How to make a swimming pool at your dacha with your own hands: the best options and master classes. A detailed guide to building swimming pools for a summer house. A large do-it-yourself swimming pool in the country house.

A swimming pool in a summer cottage is no longer a luxury item. After all, you can do it yourself. If you have the necessary funds, you can buy a pond for recreation. However, a person who is a little familiar with construction work will be able to equip such a structure without the involvement of specialists.

First you need to figure out what types of such reservoirs exist, and also learn about the pros and cons of each of them.

All pools can be divided into two types:

  • frame;
  • foundation pits

Such pools are either located above the surface of the earth, or at least slightly protrude above it. Their distinctive feature is the presence of a frame. It is very convenient for moving and dismantling for the winter.

The disadvantage of frame structures is that they are very expensive. Although some craftsmen can make them themselves.


To build it, you need to purchase concrete and waterproofing materials. The disadvantages of this design are that it cannot be dismantled. Another disadvantage is the large volume of excavation work. You will have to dig a pit with an area of ​​about 16 square meters.



The last stage of work will be decorating the pool with decorative finishes. If you plan to install a ladder, it is better to design it in advance. It is installed around the time the walls are poured. You can also make a covering around an artificial pond. Most often these are different tiles.


A polypropylene pool will require more effort and expense than a conventional concrete structure. However, it has a whole host of advantages. It is known that when constructing such structures, the biggest problem is waterproofing. Polypropylene is the ideal material. It has increased strength and durability. This material can be given any shape.

A polypropylene structure can be constructed in two ways:

  1. Buy a polypropylene bowl of the desired size and shape and install it in the pit.
  2. Buy sheet polypropylene and make a bowl out of it yourself.

Making a polypropylene bowl yourself will cost approximately the same as a purchased one, because in this case the master will have to buy a special tool for polyfusion thermal welding - an extruder. In addition, you will also have to first learn how to weld sheets and make a ladder.

Installation is carried out in the following sequence.

  1. First you need to dig a pit, the dimensions of which must exceed the dimensions of the bowl.
  2. After this, you need to put waterproofing on the bottom and fill it with concrete.
  3. The finished bowl is installed in place. If the bowl needs to be boiled, this can be done directly next to the installation site.
  4. After installing the bowl, you need to install the bottom drain, skimmer and nozzles.
  5. The next stage is insulating the pool around the edges. You can use polystyrene foam for this.
  6. It is better to tie some walls with stiffeners.
  7. The pipes also need to be insulated and covered with regular tape just in case.
  8. A water filtration device must be installed next to the structure. It can be installed, for example, in the basement of a house.
  9. After all communications are connected, concreting can begin. To prevent the solution from damaging the polypropylene, it is necessary to install internal formwork in the bowl. This ensures that all sides of the structure are smooth and beautiful. The pouring itself is carried out in layers of 30–35 cm in height per day. This is the optimal mode for filling a pit. To prevent the concrete from damaging the bowl, you can also use water in addition to the formwork. For example, when pouring the next layer of solution, you need to add water to the same level in the bowl. The work will take about a week on average.

Filling should be done slowly. It is better to divide the process into several stages.

Once the concrete has hardened, you can lay out tiles or other materials to give it an aesthetic appearance.

Polypropylene pools are gaining popularity today, although several years ago this technology was unknown in Russia.



If finances allow, you can order a turnkey pool of any type: polypropylene, plastic, composite, frame.

With the development of construction technologies and materials, more and more people are deciding to build a pool on their property with their own hands in order to swim and cool off in the summer heat, to please their children and grandchildren, to decorate their private property and give them greater comfort. Properly designed and manufactured strictly according to technology, located in a well-chosen location and beautifully decorated, the pond will become a favorite vacation spot for the whole family.

Advantages and disadvantages of stationary pools

The design of stationary pools is fundamentally different from prefabricated types; it has its own characteristics:

  • strength and durability;
  • the ability to create any complex and multi-level shapes, small or huge dimensions and volumes;
  • placement both indoors and in open areas, use in winter;
  • a large selection of construction and finishing materials and decor allows you to realize your wildest design fantasies;
  • the ability to connect communications and additional options and devices: hydromassage areas, fountains and waterfalls, slides, lighting, water purification and filtration systems, drainage and automatic heating;
  • such an object is built once and for all, its dismantling is impossible without destruction and will require significant financial and labor costs;
  • in winter, the bathhouse must be preserved so that frost does not damage the walls;
  • Unlike lightweight inflatable and frame low-budget models that are quickly installed, stationary reservoirs are built in compliance with all construction standards, drying times for materials; errors and shortcomings are unacceptable here and can lead to serious problems.

