Mikhailovskaya Sloboda. Church of St. Michael the Archangel. Edinoverchesky temple complex in Mikhailovskaya Sloboda

The area where the village of Mikhailovskaya Sloboda is located today has been inhabited since ancient times. In 1956, in the area of ​​the village, southeast of Mikhailovskaya Sloboda, excavations of the Kruglitsa settlement were carried out, organized by the Ramensky Museum of Local Lore under the leadership of archaeologist L.I. Pimakina. Metal jewelry, fragments of ceramics, hunting and cattle breeding tools dating back to the middle of the 1st millennium AD, the early Iron Age were found here. In the XI-XIII centuries. The settlement was a well-fortified volost center, as evidenced by two ditches and an earthen rampart. The early settlement of these places is also indicated by numerous Slavic mounds located in the nearby territory. Currently, the archaeological monument of the Kruglitsa settlement has actually been lost as a result of modern construction.

The first written mentions of the village, which today is called Mikhailovskaya Sloboda, date back to the first half of the 17th century. In the scribe book for 1627 the village of Luzhki of the Luzhetsk camp is recorded. The name is explained by the nature of the area; the territory along the river for many miles was occupied by vast water meadows with many small lakes.

At this time the village was part of the possession of Georgievsky convent in (between Tverskaya and Bolshaya Dmitrovka streets) - the first ancestral monastery of the Romanovs. In Luzhki there was a wooden church of the Archangel Michael, “and in the church there are images, and books, and candles, and on the bell tower there are bells and all the buildings of the parish people.” The village was the center of the monastic economy.

By 1635, the village was mentioned in the scribe books as Mikhailovskoye, “which is in Luzhki.” During this period, a wooden church of the cage type, shaped like an ordinary residential building, monastery and church courtyards, and more than 30 peasant and bobyl courtyards were noted in the village. The new name for the village was assigned in honor of the Church of the Archangel Michael. There was a settlement nearby business people(Slobodka), who paid rent to the St. George Monastery.

According to information from 1646, there were 48 households in Mikhailovskoye and Slobodka. Both settlements are increasingly identified with one. In the scribe books for 1678, one village of Mikhailovskoye is already indicated, but another name is also used in everyday life - Mikhailovskaya Slobodka. By this time, there were 89 peasant households here.

In 1679, the Church of the Archangel Michael burned down. A year later, a new wooden temple was built in its place. But the small church did not meet the needs of the rapidly growing village, and in 1687 the construction of a new brick church began with funds from the Moscow St. George Monastery, the construction of which was completed in 1689. At the southern entrance to the temple there is a white stone foundation tablet with the inscription: “In the summer of 7195, St. to build the church under the State of the Great Sovereigns, Tsars and Grand Dukes John Alekseevich and Peter Alekseevich of All Great and Little and White Russia, Autocrats. With the blessing of the Great Lord, His Holiness Joachim, Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia. Committed in the summer of July 7197 on 21 days with the care and zeal of the all-honorable Abbess Pelageya Konstantinna.”

According to data from the beginning of the 18th century, there were 272 residents and 86 peasant households in Mikhailovskoye. At this time, the village had a monastery courtyard, barnyard, a gardeners' yard, two beggars' yards.

In the 1760s, the village was referred to as Mikhailovskaya Slobodka and was the center of a monastic estate. There were 545 people in the village living in 98 households.

The parishioners of the Church of the Archangel Michael were residents of Mikhailovskaya Sloboda, as well as the villages of, and. After the establishment of Edinoverie by decree of Archbishop Augustine of Dmitrov on July 4, 1817, the Church of the Archangel Michael became Edinoverie. After this event, parish life became much livelier. In 1819, a second priest was assigned to the church.

On June 18, 1819, at the request of parishioners and clergy, the temple was blessed by Metropolitan Seraphim of Moscow for reconstruction, and on May 18, 1822, after completion of the reconstruction, it was consecrated by Archpriest of the Moscow Edinoverie Church Ioann Petrov. In 1833, a refectory and chapels were added to the temple in the name of the Wonderworker Nicholas and the Great Martyr George the Victorious. The bell tower was erected in 1837. After major reconstruction in the 1820s - 1830s, the church building acquired its modern shape. By 1837, the number of parishioners of the Church of the Archangel Michael was 1,791 people; a parochial school was opened in the village, in which by 1858 there were 43 students studying - 32 boys and 11 girls.

