The best board game ever. The best board games of all time

How to have fun with friends without resorting to commonplace pastimes like drinking strong drinks? How to sparkle if you get bored? You can, of course, play on the console, having fought in a tournament with friends. But if you want to rest and relax, but this method seems boring or not suitable for a large company, you want something else.

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Board games will come to the rescue. They allow you to spend time with your family and friends in an exciting way, eliminating boredom without leaving a trace. Especially for such purposes -rating of the best board games for the company... Some are aimed at an adult audience and it is not recommended to involve children in them, while others are suitable for the whole family.

There are many old, centuries-old games out there, but not all of them are good for fun. For example, checkers and chess, undoubtedly, are good training for the mind, but they are not suitable for a company: they are too calm, measured and require concentration. And they are designed for only two people. You won't be able to relax at the checkered board (unless you play Chapaya).

Playing cards are a great storehouse of entertainment (from the simplest thrown fool or drunkard - to those requiring more complex poker skills or preference). But they are familiar to almost everyone. Because card games init was also decided not to include.

The TOP of the best board games for a company of adults is focused primarily on a young audience aged 18-35, and may not coincide with personal opinion. This is not the ultimate truth, but just a selection of interesting and popular entertainment. Everyone can change priorities for themselves, arrange the list in a different order, exclude some games from it and / or replace with others.

Opens TOP of the best board games for the companyan adult game that is not a board game. She is more likely to be floor-standing, because the actions Twister unfold on a special rug. Despite the fact that many do not need to introduce it, the basic rules are worth recalling.

The game props consist of a special rug with colored spots and a special roulette wheel. It depicts body parts (right and left leg, right and left hand) and colors. The leader rotates the drum so that the arrow stops in one of the sectors. The player, whose turn has come, must become the part of the body that the roulette pointed to, on the spot, the color of which fell out.

For all its simplicity, from the second or third move, the entertainment turns into real acrobatics. To keep the balance, you have to repeat the tricks of Neo from The Matrix, dodging Agent Smith's bullets. Already on the fifth lap, a rare player is able to demonstrate endurance that allows him not to fall to the ground, knocking down the whole company behind him. But from such intricacies of bodies it only becomes more fun.

The winner in the game "Twister" is the one who was able to stay on his feet the longest (or on his arms - if you are lucky). True, it usually does not come to this: laughter, tickling, incredible figures lead to the fact that the whole laughing company falls into a single ball.

4th place: Jenga

Mentioning the best board games for the company of adults, it is worth paying attention and entertainment called " Jenga ". The game seems quite harmless to itself, but in the course of events it is capable of kindling a real fire of passions.

The name "Jenga" is translated from the African Swahili language as "build" (in the sense of "build"). The game's props are 54 identical oblong brick blocks, most often made of wood (but there are also variations). The size can also be any. Before the game, a tower is erected from bars, 18 floors high (3 boards per floor).

The task of the players is to rebuild the tower, from the bottom up. Each in turn must pull out the block from the first floor and put it on the very top, so that the structure does not fall. At the same time, it is allowed to take blocks with only one hand; it is impossible to hold the turret.

The loser is the one on whose move (or immediately after) the structure collapsed. Cunning players, in order to substitute a neighbor, deliberately lay bricks in such a way that any careless movement of the opponent would lead to the destruction of the structure. But this only makes Jenga more fun and exciting.

3rd place: Monopoly

V the best board games for a group of friends hit and "Monopoly ". Everyone has probably heard about her, but this fact does not diminish all the charm of entertainment. Building a business, ruining competitors, at a more mature age is even more interesting and exciting than in childhood.

The game props consists of big card with businesses, cards, bank notes and a pair of dice. Players receive starting capital and roll the dice in turn, buying a business or performing another action indicated on the square where the dice were indicated.

The game is long enough, and if in classic version To win, you need to bankrupt all your rivals (which sometimes takes many hours), then to speed up, you can agree in advance on other conditions. For example, after a specified time has elapsed, it is calculated who has managed to accumulate the largest fortune.

2nd place: Mafia

"Mafia" in the best board games for the companyAdults did not come in vain: this is a real psychological quest with elements of a detective story, in which everyone must show ingenuity, cunning, endurance and intuition.