Stationary structures have both advantages and disadvantages

How to make a stationary pool with your own hands

There is a huge range of ready-made swimming pools on the market, various prefabricated models made from various materials, and accessories for them. You can buy a ready-made composite bowl and dig it in near the house, or you can build a monolithic pool from reinforced concrete or lay it out of brick. In any case, you first need to create a project and draw a pool plan with dimensions, calculate the estimate and quantity of materials, prepare tools and equipment for the work.

It will no longer be possible to move the finished object, so it is important to choose a suitable location and determine the area allocated for the recreation area, following simple rules:

  • An open sunny area promotes natural heating of water. This arrangement will save on electricity bills;
  • the bowl must be strictly horizontal, so it is recommended to choose flat areas without relief;
  • large trees can damage or deform the bottom and walls; species such as willow, poplar, chestnut, whose root system is developed, are especially undesirable. Replanting or removing a tree from your property costs much less than renovating a pool;
  • a slight slope can be used to simplify drainage;
  • Shrubs and low-growing fruit trees growing nearby lose their leaves throughout the season, which means you will have to constantly collect fallen leaves and perishable fruits and berries from the surface of the water;
  • the site must be protected from the wind and prying eyes, you can choose a place near a fence, wall, hedge, the distance to the fence is preferably at least 2 m;
  • the risk of accidents and leaks, moisture getting under the foundation of the house or flooding of the basement should be taken into account;
  • the convenience of connecting communications and placing equipment, drainage is important;
  • if the footage allows, then it is worth setting aside a place for a recreation area where you can sunbathe;
  • You cannot make a pit on moving or unstable soils; if the groundwater level is high, then it is not recommended to deepen the reservoir; it is better to choose a model for installation on the surface.

Next, you need to decide on the size and shape of the reservoir; these parameters depend on the purpose of the pool. Elongated shapes are more suitable for swimming, and round bowls are more suitable for relaxing with children. For independent construction, it is better to choose simple shapes - a rectangle or a circle, which are less labor-intensive to execute.

The depth of the bowl varies from 0.5 m for children's bathing and up to 1.5 m for adults. If you plan to jump from a springboard, then the depth must be increased to 2.3 m to avoid hitting the bottom. You can divide the bottom into children's and adult areas with a gentle depth difference, or build two bowls separated by a partition to avoid children getting into the deep part.

Made from concrete

The most durable and durable construction technology is considered to be concrete reinforced with steel rods. For beginners, it is convenient to use polystyrene foam blocks as permanent formwork; they are inexpensive.

List of required tools and materials:

  • cement grade of at least M-300;
  • concrete mixer, if you need a lot of concrete, it makes sense to order a machine for ready-mixed concrete in a mixer;
  • roulette;
  • pegs;
  • cord for marking on the site;
  • shovel;
  • hammer;
  • screwdriver;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • formwork boards or polystyrene foam blocks;
  • sand;
  • crushed stone;
  • geotextiles;
  • insulation;
  • reinforcement in the form of steel bars;
  • finishing materials and decorative elements.

Stages of work:

  1. Mark the site, mark the dimensions with pegs, and stretch the cord around the perimeter. The boundaries of the pit should be larger than the dimensions of the bowl by approximately 1 m on each side. Dig a pit; it needs to be deepened 50 cm from the size of the pool. The bottom must be thoroughly compacted and leveled, clods of earth and stones must be removed, and roots must be uprooted. Then pour a 25–30 cm layer of crushed stone.
  2. Place the reinforcement on special supports so that the reinforcing grid, after pouring the solution, is located in the thickness of the concrete layer. This will ensure the strength of the structure. Put together formwork from boards and make reinforcing supports.

    Fill the bottom of the pit with crushed stone and install the screed

  3. Pour the concrete screed in one go. The thickness of the layer is 25 cm, level it with a vibrator or simply pierce the layer several times with a rod to expel air bubbles.

    Pour concrete solution

  4. Wait until the screed dries and reaches its design strength, periodically moistening the surface, this will help the concrete not crack when drying. Drying takes 7–14 days.
  5. Line the pool bowl with geotextile or dense polyethylene. The best solution would be to treat the concrete surface with a penetrating waterproofing agent or a layer of liquid rubber.
  6. Lay insulation or polystyrene foam blocks on top and secure them with tape. Lay out the walls of the formwork, inserting a reinforcing rod into each section of the block.

