Device a6 06 connection diagram. System of symbols and signalsAudi A6 C5. General information. User manual. The “Program” mode includes items


Control and reception device

security and firefighter "A6"

Manual. Part II

RUIV 170100.000 RE

Device programming

Revision 7.03

Part II (programming with VPU-A-06 and PR-1) edition 7.03 April 2011


2 Description of configuration parameters of the “A6” device

2.7 User keys

2.7.1 “Master” keys

2.7.2 “GZ” keys

2.7.3 “Engineer” keys

2.7.4 Master key

3 DESCRIPTION OF PROGRAMMING USING THE KEYBOARD VPU-A-06.................................. 18

3.1 General requirements

3.2 Description of the remote control panel VPU-A-06

3.2.1 Purpose of the remote control panel VPU-A-06

3.3 Connecting VPU-A-06 to the device and preparing for programming

3.4 Programming the configuration of the “A6” device using VPU-A-06

3.4.1 Menu of LCD keyboard VPU-A-06

3.4.2 Registration of device ID numbers in the memory of VPU-A-06

3.4.3 Programming mode of the “A6” device configuration using the VPU-A-06 LCD keyboard


4.1 Programming console PR-1

4.2 Assignment of PR-1 remote control keys

Control Panel A6 Operation Manual. Part II (programming with VPU-A-06 and PR-1) edition 7.03 April 2011


ASOS "Alesya" - automated security alarm system "Alesya".

ASPT – automatic system fire extinguishing

ATL – subscriber telephone line.

GTS – city telephone network.

Standby mode is the operating mode of the device after removing all received signals, in which the device as a whole and its additional devices are capable of receiving and transmitting “Alarm”, “Fire”, “Attention” and “Fault” notifications.

IO – security detector.

IP – fire detector.

IPD – fire smoke detector.

IPR – manual fire detector.

IPT – thermal fire detector.

ISS – integrated security system.

ISB “Network A” – integrated system security and fire alarm system and access control “Network A”.

The “GZ” key is a user key used to warn monitoring station operators about actions taken at the security site by service personnel (detention group), and also allows you to remove the “Alarm” and/or “Fire” state with the possibility of resetting loops (zones) to the state “Security” (subject to their normalization).

User key – a key confirming the user’s right to perform certain actions with the device; it is possible to use the following as a user key when working with the “A6” device: contact-reading keys DS1990A, DS1991-DS1996; Proximity contactless cards; digital PIN code.

“Engineer” key is a user key used to warn monitoring station operators about actions taken at the security site by service personnel (electrician).

“Master” key is a user key that gives the right to carry out operations of arming and disarming zones. Also, the “Master” key allows you to remove the “Alarm” state

round-the-clock loops and/or the “Fire” state of fire loops with the possibility of resetting the loops to the “Security” state, provided that these loops are assigned to the security zone for a given key and the detectors in the loop are normalized.

“MASTER” code is a user key that gives the right to carry out operations to change the device configuration (device programming).

Object communication line – a communication line used to connect devices into an integrated system.

User is a person who has the right to perform certain actions limited by the access level (“MASTER”, “Owner”, “GZ”, “Engineer”).

PPKOP is a security and fire alarm control panel.

BY - software.

Monitoring station – central monitoring console.

PC – personal electronic computer (personal computer).

RSPI is a radio channel notification transmission system.

SZU – light and sound device.

ACS – access control system.

SPI – notification transmission system.

SCN – centralized surveillance system.

Tamper – tamper sensor.

TSO is a technical warning device.

UD – access device.

ШС – alarm loop.

PIN code – personal identification number (digital code) can serve as a user key when performing operations with the device (provided the PIN code is programmed in memory of this device).

Control Panel A6 Operation Manual. Part II (programming with VPU-A-06 and PR-1) edition 7.03 April 2011 ATTENTION! Before starting to work with the device, determine its modification using the label and data sheet.

This operating manual, part II, is intended to study the programming methodology for the fire and security control panel “A6” TU RB 101162917.006-2000 (device “A6”) using the remote control panel VPU-A-06 (VPU-A-16) and programming console PR when implementing commissioning works on the object. This document contains the information necessary to ensure the most full use technical capabilities of the device and its correct operation.

Installation and maintenance of the device must be carried out by persons with the necessary qualifications and permission to work with electrical installations.

This operating manual applies to the following versions of the “A6” device:

Control Panel A6-02 – control of two alarm loops;

Control Panel A6-04 – control of four alarm loops;

Control Panel A6-06 – control of six alarm loops.

Programming of “A6” devices of different versions is identical, with the exception of the sections in which the parameters of loops and zones are programmed. These sections for devices of various designs differ only in the number of programmable loops and zones.

Due to permanent job To improve the device, increasing reliability and improving performance, minor changes may be made to the design of the device that are not reflected in this edition of the “Operation Manual” and do not worsen the parameters of the device.


“A6” devices for a given use case can be programmed in one of four ways to choose from:

using a PC using the IS-232 module, or the PROG-1 module and specialized software “AXX Programmer”;

using the PR-1 programming console and the corresponding programming tables;

using the VPU-A-06 LCD keyboard using the IS-485 module and the corresponding programming tables;

using the VPU-A-16 LCD keyboard using the IS-485, KSO-A module and the corresponding programming tables.

To program devices, it is necessary to edit a number of groups of parameters allocated to specific program pages. After editing, the changed configuration is written to the non-volatile memory of the device.

The A6 device contains the following program pages:

“GENERAL” (“PARAMETERS”): the general properties of the device are set, the automated security system and the type of radio channel are selected;

“LOOPS”: the parameters of each of the alarm loops are determined;

“ZONES”: the properties of arming/disarming zones and the correspondence of loops to zones are set;

“ACCESS”: the properties of access control systems are determined;

“ACTIVATORS”: operating parameters are selected external devices(buzzer, control system, relay);

“KEYS”: enter user keys (“OWNER”, “GZ”, “INSTALLER” and “MASTER”).

Programming device parameters using a PC is one of the most convenient and intuitive methods.

This programming option makes it possible to create an archive and store the software settings of each device in the form of files on a PC, which allows you to restore the full configuration of the device at any site at any time. Also, in addition to programming devices, specialized software makes it possible to monitor devices connected to the network and view all the events occurring in them.

It is recommended to use the PR-1 programming console and the VPU-A-06 LCD keyboard when programming the device or quickly making changes to its program settings directly on site.

In the case of programming using PR-1, parameter values ​​are entered in hexadecimal code into the corresponding memory cells of the remote control, according to the programming table, with subsequent transfer of the entire program from the PR-1 remote control to the non-volatile memory of the device. Also, the convenience of using the PR-1 programming console lies in the ability to store electronic service keys in the PR-1 non-volatile memory: “GZ” and “MONTER” (keys of the contact reading method DS1990A, DS1991-DS1996). And, if necessary, promptly transfer the codes of these keys into the device’s memory.

When programming with VPU-A-06, the program settings of the panel are first read into the keyboard memory and, after editing, in accordance with the programming tables, are written to the non-volatile memory of the device.

When combining “A6” devices into an ISB “Network A” based on KSO-A, programming the device configuration is possible using the VPU-A-16 LCD keyboard. When using this programming method, the program settings of the panel using VPU-A-16 are read into the KSO-A memory and, after programming the device configuration for a given use case, they are written to the non-volatile memory of the device by writing.

Control Panel A6 Operation Manual. Part II (programming with VPU-A-06 and PR-1) edition 7.03 April 2011 2 Description of the configuration parameters of the “A6” device

2.1 Program page “GENERAL”

In the “GENERAL” program page, general settings of the programmable device are specified, an automated alarm system is selected, and a communication channel is determined when using the device as part of notification transmission systems.

2.1.1 Programming the “General device settings” parameter:

“Restoring the device state after a power failure”;

“Prohibition of excluding common loops when taken”; “Restoring the device state after a power failure” – when this parameter is set, the device saves in non-volatile memory the current state of the security zones (state “Armed”, “Disarmed”) at the time of complete blackout (restart after programming, etc.). ) and restores the state of security zones (state “Armed”, “Disarmed”) after power is restored to the device.

EXAMPLE: If the device is de-energized, the zones of which were in the “Security” state, these zones will again go into the “Security” state when the device’s power is restored. “Prohibition of exclusion of common loops when arming” – when this parameter is set, loops that are common to several zones go into the “Armed” state the first time any of the zones that includes these common loops is armed.

EXAMPLE: 2 security zones are programmed, including common loops 03 and 04:

zone No. 1 includes security loops: 01, 02, 03, 04 and is controlled by the “Master” key No. 1;

zone No. 2 includes security loops: 03, 04, 05 and is controlled by the “Master” key No. 2;

When programming, the “Prohibition of exclusion of common loops when arming” mode was selected.

Upon presentation of the user key “Owner” No. 2, loops 03, 04, 05 will go into the “Secured” state, while loops 01, 02 included in zone No. 1 will remain in the disarmed state.

2.1.2 Programming the “Automated security system” parameter

“ASOS type” – this parameter determines the operating mode of the device as part of automated notification transmission systems, or in stand-alone mode.

When programming the “ASOS Type” parameter, the following modes are available for selection:

“Autonomous” (ASOS “Alesya”-fon); “Autonomous” (ASOS “Alesya”-fon) – this mode is set when using the device in an autonomous security mode when displaying notifications on control panels, sirens and/or other control panels; it is also possible to use the device as part of the ISB “Network A” " and monitoring station of the "Neva" type.

ISB “Network A” is built on the basis of a processor module KSO-A with the ability to combine up to 32 devices (devices “A6”, “A16-512” and up to 4 remote control panels of the VPU-A-16 series) and monitor on a PC with installed specialized software.

The monitoring station of the "Neva" type is automated system transmission of notifications and is intended for centralized protection of telephoned objects using existing telephone lines as information channels and switching them for the period of protection.

NOTE: In the “Autonomous” operating mode, the device’s loops are programmatically divided into independent arming/disarming zones. Each of the “Master” keys is assigned the right to operate with zones. Upon presentation of the “Owner” key, the device will automatically set or remove the corresponding zone. “Atlas” – this mode is set when using the device as part of the “Atlas” monitoring station.

The Atlas monitoring station is an automated notification transmission system and is designed to provide centralized protection of telephone-connected facilities using existing telephone lines as information transmission channels. In standby mode, the device issues a continuous signal with a frequency of 18 kHz to the subscriber telephone line (the device is connected to the ATL to the TEL terminals of the ISA-8 matching module via a relay), if the device registers the “Alarm”, “Fire” states, the signal is output to the subscriber line stops (the device relay breaks the connection circuit in the ATL).

NOTE: In the Atlas operating mode, the telephone line is connected through the relay contacts to the ISA-8 matching module board to the TELL terminals. The relay output must be assigned the “Output to Atlas” parameter. “Alesya” – this mode is set when using the device as part of the ASOS “Alesya”.

Selecting the “Alesya” mode involves programming a number of parameters:

“Line code” – this parameter is required to be entered when the device is operating as part of a directional switch of the KLT type, the value of the “Line code” parameter depends on the cross-connection of the PBX line, input range: 0...200.

If the line is not coded, the “Line Code” must be programmed: 0.

Control Panel A6 Operation Manual. Part II (programming with VPU-A-06 and PR-1) edition 7.03 April 2011 “Initial card address” - this parameter is programmed when two devices operate on one telephone line as part of ASOS “Alesya” (1 is the first device on the line ( one device on the line); 2 – second device on the line). Default “Starting card address”: 1.

“Number of cards” – this parameter determines the number of cards by which notifications will be transmitted to the monitoring station of ASOS “Alesya”. When working as part of the ASOS "Alesya", the device allows you to transmit to the monitoring station the status of some of the loops used in it.

EXAMPLE: 1 – transfer of the state of 8 loops; 2 – transfer of the state of 16 loops, etc., the maximum programmable “Number of cards” is 6, according to maximum number 48 loops).