According to 1878 data, in the village of Mikhailovskaya Sloboda, which was part of the Chulkovsky volost, there were 223 households, in which 1,139 people lived. Peasant farms were allocated land in the amount of 1070 dessiatines, of which more than 500 dessiatines were allocated for arable land, the rest - mowing and pastures. The peasants owned 124 cows and 305 heads of small livestock. About half of the farms had horses.

TO end of the 19th century century in Mikhailovskaya Sloboda there were more than 230 households, in which almost 1,200 people lived. About half of the local residents were taught to read and write.

The harvests were low, and many families were engaged in various crafts: they worked in textile factories, were engaged in stone processing, made hats and caps, and were engaged in cartage.

According to information from 1912, there were 200 houses in Mikhailovskaya Sloboda. There was a zemstvo school and a library in the village, and a parochial school, opened in the middle of the 19th century. According to the 1924 census, the number of residents of the village was 1268 people, the number of houses was 250.

After the proclamation of the collectivization policy in December 1927, the Trud collective farm was founded in Mikhailovskaya Sloboda in 1928, focused on dairy farming and farming. The collective farm had a canteen and two nurseries. In 1931, collective farm workers under the leadership of chairman Ivan Ivanovich Klenov laid out a garden of 28 hectares, planted 2,600 apple trees and hundreds of currant bushes. In the pre-war years, the collective farm was named after Telman and became one of the best farms in the region. In 1938, the chairman of the Telman collective farm I.I. Klenov was elected deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR.

During the Great Patriotic War Most of the male population fought on the fronts with the Nazi invaders. The women, old people and children who remained in the village selflessly worked in the collective farm fields and performed agricultural work. After the war in the late 40s. the collective farm became part of the newly formed state farm named after Telman, currently it is a closed joint stock company breeding farm"Chulkovskoye".

In the spring of 1961, the Church of the Archangel Michael was closed in Mikhailovskaya Sloboda, and the archive of the All-Union Book Chamber was located in the premises of the temple. In April 1989, after a 28-year break, the temple was reopened to parishioners, the priest Irinarch was appointed rector, and on April 30 the first service was held.

According to information from 1993, in the village of Mikhailovskaya Sloboda there were 298 residents living in 173 houses.

Currently, there are numerous dacha and garden partnerships located around the village, including “Antey”, “Eganovo”, “Istok”, “Kosino”, “Mole”, “Flora” and others.

The brick church was built in 1699. in the estate of the Moscow St. George Monastery. In the 1830s. the building was completely rebuilt and acquired forms characteristic of late classicism. At the same time, only the walls of the quadrangle with traces of kokoshniks in the upper part remained from the original temple. The church received a new completion with a domed rotunda with four decorative domes at the corners of the main volume. The apse, refectory and four-tier bell tower were rebuilt. The iconostasis of the first half of the 19th century has been preserved; the oil painting was done at the beginning of the 20th century.

Mikhailovskaya Sloboda, Church of the Archangel Michael

This temple has a strange fate. It was built in the 17th century. 130 years after its construction, the temple was handed over to fellow believers, who almost immediately dismantled it and converted it into fashionable style classicism. In this form it stood until the revolution. However, the godless government did not destroy the temple, but only closed it. IN modern Russia The temple was returned to fellow believers, who again dismantled the 180-year-old temple and replaced it with a fashionable remake, stylized as Moscow architecture of the 17th century. It seems that what they left from is what they came to. Only two genuine temples perished not from wars and fires, but from human irrationality.

The first church of the Archangel Michael was wooden, as mentioned in the Scribe Book for 1627. In 1679, the wooden church burned down, but in next year in its place they built a new one, also wooden. In 1687 a new brick church was founded. Two years later, in 1689, it was built. The church was five-domed, with a hipped bell tower.

On July 4, 1817, by decree of Archbishop of Dmitrov Augustin (Vinogradsky), the church became Edinoverie.

On June 18, 1819, Metropolitan Seraphim (Glagolevsky) granted the request of the clergy and parishioners of the Archangel Michael Church to remodel the temple. Ancient temple was rebuilt in the classicist style, top part The temple and apse were dismantled, the multi-domed structure was replaced with a large round light drum covered with a dome. One new apse was added to the temple. From the original temple, only the outer walls of the quadrangle have been preserved, from which they were cut down decorative trims and plastered. Old windows were blocked up in the temple and new ones were made.