    Install formwork

  7. Install ladders and recesses for additional equipment. Pour concrete into the formwork and wait time for drying.

    Pour the concrete and wait for it to harden

  8. The interior of the bowl is decorated with ceramic tiles, mosaics, special film, and if necessary, it is primed and covered with waterproof paint for swimming pools.
  9. From the outside, the pit is backfilled and the sides are finished, the necessary filtering equipment is installed and the water supply and drain are connected.

    Finish the bowl with ceramic tiles

Made of brick

Another popular construction material is brick. The advantages of this method:

  • reliability and strength of the structure, long service life;
  • possibility of laying out various shapes and sizes of bowls;
  • ease of installation of stairs, slides and other additional equipment;

There are also disadvantages:

  • the need for insulation due to low thermal conductivity;
  • long construction period and complex technology;
  • high cost of material.

For work you will need the following tools and materials:

  • container for mixing cement-sand mixture;
  • drill with mixer attachment;
  • brick;
  • cement;
  • sand;
  • crushed stone;
  • liquid soap or cheap dishwashing detergent as a plasticizer; reinforcement in the form of rods and mesh;
  • plaster mixture for finishing;
  • coating composition for waterproofing;
  • geotextiles;
  • Master OK;
  • putty knife;
  • level;
  • roulette;
  • shovel.

Here is the sequence of technological steps.

Made from polypropylene

This relatively recently invented material has properties that allow it to be successfully used in the construction of swimming pools:

  • easy to process;
  • fastened by welding with sealed continuous seams;
  • does not require the creation of formwork or frame;
  • safe for humans;
  • has a smooth and non-slip surface;
  • Keeps warm for a long time.

One of the disadvantages is the darkening of the surface over time.

Polypropylene structures are easy to process and install

First you need to prepare the equipment and components:

  • polypropylene sheets with a thickness of at least 8 mm;
  • extruder for welding them;
  • construction hair dryer for correcting seams;
  • PVC film;
  • shovel;
  • level;
  • roulette;
  • reinforcement for screed;
  • concrete solution;
  • sand;
  • crushed stone;
  • geotextiles.

Installation steps:

Rules of care

All types of pools require systematic care and cleaning. Recommendations will help you keep your pond in order.

  • You can collect debris and leaves from the surface with a skimmer or a simple net with a fine mesh; bottom vacuum cleaners or brushes are used to clean the bottom.
  • To change a huge volume of water less frequently, you can use disinfectants based on chlorine and active oxygen, and ionizing units.
  • The tank must be preserved for the winter.
  • You can protect the surface of the water from dirt by covering it with a special film.
  • Regularly check the integrity and performance of filter elements, communications, and the tightness of the finish.
  • You can cover the pond with a polycarbonate roof or build a pavilion around the bathhouse.

The pool needs to be cleaned regularly

Many people associate a swimming pool with luxury and wealth, but to create it you only need hard work and adherence to technology. And if you have creative imagination, you can turn an ordinary concrete or brick tank into a real decoration of the site, a bright element of the landscape and a wonderful place to relax.

It's summer, which means it's time to swim. And it’s very disappointing when it’s not very close to the reservoir. Therefore, it is not surprising that many owners of country houses have the idea of ​​​​building a swimming pool in the garden with their own hands.

Don't think this is an impossible task. If you have a great desire, some experience in construction and the necessary tools, then it is not so difficult. Well, to make your work easier, we have prepared recommendations on how to make a pool with your own hands at the dacha.

Choosing a location for a pool and its size

To make it easier for you to decide on a place for a swimming pool, we offer a list of factors that must be taken into account:

  • Water supply and drainage. By installing a pool near the house, for example, at the back, you will achieve several goals: simplify the water supply process, speed up maintenance and care of the pool. It will also be convenient if the recreation area is in one place.
  • The soil. If possible, choose clay soil for construction. This way, you will avoid additional problems with waterproofing, because clay does not allow water to pass through. Well, how much easier is it to dig a pit for a country pool in clay soil than in rocky soil, for example.
  • Wind. If you do not have the financial and technical ability to build a canopy over the pool, then you will need to take into account the direction of the wind. The wind will bring garbage into the pool in any case, so it needs to be easier to catch. Determine such a place and install a pipe there to drain the water. Then the excess debris will go away along with the water.
  • Groundwater. Experts' recommendations are to build a pool in a place where groundwater does not approach the ground closer than half a meter.
  • Vegetation. The wind will already bring you a lot of trouble, so don’t add it to yourself with additional leaves from nearby bushes and trees. Also, additional difficulties will be caused by the roots of large trees, which can damage the integrity of the building.

