Tie hands and feet meaning. Phraseologisms with the word “hand” and their meaning (with examples). What colors are usually associated with different months in North America and Great Britain?

Human hands play an invaluable role in our daily activities. It is the development manual labor once allowed the primitive ape to turn into Homo sapiens. And in our modern life phraseological units with the word “hand” are organically woven into people’s conversations. They make speech more succinct and concise.

Skillful fingers
About a man who does his job masterfully. There are no barriers for a man with golden hands - he is not afraid of any work. And if he takes on some work, he will do everything well.

Master Petrov has golden hands.

Just a stone's throw
This is what they say when it is very close to a certain place.

- How far is this hedgehog path?
- Just a stone's throw away.

Burns in my hands
About work that is done well and quickly.

With outstretched hand
Beg for alms, alms. Sometimes they also say this about a person who often turns to people with various requests.

Lend a helping hand
Help someone.

Have a finger in the pie
The expression is used when it is necessary to indicate the obvious participation of someone in any matter. The origin of the phraseological unit is interesting. At a time when many people were illiterate, instead of signing, they put their finger on the document, leaving their individual fingerprint. Hence the expression “to have a hand.”

About a person capable of deceiving and stealing.

— What can we say about Kuzma? Unclean. He needs an eye and an eye.

Free your hands
Give someone the opportunity to act.

Wash your hands
This is what they say when they abdicate responsibility for any actions. The expression comes from the biblical parable of Pilate, who, emphasizing his innocence, publicly washed his hands and said: “I am not guilty.”

When concluding any agreement, it is customary to say: “Deal!”

Using someone else's hands to rake in the heat
This is what they say about those who like to use the fruits of other people's labor to achieve their goals.

This one loves to rake in the heat with someone else's hands!

Hands in pants
About a person who is not busy with anything, idle.

He showed up, hands down his pants!

About the situation when information comes from the original source, without the participation of intermediaries.

Get away with it
About a situation where someone goes unpunished.

I settled in well. He gets away with everything!

No hands
This is how they talk about something that is extremely necessary.

Without glasses, I'm like without arms.

As if taken off by hand
It is used in relation to ailments when the disease quickly passes or unpleasant symptoms disappear.

The pain disappeared as if by hand.

twist your arms
To force a person to do something, or to limit his freedom of action.

Wave your hand
Stop reacting to something or someone, or consider the situation hopeless and give up trying to fix it.

They gave up on the liar Makar a long time ago.

Do something quickly with minimal costs strength and resources.

We returned home late and had to cook dinner in a hurry.

To give up
This is what they say when you lose the desire to finish something, to finish it.

He completely dropped his hands.

Sit in one's hands
Do nothing, do nothing.

Hand on heart
This is what they say when they want to emphasize the sincerity of their words or actions.

Hand in hand
About people who are friendly and do everything together.

About a person who is good at various handicrafts.

Got out of hand
About a disobedient, wayward person who cannot be controlled.

Ivanov completely got out of hand. What will happen to him when he grows up?

Keep your finger on the pulse
Promptly control the situation or process. If necessary, quickly join the process.

My hands are itching
This is how we talk about great desire do something.

Keep in hand
Control a person’s actions and keep him in strict obedience. This also applies to self-control.

- Keep calm! - Tamara Germanovna calmly said to the student.

Carry on your hands
Render Special attention, constantly pamper.

He carries his wife in his arms.

Warm your hands
Negative feedback about a person who takes advantage of his position or situation for personal gain.

Hand washes hand
People connected by unseemly common affairs protect and cover each other.

Under hot hand
Enter into communication with a person who is in a state of anger, rage.

Oleg Ivanovich fell under the hot hand. How will it all turn out?

Tuck under your arm
About someone who happens to be nearby and is suitable for some urgent matter.

He stopped the first one who came to hand and sent him for help.

Grab with both hands
Be very willing to respond to any lucrative offer.

Be at hand
To be in close proximity to someone and be ready to help in some matter.

Working hard
Do something with great diligence, without stopping to rest.

The girls worked tirelessly. By noon, everything in the first building was sparkling.

