How to make a man affectionate and attentive. How to teach your man to be more affectionate, attentive and romantic. Respond with a smile to his expression of love.

Are you looking for ways to make your boyfriend like you more? Many people are interested in this question. Sometimes guys get so immersed in work or in their interests that they completely forget about tenderness. This may be a consequence of habit, or because of his modesty to show affection. No matter what the reason, there are still methods on how to teach a guy to be more gentle towards you.

1. Respond with a smile to his expressions of affection.

The first tip on the list of methods on how to teach a guy to show affection is to smile at him when he is really affectionate. Show him that you appreciate it and his love makes you happy. When he realizes that his actions make you happy, he will be inspired to do the same again and again. It is important for him to see your smile. Therefore, when he shows love to you.

2. Step back a little.

You know, sometimes our guys don't show their feelings because we don't give them the opportunity. We simply take the initiative into our own hands and do everything ourselves, and then we are surprised. Why is he not gentle? Try this experiment. Move away a little and you will see what happens. When you stop pampering him with attention, it turns out that he is still quite attentive to you. Before this, he simply did not have the opportunity.

3. Say directly what you like

If you don't tell your guy that you like it when he shows his affection, he may simply not realize how much it means to you. Although we cannot judge all men, most are naturally less gentle than women. Think about how many women hug when they meet, or touch their interlocutor's hand during a conversation, and you will immediately understand that men do not do this. A guy just sometimes needs verbal encouragement to understand what is important to you. Just a couple of comments can completely change the situation.

4. Compliment him when he is affectionate towards you.

When he really shows his feelings, compliment him. Tell him that you like it when he hugs you. Say that you are happy when he takes your hand. These words should be accompanied by a smile. This encourages desired actions. And we all want to be encouraged.

5. Flirt

This is very interesting way make a guy show feelings. Flirting will lead you in the right direction. Flirting hints to a person that they are interested in him, but in his hands further actions. This is my personal definition. Just because we're already dating someone doesn't mean we need to stop flirting.

6. Have a serious conversation about it.

Sometimes, if you lack his attention for a long time, or your boyfriend has become less gentle than he was before, then this is a reason for a serious conversation. Tell him that you miss his tenderness, that showing him love will make you happier. Men are different from women. They may not even notice that they are paying less attention to you. Sometimes talking about it is enough to fix everything.

7. Give him time

You know, sometimes a guy needs a little time to start or understand the hints that you give him. And that's okay. It might actually work. But, still, there is a possibility that this guy simply does not know how to show tenderness, and then he will not change. This does not mean that he is indifferent to you, the reason is simply that he is who he is.

There are many ways to encourage a guy to show his love more. What did you use to achieve desired result? I'm sure our readers want to know more about this topic!

“I am an old soldier, I don’t know the words of love...” How often do we suffer from the fact that our loved ones cannot or do not want to outwardly show tender feelings towards us! But we really want our men to always be affectionate, constantly tell us kind words, and be attentive. However, for men, the concept of “tenderness” is equivalent to the concept of “weakness,” so they try to avoid all this, remaining courageous and tough.

But there is an explanation for all this: as a rule, the male sex does not behave this way on purpose, and this does not at all mean that he does not love you or does not want to understand. No! In fact, his “thick skin” is due to many cultural and genetic factors. And if you try a little, show patience and apply some feminine tricks, then quite soon you will be able to teach him to show his feelings and be more attentive.

He lights a cigarette right after you finish making love. He thinks he's funny when you hold his hand or kiss him on the cheek in public. After a long marriage, he still calls you by name and will never say “my love”, “my sunshine”, “my baby”. He simply cannot pronounce this word - “love”. He never asks how you are feeling. You won't get any love SMS or postcards from him. He won’t say: “Rest, dear, I’ll do everything myself.” He gives you only when he knows that he is to blame for you, and gifts - only on official holidays... If this story is about you, do not be upset, you are not the only one. About 60% of women reproach their lovers for not being able to show tenderness.

Why are men unkind?

Men are no longer born gentle by nature. Since childhood, boys have been playing war, shooting at crows, fighting and offending girls. In reality, male “rudeness” has both cultural and biological roots.

Firstly, men have more hormones responsible for aggression and toughness - thus the male sex becomes more resilient, capable of protecting offspring and its territory.