Of course, in your yard you are the owner. But in such a labor-intensive task as building a swimming pool, it is better to follow the recommendations of specialists.

But as for length and width, there are no requirements. Only your desire and possibilities. But the depth should be considered very carefully: if you have children, then do not make the pool deeper than 1-2 meters; if you plan to jump from a tower, for example from a three-meter tower, then the depth should not be less than three meters.

Decorative pool - varieties of shapes and materials for construction

Swimming pools with unusual shapes look quite unusual. Of course, they require additional care, and they are more difficult to design, but how much more interesting they look than the usual rectangles, squares, ovals and circles.

When designing the shape of the pool, show your imagination! Move away from the generally accepted forms!

Those who love something special will be interested in how to make a mini pool in the country with their own hands. Let's discuss what scrap materials you can use to build something like a swimming pool in your yard:

  • Tire mini-pool. First, we look for a tire of the size we need. Tires from a combine or tractor have a suitable diameter. Trim one side panel to the treads, leaving the sides. The place for such a font should be level, clean, and not much larger than a tire. Fill the sand cushion and pour concrete to 15 cm. Install the tire. You can decorate it with brick or stone. Use after complete hardening.
  • Mini-pool from the bathtub. A cast iron bathtub that has served you for many years can be turned into a mini pool for your dacha. If you choose a place in the shade, the bath and the water in it will not heat up so much. Although, considering the size, only children can splash in it, it is better if the water is always warm. You need to dig a pit under the bathtub and fill it with sand. Place the bathtub into the bowl and pour sand into the gaps, compacting it thoroughly.
  • Gabion mesh products. Although gabions are used as fortifications to protect banks from erosion, resourceful owners also use these structures to build swimming pools. First you need, as in the previous options, to prepare the area for the pool. We lay gabion mesh and film on the concrete base to protect it from moisture.
  • Containers. Not the most aesthetic option, but still interesting. A garbage, construction or shipping container can be turned into a hot tub simply by treating it with an anti-corrosion compound. Also check the container for integrity. Bury it to the required depth, and refine the sides.

Of course, you can simplify your task and buy a ready-made container for the pool. The frame metal structure is sold with a ladder, pump and cleaning system. Collect it, fill it with water and use it during the warm season. A plastic pool can also be ordered ready-made. It is not correct to say that this is a completely simple option - after all, a polypropylene pool also requires concrete pouring, but the polymer guarantees the highest quality waterproofing. You can also use a polymer bowl only during the season.

Stationary pool - stages of work

As for permanent pools, the rest of the article will be devoted to this. These are the kind of pools that can be considered real.

Stationary pool

There are several stages in the construction of a stationary concrete pool. Let's start, of course, with the preparatory work. Moreover, they will be needed much more than for the construction of the fonts described above.

Preparatory work

It is necessary to mark the territory of the summer cottage. Mark the required dimensions of the pool on the ground using pegs and rope or draw. Most likely, many will call digging a foundation pit the most labor-intensive process in construction. Ground work for the construction of a very large swimming pool will not be possible without special equipment. Add 50 cm on each side of the future pool when you dig. This is additional space for a sand bed and concrete.

Dig the walls and bottom with a slight slope. This way the structure will be more reliable, and the drainage system will work without problems.

Now we are preparing everything for concrete pouring

Compact the bottom and walls of the pit, add 30 cm of sand and lay waterproofing. The most inexpensive water insulators can be considered roofing felt and bitumen mass. Moreover, these materials have earned good reviews. Lay the roofing material in a layer over the entire bowl and three or four layers of bitumen on top.

Time to install the drain

Install the formwork and begin concrete work. Use high grade cement for work. Remove the formwork after the concrete has hardened. Apply the solution in a thick layer and be sure to reinforce it with mesh so that the pressure does not deform the walls. Reinforce the joints with wire. Now rub the entire surface with a solution of cement and water to prevent the appearance of microcracks. Before you start finishing the pool, apply waterproofing using PVC film, roofing felt or a special impregnating compound. By the way, a stationary pool that has lost its seal due to a crack can only be saved.

Now let's start finishing the pool

For this you can use:

  • Ceramic tile. It does not deteriorate from being in water for a long time and is easy to wash. When laying, take into account the water pressure under which the coating will constantly be located. If you forget to leave a small gap between the tiles, the pressure will cause the tiles to crack over time. The grout should be elastic.
  • PVC material. It is available in a wide range of colors, and thanks to its strength, a film pool becomes the most used and reliable. The airliner will last about seven years. The film is easy to clean and does not react with pool care chemicals.
  • Marble. It is rarely used due to its high cost, but it certainly looks very rich.
  • Glass mosaic. With its help you can create all kinds of patterns and ornaments. You can cover any corner with such fine material.

