Responsibilities of the godmother at the baptism of a girl. Responsibilities of a godmother. What should come first - faith or Baptism? Is it possible to be baptized in order to believe?

Traditionally, the church advised its parishioners to baptize a newborn 40 days after his birth. Moreover, this period is not mandatory, but simply coincides with another tradition concerning the woman in labor. It is believed that after forty days the young mother will get rid of natural female weakness (bleeding) and can visit the temple.

Today, rarely do any parents adhere to such a church recommendation, focusing on their beliefs, capabilities or needs. If the physical condition of the baby or the religious beliefs of his relatives require it, the ceremony can be performed literally the next day after the birth of the child. Of course, in this case, the mother will not be able to attend church with her child, but her presence is not at all mandatory.

It is quite understandable that it is irrational to demand repentance and faith from a small creature, which is the main condition for reunification with God. That is why a godmother appeared, for whose faith the baby will be baptized. But what are her responsibilities before, during and after the sacrament? You will read about this and more below.

What does the status oblige you to?

A godmother for a boy or girl is a kind of spiritual mentor of a child who will take care of his spiritual and physical education after the probable death of his parents. In essence, this woman becomes a second mother for the baby, and she should be ready to take over some of the responsibilities for maintenance and care if an urgent and critical need arises.

Based on this, godmothers cannot be:

  • a married or intimate couple;
  • children who are not yet able to vouch for the baby;
  • people who do not profess Orthodoxy;
  • immoral and thoughtless individuals who cannot vouch for the future godson due to bad physical condition or an unworthy lifestyle.

What should a godmother do?

At the moment of the baptism procedure, the second named mother receives from the hands of the priest the baby who has just been in the font. From this moment all responsibilities begin godmother, which has taken over the need to raise a girl or boy in best traditions Orthodoxy.

On the day of such a church sacrament, the duties of the godmother for a girl or boy include the need to present the future ward with baptismal attire in the form of a shirt, cap and towel.

The latter does not need to be washed after use, since it can have a healing effect on the child, helping him to more easily endure illness or emotional shock. The clothes in which the child experienced the ritual are also not washed, and are stored throughout his life.

Godmother's life credo

So, if you are invited to become a godmother for a baby, under no circumstances refuse without having a very good reason. In fact, the duties of a godmother for a boy or girl are not difficult, and bring real spiritual satisfaction.

So what will you need to do:

  • Pray for the godson and instruct him in the spiritual sphere of his life;
  • When a child reaches a conscious age, he will need to be clearly and interestingly conveyed the basic concepts and traditions of Orthodoxy, teach him to pray and behave in church;
  • The godmother of a girl or boy provides all possible assistance to parents in raising and raising the child;
  • On the days of Orthodox celebrations, one should visit the godson and give him purely symbolic gifts. So, for example, in Easter Sunday you can present Easter cake or krashenka;
  • The godmother must attend the wedding day of her spiritual ward. As a gift, she should bring a loaf of bread made with her own hands, which everyone present is treated to;
  • The second mother should periodically take her godson to church, instilling in him a love of religion and the habit of confession.

What should you wear to a christening?

So, if you are preparing to become a godmother, you need to comply with a certain church dress code, namely:

  • dress the consecrated pectoral cross;
  • cover your head with a scarf or scarf;
  • wear a dress that will cover your shoulders and cover your knees, have a modest coloring and style;
  • Do not come wearing high-heeled shoes. It would look extremely inappropriate in a church, and the baptism ceremony itself takes more than an hour. During this time, you will need to constantly hold the child in your arms, without being able to sit down;
  • For other occasions, set aside bright makeup, flashy jewelry and other accessories.

It is worth noting that all these archaic traditions are not capable of burdening you, so a fashionable haircut and an up-to-date wardrobe should be saved for the subsequent festive feast.

What you need to know about the day of baptism and the ceremony itself

Since all churches are usually crowded during the celebration of Trinity, Christmas and Easter, you should not baptize a child on these days. There is also no need to worry about registering for the ritual in advance, since according to the temple schedule, the ritual begins immediately after morning service, daily, after 10 am.