Secondly, from time immemorial it was believed that a real man should not cry, lisp and express his emotions too vividly. Other roots come from childhood and family relations. If a child did not receive enough from his parents and saw that they were extremely restrained in their everyday relationships, then subsequently it will be quite difficult for him to show affectionate feelings himself. If a person is not used to physical communication (kisses, hugs, touches), tender words, if there was no example of loving parents before his eyes, he becomes “hard”. Although it also happens the other way around: excessively caring parents They caress their child so much that later he is simply afraid and embarrassed to repeat such relationships, so as not to be known as a “mama’s boy” in life.

Trapped in their clutches biological features, on the one hand, both cultural and family traditions, on the other hand, men, in the end, simply cannot be gentle. At least, without outside help. A man becomes tender if a woman encourages him to do so. And even then his tenderness is a little hesitant. She needs constant support. In order for a man to remain gentle, it is necessary to “tame” him day after day. Only gentleness will help you avoid major mistakes along the way.

Here are some ways to help your man become gentle and affectionate.

1. Don't bombard him with demands. It is completely useless to torment him with questions “Do you love me?” and requests “Well, finally tell me something warm.” Such behavior will only anger the man. Don’t demand constant attention from him, countless SMS messages, flowers and gifts - you won’t get anything other than irritation in response. Never try to give an ultimatum - “If you don’t call me “kitten” and pat me on the head, I won’t cook you dinner.” Such statements will only cause aggression and resentment; he will think that you do not love him and do not want to show concern. Instead of all this, try to appreciate every time he does something sensual, thank him for it and say that you are very pleased and great (and not “what a pity that you do this so rarely”). Try to take his side - maybe what he gives you is not so little?

2. Don't overdo it with your tenderness. Another trap awaits you when you take the entire initiative in manifestation, thinking: “I have to give him more in order to receive more later.” You are exhausted to give him maximum pleasure, you think about him every minute, lisp with him and almost drown him in an ocean of tenderness. As a result... nothing comes of it. Moreover, he moves away from you even more. Psychological reason this restraint is that he is afraid of being overwhelmed, swallowed up by his own softness. It seems to you that you are setting an example for him, showing all the good things that affection brings: love, happiness, etc. He sees only harm: a feeling of his own weakness, dependence. He feels like a “rag”, “a slob”...

3. Take care of his body. Tenderness begins with the body. An unaffectionate man is a man who unconsciously reduces physical contact only to sexual contact. For him, every touch has an applied sexual meaning. In order for him to become more gentle, you must destroy this “body - sex” dependence in his mind, teach him to receive and give pleasure not only in bed. Try sending him to some cosmetic procedures or giving him a massage yourself.

4. Talk to him about his problems, feelings, emotions. Often, even the strongest and toughest man lacks basic understanding and support. If he starts talking about his feelings and experiences, then it will be much easier for him to express them in relation to to a loved one.

5. Be a little defenseless girl with him. If you behave like a real iron lady, take the initiative into your own hands, and quickly grasp the solution to any problems, then it will be clearly difficult for a man to take care of you. Showing that you are a strong and independent woman may just scare him. After all, you need to feel like a protector, have the opportunity to show care, and therefore become softer and more gentle. Therefore, when you show your feminine, or better yet, a little childish weakness and unobtrusively ask him to help with something, your man will feel like a real knight and at the same time a “big daddy”, who will find it easier to show his affectionate feelings towards you.

In the understanding of men " tenderness" often means weakness, and there are explanations for this. But a little effort, and heavy male heredity will recede. Take our advice.

A man becomes gentle when he feels like a protector.

He lights a cigarette right after you finish making love. He thinks he's funny when you take his hand in public. After three years of marriage, he still calls you by name and will never say: “ My love», « my Sunshine" or " my baby" He simply will not be able to pronounce this word - “ Love“(Can you console yourself with the fact that he treats you no worse than he treats his old girlfriends or his sister-in-law’s husband). He never asks how you are feeling. You won't get any love notes from him. He will not say: “Rest, you look tired. I’ll do everything myself.” He gives you flowers only when he knows that he is to blame for you, and gifts - only on official holidays...

You feel left out, and that's natural. By the way, you are not the only one. About 50% of women reproach their lovers for not being able to show tenderness. Is it really a man and tenderness - “ two things are incompatible“, and we have to come to terms with this? Not at all necessary. Of course, you cannot make a gentle, sensitive angel out of a complete rude person. But if a standard-model cracker lives next to you, it’s quite possible to teach him to show his feelings and be more attentive.