Laying mosaics (video)

Pool equipment

Install ladders, nozzles, flashlights, heater. An important additional equipment is a water purification filter. The filtration system prevents the appearance of unpleasant odors and the slippery deposits typical of swimming pools. A pump with a filter is installed next to the pool, and water is supplied by two pipes - for collecting and draining water. The water in the pool will be in constant circulation.

Pool equipment system

An additional cleaner, but not the main one, is chlorine, bromine, and perhydrol. Although for the health and long service life of the structure, professionals recommend using a chemical, mechanical and electrophysical method of water purification in combination. You can, of course, periodically pump out all the water and replace it with new one, but how long will it take to heat up?

And speaking of heating, a comfortable temperature can be maintained even in not very favorable weather. The following will help with this: heat exchanger - hot water runs through pipes laid along the walls; solar installation – water heaters based on solar energy; special coating - a polymer material that allows the sun to pass through but does not release heat; boilers - you can heat water in them and pour it into the pool, or you can arrange a direct-flow system.

Consider the arrangement of the area around the pool. Use floor ceramics with an anti-slip effect.

Step-by-step instructions for building a pool (video)

What other materials can you use to build your own swimming pool?

No less common is a pool made of concrete blocks. This is a convenient and reliable way of construction. The blocks can withstand severe pressure and reduce construction time. Although the construction of such a pool also begins with a foundation pit and ends with finishing, time and money are significantly saved on the use of formwork and expensive technologies.

Today you can also often find home ponds built from polystyrene foam blocks. For a large pool, choose large blocks. First, the foundation is poured. Blocks are installed on the dried concrete, interconnected by grooves. The solution is poured into the finished walls, leaving space for all additional elements of the system. Choose a cladding method.

Expanded polystyrene blocks in pool construction

The fastest and cheapest way to build a pool is an in-ground pool. Remove roots and stones from the pit, compact it, and fill it with sand. Use mineral wool or roofing felt as insulation. Lay out the geosubstrate and film. Simply dig the edges of the film into the ground and secure it with a stone edging.

Pool using film

As you can see, it is not so difficult to build a pool yourself. Moreover, the time and effort spent are worth it - this will be the most popular place in your yard.

A dacha is a place where we relax from the bustle of the city. Perhaps the most relaxing effect is water. By building a pool in your dacha, you “kill two birds with one stone”: you give your garden plot a luxurious look and enjoy swimming in clean water.


The construction of the facility can be ordered from companies directly involved in this type of service, but solving the problem yourself will be much more interesting and cost-effective. Moreover, building a pool with your own hands is not as difficult as it seems at first glance.

Depending on service life there are temporary and permanent pools. Each of them has its own characteristics that must be taken into account when choosing one or another option. Stationary ones are durable structures that do not move from one place to another. Their bowl is a monolith made of concrete, brick, etc. Moving such an object will cause it to collapse.

The temporary pool can be removed when the summer season is over and used again next year. This category includes inflatable pools and frame structures. Their service life is 2-4 years.

For a pool that will only be used in summer, any location is suitable. Inflatable pools are a cheap option that does not require major changes to the site.

If you have decided on a stationary pool, before digging it, you need to choose the right location on the site. After all, it will not be possible to move such a structure after completing all the work on its creation.

There are several important points to consider:

  • Trees. They shouldn't be near the pool for two reasons. The first is the root system, which negatively affects the waterproofing of the pool. The second is foliage that pollutes the water surface. If the leaves are not removed in time, the water “blooms” and the pool loses its attractiveness.
  • Soil type. Ideal if your site has clay soil. It does not allow water to pass through, which is important if the waterproofing suddenly becomes damaged.

  • Direction of the wind. The pool will one way or another become clogged with wind-blown debris. It will be nailed to a certain side. Therefore, make sure that this is where cleaning the pool is as convenient as possible and you can quickly remove the brought leaves, blades of grass, etc. This is also where you should place the drainage system.
  • Water pipes. By placing the pool close to the water supply, you will ensure that filling the bowl is easy and quick.

If you decide to install a frame pool, try to ensure that the surface allocated for it is absolutely flat. Potholes, irregularities, dents, remains from tree roots - all this should not exist. Ideally, the site is concreted, creating a smooth base for the pool.


The monolithic pool is a one-piece sealed structure with its own drainage system. Created with your own hands, it will not only save money, but will also allow you to arrange the site in the best possible way.