On May 18, 1822, the rebuilt church was consecrated by Archpriest John of the Moscow Edinoverie Church. In 1833, a warm refectory with two chapels was added to the church, the southern one in the name of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker and the northern one in the name of St. George the Victorious.

In 1837, Bronnitsy merchant Vasily Ilyich Kuznetsov, instead of a tented bell tower, built a new four-tier bell tower in classic style.

In the 1930s, the church was closed and the bells were dropped. Until 1941, the temple was not used and remained closed. In 1941, services in the temple resumed. The temple was finally closed in 1961 and transferred to the archives of the All-Union Book Chamber. A second floor was built inside the temple.

In 1989, the temple was returned to believers. Active construction has begun. In 1991, a two-story refectory building was built, in 1993, the Epiphany Chapel was built, in 1995, the chapel of St. Anna Kashinskaya, in 1998, a clergy house with a Sunday school. The remaining holy gates were dismantled and a new fence and triple holy gates were built in their place. In 2003, the temple-chapel of Paisius the Great was built. In 2005, the restoration of the church bell tower was completed. By 2008, the existing classical Church of the Archangel Michael was dismantled down to its quadruple structure and was actually replaced by a new building, stylized as Moscow architecture of the 17th century.

Materials from the Moscow Diocese website were used

The Church of Michael the Archangel in the village of Mikhailovskaya Sloboda, Ramensky district is an object cultural heritage regional significance (Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR dated August 30, 1960 No. 1327, Appendix No. 2).

The Church of the Cathedral of the Archangel Michael, built from time immemorial in the village of Mikhailovskoye, in 1627, was “wooden, kletsk, and in the church there are images and books, and candles, and on the bell tower there are bells and every church building for the parish people; priest Artemy Ivanov in the church yard, sexton Fedka Guryev in the yard, mallow maker Maryitsa Ivanova in the yard.”

In the salary books of the Patriarchal State Order it is written: for 1628, the Church of the Archangel Michael in Luzhki, tribute 15 altyn, arrival hryvnia, stern hryvnia, for 1635 - 39. - in the patrimony of the St. George Convent, in the village of Mikhailovskoye, in Luzhki, tribute 2 rubles. 14 altyn 4 money, arrival hryvnia.”

In the notebook of stamp duties collected in the Patriarchal Treasury from blessed charters issued for the construction of churches, for 1651 it appears: “On September 29, a blessed charter was sealed, according to the petition of the St. George nunnery, which is on Dmitrovka, Abbess Anna with her sisters, in Moscow district, to their monastic estate, the village of Mikhailovskoye, to one throne of the Archangel Michael; hryvnia duties taken.” That same year, on November 4, “a blessed letter was sealed, according to the petition of the patrimony of the Georgievsky nunnery, the village of Mikhailovsky, priest Terenty Andreev, for one throne in the name of St. Martyr George; hryvnia duties taken.”

In 1680, the Church of the Archangel Michael was built again, wooden, and the old one burned down in 1679. According to scribe books of 1627 - 28. listed: in the village of Mikhailovskoye to the Church of St. Michael the Archangel, church arable land 24 in the field, hay 40 kopecks; and according to the inspection of Prince Ivan Andreevich Shelespalsky in 1680, July 26 and according to the tale of the priest of that church, Moses Afanasyev “ church land In his possession, the priest, only 5 acres in the field, 30 kopecks of hay. On November 23, 1694, of the Great Assumption Cathedral, Deacon Pankraty took the antimension for the consecration of the church to the great martyr. George to the village of Mikhailovskoye, Slobodka also.”

In 1704, the Church of St. Michael the Archangel in the village of Mikhailovskoye, Slobodka, also, stone, probably built in 1694.

The village of Mikhailovskoye, on the Moscow River, in 1627, Moscow district, Molotsk camp, “the estate of the St. George’s nunnery, which is in Moscow on Dmitrovka, in the village on the hill a new monastery courtyard is being built.” Near the village there was Slobodka with 31 households of peasants and peasants who paid rent to the monastery for their households. Four lakes belonged to the same village: Mikhailova Zavod, Voron, Kosnoye and Streyasen. In 1646, in the village of Mikhailovskoye there were 48 peasant households; in 1678 - 87 peasant households and in 1704 - 86 peasant households with 272 people, monastery, cattle, gardeners' yards and 2 beggars' households.

