The correct septic tank without pumping. Which septic tank to choose: rating of the best sewage treatment plants. What material is better to choose

Myth or reality - without buying expensive equipment, arranging a septic tank, which without pumping will be able to work at maximum load? With a competent approach to the issue, such a task is quite solvable, while for very little money.

The device and principle of operation of a septic tank without pumping

If we discard the so-called autonomous treatment plants, the cost of which is very impressive even without installation, then the solution to the above problem can be assigned only to a well septic tank. At the same time, so that it does not require pumping out twice a year, it must be properly equipped. And for this, you must first understand how it works, and on what principle it functions.

A classic autonomous septic tank, as a rule, is an underground structure, consisting of three (at least) separate reservoirs:

  1. Receiver. This is the first container into which waste water from the sewer system is directly discharged. It is sealed and has an overflow pipe at a certain distance from the bottom. The receiver is both a sump and a primary coarse filter. In it, dirty wastewater is separated into solid sludge and liquid. Large particles also settle in it at the bottom together with silt. The liquid, upon reaching the level of the overflow pipe, flows into the next tank.
  2. Cleaner. Once in this container (it is also, as a rule, completely sealed), the still dirty wastewater undergoes a secondary settling process. But most importantly, sewage in the purifier can be treated with biologically active additives. Due to them, the decomposition of substances is much faster, the purified water remains on the surface, and everything else - again, precipitates in the form of biologically inactive sludge. Upon reaching the level of the overflow pipeline, 75% purified water enters the third reservoir.
  3. Drainage. He is also a drainage well. This tank can be either completely sealed or have an open bottom. If it is of a closed type, then its task is to accumulate purified water, which, after filling the container, can be used for watering a vegetable garden, garden and other technical needs. If there is a drainage bottom in the well, then the purified water will gradually go into the ground, saturating it with useful elements.

In fact, this is a full-fledged septic tank, which does not need pumping, but only on condition that everything is done technologically competently, without errors and shortcomings.

As for septic tanks with additional aeration (AOC), they also do not require any pumping, except for cleaning the bottom of silt. Although these two types of devices are similar in principle, there are still differences. The most important of them lies precisely in the additional treatment of wastewater with oxygen. This is done using constantly running compressors. As you know, oxygen promotes the multiplication of biological microorganisms, which “cleanse” wastewater.

In addition to this technical detail, it is worth noting that the efficiency of a conventional septic tank in comparison with a station is about 25% lower. That is, if only 75% purified water comes out of the septic tank into the drainage well, then for AOC this figure is about 98%.

Pros and cons of septic tanks without pumping

The advantages of such a sewage system are clear from its name. Pumping out a septic tank is a very expensive, and even more unpleasant, pleasure. For this, as a rule, a special technique called a flusher is called once or twice a year. When he works, an unbearable smell spreads over the area. The service of pumping out septic tanks costs a lot of money.

It also takes a lot of time to organize the process. That is why the above-described technologies for collecting and treating wastewater are more common today than the classic, albeit cheap, cesspools.

Disadvantages can also be found here, as, indeed, in any business or equipment. Firstly, arranging a properly working septic tank with your own hands is a real myth. It is simply impossible to do everything right without knowing the norms, nuances, weaknesses and other details.

Secondly, the arrangement of a sewage system, which will not need to be pumped out, is a little more expensive in terms of money than preparing a cesspool. However, due to the fact that the septic tank does not need to be pumped out a couple of times a season, its initial cost pays off in the first two years of operation.

How to equip a septic tank without pumping out

As noted earlier, it is best to entrust the calculation and arrangement of the septic tank to professionals. But this does not mean that the user cannot navigate at least in general terms in this matter. This will help to understand correctly what the specialist offers, which options are more acceptable, what for what, and so on.

First, it is worth identifying important points that specialists first of all pay attention to when preparing for the arrangement of an autonomous sewage system:

  • the required performance of the septic tank and its volume;
  • septic tank material;
  • features of local soil;
  • the location of the septic tank on the site.

The required performance of the septic tank and its volume

Calculated based on the number of people living in the house. In addition to residents, the number of wastewater collection points is taken into account - toilets, washstands, baths, showers, a washing machine, and so on. As a result, the volume of sewage that will be produced by such a house is displayed, and on the basis of this number, the performance of the septic tank is calculated.

Septic tank material

There are many options in this matter, but the most popular of them are reinforced concrete rings and plastic containers. In the first case, it should be borne in mind that concrete will sooner or later collapse under the influence of corrosion. This will happen, of course, in a few decades, while plastic or fiberglass is practically eternal.