NOTE: In the “Alesya” operating mode, all loops of the device are programmatically divided into independent arming/disarming zones. Each of the “Owner” keys is assigned the right to operate with zones (arming, disarming). Setting the zone to the “Armed” state after presenting the “Owner” key will be carried out only after receiving confirmation of the arming operation from the monitoring station of ASOS “Alesya” (in anticipation of confirmation of the arming operation, the reader’s LED will pulsate).

2.1.3 Programming the “Communication” parameter

“Communication channel No. 1”, “Communication channel parameters No. 1” – operating mode of the device as part of notification transmission systems, where the connection of additional transmission devices to the device is carried out to communication channel No. 1 (slot XP1 of the device board of version A6-02, slot XP4 of the board device version A6-04, A6-06).

When programming the properties of communication channel No. 1 to select the “Communication channel type” parameter, the following operating modes are available:


"LIGHTHOUSE"("STARS"); “Absent” – this mode is set when using the device in autonomous security mode when displaying notifications on control panels, sirens and/or other control panels, i.e. communication channel is disabled. “MAYAK” (“STARS”) – this mode is set when using the device as part of the RSPI “Mayak” (“STARS”), “RRT Laboratorija” where information is transmitted to the monitoring station using a radio channel. Selecting the “BEACON” (“STARS”) mode involves programming the parameter:

“Number of controlled zones”;

“Autotest (x 4.25 min)” – not used. “CORTEX” – this mode is set when using the device as part of the RSPI “IRBIS” (CORTEX). Selecting CORTEX mode

“Number of controlled zones”;

“Autotest (x 4.25 min)”;

"Device number". “PIMA” – this mode is set when using the device as part of the Andromeda RSPI. Selecting the “PIMA” mode involves programming a number of parameters:

“Number of controlled zones”;

“Autotest (x 4.25 min)”;

“Device number” – restriction on parameter entry to 8191;

“Station number” – restriction on parameter entry from 1792 to 2047;

“Number of frames in a package” – limit on parameter selection: 5; 7; 10; 15;

“Number of parcels for one notification” – limit on parameter selection: 3; 5; 7; 9;

“Use an extended set of notifications.” “Contact ID” – this mode is set when using the device as part of an SPI that supports a standard data transfer protocol Ademco Contact ID. Selecting the Contact ID mode

involves programming a number of parameters:

“Number of controlled zones”;

“Autotest (x 4.25 min)”;

“Device number”;

"Phone No. 1";

"Phone number 2."

Control Panel A6 Operation Manual. Part II (programming with VPU-A-06 and PR-1) edition 7.03 April 2011 “4+2” – this mode is set when using the device as part of an SPI that supports the standard 4+2 data transfer protocol.

Selecting the “4+2” mode involves programming a number of parameters:

“Number of controlled zones”;

“Autotest (x 4.25 min)”;

“Device number”;

"Phone No. 1";

"Phone number 2." “LARS” – this mode is set when using the device as part of the RSPI “LARS”.

Selecting the “LARS” mode involves programming a number of parameters:

“Number of controlled zones”;

“Autotest (x 4.25 min).” “IP/GSM” – this mode is set when using the device as part of an information transmission system that supports data transmission using GSM/GPRS channels. Selecting the “IP/GSM” mode

involves programming a number of parameters:

“Number of controlled zones”;

“Autotest (x 4.25 min).”

2.1.4 When determining the type of communication channel, a number of parameters characteristic of the selected communication channel become available for editing. “Number of monitored zones” – this parameter determines the number of zones (starting from the first) through which information will be transmitted to the monitoring station. Entering this parameter is mandatory for the selected type of communication channel. “Autotest (x 4.25 min)”, this parameter defines the periodic test interval with which the device will automatically issue a test message to the monitoring station SPI, table. This parameter is entered if it is necessary to organize monitoring of the device’s performance at the facility.

NOTE: The interval of test bursts is set in dimensionless units at the rate of 1=4.25 min. (4 min. 15 s.), table 1.

Table 1 – Interval of test messages Programmable Time Programmable Time autotest value autotest value 1 4min.15s. 8 34min.

2 8min.30s. 9 38min.15s.

3 12min.45s. 10 42 min. 30 s.

4 17min. 11 46min.45s.

5 21min.15s. 12 51 min.

6 25min.30s. 13 55 min. 15 s.

7 29min.45s. etc. if necessary “Device number” – this parameter determines the unique number of the device when working as part of the SPI. Entering this parameter is mandatory for the selected type of communication channel. “Station number” – this parameter determines the unique number of the monitoring station (monitoring station number) when the programmable device is operating as part of the Andromeda PIMA (“PIMA”). “Number of frames in a parcel” – this parameter determines the number of frames in one parcel when transmitting a notification to the Andromeda RSPI monitoring station. Entering this parameter is mandatory for the selected work link type (“PIMA”). “Number of parcels for one notification” – this parameter determines the number of parcels for transmitting one notification to the monitoring station. Entering this parameter is mandatory for the selected work link type (“PIMA”). “Use an extended set of notifications” – this parameter determines the operating mode of the device (A6, A16-512), provided that the zones in the device are programmed, notifications for the zones of the device go through different cards on the Andromeda SPI monitoring station, but if this is not specified mode, in this case notifications are sent only via the basic card (“PIMA”). “Phone No. 1”, “Phone No. 2” – this parameter determines the number of the first phone and the second phone to dial, respectively (“Contact ID”, “4+2”).

2.2 “LOOP” program page

In the “LOOP” program page, the properties of the alarm loops of the programmable device are specified.

2.2.1 When programming loop parameters, the following “Loop Types” are available for selection:


Control Panel A6 Operation Manual. Part II (programming with VPU-A-06 and PR-1) edition 7.03 April 2011 “Round the clock”;


"Firefighter for 4 states";

“The fireman is closed”;

"Fireman open";

"Fire smoke 2-wire";

"Fire extinguishing control." “Security” – this type The loop is a security loop and is designed to monitor the status of security detectors.

It is allowed to include security devices with normally closed contacts and/or normally open contacts (detector relays, device relays, etc.) in the security loop.

ATTENTION! When programming, a security loop (a group of security loops) is necessarily allocated to an independent zone in accordance with the required configuration of the device; the zone is assigned “Master” keys, which will be used to perform operations on the security zone (arming and disarming).

Any impact on the loop (break, short circuit, detector activation) in the “Security” state

is perceived by the device as “Alarm”. Resetting the “Alarm” state of a security loop and resetting it to the “Security” state is carried out with the “GZ” key, provided that the devices in this loop are normalized, or with the “Master” key.

NOTE: If it is necessary to separate two alarm notifications “Open alarm” and “Sensor alarm” in the security loop, the normally closed contacts in one case are switched on without a shunt resistor, and in the second case they must be shunted with a load resistor rated 1.5 kOhm, the connection diagram is given in "Operation manual. Part I" on the A6 device.

Selecting the “Security” loop type implies the possibility of programming a number of parameters:

“Loop reaction time”;

"Entry delay";

"Exit delay";

“Link to Previous”;

“Linking with the subsequent.” “24-hour” – this type of loop is security and is intended for round-the-clock monitoring of the status of devices connected to the loop.

It is allowed to include security devices with normally closed contacts and/or normally open contacts (tamper detectors, device relays, etc.) in a 24-hour loop.

Arming a 24-hour loop is carried out automatically after turning on the power of the device; disarming a 24-hour loop is impossible.

Any impact on the 24-hour loop (break, short circuit, alarm activation) is perceived by the device as an “Alarm”. Resetting the “Alarm” state of a 24-hour loop and resetting it to the “Security” state is carried out with the “GZ” key if the detectors in this loop are normalized, or with the “Master” key if the loop is assigned to a zone and the detectors in the loop are normalized.

NOTE: If it is necessary to separate two alarm notifications “Open alarm” and “Sensor alarm” in a 24-hour loop, the normally closed contacts in one case are switched on without a shunt resistor, and in the second case they must be shunted with a load resistor rated 1.5 kOhm, the connection diagram is given in "Operation manual. Part I" on the A6 device.

Selecting the “24-hour” loop type implies the ability to program a number of parameters:

“Loop reaction time”;

“Link to Previous”;

“Linking with the subsequent.” “Alarming” – this type of loop is alarming and is intended to monitor the status of alarm detectors.

It is allowed to include alarm detectors with normally closed contacts and normally open contacts (alarm buttons, manual call points and so on.).

ATTENTION! During programming, an alarm loop is necessarily allocated to a separate independent zone in accordance with the required configuration of the device; the zone is assigned “Master” keys, which will be used to perform operations on the alarm zone (arming and disarming).

Any impact on the alarm loop (break, short circuit) is perceived by the device as a “Silent alarm”; when using the device as part of an alarm system, the notification “Emergency call: Panic button” is generated.

Resetting the “Silent alarm” state of the alarm loop and resetting it to the “Security” state

is carried out with the “GZ” key or the “Master” key, provided that the detectors in this loop are normalized.

Selecting the “Alarm” loop type implies the possibility of programming a number of parameters:

“Loop reaction time”;

Control Panel A6 Operation Manual. Part II (programming with VPU-A-06 and PR-1) edition 7.03 April 2011 “Linking with the previous”;

“Linking with the subsequent.” “Fireman for 4 states” - this type of loop is a fire alarm and is intended for round-the-clock monitoring of the status of fire detectors.

It is allowed to include fire detectors only with normally closed contacts (thermal, manual, smoke detectors, etc.) in the “Fireman for 4 states” loop.

NOTE: The normally closed contacts of a fire detector included in the “4-state fire” loop must be bypassed with a load resistor rated 1.5 kOhm.

Arming of the 4-state Fireman loop is carried out automatically after turning on the power of the device; disarming the 4-state Fireman loop is impossible.

For the “Fireman 4 states” loop type, the device distinguishes the following 4 states: “Normal”, “Fire”, “Open”, “Short circuit”.

In the event of a break or short circuit in the “Fireman 4 state” loop, the device generates a “Fault” notification; a “Fire” notification is generated only if the detector is triggered.

Resetting the “Fault” state of the loop and resetting it to the “Security” state occurs automatically, provided that the loop is normalized. Resetting the “Fire” state of a loop and resetting it to the “Security” state is carried out with the “GZ” key if the detectors in this loop are normalized, or with the “Master” key if the loop is assigned to a zone and the detectors in the loop are normalized.

If necessary, for the “Fireman 4 states” loop type, you can organize a distinction between 5 states: “Normal”, “Attention” (one detector is triggered), “Fire”, “Open”, “Short circuit”. This is achieved by programming the “Verification Time” parameter.

Selecting the “Fireman 4-state” loop type implies the ability to program a number of parameters:

“Loop reaction time”;

“Verification time”;

“ADC level correction”;

“Link to Previous”;

“Linking with the subsequent.” “Fire closed (open circuit)” – this type of loop is a fire loop and is intended for round-the-clock monitoring of the status of fire detectors.

It is allowed to include fire detectors only with normally closed contacts (thermal, manual, smoke detectors, etc.) in the “Fire closed” loop.

Arming of the “Fire Closed” loop is carried out automatically after turning on the power of the device; disarming the “Fire Closed” loop is impossible.

For the “Fire closed” loop type, the device distinguishes the following 3 states: “Normal”, “Fire”, “Short circuit”.

If the loop is short-circuited, the device generates a “Fault” notification; a “Fire” notification is generated in cases where the detector is triggered and/or the loop breaks. Resetting the “Fault” state of the “Fire closed” loop and resetting it to the “Security” state occurs automatically, provided that the loop is normalized. Resetting the “Fire” state of a loop and resetting it to the “Security” state is carried out with the “GZ” key if the detectors in this loop are normalized, or with the “Master” key if the loop is assigned to a zone and the detectors in the loop are normalized.

If necessary, for the “Fire closed” loop type, you can differentiate between 4 states: “Normal”, “Attention” (one detector is triggered), “Fire”, “Short circuit”. This is achieved by programming the “Verification Time” parameter.

Resetting the “Attention” state in the loop and resetting it to the “Security” state occurs automatically after the programmed verification time has expired.