Kholmogorov V.I., Kholmogorov G.I. " Historical materials about churches and villages of the 17th - 18th centuries.” Issue 8, Pekhryansk tithe of the Moscow district. Moscow, University Printing House, Strastnoy Boulevard, 1892

Village Mikhailovskaya Sloboda

Story. On ancient and rich Orthodox shrines The largest single-faith parish of the Russian Orthodox Church is located in the Moscow region today - the community of the Church of the Archangel Michael in the village of Mikhailovskaya Sloboda.

Edinoverie received official status in the Russian Orthodox Church on October 27, 1800. On this day, Emperor Paul I granted the request of the Moscow Old Believers to grant them the legal priesthood from the Russian Orthodox Church with permission to continue services according to the books that were used under the first five All-Russian Patriarchs. The Church and the highest authorities blessed the use of pre-reform rituals in the former Old Believer communities, which began to be called Edinoverie.

Moscow Metropolitan Platon (Levshin) compiled notes to the Old Believers’ petition to join the Mother Church, which were called the Rules of Unity of Faith. The very concept of “One Faith” was also introduced into use by Metropolitan Plato. He proposed not to call those who joined the Church Old Believers, because, according to him, there is nothing new in the Church and there are no New Believers, but to call them associates or co-religionists.

The first Edinoverie bishop, Hieromartyr Simon of Okhtensky (glorified by the Russian Orthodox Church canonized in 2000), whose episcopal consecration was performed by St. Tikhon, Patriarch of All Russia, exactly 90 years ago, gave Edinoverie following definition: This is the totality of parishes of the Russian Church, united with it in faith, but differing from it in ritual. Edinoverie is a department of the Old Believers, admitted on the basis of unity in faith in communication with Russian Church… Edinoverie is the Old Believers reconciled with the Russian and Ecumenical Church.

For the first time, the Church of the Archangel Michael was mentioned in the Scribe Book for 1627. At that time, the church was made of wood, and in the church there were images, and books, and candles, and on the bell tower there were bells and all the buildings of the parish people.

In 1679, the wooden Church of the Archangel Michael burned down, and the next year a new one, also wooden, was built in its place. And in 1687 they laid the foundation for a brick church, the construction of which was completed in 1689. This is evidenced by the inscription made on the foundation white stone board, now located at the southern entrance to the temple: In the summer of 7195, St. to build the church under the State of the Great Sovereigns, Tsars and Grand Dukes John Alekseevich and Peter Alekseevich of All Great and Little and White Russia, Autocrats. With the blessing of the Great Lord, His Holiness Joachim, Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia. Committed in the summer of July 7197 on 21 days with the care and zeal of the all-honorable Abbess Pelageya Konstantinna.

The church schism of the mid-17th century became the greatest tragedy for the entire Russian people. Its consequences were experienced very hard by the residents of the village of Mikhailovskaya Sloboda, as well as the villages of Chulkovo, Kulakovo and Durnikha, which made up the parish of the Church of the Archangel Michael, for most of them remained adherents of the old rituals. After the establishment of Edinoverie in 1800, a movement arose among the peasants of Mikhailovskaya Sloboda and neighboring villages towards reunification with the Russian Orthodox Church, provided that they preserved the old rites.

Seeing the fatherly attitude of Metropolitan Platon (Levshin) towards the Moscow co-religionists, especially his concern for the construction of the Trinity-Vvedensky co-religionist church at the Saltykov Bridge, residents of Mikhailovskaya Sloboda and the villages adjacent to it petitioned for permission to perform divine services using old printed books in the parish church of the Archangel Michael , desiring to be sons of the Holy Church. Metropolitan Plato verbally blessed the holding of such services, and the formal establishment of Edinoverie in Mikhailovskaya Sloboda took place under his successor, Archbishop Augustin (Vinogradsky) of Dmitrov.

