Sewer valve: varieties, installation rules, introduction to samples. Siphons with a dry seal: types, tips for selection and installation Siphon for sewerage 110

Sewerage – a complex system communications, the purpose of which is the collection and removal of household wastewater. To ensure that the system operates without interruption and meets user needs, it will be equipped with special devices. One of them is a water seal for sewerage. Despite the small size and simple design, it fully justifies its purpose - providing comfortable living for residents.

At 48 km in length, the Phase 1 network of Singapore's deep tunnel sewerage system passes through significant geology on the island. Conditions range from soft compressible clays to high pressure loose sands, to zones of very hard, highly abrasive, fresh granite and areas of fully decomposed rock. Conditions vary in some cases from meter to meter with ominous mixed margins in between. Everything involves the skills and abilities of people and machines.

The sixth and seventh cars passed within a few weeks as the last of them continued to struggle through the difficult mixed ground conditions in the north. For the most part, the 48 km alignment divides into two geological zones. For the other 30%, polymers were needed to create a plug in more permeable, lower standard permeable soils.

No matter where in the sewer network it is located hydraulic valve, its purpose remains the same:

  • block water hammer to reduce the load on sewerage devices and pipes;
  • prevent the penetration of unpleasant specific odors into residential premises.

If the water seal (or siphon) is selected correctly, a favorable atmosphere reigns in the house, and sewer network goes without repair for a long time.

The finding was discovered during extra work site investigation required by each construction contractor after the award of the contract and before the start of construction. T-05 southern drive Herrenknecht. On the downside, as a client, we have less direct involvement than is possible under conventional bid development and creation contracts. However, we are pleased with the design experience and will take the same approach to future projects. For contract project development teams, there is limited room for maneuver.

Water seal designs different types are different, but they are all, in one way or another, pipes with bends a certain shape, sometimes equipped with additional dead-end or dynamic devices.

The assessment and alignment of tunnels are fixed and the use of certain methods such as dewatering. Additionally, in all cases, contractors had to have their designs reviewed by an independent reviewer before they came to us for final review and approval. For the most part, the strategy worked. Cases of superficial settlement are higher than this long distance tunneling, due to ground conditions of a notoriously treacherous nature, and under ground infrastructure ground transport was small and had little impact - both by Singapore and international standards.

The water barrier is constantly in the siphon. If you do not use a device (kitchen sink or toilet) for a long time, the water will evaporate and eventually an odor will appear. The same thing will happen when you flush for the first time after a long absence. But with constant use, the volume of water in the water seal is constantly updated, which prevents stagnation and, accordingly, the appearance of an unpleasant “aroma”.

The same applies in reverse. In addition, granite is very abrasive. Discs break on impact with hard massive rock protrusions in mixed faces, and others wear into several flat spots, being squeezed and released by successive microchips from massive massive rock housing in the cases.

In the T-05 contract, a significant part of these interventions must be carried out on compressed air up to the maximum pressure of 4 bar permitted by Singapore law. However, the hydrostatic pressure was higher and freezing of the ground was required at one time to ensure sufficiently stable conditions for intervention. The maintenance also required repairs to excessive wear on the auger conveyor, cutting head and body structure. The space between this and the leading bulkhead is one large lock in the air.

However, when choosing a corrugated option, you should be aware of its only, but significant, drawback. The ribbed walls of the pipe seem to be designed to collect debris: food debris, hair, pieces of soap, sand and other dirt get stuck in them. Taking this into account, when installing the corrugation, the drain must be equipped with a filter in the form of a fine mesh grid.

If you do not clean the corrugated water seal for a long time, under the influence of dirt and excess weight it loses strength and elasticity. Over time, the folds wear out, begin to crack and let water through. After installing a flexible siphon, be sure to monitor its condition and clean it in a timely manner. You can guess that the pipe is dirty by the sagging that forms in places where grease and debris accumulate.

Operating principle of the overflow

Another type of siphon - with an overflow - can also be placed in a separate category, since it is necessarily equipped with an additional pipe. The main purpose of the overflow equipment is to protect the apartment from flooding if for some reason the water stops going down the drain when the tap is open.

The sinks on which this device is installed have an additional hole - in the upper part of the bowl, under the mixer. When the level of water accumulated in the sink reaches a critical level, liquid begins to flow into this hole and further into the water seal

Bathtubs must be equipped with an overflow system. This method prevents flooding, but, unfortunately, does not contribute to savings. If you want to run a bath and forget to turn off the tap in time, the water, having reached the overflow level, will safely leave the container and go down the drain - along with your money for paying for utilities.