If parents pursue the desire to baptize their child without outside witnesses, they need to contact the priest, discuss with him the desired date and time, not forgetting to coordinate them with the baby’s mother. The fact is that a woman is forbidden to enter the church if she is menstruating.

It's also worth remembering the following:

  • before baptism you need to have time to receive communion and confession;
  • you need to start fasting a few days before the significant date;
  • on the day when the child is to be baptized, godparents and parents are forbidden to have sex and eat;
  • The prayer “Creed” is mandatory to study. If a boy is baptized, it is read by the godfather, if a girl is baptized by the godmother;
  • the unspoken rule is that the godparents take charge of everything financial questions related to the organization of the ritual. If the church does not have official prices for providing such a service, they must make an affordable donation.

Signs and superstitions

Various sources frighten future godparents and parents with an incredible number of restrictions and taboos, which are sometimes impossible to observe.

We offer only the most common signs that have taken root among people:

  • A pregnant or menstruating woman cannot be a godmother;
  • You should not wear mourning black clothes. Baptism is a real holiday that needs to be celebrated in a beautiful outfit;
  • The presence of an odd number of visitors, guests or relatives combined in the temple is unacceptable. It is advisable that the ritual be seen by as few people as possible. There is no need to tell everyone that you are going to baptize your child;
  • So that as your child grows up he doesn’t feel strapped for money, be sure to count all the money in the house before you go to church;
  • The godmother for a little girl and boy, with whom the most unusual signs are associated, should not quarrel or swear with anyone on the day of the ritual.

Remember, the ceremony cannot take place if you have not learned the necessary prayer and have not dressed the child in the appropriate attire. The church gives you and the baby's parents enough time to fully prepare, expecting responsibility and obedience.

When agreeing to become a godmother, a woman must understand that she will have to take responsibility for raising her godson/goddaughter in the spirit of Orthodoxy, setting an example of a pious life. Therefore, the proposal should be taken seriously, assessing the possibility of implementing the assigned mission.

How to prepare a future godmother for the baptismal ceremony

The future godmother must be baptized in Orthodoxy, know the basics of the Christian faith, observe church laws, and also undergo certain preparation for the sacrament.

How to pass an interview

After setting the date for the christening and agreeing on it with the priest, the godmother and godfather must attend public conversations and receive the priest’s blessing for a bright mission. Usually one or two such interviews are scheduled, in some cases three to five. Some churches, after listening to preparatory lectures and passing exams, issue certificates or certificates of completion of public discourses.

During the classes, the priest talks about the rite of Baptism itself, and also explains the meaning of the Orthodox faith in general. Godparents, at a minimum, need to familiarize themselves (if this has not been done previously) with the text Holy Scripture New Testament and learn basic Orthodox prayers.

Fasting, Confession and Communion

During the preparation period, recipients must attend a church service, confess (repent of their sins) and receive communion. Three days before the sacrament of baptism, observe fasting: do not eat food of animal origin, abstain from marital relations, foul language and entertainment. On the day of baptism, you must come to church on an empty stomach. Such preparation will allow the godmother to participate in the first communion of her godson/goddaughter and take communion with him/her.

What prayers you need to know

Mandatory for the godmother, like any Christian believer, is knowledge and understanding of prayer, which is summary basic dogmas of the Orthodox faith. By saying this prayer, the godparents, instead of the baptized person, acknowledge faith in the creator of heaven and earth, the Lord God, his son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit.

It is also necessary to learn the prayers “Our Father”, “Rejoice to the Virgin Mary”, “Heavenly King”.

How to dress correctly

The appearance of the godmother in the temple should be modest and neat. But you shouldn’t choose dark clothes, since baptism is a bright holiday. The best solution will become pastel shades: milky, beige, lavender. In addition, light-colored clothing looks more formal in photographs.