The game props consist of cards with characters to be played. In the absence of such, you can use and regular cards, having previously agreed on the correspondence of denominations to specific characters. Players are divided into 2 teams: members of a criminal gang who know each other, and unfamiliar townspeople. Each of them sets the goal of victory (to remove all civilians or to eliminate the mafia, respectively). Game moves are alternating days and nights during which the "fight" takes place. The mafia cracks down on the townspeople, the police are looking for villains, doctors save the dead, while the rest are involved in the process, intriguing, confusing the plot and helping to catch the mafia.

There are a great many rules of the game, moreover, they can be changed by agreement of the company. From this "Mafia" only acquires flavor and becomes more interesting. And the fact that you can play it without any special props (a deck of cards or even a stack of identical pieces of paper with pre-signed roles) puts it in second place inTOP of the best board games for the company.

1st place: Cards against all (Cards against humanity)

Leads the best board games for the company of adults"Cards Against All". She is a real test of her sense of humor and a competition for the title of "Chief Petrosian". Sometimes - on the verge of a foul, so it is better not to let the minors into this action. Among possible options combinations - pearls like "The best friends of girls are scooter thieves" or "The security services have introduced a ban on kidnapping of children on airplanes." After 10 minutes of the game, even the most absurd combinations will "punch" the whole company into wild laughter.

The essence of the game is simple: there are two sets of cards - black and white. A phrase is written on black, which should be supplemented with words from the white cards. At the beginning, each player draws 10 light cards from the pile, after which the presenter takes out a dark one, reading its contents. It can be a question, or a phrase in which you need to insert the missing phrase. Each player is looking for the one in his cards, the inscription of which, in his opinion, looks the most funny and witty. Then the facilitator addresses everyone by reading the question and listening to the answer.

After everyone has expressed their options, the presenter determines whose improvisation turned out to be the funniest (judging by the reaction of the company). He gets the black card. The winner in the game "Cards Against All" is the one who has accumulated the most black cards with questions.

The ten best games according to our customers are the simplest, funniest and most outgoing games. It was not easy to choose them: the sales statistics speak more about the popularity of the games than about their universality. Therefore, when compiling the rating, we also focused on your feedback. Let's check if you have played all the games on our hit parade.

1. Imaginarium

How nice it is to put the Russian game on the first place in the rating! In "" you need to come up with associations to strange drawings on the cards, trying to make your card guess at least someone, but not all. The creators of the "Imaginarium" Timur Kadyrov and Sergey Kuznetsov were big fans of the western game "" with similar mechanics, but did not repeat it completely, but changed the scoring system and added several new rules. The pictures in the Imaginarium are also original - they were painted by Russian artists. Perhaps it is more interesting to understand the depths of the domestic subconscious? And that is why the Imaginarium is so much more popular than its Western counterpart?

“Wonderful game! Both children and adults are happy to play! During the game, all participants are better revealed as individuals, so in addition to interesting pastime, you can learn something new about each other "


"An excellent game, it is always interesting to play it, despite the fact that there are not many cards in the set, they do not bother, because different associations come under different moods =)"

2. Activity

“The game Elias is not new to us, we“ voraciously ”played it with friends at home, in the country. When the question arose how we will entertain the invited guests, there was only one answer, Elias and Activity! "


4. Uno

“The game Svintus liked not only children, but also adults. I advise you to buy the game if you want to have fun with your friends "

Galina Vladimirovna

7. Consideration

In "" you will have to think quickly, as indicated in the name. Each move you need to open two cards from the piles: one indicates the situation, the other - a letter. Whoever is the first to come up with a word with the given conditions, he takes a card with a letter. At the end of the game, the game is counted and the player with the most words wins.

Why is it fun in a big group? Just imagine how you open the cards "weighs more than a ton" and "F", and your friend happily shouts "ass" at this. By the way, it is worth agreeing in advance which words in the game are prohibited.