“Tenderness is a feminine virtue. Perhaps this is why she is so attractive in a male character,” writes André Comte-Sponville in his “Little Encyclopedia of the Great Virtues.” Men are not born gentle, rather the opposite. Boys (except mama's boys) play war, and men often get real pleasure from this activity.

In fact, rudeness of men has reasons of both biological and cultural nature. And if your lover lacks softness, then this is primarily due to hormones. He has more " aggression hormones" and less " tenderness hormones" The reasons also lie in heredity, and often in upbringing. For thousands of years, men treated tenderness with great distrust because it could " compromise"all their valor and will shown in extreme conditions. Who wants to get an offensive nickname? woman"(if not much worse).

Women, by the way, often agree with this point of view. Many are still confused by the sight crying man. As a result, even if men try to show tender feelings (having already proven their valor and honor), most of them turn out to be incapable of this. Especially if they haven’t passed since childhood “ school of feelings" in family. All psychoanalysts agree on this: restraint, like tenderness, is contagious. A child who has not received enough affection from his parents, or has seen them as extremely reserved in their daily interactions, will subsequently find it difficult to show affection himself.

If a person is not accustomed to physical communication (kisses, hugs, affectionate touches), to tender words, if he did not have an example of loving parents before his eyes, he becomes “ tough" It also happens the other way around: overly caring parents also provoke “ paralysis» tenderness from your beloved children. The caressed son subsequently becomes awkward in communication; he avoids too frank relationships, because he is more or less consciously afraid of falling into a trap, as in childhood.

Caught in the grip of their biological characteristics, on the one hand, and cultural and family traditions, on the other, men, in the end, simply cannot be gentle. At least, without outside help.

A man becomes tender if a woman encourages him to do so.

And even then his tenderness is a little hesitant. She needs constant support. In order for a man to remain gentle, he must be “ tame" Only patience and gentleness will help you avoid major mistakes along the way.

In cultivating male tenderness, it is impossible to achieve any results using frontal attack methods. The more often you repeat to him that he should be affectionate, the less results you will achieve. This is quite natural: try, say, to bring someone out of deep depression with the demand to “make an effort and pull yourself together.” If a person could do it, he would come out of this state himself. It is also useless to remind him all the time to be “kinder”, so that he does not forget to give you flowers from time to time or to tell you more often that he loves you. Most likely, he will answer that he “remembered, but forgot,” and the more he loves you, the stronger his feeling of guilt will manifest itself. It is useless to shower him with reproaches or ask him a hundred times a day: “Do you love me?” This will turn out even worse: he begins to get angry with you, and, in the end, in his eyes you turn out to be an obsessive owner.

Perhaps you remind him of his mother, who constantly demanded attention from the household. Your situation becomes more complicated if you persistently demand attention from him without realizing it. You, too, might have lacked affection when you were a child. Because of such a past, you desire tenderness with all your soul, with all your body, even without actively declaring it. Your lover subconsciously feels this and tries to distance himself from you.

In this difficult case, you must first find yourself inner freedom and then help him. You must realize that he is not the main culprit that you are feeling emotionally deprived today. After all, even if he were more affectionate, it still wouldn’t be enough for you. First, you need to settle the emotional score with your parents. When you install " internal standard” of your own tenderness, it will be easier for you to objectively perceive the level of manifestation of his tender feelings. In such cases, the help of a psychologist is useful.

Another trap lies in wait for you when you take the entire initiative in showing affection, thinking: “I have to give him more in order to receive more later.” You are exhausted to give him maximum pleasure, you think about him every minute, lisp with him and drown him in an ocean of tenderness. As a result... nothing comes of it. Moreover, he moves away from you even more. The psychological reason for this restraint is that he is afraid of being overwhelmed, swallowed up by his own softness. It seems to you that you are setting an example for him, showing all the good things that affection brings: love, happiness, etc. He sees only harm: a feeling of his own weakness, dependence. He feels " with a rag", simpletons...

A man often considers himself deceived if he dares to show his feelings too clearly. Especially if he was raised by an authoritarian mother. If, as an adult, he has not learned to say to his mother: “No,” it is best for you to maintain some distance from him. This will make it easier for him to take the initiative.

The body is not just for sex

Tenderness begins with the body. An unaffectionate man is a man who unconsciously reduces physical contact only to sexual contact. For him, every touch has an applied sexual meaning. That is why he is a little ashamed to hold your hand in public, which is why he jokingly, like a man, exchanges blows with his friends (as he believes, devoid of ambiguity). In order for him to become more tender, you must destroy this “body-sex” dependence in his mind, teach him to receive and give pleasure not only in bed. First, try to sign him up for a massage, suggest some other cosmetic procedures... It will be useful for him if he has a little “ cuddle"other people's hands. Plus, it will come back to you with much nicer skin.