  • A woman in the temple must have her head covered. Choose a beautiful shawl or stole. For a girl’s christening, it would be appropriate for the godmother to choose a headdress that harmoniously matches the goddaughter’s cap or scarf.
  • A dress or skirt must be below the knee length. Tight-fitting models and models with deep necklines are not allowed - the godmother needs to bow and accept the child from the priest after churching, kneeling (most often this is done by the mother, but sometimes by the godmother)
  • Arms, shoulders and décolleté should be covered. It is better to give preference to dresses and blouses with a collar and sleeves no higher than the elbow.
  • Shoes should be closed and with low heels. This will avoid leg fatigue after the ceremony. The girl is received from the font and then held in her arms by her godmother.
  • The use of bright decorative cosmetics is not encouraged.

Is it possible to be a godmother on critical days?

It is necessary to agree with the child’s parents on the date of baptism so that it does not coincide with the days of her monthly purification, since during this period the woman is not allowed to participate in church sacraments. If your period comes unexpectedly, then you cannot hide this fact; it is better to ask the baby’s parents to reschedule the baptism.

If it is not possible to change the date, you need to talk with the priest and discuss the possibility of participating in baptism.

  • In most cases, priests are allowed to be present in the church and simply observe the ceremony, while the godmother is indicated on the baptismal certificate.
  • In some churches, the godmother is allowed to participate in the ritual with the stipulation that she is not allowed to accept the child from the baptismal font, hold him in her arms or venerate the icons. It is allowed to pronounce traditional vows and pray.

What are the responsibilities of a godmother during the sacrament?

At the baptism of a girl

The responsibilities of the godmother during the baptism of a girl are greater, since she is considered the main recipient. She will have to take her goddaughter from the font and hold her in her arms until the end of the sacrament.

The godmother will also need to undress the child for immersion in the font and then dress him in a baptismal shirt. Some churches have changing tables, but with a general baptism of several children, you will have to do everything in weight. In this case, it is good to have experience communicating with small children and be able to calm a crying baby.

At the baptism of a boy

The godfather takes the boy from the font and holds him in his arms throughout the ceremony. The priest may ask the godmother to read the “Creed” prayer.

Responsibilities of the godmother after baptism

The very first thing a godmother needs to do after baptism is to constantly pray for her godson/goddaughter. church services, submit health notes, mention in morning and evening prayers, pronounced at home.

An already grown-up child needs to be taught piety, mercy, kindness by example, and together with his parents, begin to accustom him to regular visits to church and reading. Orthodox literature, introduce church calendar. The responsibility also includes teaching the child to pray, adhere to fasts, and resort to saving sacraments - confession and communion.

The godmother must remember the date of the christening and every year congratulate the godson/goddaughter on Angel Day, take the child to church on this day, light candles for health. It is better to prepare gifts for this holiday with a spiritual meaning.

Not only in childhood, but also in adulthood, the godmother should take part in the fate of the godson/goddaughter, guiding him on the right path, helping kind words, advice, support in various life situations.

Photos provided

During Baptism, a large role and responsibility is given to the godmother. After all, her duties are not limited to the Sacrament of Baptism and congratulations to the godson on worldly and church holidays– they will last throughout life.

The godmother must help the parents prepare for the Sacrament and the celebration of christening, that is, the duties of the godmother at baptism begin long before the ceremony itself.

Preparing for Baptism

A godmother can only be an Orthodox Christian who has accepted Holy Baptism. If the future godmother has not yet been baptized, then she is baptized first, and only then the baby. Before performing the sacrament, the godmother must:

  • 2-3 days before the ceremony, repent of your earthly sins and take communion.
  • On the day of baptism it is forbidden to eat or have sex.
  • The godmother must know the “Symbol of Faith” and “Our Father”. During the baptism of a girl, the godmother will have to read the Sacrament “Symbol of Faith” at a certain moment (when baptizing a boy, this is done by the godfather).

The godmother must take care of the gift to the godson and other things that are necessary for the ceremony:

  1. White christening shirt– it can be plain cotton or with openwork embroidery (at the choice of the godparents). Traditionally, the shirt is placed on the baby immediately after the ceremony and he must wear it for eight days, after which it is removed and stored throughout his life.
  2. Pectoral cross. It can be bought by the godmother herself (or godparent) or both godparents together. It doesn’t matter what kind of cross it is (gold, silver or simple) - it must be with a crucifix and the child should not remove it after the sacrament.
  3. Towel– desirable large sizes, because the godson will be wrapped in it after Baptism. It cannot be washed after the ceremony and the godson must carefully keep it throughout his life.

