Festival haircut technology. Short hair - how to cut it and how to make classic women's haircuts and hairstyles for short hair. "Bob-kare" in a men's haircut

To maintain the shape of your hair, you need to know the rules of cutting. And even to trim the ends or bangs, you need knowledge of haircut techniques.

Styling almost any hairstyle requires a haircut. A haircut is the basis for a hairstyle. Basically, a haircut is an orderly shortening of hair. Although now there are haircuts in which the strands are shortened without any order. But order is a relative concept.

Head zones

Before you start any haircut or hairstyle, you should divide your hair into zones. The strands of each zone must be twisted into strands and secured with clips. After this, the strands are cut directly into zones... The parietal zone is limited by two partings, starting at the forehead and ending at the frontal-parietal parting. The distance between the partings should be equal to the width of the forehead. The parietal zone is U-shaped (Fig. 14, A). Rice. 14, b. Temporal-lateral zone. Rice. 14, V. Lower occipital zone.

Rice. 14. Head zones

Rice. 15, a. Upper occipital zone.

Rice. 15, b. Frontal-parietal parting is an arc from ear to ear across the crown. Separates the parietal zone from the superior occipital region.

Rice. 15, V. A vertical parting divides the upper and lower occipital zones into two halves.

Rice. 15, G.(1. parietal zone; 2. temporolateral zone; 3. superior occipital zone; 4. inferior occipital zone).

Rice. 15, d. The horizontal parting, separating the upper occipital zone from the lower, runs from ear to ear through the occipital protuberances.

Rice. 15. Head zones

All zone boundaries must be smooth.

Basic cutting tool - scissors. In order to cut hair professionally, you need to master this tool well.

Hairdressers hold scissors in a special way. The pad of the thumb secures one ring of the scissors, and the pad of the ring finger fixes the other. The amplifier is held with the little finger. At first it seems inconvenient, but if you cut your hair regularly, you can quickly get used to it. In this position, the hands get less tired and there are more opportunities to change the angle of the scissors.

When working with scissors and a comb, it is more convenient to have both the scissors and the comb in one hand. The thumb is removed from the ring, and the ring finger, on the contrary, is threaded through, and the scissors are pressed against the palm with its help. In the same hand you should take a comb with a handle, separate a strand and hold it between your index and middle fingers. Determine the length of the strand, transfer the comb to your left hand and press it with your thumb.

Now you can return the thumb of your right hand to the ring of the scissors and cut the strand. For the next strand, these steps are repeated.

In general, this is an easy process, but it does require some practice. With your left hand you form and pull the strands, and with your right hand you cut them. It is better to hold tools in your hands, that is, not place them on the table.

This book will discuss the techniques with which absolutely all haircuts are performed. Mastering them is the ABC, which a person who wants to learn how to make or even invent new haircuts cannot do without.


¦ When grading directed inward (haircuts based on “Bob”), to give a rounded silhouette, the first strand is taken from the outermost hair of the lower occipital zone, clamped between the index and middle fingers, pulled along the neck and an even cut is made from the inside of the fingers. The second strand is clamped together with the first and cut 5–7 mm longer, while the strands are taut and the fingers rest on the neck. The following strands located above are cut in the same way. As a result, the upper (covering) strand turns out to be several centimeters longer than the lowest strand. The ends of the strands will bend inward. This method allows you to achieve a rounded haircut silhouette.

¦ When graduated outward (the “False bob” haircut), the first strand is cut similarly to the method described above. The second strand is combed out together with the first, pinched between the index and middle fingers and pulled towards itself at a certain angle to the neck (for example, 30–45). The difference in the length of the first and subsequent strands depends on this angle. Each subsequent strand is cut flush with the previous strand, maintaining the original angle. As a result, the top (covering) strand turns out to be slightly shorter than the lowest strand. The ends of the strands are directed outward.

Rice. 16. Graduation

Tushevka– a smooth transition from short hair to long hair, that is, a technique for reducing hair to nothing. To perform shading, you need to take the comb in your left hand so that your thumb is on the edge and the rest are on the teeth, insert it into a strand of the marginal hairline (for example, the lower occipital zone) and cut directly from the comb, moving it smoothly upward... In this case, the teeth of the comb should be directed outward (in no case towards the head). To obtain a high-quality haircut (without steps or other irregularities), this operation must be repeated several times.

Rice. 17. Tushevka

Removing finger hair– hair is cut to the same length, the length of the control strand (haircuts based on “Italian”). When using this method, the strands are pinched between the index and middle fingers, stretched and cut. Cutting hair on the outside or inside of the palm depends on which area is being cut. For example, when cutting hair from the occipital areas, the palm is turned towards you, and the cut is made from the inside of the palm. When cutting the parietal area, the palm is facing the head, so the cut is made from the outside of the palm.

Thinning– thinning of strands. It is performed with double-sided and single-sided thinning scissors, thinning razors, as well as regular scissors. Thinning gives the haircut fullness and volume. Sometimes, thanks to her, it is possible to hide minor haircut defects. Thinning makes the cutting lines smooth. There are tip and root thinning . Thinning the ends<^>Horizontal thinning: take a strand of hair, pull it with your free hand between the index and middle fingers, and then use thinning scissors, stepping back from the end of the strand, to cut off part of it (3–5 mm) across. Thinning the ends creates fullness at the ends of the hair.

Rice. 18. Removing finger hair

¦ Vertical thinning with your free hand, the strand is deflected to the side (about 30), the thinning scissors should be held vertically, with the blade down. Don't be afraid to close the panels all the way because the slits on them will cut off a small portion of the hair. For example, when performing a bob haircut using vertical thinning, you can achieve a more rounded haircut silhouette.

¦ The “teeth” method is performed with ordinary scissors. The strand is stretched and cut at the end into teeth about 0.5 cm high . Thinning the roots The strand stretched by the fingers is cut with thinning scissors in several steps. The first haircut is made across the strand, starting from the base of the hair, the second - approximately in the middle, the third - closer to the end of the strand. Using this method, hair volume is achieved at the roots.

At the end of the haircut, edging and shaping of the temples are performed.


This is the final stage of the haircut. The edging gives the haircut a finished look. In short haircuts, edging is done on the bangs, temples, ears, and neck. In the lower occipital area, hair often grows differently. It happens that they grow asymmetrically, are directed upward or form vortices. Correct hair growth is considered when the hair grows evenly towards the neck, distributed over its entire back surface. When choosing a haircut that reveals the lower occipital area, you need to take into account hair growth. The direction in which the edging is performed affects the final result of the work. For example, if you trim the bangs by cutting the strand from right to left (or vice versa), then you won’t get an even bang line; The bangs should be cut from the middle of the forehead to one side and from the edge of the bangs to the middle. Similarly, the edging of hair strands in the lower occipital zone is performed when cutting medium-length and long hair. When choosing the length of your hair, you can make the edging in a corner, oval or even.

Temple decoration-final stage of haircut The temple should be in harmony with the shape of the face and the haircut itself. This is the final emphasis. It is difficult for a novice hairdresser to achieve the same length of hair on both temples. First, you need to outline the desired line with a light contour pencil. It is possible, until sufficient dexterity is acquired, not to cut off the temple completely, but to do it gradually. You should always remember that making a long one into a short one is much easier than vice versa. In addition, even a perfectly drawn line can fail if the face is asymmetrical. This drawback, by the way, can be slightly leveled out due to skillfully executed temples. Shapes of female temples:

- straight;

– model (can be feathery or shoe-shaped).

Shapes of male temples:

- straight;

– model.

Rice. 23. Decoration of temples


The haircuts themselves, according to the method and length of the hair being cut, can be divided into contrasting haircuts, in which there are sharp transitions in the length of the hair (this type of haircut is used in various types of “bobs” and “caps”), and non-contrast haircuts, when the hair is approximately the same throughout the entire head and their length is determined by the control strand (non-contrast haircuts include the “Cascade” haircut).

There are four basic haircuts, on the basis of which, or on the basis of their combinations, famous haircuts are made and new haircuts are invented.

Bob haircut"

Characterized by a clearly defined hairline. When performing a bob haircut, the method of graduation directed inward is used.

Rice. 24. "Kare" Performing a haircut

First you need to comb your hair in the direction of its growth, make a frontal-parietal parting, and divide the parietal zone in half with a vertical parting. Twist the strands with a braid and secure with ducks.

1. Haircut starts from the lower occipital area. It is necessary that the client's head is tilted as much as possible. The outermost strand is separated at the neck (strand thickness is approximately 10 mm), combed according to hair growth and the length of the future haircut is determined. The length of the first strand should be 20–25 mm shorter than the selected length. An even cut is made. This strand will be the control. The next strand is separated, combed to the control strand, and the inward grading method is applied. Using this method, you should cut one strand of hair from the lower and upper occipital zones to the frontal-parietal parting.