Features of local soil

If, for example, on your site the main soil is solid clay, then the purified water from the drainage well will practically not leave in a natural way. In such cases, it is more expedient to make a sealed storage tank, and adapt the water accumulating in it for agricultural needs.

If the soil is standard, mostly black soil or sand, then there will be no problems with natural drainage. In such situations, as a rule, the bottom for a container with purified water is filled with crushed stone of different fractions.

The location of the septic tank on the site

This is perhaps the most difficult question, which can only be answered unequivocally by an experienced specialist. When determining the place of installation of wells, the distance from the house, the location of natural reservoirs, vegetation, water supply lines and a bunch of other nuances, clearly spelled out in sanitary standards, are taken into account.

The cost of a septic tank without pumping

It is almost impossible to indicate with great accuracy the cost of arranging such a sewer system without first acquaintance with the above nuances. Absolutely everything will affect the total amount - both the type of septic tank, and the material from which it is made, and its distance from the house, and the required performance. The only way you can roughly navigate is the tariffs for certain work performed during the installation of a septic tank (see the table below).

You can get specific and most accurate information on septic tanks that do not require any periodic pumping out from our specialists. To contact them, use the given phone number or a convenient feedback form with a consultant on our website.

Autonomous sewerage: tariffs for the arrangement in Moscow and the region

Name of worksUnitsRate
Turnkey septic tank installationPCSfrom 15,000 rubles.
Laying the pipeline outside the building (from the house to the septic tank)n.m.from 800 rubles
Laying pipelines inside the house (to plumbing fixtures)PCSfrom 900 rubles
Installation of plumbing equipment (toilet, washstand, etc.)PCSfrom 1650 rub.
Pipe hole in wood (∅ 110 mm)PCSfrom 1000 rubles.
Pipe hole in concrete (∅ 110 mm)PCSfrom 2900 rub.
Ask our consultant or measurer for details.

Budget septic tanks for summer cottages without pumping are an excellent option for a purification system if it is not possible to join the city sewer network.

This is one of the main factors for comfortable living outside the city, in addition to electricity and running water.

This design is practical in that it does not need regular cleaning. Every country homeowner can design it without spending too much money and time.

What is it and what is it for

Most of the owners of summer cottages build purification structures on the territory of their possessions.

A septic tank is a specially designed structure that plays the role of a purifier that works without the use of electrical energy, in which wastewater is processed on the territory of the sump.

Here, the decomposition of waste takes place thanks to an underground filtration system that does not require an oxygen supply. The system acts as a purifier for small water wastewater.

It's important to know: a septic tank without pumping can be built in areas where the groundwater level does not exceed 2.5 meters. Otherwise, the mixing of waste and groundwater will be ensured, which threatens to flood the suburban area.

Advantageous features of use in country houses

It is practically impossible to do without a cleaning system in country houses and summer cottages. If it is a biological structure without pumping, then it has a number of positive aspects, the main ones of which are:

  1. Wastewater treatment, according to SNiP data, is 98%. At the same time, no negative impact on the environment and human life is observed.
  2. Working on the principle of the activity of biological components of purification, there is no need for regular involvement of special equipment for pumping. Consequently, cost savings will be ensured.
  3. Organic sludge, which remains as a result of filtration, does not require frequent cleaning (every 4-5 years). It is an excellent organic fertilizer for garden plots.
  4. A well-made septic tank practically eliminates the occurrence of an unpleasant odor from the drains in the area of ​​its location.

When cleaning the bioseptic chambers from silt, it is necessary to leave 1/6 of the accumulated sediment. This is necessary for the further work of anaerobic bacteria.

Principle of operation

The cleaning facility can be planned up to 20 meters from the house. The receipt of waste occurs through special outlets into the waste container. Components of effluents that cannot be dissolved on their own sink to the bottom.

With the help of special anaerobic bacteria, the fermentation process starts, as a result of which methane is released. It is taken away by a special tube installed at a level of 1-2 meters above the roof of the house. The liquid, purified by 50-75%, enters the ground for further complete cleaning. The sediment, which has accumulated at the bottom of the cleaning structure, is removed from it using special sewage equipment.

In order for the quality of wastewater to be higher, a specialized biological filter is installed in the septic tank. Expanded clay is most widely used here. Wastewater treatment can also be carried out with the help of anaerobic bacteria. So, water entering the biofilter is preliminarily amenable to clarification.