A baptismal shirt and a cross can be purchased directly at the church. If the cross was not purchased from a church, it will need to be consecrated in advance.

In addition to these mandatory things, the godmother must ensure that the child’s parents take with them:

  • A cap (or scarf) so that the child’s head can be covered.
  • A baby blanket to warm the baby after the bath and swaddle him in time.
  • A small bag in which you can put a lock of a child’s hair cut during Baptism (it can also be stored with a towel and shirt).

Well, of course, don’t forget about the gift. Traditional gifts on the day of Epiphany are a cross, a small icon with the name of the Guardian Angel, and a silver spoon.

Rite of Baptism

When going to church, make sure that your appearance corresponds to the traditions and requirements of the church:

  • The godmother must have a cross on her body;
  • You cannot wear trousers to baptism. You should come in a dress or skirt that covers your shoulders and legs below the knee.
  • The godmother must have a scarf on her head;
  • Do not wear high heels - it will look indecent in church, and you will have to stand with the child in your arms for a long time;
  • Provocative clothing and makeup are prohibited in church.

If a girl is baptized, then holding her in her arms during Baptism is the duty of the godmother. She must receive the baby after immersion in the font in a towel and dress the child. When a boy is baptized, these procedures must be performed by the godfather, but the godmother must always be nearby and help him during the ceremony.

It is good if the child has experience communicating with his godmother before Baptism - this will help him more easily cope with stress during the ceremony. The godmother needs to be prepared to be able to calm (perhaps rock) the baby.

The Baptism ceremony usually lasts about an hour, after which, according to tradition, everyone is invited to a festive feast. It is the godmother's duty to help organize this holiday in advance, help parents in holding the holiday, or take care of the baby while parents are busy with holiday preparations.

Remember that from now on, you must share all the worries and concerns about your godson with your parents and help them in everything.

Responsibilities of a godmother after Baptism

The godmother vouches for her godson before the Lord and is responsible for his spiritual and Christian upbringing:

  • Takes part in the life and process of raising the child on an equal basis with biological parents;
  • Prays for the godson and takes care of him;
  • Attends church with his godson if the parents do not have such an opportunity;
  • On religious holidays, on Angel's day and others holidays remembers and observes his duty to his godson;
  • Takes the problems in the godson’s life attentively and seriously and supports him at difficult stages;
  • Promotes and participates in the spiritual growth of the child;
  • Serves as an example of pious life for the godson;
  • Takes care of the child if something happens to the biological parents (in the event of the death of the parents, he becomes the guardian).

The duties of a godmother continue throughout her life and one must try to fulfill them with a clear conscience, since she is responsible before God for her godson.

Baptism - the essence and meaning of the rite of baptism

The rite of baptism is a Sacrament in which the believer dies to a sinful carnal life in order to be reborn by the Holy Spirit into spiritual life. Baptism is the cleansing of a person from original sin, which is communicated to him through his birth. Just as a person is born only once, and the Sacrament is performed only once in a person’s life.

How godparents prepare for the baptism ceremony

Two or three days before the ceremony, future godparents must repent of their earthly sins and receive communion.
Directly on the day of baptism, it is forbidden to have sex and eat food.
When a girl is baptized, the godmother will have to read the “Creed” prayer; when a boy is baptized, the godfather reads it.
Responsibilities of a godmother. What should a godmother do?

A child cannot choose his godmother himself; his parents make this choice for him. The exception is the older age of the child. The choice is usually determined by the closeness of the future godmother to the family, warm attitude towards the child, and the principles of morality that the godmother adheres to.

What are the responsibilities of a godmother?

1.) The godmother guarantees for the newly baptized child before the Lord.
2.) Bears responsibility for the spiritual education of the child.
3.) Takes part in the life and upbringing of the child on an equal basis with biological parents.
4.) Takes care of the child in a situation where something happens to the biological parents (the godmother can become the guardian in the event of the death of the parents).
5.) A godmother is a spiritual mentor for her godson and an example of the Christian lifestyle.