“A fun game. Played in new year's eve maybe that's why they didn't think very quickly. But the game is fun, I recommend buying "

8. Munchkin

The best proof of the popularity of "" is the number of versions and add-ons. For example, we have a section with games of this series occupying two pages of an online store. What is so good about this game? The fact that if you understand the rules once (it will take 15-20 minutes maximum), then you can play in Munchkin all day long, it is so reckless and replayable. Each game depends on the nature of the players at the table and game situations rarely repeat themselves. In addition, you can always buy a couple of add-ons (we have already said that there are a lot of them).

For those who first hear about "" - this card game, in which you need to hang with clothes and measure strength with monsters. For defeating monsters, you will receive levels and treasure cards - some can strengthen you, others harm rivals, and universal ones can do both. To win, you need to be the first to reach the tenth level, and this one is not easy and terribly fun!

“The game will hook you and you will want to play other Munchkens, try and replay all of them! Keep in mind - I warned you)) "

9. Bang

"" Is similar in meaning to the mafia, only the action takes place in the Wild West. Also in the dark, the roles are played: the sheriff, his assistants, bandits and a renegade who plays for himself. Now you need to take turns walking - draw cards from the deck and activate their capabilities. For example, a weapon shoots at enemies, a mustang allows you to go to the distance of a shot, you can hide behind a barrel. healing properties, Indians harm everyone. To win here you will have to show both eloquence (at the beginning of the game no one knows who is for whom, only the sheriff is revealed), and ingenuity.

10. Dobble

And we will close the selection with a very simple and quick game, in which all your attentiveness and ability to think quickly will come in handy. Different symbols are painted on round cardboard discs - for every two there is at least one general subject... You need to open the discs one by one and compare them with yours: whoever first saw the match takes the disc for himself. The one with the most wins!

" " - one of the best family games, but we added it to the adult selection, because adults are also happy to play it. And on alcoholic parties this mindfulness test gets even harder!

- The best game for 18+ company

The secret to a good time is choosing the right board game. Choosing a game that everyone will like is a difficult task. First you need to determine the circle where the game will take place. If children will take part in the game, then pay attention to the age restrictions. It is important that the child is not only fun and interesting, but also develops a number of qualities in him. More often the speed of thinking or fine motor skills. For a company or a family evening, games with the opportunity to both compete for victory and laugh heartily are suitable. Our ranking includes some of the most popular board games for families, fun company and children.

The best board games for family and friends

Assessment (2018): 4.6

Advantages: Most fun for articulation

Manufacturer country: China

The most fun game for articulation. I would like to warn you right away that the game is not for children and from 16 years old. According to the rules, the player inserts a mouthpiece into his mouth and selects a card and reads out the sentence. The inserted mouthpiece will prevent you from closing your mouth, which interferes with the spoken words. And now the most interesting thing, you need to make out all the words said to your team. The more the team guesses the cards, the more points it gets. Time is controlled hourglass... A minimum of 4 people are required to play, which are divided into 2 teams. The set includes 200 cards with phrases, 5 mouthpieces and an hourglass for time control. The game is useful for training the vocal apparatus and improving diction.

Assessment (2018): 4.7

Advantages: Simple rules

Manufacturer country: Russia

Take your friends or loved ones on a fun journey with the game Around the World in 80 Days. The whole game is a journey. You are going to different cities and you need to spend as little time as possible on the road. And what will happen on the road? A lot of obstacles and incidents, the choice of transport for movement and, of course, new acquaintances. The city of departure is London, and whoever travels first and returns to the original city wins.

The game is suitable for family gatherings or playing with friends. The minimum number of players is 3 people, intended for ages from 10 years old. The rules are very simple, so you don't have to spend a long time studying. Choose a card for travel, make game action to choose from and head to the next city. And do not forget to note how much time you spent on the road. Prudence and the right strategy are needed to win.

Assessment (2018): 4.8

Advantages: Popular game

Manufacturer country: Russia

Everyone who loves to think, fantasize and guess the association, then the Imaginarium is for you. The game helps to get to know the player better, see the train of thought and discover it from a new perspective. Four players over 12 years of age are enough to play. The essence of the game is to come up with associations for unique pictures. Why unique? Because the artists have tried and made associations from simple to crazy.

