Thoth tarot card meaning two cups and cups. The original meaning is "Two of Cups. Love" (Tarot of Thoth). Main meaning of the card

It is no secret that the bee personifies hard work, efficiency, fussiness, diligence, frugality and economy. It is no coincidence that people say about a hardworking person “he works like a bee,” and many banks use the image of a bee in their logo as a symbol of the fact that this bank is profitable and the money invested in it will not only be saved, but will also bring high interest.

Perhaps the image of a bee arose in a dream, thanks to popular expressions deposited in your subconscious: “Bee God's servant"(this folk wisdom says that the bee delivers wax to the candles) or "The bee stings only the sinner." These expressions testify to the divinity of this insect, and therefore give it an aura of mystery and spirituality.

The image of a bee evoked in a dream may also be a consequence of the fact that in life you are a very vigilant person, who is not only difficult to deceive, but who can easily overcome all the obstacles that arise in his way. You may ask: How is human vigilance related to the bee? And the whole point is that, according to ancient belief, the bee is almost one of all creatures living on earth that never sleeps.

If you were stung by a bee in a dream, it is a sign that you are a very trusting person, and therefore you can be easily deceived. Be carefull. Sometimes such a dream indicates that your superiors will be dissatisfied with your work, and you will receive a reprimand or simply a reproach, but in any case, your mood will be spoiled after a conversation with management.

Watching in a dream how a bee that has stung a person dies is evidence that you will soon meet with a very an evil person who harms himself with his anger.

Seeing a beehive in a dream means that, thanks to your hard work and the hard work of your companions, you will achieve a lot in life: a high position in society, great material resources and happiness in your personal life.

If you put your hand inside a bee hive, then real life You should save to put some money aside for a rainy day.

Hearing the buzzing of a bee in a dream means that, with diligence, you can cope with even the most difficult task. Perhaps such a dream indicates that you should be more careful when communicating with work colleagues.

Watching bees pollinate flowers in a dream is evidence that, thanks to your frugality and thriftiness, you will be able to save some money and acquire what you have dreamed of for so long.

Seeing bees stinging a bear in a dream because he went into their hive for honey is a harbinger that in real life you will help one of your close friends to occupy a higher official position, for which he will be very grateful to you.

Seeing a swarm of bees in a dream is a serious act that will change the attitude of other people towards you. Perhaps such a dream promises painstaking, long-term work, which, however, will not be a burden to you.

If you dreamed that bees were attacking you, then the people around you will condemn your action. If the bees fly by without noticing you at all, then those around you will respect you for the action that you perform.

If you dreamed of a bee flying from flower to flower, this means that a surge of efficiency, inspiration and ingenuity awaits you, the work will be in full swing in your hands, and you will be rewarded with the attention of your superiors and the respect of your colleagues.

Seeing a bee flying into a hive is a sign of household chores, perhaps a change of place of residence.

To see a dream in which a bee sits on a honeycomb with honey is a sign that your merits at work will be noted and rewarded financially.

Interpretation of dreams from the Ancient Dream Book

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Honeycombs are primarily associated with beehive, hard-working bees, and, of course, sweet, golden honey. Have you ever tried this delicious delicacy right in the apiary - the essence of benefits straight from the honeycomb? Although, now, having visited an agricultural fair in any city, you can buy honey with honeycombs, and then enjoy it to your heart’s content at home. What does it mean if you saw a honeycomb in a dream? How to interpret this dream? Our most complete collection dream books will help you in this matter. After all, only on our website you can find the most complete interpretation of the “Honeycomb” dream.

Many soothsayers and psychics advise remembering as many details as possible about the dream in which you see honeycombs, since in most cases the interpretation depends on how much detail you remember your dream. But its meaning depends not only on the details of the dream; you also need to interpret the dream by analyzing your life events; special attention should be paid to the events of the past day.

There are many different interpretations of a dream about honeycombs, but the most common ones relate to your work life, commercial events, money and relationships. It all depends on what kind of dream you had and what you did in it. So, for example, if you eat honeycombs in a dream, then something will soon unpleasantly surprise you, and to see honey in a honeycomb in a dream foreshadows difficulties that you will still be able to overcome with some effort.

The dream “honeycomb” in almost all dream books means profit and success, but an unambiguous interpretation can be found only by remembering the circumstances of the dream in which you saw the honeycomb. If you are a beekeeper or a person who sells honey, then seeing honey in honeycombs in a dream does not have any hidden meaning for you, since in real life you very often deal with honey and everything connected with it. However, if a person who has nothing to do with this in life sees honey from a honeycomb in a dream, then he should start deciphering such a dream.

Honeycombs have absolutely different interpretations, in each dream book they are slightly, and sometimes radically different, and you have the opportunity to choose exactly the decoding option that suits your life situation and the circumstances of the dream.