Then there is a splitting of impurities, which pass into the sludge. This sediment is removed from time to time from the septic tank as it accumulates. Water purification with this process occurs up to 90%.

When it is cleaned, it enters a special well with anaerobic bacteria to further break down the existing impurities at the final level. The complete purification of the resulting liquid goes into the stage of descent into the soil, because exactly how underground filtration provides the best purification.

Note: such a purification system is suitable for a family of 2-3 people. Where more people live, it is necessary to use layers of gravel and sand, and build additional trenches to cleanse the septic tank.

To equip the system in a certain area, it is necessary to lay several layers of filter sand. The system consists of pipes with small holes. They are lined with rubble along the perimeter.

Design features

The septic tank is a sealed structure with a special filtration system for waste water streams. Here they are cleaned as much as possible, taken out into the ground, or a storage tank.

Septic tanks without pumping are characterized by partial filtration. In order for the purification process to be more essential, it is necessary to add some anaerobic bacteria to the system. They can live in an oxygen-free environment, helping to break down waste into smaller particles, turning them into highly reactive sludge.

It is necessary to monitor the amount of needle deposits. If it exceeds the permissible rate, then an unpleasant odor will come from the septic tank, thereby reducing the level of filtration.

Seat selection and parameters

In order for the constructed septic tank to continuously perform its functions, it is important to take a responsible approach to each point of construction. So, it is necessary to correctly calculate how much volume it should be.

The system parameters directly depend on the amount of water consumed. The optimal consumption rate of daily consumption for one person is 200 liters of water. Threefold value is the daily rate of a family for 3-4 people. It is advised to add about 20% more to the volume.

After the volume of the septic tank is calculated, you need to decide on its size. If, for example, it is necessary to design a septic tank of 18 m 3 of volume, then its optimal depth will be 3 m, length 3 m, width 2 m (if you multiply all sides, you get the desired volume). It is better to take the distance from the bottom of the system to the drain pipe from 0.8 m.

The correct location of the septic tank also plays a critical role in its future ministry. So, it is not recommended to place it closer than 5 m from the house. But it is also not necessary to build far from it - an additional increase in waste on laying the highway.

Independent phased construction

To date, making a septic tank with your own hands can be done from various types of material. So, the most popular of them are: plastic cubes, bricks, concrete rings, barrels, etc.

Regardless of the material from which the treatment system will be made, its structure must be monolithic, reliable, heavy. Alternatively, it must be firmly embedded in the soil.

Septic tank from eurocubes

If the choice of building material fell on a eurocube (durable plastic material), then it is worth noting its positive aspects:

  • low weight, simplifying the installation of the structure;
  • long service life;
  • high level of tightness;
  • affordability.

The main negative aspect of a plastic tank is the obligatory reliable fastening to a concrete slab. Otherwise, during the season of groundwater activity, it may float to the surface.


For the construction of a treatment system from euro cubes, it is necessary:

  1. Dig a pit of the required volume. Its size should be 30 cm larger on all sides than the size of the cubes. The free space between the walls and the pit is filled with a substance of sand and cement in a ratio of 3: 1.
  1. Compaction of the pit with an embankment of a sand layer 20-30 cm thick, which must be carefully tamped.
  2. A concrete slab is lowered onto a sand cushion, fastened to the cubes with anchors and chains.
  3. The chambers of the treatment plant are connected to each other using pipes.
  1. The bottom of the third chamber is cut off, covered with a layer of sand (20 cm thick) and crushed stone (30 cm thick). To make drainage more reliable, perforation of the relative lower edge of the cube walls is made.
  2. The last step is to lay a concrete slab on top of the structure, leaving space for a ventilation pipe for cameras, inspection hatches.

After everything is ready, it is necessary to start up anaerobic bacteria and start operating the septic tank.

Septic tank made of bricks

It is unlikely that anyone will doubt the strength and reliability of a brick as a material for a septic tank. It is characterized by durability, a high level of resistance to aggressive environments, and is not afraid of heaving of groundwater.

use a refractory type of brick as a building material for a septic tank without pumping out. But, the wall thickness of such a structure should be at least 25 cm, chamber partitions - at least 12 cm.