According to the rules, the Player takes a picture and comes up with an association for it. Put back on the table face down. The rest of the players at this moment choose the most suitable picture for the association. Then the selected cards are mixed. In fact, you do not need to guess all your associations, because then it will be too easy. It is enough for one person or all but one to guess. Fantasy develops too quickly during the game, so don't worry about the game becoming predictable. To calculate the points, a field is used where the chip moves to the winning steps.

Assessment (2018): 4.9

Advantages: Best skill game

Manufacturer country: China / Russia

The Jenga game or the Falling Tower is known all over the world. The game is suitable for both one player and a company of up to 4 people. The game develops fine motor skills in children well. All you need is manual dexterity and wooden blocks... The set includes 54 bars. According to the rules, you first need to build a tower. To do this, fold 3 pieces in a row to get 18 floors. An example of a tower is shown above. The players take turns taking out 1 bar and placing it on the upper floor. The height of the tower will increase, and its stability will become less and less. The one who destroys this tower loses. After the tower is destroyed, players will want to build the structure even higher.

The game engages children and adults, you will not notice how a couple of hours pass. A good hobby for children from 6 years old. Jenga helps develop the thinking, communication and motor skills of the players. A great game for everyone!

Assessment (2018): 5.0

Advantages: Sales leader

Manufacturer country: Ireland / Russia

Monopoly has been the most popular board game with an economic bias for over 80 years. The game is not suitable for the little ones. Recommended for players from 8 years old and for 2-6 players. Monopoly is popular with families or groups of friends. The game helps you evaluate your resources and allocate money correctly. During the game, players make purchases / sales of enterprises and lands, pay taxes, take loans for purchases and much more. In this case, play money helps you achieve your goals. To win, you need to bankrupt all players.

The best board games for kids

Assessment (2018): 4.8

Advantages: The best game for child development

Manufacturer country: Russia

Iron Friend is a simple and fun game for kids. Many parents play this game with their children. The game helps to develop the speed of thinking, ask and form questions and be smart. Here are the most simple rules... The player puts on a special hoop on his forehead, where a card with an image is inserted. Another player, bye time goes by hourglass, should help to understand what he has depicted in the card.

For example, the first player is a boy with a cat / cat in his forehead. Once the time has passed, the questions begin:

- Am I an object?

- I AM big size?

- Do I live in houses?

- I'm a cat?

The game is ideal for family gatherings with children. In addition to developing and increasing your child's vocabulary, you have fun. The game has affordable price... If you have to long road with children, then take the game with you.

Assessment (2018): 4.9

Advantages: Best Family Game

Manufacturer country: Russia

The board game The Wizard of the Emerald City allows you to have fun and interesting time with your family with children. Throughout the game, with each move, the player is faced with various tasks. The game has two fields. The first game, where you need to run away from Bastinda, the second is magic for moving along the road. The tasks will be very different and all are related to the heroes of the fairy tale, so get ready to growl or squat, imagining yourself as one of the heroes. It is necessary to hurry up while completing the task, because Bastinda can catch up and the game is over. Keep track of the time on the hourglass.

The best board games of the company from 18 years old

Assessment (2018): 4.8

Advantages: The best game for 18+ company

Manufacturer country: Russia

In the board game of 500 evil cards, there is no need to quickly think and exercise Creative skills... It requires a stable psyche, humor and the perception of stupid or vulgar jokes. One of the rules is to restrict children under 18 to play. If the above is appropriate, then go to the rules. The set includes 500 cards in two colors. Red with questions and white with answers. The very combination of questions and answers makes the players laugh. Each player receives 10 answer cards. All players become leaders during the game. The facilitator reads out the question and then chooses the best answer. In a combination of question and answer, the result is vulgar, stupid or absurd. If you like black humor, then this game is for you. The game requires 3 to 8 people.

Family comfort is made up of many traditions, nuances and preferences. One of better ways rallying parents and children is considered to be spending time together for some fun game. Board games provide an opportunity to plunge into the world of adventure, excitement, reflection and fantasy. This is an ideal opportunity to brighten up the evening and get an unforgettable, vivid experience.

Puzzled by the question: "What is the best game to buy?" you need to determine the selection criteria for yourself. Below are the points that you should pay attention to before buying.