Hand doesn't rise
It’s impossible to start doing something because of an internal prohibition.

Hands don't reach
There is not enough time to do anything.

The fence needs to be repaired. Yes, I just can’t get my hands on it.

This is what they say about a situation when a person is deprived of freedom of action in any matter.

With empty hands
That is, with nothing, to no avail.

Spread your hands
Express surprise.

TIED HANDS AND LEGS whom. TIED HANDS AND LEGS whom. Razg. Express Do not give the opportunity to act freely and behave independently. - You are young, free... Would I really have the courage to tie you hand and foot for the rest of my life... Well, what if you later like someone else? After all, you will hate me then, you will curse that day and hour when I agreed to marry you(Kuprin. Olesya).

  • - who, what, whom is completely and completely deprived of the very possibility of freedom of action. ✦ X P tied Y hand and foot...

    Phrasebook Russian language

  • Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Language

  • - who, what, whom is completely and completely deprived of the very possibility of freedom of action. ✦ X P tied Y hand and foot...

    Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Language

  • - who to be To be completely and completely deprived of the ability to act independently and freely, to be in direct and strict dependence on certain conditions or circumstances. ✦Y...

    Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Language

  • - who, what, whom is completely and completely deprived of the very possibility of freedom of action. ✦ X P tied Y hand and foot...

    Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Language

  • - who to be To be completely and completely deprived of the ability to act independently and freely, to be in direct and strict dependence on certain conditions or circumstances. ✦ Y is tied hand and foot...

    Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Language

  • - who, what, whom is completely and completely deprived of the very possibility of freedom of action. ✦ X P tied Y hand and foot...

    Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Language

  • - who, what, whom is completely and completely deprived of the very possibility of freedom of action. ✦ X P tied Y hand and foot...

    Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Language

  • - who, what, whom is completely and completely deprived of the very possibility of freedom of action. ✦ X P tied Y hand and foot...

    Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Language

  • - tie/tie hands and feet Unfold. Deprive the opportunity to act freely, to act in any way. With noun with value faces or distractions subject: child, patient, work, instructions... ties hands and feet...

    Educational phraseological dictionary

  • - whom. Outdated Simple To constrain or deprive someone of freedom. - Love does not give the right to tie a person hand and foot...
  • - TIING someone's HANDS AND LEGS. TIE someone's HANDS AND LEGS. Razg. Express Do not give the opportunity to act freely, behave independently...

    Russian phraseological dictionary literary language

  • - Sib. Very much. Versh. 4, 162; WWTP, 123...
  • - whom. Razg. Deprive someone opportunities to act freely. DP, 314, 648; BTS, 1253; FSRYA, 415...

    Big dictionary Russian sayings

  • - adj., number of synonyms: 1 deprived of freedom of action...

    Synonym dictionary

"Bind hand and foot" in books

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Point four: teach your child to connect sensation and process The next step is to help your child establish a connection between what he feels and what he needs to do. In general, potty training is a process of forming a whole series of connections:


author Agrippa Henry Cornelius

Chapter forty ABOUT WAYS TO CONNECT: WHAT KIND THEY ARE AND HOW THEY ARE ACCOMPLISHED We talked about the properties and remarkable activities of natural things. Now it remains to consider a very remarkable thing, namely, the method of binding people together for love, or


From the book Occult Philosophy. Book 1 author Agrippa Henry Cornelius

Chapter Forty-Six OF THE METHODS OF BINDING OR LIGATURES AND PHYSICAL SUSPENSIONS When the World Soul brought into being by its perfection or art all things, it made them fertile by infusing into them celestial properties in order to achieve the wonderful effects which they produce.


From the book Occult Philosophy. Book 1 author Agrippa Henry Cornelius

CHAPTER SEVENTY-ONE OF SEQUENTIAL SPEECHES, OF POEMS AND METHODS OF CONNECTING Besides the power of words and names, there is a still greater power that comes from the truth in successive speeches which they contain. Being excited, it strengthens and consolidates; similar properties

“Don’t tie your hands”

From the book Besieged Fortress. The untold story of the first cold war author Mlechin Leonid Mikhailovich

“Don’t tie your hands” On January 6, 1922, the Supreme Council of the Entente (it included representatives of Belgium, Great Britain, Italy, France and Japan), at the suggestion of the British David Lloyd George, decided to convene a conference in Genoa on the restoration

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What colors are usually associated with different months in North America and Great Britain?