Presented on the market as economical options made of plastic, still more durable, but less elastic metal models. The disadvantages of brass-bronze equipment are the complexity of installation and high cost. When choosing a device, do not forget to inquire about its throughput. If the overflow cannot cope with the volume excess liquid, it is useless and even dangerous.

Dry seal design

The design of the so-called “dry” valve is radically different from its hydraulic counterparts. It works on the “nipple” principle and is a threaded pipe with a check valve installed inside. As a result, water entering the device cannot flow back out, just as the smell does not have a chance to leave the pipe.

The installation of such devices is justified on the lower floors multi-storey buildings, as well as in places where water is used less frequently (in bathhouses).

Dry valves are generally not installed in kitchen sinks, the use of which most provokes the creation of blockages. But the devices work efficiently and last a long time in shower cabins built with your own hands.

The “dry” type valve does not require constant presence of water inside the housing. Even if it functions in conjunction with a knee device, it does not need to be monitored or adjusted

There are several types of dry devices:

  • membrane, overlapping after draining the water with an elastic membrane;
  • pendulum, tending to close instantly if no liquid is supplied;
  • float valves that close the hole when water leaves the drain (acting like the fittings of a flush tank).

The latter are often made independently, arranging sewer lines in bathhouses.

The principle of operation of a float valve is considered the simplest. Light weight keeps the float on the surface of the water. As soon as it drains, the float moves down and blocks the drain.

If the sewer lines suddenly dry out due to infrequent use, thanks to the dry seal, the unpleasant smell will not bother you.

How to choose the right water seal

If you are installing or replacing plumbing fixtures (bathtub, sink or toilet), you will definitely need a siphon. To select a device that fully complies with plumbing, it is necessary to take into account a number of factors, including:

  • dimensions of the assembled device;
  • siphon type;
  • the material from which the pipes and fasteners are made;
  • number of drains or additional connections;
  • protection against blockages;
  • diameter of inlet and outlet;
  • presence or absence of overflow.

Let's assume that for a kitchen sink the most suitable option– a bottle model that traps food particles. You can also use a knee device, but then all the waste will go to sewer pipe, and over time there is a risk of clogging.

If the project involves installing a sink or washbasin with two sinks, a device with two drain points will be useful. Its operating principle is the same, the only difference is in the design.

Before purchasing, be sure to measure the size of the space where the installation will take place. It happens that the siphon simply does not fit in the allotted space (this is especially true for the close gap between the bathroom and the floor). If you choose the right water seal, there will be much fewer problems with its installation and repair.

Installation instructions for automatic siphon

Install a hydraulic bottle seal under the sink kitchen sink quite simple, under the bathtub - a little more complicated due to the inconvenient location of the drainage system. We present instructions for installing an automatic siphon for the bathroom - an advanced device that you can install yourself.

A complete set can be purchased at your local plumbing supply store. It consists of three significant parts: 1 – plastic construction water seal + corrugated pipe; 2 – details for decorating the overflow; 3 – fastening elements for draining

First, we will equip the overflow hole. To do this, take the elastic gasket that comes with the kit and insert it into the hole on the wall of the bathtub. For a tighter connection, you can use silicone sealant.

We fasten the overflow structure in the hole, screwing it with outside chrome element. It is equipped with a rod on which the lamb will be held

Then we take the next part - the lamb - and try to carefully secure it to the rod with a bolt. To do this you will need a small flat head screwdriver that can penetrate through small hole in the side of the lamb.

We put the wing on the rod, insert the end of the screwdriver into the side hole and with a little force, but very carefully, tighten the fixing bolt

We pass the plastic part under the bathtub and insert the end with the rubber gasket into the hole. Place a standard chrome-plated part with a mesh on top of the resulting hole.

Among the fasteners we find a long mounting screw, which is responsible for fixing the siphon, and screw it in from the top side, holding the structure from below.

First, tighten the screw by hand, then tighten it with a wrench, but very carefully so as not to strip the thread. After completion, we check the strength of the installation

All that remains is to screw on the water seal element. First we string it onto the plastic outlet of the drain rubber gasket, then insert the knee lock. Tighten the outer plastic nut - the structure is ready.

