Nursery rhymes for children about vegetables and fruits. Useful properties of tomatoes

For all their usefulness, tomatoes are considered quite allergenic product. Usually they are in no hurry to introduce them into complementary foods, fearing a negative reaction from the child’s body.

Nevertheless, tomatoes play a significant role in nutrition, being a source of many useful substances.

Moreover, they often become children’s favorite vegetable. We’ll talk more about at what age you can give your child tomatoes and why they are good and bad, below.

Useful properties of tomatoes

Tomatoes are rich in vitamin A, carotene, ascorbic acid, magnesium, lycopene, iodine, antioxidants and other valuable elements. Tomatoes are useful for children because:

  1. they have a positive effect on cardiovascular activity;
  2. strengthen bones and promote growth (see article Growth of newborns by month >>>);
  3. prevent the occurrence of thrombosis;
  4. help increase hemoglobin levels;
  5. improve intestinal function;
  6. reduce the risk of developing tumors;
  7. strengthen vision;
  8. improve metabolism;
  9. influence strengthening of immunity;
  10. regulate work nervous system, providing a calming effect.

In view of the above beneficial properties, tomatoes should be a must in a child’s diet. True, only natural fruits, that is, seasonal ones (from June to September), have a full range of such properties.

Important! Those products that are available in stores and markets all year round may contain substances hazardous to health.

Harm and contraindications

Harmful effects on the body may include the following:

  • Tomatoes quite often cause allergies;
  • Their consumption in large quantities can negatively affect the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Separately, it is worth noting tomatoes that are grown artificially. They often contain pesticides and nitrates that are dangerous to the body;
  • You should also not eat unripe fruits fresh due to the presence of solanine in them. This substance may cause poisoning.


You should not eat tomatoes if:

  1. diseases of the digestive system (gastritis, pancreatitis, ulcers);
  2. kidney diseases;
  3. cardiovascular pathologies (canned fruits should not be consumed).

When can you give your child tomatoes and in what quantity?

So, at what age can children be given tomatoes? This vegetable can be introduced into complementary foods from 9-10 months, but it must be thermally processed (in the form of purees, in soups). It is recommended to give fresh fruits to children after one year.

By the way! Cooked tomatoes contain more lycopene, which increases their health benefits.

A reasonable question that often arises among mothers who run a private garden: is it possible to give a child under 1 year of age a tomato if it is completely natural, grown in season in their own garden?

  • In this case, after the age of 9-10 months and in the absence of a tendency to allergies, you can offer the baby a few pieces of fresh fruit;
  • If there is no negative reaction, then the volume is gradually increased.

How many tomatoes can you give your child every day?

  1. First, the baby is given no more than 0.5-1 teaspoon of puree from this vegetable and carefully observed throughout the day;
  2. It is always recommended to offer a new product in the first half of the day, so that you have time to track a possible negative reaction to it before going to bed at night;
  3. If this does not happen, then after a day the norm can be doubled, etc.;
  4. After a year, children can eat the vegetable fresh, peeled. It is removed quite simply: the fruit is doused with boiling water and crushed to the desired state;
  5. You can continue to serve tomatoes as a puree or add them to other dishes.

Can children eat canned tomatoes?

  • Fruits stored for the winter, for the most part, lack the beneficial properties they have fresh vegetables. Therefore, they will definitely not provide a child’s body with vitamins;
  • But additives such as salt, vinegar, various seasonings contained in pickled and salted vegetables can put a serious strain on digestive system and kidneys.

In accordance with this, it is not recommended to give canned tomatoes to children under three or four years of age. The same goes for ketchups and sauces.

How to identify allergies?

An allergy to tomatoes in a child may manifest itself in the following symptoms:

  1. skin rash (in different areas);
  2. "red cheeks";
  3. the appearance of itching;
  4. sudden change in stool (diarrhea or constipation). On this issue there is also good article on the website Stool when introducing complementary foods >>>);
  5. bloating, abdominal pain;
  6. watery nasal discharge, sneezing, congestion;
  7. cough;
  8. tearfulness;
  9. severe anxiety, irritability.

Important! If, after your baby has tried a tomato, he has the above symptoms, then you need to stop giving the vegetable for the next two weeks (or even a month).

There is also such a thing as pseudo-allergy.

  • It appears due to the consumption of a large number of fruits at one time;
  • At the same time, previously no negative reaction followed if the child ate them in a small volume;
  • As a rule, negative symptoms go away when you return to age-related nutritional norms.

Which tomatoes to choose?