The godmother must:

Pray for your godson and be a loving and caring godmother.
Attend church with a child if his parents do not have such an opportunity due to illness or absence.
Remember your responsibilities on religious holidays, ordinary holidays and weekdays.
Take problems in your godson's life seriously and support him through difficult stages of life.
Be interested in and promote the spiritual growth of the child.
Serve as an example of godly life for the godson.

Features of the baptism ritual

The child's biological mother is prohibited from attending the baptism. A young mother is considered “unclean” after giving birth, and cannot be in the temple until the cleansing prayer, which is read by the priest on the fortieth day after birth. Therefore, it is the godmother who holds the baby in her arms. Including undressing and dressing, calming down, etc.

In many churches it is customary to collect a donation for the baptismal ceremony. But even in the absence of funds, they cannot refuse to perform the baptismal ceremony.

Baptism in the temple is not a mandatory rule. You can invite a priest home if the baby is sick. After recovery, he should be brought to church for churching.

If the baby’s name is present in the Saints, then it remains unchanged at Baptism. In other cases, the child is given the name of the Saint on whose day the ceremony is performed.

Spouses, as well as the biological parents of the child, cannot become godparents, because the Sacrament of Baptism presupposes the emergence of spiritual relationships between godparents.

Considering that carnal relationships between spiritual relatives are not allowed, marriages between, for example, a godfather and the godson’s mother are also prohibited.

How is the sacrament of child baptism performed?

The Baptism ceremony lasts about an hour. It consists of the Annunciation (reading special prayers over the child), his renunciation of Satan and union with Christ, as well as confession Orthodox faith. The godparents say the appropriate words for the baby.

At the end of the announcement, the sequence of Baptism begins - immersing the child in the font (three times) and pronouncing traditional words.

The godmother (if the newly baptized person is a girl) takes a towel and receives the godson from the font.

What should the godmother do? The baby is dressed in white clothes and a cross is put on him.

The myrrh is washed from the baby's body by the priest using special sponge moistened with holy water.

Then the baby's hair is cut on four sides, which is folded onto a wax cake and lowered onto it into the font (a symbol of submission to God and sacrifice in gratitude for the beginning of spiritual life).

Prayers are said for the newly baptized and his godparents, followed by churching.

The priest carries the baby around the temple; if it is a boy, he is brought into the altar and then given to his parents.

After baptism - communion.

Requirements for a godmother at a christening

The most important requirement for godparents is to be baptized Orthodox Christians who live according to Christian laws. After the ceremony, godparents must promote the spiritual growth of the child and pray for him. If the future godmother has not yet been baptized, then she should be baptized first, and only then the baby. Biological parents may be completely unbaptized or profess a different faith.

The godmother must be aware of her responsibility for raising the child. Therefore, it is welcomed when relatives are chosen as godparents - family ties are broken less often than friendly ones.

The godfather can attend the girl’s baptism in absentia, the godmother - only in person. Her duties include receiving the girl from the font.
Godparents should not forget about the day of baptism. On the day of the Godson's Guardian Angel, you should go to church every year, light a candle and thank God for everything.

What should a godmother wear? Appearance of the godmother at the christening.

The modern church is more loyal to many things, but taking into account its traditions is certainly recommended. Basic requirements for a godmother at baptism:

1. It is mandatory for godparents to have crosses (consecrated in the church).
2. It is unacceptable to come to baptism in trousers. You should wear a dress that covers your shoulders and legs below the knee.
3. The godmother must have a scarf on her head.
4. High heels– superfluous. The baby will have to be held in your arms for a long time.
5. Flashy makeup and provocative clothing are prohibited.

What do godparents buy for baptism?