2. Now you can move on to cutting the parietal and temporal zones. To do this, comb the hair smoothly on one side of the vertical parting, and make an even horizontal cut at the level of the already trimmed occipital areas. The same thing is done on the other side.

3. The symmetry of the haircut is checked: a) stand facing the client and comb the hair lying to the right and left of the vertical parting dividing the parietal zone forward, compare their length (it should be the same); b) when combing your hair in different directions, you need to ensure that there are no sudden changes in hair length.

4. At the client's request, the bangs are cut. To do this, a strand of hair approximately 10 mm thick is separated and combed onto the face. The width of the strand should be equal to the width of the forehead. Having found out from the client the desired length of the bangs, we cut it from the middle to one edge, and then from the other edge to the middle. The edging of the bangs is done straight or in the form of a half-opened horseshoe. You can frame the side strands by cutting them in steps. To do this, the strands are pulled forward, the scissors are placed vertically and a smooth cut is made from top to bottom. To make the bangs and side strands look better, end thinning is done.

5. To achieve a more rounded silhouette of the haircut, you can slightly profile the length vertically.

6. Before styling, moisten hair with fixing hair lotion, foam or gel. Blow-dry your hair using a round brush (brushing), curling the ends of your hair inward.

Outward grading is used in the False Bob haircut, causing the ends of the hair to curl outward.

Haircut "Italian"

The haircut is based on the method of removing hair on the fingers.

Rice. 25. "Italian"

Performing a haircut

The hair is divided into zones as follows: 1) a frontal-parietal parting is made (from ear to ear through the crown); 2) the parietal zone is separated. On the sides of the parietal zone, the temporal zones will separate; 3) a U-shaped parting is made, passing through the upper and lower occipital zones and equal in width to the parietal zone. Side zones will be separated on both sides of the U-shaped parting; 4) the strands of each zone are twisted into bundles and pinned with wefts.

1. Haircut starts from the parietal area. At the frontal-parietal parting, a control strand approximately 10 mm thick is separated, combed perpendicular to the head, pinched between the index and middle fingers and cut from the outside of the fingers. In this way, the entire parietal zone is cut strand by strand... At the same time, as you approach the bangs, the strands become longer.

2. Next, the hair of the upper and lower occipital zones, separated by a U-shaped parting, is cut. Starting from the upper occipital zone and gradually going down to the end of the lower occipital zone, strand by strand is pulled to the control strand, which is strictly perpendicular to the head, and is cut from the outside of the fingers.

3. The hair of the temporal and lateral zones is combed upward towards the control strand and cut along it.

4 Check the haircut using a wide comb, comb all the hair towards the top of the head and collect it in a ponytail 1. All strands must be the same length.

5. Comb hair in the direction of its growth. The fringing of the bangs and strands adjacent to the face is made in the form of a half-opened horseshoe. End thinning can be used.

6. The edging of the hair length can be made into a corner, an oval or evenly.

7. Styling is done using curlers, a curling iron or a hairdryer.

Haircut "Cap"

Division into zones occurs during the cutting process. When performing this haircut, the shading method can be used.

Rice. 26. "Cap"

Performing a haircut

1. The temporolateral zones, 4–5 cm high, are separated. Each zone is divided in half longitudinally. The outermost strand is combed over the ear and shaped according to the client's wishes, or a regular braid or a model temple. An edging is made behind the ear. Depending on how the client wants, you can either completely open the ear or half cover it with a strand of hair, but in any case, the contour of the temples should be clear. The next strand of the temporolateral zone is combed to the already trimmed one and cut along it. To ensure that the temple fits well and looks graceful, you can slightly profile it vertically. You can also profile a strand of hair above the ear (if the haircut is half-eared) and behind it.

2. The lower occipital zone is separated (with a horizontal parting from ear to ear through the occipital protuberances). The hair of the upper occipital zone is twisted into a rope and pinned. Using a vertical parting, the strand on the left or right is separated, pinched between the index and middle fingers and cut from the outside of the fingers. This is the control strand. So, separating strand by strand with vertical partings, the entire lower occipital zone is cut under the control strand.

3. The lower occipital area can also be trimmed using the blending method.

4 The parietal zone is divided by a vertical parting in half (from the middle of the forehead to the frontal-parietal parting). Then it and the upper occipital zone are combed smoothly according to hair growth. The hair of these zones is cut in an even cut in a circular manner, the length is chosen to the upper edge or to the middle of the ear. It is better to first cut on one side to the middle of the back of the head, and then on the other.

5. To align the right and left sides of the parietal zone, comb the side hair forward (towards the face) and trim.

6. In order for the haircut lines to be smooth, you need to vertically profile the ends of the strands of the parietal and upper occipital zones, as well as the already trimmed lower occipital zone.

7. Trim your bangs and profile them.

8. The lower occipital area should be edged evenly or, using the “teeth” method, “torn” strands should be created.

Bob haircut

When performing this haircut, the method of graduation and shading is used. For a novice hairdresser, the bob haircut is the most difficult to perform.

Rice. 27. “Bob-bob” Performing a haircut

The hairline is divided into zones:

1) a vertical parting divides the parietal zone in half;

2) a frontal-parietal parting is performed;

3) the lower occipital zone is separated by a parting from ear to ear through the occipital protuberances. The strands of each zone are twisted into strands and pinned with wefts.

1. The hair of the lower occipital area is cut using the blending method. At the request of the client, you can make “torn” strands lying on the neck.

2. Next comes a haircut of the upper occipital area. It is cut using a gradation method directed inwards. A strand is separated (it will be a control), applied to the short-cut lower occipital area, the length is determined and cut. A bob haircut can be cut at an angle: the hair is shorter at the back of the head, and gradually lengthens as it approaches the face. If hair cut in this way is combed back, the bob line will form an arc. The control strand is cut taking into account this arc. The next strand is combed towards the control one and cut 3–5 mm longer. The entire upper occipital area is cut in this way. The bob can be cut evenly (without an angle). In this case, the master’s task is simplified.

3. The caret line continues in the temporal zone. But, without using graduation, it is cut in one cut.

4. The haircut is checked in the same way as the “Bare”.

5. If the client wishes, the bangs can be cut.

6. To give the haircut a more rounded silhouette, you can make a vertical thinning.

7. Styling is done with a hairdryer using brushing.

Many others are based on these haircuts. The section on hairstyles gives instructions on how to perform them.


When performing men's haircuts, the same techniques and basic haircuts are widely used as women's. When working with men's haircuts, clippers become essential. These accessories are described in the tools section.

Boxing haircut

The entire head is cut with a clipper without an attachment, or with attachment No. 1. Sparse bangs up to the middle of the forehead can be left. Often performed without bangs.

Haircut "Halfbox"

The hair of all zones, except the parietal one, is cut with a clipper without an attachment, and the parietal zone is cut with nozzle No. 1. “Long” option: all zones are cut with nozzle No. 1, and the parietal area with nozzle No. 2.

Polka haircut

Rice. 28. "Polka" Performing a haircut

1. Haircut starts from the lower occipital area. Hair from the lower occipital zone is cut using the blending method with a slight increase in hair length as it approaches the upper occipital zone.

2. The temporolateral zone, or rather its part 2–2.5 cm high from the ear, separated by an L-shaped parting parallel to the marginal hair growth line in this zone, is also cut using the shading method with a slight gradual increase in hair length. If you are not proficient in this method, and also in order to save time and improve the quality of haircuts, the lower occipital and temporolateral areas can be trimmed with a clipper with nozzle No. 2 or No. 3 with a gradual increase in the angle to the head.

3. The hair of the parietal zone is cut using the finger hair removal method. To do this, a strand of hair is separated parallel to the edge line of hair growth at the forehead with a horizontal parting and combed perpendicular to the head. Trimmed at a height of 3–4 cm from the roots.

4. The hair of the upper occipital and temporolateral zones adjacent to the parietal zone is cut on the fingers, separated by vertical partings and trimmed so as to provide a rounded smooth line of transition from the short-cut lower occipital and the beginning of the temporolateral zones to the elongated parietal zone.

5. You should choose a nozzle one number less and walk the clipper over the already trimmed temporal-lateral and lower occipital zones, but you should not cut them again, you need to make a border of shorter hair along the contour of the haircut (the height of the border in the temporal zone and above the ears is approximately 1 cm, in the lateral and lower occipital areas approximately 2 cm). The transition from this border to the hair located above should be smooth.

6. Using a machine without attachments, the edging is carefully done, clearly outlining the contours of the haircut. The temple is shaped straight.

Haircut "Favorite"

It is characterized by lush volume in the parietal zone and a sharp transition line to the short-cropped lower occipital and temporolateral zones.

Rice. 29. "Favorite"

Performing a haircut

The scalp is divided into the following zones: 1) frontal-parietal parting (from ear to ear through the crown); 2) vertical parting from the middle of the forehead to the middle of the neck; 3) a parting separating the temporolateral zones and passing through the occipital protuberances. Gather hair into buns and secure with braids.

