Drawing a fish in an aquarium. Summary of a drawing lesson on the topic: “Fish in an aquarium.” Finger gymnastics “Fish”


GCD "Fine art" Drawing

"Fish in the Aquarium"

Middle group.

Program content:

Develop the ability to place an image on the entire sheet when conveying a plot,

Continue teaching children to draw silhouettes of fish swimming in different directions.

Develop imagination, artistic and creative abilities.

To develop children's skills and abilities in visual arts.

To educate children’s emotional and aesthetic feelings and accuracy in work.

Induce a positive emotional mood throughout the day.

Strengthen children's knowledge about aquarium fish.

Instill a love for living nature.

Preliminary work:

Looking at live fish in an aquarium, images of fish in atlases and on postcards, watching videos about aquariums.

Modeling fish.

Reading the fairy tale by A. S. Pushkin “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish.” Composing fish figures from different geometric shapes. Learning a poem about an aquarium.

Listening to the musical work “Aquarium” by Camille Saint-Saens.

Material and equipment:

Wax crayons 12 colors for each child

Sheets depicting a fragment of an aquarium with one fish.

A real aquarium with fish (or a small, portable one).

Sample images of fish.

3-4 new aquarium fish to add to the aquarium at the end of the lesson.

Music center with recordings: Saint-Saëns “Aquarium”, sounds of nature “The Sound of the Sea”.

Progress of the lesson

The music of Saint-Saëns “Aquarium” is playing.

Educator: Guys, what kind of music is this?

Listen riddle:

The grass and grottoes are crumbs,

Clear water…

Fishes play in it -

There's a fish mess there.

I look - one of the fish

He waves his fin at me -

Apparently he says

About life behind glass.

Children's answers.

Educator: You and I also have an aquarium, and a fish lives there. But I think she’s sad there alone. Let us draw her friends - fish. What shape is the fish? What else do the fish have? (fins, eyes, mouth, tail, body covered with scales. May be different sizes, colors)

Physical education minute:

A fish swims in the water

The fish have fun playing.

Fish, fish - mischief

We want to catch you.

The fish arched its back

I took a bread crumb,

The fish waved its tail

The fish quickly swam away.

Educator: Now let's sit down at the tables. There you will find wax crayons and an aquarium with fish on the sheet. Let's draw her friends. What else is there in the aquarium besides fish? – algae, pebbles (soil). While working, calm music sounds with the sound of waves. During work, the teacher helps, advises, and prompts.

What wonderful aquariums we have! And the fish became more happy. Let us dance like fish to the wonderful music of Saint-Saëns “Aquarium”.

Surprise moment:

While the children

dancing in the aquarium

launch 3-4 new

fish (preferably different

color and size).

Educator: Guys, the fish also made friends in our aquarium. How many fish were there? How many showed up? How many fish are there in our aquarium?

Do you guys know how you can draw water in an aquarium?

I'll teach you this in the evening.

In the afternoon, the teacher, in subgroups (2-3 people), introduces the children to watercolors and helps them paint water in an aquarium. Explains that watercolor loves water. Shows how to prepare paints for work. Clarifies what color is best to paint water. Draws attention that the paint does not cover the image, but flows around it, because the fish are drawn with wax crayons.


Aquarium, aquarium!

A piece of the seabed!

Aquarium, aquarium!

I haven't seen this:

There are goldfish here

frolicking in the depths

Simple desires

Are born in me:

I wish I were like the fish

And swim and dive,

And be just as flexible

And wag your tail!

Maria Yakusheva
Summary of a drawing lesson in middle group"Fish in the Aquarium"

Summary of a drawing lesson in the middle group

"Fishes in an aquarium"

Target: teaching children skills draw fish in an aquarium.

Tasks: to consolidate children’s knowledge about the structure of fish, among their habitat; teach children to work on the composition of a plot drawing - to depict several fish swimming in different directions; depict oval-shaped objects; paint over objects using different strokes character: spots, dashes, stripes, dots; improve new skills drawing with wax crayons, develop fine motor skills of the hands.

Material and equipment: illustrations of fish in aquarium, tinted album sheets, wax crayons for each child.

Progress of educational activities.

Introductory part:

Educator: - Guys, look how many guests we have today. Let's take off and say hello.

Let's look at them. What do you have fish?