Selecting the “Fire open” loop type, if necessary, involves programming a number of parameters:

“Loop reaction time”;

“Verification time”;

“ADC level correction”;

“Link to Previous”;

“Linking with the subsequent.” “Fire open (short circuit triggered)” – this type of loop is a fire loop and is intended for round-the-clock monitoring of the status of fire detectors.

It is allowed to include fire detectors only with normally open contacts (thermal, manual, etc.) in the “Open Fire” loop.

Arming of the “Fire open” loop is carried out automatically after turning on the power of the device; disarming the “Fire open” loop is impossible.

Control Panel A6 Operation Manual. Part II (programming with VPU-A-06 and PR-1) edition 7.03 April 2011 For the “Fire open” loop type, the device distinguishes the following 3 states: “Normal”, “Fire”, “Open”.

If the cable breaks, the device generates a “Fault” notification or a “Fire” notification.

is generated in cases where the detector is triggered and/or the loop is short-circuited. Resetting the “Fault” state of the “Fire open” loop and resetting it to the “Security” state occurs automatically, provided that the loop is normalized. Resetting the “Fire” state of a loop and resetting it to the “Security” state is carried out with the “GZ” key if the detectors in this loop are normalized, or with the “Master” key if the loop is assigned to a zone and the detectors in the loop are normalized.

If necessary, for the “Fire open” loop type, you can differentiate between 4 states: “Normal”, “Attention” (one detector is triggered), “Fire”, “Break”. This is achieved by programming the “Verification Time” parameter.

Resetting the “Attention” state of the loop and resetting it to the “Security” state occurs automatically after the programmed verification time has expired.

Selecting the “Fire open” loop type involves programming a number of parameters:

“Loop reaction time”;

“Verification time”;

“ADC level correction”;

“Link to Previous”;

“Linking with the subsequent.” “Fire smoke 2-wire” - this type of loop is a fire loop and is intended for round-the-clock monitoring of the status of fire detectors.

It is allowed to include fire detectors in the “Fire Smoke” loop (two-wire current-consuming smoke detectors, heat detectors with normally open contacts, manual call points with normally open contacts, etc.).

NOTE: The “Fire Smoke” loop must be connected to the control board through the contacts of the relay programmed as “Reset Relay”.

Arming of the “Fire Smoke” loop is carried out automatically after turning on the power of the device; disarming the “Fire Smoke” loop is impossible.

For the “Fire smoke 2-wire” loop type, the device distinguishes the following 4 states:

“Normal”, “Fire”, “Break”, “Short circuit”.

If the loop is broken or short-circuited, the device generates a “Fault” notification; a “Fire” notification is generated only if the detector is triggered. Resetting the “Fault” state of the loop and resetting it to the “Security” state occurs automatically, provided that the loop is normalized. Resetting the “Fire” state of the loop and resetting it to the “Security” state

is carried out with the “GZ” key if the detectors in this loop are normalized, or with the “Master” key if the loop is assigned to a zone and the detectors in the loop are normalized.

ATTENTION! Normalization of detectors (transition to standby mode) in the “Fire smoke” loop

carried out using a reset relay (maximum waiting time for detectors to normalize is no more than 4 minutes 15 s - non-programmable loop reset period).

If necessary, for the “Fire smoke 2-wire” loop type, you can organize a distinction between 5 states: “Normal”, “Attention” (one detector is triggered), “Fire”, “Open”, “Short circuit”. This is achieved by programming the “Verification Time” parameter.

Resetting the “Attention” state in the loop and resetting it to the “Security” state occurs automatically after the programmed verification time has expired.

Selecting the “Fire Smoke” plume type involves programming a number of parameters:

“Loop reaction time”;

“Verification time”;

“ADC level correction”;

“Link to Previous”;

“Linking with the subsequent.” “Fire extinguishing control” - this type of loop is technological and is intended for round-the-clock condition monitoring technical means notifications in accordance with the classification of warning systems SO-1 and SO-2.

It is allowed to include the following TSOs in the “Fire extinguishing control” loop: light, light-sound, light-speech devices, etc.

NOTE: The “Fire extinguishing control” loop must be connected to the control board via relay contacts (the relay is programmed according to the level of the “Alarm” event in accordance with the required configuration).

The state of the “Fire Extinguishing Control” loop is monitored automatically after turning on the power of the device; disarming the “Fire Extinguishing Control” loop is impossible.

For the “Fire extinguishing control” loop type, the device distinguishes the following 3 states: “Normal”, “Open”, “Short circuit”.

Control Panel A6 Operation Manual. Part II (programming with VPU-A-06 and PR-1) edition 7.03 April 2011 If the loop is broken or short-circuited, the device generates a “Fault” notification. Resetting the “Fault” state of the loop and resetting it to the “Security” state occurs automatically, provided that the loop is normalized.

Selecting the “Fire extinguishing control” loop type involves programming a number of parameters:

“Loop reaction time”;

“Executive relay number”;

“Link to Previous”;

“Linking with the subsequent.”

2.2.2 When selecting a specific “Loop Type”, a number of parameters specific to the selected loop type become available: “Loop response time (s)” this parameter determines the time period during which an impact (break, short circuit, load) must remain in the loop for the device to detect it.

The longer the response time, the more immune the loop is to interference.

The parameter “Loop response time (s)” is selected from the proposed range of values: “Entry delay (s)”, this parameter determines the time period after which the loop will be disarmed, the countdown begins after the “Master” key is presented

(set in seconds).

The “Entry delay (s)” parameter is set in cases where the electronic key reader is located inside a protected area. “Exit delay (s)”, this parameter defines the time period after which the loop will go into the “Security” state, the time countdown begins after the “Master” key is presented

(set in seconds).

NOTE: When arming, the loop with the “Exit Delay” parameter must be normalized. “Linking with the previous”, “Linking with the next” these parameters determine the dependence of the activation of actuators on the state of the associated loops.

Loops with established binding parameters are recommended for use in systems with fire automatics. The device allows you to organize the launch of output devices in the event of an alarm in two adjacent connected loops. If at least one of the group of connected loops is not in the “Alarm” state, the “Activator” will not launch external devices. The indication of the “Alarm” state in the loop does not differ from the indication of conventional loops.

ATTENTION! The condition for organizing linked loops is the mandatory programming of the “Activator” with the alarm level “Linking Alarm”.

EXAMPLE: Setting the “Link to previous” parameter for loop No. 5 means that loop No. 5 is connected to loop No. 4. Setting the “Link with subsequent” parameter for loop No. 4 means that loop No. 4 is connected to loop No. 5. “Verification time (s)”, this parameter defines the time period during which the device waits for confirmation of the “Fire” condition in a given loop (re-activation of the detector in the loop).

When a fire detector in a loop is triggered, the device, using the “Reset Relay,” performs a 4-second power reset in this loop, thereby normalizing the triggered detector to standby mode. After the detector is normalized, the programmed verification time begins to count down; if before the verification time expires, any detector in this loop is triggered again, the device will register the “Fire” condition.

ATTENTION! When programming the “Verification Time” parameter, a prerequisite is the programming of the “Reset Relay” parameter for the relay and the corresponding connection of the loop through the relay contacts. “ADC level correction” – changing this parameter allows you to adjust the threshold for issuing the “Fire” signal when using some types of two-wire smoke detectors.

The need to adjust this parameter may arise at the stage of commissioning works when the device incorrectly generates the “Attention” and “Fire” signals. In this situation, it is necessary to programmatically change the ADC level.

The ADC levels corresponding to the loop states are shown in Table 8.

The entered number is selected experimentally from the range from 1 to 255. If it is necessary to increase the “Fire” notification threshold, enter a number from 1 to 127 (as a rule, the number is selected from the range 10, 20, 30, etc.), and when decreasing the notification threshold "Fire" number from 128 to 255 (selected from the range 250, 240, etc.).

Control Panel A6 Operation Manual. Part II (programming with VPU-A-06 and PR-1) edition 7.03 April 2011

EXAMPLE: The following parameters are programmed:

“Smoke two-wire” loop;

loop verification time 255;

reset relay.

When the first detector is triggered, the power supply of the loop must be reset using the reset relay and the device must register the “Attention” state for this loop (i.e., the ADC level when one detector is triggered must be in the range from 60 to 119).

The device will register the “Fire” state for this loop when two detectors in the loop are triggered during the verification time (i.e., the ADC level when two detectors are triggered should be in the range from 83 to 236).

If, when one detector is triggered, the device immediately registers the “Fire” condition, then it is necessary to reduce the “Fire” notification threshold by experimentally selecting a value from 128 to 255 (220 is recommended).

Table 2 – ADC levels of loop states Loop condition ADC level Break 001 – 024 Normal 025 – 059 Attention (activation of 1 detector) 060 – 119 Fire (activation of 2 detectors) 083 – 236 Short circuit 237 – 255 When carrying out commissioning work on facility for the “A6” device, the ADC level of each loop can be monitored using specialized software, which is provided upon contact service center companies. “Executive relay number” – this parameter determines the number of the executive relay for the “Fire extinguishing control” loop type with enabled TCO. Through a programmed executive relay, power is supplied to the TCO when an alarm condition is registered.

The entered number of the executive relay is selected from the range from 1 to 25 in accordance with the connection of the “Fire extinguishing control” loop.

2.3 Program page “ZONE”

In the “ZONE” program page, alarm loops are combined into independent security zones.

When programming security zones

“Plumes entering the zone”;

“Withdrawal confirmation delay”;

“Indication on access device No. 2.”

2.3.1 “Loops included in the zone”, loops are selected for a given security zone. Combining loops into a security zone makes it possible by presenting the corresponding “Owner” key

carry out the following operations:

arming a zone;

disarming the zone;

reinstallation of fire lines entering the security zone from the “Fire” state to the “Security” state;

reinstallation of 24-hour loops entering the security zone from the “Alarm” state to the “Security” state.

ATTENTION! Combining alarm loops into zones is mandatory for the “Security” and “Alarm” loop types, and recommended for the “24-hour”, “4-state Fire”, “Closed Fire”, “Open Fire”, “2-State Fire Fire” loops. wired" and "Fire extinguishing control".

There are several options for assigning loops to zones:

one alarm loop belongs to one zone;

an arbitrary number of alarm loops belong to one zone;

An alarm loop can be assigned to several zones simultaneously (the loop is common to security zones).

If the loop is common to security zones, then arming and disarming the common loop will be carried out depending on the state of these security zones:

a common loop will not be armed if any one of the zones to which it is assigned is not armed;

the common loop will be armed only when the last of the zones to which it is assigned is armed;

a common loop will be disarmed only when any of the zones to which it is assigned is disarmed.

Control Panel A6 Operation Manual. Part II (programming with VPU-A-06 and PR-1) edition 7.03 April 2011 2.3.2 “Disarm confirmation delay (s)” – the parameter is assigned to zones if it is necessary to control the authorized disarming of these zones with the “Master” keys. This parameter, in most cases, is programmed when using the device as part of a monitoring station.

Programming the “Disarm confirmation delay” time for a certain zone obliges the user who has presented the “Master” key to confirm disarming by pressing the “Disarm confirmation button” within the programmed time, otherwise the alarm signal “Emergency call” will be sent to the monitoring station. Removal under duress.”

ATTENTION! The “Removal confirmation button” contacts must be normally closed and shunted with a resistance of 1.5 kOhm. When installed, the “Removal confirmation button” is located in a hidden place in the room; the location of the button should be known only to the owner.

2.3.3 “Indication on access device No. 2” – the parameter is assigned if it is necessary to indicate the status of zones on the LED of the reader connected to the reading channel TP2. (for device A6 version A6-04, A6-06)

2.4 “ACCESS CONTROL” program page

In the “ACCESS CONTROL” program page, the parameters of the “Access Subsystems” of the device are set, for the A6 device of versions A6-04, A6-06.

The maximum number of “Access Subsystems” created in the “A6” device:

execution A6-02 – 1;

versions A6-04, A6-06 – 2.

When creating editing access subsystems, the following options are available:

“Zones included in the access subsystem”;

“Cables with installed ACS button”;

“Arming delay (s)”;

"Exit button";

“Passage using any key if the zone is not armed.”

