Download carved window trim templates. Wooden architecture in drawing lessons in primary school. Master class with photos. As a conclusion

You can grieve that the ancient carved frames in the cities and villages of Russia are disappearing, and take photographs as a souvenir of the little that remains, or you can try to continue the tradition and make a new carved frame for the window yourself, which is what I did.

Manufacturing of platband

I was lucky - I not only made an exact copy of an ancient carved platband from the Yaroslavl region, but at the same time had the opportunity to check the original during production, learning the secrets and nuances of the ancient craft in practice.

In the process of working on the casing, I became more and more filled with respect and admiration for the former Russian masters. And indeed, how can you help but admire when you see that the ancient frames in design, design and craftsmanship are quite comparable to the masterpieces of church art - icon cases and iconostases.

Firstly, the material used for the platbands was of very high quality - dry boards without knots. When cutting a carving, the very first knot will come out of the tree over time, which will ruin the whole picture.

In general, in Rus', dry wood was used not only for carpentry, but also in the construction of houses. And now in the same USA, exclusively dried wood is sold everywhere, and only here, as in some wild third-rate country, stacks of raw lumber are everywhere for sale.

Secondly, stunning compositions - aesthetically and symbolically verified design, harmony of patterns and ornaments, competent proportions of the details of the casing, the stylistic unity of the casing with the entire house - all this speaks of the impeccable artistic taste of the former masters. It cannot be compared with modern platbands, cut out in a stream on machines - with rare exceptions, they look very poor and vulgar.

Third, the craftsmanship is impressive. Despite the seeming lightness and delicacy of antique platbands at first glance, when you start making such a platband yourself, you become convinced that this is a completely serious product that requires experience and mastery of the craft. Just look at the tops of the platbands - if you look closely, you can see how complex these elements are in their shapes and carved design.

And even more surprising is the widespread distribution of beautiful carved frames throughout Rus', considering that even if now, with the availability of electric tools and machines, it took me a lot of time to make a frame, then how much more difficult and difficult it was to do them manually then!

And this is understandable - the beauty of the Russian soul, inspired and spiritualized by the Orthodox faith in our Lord Jesus Christ, was reflected in everything, from kitchen utensils to masterpieces of church architecture, both stone and wooden.

In Rus', Russian people perceived the world as a holistic microcosm of God, in which everything is connected and everything is harmonious, everything has its own meaning and everything is symbolic.

This worldview was also reflected in the decor of the Russian platband.

Symbolism of Russian platband

Many note the exceptional feature of ancient Russia in decorating houses and platbands. I think there are several reasons for this. Firstly, feeling himself to be a part of the microcosm and seeing the beauty and harmony of God’s creation, Russian people sought to contribute a share of the beauty from their labors. Even now, admiring the ancient Russian platbands, we experience the same delight and gratitude that the Russian master put into the decor in ancient times.

Secondly, decorating the house had a protective function, awakening in people who looked at the house positive emotions instead of negative ones, protecting, so to speak, those who lived in the house from negative energy.

And thirdly, through the decoration of the house the owner himself expressed himself, as if showing through handmade beauty the breadth of his soul and the skill of his hands. Or even without thinking about others, but simply doing it for the sake of one’s own need for beauty and improvement.

Everything in God’s world has its own meaning, and the carvings on the frames are no exception. Knowing the basics of ornamentation, you can stand in front of the casing for a long time, finding new meanings and meanings in its decor.

So, let's briefly go through the symbolism of the Russian platband. I note that this symbolism is quite consistent with the ornamentation of other traditional Russian crafts - embroidery, carved decoration of church objects and house carvings, painting, embossing, and so on.

The entire casing as a whole is a symbol of the world around us, and is divided into three parts:

Top part. The heavenly world is God's. Often it was two-level. The upper sky was called the “firmament” and was often depicted as a gable or semicircular roof. On the upper board, but slightly lower, the lower sky is the “heavenly abyss”.

The central part - the middle world - is real. The sides of the casing are called “towels”. Among the Russians, a towel is known as a special symbol, a sign of belonging to a certain family group; towels-towels were used to decorate icons and shelves for icons; towels were often donated to churches and chapels.

The lower part is the firmament of the earth. Cornice (completion of the platband).

Each part was decorated with a corresponding ornament.

Solar symbols

The sun is a symbol of our Lord Jesus Christ. There are many places in the Bible and Gospel where the Lord Jesus Christ is called the Sun: “For Lord God is the sun and shield" (Ps. 83:12), "And for you who revere My name, The Sun of Truth will rise and healing is in His rays, and you will come out and leap like fat calves” (Mal. 4:2), “And this is the gospel that we have heard from Him and proclaim to you: God is light and in Him there is no darkness at all” (1 John 1:5).

And in worship Orthodox Church The Lord is often called the Sun of righteousness, the Sun of truth. Naturally, this symbol was reflected in the decor of the casing, especially its upper part.

You can find carvings of five suns - one in the middle and four on the sides; it is not difficult to guess that this is a symbol of the Lord Jesus Christ and the four Evangelists, often used in icon painting and temple painting. In general, the number of suns on the architraves echoes the number of domes on churches - the same symbolism, the same meaning.