The advantages of a monolithic structure are obvious. Compared to all possible pool options, monolithic is the most durable. Its service life exceeds 50 years. The structure is not afraid of temperature changes or mechanical stress. If the soil on the site is “problematic”, a monolithic pool will be the only option that can be used in the country.

Another advantage of a monolithic pool is its variety of shapes. The bowl can be made either of the correct shape or of an unusual one, which will look very impressive. Using different finishing materials (mosaic, tile, stone), you will turn the pool into a real masterpiece.

After the end of the swimming season, the water is drained and some of the equipment is removed. If the dacha is left without owners for the winter, nothing threatens the pool, it is simply impossible to steal it.

For beginners who do not have enough experience in the field of construction, making such an object will seem difficult. Certain financial costs will be required. It is not recommended to save money in this case, as this can cause breakdowns and repairs will cause serious losses. That's why we use only high-quality materials.

Construction is carried out step by step. Initially, a pit is dug, then a drainage system is created, and thermal insulation is installed. The structure is sealed and reinforced, and the bowl is poured. The last stage is finishing.

A monolithic pool can be created in two ways: pouring concrete into the formwork or using polystyrene foam blocks.

Let's consider the first option. Initially, we determine the size (large, medium, mini) and shape of the future pool. Of course, the larger the structure, the more building materials and funds will be required. The pit should be slightly larger than the intended dimensions, since the bottom and walls will take up about 50 cm of thickness.

A design for the pool's water supply and drainage system is being developed. This is a necessary condition for the proper functioning of the object.

To prevent the walls of the dug pit from crumbling, they are made at a slope of 5 degrees. After the pit is ready, we proceed to filling the bottom, compacting and waterproofing. Sand is poured onto the bottom (layer thickness - 15 cm), then crushed stone (thickness - 15 cm). The layers are carefully compacted, and a waterproofing double layer of roofing material is laid on them. Its edges should extend 20 cm onto the walls.

Before you start pouring the bowl, you need to make a metal frame structure from A3 class reinforcement. Only wire is used to fasten the reinforcement. Welding work is unacceptable, as the joints will rust over time. The distance between horizontal ones varies from 10 to 50 cm, vertical ones - from 20 to 30.

Reinforcement in one go is considered ideal. This method makes the structure as strong and stable as possible. However, in reality such a process is difficult to carry out. Therefore, the bottom of the bowl is poured first, and then the walls. It is important to note that the bottom should not be completely flat. It is necessary to make a slight slope of 3 degrees and attach a drain pipe to the lowest point of the pool.

The solution hardens in 1-1.5 weeks. To prevent cracks from appearing during the drying process, moisten the pool with water. While the pool is drying, you can start arranging communications: dig a trench for the drain pipe and lay it at an angle.

When pouring mortar into the walls, it is necessary to construct wooden formwork. It is advisable to pour the solution using special vibrating units. This is what will make the pool durable.

After the solution has dried, begin finishing the pool: The joints between the seams are sealed, the surface is covered with water-repellent impregnations. In order for the water in the pool to have a blue tint, PVC film of the appropriate color is used. This will not only make the pool incredibly beautiful, but will also provide additional sealing.

The final stage is the installation of equipment that will supply, purify and disinfect water. The pool can be decorated with beautiful and useful accessories: stairs, ladders, lighting, etc.

A pool can also be made using polystyrene foam blocks. The first stages are identical to those described above: we dig a pit, create a drainage system, stretch a drain line, and fill the bottom with concrete mortar.

After the bottom of the bowl has dried, polystyrene foam blocks are laid around its perimeter. The material is light and easy to put together. The height of the block is standard - 25 cm. Calculating the amount of consumables is simple: the height of the pool is divided by 25. This way we will find out how many rows it will take to build the walls of the bowl. The blocks have vertical holes for reinforcing bars. Concrete is poured after the reinforcement is installed

The walls, lined with blocks, are covered with a layer of plaster that has water-repellent properties. After it dries, begin finishing. Just like in the first case, you can use PVC film and tiles.

At the last stage, we install equipment that fills, cleans and disinfects the water in the pool. The pool can be made indoor if you build a canopy. To ensure the water is warm enough, use special equipment to heat it.

Construction using polystyrene foam blocks is much simpler than reinforcing both walls and bottom with concrete. However, it cannot be called economical.

A multi-level homemade pool not only looks very impressive. Its walls look like steps, smoothly turning into the bottom. This design is ideal if there are children in the family. They will happily splash in the water, sitting on the steps at a safe depth.