You can offer to give him a massage to relieve stress or fatigue. It's okay if your initiative is rejected to begin with. When he gets used to the fact that he can be massaged, he will appreciate how pleasant the procedure is. Little by little he will begin to feel differently about his body.

I found this article online. Was it really written by a man? What do you think about it? How do you like the article?

How to tame a man

I can understand and am quite calm when a man and woman break up due to different reasons. life values, principles and interests. After all, too different values ​​can be difficult to combine. But some of the conflicts and breakups occur due to women’s inability to “steer” men, and the second part is due to men’s irresponsibility and unwillingness to grow up. We will talk about the second part a little later, in other issues and articles; today we will discuss the psychology of men, which is similar to the psychology of dogs. Let's talk about how we men will like it and how to keep it. Men are very easy to manage, and basic knowledge and skills can be mastered within a month, well, two at most.

Often my wife asks me about male logic and male psychology, which she does not always understand.

How to please a man, how to keep him, and how to make a man fall in love with you?

How to ask a man for what a woman wants, and most importantly, how to ask and demand so that he does it, and does it with pleasure?

How to make sure that a man does not look around, at least in the presence of a woman?

How to tame a man and how to get a girl married?

Naturally, I am an “interested person” and try to answer in more detail how to manage a man, in a particular case, myself.

Recently my beloved and I went into a cafe, and she asked:

What kind of men are you? How do you think and what is the best way to communicate with you? How to please a man? And, most importantly, what should you do and what shouldn’t you do for a man to appreciate and respect you?

Then I said:

Yes, men are generally simple, and in many ways similar to dogs. - Then he gave her several comparisons. She laughed for a long time and then asked:

Why haven't you written an article about this yet?

And so every day, for many weeks, she came up and asked:

Did you write? Have you already written an article about how men are like dogs? You wrote?

Wrote, wrote...

1. Almost all dogs and men are the same in that they love affection and attention. They love to be petted, “tugged behind the ear,” and praised.

Dogs, when their owner comes, run out to meet him, wag their tails, and climb up to be petted. Or, when they see one of the owners on the street, with a joyful bark and a wild wagging of the tail, they rush towards him with all their canine joy, just to jump onto the light trousers with their furry, heavy paws and lick the owner from head to toe, while receiving a portion of affection and attention. Almost all dogs and men are like this. There are, of course, distrustful even of dogs’ owners (again, you need to understand “why”) and men who are distrustful of their wives, but there are few of them. A man came home, sometimes he brought his wife booty in the form of food, salary, bride price, some gifts, boasting about his real, and sometimes “slightly” embellished exploits. After this, of course, he is really looking forward to being stroked on the head, hugged, and told how much they admire him. If a woman smiles at a man, hugs him, rejoices at what he brought, listens to his boasts, then a third of family problems can already be considered solved.

This is not at all an obvious rule for communicating with men, and according to my observations, women, especially young ones, do not always greet and hug a man with a smile when he comes home. And, most importantly, not because he is offended by him, but because he does not understand how important it is!

Well, I didn’t meet him every day, but every other day, what’s important about that? Well, I didn’t hug you today, I’ll hug you tomorrow, what’s important?

Important, very important. From time to time I observe the same situation. The dog ran away from the owner, and it’s time for the owner to go home. He starts running after the dog. Finally he caught it, or the dog itself came to its owner. What are they doing? different people further? A not-so-wise owner will lash out at the dog and start hitting and scolding it. After all, he is late, and the dog doesn’t want to go home. Next time he will run after the dog twice as long. A wise owner will pet the dog, maybe even give him something tasty, after it runs up to him. Next time he just calls her, and the dog is already running towards him.

How simple in theory, how rarely is this rule consistently observed.

2. Dogs love to follow commands that are doable and understandable. Men love to fulfill feasible and understandable requests for their beloved.

Dogs expect commands from their owners, and the commands must be feasible for the given dog and easy to understand. Of course, with long-term training, the dog understands the owner perfectly. But, in the beginning, you need to give simple and easy-to-follow instructions for the dog.

A man also loves to do something for a woman. But for this it is desirable that:

First: her requests were feasible specific man without undue stress, so that they are understandable to him.