In worldly meaning sun signs symbolize wealth, joy and good fate, which is quite logical - after all, without the sun there will be no harvest, and without the harvest there will be no prosperity.

Water symbols

Both water and its symbols are extremely mystical and polysemantic. Baptism, cleansing from sins, the birth of a spiritual person and sanctification are accomplished by water. Water mixed with wine in the sacrament signifies the humanity of Christ, and the wine itself signifies His divinity. Water is the source and symbol of life.

The waters are heavenly ( top part) and underground (lower part), as the Bible says: “And God created the firmament; and he separated the water that was under the firmament from the water that was above the firmament” (Gen. 1:7).

In the form of rain, water carries the fertilizing power of God, which symbolizes fertility. Like dew, it represents annunciation and blessing, spiritual renewal and the light of the sunrise. Running water signifies life and its source, symbolized by a wavy line, spiral or meander. Water, like a tree, a grove, a stone and a mountain, can symbolize the cosmos in its entirety.

In Christianity, water represents restoration, renewal, cleansing, sanctification and baptism. The stream symbolizes Christ as the source of life and the Virgin Mary as the womb of creation. Water mixed with wine symbolizes the passive principle, experiencing the influence of the Spirit, “conception from water and from the Spirit,” the mixing of the lower and the higher in man. According to St. Cyprian, Christ is the wine, and the water is the body of Christ. In Christian art, humility is depicted as water mixed with wine. Dew is a symbol of the Annunciation.

And all these signs are on the platbands. Wave-like patterns in the upper and lower parts of the casing, running streams along its side shelves, drop-circles, alternating steps - these are all signs of water in all its meanings and symbols.

Earth symbols

Just like water, they have many meanings.

Earth is one of the main (along with water, fire, air) elements of the universe; the central part of the tripartite universe (heaven - earth - underworld), inhabited by people and animals; symbol of female fruitfulness and motherhood.

The earth, which gives birth to trees and grass and gives man a home, is often used as a symbol of the Church, which nourishes man with spiritual faith and offers him refuge. Thus, the globe on which the cross is erected sometimes conveys this symbolic meaning.

Finally, the land is what the Russian peasant lived on; it gave him a harvest, provided him with food, clothing and housing.

Signs of agricultural symbolism are perhaps the simplest, one of the most widespread. Diamonds with dots inside, intersecting double stripes, squares - this is how our ancestors drew a plowed and sown field.

Women's symbols

Originally derived from the cult of Slavic pagan goddesses such as makos and beregins, in Christian Rus' the symbol of a woman with wide hips and spread legs and raised arms was transformed into a general symbol of motherhood, fertility and fertility.

As it was believed in Rus', a person has three mothers - mother earth, his own mother and the Mother of God, and all these meanings are quite inherent in the symbol of the Bereginya.

This is how the Bereginya was depicted in embroidery.

Female symbols in carved frames are often so exaggerated that at first glance they seem to be a simple pattern, but upon closer examination it is not difficult to find this maternal symbol.

The four female figures depicted in the decor symbolize the four Christian virtues: justice, prudence, courage and moderation.

Star symbols

The main features of star symbols are the number and configuration of rays. It is important that all the rays that form its shape are the same, which distinguishes this symbol from images of the sun.

In general, a star in Christian symbolism most often means God, sometimes the Church. The most common ones in Russian ornamentation are six- and eight-pointed stars.

Six-pointed star- the sign of Creation and the Seal of Solomon. It is a combination of masculine and feminine, as well as fire and water, the union of spirit and matter, the basis of action and immobility, the unity of opposites.

Eight-pointed star- symbol Holy Mother of God: V Orthodox iconography Mother of God depicted in a maforia (veil) with three eight-pointed stars on the shoulders and on the forehead as a sign of Her Eternal Virginity - before, during and after the Nativity of Christ. Also, in the form of an eight-pointed star, the Star of Bethlehem is depicted, which appeared during the Nativity of Christ and led three wise men and shepherds to the born baby Christ.

Also, an eight-pointed star is a combination of two crosses. Simple crosses - four-pointed stars - were also often cut out.

Animal symbols

Lamb, ox- Old Testament prototype of Christ’s sacrifice; a symbol of the martyrs who were killed for Christ.

Snake, really— their image comes from the pagan cult of lord snakes. The custom of keeping snakes in houses has been known to all Slavs since ancient times: snakes were considered guardians of grain and houses from mice. Archaeologists encounter images of snakes on many objects.

In this context, snakes symbolize wisdom, fertility and prosperity.

Horses- V folk tradition one of the most mythologized animals, the embodiment of connections with the supernatural world, “the other world,” an attribute of mythological (epic) characters. Associated simultaneously with the cult of fertility (sun, etc.), death and funeral cult. Hence the role of the horse (and the corresponding ritual characters in dressing up, etc.) in calendar and family rituals (primarily in weddings), fortune telling, etc.

Naturally, the symbolism of horses has not lost its meaning in Christian Rus'.

In Christian art, the horse is a symbol of the Sun, courage and courage, nobility, generosity, as well as victory, for example, of martyrs over a sinful world.