Phased work on the construction of a brick septic tank consists of the following points:

  1. Digging the required pit dimensions. Sealing the bottom.
  2. Laying bricks for a septic tank. Moreover, its shape can be any, both square and semicircular.
  3. The installation of overflow pipes is carried out in parallel with the laying of bricks between the chambers.
  4. When the laying solution hardens, it is necessary to treat the walls of the septic tank from the outside and inside with bitumen mastic. The third camera can be skipped.
  5. The bottom of the septic tank compartments is covered with sand (thickness 20 cm), rammed.
  6. The bottom is laid with a reinforcing mesh, poured with concrete (thickness 20 cm).
  7. The bottom of the third chamber of the system is made drainage, pouring in turn a layer of sand and gravel.

Take a note: in order to improve the quality of the drainage of the septic tank, you can make small holes (3-4 cm) at the bottom even during the brick laying period.

  1. A concrete slab is laid on top of the septic tank, leaving space for ventilation pipes. But, first, it is necessary to strengthen the walls with metal corners.

If the width of the septic tank is planned to be more than 1.5 m, then to support the concrete slab, it is recommended to install a support pillar in the center of each chamber.

Concrete ring septic tank

The construction of a septic tank from concrete rings is a rather laborious process (when it comes to concrete monolithic pouring). However, it is a fairly resistant, monolithic and durable material. A septic tank from it serves up to 50 years.

The main disadvantage of this design is the need to attract special equipment during the construction process, since concrete is a very heavy, heavy material.


Making a monolithic septic tank with your own hands from concrete slabs consists of the following stages of work:

  1. Digging a pit of the required size for the installation of 3 chambers.
  2. Formation of holes on the structure using a perforator for installing sewer pipes, hoses.
  3. The rings are installed on top of each other.
  4. The joints of concrete rings are treated with bitumen mastic (to achieve tightness).
  5. The bottom of the first two chambers is concreted, but it is preliminarily covered with a sand cushion, and a reinforcing net is laid.
  6. Drainage of the third chamber is made using sand and crushed stone (step-by-step scrapping of 20 cm each).
  7. On top, the built-in structure is covered with a concrete slab, leaving openings for inspection hatches and a ventilation pipe.

Barrel septic tank

If we are talking about the construction of a septic tank for a country house, then it is quite advisable to use barrels as a building material. The ideal option would be plastic.

The installation of a septic tank should be done no closer than 20 m from the well (or any other source of drinking water).


For the construction of a septic tank from plastic barrels, you need 3 containers: two for sedimentation tanks, one for drainage. If 2-3 people live in the house, then the volume of one barrel must be at least 1 cube.

Installation of a structure made of plastic drums consists of the following steps:

  1. In barrels that will serve as a septic tank, it is necessary to cut the bottom.
  2. Dig a pit of the required volume (with the expectation that 1 m of depth should also be for the barrel that serves as drainage, as well as the backfill layer).
  3. Fill the bottom with a layer of sand and gravel in turn (20 cm each).
  4. Install the drain pipe into the barrel by means of a cut in the side wall of the tank, or by lowering the pipe into the septic tank to a depth of at least 50 cm, provided that the drainage system is tilted.
  5. Cover the structure with a metal plate or cover on top. Cover with earth (about 50 cm layer).

Manufacturers overview

The cost of industrial septic tanks without pumping largely depends on the following factors:

  • the complexity of the design;
  • septic tank volume;
  • manufactured material.

If we consider the purchase of a septic tank in connection with the choice of the manufacturer, then the most demanded brands of domestic production are considered "Tank" and "Topas". If we talk about the first model, then it consists of a two-chamber device.

The average cost is about 36 thousand rubles. The Topas septic tank model has built-in systems for pumping waste up to 98% purification. The cost is about 80 thousand rubles.

It is worth considering the fact that one cost for a septic tank is not enough here. Its installation will in total make about 50% of the sum of the purification system itself.

Construction on a site with a high water table

In the event that a section of a country house is characterized by the presence of a high level of groundwater, the construction of a septic tank without pumping will not work. Water in it will constantly accumulate and require regular pumping.

The most optimal solution to the problem of a high groundwater level is the construction of a septic tank with a storage tank. It means a volumetric container into which the drains will be collected. As it fills, the liquid will need to be disposed of with the help of sewage disposal equipment.

Remember: The storage housing must be sealed to exclude the possibility of groundwater ingress into it. These can be ready-made containers made of polymers or fiberglass. Reinforced concrete storage is possible.

The storage device can be buried in the ground or placed on the surface by connecting a booster pump.

The main disadvantage of the storage system is the need for regular cleaning. To do this, you need to constantly monitor the level of its filling.