1. Haircut begins in the lower occipital area. It is cut using the method of reducing the hair to nothing; the temporo-lateral zones are also cut using the same method. Instead of shading, you can use a machine with attachment No. 2.

2. Next, you should move on to zones 3 and 2. The outermost strand adjacent to the parting separating the temporolateral zone is combed out, its length is determined and cut. This strand will be the control. The next strand is combed out together with the control one and cut with an extension of 1–2 mm... In general, the graduation method is used Strand by strand, with each subsequent strand lengthened by 1–2 mm, the hair is cut first on one side and then on the other side of the vertical parting , running from the middle of the forehead to the middle of the neck.

3. Finally, you need to check the symmetry of the haircut. Comb together the strands lying to the right and left of the vertical parting and compare their lengths.

4. Minor inaccuracies in the haircut can be corrected using thinning scissors.

5. Using a machine without attachments or manually, you can perform edging of the lower occipital and temporolateral areas.

If you have at least approximately understood the principles and methods of haircutting, then you are almost ready for creative work. It would also be good to practice doing the haircuts that have been described. In any business, you should go from simple to complex, gradually improving your skills. Along with skill comes the desire to experiment and create.


The time for the first haircut occurs when the child is about one year old. Of course, at this age a child is not able to understand what a haircut is, but he understands much more than it seems at first glance. Therefore, it is simply necessary to prepare him for this procedure. For a child, the first haircut is an important event. It should be simple, the main thing is to make the head neat. As a rule, this is a simple trimming of some strands sticking out in different directions. For example, bangs prevent the baby from looking, but the rest of the hair does not create problems. In this case, only the bangs should be cut!

The child can be seated on a special chair or stand and given a favorite toy. You can ask an adult to hold him in their arms while the haircut takes place. You need to sit in front of a mirror. The baby will see everything that is being done. Boys tend to get excited when scissors come close to their ears. It is quite possible that when they see your confident movements in the mirror, they will not be alarmed.

First, you should moisturize your hair. Then comb them down and, where you need to cut, pinch one of the strands between your index and middle fingers.

Place your fingers along the strand to the level where you want to make a cut. Quickly and carefully trim the end of the strand.

Moisten the hair in the bangs area Separate the area that will be cut by drawing two lines with a comb from the center of the crown to the outermost points of the right and left eyebrows. Check whether both resulting partings are located symmetrically.

Comb your bangs down in the central part. Pinch the middle strand between your index and middle fingers at the level of the future cut.

Trim the end of the strand in a straight line, using your middle finger as a guide. You should try not to pull the strand towards you, but direct it vertically downwards. The best length is up to the eyebrows. We should not forget that wet hair looks a little longer than dry hair.

Therefore, the bangs must be cut just below the eyebrows or strictly along them.

Comb the left side of the bangs. Hold it between your fingers, grabbing part of the middle strand you just cut. Focusing on the length of the latter, trim the left strand of the bangs. Comb the left side again so that the hair lies naturally and check how even the overall cut is. Next, you should “repeat” the haircut and remove all protruding ends.

Comb the right side of the bangs. Hold it between your fingers, grabbing part of the already trimmed middle strand. Focusing on the length of the latter, trim the right strand of the bangs. Comb your hair again until it lies naturally.

Take one small strand from the left and right edges of the bangs and, bringing them together exactly in the center, check if they are the same in length. If not, trim the longer one. If you need to cut your bangs with a “ladder” cut, you should comb it up and cut off the end by about 2.5 cm. In this case, the cut will not be perpendicular to the total mass of hair, but slightly beveled, gradually fading away. You can blow-dry your bangs, pointing them back to make them thicker and fuller. This type of bangs is not recommended for girls with thin hair.

Haircut "Potty"

This is the joking name for the most common haircut for little boys - “potty”. The haircut is simple, looks cute and neat, and gives extra volume to thin hair. Best suited for boys with straight hair.

Performing a haircut

1. The hair should be divided into four main zones, twist the strands around itself or secure with clips.

2. Start with zone 1 hair at the crown area. Using a comb, separate the horizontal subzone from it approximately 1/3 of the distance from the border of the hair to the crown. Secure the upper part of the treated area with a clip (or twist it), and comb the lower part straight down. The same should be done with the second area of ​​the crown.

3. You need to sit the child upright, tilting his head with his chin down. The middle strand of the lower subzone should be combed up, then place your middle finger on the border of the hair at the back of the head. Place your hair over your middle finger and press it with your index finger.

4. The hair must be held exactly at the level of the occipital border of the hair, cutting the strand sandwiched between them in a straight line. The scissors are positioned so that the fingertips of the right hand point down. The strand should be released when the cut line, called the base line, becomes visible. This base line will be higher than the bottom edge of the hair.

5. The left and right strands of the lower subzone should be cut in the same way. Brush hair. Two horizontal lines will become noticeable: the base line and the line of the lower cut of the hair, and the latter will be uneven.

6. Place your palm on the back of the child’s head so that the little finger is located at the level of the future cut, at the desired height, which aligns the bottom line. The new bottom cut line should not coincide with the baseline. The idea of ​​this haircut is precisely their difference.

7. The scissors should be held horizontally with your fingertips pointing down. Trim the middle strand, focusing on the position of the little finger.

8. Trim the remaining hair on the left and right. This creates a straight line for the bottom cut.

9. So, on the back of the head you get two horizontal lines. The base line is used as a guide when cutting the rest of the hair on the back of the head.

10. Release the hair from zone 1 and divide it in half into two horizontal subzones. Secure the top one again with a clip, and comb the bottom one down. Do the same with the hair of neighboring zone 2. The bottom layer of hair on the back of the head will be longer than the one already cut.

11. Comb the middle strand of hair at the back of the head between your fingers. Hair below the baseline should not be grabbed. The scissors should be held so that your fingertips point down. Trim the strand, focusing its length on the base line. There is no need to pull your hair towards you; it is better to direct it vertically downwards.

12. Trim the remaining strands of this subzone on the left and right, focusing on the length of the hair you just cut.

13. Release the hair from the last subzone of the back of the head and cut it in the same way. You will get a single straight baseline at the back of the head. The haircut of the back of the head is completed.

14. Then start cutting zone 3 (division into subzones will be needed here only if the child has thick hair). You should comb the strand above the ear between the index and middle fingers. Place your fingers on the border of the hair in this place. There is no need to grab hair from the back of the head. Trim the strand in a horizontal straight line to establish the base length for the side section. Comb your hair again and, if necessary, slightly trim the hairs protruding beyond the general cut line (this time you should not pinch the strand between your fingers).

15. Next you need to cut your bangs. Release the hair from zones 3 and 4. Comb the left strand of bangs between your index and middle fingers (it will include hair located in the area from the middle of the forehead to the outer edge of the eyebrow). Lower your fingers to the level of the future cut, setting the length of the bangs. Holding the scissors horizontally, so that the fingertips of your right hand point down, cut the strand.

16. Now you need to make a smooth transition along the length from the cut of the bangs to the cut of the strand above the ear. Comb the hair in this area forward. Press them between your fingers, grabbing the uncut strand, part of the bangs and part of the strand above the ear. Trim the protruding hair at a slight angle, connecting the cuts into one line.

17. Then you should make a smooth transition along the length between the strand above the ear and the back of the head. This is done in almost the same way as described in the previous paragraph. The hair needs to be combed forward behind the ear, held between your fingers, grabbing a little hair to the base line and part of the strand above the ear, cut the protruding strand at an angle, forming a single cut line. In this case, you need to try not to damage the baseline. You just need to round the corner a little.

18. Comb your hair down. Round off the transition from the base line to the bottom cut line.

19. Trim zone 4 in the same way as was done with zone 3. Having finished the haircut, you need to look at the child from the front and evaluate whether it is symmetrical. You should focus on the position of your ears.

The boy's bowl haircut is done. On especially special days and holidays, you can apply a little gel to damp hair and blow dry your hair. If you don’t have a hairdryer or your child doesn’t like it, you can use gel to style your hair with your hands and a comb, giving the hair a slightly damp look.

Haircut "Hedgehog"

For boys, the crew cut is the simplest. Caring for this haircut is also extremely easy. . Performing a haircut

To perform a haircut, you will need an electric clipper complete with four interchangeable knives-attachments (in particular, knives 2 and 3, which give the height of the “hedgehog”, respectively, 1.2 and 1.8 cm).

Hair should be clean and damp. You need to ensure that they do not dry out during the cutting process.

1. Divide the hair into four main zones, as in the previous haircut. Comb them and part them, no clips will be needed this time.

2. Comb the hair of the front part forward so that it does not interfere (if the child’s hair is short enough, you can do without dividing into zones).