Dream book of the writer Aesop

  • in honeycombs - such a dream suggests that a difficult period has come in your life and you simply need to make a decision on which the near future will depend. Having a dream “honey in a honeycomb” means that you are on the right path and are ready to accept correct solution which will benefit you. If you see that a fly is stuck in a honeycomb, this means that you should beware of ill-wishers who want to take advantage of the results of your work.
  • Why do you dream about honeycombs and - Dream interpretation: honeycombs on which a bee is located - such a dream is considered the most favorable for financial sector life, because it promises you success in work and material well-being Most likely, you will receive a raise or increase in salary.

Wanderer's Dream Book

If you dreamed of honey in a honeycomb, it means that in real life you are engaged in commercial affairs and having a dream about honeycombs, incredible success awaits you in some commercial event.

Why do you dream about honeycombs? If in a dream you saw a beehive with honeycombs full of honey, this indicates that the time has come to receive a reward for the work done, incredible happiness awaits you.

Phoebe's Great Dream Book

Dream Interpretation: honeycombs with honey - if you dream about how you take out a frame with honeycombs full of honey, this means that soon in real life you will find great wealth, as well as awards and honors.

Esoteric dream book

If in a dream you just see honeycombs or do something with them, then in reality you will have to deal with minor worries that will not bring you either money or pleasure. Why do you dream of honeycombs? There are honeycombs to disappointment and chagrin, but what you expected joy from will only bring trouble.

Dream Interpretation Kananita

Why do you dream about honeycombs? If you dreamed about honey in a honeycomb, you will earn a lot of money; if in a dream you eat honeycombs, then soon something will hurt or upset you very much.

Dream Interpretation of Sigmund Freud

If you suddenly had a dream in which you are removing honeycombs from a beehive, it means that you have worked hard and now is the time to enjoy the fruits of your hard work. If in real life you are standing in front of difficult choice, then such a dream portends that you are on the right path.

Russian dream book

  • Why do you dream of honeycombs with honey? If you have a dream in which honey is present, but in order to get it you had to make some efforts, for example, strain or extract it, it means that in reality you will have the opportunity to replenish your budget. However, to do this you will need to overcome some difficulties.
  • Also, honeycombs in a dream mean that you have the right idea of ​​what needs to be done.

The newest dream book of G. Ivanov

Dream Interpretation: there are a lot of hundreds around - if you are looking for a job, then such a dream is very favorable for you, it means that you will soon find a very well-paid job, albeit difficult.

Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

Why do you dream of honeycombs with honey? For people who were born in May, June, July or August, seeing a honeycomb with honey in a dream indicates that in reality they have a wonderful family in which harmony, understanding and good attitude to each other.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, December

I dreamed of a honeycomb - the dream book says that seeing a honeycomb in a dream means hard everyday work for people born during this period of the year. Also, such a dream indicates that you should rest a little.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

Dream Interpretation: honeycombs, if you are a person born between January and April inclusive, then a dream in which you see a honeycomb means that soon you will have to work hard in order to get money.

Medieval dream book of Daniel

Dream Interpretation: honey in a honeycomb, if you saw yourself in a dream carrying a honeycomb, this means that in real life you have nothing to fear, since you are protected.

Spring dream book

If you dream of a honeycomb, this means that in real life you will soon need to earn money.

Summer dream book

Autumn dream book

Why do you dream about honeycombs? Honeycombs dream of hard, painstaking work. Eating honey straight from a honeycomb in a dream means that you are on the way to something new.


A dream about honeycombs, for the most part, has a positive meaning according to almost all dream books. I associate honey in a comb with the fact that nothing bad will happen to you, since you are under powerful protection higher powers. If you pump honey from honeycombs, expect huge profits. As you can see, such dreams promise good things for the one who sees them. Therefore, tune in only to the positive, and it will definitely attract you in life. And good dreams to you!

Honeycombs - Seeing and doing something with them are minor chores that bring no profit or satisfaction. Eating is a disappointment (especially if you can taste it). What you expect joy from will bring only trouble.

Interpretation of dreams from the Esoteric Dream Book

Dream Interpretation - Noble Knight

The dream shows significant progress in understanding the structure of the 4th body. Understanding individuality as a form of consciousness gives you the ability to confidently self-identify among people. The image of a knight (initiator) is a transcendental outline of the external presence of a perfect individuality within the framework of actual space.