  1. Age. Any game packaging contains information about the age group for which it is suitable. If you have Small child, then you should not miss this aspect, since it is too difficult game may be incomprehensible to the baby. Quite the opposite, older kids will not appreciate overly simplified games, because they will not be interested in them. It is advisable to choose games that are relevant by age.
  2. Purpose. Board games are unusually diverse and have different specifics, for example, there are games for single use, there are games for two players, and there are for whole family... In addition, the options for playing leisure can be divided by gender: for boys and girls. Although, of course, here it is worth focusing on the preferences of the child, since there are girls who are interested in military or automotive topics, and there are boys who do not refuse animalistic or puppet games.
  3. Variety. Games can be classified as intellectual, gambling, communicative, or testing. physical ability... The category of intellectual entertainment includes strategic or logic games. Gambling options are designed for Mother Fortuna, she is luck. Communication types of entertainment help overcome embarrassment and build close contacts. Well, physical options provide an opportunity to demonstrate dexterity, responsiveness and attentiveness.

Regarding how much this kind of entertainment costs, a variety of desktop sets will be available for any budget.

Rating of the best desktop classics for the whole family


This addicting game suitable to have fun with friends or to sit with family. For children from 12 years old, the game is quite understandable, but if you have younger children, that is, more simplified versions of the Imaginarium, marked with childhood. This type of entertainment will be understandable for children 4-5 years old. The Imaginarium makes it possible to develop imagination, and at the same time there will be plenty of excitement, since victory goes to points, and everyone wants to become a winner. Players are immersed in the world of associations and close people are very pleased to tune in to each other's wave and get closer through fantasies.

The average price is 1,450 rubles, but there are also more budget versions.


  • Helps develop imagination;
  • Allows you to think creatively;
  • Suitable for creative people.


  • Price;
  • Some of the pictures are too dark.


If you are looking for popular game models, then take a look at Monopoly. This addictive economic strategy game is as exciting as virtual toys. The bottom line is that you must remain the only player who does not go bankrupt. Besides, to an ordinary person it is interesting to feel like a banker who freely disposes of property and can hit a huge jackpot. This game is perfect for a group of friends, although if you wish, it will do just fine for two. Suitable for children from 8 years old. There are many options for Monopoly, and if you think: "Which one is better to buy?"

The cost is about 1,500 rubles.


  • Suitable for a company of 2 to 6 people;
  • Entertaining;
  • Develops logic.


  • Price;
  • Takes much time.


Another terrific economic strategy is the Colonizers. This game is somewhat reminiscent of Monopoly. The colonizers appeared thanks to the German Klaus Teuber, that is, this strategy can be purchased from the best German manufacturers, or can be found among domestic brands. You need 3 or 4 players to participate. According to the rules, they are colonists who have landed on an uninhabited island. There they need to create a settlement, develop it to the maximum, and in the end, the winner is the one who gets 10 victory points. The moves are carried out by throwing the dice.

You can buy it for 2000 rubles.


  • Gambling and lively;
  • Strategic thinking;
  • Forms communication skills.


  • Price;
  • Limited to 4 people.

Munchkin is suitable for a group of friends who are ready for role-playing games and transformations. This board card game immerses you in a violent fantasy world and requires you to throw off the veils of decency, as you will have to cheat, sly on the leaders, for selfish purposes to support weak players, and all for the sake of your own victory. When playing Munchkin, you will have to forget about pity and sympathy for the enemy, you need to be dominated only by the arguments of profit. The goal is to reach the maximum level, and along the way there will be magical moments, reminiscent of Tolkien's bizarre world.

The price is about 1000 rubles, depending on the manufacturer and the variation of the game.


  • Captures from the first minutes;
  • Flight of fantasies;
  • Unlimited player limit.


  • You can quarrel;
  • Not suitable for 2 people.

This entertainment is suitable for a company of 2 to 4 people. The point of the lesson is to form words on a special board, which is divided into 225 squares. Scrabble is very similar to Scrabble, that is, it allows you to train the brain and expand vocabulary. At the beginning, the players are given 7 chips and need to form words. The finish comes when one of the players runs out of all the chips (they can be on the hands or on the playing field). Scoring will determine the winner. The scrub is suitable for adults and kids. Children can be from 6-7 years old if they already know letters and have no problems with words.