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Deal! One of the classics has a funny joke (I can’t vouch for the accuracy of the quote, but the meaning is conveyed correctly): “System programmers don’t quite understand why they are paid high salaries: after all, they would do their job for free. True, they have enough don't mind talking about

Fingers are like arms and legs

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Fingers are similar to arms and legs. Arms consist of three parts: hand, forearm, shoulder. The legs also consist of three parts: foot, lower leg, thigh. This means that the upper phalanx of the finger corresponds to the hand or foot, the middle phalanx corresponds to the forearm or lower leg, and the lower phalanx

4. Patting your feet

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4. Tapping the legs While standing, raise your right leg, resting your heel on some railing. With your right palm or fist, pat your thigh and shin from top to bottom 5 times per pass. Then pat your foot on the top, bottom, outside and inner surface– 5–10 beats each


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Ode to the hands

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Ode to the hands Be blessed, my palms, my tenacious fingers, one of which was pinched by a car door, photographed by X-rays - the palm in the picture looked like a dislocated wing - a small bone outlined with its own separate contour.


From the book Winged Words author Maksimov Sergey Vasilievich

GIVE YOUR HANDS Brother to brother with your head in payment. Proverb. - Give me your hands! - one will say in the sense of good advice and consolation to a person who has suffered some kind of failure, got into trouble, or especially experienced grief. - What to do: we had to come to terms

Kick to the legs

From the book All the Kremlin Army. Short story modern Russia author Zygar Mikhail Viktorovich

Kick to the legs B New Year's Eve In 2006, a tragedy occurred at the Chelyabinsk Tank School - a drunken sergeant began to mock one of the soldiers. Eat different versions about what exactly happened - at least a private named Andrei Sychev on the night of January 1

Bends to the feet

From the book Perfect Posture author Dimitrov Oleg

Bends to the feet Starting position: standing straight, feet shoulder-width apart, arms down. Bend towards your right leg, hold for 1-2 seconds. Pull back a little and immediately reach towards the center point. Likewise for the left leg. If it's hard to keep your legs straight,

Bind hand and foot tie/tied hand and foot Razg. Deprive the opportunity to act freely, to act in any way. With noun with value faces or distractions subject: child, patient, work, instructions... binds hands and feet; tie someone hand and foot? mother, parents, team...

You are young, free... Would I really have the courage to tie you hand and foot for life... (A. Kuprin.)

They spoke well of Kuropatkin. They only said that he was tied hand and foot and had no freedom of action. (V. Veresaev.)

For me, he embodied the power that has always bound me hand and foot... (V. Kaverin.)

Educational phraseological dictionary. - M.: AST. E. A. Bystrova, A. P. Okuneva, N. M. Shansky. 1997 .

See what “to tie hand and foot” means in other dictionaries:

    Bind hand and foot- TIE, tie, tie; connected; owls Dictionary Ozhegova. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    bind hand and foot- Cm … Synonym dictionary

    bind hand and foot- Tie (confuse) someone by the arms and legs; Deprive someone of l. opportunities to act freely... Dictionary of many expressions

    Bind hand and foot- To tie (shackle) hands and feet (foreign) to deprive of will. Wed. Gentlemen, we have tied you up! Come to your senses, it was you who tied us hand and foot, not we who tied you! Dostoevsky. Crime and punishment. 4, 2. Wed. Here (different human... ... Michelson's Large Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary (original spelling)

    Knit/knit hands and feet- whom. Simple Restrict freedom of action, deprive someone. independence. Glukhov 1988, 21; F 1, 105... Large dictionary of Russian sayings

    Tie hands and feet- TIING someone's HANDS AND LEGS. TIE someone's HANDS AND LEGS. Razg. Express Do not give the opportunity to act freely and behave independently. You are young, free... Would I really have the courage to tie you up, hand and foot, completely... ... Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Literary Language

    tie (shackle) hands and feet- (foreign) to deprive of will Wed. Gentlemen, we have tied you up! Come to your senses, it was you who tied us hand and foot, not we who tied you! Dostoevsky. Crime and Punishment. 4, 2. Wed. This (various human responsibilities) is what tied my hands and arms... ...