  1. Tomatoes for children under one or two years old should be exclusively seasonal, grown naturally;
  2. These fruits contain the largest amount of vitamins and do not contain substances harmful to health. It is only important that they are mature and thoroughly washed;
  3. If you buy tomatoes in a store or at the market, give preference to vegetables grown in the ground. Various chemicals are often used for the growth of greenhouse fruits;
  4. When purchasing, you must carefully inspect each tomato:
  • The peel should be intact, and there should be no dents or dark spots on the fruit;
  • If a vegetable is hard to the touch and pale in appearance, then this indicates its immaturity.
  • Thick skins are often an indication of the presence of nitrates;
  • And, naturally, a putrid smell indicates a spoiled product;
  • Store-bought tomatoes will keep better if they have a stalk.
  1. In order for everything useful material(in particular, lycopene) contained in tomatoes are better absorbed by the child’s body, they should be added vegetable oil(in purees, in salads);
  1. Until the age of two, you should offer your child peeled fruits;
  2. You should not combine tomatoes with fish, eggs, or bread. This slows down digestion and increases heaviness in the stomach;
  3. It is not recommended to add salt and sugar to tomatoes for children under one year old. Due to the fact that tomato juice contains a lot of salt, it can be given starting from the age of three;
  4. Tomatoes can be eaten together with any other vegetables (zucchini, carrots, broccoli, potatoes) and main courses (for example, meat. Read, what to do if a child does not eat meat?>>>);
  5. If you have difficulties with digestion, you should not give the tomato and cucumber at the same time;
  6. It is highly not recommended to use for heat treatment aluminum cookware, since the acid contained in the vegetable reacts with the metal;
  7. From the age of three to four years, you can eat tomatoes in any form: fresh, in salads, in borscht, in stews, in juices, in sauces, etc.

Subject to age-specific nutritional standards and cooking rules, the consumption of this valuable vegetable can have the most positive effect on the development of the child’s body, increase appetite and take its rightful place among your baby’s favorite dishes.

If a child is over a year old and his appetite leaves much to be desired, see the online course

Tomato, or tomato, is one of the most common vegetable plants on the ground.

Have you ever wondered why this vegetable is called either tomato or tomato? And which of these names is correct?

In ancient Mexican language the plant was called "tomatl". It came from him Russian word"tomato". The word "tomato", according to some researchers, comes from the Italian "pomio d'oro", which means "golden apple". Other scientists believe that this word was derived from French words"pom d'amor", translated as "love apple".

Therefore, both words are correct, and you can choose the one you like best.

It is no coincidence that both the Italians and the French compared a tomato to an apple. They are similar and rounded shape and color: green, pink, bright red or golden yellow.

What does a tomato look like?

Tomatoes - juicy vegetables, they have small yellowish-white seeds inside.

Currently, more than two thousand cultivated varieties of tomatoes are known. Tomato fruits are very diverse in shape, color and size. In some varieties they are no more walnut, others weigh from 200 to 600 grams (for example, the “Golden Ball” variety).

The homeland of tomatoes is Mexico, Peru, Chile, Guatemala - tropical countries of South and Central America. Wild tomatoes are still found there. Their fruits are slightly larger than a pea and hang in clusters; the plant forms densely intertwined thickets. The fruit of a wild tomato weighs no more than one gram.

Tomatoes appeared in Europe in the 16th century. First they came to Spain and Portugal, and then appeared in Italy, France and others European countries, including in Russia. The Italian botanist P. Matioli described a new plant, unknown to Europeans, as follows: “The fruit is compressed, like round apples, dissected - like melons, at first green in color, then, when maturity comes, in some plants it turns out to be golden, in others - red, and therefore called the golden apple."

In Europe, tomatoes were first ornamental plants because of the beautiful, bright fruits. They decorated flower beds in gardens, covered balconies and gazebos with green tomatoes, and grew them in pots on window sills.

At one time, tomato fruits were considered poisonous and were not used as food.

Russia was one of the first countries to begin growing tomatoes as vegetables in the 18th century. This happened thanks to the wonderful Russian agronomist* Andrei Timofeevich Bolotov. He wrote about the benefits of tomatoes, how to grow tomatoes in conditions middle zone Russia. Bolotov’s efforts were not in vain; already in the 19th century, tomatoes became a favorite and widespread vegetable in Russia.

Listen to the poem.


From South America

As they say,

We got a big one

Bright red tomato.

First he flowerbeds

Decorated in the gardens,

And then into borscht

And the salads hit.