  • You can buy it for 1,700 rubles.


Actively trains brain activity;

  • Allows family members to rally;
  • Expands vocabulary.


  • We'll have to count the points;
  • Expensive.

The hit of sales is the Russian analogue of Scrabble - this is the famous Erudite related to linguistic entertainment. The meaning of Scrabble is the same as in Scrabble, the difference is that there are more chips, which means that the number of players can be mutilated to 5 or 6. Guessing words is very similar to crosswords, the victory will depend on knowledge. Whoever gets the biggest jackpot of points won. Erudite will help pass the time on the road, will help parents teach their child fresh vocabulary, and generally refers to a non-annoying pastime.

You can buy it for 700 rubles.


  • More cost effective than Scrabble;
  • Allows you to develop brain activity.


  • Small parts are easy to scatter


The purpose of Activity is to reduce the degree of tension in the company, if its members are unfamiliar, this will be a wonderful way to stir everyone up, ignite a spark of friendliness and fun. From 3 to 16 people can participate. If there are many participants, then there is a division into teams, but if there are only 3, then everyone is for himself. The essence of Activity is elementary, you just need to provide an explanation of the dropped out word in just 1 minute of the allotted time. You will have to explain in one of the three ways indicated on the field: words (but without the same root words), gestures (silently) or using a picture. The first player to reach the finish line wins. The game is designed to create fun, so it is suitable even for a drunken company.

Prices vary from 300 rubles to over 2000 rubles, depending on the content.


  • For any company;
  • Cheerful;
  • There are budget options;
  • Various tasks.


  • Not suitable for two.

If you want to feel like a pirate, then you will definitely like the "Jackal" set. The search for the treasure will give a whole burst of adrenaline, because everyone will want to collect as many coins as possible. While searching for gold, the pirates will face unexpected dangers, such as a cunning crocodile, a terrible cannibal or provocative rum. The fun and gambling action is very addictive and it is not surprising that the "Jackal" gets its place of honor in the rating of high-quality board games. You can play together or increase the number of players to 4.

You can buy the "Jackal" for 1100 rubles.


  • Simple rules;
  • Infects with good mood;


  • Surprise cards are few.

Probably anyone has ever played bingo. This creation does not age and always remains relevant, because it is suitable for both adults and children of 2-3 years old (children's lotto types). In Lotto, it is easy to check how much Mrs. Fortune favors you, in addition, the game develops attentiveness and reaction. You can play solely for the sake of the status of the winner, or you can make money bets. The set includes barrels, cards and chips.

The average price is 500 rubles.


  • Suitable for any company;
  • Gambling;
  • Checks luck;
  • Budgetary.


  • If you play for large sums, then there may be a minus.

For a couple in love, an excellent option to refresh their relationship would be an acquaintance with a desktop product from Mosigra called "For You". The essence is somewhat non-standard, and it may take about a month. "For You" contains 15 cards with romantic tasks for each half. The cards are inherently intended to diversify love relationship, ignite new sparks, discover new facets, teach how to do pleasant surprises... There are easy tasks, for example, to hold a tea ceremony, and there are those that require courage, since it is proposed to make a parachute jump or a balloon jump.

Sold "For You" for 590 rubles.


  • For a couple in love;
  • Allows you to add romance and novelty to a relationship;
  • Interesting tasks.


  • Some cards are too extreme or overpowering to play.

If a large company is gathered, then Mafia can become an excellent leisure option. The purpose of this entertainment is to cleanse the civilian population from criminals. Everyone gets the role that will be on the dropped out card. As a result, you can turn into a safe civilian, become a mafia, commissioner and presenter. The process is divided into "day" and "night". Night is the time of mafia atrocities, and during the day, the unfortunate residents find out that someone has died and are trying to identify the villains. "Mafia" is extremely captivating, teaches you to get used to the image and gives you the skills of excellent bluffing, because no one wants to be exposed ahead of time.

The price of the sets varies from 400 to 2000 rubles, depending on the configuration.


  • Fascinatingly;
  • Psychological component;
  • Gives you the opportunity to get to know friends from a new side.


  • It's sad to drop out in the forefront and be an observer.

Which board game did you like the most?