The images of horses carved in the ancient Roman catacombs symbolize the passage of time and the transience of life; they often refer to the world of the dead, or serve as evidence of the renunciation of the Roman religion.

In the Middle Ages, the horse was considered an attribute of sensual love, piety and inspired faith.

a lion- a symbol of vigilant and spiritual vigilance, fortress - since it was believed that he sleeps with his eyes open. A sentinel who maintains the foundations of the Church. A symbol of resurrection, because It was believed that the lion breathes life into lion cubs that are born dead. Therefore, the lion began to be associated with the resurrection from the dead and made it a symbol of Christ.

Frog- a symbol of the continuity of life and resurrection.

Birds- ducks, pigeons, swans, roosters, phoenixes, in general, everything that has wings and the ability to fly.

A very deep and multi-valued symbol. IN Old Testament God is spoken of as a bird or a winged creature: “Keep me as the apple of your eye; hide me in the shadow of Your wings” (Ps. 16:8).

In Christianity, birds are a symbol of everything spiritual and divinely inspired, the exaltation of the spirit, the souls of believers (in paradise, under divine protection, etc.). The Christ Child is often depicted holding a bird or tied to a rope.

Connection with the sphere of the divine, evangelism, quickness of thought are manifested in various motifs: St. Matthew writes his Gospel under the dictation of a dove—the Holy Spirit; the descent of the Holy Spirit; the birds nest in the tree at the moment the angel preaches the gospel to Anna.

Different types of birds are given certain characteristics:

stork - a symbol of prudence, vigilance, piety and chastity. Since the stork announces the arrival of spring, it is associated with the Annunciation of Mary - with the good news of the coming of Christ. It is possible that the existing Northern European belief that the stork brings children to mothers stems from the fact that this bird was associated with the Annunciation;

butterfly - a symbol of resurrection and eternal life. The short life of a butterfly is divided into three stages. The first, in which there is no beauty, is a crawling larva, a caterpillar, or, as people call it, a worm. The second is when this creature turns into a pupa (cocoon). The larva is covered with a shell, as if sealed in an envelope. The third is when the inhabitant of the cocoon breaks its silk shell and comes out. This is a mature butterfly with a beautiful renewed body and brightly colored wings. The wings soon become stronger, and the butterfly soars upward.

It is amazing how similar these three stages of a butterfly's life are to life in humiliation, death and burial, and then the glorious resurrection of Christ. Born in a human body, in the form of a servant, our true Lord, as Isaiah wrote, had “neither form nor majesty.” Saying: “Behold the Man,” Pilate pointed to the tortured body, which was soon destined to end up in the grave. Our Lord was buried in the grave. But on the third day Jesus was resurrected in a glorified Body, and forty days later ascended into Heaven.

All believers in Christ also experience three stages. By nature, sinful, mortal creatures, they live in humiliation. Death comes, and their lifeless bodies are consigned to the earth. But on the Last Day, when Christ returns in all His glory, Christians will follow Him in renewed bodies created in the image of the glorified Body of Christ;

crow - a symbol of solitude and hermit life;

pigeon - the embodiment of God's Spirit, a symbol of a pure soul. The dove also embodies the virtues of moderation and harmony;

goose - a symbol of forethought and vigilance;

martin - a pure, holy bird, endowed with feminine symbolism and combining heavenly and earthly principles. In the song, the swallow is likened to the Mother of God:

“Oh, to Dunaechka, to the shore,

There the swallow was swimming,

It’s not a swallow, it’s Mother of God...”

The swallow and the dove are God's favorite birds. The swallow glorifies God with its singing. Her chirping is perceived as a prayer: “Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal, have mercy on us.” In the folk legend about the crucifixion of Christ, swallows tried to save Him from torment: they shouted “He’s dead, he’s dead!”, stole nails, took out thorns from His crown and brought Him water.

Even duality dovetail matters - according to South Slavic legends, after the Great Flood, a swallow saved a man from a bloodthirsty snake, which bit off the swallow’s tail, causing it to become forked.

Also the swallow is a symbol home happiness and a strong family;

swan - purity, mercy and symbol of the Virgin Mary;

eagle - a symbol of ascension and the soul that seeks God; the eagle also symbolizes justice or virtues such as courage, faith and religious contemplation. In more in a general sense the eagle became a symbol of the inspiring message of the Gospels;

rooster - a symbol of vigilance and caution. “Watch therefore, for you do not know when the owner of the house will come: in the evening, or at midnight, or at cockcrow, or in the morning” (Mark 13:35). Wakefulness and readiness to confess are signs of living faith. One of the symbols of Christ's love is a singing rooster;

duck - symbol marriage union and devotion. Often in Rus', wooden ladles were carved in the shape of ducks. Also, in the decor of trims (at the ends of towels) the symbol of duck feet is very often used, which, however, can also be interpreted as a symbol of a swallowtail.

Fish- symbol of the Lord Jesus Christ. The Greek word ihtis (fish) was also a symbol of Christ because each letter in Greek composes the words “Jesus Christ, God’s Son the Savior” (Isus Hristos Teu Ius Soter).