3. Attach attachment No. 2 to the machine. Start from the middle of the back of the head. Trim the area with a clipper. from the border between the back of the head and the neck to the beginning of that area called the crown. When moving up along the curve of the back of the head, the nozzle should touch the head, and then smoothly go up, reaching the end of the described area. The hair on the top of your head should not be trimmed yet.

4. Continue working to the left of the middle section. Trim the remaining hair of zone 1 with a clipper.

5. Trim the remaining hair of zone 2 in the same way.

6. Now you need to start cutting zone 3 (side right). You need to use the same machine technique as when cutting the back of the head. Start above the ear, then move the machine around it and smoothly lift off from the surface of the head when the boundary of the area is reached. The top of the head does not need to be trimmed. Trim around the ear as evenly as possible. The “fringe” at the border of hair growth can then be trimmed with scissors.

7. Trim zone 4 (side right) in the same way as described in point 6. Go back and go through the clipper again in those places where the hair is not cut very straight or longer than others. This time you can move in any direction: up, down, across, etc. Most likely you will need to trim the hair around the ears.

8. Turn off the machine and replace the blade attachment No. 2 with the blade attachment No. 3. Using this attachment, the top of the head is cut. You need to start from the back of your head. It should be remembered that the machine must slide over the surface of the head.

9. Trim the front hair. Start from the forehead and move to the back of the head. The machine should slide over the surface of the head. You can move in any direction, but you need to remember that the machine cuts better against the direction of hair growth.

10. Carefully inspect the trimmed area and, if necessary, go over the clipper again in those places where the “hedgehog” is not very even.

11. Now you need to pick up the scissors to trim the border of the hair around the ears and make a straight bottom cut at the back of the head. Tilt the child's head down.

12. Comb your hair from the back. Place your hand on the back of the child’s head so that the little finger is positioned horizontally at the level of the future cut.

13. The scissors should be held horizontally so that the fingertips point down, then the middle strand is cut along the little finger.

14. Trim the remaining hair on the right and left in a horizontal straight line, focusing on the length of the middle strand.

15. Trim the hair around the ears, behind the ears make a smooth transition to the lower cut at the back of the head.

16. Comb the bangs between the index and middle fingers, slightly trimming the cut.

17. Comb the hair in front of the ears forward. Cut them at an angle, making a smooth transition between the bangs and the area above the ears.

18. Check if the haircut is symmetrical.

Haircut "Ladder"

This haircut is for girls. It is more difficult to implement. The hair must be cut in such a way that adjacent strands smoothly blend into each other along the length. The strands at the top will be shorter than the others, and each bottom layer will be longer than the previous one. This haircut looks good on thick hair, as well as on unevenly curly hair. The “ladder” is performed in several ways. This book offers the simplest one.

Performing a haircut

2. You should start with zone 1. Using a comb, select a diagonal subzone on the crown. Lift the strand vertically upward, holding it between your index and middle fingers.

3. Trim the strand so that it is approximately 7-8 cm long, holding the scissors so that your fingertips point down. From this base strand the entire haircut of the back of the head will proceed.

4. Select another diagonal subzone just below the previous one towards the back of the head if the hair is thick. Subzones can be made wider if the hair is thin. Comb up and hold a strand of the new section between your fingers, grabbing a small portion of the hair you just cut. Focusing on the length of the latter, cut a new strand. You need to ensure that the child sits upright. The strands must always be raised to the same height.

5. Work should continue sequentially, highlighting new subzones, lifting the hair and cutting it along the base strand.

6. Having finished cutting zone 1 (the hair of this zone 1 does not need to be pulled aside with clips), proceed to zone 2. Connect zone 2 with part of the already cut hair of the base strand of zone 1, separating the first subzone from it. Trim a strand of zone 2, holding it between your fingers, focusing on the length of the last strands.

7. Since zone 2 now also has a base strand, the length of which you can use as a guide, you need to secure the hair of zone 1 with clips so that it does not interfere. Trim sequentially all the remaining strands of zone 2, as was done with the hair of zone 1.

8. So, the back of the head is trimmed with a “ladder”. Now you need to trim it along the bottom edge to leave the length you need. Comb the middle strand of the back of the head down between your fingers.

9. Lower your fingers along the strand to the level of the future cut. Trim the middle strand, holding the scissors horizontally with your fingertips pointing down. You should try not to pull the strand towards you, but direct it vertically downwards.

10. Comb the remaining strand on the left side, capturing a small part of the hair you just cut. Trim the left strand in a horizontal straight line, focusing on the length of the latter.

11. Comb the remaining strand of hair on the right, grabbing a small part of the already trimmed middle strand. Trim the right strand in a horizontal straight line, focusing on the length of the latter.

12. Take one small strand from the left and right edges of the back of the head and, bringing them together exactly in the center, check whether they are the same in length. At the same time, you should try not to pull your hair towards you. Align the longer strand with the middle strand.

13. Haircut of the back of the head is completed. Now you need to start cutting the front part of the hair, cut it into a “ladder”, and then make a smooth transition along the length from the right to the left. Separate a subzone at the top 2–3 cm wide and length from the front border of the hair to the crown (it should be located in the middle and cover approximately 1 cm each from zones 3 and 4).

14. Comb this strand between your fingers, grabbing a small part of the already trimmed hair from the back of the head. Lift the strand vertically up.

15. Trim the top strand along the back strand (its length will be 7–8 cm. This top strand will be the shortest in the front part, the following sub-zones will be longer). Thus, we have a basic strand for cutting the front zones.

16. Start with zone 3, separating the first subzone from it horizontally by about 1/3 of the distance from the crown to the front border of the hair.

17. Comb this strand up, grabbing a small part of the base strand. Trim a new strand by holding it between your fingers, focusing on the length of the last one.

18. Continue in the same way, sequentially separating new sub-zones, combing them upward and cutting along the base strand. Start making a smooth transition in length between the long and short parts of the hair, finishing cutting zone 3.

19. First, cut the long base section. Comb the lower part of the hair of zone 3 between your fingers, capturing a small part of the hair of the adjacent occipital zone. Lower your fingers to the cut of the occipital strand.

20. Trim a strand of zone 3 in a horizontal straight line, focusing on the length of the hair at the back of the head. This strand will be the long base strand.

21. Now you can start cutting your bangs (you can do it immediately on the hair of zones 3 and 4). Separate the bangs area and secure the rest of the hair with a clip at the top. Comb this strand between your fingers. Lower them to the level where your middle finger is at the bridge of your nose, just below the eyebrow line. Trim your bangs to this length. The bangs will serve as a short base strand.

22. The base strands of the short and long sections of the hair are trimmed. Now you need to make a smooth transition between them, cutting your hair at an angle.

23. Comb zone 3 strand forward. Tie the hair at the back of the head so that it does not interfere. Comb the bottom half of the strand between your fingers, lift it forward and position your fingers so that they point towards the bangs. The middle finger should lie on a line running along the side of the nose to the center of the chin.

24. Trim the strand held between your fingers in a vertical straight line, focusing on the length of the hair of its lowest part.

25. Now comb the top half of the strand of zone 3 between your fingers, capturing a small part of the bangs and part of the hair you just cut.

26. Place your fingers with the strand sandwiched between them vertically along the cheekbone. Trim the protruding part of the strand along the line connecting the sections of the bangs and the very bottom of the hair.

27. Now you should start cutting zone 4. Cut your hair in the same way as in zone 3. First you need to make a “ladder”, and then a smooth transition along the length.

28. Having finished cutting the front areas, you need to check their symmetry by combing the hair a little forward. The strands should frame the face on the left and right exactly the same. Otherwise, you need to correct your mistakes by repeating the haircut elements described in this text.

Haircut "Sasson"

The Sasson haircut is suitable for any hair type. It is not difficult to perform; problems can only arise with very long hair. In this case, special attention should be paid to the side passages.

Performing a haircut

1. Divide your hair into four main zones. Twist the strands around yourself or secure with clips.

2. Release a strand of zone 1 and use a comb to divide it with a horizontal parting approximately in the middle into two subzones. Comb the strand of the upper subzone upward and secure with a clip. Comb the strand of the lower subzone down (this is where the haircut will begin). Then you need to perform all the operations described in this paragraph with zone 2.

3. Sit the child upright, tilt his head down. Comb the middle strand of the back of the head between the index and middle fingers.

4. Place your fingers along the strand at the level of the future cut.

5. Trim the end of the strand in a straight line, holding the scissors horizontally so that your fingers point down. You should try not to pull the strand towards you, but direct it vertically downwards (otherwise the hair will be cut into a “ladder”).

6. Comb the remaining strand of hair on the left between your fingers, grabbing part of the middle strand you just cut.

7. Comb the remaining strand of hair on the right between your fingers so as to complete the haircut of the lower subzone of the back of the head, capturing part of the already trimmed middle strand. Trim the right strand in a horizontal straight line, focusing on the length of the last strand.