Second: you need to express them out loud repeatedly, since 500 - 700, and not think that the man will figure out to do something himself.

An example for both points: don’t ask your boxer friend to help with higher mathematics, and don’t ask the math teacher to punch the face of your annoying, annoying neighbor. This is usually understandable. When it comes to things that are not so obvious, then an error is an error. For example, sometimes it is useless to require a man to do home repairs himself if he does not know how to do it and quietly hates it. It is better to direct his energy to earning extra money for repairs. Another mistake is when a woman expects a man to listen and “just chat” with her, like her friend, about problems. Do not expect from a man, as from a friend, that having told you about his problem, he will sympathize with you, and not give advice with real recommendations about “how to correct the situation.” Because he is a man, it’s his nature to give out advice, he loves to do it, but he can talk just like that, heart to heart, if you are just discussing something with him. If you complain, then accept the fact that you will hear a question with specific suggestions on how to help you and a bunch of recommendations to boot? In general, study the psychology of men, at least a little.

Well, just a women's hit. I always wonder where women are taught to think that men will figure out what is important to a woman? Well, he won’t guess, he won’t guess. Well, he won’t understand on his own that a “broom” is important for a woman, not even suitable for sweeping the floor, which she calls a bouquet of flowers. If you, of course, tell your man that flowers are very important to you, then gradually he will begin to give them. According to my wife's observations, it takes about 714 repetitions for a man to remember something and begin to do what the woman wants him to do. Again, if censorship fucks it regularly, persistently, but at the same time in a calm voice, but without screams, hysterics and manipulations. Don’t think that men don’t understand this, therefore, there are women whom their husbands carry in their arms, as they say, and there are those who cannot achieve anything from a normal man. Start respecting yourself and your needs, then you can get them fulfilled from us.

Of the most common things that a man “should have guessed” but doesn’t:

He should guess to give flowers to a woman,

Think about marrying her,

Talking and courting her after he has achieved her,

Help her with household chores,

Protect him from his parents

Pay more attention to your hygiene, cleanliness in the house, etc.

In general, f*ck all this from us, don’t be shy. Talk about it, fuck calmly and confidently, and when a man understands what is important to you, he will do it with pleasure. In the first years of our marriage, I couldn’t understand what all the fuss about flowers was about, but now I’m happy to give flowers to my wife, she’s so happy! How can I now deprive myself of the pleasure of being a hero and a breadwinner, hmm, you can’t wait.

In general, study male logic and how to tame a man, and your man himself will not understand how he will begin to look after you more, and then pamper you.

3. Dogs love all kinds of toys, especially ones that they can run after and hunt, etc. Men also love to play all sorts of games and toys that they can run around and hunt with.

Many men's games for women are: "Well, just real stupidity!" After all, in many of them, men hurt each other very much (boxing, hockey), or do something that can be done much easier and cheaper, fishing, for example. Or they do such “senseless” things as lifting a barbell back and forth, or throwing their arms and legs forward while shouting “yay.” - I understand all this. However, I ask you, be gentler towards men.

Without games, dogs and men quickly age, become dull, become very boring, fat and lose interest in life and in their only woman. Therefore, there is no need to interfere men's games. It's better if the woman encourages them. Well, I'm not even talking about if she is interested in them and even participates in them a little. Such a woman immediately becomes several points higher than other women. This is exactly the answer to my wife’s question “How to make a man fall in love with you and marry him?” Throw a stick a couple of times over the weekend so that the dog can bring it back, take an interest in your partner’s car, listen carefully and memorize the name of the “insides of the car” - and you are out of competition. My wife is interested and understands investments, like me, and can listen to me for hours, and often asks questions to which I myself do not always know the answer, or may notice something that I did not see. She is interested in what is interesting to me, which means she is interested in me - and, for this reason alone, she is beyond competition.

Of course, whenever possible, games that are not as stupid from a woman's point of view as others should be encouraged. For example, encourage playing football, business, investing, science, and not computer games, watching football on TV with a bottle of beer and sitting in the yard with friends until the night.

4. The dog loves to lie down in his kennel and lie down. And they don’t like a leash, especially a short one. Provide your partner free time and personal space.

The dog cannot run continuously; it needs periodic rest. Likewise, a man cannot work, play, or even communicate with his only and beloved woman all the time. He needs to be alone. Lie on the sofa, etc. Give yourself and him the opportunity to be alone, and after a while he will come running to you, bored, joyful and satisfied.