A fish with a coin in its mouth is a symbol of the Miracle performed by Jesus Christ. When they came to Capernaum, the collectors of didrachms approached Peter and said: Will your teacher give didrachms? He says yes. And when he entered the house, Jesus warned him and said: What do you think, Simon? From whom do the kings of the earth take duties or taxes? from your own sons, or from strangers? Peter says to Him: from strangers. Jesus said to him: So the sons are free; but, so that we don’t tempt them, go to the sea, throw a fishing rod, and take the first fish that comes along, and when you open its mouth, you will find a statir; take it and give it to them for Me and for yourself. (Matt. 17:24-27). He performs a miracle: if Jesus knew that in the mouth of the fish that Peter would first catch would be the coin it had swallowed, He is omniscient. If He created this coin in her mouth, He is omnipotent.

Lizard, lizard- a symbol of rebirth, rejuvenation through molting, a passionate desire for spiritual light.

The early Christian text Physiologus reports that when lizards grow old and their eyes become dull, they crawl into the cracks of walls facing east. And when the Sun rises, “their eyes are opened and they are healed. And you, man, when... the eyes of your heart become dim, in the same way seek the rising sun of justice, our Lord Jesus Christ, and He will open the eyes of your heart.” The blind lizard, which seeks the land where the sun rises, symbolized the sinner seeking help from God.

Plant symbols

Grapes with wheat ears- This is a common ornament on church icon cases and on the columns of iconostases. Christ Himself calls Himself the Vine, His Heavenly Father the Vinedresser, and His disciples the branches. “I am the true Vine,” says Christ, “and my Father is the Husbandman... Just as a branch cannot bear fruit by itself unless it is in the vine, so neither can you unless you are in Me. I am the Vine, and you are the branches." (Jon.15, 1-5.). Wheat bread and wine are blessed during St. Liturgy of the Most Holy Body and Blood of the Lord.

Shamrock- symbolizes the Holy Trinity, unification, balance. It can be symbolically replaced by one large sheet.

Flowers- symbolize new life: The Lord came to earth and the flowers bloomed. Flowers were a common decoration on the tombs of martyrs in the catacombs as a symbol of passing human life. In the book of Job we read: “The man who is born of a woman is short-lived and full of anxiety. It grows like a flower, and withers, and runs like a shadow without stopping” (Job 14:1-2). St. Apostle Peter teaches: “For all flesh is like grass, and all the glory of man is like the flower of the grass; the grass withered, and its flower fell” (1 Peter 1:24).

Other characters

Mermaidsmythical creatures, half woman with long hair and virgin breasts, part fish with scaly tail and fins. The existence of mermaids was seriously believed in ancient times, right up to the 19th century. They symbolize love, sensuality, and the desire for the highest.

Symbol "S"- associated with the swan because it resembles a swan's neck. But it is also considered a symbol of fire and the sun; on the other hand, it can also serve as a “ray” for the “suns”. Also, the symbol “S” can be an interpretation of the symbol of water - the often repeated lines of “S” create the feeling of waves, plant symbols - curly branches, and the same sovereign snakes.


In addition to the symbolism of individual elements, the colors in which the casing is painted also have their symbolic meaning.

White- a symbol of holiness, purity and spirituality. The angels in heaven are in white robes, like the saints who suffered for their faith. Particularly important is the meaning of white, such as purity and innocence, liberation from sins.

Yellow- a symbol of the Holy Spirit, divine revelation, enlightenment.

Green- a symbol of life, spring, flowering of nature, youth; also the color of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker - the domes on his churches are often painted green. Green color- natural, alive. This is the color of grass and leaves, hope, eternal renewal.

Brown- the color of bare earth, dust, everything temporary and perishable. Mixed on the icons with the royal purple in the robes of the Mother of God, this color was reminiscent of human nature, subject to death.

Red the color symbolizes the blood of Christ, shed for the salvation of people, and, consequently, His love for people. It is also the color of warmth, love, life, life-giving energy, a symbol of the Resurrection - the victory of life over death.

Blue- the color of heavenly truth, philosophy, submission to God's will and humility. Blue and cyan colors meant the infinity of the sky, a symbol of another, eternal world. Blue color was considered the color of the Mother of God, who united both earthly and heavenly. The paintings in many churches dedicated to the Mother of God are filled with heavenly blue, the domes are painted blue.

Black color is the color of evil and death. In icon painting, caves—symbols of the grave—and the yawning abyss of hell were painted black. In some stories it could be the color of mystery. For example, on a black background, signifying the incomprehensible depth of the Universe, the Cosmos was depicted - an old man in a crown in the icon of the Descent of the Holy Spirit. Black robes of monks who left ordinary life, is a symbol of abandonment of previous pleasures and habits, a kind of death during life.

All photos from the article

Framing windows and doors with platbands is an old Russian tradition. Our ancestors believed that evil spirits were able to penetrate into the home through their openings; as a result, the platbands were not only decoration, but also served as a protective element. Each drawing, pattern or ornament on them had its own meaning.