Children's answer:(body, head, tail, fins)

Educator:-What shape is his body, tail, fins?

children's answer: (oval body, triangular fins and tail)

Educator: where do they live? fish?

children's answer: (in the sea)

teacher:maybe live fish in the apartment?

children's answer: (yes, if you place it in aquarium)

teacher: today I offer you draw fish in an aquarium. let's look at what they are fish in an aquarium. what color are they?

children's answer: (various)

teacher: in which direction are they swimming? fish?

children's answer: (V in different ways: some to the left, others to the right.)

teacher: what else is there in aquarium?

children's answer: (algae, pebbles).

Main part:


A fish swims in the water

the fish have fun walking

(connect fingers alternately from index to little finger and back).


(shake index finger)

We want to catch you.

(twist hands back and forth)

the fish arched its back,

(squats, twisting the body)

I took a bread crumb.

(show grasping exercises with hands)

the fish waved its tail,

(squats, twisting the body)

floated away very quickly.

Practical part:

Educator: And now we will take our seats and get to work. Each of you has everything you need on your table. Paint we will be wax crayons. What color will ours be? fish?

children's answer:.

teacher: What color is the algae?

children's answer: (green)

teacher: what lines can draw seaweed?

children's answer:(straight and wavy)

teacher: What color are the pebbles?

children's answer:(miscellaneous)

teacher:What shape?

children's answer: (round and oval)

teacher:now choose the crayon you like and we will try it draw a fish in the air. Well done! Now let's draw fish in our aquariums.

(children do work)

Final part:

Educator: So beautiful you got the fish! Well done!

Let's look at them.

Whose work did you like better? Why?

Publications on the topic:

Program content. Develop color perception. Exercise children in selecting different shades of the same color. Develop a sense of composition.

The children in my group always look forward to drawing, appliqué, sculpting, and design classes with a special attitude, because they know it’s always interesting. I.

And so, unnoticed by everyone, our academic year. The children and I held a final lesson on additional educational services.

My students and I completed a collective application. At the beginning of our work, the guys examined live fish in the psychologist’s office and were noted.

Summary of an integrated GCD using the finger drawing technique “Fish in an Aquarium” Topic: “Fish in the Aquarium” Purpose: Creating conditions for the development of artistic and creative activity of children through unconventional drawing.

Lesson summary “Fish swim in an aquarium” (second junior group)“Fish swim in an aquarium” (drawing) Program content: Educational objectives: Teach children how to draw fish in an aquarium. Learn.

Lesson notes on drawing for children with intellectual disabilities

second year training (with tarshaya group).

Subject: "Fish in the Aquarium"

Target: Teach children to draw with their fingers.

Tasks: Teach children to leave fingerprints inside the silhouette of a fishand do not go beyond the contour. Strengthen red and yellow colors. Development of fine and general motor skills. Cultivate interest in the world around you.

Equipment: Sheets of paper in the form of an aquarium, red and yellow color, cards of red and yellow color, guest of the lesson - a toy fish, a fish on a stick for playing gymnastics for the eyes, for playing a basin with buckwheat and fish toys, cardboard fish and clothespins, an aquarium with 3D fish.

Vocabulary work: fish, tail, fins, eyes, scales

Progress of the lesson:

Circle of Joy:

The sun is rising bright
He sends his rays to us

We will stretch our hands to the sun,
Hello, sunshine, we will say!

Guys, let's say hello to each other like birds with their noses,

Like fish side by side, like bunnies with tails.

Let's look into each other's eyes and smile.

Surprise moment:

Educator: Guys, we have an unusual guest in our group, and you will find out who it is as soon as you guess my riddle:


I'm swimming under the bridge

And I wag my tail.
I don't walk on the ground

I have a mouth, but I don’t speak
I have eyes - I don’t blink,

I have wings, but I don’t fly.

(balyk fish)

Are there any fish in our group? let's consider

them. Tell me, guys, where do the fish live? The fish live

aquarium. The fish want to play with us.

Game: "Catch the Fish"

Artistic word:

Fishes swim in the water

Fishes have fun playing

They will shrink and unclench

They'll bury themselves in the sandand among the stones.

Look, the fish are hiding from us, let's catch them.

( Children put their hands into a bowl of buckwheat and dig out small toys depicting fish.)

Problem situation:

Educator: Our fish felt sad. Why did your fish feel sad? She wants, so that all the fish become her friends. But to do this you need to get to know the fish even better.

Survey object What is a fish made of?

First, let's look at what the fish consists of.