8. Take one small strand from the left and right edges of the lower subzone of the occipital part and, bringing them together exactly in the center, check whether they are the same in length. At the same time, you should try not to pull your hair towards you. If you need to trim a longer strand along the middle strand.

9. The result is a straight horizontal cut along the edge of the lower subzone; you can use it as a guide when cutting the remaining subzones. Release the top strand of zone 1 and divide it horizontally again. Secure the hair of the new upper subzone with a clip, and comb the lower one down. Do the same with zone 2. The new layer of hair will be longer than the one already cut.

10. Comb the middle strand between your fingers and trim the protruding ends, aligning the new layer of hair in length with the previous one. You must try not to damage the cut of the latter. Then cut the right and left strands of the new subzone in the same way.

11. Release the remaining strands of the back of the head. Trim them, focusing on the length of the previous subzones. Check whether the length of the strands of the back of the head is the same.

12. Start cutting the front areas. Release the zone 3 strand and comb it straight down. Divide the strand in half into two horizontal subzones (if the girl’s hair is thick, it’s better to make three subzones). Secure the upper part with a clip, and comb the lower part (the work begins from there).

13. Comb a strand of zone 3 between your fingers, capturing a small part of the already trimmed hair from the adjacent occipital zone. Trim zone 3 strands in a horizontal straight line, focusing on the length of the latter. This strand will be the base length.

14. Now you can start cutting your bangs (you can do it immediately on the hair of zones 3 and 4). Separate the bangs area and secure the rest of the hair with a clip at the top. Comb this strand between your fingers. Lower them to the level where the middle finger is at the bridge of the nose, just below the eyebrow line. Trim your bangs to this length. The bangs will serve as a short base strand.

15. The base strands of the short and long sections of the hair are trimmed. You need to make a smooth transition between long and short base strands by cutting the hair between them at an angle. Comb zone 3 strand forward. Tie the hair at the back of the head so that it does not interfere. Comb the bottom half of the strand between your fingers, lift it in front and place your fingers so that they look towards the bangs. The middle finger should lie on a line running along the side of the nose to the center of the chin.

16. Trim the strand held between your fingers in a vertical straight line, focusing on the length of the hair of its lowest part.

17. Comb the top half of the zone 3 strand between your fingers, capturing a small portion of the bangs and some of the hair you just cut.

18. Place your fingers with the strand sandwiched between them vertically along the cheekbone. Trim the protruding part of the strand along the line connecting the sections of the bangs and the very bottom of the hair.

19. The result is a smooth transition between the long and short parts of the hair. Release the last strand of zone 3, comb it down, over the newly cut hair, focusing on the length of the latter, cut the remaining strand of zone 3. You must try not to damage the cut of the lower layer of hair.

20. Now you can start cutting zone 4. Divide it into diagonal subzones and trim it in the same way as zone 3.

21. Finish cutting the front areas, checking their symmetry. To do this, comb your hair a little forward. The strands should frame the face on the left and right exactly the same. Otherwise, you need to correct the errors by performing the above steps again.

Many girls know how difficult it is to care for long hair. Short women's haircuts are much more practical and convenient. If you choose the right curl shape for a specific type of appearance, you will not only make it easier to care for your hair, but also add femininity to your look, making it complete. Find out what fashionable hairstyles exist, and you can easily choose the best option for yourself.

Women's short haircuts

Such strands have their advantages and disadvantages. Among the main advantages it should be noted:

  • practicality;
  • installation takes just minutes;
  • rejuvenating effect;
  • emphasize style;
  • there is no risk of split ends;
  • It's not hot in summer.

However, in addition to these advantages, it is worth learning about the disadvantages that women's haircuts for short hair have. These include a small selection of hairstyles that you can create. You have to visit the salon often to maintain a neat shape. The strands get dirty quickly. Without styling, the hair looks untidy and lacks volume. Therefore, you need to use a hair dryer and various styling products every day.

Most girls trust their curls to experienced hairdressers who are able to create a work of hairdressing art by choosing a hairstyle suitable for the structure of the curls and the features of their appearance. However, some prefer to do this by independently studying the technique of giving the strands a certain shape. In this case, the question arises: how to make a short women's haircut? To answer, you must first determine what exactly the result you want to achieve. Execution techniques may vary.

But the scheme for a short women's haircut is the same, regardless of the desired result. The following technique for short female haircuts is considered universal:

  • First, the hair is washed and allowed to dry.
  • Separate the bun from the forehead to the central part of the head. Its width is approximately 1.5 cm.
  • The remaining curls in this area are secured with clips or hairpins so that they do not interfere.
  • The bundle is held vertically. The length is reduced with scissors, moving from the face to the back of the head.
  • A parallel beam is separated, moving with scissors first towards the back of the head, and then adjusted in the opposite direction. The first curl is considered the control (focus on it).
  • The same is done with the rest of the “mow”. Each new strand is cut at a certain level, based on the length of the control one.

When describing how to cut a short women's haircut, it is worth mentioning one of the most difficult nuances - processing the temporal zone.

It is important to have special skills, since you need to be able to simultaneously wield a comb and scissors while holding hair. The length at the temples is determined after processing the parietal region. You need to “walk” the entire circumference of the head with scissors so that the strands blend harmoniously with the rest. Then they begin to process the back of the head. It is necessary to separate thin tufts with a vertical parting, gradually reducing their length. At the same time, move down, controlling the overall length and reducing it, making smooth transitions.

To give additional volume to such hair, the hair on the top of the head is made shorter. This “raised” effect visually makes the entire “mow” more magnificent.

Then they do the shading. After cutting, combing is done at an angle of 45 degrees, cutting off short hairs.

At the very end, the edging is done. To do this, you must first comb the curls in the direction of growth and trim the resulting lines with scissors. To ensure that the strands lie neatly and do not stick out, thinning is done with special scissors. Its depth should not exceed 3 cm. Some masters use the so-called “pointing” technique for these purposes.

Short women's haircuts - video tutorial

To find out what the process itself looks like, watch this video tutorial - a short women's haircut in it is created using ordinary tools that every hairdresser has. Execution techniques may vary. It all depends on the desired result.


Suitable for owners of straight, even strands. If you are looking for versatile short haircuts for women, the bob will definitely suit you. Its versatility lies in the fact that it suits every girl, regardless of her appearance and even the structure of her curls. There are several varieties of this hairstyle. To choose the best one, learn about the features of the most popular ones.

On a leg

Performed with straight strands on the sides. The length, as a rule, in the temple area reaches the earlobe. There are variations with straight or oblique bangs, which are laid on the side. The highlight is the so-called “leg”, which is performed by gradually reducing the length of the strands at the back. Thanks to this, it is possible to create a spectacular shape and give the hair additional volume and fluffiness. This type of hair was invented a long time ago, however, to this day it has not lost its relevance and remains in trend. With bright coloring of selected strands, you will create a unique and vibrant look. You can consider highlighting or coloring options.

With extension

This variety will add elegance to the image. The main distinguishing feature from the classic one is the elongated strands in the temple area. As you approach the curls at the temples, the master creates an inclined line. At the same time, symmetry is maintained on both sides. However, there are also asymmetrical varieties. For example, it is possible to create oblique elongated bangs, or make one side longer. The second option is suitable exclusively for those with straight hair. It doesn't look neat or attractive on curly haired people.

The length of the strands can be any. But if they are too short in the crown area, the maximum length can reach the chin or slightly below. You shouldn't make a too abrupt transition. As the line lengthens, it should be smooth and located at a slight angle.


A thin physique, tall stature, soft facial features - the ideal appearance for such hair. A rounded edging with elongated strands and a cascading pattern on the crown looks elegant and neat. And most importantly, you don’t have to do complicated styling, because the shape will be maintained regardless of this. True, you will have to go to the hairdresser quite often to always look perfect. This “mane” can have different shapes depending on the wishes and characteristics of the figure and the oval of the face.

Short bob haircuts for women do not suit the fair sex, who have a round face with wide cheekbones.

An open nape and falling buns just below the earlobe are a classic. This will definitely suit ladies who prefer a business and classic style. For those with a liquid mop, this solution will be doubly successful, as it will visually add additional volume and fluffiness.

Women's short bob haircut - photo

See how it looks on different types. The photographs clearly demonstrate a neat and tidy, and most importantly, attractive and stylish image.


Do you prefer a bright look? We'll have to decide to make drastic changes. A stylish, original short women's Pixie haircut will give you a unique appearance, emphasizing your natural beauty. The main advantage is that there is no need to use a hair dryer, straightener, curling iron, or any other equipment. Simply apply a styling product (gel or wax) and model the “feathers” with your hands. The effect of slight chaos will emphasize your originality.