After you have decided on the shape and number of levels of the pool, we begin to dig a foundation pit. We dig out the steps gradually. We dig the next step only after the previous one has been concreted. Be sure to do a test flood of water, which will let you know whether the structure is airtight.

No additional hardware installation required. This is the simplest and cheapest option. Periodically, the water is pumped out using a submersible pump and replaced with fresh water.

A multi-level pool can be made not only from concrete. There are many materials for its creation. The polypropylene construction is no less reliable.

We choose a place for the future pool, carry out all the necessary marking activities and begin digging a pit. The bottom of the bowl is formed by several layers. The first is formed by geotextiles. Next comes crushed stone (layer thickness 30 cm). The layer of poured concrete should be 20 cm. Before pouring concrete, we create a mesh of reinforcement with cells of 25x25 cm. The mesh cannot be placed directly on the concrete. We put bricks under it.

Filling the bottom must be done at one time. A lot of concrete mixture will be required, so the ideal solution is to order the mixture in a mixer. We purchase polypropylene in different thicknesses: 5 mm and 8 mm. The first one is more flexible and bends easily. Therefore, we will use it to build a staircase. Polypropylene parts are connected using a welding extruder. Welding of the bottom is carried out in the pit itself.

When welding the walls to the bottom, make sure that they do not move. Use wooden beams for fixation. The ladder is attached last. Next, stiffening ribs are attached to the outside of the structure (we use eight-millimeter polypropylene), the distance between which is 60 cm. These 60 cm are filled with foam insulation.

After the pipeline system has been laid, the pool around the perimeter from the outside is poured with concrete in several stages. One stage - a layer 30 cm high. In this case, the formwork should be placed on both the outer and inner sides of the pool. Thus, polypropylene is not deformed by concrete. It is also necessary to gradually draw water into the bowl, the level of which will be equal in height to the level of the concrete layer located outside.

To decorate the finished pool, use available materials and objects: chairs with cozy pillows, sun loungers, beach umbrellas, etc.

The decorative pool is small in size. It is often compared to a pond. It is not difficult to make such an object yourself; the costs of its creation are minimal. It will become a real highlight of your summer cottage. And since you will refine and decorate it at your own discretion, the pond will be exclusive.

We choose a place for a decorative pond in such a way that the sun illuminates its surface only half the day. Too much sun will negatively affect the condition of the entire reservoir ecosystem. The shape of the pond and the design style of the site should be a single whole. The circle is ideal for landscapes in the English style, the oval is used to create Chinese and Japanese styles.

Initially, we dig a pit that matches the size and shape of your reservoir. Its minimum depth is 1 meter, area is 4 square meters. m. If you are making a pond from a bathtub, then the shape of the pool should match it. Don't despair if you don't have a ready-made bowl. You can build a decorative pool of any shape, even the most incredible.

Please note that the bottom of the pit must be level: no stones, tree roots, or sharp objects. We use sand as a drainage layer. Next, a composite material is laid - a durable film. Ordinary polyethylene is not suitable for such needs, since it is not durable. Ideal options are polyvinyl chloride or butyl rubber. Butyl rubber has different thicknesses, which allows you to choose the optimal coating for your pond.

The edges of the film should extend beyond the edges of the pit so that they can be secured with large stones and covered with crushed stone or pebbles. A pond needs a device that circulates water. Otherwise, the water in your pond will quickly “bloom” and the pond will lose its attractiveness. The pond could use a lighting system that would make it stand out effectively at night.

To give the pond a natural and aesthetic appearance, the bottom is lined with beautiful stones. Along the perimeter we place plants (creeping ones and shrubs are ideal) and various decorative elements: garden figurines, plastic flower vases, lanterns.

In order for the pond to always be beautiful, it must be looked after. In the spring we carry out the first inspection of the reservoir. We check how the plants overwintered, whether the shore of the pond has crumbled, and remove leaves that have fallen in the fall. As the weather warms up, we add new plants to the area around the pond.

In summer, it is necessary to carefully monitor the water level in the pool, since evaporation occurs intensely during hot weather. The area adjacent to the pond is cleared of weeds. In the fall, we prepare the pond for winter: we remove the dried grass, and transfer the flowers in the pots to the warmth of the house.

Cleaning system

Setting up a swimming pool is impossible without a cleaning system. If you do not use a special device, the water in the pool will become dirty and an unpleasant odor will appear. A specific coating will appear on its surface.

The most budget option is to use a pump to pump out water. You completely drain the contaminated water and fill the pool with clean water. But there is one drawback to this method: it will take time for the water to warm up again.