It's fresh and pleasant

And juicy looking

He used tomato juice

He'll treat you!

Tomatoes are sometimes called northern oranges: like bright orange oranges, they are very rich in vitamins.

What beneficial substances are contained in tomatoes?

These are sugars, fiber, magnesium, sodium, potassium, iron salts, citric and malic acids and a large number of vitamins

Listen to a fairy tale.

Green tomato

Grandma Poli had beds of tomatoes in her garden. They ripened well, at first they were small and green, and then they became large and bright red. It’s not for nothing that people call them golden apples.

Only one tomato grew poorly and remained green.

Why do you think?

Right! He lacked light and warmth, because the overgrown burdock covered the tomato with one leaf and did not give it sunlight.

One day the cat Fedot went to the garden to admire the vegetables. I noticed that Bell pepper became like bright yellow and scarlet lanterns, that the tomatoes turned red, that the peas were ripe.

Fedot walked along the tomato bed and noticed that one tomato was small and green.

- What happened to you? Why don't you mature? - he asked the tomato.

He cried bitterly and told Fedot that a large burdock leaf was preventing him from growing.

- No problem! — Fedot answered. “Burdock has a lot of leaves, but I’ll bite off this leaf.” My teeth are sharp and strong.

He grabbed the stem of the leaf and chewed it off. He fell into a ditch. Several days passed, the cat Fedot went into the garden again to check on the unripe tomato.

And I didn’t recognize him! He grew up, filled with juice and turned pink.

- Thank you, Fedotushka! — the tomato thanked the resourceful cat. “Now Grandma Polya won’t throw me away, but will roll me up in a jar to keep until winter, or make a delicious salad.”

- Eh, it’s a pity I don’t eat vegetables! - said Fedot. - I would like fish, liver, meat or milk! This is my favorite food. But it’s still good that you didn’t go to waste!

Answer the questions

Why did all the tomatoes ripen well, but one remained small and green?

Who came to the garden?

How did the smart cat Fedot help the tomato?

How did the fairy tale end?

Tomatoes are used to make juice, paste, and sauces, including the famous “Ketchup.” Tomatoes are added to salads, a variety of meat and vegetable dishes, they are salted and pickled.

Tomatoes give good harvest, if they receive enough heat and moisture. In the garden, these vegetables get along well with many plants. If you plant tomatoes between the strawberry beds, it will produce more berries, and the tomato fruits will become larger and juicier.

Tomato stems and leaves have the ability to kill insect pests. Therefore, many garden plants are sprayed with a decoction of the tops of these vegetables.

Answer the questions

Which name is correct: “tomato” or “tomato”?

What does a tomato look like?

Why did the Italians and French compare a tomato to an apple?

Where do tomatoes come from?

How were tomatoes used in Europe in the 16th-17th centuries?

Thanks to whom did tomatoes begin to be grown as vegetables?

What beneficial substances are contained in tomatoes?

What dishes are prepared from tomatoes?

Why are garden plants sprayed with a decoction of tomato tops?

Toddler tomatoes

The first letter is "r"

Second letter "a"

Third letter "s"

The last letter of the letter is "a"

Answer for the clue "Toddler tomatoes", 7 letters:

Alternative crossword questions for the word seedlings

Juveniles for beds

Seedlings for beds

Young shoots

Youth in peat pots

Grows from seeds

"youth" in the garden

Definition of the word seedling in dictionaries

New explanatory dictionary of the Russian language, T. F. Efremova. The meaning of the word in the dictionary New explanatory dictionary of the Russian language, T. F. Efremova.
and. Young plants grown in greenhouses for subsequent transplantation (to ridges, plots, in the field).

Big Soviet Encyclopedia The meaning of the word in the dictionary Great Soviet Encyclopedia
young plants grown for planting on permanent place. It is used in vegetable growing, fruit growing, floriculture, forestry, as well as in the cultivation of some industrial crops. The most common use of R. is in vegetable growing. Landing...

Dictionary Russian language. S.I.Ozhegov, N.Yu.Shvedova. The meaning of the word in the dictionary Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language. S.I.Ozhegov, N.Yu.Shvedova.
-s, f., cathedral. Young plants grown in protected soil and intended for transplanting into beds, in open ground. Cabbage river adj. seedling, oh, oh. Seedling pots (molds for growing seedlings).

Examples of the use of the word seedlings in literature.

Planting cabbage seedlings- it’s a very tedious task, and Davka and I, seizing the moment, often ran through the haze to the other side - to smoke and chat.