On July 4, 1817, the Right Reverend Augustine issued the following decree: In the Bronnitsy district, in the Church of the Archangel Michael, in the Mikhailovskaya Sloboda, we bless all Divine services to be conducted according to old printed books, as well as services in homes, hoping that through this those who are separated from the unity of the Church of Christ will be united with through this they will be partakers of the Lord’s Supper for their salvation and eternal life. For which we will not cease to send our unworthy prayers to the Supreme Shepherd, our Lord I. Christ, who brings into His court other sheep that are not from His court.

On June 18, 1819, Moscow Metropolitan Seraphim (Glagolevsky) granted the request of the clergy and parishioners of the Archangel Michael Church and blessed the reconstruction and beautification of the temple.

On May 17, 1822, after the completion of the reconstruction of the temple, Archbishop Filaret (Drozdov) consecrated the antimension for it, and the very next day, according to the message of the priest of the Archangel Michael Church Alexander Ivanov, the newly rebuilt temple in the name of the Archangel Michael on the newly consecrated antimension according to the provisions of the Edinoverie churches on May 18- On this day in 1822, the archpriest of the Moscow Edinoverie Church Ioann Petrov consecrated it together with the Moscow Edinoverie priests Alexei Petrov and with him Alexander Ivanov and Ivan Andreev.

In 1833, a refectory, heated part with two chapels was added to the church: on the south side in the name of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, on the north - in the name of the Holy Great Martyr George the Victorious. And in 1837, through the diligence of the headman of the Church of the Archangel Michael of Bronnitsky, merchant Vasily Ilyich Kuznetsov, a bell tower was built.

In terms of the number and composition of community members, the parish was rural, but very impressive. According to archival data, in 1837 the number of parishioners was 1,791 people. In the same year, a parochial school was opened, in which, according to data for 1858, 32 boys and 11 girls were studying.

In 1892, through the diligence of benefactors, the refectory part of the temple was decorated with wall paintings, and in 1906-1907. - quadrangle of the Church of the Archangel Michael. In 1912, through the diligence of the trustees, oven heating was installed.

In 1919, annual religious processions from Bronnitsy with miraculously icons Mother of God Jerusalem, a little later - religious processions around the parish. The parochial school was closed, and in 1920 the remains of its building were taken to Chulkovo. Banned on Christmas Day 1929 bell ringing. On January 28, 1930, the bells were completely thrown down by the atheists. On this day, the temple guard Ivan Ivanovich Roshchin, who served in Mikhailovskaya Sloboda for 48 years, died, unable to bear the desecration of the shrine.

The most tragic moment in the history of the Edinoverie Church of the Archangel Michael - its closure - occurred in the spring of 1961. The authorities planned to use the temple as a granary, but by the grace of God, the archive of the All-Union Book Chamber was placed in it, which to some extent contributed to its preservation.

As soon as the time for relative religious freedom arrived, residents of Mikhailovskaya Sloboda began to advocate for the return of the temple. Particular credit for this belongs to Claudia Mokeevna Makeeva, who endured a lot of work to realize the cherished dream of those who for almost three decades were deprived of the opportunity to offer their prayers in the temple, built and decorated with the care of pious ancestors.

In April 1989, Metropolitan Juvenaly of Krutitsky and Kolomna appointed by his decree the holy monk Irinarch (Denisov) as rector of the newly opened Edinoverie Church of the Archangel Michael.

Over the past 19 years, both the appearance of the temple and the surrounding area have completely changed. Through the labors and efforts of the rector of the church, the trustees and all members of the Michael-Arkhangelsk Edinoverie Society, the interior of the refectory and bell tower was reconstructed. The painting of the Nikolsky and Georgievsky chapels, as well as the vestibule of the temple, has been completed. The church is decorated with preserved ancient and newly painted icons.

In 2005, the restoration of the church bell tower was completed. As before, it is decorated with chimes and a wonderful belfry. Total weight 15 bells is almost 7 tons. In addition to restoration work on the territory of the temple, construction works. In 1991, a two-story refectory building was built, in 1993 - the Epiphany Chapel, in 1995 - the chapel of St. Anna Kashinskaya, in 1998 - the clergy house, which also houses a Sunday school and a monastery fence with the holy gates, in 2003 - temple-chapel St. Paisius Great. In 2004, a complex of outbuildings was built adjacent to the northern part of the temple fence from the Holy Gates. An administrative building was built south of the Holy Gate, in which, after completion finishing works The church publishing house, museum, library and other parish institutions will be located.