Regardless of what kind of manufactured material you choose for a budget septic tank without pumping out, you must follow all the steps of the step-by-step installation. Otherwise, the septic tank will not fully perform its functions, and, even worse, will harm the environment.

If you decide to purchase a ready-made industrial cleaning structure without pumping out, you should pay attention to the models of trusted manufacturers. From the point of view of installation of such a structure, it is also better to entrust this important matter to knowledgeable specialists, who, as a rule, provide such services directly at the place of purchase.

How to install a septic tank, see the following video:

Summer residents pay special attention to autonomous septic tanks without pumping out, which do not require frequent maintenance and calling a special sewer truck. In addition, such treatment facilities have other positive qualities due to which they have earned such great popularity.

Autonomous septic tanks do not require frequent maintenance and call for a special sewer truck!

Surely you already wanted to install such a turnkey septic tank at the dacha, because it is simple, convenient and profitable. However, which treatment plant from this category to choose, and how do they work? The answers to these frequently asked questions will undoubtedly help you make the right choice.

How does a septic tank work without pumping out?

The principle of operation of a septic tank that works without pumping out effluents is simple. It consists of several chambers connected by an overflow system. The first tank acts as a settling tank, in which solid sediment falls out of the wastewater and remains at the bottom of the chamber. Also, in the first tank, the effluents undergo primary mechanical treatment with separation of fractions.

In the tanks that are located further, wastewater flows as the first chamber is filled (only light fractions are drained there). In the last chamber, the wastewater goes through the final stage of biological post-treatment, after which the purified water is sent outside the septic tank.

Certificates and expert opinion

Despite the fact that an autonomous septic tank without pumping can function for a long time without pumping out solid waste generated at the time of separation of wastewater into fractions, pumping is still necessary. But this is not even waste, but the waste products of bacteria living in a septic tank. As a result of the operation of the station, a harmless sludge sediment is formed, which can be pumped out by almost any submersible pump and disposed of independently.

Which septic tank to choose without pumping?

If you do not want to bother yourself with the need for annual cleaning of the septic tank from accumulated solid masses, pay attention to flow-through septic tanks. Due to the design features and special treatment technology, these structures do not need constant waste pumping, like storage models. Thus, after installation, it will be possible to forever forget about calling the sewer truck and only rarely perform maintenance.

Don't know which septic tank to buy for your summer cottage without pumping? There are several types of septic tanks, each of which has its own characteristics. Which one to choose for a summer residence? To answer this question, you only need to decide what degree of purification you need at the exit from the septic tank and whether you have the opportunity to equip the zone for additional filtration of wastewater with soil: a drainage element or a filtration field.

Anaerobic septic tank Evrolos Eco

An energy-independent, inexpensive, but effective septic tank for a summer residence, which can provide all the necessary benefits. The ideal solution for a summer residence with a minimum budget. However, before buying a flow-through septic tank, it should be borne in mind that it will be necessary to equip facilities for additional treatment of domestic wastewater - an aeration field, filter drainage elements or a filtration trench. And also the type of soil on the site, because such septic tanks can only be installed in well-permeable soils and at a low level of groundwater.

Autonomous cleaning station Eurolos Bio

Septic tank Eurolos Bio is an autonomous productive pumping station capable of serving both small country houses and impressive-sized cottages, while maintaining a high degree of wastewater treatment at a level of up to 95%.

The high degree of purification allows the obtained purified water to be used for technical purposes or simply safely discharged directly onto the open ground.

It is enough to turn to any catalog that offers septic tanks for a summer residence or a country house, and you have to face an almost insoluble problem of choice. Indeed, along with the recognized leaders in this area, there are enterprises that have just entered the market or manufacturers who have achieved success in other types of household products, but have decided to develop a new direction in production. That is why we want to offer you an overview of the main brands of septic tanks that are successfully used in summer cottages with seasonal living and in houses with year-round sewerage use.

Non-volatile septic tanks

Models that work without electricity and are not "tied" to the presence of power grids are primarily suitable for small country houses. In gardening partnerships and in remote areas, there is a risk of power outages for a rather long period, so you should decide in advance on the equipment for sewage. Of course, users have a natural question, is there a need for a septic tank in the country, if you can simply equip a cesspool. Here we will not overpersuade the owners of suburban areas, but simply recall the aesthetics, basic amenities and sanitary requirements. And so, TOP5 non-volatile septic tanks.