White christening shirt (dress). It can be simple or with embroidery - it all depends on the choice of the godparents. The shirt (and everything else) can be purchased directly from the church. Old clothes At baptism, the baby is removed as a sign that he appears clean before the Lord, and the baptismal robe is put on after the ceremony. Traditionally, this shirt should be worn for eight days, after which it is removed and stored for life. Of course, you cannot baptize another baby in it.
- Pectoral cross with the image of a crucifixion. They buy it directly from the church, already consecrated. It doesn’t matter - gold, silver or simple, on a string. After baptism, many people remove the crosses from their children so that they do not accidentally harm themselves. According to church canons, the cross should not be removed. Therefore, it is better to choose a light cross and a rope (ribbon) so that the baby is comfortable.
- The towel in which the baby is wrapped after the Sacrament of baptism. It is not washed after the ceremony and is stored as carefully as a shirt.
- Cap (kerchief).
- The best gift from the godparents there will be a cross, icon or silver spoon.
Also for the baptism ceremony you will need:
- Baby blanket. For comfortable swaddling of the baby in the baptismal room and warming the baby after the baptismal bath.
- A small bag in which you can put a lock of the baby’s hair, cut by a priest. You can keep it with your shirt and towel.
It is advisable to make sure in advance that the items are suitable for the baby.

After the baptism ceremony

So, the baby was baptized. You have become a godmother. Of course, according to tradition, this day is a holiday. It can be noted in family warmth circle or crowded. But it is worth remembering that christening is, first of all, a celebration of the spiritual birth of a baby. You should prepare for it in advance and thoroughly, thinking through every detail. After all, the day of your spiritual birth, which you will now celebrate every year, is much more important than the day of your physical birth.

A newborn baby is usually baptized on the 40th day of birth, but the church does not provide for a specific timing. It is quite possible that this is due to the fact that a woman cannot visit the temple in the first 40 days after giving birth, since she has not yet gained strength. There are no time limits, so the baby can be introduced to the cross at any time. Even doctors recommend that babies who were born unhealthy be baptized as early as possible so that they are protected by the Lord and their guardian angel.

The two main conditions for union with the Lord are repentance and faith. Of course, an infant is unable to do any of them. That is why little man people are needed who will lead him to God with their faith. They are called godparents.

Only Orthodox Christians who are aware of their own faith can be godparents for a child. The Trebnik states that one recipient is sufficient for baptism: godfather for a boy and godmother for a girl. However, customs dictate different rules, so a child often has both a godfather and a godmother (sometimes more than one pair).

Godmother and her role in the life of a child

First, you need to decide who can become the baby’s godmother. The Church does not allow nuns, his parents, or a married couple to lead a child into the cross. Baptism without recipients is also allowed. In this case, the priest himself will become the baby’s godfather and will perform the ceremony. The opinion that if the godmother is pregnant, then it is impossible to take her as a godmother is erroneous.

The duties of the godmother include knowledge of the Creed, which will need to be read at a certain point in the ritual, and familiarization with the answers to the questions asked by the priest (about the godmother’s renunciation of Satan, about union with Christ). Also, the duties of the godmother at baptism include holding the child in her arms during the ceremony. Only after dipping the baby into the font three times can he end up in the hands of his godfather, but on the condition that the baby is a boy. If you have been invited to the role of godmother, go to church before performing this sacrament and talk to the priest who will answer all your questions. In general, there is no specific list of what a godmother should know and do to introduce a child to the cross. However, when the child reaches conscious age, the godmother will have to explain to him the basic tenets of Orthodoxy. Until the end of her life, she must pray for her godson, since the godmother’s prayer is intercession for her “ward” before God. She offers God her own faith, heart, confession and love. If the godmother does not have this, then you should not expect the best from the godson.

Sometimes it happens that the woman chosen by the parents does not properly fulfill her duties, then the question arises as to whether it is possible to change godmother to kid. The Church usually opposes such changes, but if the situation is really difficult, then the priest can bless help in raising a child and another worthy Christian. But the rite of rebaptism is a taboo!

Getting ready for a christening

Before going to church, the future godmother should worry about her appearance. It is unnecessary to remind you that clothes for a godmother should be modest (pants are not allowed!), but in a hurry you can forget the scarf.

Regardless of what the godmother gives to her godson as the main gift, she must bring a pectoral cross to church, which the priest will put on the baby’s neck.