  1. Organization of space. Thus, the frame, due to its shape, can visually expand a narrow or elongate a low building.
  2. You can express your individuality or give the building the style of a certain region or era.
  3. The decor of the windows emphasizes the exterior of the house and makes it possible to combine all the buildings on the site into one ensemble.
  4. Protecting the joints between the wall and the window from the penetration of moisture and dust.
  5. Reducing heat losses at the interface between the window block and the wall.
  6. Reducing the level of external noise.

Note! In some cases, carved platband is the only acceptable finishing option. Yes, windows wooden building They will look harmonious only with such a frame. Although its price will be relatively high.

This decor also has disadvantages:

  1. Dependence on atmospheric influences: temperature changes, moisture, ultraviolet radiation from the sun. They damage the wood.
  2. Based on this, literacy and quality processing of the material is important: the correct selection of wood species, its thorough impregnation protective compounds, timely repair of elements.
  3. The complexity of making carved patterns and designs.

Types of window casings

In the photo - overhead window frames

The instructions warn that the production of window and door trim depends on its type and installation method.

Most simple platbands– these are standard or flat. More complex and beautiful products are made on special machines. The most aesthetically pleasing is carved wood cladding.

The method by which trims are produced is influenced by how they are installed.

  1. Telescopic analogues are usually used when framing door openings. Special protrusions in the shape of the letter “L” of the trim fit into special grooves in the box. This pairing is complex, but beautiful.
  2. Overlay trims are fixed to the window frame with glue or nails.

Note! very diverse in form and in the presence of certain elements. Structurally, their complex types consist of three parts: the upper group is called the frame, the vertical group is called the trim (on both sides of the opening), and the lower group is the apron. Shutters are often included in the decorative finishing composition.

Drawings and templates

Before work, you should find suitable trim patterns for the jigsaw. They are now being implemented in construction stores, published in relevant magazines and posted on the Internet. Templates can be made from thick paper, cardboard or fiberboard.

The main components of the circuit for any type of framing:

  1. Top bar.
  2. Vertical slats or frame.
  3. Bottom strip or window sill.

The standard scheme can be supplemented with various elements:

  • top of the frame: diadem (kokoshnik), “ears” of the headband, “crackers”, “valance”, “forehead”, panel;
  • The bottom can be varied with overlays and overhangs.

Methods for making templates

If you have a desire to decorate the windows of your home with decorative carvings, you should decide how to make a template for it.

On this moment there are such simple ways do it:

  1. Using a computer graphics editor. Developers produce a huge variety of software for image processing. The best option, however, is still Photoshop.
  2. Using photocopying. If you don't know how to use computer programs- this is the optimal solution. In this case, you can immediately select required dimensions copies, reducing or enlarging, expanding or compressing the source.
  3. You can also use a printer. First scan and then print the diagram in the required format.
  4. Another way to reproduce trim frame patterns is by copying. This option involves the use of carbon paper.

A piece of carbon paper is placed on the workpiece, and the selected template is placed on top of it. Then it is fixed with push pins. After this, the outline of the drawing is outlined with a pencil, and it is reproduced on wood.

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The platband is a decoration and functional part of a window on the facade of a building. This tradition has been going on for a long time and does not lose its relevance today. Can be done beautiful trims on the windows in wooden house on one's own. Moreover, many products are made not only from wood, but also from other materials. Creating such elements requires certain knowledge and skills, as well as suitable tools.

The extraordinary color and style make the carved platbands a real decoration of the building

Currently, the installation of platbands on windows in a wooden house is again in demand. The photos below allow you to see best examples. This element emphasizes the desire to revive traditional decor.

The advantages of this element include the following:

  • performs a decorative function and helps to visually expand or stretch the building;
  • complements the overall style of the architectural solution;
  • protecting the space between the window opening and the wall surface from moisture and dust;
  • reduction of heat loss and noise levels;
  • emphasizes the individuality of the building and the style of the era you like.

This design also has some disadvantages:

  • wood requires certain treatment to prevent high humidity and swelling;
  • the need for constant processing and regular care;
  • not compatible with metal-plastic windows.
Helpful information! When combining wood with metal-plastic, they must be made in the same color scheme.

DIY carved window trim templates

There are various platbands for windows in a wooden house. Their varieties often depend on the method of attachment to the window.

Based on the type of fastener, two types can be distinguished:

  • telescopic products have L-shaped protrusions that coincide with the grooves of the window frame;
  • Overlays are installed on the window frame using construction adhesive or nails and screws.

The original solution is the installation of carved platbands. At the same time, on the Internet you can find a lot of templates for carved window frames. Such structures can be made with your own hands only with the help of special equipment.

You can consider the following types of materials to create such structures:

  • wood is considered a traditional material;

  • plastic models are resistant to temperature changes and ultraviolet rays;

  • MDF is made from wood waste, therefore it is more environmentally friendly than plastic products;

  • polyurethane varieties are characterized by practicality.

How to choose the right wood?

Wooden frames are popular. At the same time, the performance of the product depends on the type of wood chosen.

The following options are worth considering:

  • Ash, beech and oak are hardwood varieties. They are durable, but difficult to cut patterns on;
  • it's much easier to handle soft ones hardwoods– linden, aspen and alder. You can even carve patterns on their surface by hand. Such surfaces must be carefully treated with special compounds;
  • It is recommended to create small elements from cherry and apple trees that can be attached to the base;
  • Pine and birch are characterized by ease of processing and good performance properties.
Helpful information! Can be used different combinations types of wood. In this case, special protective impregnations should be used.