1. Tank

The septic tank is made of high-strength plastic with a thickness of 10 mm to 17 mm on the stiffeners. The design of the product provides for the resistance of the model to increased loads that arise under soil pressure in winter and summer. The design service life of the product is at least 50 years, subject to the operating conditions. A simple septic tank works on the principle of preliminary wastewater treatment in the main chamber and subsequent neutralization of the material with a high-performance biofilter. The infiltrator is responsible for the distribution of treated water into the ground.

The special shape of the body protects the septic tank from being squeezed out by the soil, and the possibility of completing the equipment with a high neck makes it possible to place the models at the required depth. The universal design, consisting of block-modules, allows you to collect any volume of a septic tank, and overflow pipes serve as connections.

The operating conditions of the septic tank provide for its periodic cleaning from the accumulated solid sediment. With proper use of the equipment and the use of bacterial colonies, the tank can be cleaned every 4-5 years. With the periodic use of a septic tank, for the winter period, when sewage treatment is not expected, about a third of the water is removed from the tank. We also suggest that you familiarize yourself with a separate article on reviews of Tank septic tanks.

Septic tank characteristics Tank Model name Dimensions (L-W-H) Volume, liters Productivity l / day

Tank-11200x1000x17001200 600
Tank-21800x1200x17002000 800
Tank-2.52030х1200х18502500 1000
Tank-32200х1200х20003000 1200
Tank-43800x1000x17003600 1800

2. Triton

Three chambers are responsible for the implementation of the process of removing various suspensions from contaminated water, anaerobic decomposition of biological material and supplying treated wastewater to the filtration site. The septic tank Triton is available in several versions, which makes it possible to choose between models with a volume of 2 to 40 m3.

Once a year or with intensive use twice a year, the container should be cleaned of the accumulated solid sediment. The service life of the plastic container is approximately 50 years. When installing the equipment, it is required to provide an "anchor", a concrete slab or a monolithic concrete surface, which will ensure reliable holding of the septic tank at a given level.

For small country houses and baths, the Triton-mini model, a compact septic tank for the summer period, designed to receive small wastewater, is suitable. Our review of the septic tank Triton.

Characteristics of the Triton septic tank Model name Dimensions, mm Volume, liters Productivity l / day

Triton mini1250x820x1700750 250
Triton ED1200x1200x17001800 600
Triton T - 11200x11701000 300
Triton H - 11200x11701000 300
Triton H - 21200x20202000 600

3. Tver

Without infiltration fields, the non-volatile septic tank Tver is designed for use in suburban areas of seasonal residence. The water removed from the septic tank can be used as irrigation after all stages of purification have passed, and this is: a sedimentation tank - aeration tank (biodegradation using aerobic bacteria); binding of phosphorus by limestone.

Installation of models is possible on any kind of soil, even if the cottage is located on former peat mines, characterized by an increased aggressive environment. High-strength plastic does not undergo corrosive processes, and an additional "anchor" pre-installed in the pit will not allow the container to "float".

A distinctive feature of the septic tank is the possible intake of a large volume of waste water. If you need to drain the bathtub, then the septic tank will cope without deteriorating the quality of the outlet water and without the risk of releasing untreated wastewater. Our review of the septic tank Tver.

Characteristics of the septic tank Tver Model name Dimensions, mm Volume, liters Productivity l / day

Tver-0.75P2250x850x16703000 750
Tver-1P2500x1100x16703500 1000
Tver-1.5P3500x1100x16705000 1500
Tver-2P4000x1300x16705500 2000

4. Aqua-bio

The septic tank is designed for a summer cottage, where it is possible to create a filtration field or any other type of soil purification of water discharged from the tank. A simple septic tank system is based on the passage of contaminated water through five chambers. Initially, the sedimentation of solid suspensions occurs in the first three compartments of the tank, and then, in the other two chambers, the aerobic bacteria in the filter media “enter” into work.

The advantages of the Aqua-bio septic tank are the ability to purify even heavily contaminated water with organic material. As a result, no reconstruction of filtration fields is required, which remain clean for a long time, and, therefore, there are no additional costs for operating a septic tank. The tightness of a durable plastic case excludes the ingress of contaminated wastewater directly into the soil, therefore it can be used both under a toilet and under a drain from a washing machine or bath.

The performance of the various models ranges from 600 liters to 1300 liters per day. Accordingly, the price of a septic tank also depends on this value. A simple calculation will allow you to choose the most suitable model, but you should be aware that such a septic tank is not suitable for soils with high groundwater levels.