The fashion of the 60s of the last century is coming back again. This option is suitable for any age. Do not assume that it is only applicable to mature ladies with curvy figures. This hair shape can even be found on the covers of fashionable glossy magazines. Bangs are an integral part. This is ideal for thick mane. It looks neat and elegant, emphasizing sophisticated style.

Such short women's haircuts with bangs are considered universal because they allow you to hide flaws in appearance.

Please note: they visually make the oval of the face more rounded.

Short women's haircuts with a cap - photo

Take a look at the result after such a master’s work. A professional will always be able to create a real masterpiece. This is a rather complex hairstyle, and therefore should only be trusted to an experienced hairdresser.


Gives additional volume and emphasizes beauty. Length varies. Choose a shape depending on your appearance type. If you want to remove excess pomp, make a sharp transition between the length of the upper and lower strands. Otherwise, the border should be smooth, barely noticeable. For thin, sparse hair, the optimal solution would be these women's haircuts - a short cascade of the “ragged” type and a double one. Both options allow you to add thickness and fluffiness.


A small nose of the correct shape, an ideal skull, miniature features. If this describes your appearance, consider doing what's called a "garçon." Feathered bangs laid on the side and trimmed temples look flirty and original. You will definitely attract the attention of others with such stylish hair. She has some resemblance to a pixie, but only slightly. The main feature is the volumetric silhouette in the occipital region.


A short crew cut for women does not suit everyone. Choose it only if there are no rough features. Suitable for girls who prefer a sporty style and lifestyle. However, keep in mind: you can’t do without a machine. Selective areas will have to be shaved to create an aesthetically pleasing shape. It wouldn’t hurt to paint it in light or, conversely, dark colors. Choose a shade depending on your eye color and skin tone.

You don't have to use styling products regularly. It’s easy to give the desired shape - such short women’s haircuts without bangs are styled using gel. To do this, apply a small amount on your palms first. Rub and model with your fingers.

Haircuts for curly hair

You can create a casual, light look if you choose a classic bob. Just don’t make the strands elongated, otherwise it will look untidy. Asymmetrical types of short women's haircuts should not be considered. They are suitable exclusively for smooth, even hair.

Look at the variety of options that modern stylists offer. Any experienced master will select the type that will harmoniously combine with the characteristics of the facial features and its shape. Therefore, it is better to entrust the choice of hairstyle to a professional.

Haircut technique.

1. Pre-moisten your hair.

2. Divide the hair into 4 sections using central vertical and central horizontal partings, crosswise. Separate the lower section with a horizontal parting from ear to ear Olga Vasilyeva, Mila Strelyatskaya Makeup lessons. From "Phoenix", 2009.

3. Select a control strand with a central vertical parting in the lower occipital area.

4. Pull back the control strand at an angle of 90° and make a cut at the same angle.

5. Moving in parallel vertical partings, pulling the cut strand towards the control one. The control strand is unstable.

6. Check the balance of the trimmed area using horizontal partings, maintaining a straight line.

7. Select a strand in the upper occipital area using vertical partings, pull at an angle of 90 and cut at the same angle. The length guide is the last strand cut in the lower occipital zone. Pull all subsequent strands of this zone with vertical partings towards a stable control strand, creating an extension on the face.

8. Select a strand in the bangs area using a central vertical parting, pull at an angle of 90° and make a cut at the same angle. Using radial partings, pull all subsequent strands of the frontal-parietal zone towards the stable control strand, creating an extension in the area of ​​the ears.

9. Dry your hair with a hairdryer, giving the desired shape and volume

Description of haircuts. Schemes and stages

Haircut "platform"

1. The haircut is recommended for coarse, thick hair; you can also use this haircut on not very thick hair. The length of the hair should be 4-5 cm, since longer hair cannot be placed vertically (Fig. 1) Bumakova I. “The Big Book of the Home Hairdresser.” - Rostov-on-Don, 2010.

If your hair is long, you should first cut it to 5-6 cm.

When cutting the “platform”, wet hair must be raised vertically to the head. Lightly dry with a hairdryer, and while cutting, comb them upward with a comb.

2. Using a horizontal parting, separate the hair of the platform from the lower areas of the head (Fig. 2, 3)

3. Above the horizontal parting, cut first above the fingers, and then shade over the comb. Insert the comb into the hair and move it horizontally towards the back of the head, cutting off protruding hairs in the plane of the comb. Make sure your hair is in a vertical position.

4. Below the horizontal parting, cut the hair also in a vertical position, reducing the length of the hair towards the neck by tilting the comb.

Make edging and thinning.

Bob haircut"

1. Consider the diagram (Fig. 1, 2), in which parallel lines mean horizontal partings, between the partings; strands of hair. In this case, there is no need to divide the head into zones.

Rice. 1

2. For convenience, make a vertical parting from the middle of the forehead through the crown to the middle of the neck. From the parting, comb the hair on the left and right sides and pin it with a clip (Fig. 4).

3. Comb the first strand at the bottom of the nape with a horizontal parting. Set the length of the control strand (CS) and its shape along line 1 - a straight “bob” or along line 2 - the hair strands lengthen towards the face, the so-called “fishtail” (Fig. 2, 3).

4. A “fishtail” can be created by twisting the strand of hair being combed out with a flagellum (Fig. 4) and cutting it off (Fig. 6). Hair extension 0°, hair lies freely and evenly on the neck or back.

5. When cutting, you need to ensure the symmetry of the left and right sides.

6. Comb subsequent strands along horizontal partings every 1 cm in the direction of the crown and cut to the length of the CP with a 0° pull in parts, to the length of the finger grip.

7. On the crown of the head, divide the narrow section of hair that resulted from combing the strands in half, comb the hair to the right and left sides and cut it to the selected bob length (Fig. 7). The edging is a cut of hair.

Rice. 7

8. If it is required that the ends of the hair be bent towards the head, then the upper strands of hair should cover all the underlying hair, therefore, during the cutting process, their length must be increased by 2-3 mm relative to the previous cut strand, starting from the temples and the upper occipital area (Fig. 8, 9).

If the ends of the hair should bend upward, then during the cutting process it is necessary to reduce the length of the hair in the upper zones by 2-3 mm. This can be easily achieved with the help of a pull-up, graduation of the hair at 30° or 40° (Fig. 10, 11).

Rice. 10

9. Thinning in a bob haircut is recommended to be done 1.5-2 cm from the end of the strand. For thick hair, you can create a vacuum by sliding it over the strands. To lift the hairstyle and increase its volume, perform root thinning of the “fur” type using the plucking method.

Divide the hair with a horizontal parting from ear to ear through the middle of the occipital area. Pin up the hair above the parting.

At the bottom of the back of the head, comb the first strand with a horizontal parting and set the desired length, take KP1 as a control strand with a pull of 0° (Fig. 2).

Along horizontal strands, cut the hair with a 0° pull to the length of KP1, combing it every 1 cm to the parting (Fig. 3).

For the convenience of cutting the upper zones, tie the cut hair with a ribbon to the neck so that it does not interfere. Design the upper zones as a “fishtail” along a concave cut with hair lengthening towards the face and set KP2 with a pullback of 0°. Cut the rest of the hair along horizontal partings with a 0° extension to the length of KP2, combing it every 1 cm, placing strand on strand. Make sure that the left and right sides of the haircut are symmetrical relative to the center of the back of the head Breeze L. Master class. AST 2010.

For volume and fullness, thinning can be done using the methods of plucking and sliding along the strands.

Rice. 1

The bangs can also be styled as a fishtail. Comb 1-2.5 cm above the hairline on the temple from the ear, from the forehead and the next temple to the ear. Twist a strand of hair into a flagellum at the level of the eyebrows in the center of the forehead and cut it (Fig. 4). You will get a semicircular line (the shape of the bangs may be different depending on your appearance).

Laying bangs “forward” is voluminous. The hair of the top “bob” is lifted with a hairdryer from the face to the back of the head and the ends of the hair are bent down towards the head. In the lower bob, the ends of the hair are bent upward or styled in curls.

Haircut "fabris" ("hat")

Comb your hair with a horizontal parting from the middle of the temple to the middle of the back of the head or to the lower occipital zone (Fig. 2). Partings on the back of the head can converge at an angle (Fig. 3) or oval (Fig. 4). Above the parting, pin up the hair with clips.

Below the horizontal parting, cut the hair in vertical strands, shortening them towards the hairline at the temples and neck. You can cut your hair down.

Rice. 1

Above the horizontal parting, cut according to CP2, setting the length of CP2 above the parting with a pull of 0°. Cut the second strand to the length of the CP with a pull of 0°. Cut the remaining hair at a 45-50° angle, combing it along parallel partings towards the crown. Due to the pull of 45-50°, you will get a decrease in the length of the strands towards the crown, a blurred cut line and a smooth transition to the length of Bayton D’s hair. Elegant hairstyles for long hair for all occasions. "Eskmo", 2009.

