never come across this method of preparing a vinaigrette before, but the originality of its execution makes me try to make it.

For the cube itself - Rubik's vinaigrette, you need boiled potatoes, beets, carrots and a large hard pickled cucumber. They need to be cut into cubes of equal size.

This should be approximately like this, pay attention that the cut cucumber cube must have the skin on one side.

For dressing the vinaigrette you need 100 g olive oil, juice of half a lemon, 1 clove of garlic, 1 tsp. sugar, 100 g green canned peas, a sprig of dill and parsley, salt to taste.

  • Place everything in a blender and puree at medium speed.
  • Place a Rubik's cube on a platter, next to the puree and garnish with sprigs of dill and parsley.

Vinaigrette with herring for the New Year's table

Salad "Inspiration"

This salad is also laid out in layers, coating each layer with mayonnaise, in the following order:

  • Grated, boiled beets
  • Grated, boiled carrots
  • Onion cut into half rings and scalded with boiling water
  • Finely chopped ham
  • Grated egg yolk
  • Finely chopped pickled mushrooms
  • Grated hard cheese
  • Grated egg white
  • Place a decoration of beet roses, carrot ribbons, and parsley on the egg white.

Delicious salad “New Year's gift”

The manufacturing principle is exactly the same as the previous salad - in layers with mayonnaise coating each layer:

  • Boiled chicken breast cut into small cubes
  • Champignons fried with onions
  • Grated boiled carrots
  • Grated peeled apple
  • Walnuts, chopped in a blender
  • Mixed grated egg yolks with cheese
  • The last layer is grated egg whites
  • Garnish with ribbons of fresh carrots, cherry tomato halves, dill, and parsley.

Royal Olivier Salad

Handsome and delicious salad with beef tongue and shrimp will please your guests at the New Year's table.

A simple recipe for Monomakh's Hat salad

  • 500 g boiled meat (any kind), finely chopped
  • Separately, grate 3 boiled potatoes in their skins, 2 boiled carrots, 5 boiled eggs (we leave one white for decoration), 100 g of hard cheese into different dishes on a coarse grater.
  • 100 – 150 g peeled walnuts, lightly fry, grind in a blender
  • Mix meat, vegetables, eggs with a small amount of mayonnaise
  • Place the dome in layers on a flat plate: potatoes, meat, cheese, nuts, carrots, eggs
  • Coat the top with mayonnaise
  • We make the edge of the “cap” from the grated half of an egg white and grated cheese(50 g)
  • We place a figuratively cut half of an egg white on top and arrange pomegranate seeds and green peas as precious stones.
  • Place in the refrigerator to brew.

Festive salad “Pine cone”

For this salad prepare:

  • 3 – 4 boiled potatoes
  • 200 g smoked chicken meat
  • 1 onion
  • 200 g canned corn
  • 200 g canned green peas
  • 2 salted or pickled cucumbers
  • 3 boiled eggs
  • a handful of any nuts
  • 200 g processed cheese
  • mayonnaise
  • for decoration – almonds, rosemary, green onions

We are making a salad of 3 parts, that is, three cones, so we divide the products into 3 parts, except for corn, cucumbers and peas, they will be used each in their own cone. The result is a salad with three different flavors.

  • Grate potatoes and eggs on a coarse grater
  • Chop chicken meat finely
  • Scald the onion with boiling water or marinate for 30 minutes in 100 ml of 6% vinegar with a teaspoon of sugar and salt, chop finely
  • Cut cucumbers into strips
  • Lightly freeze the cheese in the refrigerator and grate it
  • Grind nuts in a blender and mix with cheese
  • Lay out the salad in layers in the shape of three cones, coating each layer with mayonnaise.

Layer order:

  1. Potato
  2. Chicken's meat
  3. Corn (the second cone is cucumbers, the third is peas)
  4. Cheese with nuts

Decorate the three-cone salad with almonds, onions, and rosemary.

Salad "Lilac"

How to cook it?