Aqua-bio models differ from each other in volume and performance. Currently, containers are produced with a volume of: 2000 liters; 2500 liters; 3000 liters and 3600 liters. Accordingly with the productivity of liters per day: 700; 900; 1100; 1300.

5. Leader

Leader septic tanks use electricity to remove sediment from sedimentation tanks (airlift) and to start an aerator, which oxidizes organic matter. Nevertheless, it can be characterized as non-volatile, since the estimated period of operation without electricity and while maintaining the quality of waste water is at least two weeks. Four-stage purification does not require the use of special biological additives and is resistant to temporary overloads due to sewage pollution.

Wastewater treatment is carried out in such a way that it can be drained to a place convenient for you: a pond, ditches or a drain well. No violations of the ecology and norms for the discharge of pollutants, full consistency with the surrounding nature. The advantages of a septic tank can be added to the absence of the need to make a concrete base and to preserve the equipment during its long idle time.

Local wastewater treatment is carried out according to the principle of passing through all stages of the tank without pumping out the accumulated mass. The first chamber is designed for the mechanical stage of cleaning - sedimentation of suspended particles and primary clarification of water. The manufacturer indicates that the efficiency of the first chamber reaches 2/3 of the mineral pollution. The second stage is a bioreactor, where anaerobic bacteria initiate fermentation, a process that converts difficult-to-oxidize substances into easier ones for the oxidation process. Bacteria develop on a special polymer line that mimics algae. In the third block of the septic tank, wastewater is purified with oxygen by means of aeration. Bacteria thrive on porous material and in activated sludge. And the result in this victorious battle with sewage is the fourth stage of the septic tank. It is here that deep bio-purification and neutralization of phosphates in an alkaline medium of dissolved limestone is realized.

Characteristics of the septic tank Leader Model name Dimensions, mm Weight of the septic tank, kg Productivity l / day

Leader 0.4N2000х1500х120080 500
Leader 0.6N2800х1500х1200120 750
Leader 1H2700x1650x1450170 1200
Leader 1.5N3600x1650x1450200 1800

Volatile septic tanks

Septic tanks that require a constant connection to electricity operate on the principle of forced oxygen supply to bacteria, i.e. aerobic wastewater treatment. Such a septic tank is a real deep cleaning station that allows you to bring fecal wastewater to a level where it can be drained into water bodies, storm sewers and ditches without the risk of disrupting the ecological balance. Among domestic septic tanks, there are five most common models.

6. Poplar

The design of this septic tank ensures the operation of the selected model in conditions from -30 to + 400C.

Poplar works on the principle of the passage of sewage through four compartments, two of which are aerators. The constant supply of oxygen to the contents of the septic tank has a beneficial effect on the development of bacteria "responsible" for the decomposition of biomaterial. Oxygen pressure is provided by compressors, and fluid circulation between the compartments is carried out by airlifts (circular pumps).

After the decomposition of human waste by bacteria, the wastewater enters the sump, where the activated sludge settles and the liquid is sent through the filter to the discharge system. All pumps are located in a sealed compartment, moisture ingress on the contacts is excluded and, accordingly, a high degree of equipment protection is provided.

The polymers from which the body of the septic tank is made are not subject to corrosion and the estimated service life of the septic tank is about 50 years. Deposits are removed using a sewage machine or independently, the design provides for any of the options. Our review of the septic tank Poplar.

Characteristics of the septic tank Poplar Model name Dimensions, mm Calculated per person Productivity l / day

7. Topas

Treatment of sewage water in the Topas septic tank takes place in several directions. This is the decomposition of organic materials and a qualitative reduction in the mineralization of effluents, cleaning from mechanical impurities. The principle of operation of the septic tank is not something innovative, but, nevertheless, it provides 98% purified water at the outlet, which can be used as irrigation.

The first stage of sewage cleaning is implemented in the receiving chamber, where mechanical impurities are precipitated. Further, the airlift pumps partially purified water into the aeration tank to destroy organic compounds through the vital activity of bacteria, the colonies of which are in the activated sludge. Sludge suspensions supplied with deeper cleaning water are deposited in the next compartment. From there, completely purified water is removed from the system, and the sludge is returned for further use.

Service maintenance of the equipment is carried out when performing measures to check the performance of the compressor and diagnose the septic tank. Read more about reviews of the Topas septic tank and its principle of operation.