To ensure the functioning of the sewage system at the proper level, it is necessary to install a water seal. This design prevents the spread of unpleasant odors, and also acts as an obstacle to the spread of water hammer, which can compromise the integrity of the pipeline.

Contents of the article

Main functions of a water seal

The siphon provides a difference in pressure levels at the inlet and outlet. This phenomenon helps to prevent the spread of gases emanating from the pipeline. For better performance sewer system pipes are taken with absolutely smooth inner surface. Plastic in this case is ideal option, because plastic pipes have no burrs or roughness. The water seal associated with the toilet is usually made of earthenware, like the main product, because it is not installed separately, but is already built into the product itself.

It is this water seal that is considered the main one in the system, since the entire system can be adjusted only after installing the flush tank. After all, draining water in the tank contributes to maximum pressure fluctuations. As a result of this action, the water seals of the sinks are drained, because the water leaves under the influence of the resulting pressure difference.

Water seal structure

By its structure sewer water seal is a siphon filled with water. Each type of plumbing has its own varieties:

  • tubular (for kitchen sinks);
  • corrugated (for sinks in bathrooms);
  • drains (for baths, showers, saunas);
  • bottle (for all types of plumbing fixtures);
  • double-turn (for equipment requiring high reliability);
  • special for exclusive bathtubs (manufactured for certain types of bathtubs).

Each water seal needs individual adjustment, otherwise the siphon may break after the tank is completely flushed. This cannot happen with dry water seals for baths, because the role of water in such a device is played by a ball that blocks the entrance to the sewer pipe. It is not advisable to use a water siphon in this case, because such a drain is used quite rarely, so the water in the siphon will dry out sooner or later.

Water seals in toilets have their own characteristics. They are divided into 2 types: S-siphons (water moves down to the floor) and P-siphons (the drain hole is located behind the toilet).

Features of the bottle siphon

The bottle siphon is the most common. It can be disassembled, so this type is easy to repair by replacing individual elements. If a valuable item falls into the water inlet, you can quickly get it out by disassembling the siphon and rinsing it. Its compact dimensions allow the use of a bottle siphon in the pedestal of a tulip sink.

In their shape, such devices can be S-shaped or P-shaped. The inspection cover is installed on top, this allows you to monitor the condition of the siphon and its contents.

Video instructions - installing a siphon on a sink

Features of a dry water seal

A dry water seal is used if the drain is rarely used and the water in this area dries out. The dry device is installed separately or in parallel with a conventional water seal. At self-creation With such a device, you can simply place a tennis ball so that it blocks the entrance to the hole in the sewer pipe.

When designing a dry water seal, you must remember that its operation is based on the action of a membrane attached with a spring. The spring fixes the float in cases where the water has completely dried out. If water flows constantly, then the spring will not be able to fix the float for a long time.

Therefore, it is advisable to turn to a pendulum system, the essence of which is the gravitational properties of materials and ensuring a displacement of the center of gravity.

When installing a sewer system in a bathhouse, you can make a dry water seal yourself. To do this, find a ball whose diameter is slightly larger than the diameter of the sewer pipe. A chamber is set up at the entrance to the sewer pipe, and a ball is placed at the inlet. If there is no water, the ball lies on the hole, closing the passage, eliminating the outflow of gases from the system. If the chamber fills with water, the ball floats up, and the water easily passes into the sewer pipe.

This method is suitable not only for arranging sewage systems in bathhouses that are used exclusively during the warm season. If the ball freezes to surfaces in cold weather, it can be easily thawed by pouring boiling water down the drain.

Corrugated, tubular siphons

In this situation, the basis of the water seal becomes a plastic pipe. It can be either smooth or corrugated, but in any case flexible. Smooth pipes they bend worse, so each bend takes up a lot of space, this does not affect functionality, but the aesthetic appearance of the room deteriorates. Therefore, corrugated systems that accommodate bends are more popular required length in a very limited space.

These systems have the following advantages:

  • the ability to adjust the siphon loops after installing the entire system;
  • the ability to move a sink or other device without disconnecting the siphon.

What causes the water seal to break?

Sometimes the water seal breaks. There are several reasons for this.

  • Significant pressure drops within the sewer system. As a result, the water plug may be squeezed into the water inlet. Sometimes air from the sewer gradually penetrates into the room.
  • Vacuum in the pipeline. This situation is possible when a large amount of water flows from the water intake into the system, completely blocking the lumen of the pipe.