The fish haveeyes , what are they for? To see everything.

Gymnastics for the eyes :

Guys, look, our fish swam up, and now down. Our fish swam to the left, and now to the right. (Children look with their eyes up, down, left, right)

The fish hasmouth . Articulation exercise: "The fish opens its mouth"- Show how the fish opens and closes its mouth. Take your time

The fish hastail . He serves as her steering wheel.

Fishtail game with clothespins

Look how beautiful the fish are. And we can make them even more beautiful. Decorate the fish's tail with colorful clothespins

Poem reading and dramatization

The fish was catching up with the fish,
The fish wagged its tail.
She poked her in the abdomen: - Caught up!
Hey girlfriend! How are you?

The fish also hasfins .Why does she need them?

To swim. Let's swim like fish using fins (show)

The body of the fish is covered with plates - thisscales .Why does the fish need it? (defend)

Now we'll swim a little:

Game: Fish

Fishes swim on the river

Brighter, purer than silver

The fish's scales shine,

Wags his tail back and forth

And there are no fish, And there is no trace

Where do fish live at home?

At home, fish live in an aquarium.

Our fish will live inaquarium .

Now let’s help the fish and draw him many, many friends in the aquarium.

Showing and viewing a sample.

Show phased implementation work :

Let's draw in an unusual way, with with the help of our fingers and paints. First, let's repeat the colors on the cards: show the red color, and now the yellow color.

Our fish will be bright and beautiful.

Now we will draw using our fingers. Choose any color andleavingeatfingerprints inside a fish silhouetteAnddon't go beyond the contour.

Finger gymnastics:

Once upon a time there was a burbot

Two ruffs were friends with him.

Three ducks flew to them

Four times a day

One two three four five.( Children get to work drawingwith background music)

-Creative work children.

Educator: Now, guys, get to work, and I will help you.

Result: Educator: -What are we guys doing today?

painted? R fish - Thank you guys,now I have many friends. Educator: - Guys, you did great, you helped the fishe make friends with all the fish. Look how merrily they swim in aquarium.

AND gra "Fish"

The fish swims in the water.
The fish have fun playing.
(Two palms together depict swimming movements)

Fish, fish, mischief,
We want to catch you.
(Palms alternately clenched into fists)

The fish arched its back
I took a bread crumb.
(Grasping movements with a pinch)

The fish wagged its tail
She quickly swam away.
(Wave hand)

Expected result: Know-what is fish made of?

Be able to- finger painting

Have - draw without going beyond the outline

Lesson summary for the middle group of kindergarten

Target: introducing children to creativity through the use of non-traditional pointillism drawing techniques
Tasks: arouse children's interest in the image of a fish, practice coloring different ways using the non-traditional technique of pointillism, to achieve expressiveness of the image through a contrasting combination of colors; cultivate a desire to help a lonely fish.
Methods: finger game, problematic issues, the use of riddles, unconventional drawing techniques.
Facilities: cotton buds, gouache, plasticine, felt-tip pens, PVA glue, brush, colored paper mugs, fish blanks, audio recording with music, tape recorder.
Preliminary work: conversations about fish, reading works, looking at illustrations, pictures depicting various fish, drawing with stencils.
Dictionary: fins, body, aquarium fish.
GCD move:
-Guys, listen to the riddle
There is a pond on the window,
The fish live in it.
On glass shores
There are no fishermen.
-What is this? Who guessed?
-Here he is. Look how big it is
/the teacher points to the easel where the aquarium drawn on whatman paper is mounted/
-How many fish are there in it? (one)
-Yes, guys, alone. Do you think it's fun or sad for her to swim alone? large aquarium? (sad)
-How can I help her? (draw fish friends)
-Let's look at the fish. What does she have? (torso, tail, fins, eyes)
-Are the listed parts of the fish the same color? (No)
-Tell me what color the body is? (yellow)
-What about the tail and fins? (red)
-What eye color? (black)
-But fish can be of other colors. Do you agree? (Yes)
-Look at how different the colors of the fish are.
/presentation "Pisces" using a laptop/
-Guys, I invite you to our creative workshop
/children pass and sit at tables/
-You have fish on your tables. What color are they? (white)