Characteristics of the Topas septic tank Model name Dimensions, mm Calculated per person Productivity l / day

TOPAS 51100х1200х25005 1000
TOPAS 81600x1200x25008 1500
TOPAS 102100х1200х250010 2000

8. Ecopan

The Ecopan T series septic tank was specially designed for use on problematic heaving soils and with a high clay content. The destructive effect of the soil on the container is compensated by a two-layer construction with many internal partitions between the surface polymer layers. For light soils, Ecopan of the L series is used, in which resistance to mechanical damage is provided with a wall thickness of up to 8 mm.

Six sections of the septic tank carry out a step-by-step process of cleaning the sewage system. In the first compartment, light and heavy suspensions are deposited, which are pumped out as they accumulate through a hatch provided by the manufacturers. Then the aerobic process takes place inside the next compartment. Ruff loading ensures high-quality development of bacteria, which in turn decompose organic compounds. Additionally, in the next chamber (aerotank), oxygen is supplied by a compressor to deepen the process of decomposition and oxidation.

The sedimentation of the mixture and sedimentation of suspensions occurs in the next compartment, from where the sediment is pumped into the first chamber for further removal. To purify wastewater to the required values, the penultimate compartment is used, where colonies of organisms on a ruff load bring the process of decomposition of biomaterials, and limestone provides a normal pH of the medium. From the last chamber, purified water is removed from the system by means of a pump or by gravity.

Ecopan septic tank characteristics Model name Dimensions, mm Weight, kg Productivity l / day

L-2T-21240x1440x2350190 500
L-3T-31240x1440x2500200 750
L-5T-51440x1640x2550250 1000

9. Unilos

The combination of two types of treatment (biological and mechanical) allows you to remove pollution from sewage and preserve the environmental safety of the suburban area. Unilos continues the series of septic tanks that implement the principle of passing water through several compartments. First, this is the removal of mechanical impurities that settle to the bottom and are removed as they accumulate. Secondly, biological treatment using anaerobic technology. In the chamber, organic impurities from the liquid phase pass into a solid insoluble form, which is convenient for removing them from water by means of filters. At the last stage, the final sedimentation of suspended matter and the removal of 95-98% pure water takes place.

The operation of the equipment involves power outages. The design life is over 50 years. The strength of the case is ensured by the manufacture of 20 mm thick polypropylene walls. More details can be found in our review.

Characteristics of the Unilos septic tank Model name Dimensions, mm Calculated per person Productivity l / day

10. Yubas

The operation of the installation is subject to a rather complex algorithm, which, nevertheless, is implemented with maximum technical simplicity. Repetition of the same processes many times allows you to achieve the maximum degree of water purification from all types of organic contaminants.

The monolithic body of the septic tank does not allow the penetration of wastewater directly into the ground, and its operation allows interruptions in the use of equipment for up to 3 months. An innovative solution was the use of processors to control the treatment equipment. For septic tank owners, it is enough to timely clean the sedimentation chamber of mechanical suspensions, and the rest of the work is done by automation.

Characteristics of the septic tank Yubas Model name Dimensions, mm Weight, kg Productivity l / day

Yubas 51000x100x2360200 1000
Yubas 81500x1000x2360270 1600
Yubas 102000x1000x2360340 2000

Choosing the best septic tank option

Based on the proposed models from various manufacturers, we draw a conclusion. Optimal design, combination of consumer properties and effective technology of water purification have:

among non-volatile septic tanks - Tank,
among septic tanks requiring electricity connection - Topas.

When comparing the capabilities of septic tanks, data on positive consumer reviews and statistical data on the volume of sales of models of septic tanks were used.

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Installing a septic tank is a practical way to solve the problem of draining waste when arranging a local sewage system. But, you see, among the variety of ready-made designs, it is sometimes not easy to make a choice.

To simplify the task, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with an overview of the main types of treatment facilities and popular models from leading manufacturers. We will tell you which septic tank to choose based on the peculiarities of its operation, and we will outline the main parameters of the device that must be taken into account when buying.

For a better understanding of the issue, we supplemented the information with photographs of various models of utilizers, as well as diagrams for their installation.

A septic tank is a waterproof structure, consisting of one or more sections or divided into two or three compartments, chambers. But any sewage treatment plant has its own characteristics.

And therefore, in order to correctly choose a utilizer, it is necessary to analyze the types of equipment presented on the market, to understand the principle of their operation and to determine for oneself the expediency of using one or another model.

Types of materials used

Septic tanks, which are the main element of local sewerage, are classified according to various criteria.

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