The second situation occurs when the norms provided for by SNiP are violated:

  • incorrectly selected pipes (too small a diameter that cannot cope with water flows);
  • failures in slope horizontal lines, appeared after repair;
  • the occurrence of blockages or icing, leading to a narrowing of the lumen of the pipes.

Advice! Sometimes in corrugated models dirt accumulates at the bottom of the siphon, this provokes the appearance unpleasant odor. To avoid such developments, you need to use additional meshes for the sink.

Video review - causes of smell in the sewer

When can you not do without a water seal in a bathhouse?

The sewer drain from the bathhouse can be done in common system or into a hole specially designed for this purpose. If wastewater fall into a separate pit, they are absorbed there quite quickly, so in this situation any odors are excluded. If the drain goes into the general system, a water seal is needed.

For this purpose, standard siphons of any type are purchased. Most often, corrugated or bottle devices are used for this. They can be made of either plastic or metal.

In old houses you can sometimes see models made of cast iron; now they don’t make them, but in Soviet years Cast iron siphons were widespread, which is why some are still in use today.

Here are hydraulic seals from CENTER AQUAPA; they are designed for pipes with a diameter of 55 and 110 mm.

The water seal is in many ways reminiscent of 2 cups inserted into each other's arcs.

When the floors in the bathhouse are poured, the upper part is buried so that the water drains unhindered.

The photo shows that top part the water seal is located at the bottom of the floor

Advantages of this type of design:

  • can act as a sump;
  • even if it freezes, it will retain its integrity.

Manufacturing of this device requires some special skills and certain tools. First, the pipe fragment is bent into a “U” shape. Next, the resulting element is welded or attached using couplings to the pipe where the drain funnel ends. The height of the water seal is usually about 50 - 70 mm.

This work is carried out during laying the foundation and pouring the floor. But it is possible to install a water seal even if the bathhouse has already been built, but the unpleasant smell makes it impossible to use it normally.

If the bathhouse is on columnar foundation, it is necessary to weld the necessary fragment of pipes, a siphon, to the drainage point under the building. If the foundation is of a different type, you will have to dismantle the floor. They dismantle the boards or use a grinder to cut the concrete floor at the drainage point, and then attach the required fragment there.

Advice! Maximum amount the time that water can remain in the water seal if you do not use the drain - 50 days. Then the smell will appear again because the water will evaporate. So it is better to periodically drain the water to prevent the water seal from drying out.

  1. The bottle siphon looks like a flask, which can be easily disassembled for cleaning and rinsing. The inlet pipe is connected to the drain, and the outlet pipe is connected to the home sewerage pipeline, which often stops functioning due to a clogged siphon. By the way, you can remove the blockage without a plumber. Simply remove the device, disassemble it and wash it.
  2. The sewer knee water seal has a U-shape and to increase productivity, in the case of large quantity drained water, it is recommended to use the original pipeline with a diameter of 110 mm or use the same adapter. If you do not use the plumbing for 40 - 50 days, the water will evaporate from the plug, which will lead to the penetration of odors from the sewer into the room. Therefore, if you rarely use this sanitary point, use a different type of siphon or periodically fill it with water.
  3. A dry water seal for sewerage copes well with the moment of drying out, and therefore is used especially in places of rare use, for example, in dachas. It is installed individually or together with a conventional water seal. And if you want to know how to make a dry water seal with your own hands, then simply place a tennis ball so that it closes the entrance to the sewer pipe. When water appears, it will float up again and provide fluid passage.

This type of product has two subtypes, namely: float and pendulum.

When the water dries out and the water evaporates, the float valve drops and shuts off the pipeline.

The pendulum subtype is based on the gravitational properties of materials and the ability to transfer the center of gravity. Some manufacturers have already begun to use molecular memory capabilities on these devices.

  1. Corrugated tubular siphons are becoming increasingly popular due to the ability to accommodate curves of required sizes even in bottlenecks use. The advantage of this system is the ability to adjust the loop of the device after its installation, and also, the sink itself or other plumbing fixture can be freely moved without turning off the siphon.
  2. Double-turn products can be with vertical or horizontal joining, which is especially in demand for shower stalls, bathtubs and bidets. Double-turn siphons have a special pocket for water formed by two opposing elbows made of corrugated or more rigid pipe.
  3. A shower drain is used with a removable water seal that has a settling tank for heavy impurities.