2.4.1 “Zones included in the access subsystem” – indicate the zones related to this access subsystem. Programming this parameter is mandatory if it is necessary to organize control of a security zone (arming and disarming).

2.4.2 “Loop with installed ACS button” – indicates the device loop, which includes the “Exit button” (if available) and the “Arming button”.

2.4.3 “Arming delay (s)” – this parameter determines the period of time during which it is necessary to present the “Owner” user key to arm the zone. The “Arming Delay” time countdown begins after pressing the “Arming Button”.

ATTENTION! The “arming button” must have normally closed contacts, shunted with a 3 kOhm resistor, the end-of-line resistor of the button loop is 1.5 kOhm.

2.4.4 “Exit button” – this parameter indicates that the “Access Subsystem” of the device contains a button, pressing which opens the door lock for exit. The “exit button” is installed indoors and is included in the loop specified in the “Loop with installed ACS button” parameter.

ATTENTION! The “exit button” must have normally closed contacts, shunted with a 1.5 kOhm resistor, the terminal resistor of the button loop is 1.5 kOhm.

2.4.5 “Passage using any key if the zone is not armed” – this parameter indicates that any presented electronic key will cause the lock to open, regardless of whether this key is registered in the device’s memory or not.

2.5 Program page “ACTIVATORS”

In the “Activators” program page, programs (scenarios) for the operation of actuators (buzzer, TCO outputs, relay outputs) are created in accordance with the logic of operation at the facility.

The maximum number of independent “Activator” programs with different operating logic is 8.

When creating an Activator program, the following general parameters are available for editing:

“Event level” (“Alarm level”);

"Type of reaction";

“Response delay”;

“Trigger duration”;

“Monitor security mode”;

"Activation sources";

“Disable activator”;


"Access subsystems".

2.5.1 The “Event level” parameter indicates the event level at which the “Activator” should launch the actuators. “Alarm” – the activation of actuators by the “Activator” will be carried out when the device registers alarm events, subject to their programming for this “Activator”.

The following events can be assigned to the Alarm event level:

"Alarm" in the loop;

Control Panel A6 Operation Manual. Part II (programming with VPU-A-06 and PR-1) edition 7.03 April 2011 “Fire” in the loop;

“Device tamper”;

"Key selection";

"Compulsion". “Linking alarm” – the activation of actuators by the “Activator” will be carried out when the device registers alarm events simultaneously in two connected loops, provided they are programmed for this “Activator”. “Fault” – the activation of actuators by the “Activator” will be carried out when the device registers faults, provided they are programmed for this “Activator”.

The following events can be assigned to the “Fault” event level:

“Fault” in the loop;

"Alarm" in the loop;

“Fire” in the train;

“Device tamper”;

“Lack of 220 V network”;

“No battery”;

“Communication channel failure”;

"Siren malfunction." “Warning” – the activation of actuators by the “Activator” will be carried out when an event is registered that is being checked for the fact that the event has been assigned the “Alarm” state, subject to programming for this “Activator”.

The following events can be assigned to the Warning event level:

“Attention” for fire plume;

countdown of the “Entry delay” time for the security loop;

countdown of the “Exit delay” time for the security loop. “Multiple alarm” – the activation of actuators by the “Activator” will be carried out every time the device registers an alarm condition, regardless of the fact that this alarm condition has already been registered, subject to programming for this “Activator”.

The following events can be assigned to the “Multiple alarm” event level:

"Alarm" in the loop;

“Fire” in the train;

"Device tamper." “Malfunction at the monitoring station” – the activation of actuators by the “Activator” will be carried out when the device registers faults, provided they are programmed for this “Activator”.

The following events can be assigned to the “Failure at monitoring station” event level:

“Fault” in the loop;

“Device tamper”;

“Lack of 220 V network”;

“No battery”;

“Communication channel failure”;

"Siren malfunction."

2.5.2 The “Reaction type” parameter determines the reaction of actuators when events are recorded by the device. “Continuous” - “Activator” with this type of reaction, after starting, will work in continuous mode for the programmed time. “Pulsating” – an “Activator” with this type of reaction, after starting, will work in pulsating mode: turn on for 1 second with a period of 2 seconds during the programmed time.

EXAMPLE: The “Pulsating” reaction type can be used to output an audio signal to the buzzer and/or TCO outputs when using the device in fire alarm systems. “Fault” – “Activator” with this type of reaction, after starting, will work according to the following algorithm: issue a series of short pulses for 10 seconds with a period of 4 minutes during the programmed time.

EXAMPLE: The “Fault” reaction type can be used to output a sound signal to the buzzer about system faults “Lack of battery”, “Lack of 220 V”, etc.

ATTENTION! When selecting the “Fault” reaction type, the “Response duration” parameter

must be programmed in minutes, at least 5 minutes. “Warning” – “Activator” with this type of reaction after starting will work according to the following algorithm: turn on for 1 second with a period of 4 seconds during the programmed time.

EXAMPLE: The “Warning” reaction type can be used to output an audible signal to the buzzer about faulty loops, etc.

Control Panel A6 Operation Manual. Part II (programming with VPU-A-06 and PR-1) edition 7.03 April 2011 2.5.3 “Operation delay” – this parameter determines the time period after which the “Activator” will launch the actuators (set in seconds from 0 to 255).

EXAMPLE: The “Trigger delay” parameter can be used to provide the necessary delay when triggering fire automatic devices, etc.

2.5.4 “Trigger duration” – this parameter determines the time period of the “Activator” operation (set from 0 to 255).

By default, the time period is specified in seconds; if necessary, the “Trigger duration” parameter can be set in minutes, for which you need to specify the “Trigger duration is set in minutes” property.

ATTENTION! When setting the value of the “Trigger duration” parameter to 0, “Activator”

will work for an unlimited time or until reset, provided that the “Activator Disable” parameters are programmed (reset with the GZ key or reset with a button).

2.5.5 “Track security mode” – this parameter is used to launch the “Activator” when arming the activating loops and disabling the “Activator” when disarming the activating loops.

ATTENTION! When programming the “Track security mode” parameter for this “Activator”

The loops that need to be monitored must be programmed.

2.5.6 “Activation sources” defines the parameters by which the “Activator” should turn on the actuators. “Dress” – when this parameter is selected, the “Activator” turns on the actuators if the device registers the disarming of zones under duress (the “Disarm Confirmation Button” is not pressed during the programmed “Disarm Confirmation Delay” time). “Communication channel failure” – when this parameter is selected, the “Activator” turns on the actuators if the device registers a loss of communication with additional modules and devices:

remote control panel VPU-A-16;

display module VPU-A-16S;

expansion module AR-16;

AMC-8 access device module;

lack of communication with ASOS "Alesya";

IS-RF matching module (loss of connection with radio transmitter);

IS-monitoring station coordination module (loss of connection with the transmitter-communicator);

IS-AD matching module (loss of connection with the transmitter-communicator);

IS-GSM coordination module (loss of connection with GSM adapter, GSM/GPRS communication channel). “Sirens malfunction” – when this parameter is selected, the “Activator” turns on the actuators if the device registers a malfunction in the communication line of the BELL warning equipment.

ATTENTION! TCO communication lines (BELL1 and BELL2) are monitored for breakage and short circuit using a 1.5 kOhm termination resistor. “Device tamper” – when this parameter is selected, the “Activator” turns on the actuators if the device registers the opening of the case and/or the violation of the tamper loop, as well as when registering the opening of the case and/or the violation of the tamper loops additional modules(VPU-A-16, VPU-A-16S, AR-16, AMS-8).

ATTENTION! The tamper loops of the device and additional modules are monitored for open circuits and short circuits using a 1.5 kOhm end-of-line resistor. “Key selection” – when selecting this parameter, the “Activator” turns on the actuators if the device registers the presentation of a key that is not registered in the device’s memory 5 times in a row. “Lack of 220V network” – when this parameter is selected, “Activator” turns on actuators if the device registers a lack of mains power (220V). “Battery discharge” – when this parameter is selected, “Activator” turns on the actuators if the device registers a discharge of the backup power source (battery).

2.5.7 “Disable the activator” defines the parameters under the influence of which the “Activator” disables the actuators. “Reset by key” – when selecting this parameter, the “Activator” will turn off the effects on the actuators when the “GZ” key is presented (resetting the sound of the TCO and/or buzzer, etc.). “Reset button” - when selecting this parameter, the “Activator” will turn off the effects on the actuators when you press the “Reset button” connected to the control board at the KEY and “common” terminals (resetting the TCO sound and/or buzzer, canceling the operation fire automatic systems, etc.).

ATTENTION! The button to perform the “Reset button” function must have normally closed contacts, shunted with a 3 kOhm resistor, the end-of-line resistor of the button loop is 1.5 kOhm. “Without reset” – when this parameter is selected, the “Activator” will work for the programmed time “Activation duration”, regardless of external influences on the device (“Reset by key”, “Reset by button”).

Control Panel A6 Operation Manual. Part II (programming with VPU-A-06 and PR-1) edition 7.03 April 2011 ATTENTION! The “No reset” parameter must be programmed when using the “Activator”

responsible for managing the “Access Subsystems”.

2.5.8 “Loops” – activating loops are introduced, by changing the state of which the “Activator”

launch is in progress.

2.5.9 “Access subsystems” – enter a mask of activating access subsystems, when used, the “Activator” is launched.

2.6 Program page “Actuators”

In order for the device to perform warning functions, turn on/off fire extinguishing systems, etc., the design provides for the possibility of using the following actuators:

2.6.1 "Buzzer". The buzzer actuator on the control boards of the “A6” device is intended to audibly alert personnel about an event that has occurred.

The following parameters are available for editing:

"Influencing activators"; “Influencing activators” – activators are assigned, when launched, the “Buzzer” actuator should turn on. “Indication of the last second of exit” – this parameter is assigned to the “Buzzer” if it is necessary to notify personnel about the last second of exit, in cases where the “Exit Delay” parameter is programmed for security loops. The “buzzer” turns on at the end of the “Exit delay” time for 1 second; “Output to the keyboard service LED” – this parameter is assigned to the “Buzzer”

if necessary, duplicating the alert signal with the service LED of the device (programmable LED).

2.6.2 "Siren". The output of the BELL actuator on the control board of the “A6” device is intended for connecting the TCO and providing sound, light and light-sound notification to personnel about the event that has occurred.

The following parameters are available for editing:

"Influencing activators";

“Indication of the last second of exit”;

“Normal powered”;

"Output to service LED." “Influencing activators” – activators are assigned, when activated, a 12V potential is applied to the “Siren” output. “Indication of the last second of output” – this parameter is assigned to the “Siren” output

if it is necessary to notify personnel about the last second of exit, in cases where the “Exit Delay” parameter is programmed for security loops. The “Siren” output is turned on after the “Exit Delay” time has expired for 1 second; “Normally powered” – this parameter is assigned to the “Siren” output in cases where it is necessary to provide a +12V potential at the BELL output when power is applied to the device. “Output to service LED” – this parameter is assigned to the “Siren” output if it is necessary to duplicate the alert signal with service ones.

2.6.3 "Relay". The outputs of the relay actuators on the control board of the “A6” device (version A6-04, A6-06) and the relay outputs on the RM-64 module are intended for connecting alarm loops, fire automatic devices, TSO, etc.

The following parameters are available for editing:

"Influencing activators";

“Indication of the last second of exit”;

“Normal powered”;

"Reset relay";

"Output to service LED."

"Output to Atlas." “Influencing activators” – activators are assigned, when triggered the “Relay” output

should turn on. “Indication of the last second of output” – this parameter is assigned to the “Relay” outputs

if it is necessary to notify personnel about the last second of exit, in cases where the “Exit Delay” parameter is programmed for security loops. The “Relay” output turns on at the end of the “Output Delay” time for 1 second; “Normally energized” – this parameter is assigned to the “Relay” outputs in cases where it is necessary to ensure normally closed relay contacts when power is applied to the device.