Women followed us with onions, inserting them into each hole. seedlings and covered it with earth.

Liventsev realized that this was written by a German exiled to the Urals, hoping, like all of them, that the war would soon end and even sooner would be forgotten, and he, an honest owner of tobacco plantations, would again command a whole army of Russian girls from the Melitopol district who would serve him scratch the soil, plant from greenhouses seedlings, pick ripe leaves, dry them on suruks and do all these complex, labor-intensive procedures with them until you get a product ready to be sent to the tobacco factory.

This park used to belong to my mother’s father, the owner of a large floriculture company that supplies the whole country with exotic seeds, a greenhouse seedlings and live palm trees in green tubs.

But selling mulch, insecticides and seedlings marigolds - mortal melancholy.

KIRILL AVDEENKO. Nursery rhymes for children 1-3 years old on various topics

1. Nursery rhymes for kids about vegetables, fruits and various products


Cottage cheese, cottage cheese, cottage cheese,
Yum-yum-yum - how delicious!
Cottage cheese, cottage cheese, cottage cheese,
White like cabbage!
In your mouth! - and cottage cheese
Like a snowflake melts;
Cottage cheese cottage cheese is our friend!
Strengthens teeth.


Chickens: "Ko-ko-ko!
We laid eggs;
Ku-ko-ku-eat, ko-ko,
Little kids!"


Tomato in the garden
Does exercises;
How are you, tomato?
- Fine! In order!
All sweaty - but not tired!
It turned red from charging.


In the garden there is noise, noise, noise,
Bunny-bunny: crunch-crunch-crunch,
Jump-jump-jump on the stumps, on the stumps,
I ate a carrot - yum-yum-yum!



A bull walks across the field:
"Smells delicious like onions!
It tickles my nose -
I’ll eat it if I want.”


We're walking, we're walking!
Let's take a walk and see
Let's work up an appetite
Let's eat delicious meat.


One raspberry, two raspberries,
Right by the window;
One raspberry, two raspberries -
A whole basket!
You just have to get up early
To collect the basket.


Fish-fish, oh well,
It floated into our saucepan!
To cook, to feed everyone -
Wash your hands quickly.

3. Nursery rhymes for kids about vegetables, fruits and various products


The titmouse screams high:
“Oh, how the strawberry has grown!
We need to pick it up quickly -
I flew to call the kids!”


What a roar - boom-boom-boom -
The apple has fallen!
We'll find an apple in the grass
So that it doesn't disappear.


We'll pick blueberries
On daddy's birthday;
Let's cook it for dad quickly
Delicious jam!
Dad will say: “Well done!
Gifts for everyone - lollipops.”


We hung in the rain;
It rained at night and during the day,
So that we blush and sing,
So that the kids can eat us up quickly!
The rain has washed us all now -
We are cherries - eat us!


Our garlic, garlic,
Oh, how bitter, bitter!
Our garlic, garlic
Borka's calf eats;
Tell us why?
-To be strong! Mu Mu.

4. Nursery rhymes for 1-3 year old children about VEGETABLES, FRUITS AND VARIOUS PRODUCTS.


Pear-pear - high!
It is not easy to get to her;
Everything is ripe - look!
Pear-pear - fall.


We ate soup
We ate soup
Let's eat the soup quickly!
Eat a lot?
Well then,
Oh yeah soup! Ay, good!


Oh, cutlets, cutlets,
Oh, how they smell! Nice!
We will fry them, we will fry them,
Let's eat to our heart's content!


The pumpkin-pumpkin has grown up,
Mom brought a pumpkin;
Dad-dad - warm the water!
Cook the pumpkin quickly.

5. Nursery rhymes for children aged 1-3 years old about vegetables, fruits and various products


Grandfather, grandmother, grandson
They pour and water the zucchini,
Pour and water the zucchini
Grandma, grandpa, grandson,
May he mature soon!
May he sing soon!
Which is sooner rather than later
He ate our mouth!


Oh, the currants are blooming!
Oh yes the berry grew!
Oh how I sang day after day!
Oh, let's pick a berry.


Peas in the supermarket
He shouted: “Oh-oh-oh!
How many kids are here, guys!
Everyone's looking at the candy!
Here I am, kids, look!
Well, hurry up and buy me!
Sweets are of no use...
I'm needed more than a hundred candies!"


Hey radish! Jump into the bowl!
-No, I won’t jump! Don't want!
The kids didn't wash their hands
As soon as they wash it, I’ll drop by!

Copyright Kirill Avdeenko, 2012