Currently, an ancient shrine is being restored to its former splendor - the summer temple of the Archangel Michael, which was in the most ruined state after the resumption of services.

Mikhailovskaya Sloboda is a village in the Ramensky district of the Moscow region, part of the Chulkovsky rural settlement. Sloboda is located in the southeast direction relative to Moscow and is located at a distance of 21.5 kilometers from the Moscow Ring Road.

Here is the largest single-faith parish of the Russian Orthodox Church today - the community of the Church of the Archangel Michael in the village of Mikhailovskaya Sloboda.

Edinoverie received official status in the Russian Orthodox Church on October 27, 1800. On this day, Emperor Paul I granted the request of the Moscow Old Believers to grant them the legal priesthood from the Russian Orthodox Church with permission to continue services according to the books that were used under the first five All-Russian Patriarchs. The Church and the highest authorities blessed the use of pre-reform rituals in the former Old Believer communities, which began to be called Edinoverie.

Moscow Metropolitan Platon (Levshin) compiled notes to the Old Believers’ petition to join the Mother Church, which were called the Rules of Unity of Faith.

The very concept of “One Faith” was also introduced into use by Metropolitan Plato. He proposed not to call those who joined the Church Old Believers, because, according to him, there is nothing new in the Church and there are no New Believers, but to call them associates or co-religionists.

The first Edinoverie bishop, Hieromartyr Simon Okhtensky, gave the following definition of Edinoverie: “This is the totality of parishes of the Russian Church, one with it in faith, but differing from it in ritual. Edinoverie is a department of the Old Believers, admitted on the basis of unity in faith in communion with the Russian Church... Edinoverie is the Old Believers reconciled with the Russian and Ecumenical Church.”

In 1689, under Tsar Fyodor Alekseevich (son of Alexei Mikhailovich), at public expense, a stone temple was built for the archers in the name of Michael the Archangel. The Sagittarius sent walkers to Moscow, who were accepted by the Emperor himself. They thanked the king for his concern, but flatly refused to pray in the new temple. “The temple,” said the archers, “was built under your care; new priests will serve there according to new books, which means we have nothing to do there.”

And the times were terrible! Archpriest Avvakum and other Pustozersky prisoners had just been executed; after an eight-year siege, the Solovetsky Monastery was destroyed. And the king (a unique case!) yielded to the archers. “Our Father did not force you in the faith, and our Majesty will not do this either,” the Emperor declared his will. “Submit only to the legitimate church authority in the person of the Patriarch.”

And the archers agreed. So, 111 years before the official introduction of Edinoverie in Mikhailovskaya Sloboda, it already existed. Only 128 years later (in 1817) the Church of the Archangel Michael was officially recognized as one of the same faith.

The church schism of the mid-17th century became the greatest tragedy for the entire Russian people. Its consequences were experienced very hard by the residents of the village of Mikhailovskaya Sloboda, as well as the villages of Chulkovo, Kulakovo and Durnikha, which formed the parish of the Church of the Archangel Michael, since most of them remained adherents of the old rituals.

After the establishment of Edinoverie in 1800, a movement arose among the peasants of Mikhailovskaya Sloboda and neighboring villages towards reunification with the Russian Orthodox Church, provided that they preserved the old rites.

Seeing the fatherly attitude of Metropolitan Platon (Levshin) towards his Moscow co-religionists, residents of Mikhailovskaya Sloboda and the villages adjacent to it petitioned to be allowed to perform divine services using old printed books in the parish church of the Archangel Michael.

Metropolitan Plato verbally blessed the holding of such services, and the formal establishment of Edinoverie in Mikhailovskaya Sloboda took place under his successor, Archbishop Augustin (Vinogradsky) of Dmitrov.

In terms of the number and composition of community members, the parish was rural, but very impressive. According to archival data, in 1837 the number of parishioners was 1,791 people.

In 1919, the Bolsheviks banned annual religious processions from Bronnitsy with the miraculous image of the Icon of the Mother of God of Jerusalem, and a little later - religious processions around the parish. The parochial school was closed, and in 1920 the remains of its building were taken to Chulkovo. On Christmas Day 1929, bell ringing was banned. On January 28, 1930, the bells were completely thrown down by the atheists.