Control Panel A6 Operation Manual. Part II (programming with VPU-A-06 and PR-1) edition 7.03 April 2011 “Reset relay” – this parameter is assigned to the “Relay” outputs in cases where the use of outputs is provided for organizing verification and resetting the power of current-consuming detectors;

ATTENTION! If the “Relay” output is assigned the “Reset Relay” parameter, then the “Influencing Actuators” relay cannot be programmed for this output. Programming the Reset Relay parameter

mandatory if there are two-wire smoke loops in the system. “Output to service LED” – this parameter is assigned to the “Relay” outputs if it is necessary to duplicate the signal with the service LED of the device. “Output to “Atlas”” – this parameter is assigned to the “Relay” outputs in cases where it is necessary to transfer information to the “Atlas” monitoring station. The relay output is used in conjunction with the telephone line connection output (when using the ISA-8 matching module). A relay with the “Output to Atlas” parameter switches 18 kHz to the telephone line controlled by the Atlas monitoring station.

(when the device zone is armed, 18 kHz is supplied to the telephone line and is turned off when disarmed or when there is an alarm).

ATTENTION! “Influencing activators” for “Relay” outputs cannot be programmed if this output is assigned the “Output to “Atlas”” parameter.

2.7 User keys User keys include keys that confirm the user’s right to perform certain actions with the device.

Software based on the levels of differentiation of user access rights, the device supports working with the following types of keys:

“Owner” keys;

“GZ” keys;

“Engineer” keys;

Master key.

The following can be used as user keys within the device:

contact reading keys (DS1990A, DS1991-DS1996);

Proximity contactless cards (HID, EM-MARIN, Angstrem);

digital PIN code.

There are several ways to program the key ID number:

entering an electronic code when programming the device using the AXX Programmer software; in this case, the programmable key is presented to the reading device connected to the control board of the device.

manual input when programming the device using the VPU-A-06 keyboard, this method is used to enter PIN codes;

entering an electronic code when programming the device using the VPU-A-06 keyboard; in this case, the programmable key is presented to the reader connected to the VPU-A-06 keyboard.

ATTENTION! When programming a PIN code, the first digit of the key must be different from 0 (zero), the number of characters for entering the PIN code is from 1 to 7.

2.7.1 “Master” keys

This program page contains user keys that give the right to carry out operations over the security zones of the device, provided that the security zones are assigned to this “Owner” key.

(arming, disarming).

The “Owner” key also allows you to:

The maximum number of independent “Master” keys is 79.

When programming Master keys, the following parameters are available for editing:

“Key ID number”;

“Security zone for UD-1”;

“Security zone for UD-2”;

“Passage through access subsystem No. 1 is allowed”;

“Passage through access subsystem No. 2 is permitted.”

“Key ID number” – an alphanumeric code of an electronic key or a digital PIN code.

“Security zones for UD-1”, “Security zones for UD-2” – security zones are entered that can be controlled by presenting the “Owner” key to the corresponding access device.

“Passage is allowed through access subsystem No. 2”, “Passage is allowed through access subsystem No. 2” - the access subsystems to which the entered “Master” key belongs are determined. The key can be assigned to two access subsystems simultaneously and, accordingly, control both one access subsystem and two.

NOTE: If “Security zones” and “Access subsystems” are set for the “Owner” key, then the key controls the arming/disarming of the corresponding zone and allows passage through the Control Panel subsystem A6 Operating Manual. Part II (programming with VPU-A-06 and PR-1) edition 7.03 April 2011 accessed. If the key is given only the access subsystem, then it will be able to allow passage if the zone is not armed. In this way, it is possible to differentiate the powers of users.

2.7.2 “GZ” keys

Keys "GZ" (Detention Groups, Groups rapid response and so on.). This program page contains user keys that give the right to remove the “Alarm” and/or “Fire” states with the possibility of resetting the loops to the “Security” state, subject to their normalization.

The “GZ” key also allows you to:

viewing Event Log events;

View the time and date of the built-in clock.

The maximum number of “GZ” keys is 15.

Provided that the “Reset by key” parameter is programmed for “Activators”, upon presentation of the “GZ” key, the “Activator” will turn off the influence on the actuators.

If the device is used as part of a monitoring station, presentation of the “GZ” key warns the monitoring station operators on duty about the actions being taken at the security site (arrival of a detention group, etc.).

2.7.3 “Engineer” keys

This program page contains the keys of users who do not have any rights in relation to the device, but allow the following:

viewing Event Log events;

View the time and date of the built-in clock.

The maximum number of “Engineer” keys is 15.

The “Engineer” user key is used to warn monitoring station operators about actions taken at the security site by maintenance personnel (electrician).

2.7.4 Master key

This program page specifies a single user key with access rights allowing:

viewing Event Log events;

viewing and setting the time and date of the built-in clock;

device programming;

viewing the ADC level;

changing the contrast of the keyboard LCD display;

viewing the device ID number;

viewing the firmware version of the device’s central processor and the date the firmware file was created.

ATTENTION! If you lose the changed “Master” code, the device will require a complete reset of the device configuration memory, which will allow you to restore the factory “Master” code (factory “MASTER” code: 1).


3.1 General requirements To be able to carry out programming (editing) configurations of “A6” devices using the remote control panel VPU-A-06, you must have:

Programmable device “A6”;

Remote control panel VPU-A-06 (LCD keyboard VPU-A-06).

Interface module IS-485, for connecting an LCD keyboard to the “A6” device.

Programming tables for VPU-A-06.

3.2 Description of the remote control panel VPU-A-06 3.2.1 Purpose of the remote control panel VPU-A-06 The remote control panel VPU-A-06 (LCD keyboard VPU-A-06) is designed to work as part of the “A6” instrument system and serves to monitor the status of security, fire and alarm loops (AL). Using the VPU-A-06 LCD keyboard, loops (zones) are armed/disarmed by selecting the panel number as part of the “A6” instrument system and dialing an individual PIN code for arming/disarming, resetting alarms, and programming the device configuration; sound notification in the presence of system alarms and malfunctions.

Connecting the VPU-A-06 LCD keyboard allows you to control up to 8 devices connected through IS-485 interface modules into a single network via the RS485 communication line.

Appearance The LCD of the VPU-A-06 keyboard is shown in Figure 1. Functional purpose LCD keys of the VPU-A-06 keyboard.

The number keys “0” ... “9” are used to enter data.

“FORWARD” – move forward through program pages, move forward within a page, move forward through “Menu” modes.

“BACK” – move back through program pages, move back within a page, move back through “Menu” modes.

Control Panel A6 Operation Manual. Part II (programming with VPU-A-06 and PR-1) edition 7.03 April 2011 “ENTER” – enters the current “Menu” mode, enters the address page (cell) of the program, confirms entering the user PIN code.

“CANCEL” – exit to the top level in program points (for example, from a cell to a page).

“#” – selecting a zone for display on the screen.

In addition, in the “Program” section for entering data in hexadecimal code, some keys correspond to letter values ​​printed on the keyboard body:

“FORWARD” – “B”;

“BACK” – “C”;

“ENTER” – “D”;

“CANCEL” – “A”;

“#” – “E”;

“*” – “F”.

Pressing any key on the keyboard is accompanied by the backlight of the LCD display and keys turning on, as well as a short buzzer.

Figure 1 – Appearance of the remote control panel VPU-A-06 (VPU-A-16) The indication modes of the device status LEDs “A6” on the VPU-A-06 are shown in Table 3.

–  –  –

NOTE: If there is a fault in the device, the keypad buzzer will emit 10 short beeps at intervals of 4 minutes. Operation of the buzzer and siren of the VPU-A-06 LCD keyboard.

The keyboard buzzer cannot be programmed for different operating modes, but has a rigid algorithm:

short signals (once every 4 seconds) – an event has occurred in the device(s);

constant buzzer signal – an alarm event has occurred in the device(s).

Control Panel A6 Operation Manual. Part II (programming with VPU-A-06 and PR-1) edition 7.03 April 2011 The siren output of the LCD keypad is also not programmable, and will be activated only by alarm events in the device (devices). Purpose of jumpers of the VPU-A-06 LCD keyboard:

JP1 – connection of terminal terminating resistors to the RS485 bus;

JP3 – enable/disable buzzer;

JP4(1) – reset the keyboard memory;

JP4(2,3) – not used;

JP4(4) – enable/disable the keyboard tamper;

JP5 – enable/disable permanent keyboard backlighting.

The appearance of the VPU-A-06 LCD keyboard with the back cover removed is shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2 - Appearance of the VPU-A-06 keyboard with the back cover removed

3.3 Connecting VPU-A-06 to the device and preparing for programming 3.3.1 Connect the IS-485 interface module to the VPU-A-06 LCD keyboard in accordance with their connection diagrams by connecting wires (wire A of the IS-485 module is connected to terminal A LCD keyboard VPU-A-06, and accordingly, wire B of the IS-485 module to terminal B LCD keyboard VPU-A-06), Figure 21.

If it is necessary to connect several “A6” devices to the VPU-A-06 LCD keyboard, then wires A and wires B of each IS-485 module are combined respectively and connected to terminals A and B of the VPU-A-06 keyboard.

3.3.2 Connect connector XS1 of the IS-485 module to connector XP1 of the control board of the “A6” device.

3.3.3 Supply power to the VPU-A-06 LCD keyboard and the “A6” device. The VPU-A-06 LCD keyboard can be powered directly from the “A6” device or from a separate 12 V UPS.

3.3.4 If you edit the configuration of a previously programmed device, you can begin to make changes (additions) to the configuration memory chip.

3.3.5 In case of programming the configuration of a new device, it is recommended to reset the memory chip; to do this, you need to install jumper JP4 on the control board of the device, and press the “Restart device” button. Wait for the device to complete the test and remove the jumper.

3.3.6 After resetting the configuration memory chip, the new device is ready for programming.

3.4 Programming the configuration of the “A6” device using VPU-A-06 3.4.1 Menu of the VPU-A-06 LCD keyboard After connecting the VPU-A-06 LCD keyboard and power supply, if there are no faults in the system or the “A6” devices are not registered , the display will show “SYSTEM A6”, Figure 3.

Figure 3 Control Panel A6 Operation Manual. Part II (programming with VPU-A-06 and PR-1) edition 7.03 April 2011 Distribution of zones in the system when combining “A6” devices using VPU-A-06.

To carry out arming/disarming operations, viewing the event log, current time, and programming using the VPU-A-06 LCD keyboard, the user needs to perform a series of actions, which also includes selecting system zones.

LCD keyboard VPU-A-06 allows you to combine up to 8 “A6” devices into a system. In the maximum configuration, it is possible to organize up to 48 independent zones in the system (8 A6-06 devices with 6 loops in each zone, respectively), the numbers of zones and loops in the system have continuous numbering, the numbering of zones in the system depends on the specific configuration of each device in the system.

EXAMPLE: The system consists of 4 devices combined using the VPU-A-06 LCD keyboard, independent zones in the devices and the system are distributed as follows, Figure 4.

NOTE: *The zone numbers for each specific device are indicated in parentheses.

–  –  –

As can be seen from Figure 4, zone No. 6 in the system belongs to device A6-06 No. 2, however, for this device it is zone No. 3, similarly, zone No. 11 in the system belongs to device A6-06 No. 3, however, for this the device is zone No. 4, etc.

ATTENTION! When selecting zones in the system for arming/disarming operations, programming, and viewing the event log, it is necessary to clearly understand their distribution among devices in the system. The keyboard menu includes a number of modes:

The “Review” mode allows you to view the current state of loops, zones, alarms and faults in the system by pressing the “FORWARD”, “BACK” keys and includes the following items:

- “Zone status” - displays the status of system zones, Figure 5;

–  –  –

Control Panel A6 Operation Manual.

Part II (programming with VPU-A-06 and PR-1) edition 7.03 April 2011 The “System” mode allows you to enter ID numbers of devices, changing the “MASTER” code is available after performing a number of actions:

enter the “MASTER” code of the LCD keyboard: 1234 (factory “MASTER” code of the LCD keyboard);

login to service menu by pressing key 3 - Service, Figure 8.

Figure 8

The “System” mode includes the following items:

“Device” - intended for registering ID numbers of “A6” devices in the memory of the LCD keyboard VPU-A-06;

“Password” - contains the “MASTER” code of the VPU-A-06 LCD keyboard (if necessary, it can be changed);

“Contrast” - displays the contrast level of the LCD display and the keyboard ID number indication.