The hair on the crown of the head, in the last narrow section combed, is parted in half, combed on both sides and cut to the total length.

Mill only the upper zones.

Blow dry.

Haircut cascade"

This haircut is performed on semi-long curly hair or after perm (Fig. 1). Before cutting, wash your hair. Only one control strand is set - a CP measuring 1.5x1.5 cm on the crown or crown with a length of 5-8 cm (Fig. 2, 3). If you have thin hair, you can choose the length of the CP, tie all the hair at the CP into a “tail” (Fig. 4) and cut it off immediately. “Cascade” can be with bangs (Fig. 5). This is how you can cut your child's hair.

Rice. 1

90° drawbar only for gearbox. The remaining hair is pulled tightly to the CP and cut to the length of the CP. It is convenient to cut in sectors between radial partings 1-2, 2-3 (Fig. 6) along horizontal strands a, b, c, pulling the hair up and cutting it to the length of the CP.

Having cut off the hair of sectors 1-2, comb it to the side and continue processing the next sector, and so on.

The cascading effect consists of different hair lengths across the entire surface of the head. The hair lies in the form of a cascade. Thus, the edging is obtained automatically. You can change the border to suit the person's appearance.

Rice. 7

Around the CP along the circumferences the hair turns out to be the same length, and along the radii - different lengths. The further the circle lies from the CP, the longer the hair (Fig. 7).

Figure 8 shows the distribution of hair after cutting to KP length. The hair is pulled vertically from the surface of the head, which clearly shows the change in its length in space.

The cascading effect creates fluffy hair on the head and can be used in different haircuts on different areas of the head.

In the parietal and temporal zones, the cascade effect can be obtained as follows. In the center of the crown, set a CP 5-8 cm long with a 90° pull. Pull all the hair of the crown and temples in sections to the CP and cut at the level of the CP (Fig. 9), while keeping the CP perpendicular to the head.

You can create a cascade effect only on the occipital zone, and make the temporal and parietal zones from hair of equal length.

KP1, 90° pull - for the temporal and parietal zones. KP1 = KP2 in length (Fig. 10, 11).

The role of KP2 can be performed by an extended strand between the temporal partings along the horizontal parting from ear to ear (Fig. 12). Pull the hair of the occipital zone tightly to the strand KG12, pull 90° only for KG2. Cut in several finger grips. The back of the head will have a slightly different cascade effect line, which will differ from the line shown in Fig. 10, 11.

Rice. 10

Rice. 12 Rice. 13

Rice. 14

Very often, to give hair fluffiness, a cascading effect is used in a bob haircut. The lower strands remain the same and maintain the “bob” line (Fig. 13, 14).

Determine the length of KP2 (3-6 cm) and choose its place on the head depending on the length of the hair, the length of the bangs and appearance. You can get a cascade effect from several radial strands taken around the gearbox (Fig. 15). For lush, slightly curly hair, this technique is very effective. In Fig. Figure 16 shows the length of hair with a pull in 90° space: aa, bb, cc. In this case, the ends of the hair are at different levels along the length when cut at the level of the CP.

Now hairdressers are using scissors to create real masterpieces. Any woman, falling into the hands of a true professional, acquires her own unique charm. Every fashionista knows that with the help of a hairstyle you can hide a lot of flaws and focus on your advantages.

But only a few know that all hairstyles can be divided into four main basic women's haircuts. They form the basis of all existing variations.

Basic women's haircuts

They are very familiar to everyone. It just seems like there are a million haircuts, and that they are all completely different. But for a hairdresser there are only four basic haircuts.

  1. Cap.
  2. Kare.
  3. "Italian".

In this article, all the basic forms of haircuts will be described in detail.

This haircut has a regular geometric shape. It is suitable for any hair type. Its name translates as “square”. Over the course of its existence, this basic women's haircut has undergone many changes. Now it has many variations and varieties and is the most popular hairstyle in the world.

Who is the bob suitable for?

This haircut is universal, that is, it can be done on both long and short hair. Moreover, it is suitable for both straight and curly curls. You just need to take the time and choose the right look for this hairstyle.

A basic haircut for beginners, a classic bob, is recommended to be done only on thick hair. If you don’t have lush hair on your head, you’ll have to turn to a professional who can add volume to your hair. And you will need to do styling regularly.

What type of face is suitable for a bob?

  1. If your face shape is triangular, then you will need to add volume to your hair in order to soften the angularity. For this type, long bangs, slightly curled down, would be good. The length should be under the chin.
  2. For a round face shape, a graduated haircut is recommended. Since such a bob includes a voluminous top and thin ends, the face will visually appear longer.
  3. If a young lady has a square face, then you should not have short haircuts. An elongated bob would be an excellent option here. You can complement it with side bangs or a side parting.
  4. For the correct oval shape, almost any variation of this basic haircut is suitable.

The classic bob not only perfectly emphasizes the advantages, it also perfectly hides the flaws. If a girl thinks that her forehead is too high, then this can be corrected with thick bangs. To make an elongated face appear shorter, you need to choose a length below the chin. If your neck is too long, you should opt for the classic version of a shoulder-length hairstyle.

Basic bob haircut technology

In general, it is believed that this haircut is not very difficult to perform, but it will still be better if the hairdresser already has some experience.

  • First, you need to wash your hair well and dry it slightly.
  • You need to start cutting your curls from the lower back of the head.
  • A horizontal parting is used to separate strands.
  • The haircut is performed either from the left or from the right in turn, up to the level of the parting. The scissors should be kept parallel to the floor.
  • After the basic women's haircut is almost ready, light grading should be done.
  • The temples and bangs are processed last.

One of the main advantages of a bob is the many options for styling it. From strict and evening to light romantic.

Italian haircut

At the very beginning, this hairstyle was considered one of the varieties of the cascade, because their execution scheme is quite similar. Arlanda Tossi is considered the parent of the “Italian”. It was with his light hand that one of the participants of the pop festival in the early 80s appeared on stage with just such a hairstyle. “Italian” is universal and very easy to style, which is why it quickly became popular. It can be done on both long and short hair. Both options look great.

Pros of Italian haircut

This hairstyle is very reminiscent of a cascade. Or rather, it doesn’t just remind - it is a cascade. The only difference is that this hairstyle has a cap of short curls, and only the bottom layer has a maximum length.

  1. This basic women's haircut will suit any hair type.
  2. With the help of an Italian, you can visually make a round and square face longer. If your face is elongated, then this hairstyle will add volume.
  3. Can be worn with or without bangs.
  4. You don't have to lay it down. You just need to dry your clean hair with a hairdryer.
  5. The Italian hairstyle does not lose its shape for a long time; with such a haircut there is no need to often visit a beauty salon.

Italian technology

Performing a basic haircut is very similar to a cascade. They are distinguished only by the tiered step.

  • The hairstyle is formed only on damp hair, combed in the direction of growth.
  • Strands from the temporolateral zones must be separated and secured with clamps.
  • It is necessary to start cutting from the frontal-parietal zone.
  • The strands are separated using parallel partings and cut “strand by strand”.
  • The temple area is separated using vertical partings. They should run parallel to the marginal hairline.
  • The side strands are cut, focusing on the control one. To do this, it must be pulled 90 degrees.
  • The sides and back of the head are cut in the same way.
  • The ends must be profiled.

This hairstyle appeared in the sixties of the last century and immediately acquired many fans. A photo of a basic cap haircut can be seen below. It is often performed on short hair and is more strict than romantic.

Who is the haircut suitable for?

This hairstyle is not universal, so before going to the hairdresser, you need to find out who it will suit and who it is strictly contraindicated for.

  • With an elongated face, this hairstyle will place the main emphasis on the eyes, and the bangs will hide the high forehead.
  • Ladies who have a pear-shaped face with a wide chin will be able to visually widen their forehead with the help of a hat, making their face proportional.
  • This haircut will soften the angular features of the face and emphasize the lips for those who have a triangular face with a narrow chin.
  • For a round face, a haircut with a raised nape and short temples is best. Other options are unacceptable.

Types of haircuts

There are the following types:

  1. In the classic version, the hairstyle has straight cuts that smoothly frame the face. The occipital zone can be either short or elongated.
  2. In the asymmetrical version, the hair on the sides has different lengths. This haircut is performed either with oblique bangs or with sharp changes in length.

How to properly style a hat

First, you need to remember that you will have to update your haircut in the salon at least once a month.

In order for your head to look presentable every day, you need to follow some simple rules.

  1. To give your hair volume, you need to lift it near the roots while drying.
  2. After your head is dry, you need to straighten all the curls.
  3. To keep the shape longer, you can use hairspray.

Bob haircut

This hairstyle has many shapes and variations, which is why it has not gone out of fashion for decades. She is considered the most popular in the world.