  • Boil 1 cup of rice in water with the addition of turmeric or saffron, mix it with lightly fried shrimp (400 g) in oil with 4 cloves of garlic, cut into plastic pieces.
  • Cut 250 g of pitted olives into rings, finely chop a small bunch of green onions, mix with rice and shrimp, season with mayonnaise, put in the refrigerator for a while.
  • Peel 6 - 8 boiled eggs, separate the yolks from the whites, and grate them individually.
  • Leave half of the grated whites white, and tint the other half with finely grated beets, adding beets little by little and stirring until the desired color is obtained.
  • Place the salad in a salad bowl, sprinkle yolk on top, carefully form white and lilac flowers with a dessert spoon, add parsley.

The dish is ready, beautiful, tasty, satisfying.

Simple and tasty salad “Bunch of Grapes”

  • Take 800 g of Chinese cabbage, leave a few leaves for decoration, and chop the rest.
  • To it add 200 g of chopped boiled chicken, 150 g of ground pistachios, 100 g of grated hard cheese and mix with mayonnaise
  • Place the salad in the shape of a bunch of grapes on a dish and garnish with seedless grape halves (400 g). Place in the refrigerator, and in a couple of hours the salad is ready.

Check out some more beautiful salads for your holiday table

  • To begin, take a fresh pike, about one and a half kilograms, and gut it.
  • Make minced meat for stuffing it, for which boil 2/3 cup of rice, but not until fully cooked, and so that it remains hard, cool.
  • Peel 1 large fresh cucumber, remove seeds, cut into cubes and add salt.
  • Melt 2 tbsp in a frying pan. spoons of butter and fry finely chopped onions and cucumbers until transparent.
  • In a large bowl, mix rice, onion with cucumber, 2 coarsely chopped eggs, half a glass of finely chopped parsley and chives, 3 tbsp. spoons of sour cream, salt, pepper and white pepper and mix well.
  • Place the resulting mixture inside the pike and seal the cut.
  • Melt 100 g of butter on a baking sheet and in the oven at 180 degrees. Lightly fry the pike on both sides.
  • Sprinkle it with breadcrumbs, add half a glass of water to the baking sheet and bake it on the middle shelf of the oven until done.
  • Place on lettuce leaves on a large plate and garnish with herbs, mayonnaise, cherry tomatoes, and lemon petals.

How to cook chicken with mushrooms in champagne

  • Take a chicken weighing about 2 kg, wash it and cut it in half along the breast, but not all the way, spread it out.
  • Melt 40 g of butter in a frying pan and fry the chicken in it.
  • Remove it from the pan and fry 2 chopped onions in the same oil, place the chicken on top again, add a crushed clove of garlic, a sprig of thyme, Bay leaf, salt and pepper, pour 0.5 bottles of champagne into the pan and cook over low heat for 40 minutes.
  • Add 40 g of dried mushrooms pre-soaked in water, cook for another 30 minutes.
  • Transfer the chicken to a plate and bake in the oven at 180 degrees. until crispy.
  • While the chicken is baking, add 1 tbsp to the pan with the mushrooms. a spoonful of butter, ground with 1 tbsp. spoon of flour and 250 g of sour cream, and cook the sauce over low heat for 10 minutes, stirring continuously.
  • Place the finished chicken on a dish, garnish it with herbs, serve the sauce in a separate bowl; you can use boiled wild rice as a garnish.

Pork ribs baked with vegetables

Cut 500 g of pork ribs into a cup, add 50 ml of narshab sauce, add salt and leave for 15 minutes.

Peel and cut 1 kg of potatoes into cubes, add 2 teaspoons of fragrant dried herbs.

Cut 250 g fresh tomatoes, 250 g eggplants

Place meat and vegetables in a cast iron baking dish, pour 5 tbsp. spoons vegetable oil mixed with crushed garlic (3 cloves), salt and pepper.

Bake in the oven at 180 degrees. within 1 – 1.5 hours.

Place on a plate and garnish with herbs.