The block diagram of the VPU-A-06 LCD keyboard operation in the “System” mode is shown in Figure 9.

Figure 9 - Block diagram of the operation of the VPU-A-06 LCD keyboard in the “System” mode

The “Arming/Disarming” mode for “A6” devices is available after performing a number of actions:

using the “0”, “1”… “9” keys, select a zone in the system (for example, 1, i.e. selecting the 1st zone in the system), selecting a zone for the “A6” device is carried out according to the principle described in paragraph .p.;

confirm the zone selection with the “#” key, Figure 10;

present the “HOST” key related to this zone.

Then you need to select, Figure 8:

1 - Arm – by pressing key 1, the arming operation is selected;

2 - Disarm – by pressing key 2, you select the disarming operation.

The “Event Log” mode allows you to view the event log for all devices in the system, and is available after performing a number of actions:

Using the “0”, “1”… “9” keys, select a zone in the system (for example, 12, i.e. selecting the 12th zone in the system), selecting a zone for the “A6” device is carried out according to the principle described in paragraph .p.;

Present the “HOST” key related to this zone;

enter the “Event Log” mode using the “ENTER” key, Figure 11.

Figure 11

In the “Event Log” mode, the following actions are available:

The transition to viewing the previous event is carried out by pressing the “FORWARD” key;

The transition to viewing the next event is carried out using the “BACK” key;

The transition to viewing the time and date of an event is carried out with the “*” key, exiting from viewing the time and date of an event is done with the “*” key;

Exit from the event log using the “CANCEL” key, or automatically after 30 s.

The “Clock” mode allows you to view and, if necessary, edit the time and date of system devices.

This mode is available after performing a number of actions:

Using the “0”, “1”… “9” keys, select a zone in the system (for example, 10, i.e. selecting the 10th zone in the system), selecting a zone for the “A6” device is carried out according to the principle described in paragraph .p.;

Confirm the zone selection with the “#” key;

Confirm the entry of the “MASTER” code of the device with the “ENTER” key;

enter the service menu by pressing key 3 - Service, Figure 8;

use the “FORWARD” key to go to the “Clock” item, enter the “Clock” mode using the “ENTER” key, Figure 12;

Figure 12

To edit the time/date, press the “ENTER” key and sequentially enter current time and date;

after completing the sequential entry of time/date, use the “CANCEL” key to exit the “Clock” mode;

editing the time/date of the current system device can be considered completed.

ATTENTION! The time/date editing operation must be performed for each device in the system.

Control Panel A6 Operation Manual.

Part II (programming with VPU-A-06 and PR-1) edition 7.03 April 2011 The “Program” mode allows you to read, edit and write the configuration program for each device in the system and is available after performing a number of actions:

Using the “0”, “1”… “9” keys, select a zone in the system (for example, 5, i.e. selecting the 5th zone in the system), selecting a zone for the “A6” device is carried out according to the principle described in paragraph .p.;

Confirm the zone selection with the “#” key;

Enter the “MASTER” code of the device: 1 (factory “MASTER” code of the device);

enter the service menu by pressing key 3 - Service, Figure 8;

enter the “Program” mode using the “ENTER” key, Figure 13.

Figure 13

The “Program” mode includes the following items:

“Edit” - is intended for editing the configuration of the “A6” device;

“Write” - is intended for recording the edited program into the memory of the “A6” device.

3.4.2 Registering the ID numbers of devices in the memory of VPU-A-06 Before you start programming the configuration of devices “A6” using the LCD keyboard VPU-A, it is necessary to register the ID numbers of these devices in the memory of VPU-A-06.

NOTE: The device ID number is an alphanumeric sequence of 8 hexadecimal symbols. The ID number is indicated on the device processor sticker and is unique for each device.

Registration of ID numbers of “A6” devices in the memory of the LCD keyboard VPU-A-06 is carried out in the “SYSTEM” operating mode, the registration sequence is as follows:

enter the “MASTER” code of the LCD keyboard VPU-A-06: 1234 (factory “MASTER” code);

confirm the entry of the “MASTER” code with the “ENTER” key;

select the “Service” menu item by pressing the “3” key, Figure 8;

the first menu item “Device” will appear on the LCD keyboard display; ID numbers are registered in this menu item, Figure 14;

–  –  –

To enter the “Device” menu item, you must press the “ENTER” key; the LCD keyboard display will show serial number device and data (default 00000000), Figure 15;

–  –  –

To enter the device ID number, you must press the “ENTER” key, a cursor should appear under the first character of the 8-digit ID number in the “Data” line, Figure 16;

–  –  –

Control Panel A6 Operation Manual. Part II (programming with VPU-A-06 and PR-1) revision 7.03 April 2011 then you must sequentially enter the device ID number in accordance with the sticker on the processor, after entering each character of the device ID number the cursor will move to the right, Figure 17;

Figure 17

upon completion of entering the 8-digit ID number of the first device in the system and to further enter the ID numbers of other devices, use the “FORWARD” key to proceed to entering the following ID numbers of the “A6” devices;

after entering all the ID numbers of the system devices, by pressing the “CANCEL” key twice, it is possible to exit the “SYSTEM” mode;

Registration of ID numbers of system devices can be considered complete.

The block diagram of the operation algorithm of the VPU-A-06 LCD keyboard in the “Arm/Disarm”, “Event Log”, “Clock” and “Program” modes is shown in Figure 18.

NOTE: XX* Number describing the zone number, or key number Figure 18 Control Panel A6 Operating Manual. Part II (programming with VPU-A-06 and PR-1) edition 7.03 April 2011 3.4.3 Mode of programming the configuration of the “A6” device using the LCD keyboard VPU-A-06 The algorithm of operation of the device (hereinafter referred to as the configuration program) is stored directly in the device itself in non-volatile memory. To edit the configuration program, it must be read from the device into VPU-A-06.

To do this you need:

While in the programming mode (see paragraph, use the “FORWARD” or “BACK” keys to select the “Read” item, Figure 19.

–  –  –

press the "ENTER" key. A running line will appear at the bottom of the display, which displays the percentage of completion of the process of reading the program from the device into the memory of the LCD keyboard VPUA-06, Figure 20;

–  –  –

Once the reading process is complete, the program can be viewed or edited:

Press the “FORWARD” key, select “Change”, Figure 21;

–  –  –

The menu of the device configuration program consists of the following sections: “GENERAL”; "PLUME";



–  –  –

Using the “FORWARD” or “BACK” keys, select the section to be edited (for example, General) and press the “ENTER” key, Figure 23.

–  –  –

Control Panel A6 Operation Manual. Part II (programming with VPU-A-06 and PR-1) edition 7.03 April 2011 using the “FORWARD” or “BACK” keys, select the desired item / address and press the “ENTER” key. A cursor will appear in the “Data” field, prompting you to enter the necessary data in accordance with the programming tables, table 2;

to exit the submenu, press the “CANCEL” key;

After editing all the necessary parameters of the program, it must be written to the device configuration memory, for which you need to select the “Write” item, Figure 24.

–  –  –

press the "ENTER" key. A running line will appear at the bottom of the display, which displays the percentage of completion of the process of writing a program from the memory of the VPU-A-06 LCD keyboard to the device configuration memory.

ATTENTION! The “Write” item of the “Program” mode is mandatory, otherwise the edited configuration program of the “A6” device will remain only in the memory of the VPU-A-06 LCD keyboard.

The block diagram of the VPU-A-06 operating algorithm in programming mode is presented in Figure 25.

–  –  –

ATTENTION! If in the programming tables there is a “+” sign before the number, when programming several properties at the same time, it is necessary to enter the sum of the numbers in hexadecimal notation, see Table 4.

The programming tables for the “A6” device are shown in Table 5.

–  –  –

ATTENTION! For correct operation of the “A6” device as part of the “Alesya” ASOS, the “OWNER” keys from No. 16 to No. 79 CANNOT be programmed.

ATTENTION! The digital PIN code must not start with 0 (zero); the first digit must be from the series 1...9.

After the program has been changed and checked, it must be written into the device:

Press the “CANCEL” key to exit to the main programming menu.

While in the main programming menu, select the “Write” property and press the “ENTER” key. The program will be written from VPU-A-06 to the device.

Control Panel A6 Operation Manual. Part II (programming with VPU-A-06 and PR-1) edition 7.03 April 2011



–  –  –

4.2 Purpose of the remote control keys PR-1 READ – reads the program (ul 01) from the device memory into the remote control memory. If the read operation is successful, the indicator displays the sequential movement of the highlighted segment on the rightmost matrix.

REC – writes the edited program from the remote control memory to the device (dl 01), sets the time (dl 03) and panel code (dl 00). If the write operation is successful, the indicator displays the sequential movement of the highlighted segment on the rightmost matrix.

EDIT – select a program page. When you press this key, two letters on the left side of the remote control indicator light up - Ed and the remote control waits for you to enter the number of the program page in which you need to change the parameters. If a program page is open, then when you press the “EDIT” key, the indicator will display the number of this page (for example: Ed 04). The page number is entered using the numeric keys and is displayed on the right side of the indicator. When dialing a page number, the remote control without a confirming command enters the mode for editing the parameters of this page and the two leftmost symbols of the remote control indicator display the address of the first cell in this page (00). The two characters on the far right display the data located in this cell at the current address.

ADR – jump to an arbitrary address within the selected page. When you are inside the page and press this key, two digits of the indicator are located on the left and display the number of Control Panel A6 Operating Manual. Part II (programming with VPU-A-06 and PR-1) edition 7.03 April 2011 addresses are shown by the symbols “_ _”, and the remote control is waiting for the address to be entered. After entering, the remote control automatically goes to the entered address.

DANN – data editing mode at the current address. When you are at the required address inside the page and press this key, the two digits of the indicator located on the right and displaying data show the symbols “_ _”, and the remote control waits for data input. When viewing the event log, pressing the DOWN key leads to a transition to the event viewing mode: the reason that caused it, the time of its occurrence.

FUNK – choice additional function. These service functions allow you to perform installation/erasing operations of individual loops, relays, etc. per page and whole pages; copying properties of loops, relays, sirens, etc. inside the program page.

The remote control has the following service functions:

erasing the properties of the edited object (FUNC 00);

copying service keys from the remote control memory to the device memory (FUNCTION 50).

0 – F – hexadecimal digits used in programming mode.

1 – in addition to being purely digital, it can also be used as a functional one. So, when you are inside a page, clicking it will take you one address back inside the page.

2 – similar to key 1, only the transition is carried out one address forward within the page.

EXIT – exits the current page mode, restarts the panel when the remote control is in its initial state

– 3rd press.

ENTER – not used.

For “A6” panels, the entire address space is divided into program pages that regulate the parameters and properties of individual groups of functional devices: loops, keys, etc.

(see programming tables). To set the system properties, you must select program page 01; the system configuration is determined within this block. For example: the device will operate in ASOS “Alesya” mode, in this case you need to dial the following (EDIT 01 - a cell with address 00 opens in program page 01. If a different address is somehow set, dial ADR 00. Next, press the DATA button and in dial 02 on the right two segments). To set the parameters of the loops, you must select program page 02, inside this block you define the type of loop and its properties.

For example: the 1st loop is a security loop with 4 states, the reaction time to a change in the loop state is 500ms. To do this, press the keys successively: EDIT, 0, 2; ADR, 0, 0; DUNN, 0, 1; ADR, 0, 1;

DANN, 2, 0. In the same way, the loops are divided into zones (program page 03), the properties of the activators are programmed (program page 04), the properties of the buzzer, siren and relay (program page 05), etc.

To program the “OWNER”, “MOUNTER”, “GZ” keys, you must select the desired program page. Select the address in the aisles of the program page and attach the key, which is being programmed, to the reader on the remote control. The remote control will confirm successful key entry with a sound signal. If there is a recorded key within the program page at the selected address, then the data bit will contain two dashes (- -), otherwise two zeros (00). If you attach a key when two dashes are displayed, the previously written key will be deleted, and the attached one will take its place.


record of key “OWNER” No. 1 (RED 06; ADR 01; attach key). Key entry “GZ” No. 3 (RED 07; ADR 04;

attach the key). If you write the “GZ” keys to program page 12, and “MOUNTER” to program page 13, then the keys are stored in the remote control memory. Using FUNC 50, service keys can be transferred to the device’s memory.