Dogs don't like leashes, especially short ones. And if they are not allowed out without a leash at all ( chain dogs), then they become overly evil, and they become underdeveloped intellect. However, there are many dogs that walk without a leash, and at the slightest call from the owner they will happily run to him.

So do men. They don't like it when women put a leash on them, especially a short one. Where did you go, where were you, where did you spend the ruble, why did you say this, say this, don’t say that, if such questions and instructions come continuously, then you want to run away from the leash.

However, there are men, or rather their women, to whom men happily return and ask themselves how to help, etc. This is the position women should strive for. How to do this is a question for a separate article.

5. The dog loves bones and other tasty foods.

Everything seems clear here, but a few comments. Even if everyone in your family agrees that the woman does most of the cooking, this does not mean that the man does nothing. My wife cooks herself, but she censors me so that I go to the store, buy groceries, cut and peel vegetables, and wash the dishes. Involve your man more actively in cooking, rather than complaining.

And the second note, do not overfeed the dog, that is, the man. The sooner you pay attention to this, the better and much easier. It is a hundred times more difficult to lose 20 extra pounds than not to gain excess weight at all.

6. The most important thing is that if dogs are not trained, they can become completely obnoxious and crawl onto the sofa with dirty paws, grab food from the table, bite their owners and their children, etc.

Almost everyone knows that puppies, especially large and fighting dogs, must be severely spanked for even a hint of trying to bite or growl at the owner or family members. Please note that not even for a light bite, but simply for growling at the owner, the dog must be spanked. If this is not done, then later she may

Lightly bite you. And then a little more
then the child happens,
it is impossible to do anything, and all that remains is to euthanize the dog, which, with a different upbringing, would bring only joy to the owner.

It’s the same with men, especially strong and aggressive ones. Even a hint of disrespect for a woman should never go unheeded. Today you left without attention easy a hint of disrespect, “swallowed and pretended that it would resolve on its own,” tomorrow it may manifest itself in a greater form. And then all that remains is to break up with a man who, if treated differently, would carry you in his arms all the time. life together. And, naturally, the stronger male character, and the less he was raised in childhood, the more attention needs to be paid to this. If you are not attracted to a man in this matter, then think about whether you can live happily with him. It may be better to give him to another woman, and take a less aggressive and strong man for yourself.

Man is a gentle creature by nature. Even the most cruel people can gently stroke a kitten. And don't think that you are the exception to the rule. In your case, the problem is not that when distributing talents and skills somewhere in Heaven, they forgot to put a pinch of tenderness in you. The catch is in the ability to manifest it.

This problem did not arise at one moment - since childhood you have not been taught the expression of love, so now you are asking the question of how to be an affectionate and gentle girl. Fortunately, you can and should instill these qualities in your character; engage in self-development.


In solving the problem of expressing feelings, you will inevitably encounter indoor units, which will make any of your attempts to show affection awkward. If you yourself received little of it in childhood, your parents did not consider it necessary to show care and love towards each other, you will copy their behavior, whether you want it or not. To get rid of the burden of the past, consult a psychoanalyst. Using psychodiagnostic methods, he will establish concrete facts from your biography and will help you learn self-hypnosis.

Give gifts

If you need reasons to kiss your loved one on the cheek, give them yourself. For example, give the most simple gifts as a sign of gratitude for having him like this. This in itself will become a manifestation of tenderness. In turn, give your partner credit. If he gives you his hand, be sure to thank him with a gentle look, a kiss or a pleasant word.

Speak kind words

If the words “dear”, “beloved”, “bunny”, “beauty” sound wild to you, you need to start healing by saying these epithets out loud. Do it alone. Practice in front of a mirror when no one can see you. Then write SMS to your loved one, and then start calling him at appropriate moments when you are one on one. Ask him how he wants you to address him. Intimate nicknames can be a lot of fun, but they are what help keep your relationship special.

Tender touches

Implement it in your daily life pleasant rituals. For example, be sure to start every meeting with your loved one with a kiss. First you can do it on the lips, and then on the neck. If your partner gets involved in this game, ask them to kiss your hand or hug you. It’s a very touching gesture to take his hand. Learn to walk by the hand, not arm in arm - the second option shows less intimacy between you than the first.

Daily Practice

It is impossible to instantly change and turn into your ideal by applying all the techniques that you hear or read. The secret of success is daily use and gradual implementation. At first it will be difficult to overcome your inhibitions, but when you begin to enjoy affection and tenderness, you will overcome your illness.