-What needs to be done to make the fish bright and beautiful? (color)
-Today we will try to color the fish in different ways. Look what we have on our tables for this?
felt-tip pens

gouache and cotton swabs


colored paper mugs and glue

-Let's remember how in an interesting way Can you color with markers? (draw rings or dots)
-Like gouache? (using cotton swabs using the “poke” method)
-How should you hold a cotton swab correctly? (so that its tip looks at the ceiling)
-Right. This is called vertical.
-How can you color using plasticine? (from big piece you need to pinch off a small piece, roll it into a ball, attach it and press)
-How can you color using colored circles? (using application)
-What are we going to apply with glue? (parts of the picture)
-Right. Gradually smearing parts of the drawing, we will apply colored circles.
-Well, now close your eyes and imagine what color your fish will be like
/children think for a minute about which colors to choose/
-Get to work. Sit up straight and do your work carefully
/independent activity of children, the teacher turns on music for creative inspiration/
-Our fish are ready. Guys, what can fish do? (swim)
-Do you want to play with them? (Yes)
/finger game "Fish" is held/
The fish swims in the water,
The fish have fun playing.
Fish, fish - mischievous,/they shake a finger/
We want to catch you./bring palms together/
The fish arched its back/hands folded like a boat, imitating that they are swimming/
I took a bread crumb./perform grasping movements/
The fish waved its tail
Once the fish swam away./ hands folded like a boat, imitating that they are floating /
-Guys, now let's put the fish in the aquarium
/children come to the easel and attach fish to the aquarium, double-sided tape helps with this/

-Tell me, how many fish are in the aquarium now? (a lot of)
-What kind of fish did you get? (bright and beautiful)
-Look how different they look. Show me where the fish are, painted with gouache and cotton swabs, and where with plasticine?
/children point with a pointer/
- Guys, do you think the fish is happy now? (Yes)
-What mood was she in? (joyful)
-Why? (she has friends, she’s not bored)
- Guys, you did such a good job today! Well done! Our creative workshop is closing.

Yakovenko Marina Anatolevna
Job title: teacher
Educational institution: MBDOU - kindergarten No. 57 "Squirrel"
Locality: Ulan-Ude city
Name of material: Methodological development
Subject: Summary of GCD for drawing in the middle group "Fish in the Aquarium"
Publication date: 24.09.2017
Chapter: preschool education

Notes on drawing "Fish in an Aquarium"

(middle group)







perception of the surrounding world. Foster love for nature, kindness,


Bring up










visual activities.

Nurture emotional and aesthetic

children's feelings.

Strengthen children's knowledge about aquarium fish.


Job: viewing illustrations and photographs

image of aquarium fish.

Equipment and materials: demonstration material - fish in

aquarium; handouts - blue tinted paper,

palettes, napkins, gouache paints, cotton swabs, oilcloths for tables,

foam sponges, stencils with fish, easel.

GCD move:

Children guess the riddle:

Look, the house is standing

Filled to the brim with water,

Without windows, but not gloomy,

Transparent on four sides.

Residents in this house

All are skilled swimmers.

Guys, let's play with our palms. Let's imagine that

Our palms are fish, and we ourselves are pebbles.

The music of Saint-Saëns “Aquarium” is playing.

Children perform movements with one hand (depicting a swimming fish),

then another; then with both hands together, depicting two fish.

Guys, I brought you my fish today. She's in my aquarium at home

lives. Look how beautiful she is!

What color is the fish?

What other colors are fish?

But my fish is just kind of sad and cheerless. How do you think,

Let's draw her some fish friends.

And we will draw in a special way. I'll show you now.

We apply the stencil to the blue paper. Press it tightly. Another

take a sponge with your hand, dip it in paint, and now we will apply it,

so that nothing blue remains and the fish turns out bright. Vatnaya

Use a stick to poke the scales, then turn the stick over and dip

in black paint, and draw an eye and mouth for the fish.

Then, dip your finger in green paint and draw algae. R

Draw a wavy line from top to bottom without lifting your finger, press

strong so that it is drawn well.

Wipe your finger with a napkin.

Children's work.

I place the finished drawings on the board.

Guys, look at the pictures. Which fish did you like?

Now let's play. Let's imagine that we are fish.

(The fingers of both hands are folded in a pinch. The hands move in a wave from the shoulder,

depicting diving fish)

The fish swam and dived

In clean, warm water.

They will shrink

(On last word fingers clenched very tightly)

They will unclench

(Fingers spread strongly to the sides)

They will bury themselves in the sand.

(Put your fingers together again and alternately make movements with your hands, like

like you're digging up sand)

Guys, look how fun my fish is! She has a lot today