The bob is valued by women for its versatility and ease of styling, while men always pay attention to the owners of this elegant haircut. Perhaps she does not lose her leadership also because stylists and hairdressers are constantly making some changes to her. Nowadays, few people remember the creator of the hairstyle, but women all over the world know about his brainchild.

Differences between species

Among them are the following:

  • Bob can be done for any hair length - short, medium, long.
  • It can be with or without bangs.
  • Some places are calibrated, some are not.
  • And the last difference is asymmetry.

Main advantages

  1. The haircut is quite practical. If it was done by a real master, then it will not require any special styling every morning.
  2. Universal. Every woman will find a look for this hairstyle, regardless of the length, thickness of hair and face shape.
  3. She perfectly hides imperfections in her appearance.

Thanks to these three points, the bob has been popular for so many years. If you choose the right type, you can not only disguise flaws, but also emphasize advantages.

Classic bob technique

To create it, do the following:

  1. Lightly moisturizes hair.
  2. The head is divided into four working areas using horizontal and vertical partings.
  3. First of all, the lower part of the back of the head is cut. Here the hair is separated using horizontal partings.
  4. You need to cut the curls in a straight line, parallel to the growth line. The length is chosen by the client himself.
  5. The cuts should only be straight, the strands should be pulled at an angle of 90 degrees.
  6. Both lower zones are cut this way.
  7. After this, two lines are clearly visible. Bottom edge and top. This will be the bottom part of the cap.
  8. The top stripe should go just above the level of your earlobes.
  9. The top of the head is cut using the strand-by-strand method. The main thing is to continue to focus on the line of the cap that appeared earlier.
  10. The side zones are performed in the same way. When performed correctly, a clear, even line appears on the occipital region.
  11. Now you can move on to the frontal zone. The curls are laid out in the direction of natural growth, and the bangs are cut. The strand-to-strand method is used.
  12. All that remains is to correct the corners that might have turned out and correct the edging.

How to lay it correctly

As mentioned above, when done correctly, the hairstyle requires virtually no styling. It is worth remembering one thing: the shorter the haircut, the more often you need to visit the hairdresser for correction. If your hair is very short, you will have to visit the salon once every three weeks.

To style a short bob you need brushing, a skeleton brush and a hairdryer. The hair is lifted at the roots and laid with the ends inward.

If the bob is multi-layered, then careless styling would be an excellent option. It is enough to apply foam or any other fixing agent to the curls and ruffle the hair with your hands.

To create a strict styling, you can use gel and comb your hair back. If there is bangs, then they are either combed back with all the hair, or laid to one side.

Any woman can find a lot of flaws in herself, but a properly chosen basic haircut will always help hide them. And it’s not at all difficult to emphasize the advantages. To do this, it is important to find a good professional hairdresser who can tell you which hairstyle will suit you best.

The right haircut shape is the key to a successful hairstyle. The choice is made based on an assessment of individual facial features, forehead expression, and skull type. For example, a uniform haircut suits those with a head shape without flaws. The variant, being a projection of a circle, completely repeats the outlines of the skull bones. Who should pay attention to this technique of cutting hair, for which hairstyle models the method of processing strands is suitable, on what principle is work with hair done: we will consider further.

General description of the technique

The essence of uniform hair cutting is simple: the hair is processed uniformly. The strands are cut at the same length at an angle of 90 degrees. The shape of the hairstyle perfectly follows the circumference of the head. This option is performed using the “strand to strand” method, in which the newly processed curl serves as a control beacon for a new cut.

The technique of cutting strands is used to create hairstyles of different lengths. The shape of the cap with the same weight area at the ends of the strands is considered ideal for thin, straight or curly hair of short or medium length. This option is recommended only for those with an ideal skull shape.

A haircut done using a uniform technique will require regular styling. This does not apply to variants of significant length. The homogeneous processing method will facilitate the daily care of maxi hairstyles.

Who is it suitable for?

The main feature of a uniform haircut: the presence of uniformly flowing strands. The hairstyle looks laconic, the oval is smoothly outlined. This property will most successfully hide the shortcomings of a triangular, elongated face shape. This option will obscure the angularity of the features and allow you to emphasize the cheekbones.

The technique is used to cut fine hair of normal thickness. Thick curls in such a treatment run the risk of weighing down the bottom of the hairstyle too much. A uniform haircut is done for straight or curly hair. Hair with an even structure gets clear boundaries, curls look like a neat cap.

The processing technique allows for the presence of bangs. The element can be cut in any format. A short hairstyle usually has bangs, cut uniformly with the overall volume of hair. For options of medium, significant length, the element is cut separately.

Haircutting using a uniform technique is not recommended for those with unattractive skull shapes.

Attention! It is not advisable to use the method of cutting strands for those who are endowed with a heavy lower part of the face: square, round oval type. Lighter options are best chosen by those with heavy curls.

Preparatory stage

The basis for a uniform haircut is a hairstyle of uniform length or an option that can be equalized, focusing on the desired level of hair length. For work, use standard hairdressing scissors, clips, and combs.

The technology for uniform cutting is simple. At home, you can do this option for long hair. You can take the risk of working with a medium length. The option for short hair is best done by a hairdresser. The work of a master will cost 300–1500 rubles.

Execution technology

A uniform haircut is done using the same technology for any length of hair. To achieve the result, perform the following actions:

  1. Moisturized, well-combed hair begins to be cut from the crown, moving to the temples and the back of the head. In the frontal area along the hairline, grab a strand up to 1 cm long. Cut to the desired length. The curl will become the first control.
  2. Each subsequent strand is grabbed along with the previously processed one, and the length is uniformly cut. The angle of pulling and combing curls is unchanged: 90 degrees. During the work, the master's fingers are positioned parallel to the head.
  3. Finally, edging and texturing are done. If necessary, bangs are styled separately.

The resulting hairstyle is characterized by a uniform structure. Hair retains its natural thickness and volume. To change the characteristics of the hair, additional styling is required.

Video of sesson haircut on curly short hair.

Video of the features and techniques of cutting a pageboy.

Options for hair of different lengths

Model haircuts that use polarity and occupy high positions in fashion ratings are performed according to a given pattern. A hairstyle rarely contains a single technique. More often, the model combines different approaches to hair processing: this is evidenced by the technological map of each specific option.


A uniform haircut for short hair is most often called a classic page cut. The model has a characteristic spherical shape. The covering strands are of the same length. In this case, the option is created in multi-layers. The lower level is cut shorter than the upper, which allows you to achieve the effect of curling the strands inward and slightly lightens thick hair.

Uniform cutting technology is used to create a bob or bob. According to the scheme, the upper covering strands are processed. This allows you to achieve uniformity and clear boundaries. The technique is partially used when working on pixie or garcon.

A striking example of the use of a uniform technique is a women's haircut “like a boy.” The hair is processed uniformly. The result can be supplemented by graduation or highlighting of strands. This option is suitable for those with an ideal skull, correct facial features, courageous behavior, and an active lifestyle.

women's short uniform haircut


A classic uniform haircut for medium-length curls is called a shoulder-length bob. The hairstyle is uniform, performed without bangs or with separate processing of this element. This option is ideal for business women with a moderate behavior and a classic or romantic clothing style.


Cutting long hair evenly will help achieve a neat hairstyle. The curls will take on a well-groomed, healthy appearance. The design technique will make regular styling and maintenance easier. This option is suitable for feminine, balanced natures with a calm lifestyle.

Styling and care

Without styling, a uniform haircut in an ultra-short or maxi version looks perfect. Curls of minimal length can be “beaten” with your fingers with a small amount of styling gel. Well-groomed long hair, even without additional effort, is always chic. Medium length hairstyles will have to be styled. Thin curls need to be given volume at the roots, to tame the activity of curls.

Important! Hair cut using a uniform technique must be carefully looked after. Growing length and split ends will make your hair look careless. You will have to update the slice frequently.

Advantages and disadvantages

Haircut using a uniform technique is considered simple to perform. Even a beginner can cope with the task. The option is easy to correct if performed poorly. The hairstyle looks traditional and never goes out of fashion.

The option is demanding in terms of appearance, which complicates the selection of hairstyles. Styling and care will burden you with daily worries about your hair. A uniform haircut looks strict and respectable, which makes it difficult to diversify your appearance.

Examples from the stars

Most often, a uniform haircut among stars is found in the form of an elongated straight bob. Charlize Theron, Kristen Stewart, Emma Stone preferred this option. Heidi Klum or Halle Berry have already changed this option to more progressive ones. Anne Hathaway is a typical wearer of short hairstyles using this technique.

Charlize Theron and Kristen Stewart

Heidi Klum and Halle Berry

Emma Stone and Anne Hathaway

It is better to entrust the selection of hairstyles and cutting techniques to an experienced hairdresser. The stylist focuses on individual characteristics that can become significant when choosing. The uniform cutting technique is often tried, but can only be partially used to create the final result.