Secrets of making templates for window frames with your own hands: stencils and design

You can find various window trim templates on the Internet. You can print stencils with your own hands. The chosen ornament must be combined with the overall style. However, you should not mix geometric and floral patterns.

When making platbands, it is worth considering the following points:

  • the color palette of walls and decorative items should be combined;
  • It is important to choose the right size. Products should not be too small or wide;
  • need to be selected quality option coverings. In this case, special paints and varnishes are used;
  • a template is required to create external carved elements.
Helpful information! The design must be placed correctly on the workpiece. The parts should be located along the grain of the wood.

Platbands for windows in a wooden house: stages of production

Before you start creating window decor, you can select carved frames for windows in a wooden house based on the photo. A template is made in advance, which must be the same for the design of all window openings.

There are two main ways to create patterns:

  • applied thread is distinguished by individual pattern elements that are attached to one base;

  • with slotted carving, a through ornament is created that looks like lace made of wood.

For any manufacturing method, they must be used. You will also need special tools: a hacksaw for wood, a set of knives and chisels, and a drill. Window trims are made in a wooden house from prepared materials. The product creation process includes several stages:

  • accurate measurements are taken;
  • The selected wood must be dry. The width of the boards depends on the dimensions of the window opening. The thickness of the material must be at least 30 mm when performing slotted thread and at least 10 – with an invoice;

  • the resulting holes are rubbed with sanding paper;

  • the prepared parts are attached to the base. In this case it is used adhesive composition or special nails.
Helpful information! When installing platbands, you cannot use self-tapping screws, as such fasteners cause cracking.

Installation features

The finished casing is mounted to the window opening in the following ways:

  • installation on a blind tenon. Such parts are installed on inside. Special holes are created in the frame for them. Glue is applied to the tenon and it is inserted into the groove. Such fasteners protect the platbands from dust and moisture;

  • a through tenon is used. In this case, the joint must be carefully treated with varnish.

Similar techniques are used if the window is wooden. For installation on metal-plastic, special liquid glue is used.

What kind of care is needed?

Carved products are primed, varnished or painted. Such treatments are carried out every few years. This will extend the life of the products and also keep them attractive. appearance. If products made of plastic or metal are installed, they do not require special care. It is important to protect products from corrosion and sometimes renew the paint.

Making beautiful frames with thematic patterns with your own hands will allow you to decorate window openings in an original and unusual way and add a special twist to the intended architectural style.

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Decorating windows with platbands is an ancient practice. Wood carving - at one time, was one of the most popular professions, and now has moved into the category of applied art.

Our ancestors believed that evil spirits could enter the house through window and doorways. Therefore, the platband served not only decorative element, but also a talisman, and each applied ornament and pattern on the carved frame carried a specific message. Moreover, each region had its own traditions.

carved wooden frames on the windows with your own hands

The meaning of carved elements on platbands is interesting

  • Wings emphasize strength.
  • The bird is an element that unites all times.
  • The sun represents life and energy (usually located on the kokoshnik).
  • The snake symbolizes wisdom and fertility.
  • The cross demonstrates the owners’ desire for harmony between the material and spiritual.
  • Vegetation shows a sense of unity with nature.
  • Earrings testify to the hospitality of the owners of the house.

Symbols on carved window frames

Wooden frames are rarely found in cities with multi-story buildings. But in private construction today they are again in demand, making modern houses more stylish and unique. They emphasize the desire of many to revive traditions in decoration.

Today window casings They perform a completely different function and are made not only from wood. Platbands made of metal, plastic (PVC), plywood, laminated MDF are common. As for the latter, frames made of MDF or plywood are not intended for external framing of windows, only for interior design door and window openings.

It should be noted that the correct name for the external decorative frame of windows is cashing. The platband is installed indoors.

Carved elements of wooden frames for windows


  • decorating window openings. For example, a platband can visually lengthen a low house, or expand a narrow one;
  • the opportunity to express your individuality or give your home the style of a certain era or region;
  • emphasize the style of the house and allow you to combine all the buildings on the site into a single architectural ensemble;
  • protecting the gaps between the window and the wall from dust and moisture;
  • reduction of heat loss at the junction of the window frame and the wall;
  • reducing the level of external noise;
  • sometimes they are the only ones possible option registration For example, window trims wooden house or log house, can only be made of wood. Otherwise, all the flavor of such a structure will be lost.


Wooden, especially carved platband has a number of disadvantages, or rather features:

  • dependence atmospheric influences. Frequent temperature changes, moisture, ultraviolet radiation, all these factors cause damage to the casing;
  • dependence on quality processing. Right choice species, careful impregnation of wood, timely replacement of parts, and painting, all this can extend the service life of the product. Otherwise, the wooden frame will soon become unusable;
  • difficulty in combining with modern plastic windows. Wooden frames are not always suitable for plastic windows.