In the 60s of the 20th century, the temple was destroyed. All the most valuable things were taken away. The icons were chopped down in the courtyard and then burned. The main temple shrine - the icon of the Mother of God "Jerusalem" - was sentenced to burning. The icon was taken out to be burned along with the others, but local residents still managed to buy it back. Instead of an icon, a cartload of wood was burned so that the “iconoclasts” could report.

The authorities planned to use the temple as a granary, but instead the archive of the All-Union Book Chamber was placed in it, which to some extent contributed to its preservation. In 1989, the many years of efforts of local residents were finally crowned with success - the temple was given to the community.

Fais se que dois adviegne que peut.

Other monasteries:

Russia, Moscow region, Ramensky district, village of Mikhailovskaya Sloboda
First mentioned 1627
Former names before 1635 - Luzhki
before 1760 - Mikhailovskoe

On the ancient and rich Orthodox shrines of the Moscow region, there is today the largest single-faith parish of the Russian Orthodox Church - the community of the Church of the Archangel Michael in the village of Mikhailovskaya Sloboda. Before we begin the story about the temple itself, let's say a few words about Edinoverie.

Edinoverie received official status in the Russian Orthodox Church on October 27, 1800. On this day, Emperor Paul I granted the request of the Moscow Old Believers to grant them the legal priesthood from the Russian Orthodox Church with permission to continue services according to the books that were used under the first five All-Russian Patriarchs. The Church and the highest authorities blessed the use of pre-reform rituals in the former Old Believer communities, which began to be called Edinoverie.

Moscow Metropolitan Platon (Levshin) compiled notes to the Old Believers’ petition to join the Mother Church, which were called the Rules of Unity of Faith. The very concept of “One Faith” was also introduced into use by Metropolitan Plato. He proposed not to call those who joined the Church Old Believers, because, according to him, there is nothing new in the Church and there are no New Believers, but to call them associates or co-religionists.

The first bishop of the same faith, Hieromartyr Simon Okhtensky (canonized by the Russian Orthodox Church as a saint in 2000), the Church of the Archangel Michael is mentioned in the Scribe Book for 1627. At that time the church was a wooden cage, and in the church there were images, books, candles and on the bell tower, bells and all the buildings of the parish people.

In 1679, the wooden Church of the Archangel Michael burned down, and the next year a new one, also wooden, was built in its place. And in 1687 they laid the foundation for a brick church, the construction of which was completed in 1689. This is evidenced by the inscription made on the foundation white stone board, now located at the southern entrance to the temple: In the summer of 7195, St. to build the church under the State of the Great Sovereigns, Tsars and Grand Dukes John Alekseevich and Peter Alekseevich of All Great and Little and White Russia, Autocrats. With the blessing of the Great Lord, His Holiness Joachim, Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia. Committed in the summer of July 7197 on 21 days with the care and zeal of the all-honorable Abbess Pelageya Konstantinna.

Conversion of the Church of the Archangel Michael to Edinoverie

The church schism of the mid-17th century became the greatest tragedy for the entire Russian people. Its consequences were experienced very hard by the residents of the village of Mikhailovskaya Sloboda, as well as the villages of Chulkovo, Kulakovo and Durnikha, which made up the parish of the Church of the Archangel Michael, for most of them remained adherents of the old rituals. After the establishment of Edinoverie in 1800, a movement arose among the peasants of Mikhailovskaya Sloboda and neighboring villages towards reunification with the Russian Orthodox Church, provided that they preserved the old rites.

Seeing the fatherly attitude of Metropolitan Platon (Levshin) towards the Moscow co-religionists, especially his concern for the construction of the Trinity-Vvedensky co-religionist church at the Saltykov Bridge, residents of Mikhailovskaya Sloboda and the villages adjacent to it petitioned for permission to perform divine services using old printed books in the parish church of the Archangel Michael , desiring to be sons of the Holy Church. Metropolitan Plato verbally blessed the holding of such services, and the formal establishment of Edinoverie in Mikhailovskaya Sloboda took place under his successor, Archbishop Augustin (Vinogradsky) of Dmitrov.

On July 4, 1817, the Right Reverend Augustine issued the following decree: In the Bronnitsy district, in the Church of the Archangel Michael, in the Mikhailovskaya Sloboda, we bless all Divine services to be conducted according to old printed books, as well as services in homes, hoping that through this those who are separated from the unity of the Church of Christ will be united with through this they will be partakers of the Lord’s Supper for their salvation and eternal life. For which we will not cease to send our unworthy prayers to the Supreme Shepherd, our Lord I. Christ, who brings into His court other sheep that are not from His court.