Dream Interpretation - Noble Knight

Wall, niche, knight... - images. Spiritual aspirations or a specific person? What is the focus? -(trying to take a closer look at my companion)) Thoughts and feelings are not refracted in a dream. Transported into a dream pure form, intertwined with images. You could not understand how to overcome the separation, but you felt that you belonged behind the barrier. Something in life will make you think and feel like this very often. And overcome the defense to take your place according to fate. I'm sure you know what I'm talking about we're talking about.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the House of the Sun

Dream Interpretation - Honey

Honey in a dream means that you can achieve very significant success, but only if you show the necessary diligence, patience and hard work. At the same time, if in reality you are hoping for easy profit, the dream warns that this could result in big troubles and problems for you. The dream seems to invite you not to forget that in addition to honey, there are also bees in the world.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the House of the Sun


Meaning of the Two of Disks" Love “is completely identical to the first card of this suit, “Ace of Cups,” and reflects the main basic component of our set of feelings. And, as you know, it is love and kindness (if, of course, they can be separated at all).


"I love you. I am overwhelmed with love, kindness and care for you. And I am happy."


The love of one partner for another; harmonious relationships, based on love; “coffee-bouquet” period in a relationship; euphoria from a relationship with a partner; caring for your partner; complete trust and mutual understanding in the relationship.


Decency; softness; kindness and caring for others; naivety and gullibility; openness.


Successful start of business development; moderately positive business trend; moderate profit; enjoying your work; easy and trusting working atmosphere and team environment.


Excellent positive dynamics of recovery; complete recovery.

Love is, without a doubt, wonderful, but still do not “throw yourself headlong into the ocean” of blind trust in your partner. Very few of us are capable of truly unconditional love and deserve complete trust. First, understand the ground properly, look at how he will behave in different life situations, and only then draw your own conclusions about how he (s) really treats you.

If your feelings are mutual, then try to preserve them without depleting each other. I understand that this is practically impossible, but know when to stop. Measure in sex, in conversations, in being in each other’s company. In this regard, I recommend that you carefully read my article “Being Unavailable.” I hope it will help you keep your feelings fresh for a long time.

Two of Cups

Main meaning:

Love. Waters of attraction. Happy relationships. Cooperation. Reconciliation. A joyful meeting.


Favorable working atmosphere. Trusting relationships in the team. Pleasant contacts with clients. Business partnerships.


Merging of souls.

Personal relationships:

Love meeting. Soul partnership. Reconciliation. Love of life.


Treat others with love.


Give up principles due to an excessive desire for harmony.

Internal experience:

In dialogue with inner world you come to the conclusion that the basic alchemical process of "separation of the compound" is necessary for further development. This card places an emphasis on connection - it speaks of the desire for love and harmony. Now, in physical intimacy with the person you love, unconscious aspirations are united with the conscious love living in your soul. And then the immortal streams of eternity meet, filling the hearts of both partners.

Minor Arcana - Cups. Lon Milo Duquette

Two of Cups


Original title: Lord of Love

The initial composition in the Golden Dawn system: from the cloud and water at the bottom of the card, a hand is extended, holding two lotuses by one stem, located one above the other. From the upper lotus flow two streams (on the left - silver, on the right - gold), flowing down the backs of two dolphins into two overflowing bowls, and from them into the lake occupying the lower part of the map.
Chokmah color on the Queen's scale: gray
Colors of Venus on four scales: emerald green; sky blue; greenery early spring; hot pink or cherry with pale green veins
Cancer colors on four scales: amber; dark burgundy; juicy and bright reddish brown; dark greenish brown
Formula: Two (Chokmah) + Cups (Beria) + Venus in Cancer = LOVE.

The Two of Cups is perhaps the most beautiful of all the number cards of the Thoth Tarot. Without completely ignoring color scales, Frida Harris still does not deny herself creative freedom. The calm green sea, pink lotus and amber dolphins (or are they still ornamental carps?) fit into the system of correspondences on scales, but the purple sky is still too obvious an innovation. Overall the card is magnificent and more than adequately represents the first manifestation of Water. This is the energy of the water element in its most beautiful and highest form.

Frieda Harris reveals her special sympathy for this map with a story about one event connected with it (it is possible that it is fictitious): “And [at the exhibition] one young lady, two years old, crawling and stamping quite briskly, was asked what picture she likes it the most. She immediately headed towards the Two of Cups, Love. I thought that she would forget, and ten minutes later I asked her again, but she again moved to the same picture and repeated: “This one.”

Since the number 2 - Chokmah on the Tree of Life - is associated primarily with the expression of Will, Crowley notes:

“...this card can well be renamed the Lord of “Love in accordance with Will”, for this is its true and full meaning. It symbolizes the harmony of masculine and feminine, understood in the very in a broad sense. It's a perfect and serene harmony, shining mighty force joy and ecstasy."


From a letter from Frieda Harris to Aleister Crowley dated March 25, 1942 - Note L.M. Duquette.
. The Book of Thoth, p. 196. - Note L.M. Duquette.