Connect the PR-1 remote control to the XP1 connector of the control board. After switching on, the version number “Pt-3” is displayed on the indicator for several seconds. Then a prompt appears to dial the 4-digit Master Code of the remote control (in the form of the string “__ __”). After entering the correct Master Code, the remote control automatically detects and displays the type of connected device; for “A6” devices, the line: A6 is displayed.

Then you need to enter the 4 digits of the device Master Code.

NOTE: If the device Master Code has less than 4 digits, then the missing digits are replaced, when entered, with zeros at the end of the password. For example, if the device password is “35”, you need to dial: “3”+”5”+”0”+”0”.

All "A6" devices have an after-sales password of "1". The same password is set after “resetting” the device memory.

ATTENTION! If the device password contains more than 4 digits (for example, set from a PC), it is impossible to access such device using the remote control. For further notes on the password, see the chapter "Instrument Password".

If the device password is entered correctly, the device enters the programming mode, and the current value of the device clock appears on the remote control indicator in the format: HH.MM.

The program is read from the device to the remote control by sequentially pressing three keys: “READ”, “0”, “1”.

Recording a program from the remote control to the device is done by sequentially pressing three keys:

"ZAP", "0", "1".

A new password is written to the device by sequentially pressing three keys: “RECORD”, “0”, “0”.

The device properties program is divided into 8 pages.

Entering the program page is done by sequentially pressing three keys:

Control Panel A6 Operation Manual. Part II (programming with VPU-A-06 and PR-1) edition 7.03 April 2011 “EDIT”, “X”, “X”, where X is the page number containing the parameters that need to be changed.

After selecting a page, the 2 left digits of the indicator show the address of the program cell, and the 2 right digits

– the value of the data contained in this cell. Unlike the display for other devices, for A6 devices the cell address and its value are always represented by two digits in hexadecimal. Those. to set time parameters, it is necessary to convert numbers from the decimal system to hexadecimal. The left tetrad has a time coefficient of 16, the right - a coefficient of 1. To select a time of up to 15 seconds, 15 minutes, program the corresponding element only in the right tetrad, and in the left tetrad “0”.

–  –  –

To select times not included in the above tables, program both notebooks:

1. For the selected function, select the right time in those units that are shown (all in seconds or minutes) - but not in minutes and seconds at the same time.

2. Divide the selected time by 16. Enter the quotient in the left notebook, and the remainder, translated according to the table

To the right.

3. Check the elements by adding the contents of the left tetrad multiplied by 16 and the right tetrad.

EXAMPLE: Program the Entry Delay to 1.5 minutes.

1. Entry Delay (Address 02) is measured in seconds, so the delay time is 90 seconds.

2. Divide the time by 16: 90 / 16 = 5 (quotient) + 10 (remainder). Enter the quotient into the left tetrad, and the remainder, translated according to Table 2, into the right:

address 02 data 5 A Partial Remaining

3. Check the elements (remember - element "A" = "10"):

5 x (16) + 10 = 90.

Table of correspondence:

Time\Amount 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Data 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F ATTENTION! If in the programming tables there is a “+” sign before the number, when programming several properties at the same time it is necessary to enter the sum of the numbers in the hexadecimal number system, see the table.

Please complete the tables below before starting programming.

When programming it is convenient to use the following service functions of the remote control:

FUNC 00 – cell erasing;

FUNC 01 – erasing the program page;

FUNCTION 50 – copying service key pages from the remote control memory to the device memory.

–  –  –

Control Panel A6 Operation Manual. Part II (programming with VPU-A-06 and PR-1) edition 7.03 April 2011

Setting the device clock:

You must press the “Read” button on the remote control and, after the inscription “ul - -” appears on the remote control indicator, enter the numbers “01”

To view and enter the current time, press the “Ed” button on the remote control and, after the inscription “Ed - -” appears, enter “14”. Two digits of the serial address and two digits of time will appear on the remote control indicator.

You can scroll through using the remote control number buttons “1” and “2”, or by going to the addresses explicitly by pressing “Addr” and, after the remote control indicator “- -” appears on the left notebook, entering the desired address.

“Dann” – mode for editing data at the current address. When you are at the required address inside the page and press this key, the two digits of the indicator located on the right and displaying data show the symbols “_ _”, and the remote control waits for data input.

Viewing the event log using the PR-1 programming remote control The presence of a timer chip in the device allows you to view the event log using the PR-1 programming remote control with reference to the time of the event that occurred.

To do this, you need to press the “Read” button on the remote control and, after the inscription “ul” appears on the remote control indicator

- -”, enter the numbers “02” (if the log is successfully read from the device’s memory, a sequential passage of the highlighted segment will be observed on the last matrix of the programming console indicator).

To view the event log, press the “Ed” button on the remote control and, after the inscription “Ed - -” appears, enter “21”. Two digits of the serial address and two digits of the code of the event that occurred will appear on the remote control indicator. You can scroll through the log either using the remote control’s number buttons “1” and “2”, or by going to the addresses explicitly by pressing “Addr” and, after the remote control indicator “- -” appears on the left notebook, entering the desired address.

Attention! Please note that the order of events in the log is stored in reverse order, i.e.

an event at serial address “00” occurred later than an event at serial address “01”, etc.

By pressing the “Dan” button on the remote control and using the “1” and “2” buttons to change the address (the address “-0”, “-1”, “-2”, etc. appears on the remote control), you can view each event: the reason that caused it;

key marks; the time when the event occurred. The log volume is determined by the amount of memory installed on the board and can be 128 events, expandable to 512 events.

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1.18 Dynamic Shift Program (DPS)

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1.19 Spare or emergency program

CARS WITH A 4-CYLINDER ENGINE If the system malfunctions, the automation switches to an emergency or backup option. This is signaled by the lighting of all segments on the indicator board at once. Reserve program Switching to lower and higher gears is carried out automatically as before, only in this case the shocks during shifting become more noticeable...

When the ignition is turned on, an indication of the actual position of the control lever appears in the instrument cluster. This illustration shows the "P" position. P – parking lock The drive wheels are locked through kinematic connections. The parking lock can only be used after the vehicle has stopped. ...

1.21 Kick-down device

The Kick-down device allows for maximum acceleration. When you sharply press the accelerator pedal beyond the point of resistance, the automatic switches to a lower gear depending on the revolutions and speed. Shifting to the next higher gear occurs only when the maximum engine speed is reached. ...

Starting the engine The engine can only be started when the control lever is in the "N" or "P" position. Selecting a driving mode Before selecting a driving mode for a stationary vehicle with the engine running, always press the brake pedal. When shifting before the vehicle starts moving, do not press the accelerator pedal. In case of emergency...

1. Coolant temperature gauge 2. Tachometer 3. Outside air temperature 4. Speedometer with trip meter / trip meter / maintenance interval indicator 5. Trip meter reset button 6. Fuel level indicator...

1 – coolant temperature The gauge operates when the ignition is on. However, after switching on, some time must pass before the arrow moves to the position corresponding to the actual temperature. Cold engine temperature range While the arrow is on the left side of the scale, avoid high speeds and...

Malfunction of the brake system; drop in fluid level in the cooling system below normal or overheating; drop in oil pressure below normal; When a flashing red symbol appears, three warning sounds sound in succession...

BREMSLIGHT or malfunction of the brake light, burnout of the low beam lamp or reversing lamp, wear of the brake linings, drop in the washer fluid level below normal...

The function switch (arrow) and the reset key are mounted in the windshield wiper control handle. If the ignition is on, then when you press the lower side of the function switch several times, they are displayed sequentially. By pressing the top side of the switch, the output...

1 – switch for electric heating of the driver’s seat The switches are made in the form of corrugated handles. When the ignition is on, you can use the electric heating of the cushions, backrests of the front and outer rear seats, as well as the steering wheel. The knurled knob (1) can be used to turn on and continuously adjust the driver's seat heating...

With this system - within the limits determined by the engine power - it is possible to maintain any given speed, starting from approximately 40 km/h. This eliminates the need to keep your foot on the accelerator pedal, which is especially convenient on long trips. Warning The constant speed control system should not be used at high intensity...

The windshield wiper and washer system only operates when the ignition is on. The electrical heating of the windshield washer nozzles is activated when the ignition is turned on, depending on the outside temperature. In cold weather, before turning on the windshield wiper for the first time, check to see if the blades are frozen! Windshield Work in start-stop...

The air conditioner automatically maintains a uniform microclimate throughout the entire cabin. To do this, the temperature of the air entering through the supply channels is automatically changed, as well as its mass flow (amount of air) and the distribution of air flows. If necessary, you can make manual adjustments to this automatic process. ...

The air supply through the devices intended for this purpose is regulated, depending on the selected control mode, automatically or manually. The illustration shows the air supply devices located on the instrument panel. Through any of them heated, unheated or cooled fresh air can flow. Supply...

A – display B – yellow indicator light for programming readiness for switching on time C – green indicator light for turning on the heater D – heating/ventilation key E – coin acceptor key for programming the time for first switching on of the key...

1.34 Electronic differential lock (EDS)

EDS works in conjunction with ABS. EDS operates automatically, without driver intervention. The device uses ABS sensors to monitor the speed of the drive wheels up to a speed of about 40 km/h. The device specially brakes spinning wheels (for example, on a slippery roadway), and those with better traction receive increased traction. It is necessary to maintain...

5 cylinder diesel engine 1. Terminal (-) for auxiliary cable 2. Battery 3. Terminal (+) for auxiliary cable 4. Engine oil filler hole 5. Engine oil dipstick 6. Brake fluid reservoir 7. Expand...

1.36 Power steering / Servotronic, ride height control

When operating a conventional servo control, the steering assistance is provided without electronic control. On vehicles with Servotronic, the electronic control controls the power steering depending on the driving speed. If the Servotronic system fails, the power steering remains functional. However, the efficiency of the amplification...

User manual

A6 devices for a given use case can be programmed in one of four ways to choose from:
- using a PC using the IS-232 module, or the PROG-1 module and
specialized software “Programmer Akh”;
- using the PR-1 programming console and the corresponding tables
- using the VPU-A-06 keyboard using the IS-485 module and the corresponding
programming tables;
- using the VPU-A-16 keyboard using the IS-485, KSO-A module and
corresponding programming tables.
To program devices, it is necessary to edit a number of groups of parameters allocated to specific program pages. After editing, the changed configuration is written to the non-volatile memory of the device.

The A6 device contains the following program pages:

- “GENERAL” (“PARAMETERS”): the general properties of the A6 device are set, a choice is made
automated security system and type of radio channel;
- “LOOPS”: the parameters of each of the alarm loops are determined;
- “ZONES”: the properties of arming/disarming zones and the correspondence of loops to zones are set;
- “ACCESS”: the properties of access control systems are determined;
- “ACTIVATORS”: select the operating parameters of external devices (buzzer, control unit, relay);
- “KEYS”: user keys are entered (“OWNER”, “GZ”, “INSTALLER” and “MASTER”).
Programming the parameters of the A6 device using a PC is one of the most convenient and visual methods. This programming option makes it possible to create an archive and store the software settings of each device in the form of files on a PC, which allows you to restore the full configuration of the device at any site at any time. Also, in addition to programming devices, specialized software makes it possible to monitor devices connected to the network and view all the events occurring in them.
The PR-1 programming console and the VPU-A-06 keyboard are recommended for use when
programming the device or promptly making changes to its software settings directly on site.
In the case of programming using PR-1, parameter values ​​are entered in hexadecimal code into the corresponding memory cells of the remote control, according to the programming table, with subsequent transfer of the entire program from the PR-1 remote control to the non-volatile memory of the device. Also, the convenience of using the PR-1 programming console lies in the ability to store electronic service keys in the PR-1 non-volatile memory: “GZ” and “MONTER” (keys of the contact reading method DS1990A, DS1991-DS1996). And if necessary, promptly transfer the key data codes to
A6 device memory.
When programming with VPU-A-06, the program settings of the panel are first read into the keyboard memory and, after editing, in accordance with the programming tables, are written to the non-volatile memory of the A6 device.
When combining “A6” devices into an ISB “Network A” based on KSO-A, programming the device configuration is possible using the VPU-A-16 keyboard. When using this programming method, the program settings of the panel using VPU-A-16 are read into the KSO-A memory and, after programming the device configuration for a given use case, they are written to the non-volatile memory of the device by writing.