Church of St. Michael the Archangel

Year of construction: 1699.
Church. Valid.
Thrones: Michael the Archangel.

In 1991, a two-story refectory building was built, in 1993, the Epiphany Chapel was built, in 1995, the chapel of St. Anna Kashinskaya, in 1998, a clergy house with a Sunday school. The remaining holy gates were dismantled and a new fence and triple holy gates were built in their place.
In 2003, the temple-chapel of Paisius the Great was built.
In 2005, the restoration of the church bell tower was completed.
By 2008, the existing classical Church of the Archangel Michael was dismantled down to its quadruple structure and was actually replaced by a new building, stylized as Moscow architecture of the 17th century.
Nowadays it is the main Edinoverie church in the Moscow region.

Church of Paisius the Great.

Moscow region, Ramensky district, village of Mikhailovskaya Sloboda. Year of construction: 2002. Architect: A. Anisimov. Church. Valid.
Thrones: Paisius the Great. A single-domed, squat church stylizing the forms of Novgorod architecture of the 15th century. There is a baptismal sanctuary in the temple. Designed based on the Church of the Savior on Bor in the Moscow Kremlin, lost during Soviet times.

Church of St. Michael the Archangel

Moscow region, Ramensky district, village of Mikhailovskaya Sloboda
Year of construction: 1699.
Church. Valid.
Thrones: Michael the Archangel.
The brick church was built in 1699. in the estate of the Moscow St. George Monastery. In the 1830s. the building was completely rebuilt and acquired forms characteristic of late classicism. At the same time, only the walls of the quadrangle with traces of kokoshniks in the upper part remained from the original temple. The church received a new completion with a domed rotunda with four decorative domes at the corners of the main volume. The apse, refectory and four-tier bell tower were rebuilt. The iconostasis of the first half of the 19th century has been preserved; the oil painting was done at the beginning of the 20th century.
Mikhailovskaya Sloboda, Church of the Archangel Michael
This temple has a strange fate. It was built in the 17th century. 130 years after its construction, the temple was handed over to fellow believers, who almost immediately dismantled it and rebuilt it in the fashionable style of classicism. In this form it stood until the revolution. However, the godless government did not destroy the temple, but only closed it. In modern Russia, the temple was returned to fellow believers, who again dismantled the 180-year-old temple and replaced it with a fashionable remake, stylized as Moscow architecture of the 17th century. It seems that what they left from is what they came to. Only two genuine temples perished not from wars and fires, but from human irrationality. The first church of the Archangel Michael was wooden, as mentioned in the Scribe Book for 1627. In 1679, the wooden church burned down, but the following year a new one, also wooden, was built in its place. In 1687 a new brick church was founded. Two years later, in 1689, it was built. The church was five-domed, with a hipped bell tower. On July 4, 1817, by decree of Archbishop of Dmitrov Augustin (Vinogradsky), the church became Edinoverie.
On June 18, 1819, Metropolitan Seraphim (Glagolevsky) granted the request of the clergy and parishioners of the Archangel Michael Church to remodel the temple. The ancient temple was rebuilt in the style of classicism, the upper part of the temple and the apse were dismantled, the multi-domed structure was replaced with a large round light drum covered with a dome. One new apse was added to the temple. From the original temple, only the outer walls of the quadrangle have been preserved, from which the decorative platbands were cut down and plastered. Old windows were blocked up in the temple and new ones were made. May 18, 1822 The rebuilt church was consecrated by Archpriest John of the Moscow Edinoverie Church.
In 1833, a warm refectory with two chapels was added to the church, the southern one in the name of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker and the northern one in the name of St. George the Victorious. In 1837, Bronnitsy merchant Vasily Ilyich Kuznetsov, instead of a hipped bell tower, built a new four-tier bell tower in the classical style. In the 1930s, the church was closed and the bells were dropped. Until 1941, the temple was not used and remained closed. In 1941, services in the temple resumed. The temple was finally closed in 1961 and transferred to the archives of the All-Union Book Chamber. A second floor was built inside the temple. In 1989, the temple was returned to believers. Active construction has begun.

Mikhailovskaya Sloboda.