Plastic windows with wooden frames Quite often there are plastic windows framed with wooden frames, as shown in the photo above. A somewhat unfortunate and controversial decision. In such cases, you either need to install wooden double glazed windows(or windows laminated to resemble wood), or paint the trim white.

A more harmonious finish is in the photo below.

Plastic windows with carved wooden frames

Types and types of window platbands

The production of window casings depends on the type and method of installation of the casing.

There are simple window trims - flat and standard. More beautiful ones are made using special equipment. The most beautiful window frames are, of course, carved ones.

The manufacturing method and cost of the platband are influenced by the method of their installation:

  • telescopic. Changes in framing to a greater extent doorways. Special L-shaped protrusions of such a casing fit into the grooves of the box. This connection is more complex, but beautiful;
  • invoices. Attached to window frame using nails or special glue.

It is worth noting that platbands come in a wide variety and are often complemented by shutters.

Types of wooden carved platbands

How to make window trim - choosing material

1. Wood species

To make the casing, it is better to use wood such as beech, oak, birch, linden, alder, pine, walnut or even fruit trees.

The choice of breed will be influenced by the intended method of making the casing.

  • Hardwood frames (beech, oak, ash) are very reliable, but this material is very hard. It takes a lot of effort and time to carve a pattern on them.
  • Platbands made of soft-leaved trees (linden, alder, aspen). Soft wood material, working with it is a pleasure. But if not handled correctly, they absorb moisture and quickly become unusable.
  • The best option is deciduous wood (birch) or coniferous species(pine). Hard enough to be used outdoors, they allow you to make clean cuts.
  • Cherry or apple tree is used to make small decorations that are superimposed on the main pattern.

2. Patterns for window trim - drawings and templates

If decorative decoration with carvings is intended, you need to decide on the pattern. Depending on your skills, you can choose a light or very complex ornament for the platbands. Below are some drawings of carved window frames. Templates can be copied in whole or in part, bringing something of your own into the pattern.

Carved platband patternThis pattern is implemented on the window casing

Patterns for window trimsPatterns for window trims-2

Window trim templates

Window trim templatesWindow trim templates – 2

Sketches with interesting ornaments and patterns are placed on a separate page, by going to which you can
download free templates of carved window frames.
It also describes how to make stencils for making templates with your own hands.

It is desirable that all windows be decorated with the same frames with the same carvings. Therefore, when choosing a pattern, keep in mind that it will need to be repeated several times. It shouldn't be too pretentious. Especially if you are a beginner. It's better if your pattern contains round holes(they are easy to drill) and large elements. It is worth noting that small elements are not only difficult to manufacture, but also deteriorate faster than others. Therefore, they will require periodic replacement.

Another important point- this is the mandatory presence of a slope at the top of the casing. Otherwise, snow will accumulate on the surface of the tree, which will inevitably lead to its destruction. A slope of a few degrees is easy to do; it will drain water downwards.

3. Tool

  • hacksaw;
  • knives;
  • chisels of several types (clukars, corners, flat, curved, semicircular, caesars);
  • sanding paper;
  • jigsaw;
  • drill;
  • milling machine (if available)

4. Patterns for platbands - stencils and sketches

Carved frames - sketches To ensure that the pattern is the same on all windows, it is recommended to make a sketch or stencil.

Carved platbands - location of the pattern on the workpiece You need to place the drawing on the workpiece correctly. The elements must be located along the grain of the wood. This will prevent the threads from cracking.

The areas of the pattern where you need to make cuts can be marked with color.

5. Making carved window frames

There are two ways to make wood carving:

  • slotted wood carving. The pattern is cut through the entire frame and, like lace, beautifully and elegantly frames the window opening.

Carved frames - slotted wood carving

  • applied wood carving. This method is much simpler in that a thinner workpiece is used, which is easier to work with. With the overlay method, individual thread elements are created, which are then put together on a solid board. In this way, you can refine simple window trims.

Carved platbands - applied wood carving

The beauty of openwork window trim lies in the use of contrast. More often there is a lighter carved element on a dark background.

Do-it-yourself wooden window frames - instructions

  • measurements are taken from the window;
  • All work is performed on dry lumber. The height and width of the board depends on your preferences, but the thickness should be at least 30 mm for slotted threads and at least 10 mm for overhead threads;
  • blanks are cut;
  • from the inside of the clypeus, to a depth of 1-2 mm. wood is selected. Edges are left along the edges. This approach will ensure a tighter fit of the platband to the frame;
  • The pattern applied according to the template is cut out. In this case, holes can be drilled with drills of different diameters, and the slots can be made with a jigsaw. The insertion point for the jigsaw is indicated by a drilled hole. This will make the cut more beautiful;
  • slots and holes are processed with sanding paper. If there are blind holes in the pattern, then wood dust must be removed from them. This is done using a vacuum cleaner.

Master class on making carved window frames - templateMaster class on making carved window frames - markingsMaster class on making carved window frames - cutting out the patternMaster class on making carved window frames - polishing

6. Fastening carved elements

Parts made with applied threads are attached to the wide base of the casing using nails. It is advisable that the nails be without heads. More reliable connection can be achieved by applying glue to the pattern from the reverse side. Craftsmen advise not to use self-tapping screws for connections, so as not to damage the connection point.