2.1 Description of software versions “Programmer Akh”
Ax (4.5.2.ХХХ*) Light.exe is a free program. Allows you to carry out
programming configurations of devices “A6” and “A16-512”.
Ax (4.5.2.ХХХ*) Full.exe – commercial version of the program. Allows you to:
- programming configurations of devices “A6”, “A16-512” and KSO-A (KSO-controller
- monitoring of up to 32 devices of the “A6” series in a network connected to one COM port of a PC with
displaying on the monitor screen service and alarm messages coming from devices with
description of loops, zones, access control systems and keys;
- monitoring of up to 32 KSO-A in a network connected to one COM port of a PC. To controller
KSO-A can connect up to 32 devices.
*NOTE: XXX software version.

Reception and control fire and security devices of the "A" series are effective and inexpensive equipment for equipping small objects with reliable modern security systems.

Unlimited number of software settings- a distinctive feature of the “A6” and “A16-512” devices. Specialists have the opportunity to arbitrarily simulate the nature of the work and various control modes of devices connected to the devices. This provides a number of advantages over similar equipment, especially in cases where it is necessary to solve complex problems.

Flexibility in programming allows not only to simulate the operating modes of external devices connected to the device. It makes it possible to group loops into zones (groups) in any combination, which provides convenience to the user when arming and disarming premises.

Different ways to manage security zones. You can choose to arm and disarm premises using TouchMemory keys, Proximity contactless cards, or digital codes entered from the keypad.

“Multiple alarm” mode. The device turns on the siren every time an alarm event occurs at the object it controls. This is essential for those cases when the system operates autonomously at a facility without transmitting signals to the control panel of security structures.

Work as part of centralized monitoring systems. The devices provide the ability to transmit messages to the central console about all events occurring at the facility, as well as about the condition and operating modes of the equipment. For this, different communication channels can be used - a radio channel and/or busy lines of the city telephone network.

Network options for operating devices. If one device was installed at the facility, the facility continues to grow and the resources of this device are no longer enough, the new problem is solved simply - by combining several autonomously operating devices into a single system with information output from all devices of the system to one duty officer console.

Reliable impulse blocks uninterruptible power supply. All devices “A6” and “A16-512” are equipped with built-in powerful power supplies 220V/12V and have space in the case for installing a battery. Power supplies charge the battery and disconnect it from the device during deep discharge.

Access control and management function. This function, built into the device, allows minimal costs restrict access of unauthorized persons to certain areas of the facility. It complements the security alarm during the daytime, when the facility is not guarded, and also allows you to control the use of working time by employees at the facility.

Economical. The use of “A6” and “A16-512” devices provides a significant economic effect due to the absence of unjustified redundancy of equipment at the site and savings on installation and maintenance of the system.

The red symbol indicates danger.

When the symbol appears:

  • Stop.
  • Turn off the engine.
  • Check the faulty function. If necessary, seek qualified assistance.
Meaning of red symbols:

Red symbols indicate a first priority malfunction (danger).

When the red symbol appears, three warning beeps sound in succession.

The symbol continues to flash until the fault is eliminated.

If several malfunctions of the first degree of priority occur at once, the symbols appear sequentially, with the duration of the indication of each of them being 2 s.

Brake system malfunction

Have the brake system fault repaired as soon as possible.

If the 0 symbol flashes on the display, there is a fault with the brake system.

  • Stop.
  • Check the brake fluid level.
If the ABS fails, the warning light comes on together with the brake system fault symbol 0.


  • A drop in the brake fluid level in the reservoir means there is a danger of an accident! No further movement is permitted. Take advantage of qualified help.
  • The reason why the brake system warning light comes on together with the ABS warning light may be a failure of the ABS control function. As a result, the rear wheels may lock relatively quickly when braking. Under certain circumstances this can lead to skidding rear axle car - danger of skidding! Carefully drive to the nearest specialized facility and have the problem repaired.

Cooling system malfunction

Troubleshoot the cooling system immediately.

The reason for the symbol flashing while driving may be overheating or a drop in coolant level.

  • Stop.
  • Turn off the engine.
  • Check the coolant level.
  • If necessary, add coolant.
  • Continue driving only after the symbol goes out.
  • If necessary, seek qualified assistance.
If the coolant level is normal, the cause of overheating may be a failure of the cooling fan.

If the battery discharge indicator light also lights up, the reason may be a broken serpentine belt.

Attention. Never open the hood if you see or hear steam or coolant escaping from the engine compartment - risk of burns! Wait until the steam or coolant stops coming out.

Carefully. Do not continue driving if the symbol indicates a malfunction of the cooling system - there is a risk of engine damage.

Malfunction in the engine oil pressure system

Troubleshoot the engine oil pressure system immediately.

Flashing of the symbol on the display indicates a drop in oil pressure below normal.

  • Stop.
  • Turn off the engine.
  • Check the engine oil level.
  • If necessary, seek qualified help
Engine oil level drops below normal

Top up engine oil when the level drops below normal.

Normal engine oil level

Do not continue driving if the symbol flashes when the oil level is normal. Also, do not allow the engine to run Idling- use qualified help.

Note. The oil pressure warning lamp is not an indicator of its level in the lubrication system. Therefore, check the oil level regularly, best when refueling.

Tire pressure drop

Bring the low air pressure in the tires to normal as soon as possible.

The appearance of the symbol indicates a loss of air pressure in the tire of at least one wheel.

  • Stop.
  • Check pressure/tires.
  • Replace the wheel if necessary.
The symbol always appears in combination with additional text information, for example REIFENDRUCK HINTEN RECHTS (rear right tire pressure).

The appearance of a symbol in combination with additional information REIFENDRUCKE PRUFEN (check tire pressure) may indicate a loss of air pressure in several tires, including the spare tire.

The symbol may also be displayed yellow color. This symbol indicates the need to monitor air pressure.

Yellow symbols (vehicles with FIS, standard version)

Yellow symbols are warning symbols.

Purpose of yellow symbols:

Yellow symbols (vehicles with FIS, with on-board computer)

Yellow symbols are warning symbols

Purpose of yellow symbols:

Yellow symbols indicate a malfunction of the second level of priority (warning).

When the yellow symbol appears, one warning tone will sound.

Check the corresponding function as soon as possible.

When multiple warnings are displayed at the same time, the symbols appear sequentially for approximately 2 s each.

Brake light fault

Cars with FIS and on-board computer

If the BREMSLICHT symbol or indication lights up, the following must be checked and, if necessary, replaced or repaired by Audi:

  • brake light bulbs,
  • connections in electrical wiring,
  • Brake light switch.
Replacement/repair must be carried out at Audi.

Malfunction of low beam, reversing headlights

If the symbol lights up, check the following components:

  • incandescent low beam lamps
  • reversing headlight bulbs
  • connections in electrical wiring.
Replacement/repair must be carried out at Audi.

Note. This function is monitored by the fault monitoring system only when the lights are on.

Front brake pad wear

When the symbol appears, contact Audi to have the brake linings of the front wheels (and, for safety, the rear) wheels checked.

Drop in washer fluid level

Vehicle with FIS with on-board computer
The appearance of the symbol means that it is necessary to add washer fluid to the windshield washer and headlight washer reservoir.

Low fuel supply

If this symbol lights up for the first time, it means that there are about 7-8 liters of fuel left in reserve. You need to refuel your car as soon as possible.

Battery voltage deviation from normal

Vehicle with FIS and on-board computer

If the symbol appears, contact Audi and check the following components:

  • V-belt
  • voltage regulator
  • battery condition
Also remember about the low battery warning light.

The voltage of the on-board network can also be monitored using a voltmeter.

Check engine oil level

When the symbol appears, check the oil level as soon as possible. top it up if necessary.

Engine oil sensor malfunction

When the symbol appears, contact Audi to have the oil level sensor checked. Before this, for safety reasons, check the oil level every time you refuel your car.

Vehicle with FIS and on-board computer

The appearance of the symbol means that the actual speed has exceeded the entered speed value. Reduce speed.

Malfunction of the headlight level control device

Vehicles with dynamic headlight range control

The appearance of the symbol indicates a malfunction of the dynamic headlight level control device. Contact Audi to have the headlight leveling device repaired.

Tire pressure warning

Vehicles with a tire pressure monitoring system

When the symbol lights up, it means that the air pressure in the tire needs to be monitored and adjusted.

The symbol always appears together with the letter designation of the corresponding wheel, for example, VR means front right wheel.

Speed ​​Alarm

Vehicle with FIS and on-board computer

The speed alarm allows you to set a speed limit that must not be exceeded.

The speed alarm alerts the driver if the pre-set speed is exceeded. As soon as the actual speed exceeds the entered value by approximately 10 km/h, a warning signal will sound. At the same time, a signal symbol appears on the display.

The speed alarm allows you to program two levels of warning that function independently of each other and perform not exactly the same tasks.

Warning level 1: function

Vehicle with FIS and on-board computer

The value of warning level 1 can be changed while driving.

Warning level 1 allows you to set a speed limit while driving. The entered speed value is stored in memory until the ignition is turned off, unless the speed has previously been changed or the entered limitation has been cancelled.

The warning symbol of the first level of warning appears on the display when the actual speed exceeds the entered value. The symbol goes out when the speed decreases below the programmed value.

The symbol also goes out if the entered speed value is exceeded by approximately 40 km/h for at least 10 s. However, this does not reset the entered speed limit memory.

Warning level 1: programming

Vehicle with FIS and on-board computer

Warning level 1 is programmed with the setting button/control button.

Speed ​​limit programming

  • The vehicle must be driven at the current speed, which must not be exceeded.
  • Press and release the setting button/control button.
Cancel the imposed speed limit
  • The vehicle speed must be more than 5 km/h.
  • Press the setting button/control button for more than 1 second.
Successful entry into memory is confirmed when the button is released by the speed limit signal symbol 0) briefly lighting up on the display. The entered speed value remains in memory until the next short press of the button at a different speed or until you cancel the entered limitation by pressing for more than 1 second.

Warning level 2: function

Vehicle with FIS and on-board computer

The value of warning level 2 can only be changed when the ignition is switched off.

Warning level 2 will allow you to program and cancel the maximum speed limit only when the ignition is turned off. Programming this warning is recommended when a general reminder to the driver is required to maintain a certain maximum speed. For example, when driving in a country with a speed limit, the maximum speed when driving with winter tires.

The second level warning symbol appears on the display when the actual speed exceeds the entered value. The symbol goes out, in contrast to warning level 1, only when the speed decreases below the programmed value.

Warning level 2: programming

Vehicle with FIS and on-board computer

Warning level 2 is programmed and overridden by switches mounted in the wiper handle.

Programming maximum speed

  • Turn off the ignition.
  • Press the setting button/control button for at least 2 s. The display shows the entered current maximum speed threshold value or a crossed out symbol for warning level 2 if the maximum speed has not been previously programmed.
  • To change the speed, press the top or bottom side of the function switch mounted in the wiper handle. In this case, a gradual (one stage 10 km/h) increase or decrease in values ​​occurs.
Cancel the imposed speed limit
  • Turn off the ignition.
  • Press and release the setting button/control button in the instrument cluster. The trip meter and digital clock lights up.
  • Press the setting button/control button for at least 2 s. The entered current maximum speed threshold value appears on the display.
  • Press the reset button located in the windshield wiper handle B until the crossed out warning level 2 symbol appears on the display.
A few seconds after the programming or cancellation process, the trip meter and digital clock lights turn off.