    Tie/tie hands and feet Unfold. To deprive of the opportunity to act freely, to do anything. With noun with value faces or distractions subject: child, patient, work, instructions... binds hands and feet; tie someone hand and foot... ... Educational phraseological dictionary

    shackle hands and feet- tie (shackle) hands and feet (foreign) deprive of will Wed. Gentlemen, we have tied you up! Come to your senses, it was you who tied us hand and foot, not we who tied you! Dostoevsky. Crime and Punishment. 4, 2. Wed. Here (various human... ... Michelson's Large Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary

    tie hands and feet- who, what, whom is completely and completely deprived of the very possibility of freedom of action. ✦ X P tied Y hand and foot. verb usually in the past vr. He [Pablo Neruda] called her an affectionate fidget, a thread of steel and honey, but did not hide the fact that... ... Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Language

to whom. TIE YOUR HANDS to whom. Razg. Express Deprive the opportunity to act, to act freely, independently. He needs new experiences, people, society. Taiga tied his hands(Shishkov. Gloomy River).

Phraseological dictionary of the Russian literary language. - M.: Astrel, AST. A. I. Fedorov. 2008.

See what “Tie hands” is in other dictionaries:

    tie hands- (inc.) to constrain, to deprive of free action, like a person who, with his hands tied, cannot do anything with them. Wed. I know you! You would be glad to tie my hands again, as under priest Sylvester Yes under Adashev. Gr. A. Tolstoy. Death of John... ...

    tie your hands- to get in the way, not to allow, to upset, to spoil the mass, to interfere, to block, to become an obstacle, to prevent, to stand in the way, to become a bone in the throat, to confuse the cards, to be an obstacle, to be a hindrance, to be an obstacle,... ... Synonym dictionary

    TIE YOUR HANDS- who, what to whom To hinder, depriving the opportunity to act freely, independently. This means that a person or group united by common interests or participation in common cause persons (X), case, circumstances, events (p) to a large extent... ... Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Language

    tie your hands- (inc.) to constrain, to deprive of free action, like a person who, with his hands tied, cannot do anything with them Wed. I know you! You would be glad to tie my hands again, as under priest Sylvester Yes under Adashev. Gr. A. Tolstoy. Death of Ivan the Terrible...

    Tie/ tie hands- to whom, whose. Razg. Limit whose l. freedom of action. FSRY, 400; SPP 2001, 67 ... Large dictionary of Russian sayings

    TO TIE- TIE, I’ll tie, you’ll tie, perfect. (to tie). 1. who what. Tying, fastening, connecting one to another. “Or are the falcon’s wings tied?” A. Koltsov. Tie the ends of the rope. Tie your hands with rope. Bundle purchases into one package. Tie two bales... ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    to tie- 1. with ropes, etc.: bandage, twist 2. see constrain. 3. see connect 1. 4. see agree Dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language. Practical guide. M.: Russian language... Synonym dictionary

    Hands of the Ripper (film)- To tie? Hands of the Ripper ... Wikipedia

    Bind hand and foot- To tie (shackle) hands and feet (foreign) to deprive of will. Wed. Gentlemen, we have tied you up! Come to your senses, it was you who tied us hand and foot, not we who tied you! Dostoevsky. Crime and punishment. 4, 2. Wed. Here (different human... ... Michelson's Large Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary (original spelling)

    tie (shackle) hands and feet- (foreign) to deprive of will Wed. Gentlemen, we have tied you up! Come to your senses, it was you who tied us hand and foot, not we who tied you! Dostoevsky. Crime and Punishment. 4, 2. Wed. This (various human responsibilities) is what tied my hands and arms... ... Michelson's Large Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary


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