7. Installation of platbands on windows

It is not enough to create a beautiful product. You also need to know how to install platbands on windows correctly.

Correct installation of platbands on windows is the key to their long-term operation and aesthetic appearance. The following methods can be used for fastening:

  • dull thorn. Such spikes are installed in the platband, and holes for them are drilled in the frame. A little glue is applied to the tenon and inserted into the groove. This fastening is the most complex, but it protects the installation site from moisture and does not spoil the appearance of the product;
  • through tenon. Simpler and less reliable way. This system of spikes provides fastening. But, the spike needs to be installed where it will be least noticeable and additionally protected from moisture.

The listed methods are used if platbands are installed on wooden windows.

If it is necessary to install platbands on plastic windows, special glue (liquid nails) is used. This method will ensure that the integrity of the frame is not compromised.

8. Protective treatment of wooden trims

In order for the carved frame to please you for as long as possible, you need to take care of its processing. To do this, the wood is primed, varnished or painted.

Protective treatment wooden platbands

Bottom line

The desire to follow the traditions of our ancestors is commendable. Renaissance carved art could not come at a better time in the conditions of modern urbanization. The special flavor of Russian carving will not lose its relevance. With some effort, you can make carved wooden frames with your own hands. Yes, the work is difficult and painstaking, but it is worth it. Plus, you can save a decent amount, because... if you order the production of a set of carved frames for one window in a workshop, it will cost 5-15 thousand rubles.

Carved wooden frames for windows - photos with examples

Carved wooden frames for windows – 1Carved wooden frames for windows – 2Carved wooden frames for windows – 3Carved wooden frames for windows – 4Carved wooden frames for windows – 5Carved wooden frames for windows – 6

Tags: Windows Wood Platbands

The originality of carved frames for windows and doors is striking in its spirituality. If you are not afraid of carpentry and want to make wooden trim with your own hands, then all that remains is to come up with a composition for framing.

Below are sketches of carved frames in a small size and mediocre quality. But these templates can be downloaded for free. The main idea is the idea, and the template can be made to the desired size.

How to make templates for carved frames (stencil)

Optimal and simple ways to make templates for cutting.

Using a graphic editor

There are many programs for image processing (Photoshop, etc.).


If you don’t want to deal with programs, you can make a photocopy of the drawing and immediately set the desired copy size (enlarge, reduce, compress, expand). Or scan and print the sketch on a printer in the desired format.

Manually - scaling by cells

In the end, you can make a template manually using the technology of scaling (copying) by cells (linear scaling).

By scaling by cells, you can change the proportions of the drawings. For example, you don't like the original form and you want to change it. To do this, when transferring the drawing, keep one of the sides at the original size, and increase the second in the new square.

Scaling by cell

Changing the proportions of a picture when scaling by cells

From drawing to template

Template for platbandsThe template for platbands is made of cardboard, the size of life size. A separate template is made for each element, pattern and ornament.

The resulting template is placed on the board and the outline is traced with a pencil.

Making holes You can immediately mark the locations for the holes. Holes are drilled inside the pattern, in places where there will be a turn when carving. First, the internal patterns are cut out, and then the external ornament.

Platband carving

Another way to apply a design to a workpiece is copying.

The method involves the use of carbon paper. A sheet of copy paper is placed on the board, and a drawing is placed on top. The drawing is secured with pushpins. An outline is drawn with a pencil and copied onto the wood.

Stencil template for carved trims

Now you know how to make a stencil template for carved platbands.

Templates of carved window frames - photo gallery

Window trim template - 1

Window trim template - 2

Window trim template - 3

Window trim template - 4

Window trim template - 5

Window trim template - 6

Window trim template - 7

Window trim template - 8

Window trim template - 9

Window trim template - 10

Window trim template - 11

Window trim template - 12

Window trim template - 13

Window trim template - 14

Window trim template - 15

Window trim template - 16

Window trim template - 17

Window trim template - 18

Window trim template - 19

Window trim template - 20

Window trim template - 21

Window trim template - 22

Window trim template - 23

Window trim template - 24

Window trim template - 25

Window trim template - 26

Sketch of window frames - rooster

Sketch of window frames in the form of a cockerel on a spire

Sketch of window frames - horse

Sketch of window frames - horse

Sketch of window frames - boat

Sketch of window trim - butterfly

Sketch of window trim - leaflet

Sketch of window frames - maple leaf

Sketch of window trim - pattern with fish (right)

Sketch of window trim - pattern with fish (left)

Sketch of window trim - pattern with a bird (left)

Sketch of window trim - pattern with a bird (right)

Sketch of window trim - ornament with goldfish

Sketch of window frames - acorns

Sketch of window frames - flowers

Sketch of window frames - flowers

Sketch of window frames - roses

Sketch of window frames - ornament of interlacing leaves (right)

Sketch of window frames - ornament of interlacing leaves (left)

Sketch of window frames - ornament of weaving leaves-2

Sketch of window frames - ornament of weaving leaves-3

Sketch of window frames - ornament with grapes

Sketch of window frames - ornament with flowers