You can install a special installation with a filter for cleaning. Two pipes are connected to the pump. One of them drains the water, the second supplies the purified and filtered water back into the pool. Filters can be sand, cartridge, or diatomaceous earth.

Chemical reagents are also used for cleaning and disinfection. These include chlorine, bromine, perhydrol, or products specifically designed for this purpose. Before use, be sure to read the instructions.

Clean wind-blown debris manually using a net.

Beautiful examples and options

A frame outdoor pool is a good solution for a summer cottage. It is durable, easy to assemble and dismantle. This is a budget-friendly and easy way to treat yourself and your family to a great outdoor experience. A distinctive feature of such a pool is its high sides, which does not always look aesthetically pleasing. But this gives unlimited scope for imagination to hide the sides and give the object a beautiful look.

Create a surface of light-colored stones around the pool. Flowers arranged in pots of different sizes will add a touch of greenery. At the same time, maintain the unity of the color scheme. Brown flowerpots look appropriate, in harmony with the outer lining of the pool and the wooden staircase.

If a frame pool is completely immersed in a pit, the perimeter is decorated with mosaics or stones, and landscaped with plants, you will get a very beautiful option for any summer cottage.

For a small frame pool, you can build a canopy. Thanks to this, you can enjoy swimming in any weather, even rainy weather. The resemblance to a tent looks especially interesting.

The frame does not have to be closed. Build a platform with a pool inside. Make the edges of the platform in the form of a lattice fence. Cover the lower part from prying eyes with an abundance of flowers and plants.

A swimming pool with glass walls looks especially impressive. Of course, creating it will require special knowledge and skills.

Illumination of various colors turns the pool into a fabulous and romantic place that you can enjoy even at night.

Outdoor pools are striking in their variety of shapes. The violin pool will be appreciated by creative and imaginative people.

To date, several types of swimming pools have been developed, most of which can be installed on your own. The best option is a full-fledged monolithic concrete pool. This design is characterized by the highest reliability and durability.

Read the instructions provided and get started.

Set for work

  1. Level.
  2. Roulette.
  3. Stones.
  4. Rope.
  5. Steel knitting wire.
  6. Reinforcing mesh.
  7. Small pegs.
  8. Fittings.
  9. Shut-off valve.
  10. Wooden boards or shields.
  11. Anti-corrosion agent for metal processing.
  12. Self-tapping screws.
  13. Cement.
  14. Sifted sand.
  15. Material for waterproofing.
  16. A block for compacting backfill layers.
  17. Shovels.

Preparatory activities

Decide on the desired shape and required dimensions of the artificial reservoir to be equipped.

When determining the optimal size of the pool, consider how many people will swim in the pond. For a large family, it is better to immediately equip a spacious container.

In accordance with practical experience, the optimal depth of the reservoir is 1.5-1.8 m; in width and length, 4 m is most often sufficient.

For the rest, be guided by your needs and requirements. For example, if you plan to use the pool for full-fledged training, consider this point when determining the required length and width of the reservoir.

Choose a convenient location to build a swimming pool.

The main thing is that the space is not covered by trees. Because of the trees, the water in the pool will not be able to warm up properly and, in addition to this, will be constantly polluted by fallen leaves.

Also, low-lying areas are not suitable for arranging swimming pools, because... with such an arrangement, the water will be constantly polluted by rain flows.

Marking and digging a pit

Armed with a tape measure, stakes and cord, start marking the construction site.

The dimensions of the construction site should be 0.5 m larger than the dimensions of the future pool on each side. To mark boundaries, drive pegs into the ground and stretch a cord between them.

Completely remove the top fertile ball of soil.

Dig a pit of the required dimensions, and the bottom of the hole should be approximately 25-30 cm below the desired depth of the pool.

Carefully level the walls of the pit. The bottom of the pit must be given a slight slope.

Construction of a monolithic pool

Proceed directly to the construction of a monolithic pool.

Place a 20-30 cm layer of sand on the bottom of the pit. Carefully compact the laid material and cover it with waterproofing.

The modern market offers a fairly large range of effective ones. To ensure high-quality moisture protection, roofing material is well suited. This is a practical, reliable and inexpensive material.

Lay roofing felt. You can use molten bitumen to attach the material.

Lay the waterproofed surface with stones. Lay a ready-made reinforcing mesh on top of the layer of stones, or make it yourself from metal rods.

Create a drainage hole. Its depth should be slightly greater than the depth of the main reservoir. Install a pipe into the hole to drain water. The end of this pipe must be inserted into the reservoir. Equip the pipe with a shut-off valve to drain the water.

Fill the drainage hole with a fairly thick layer of gravel. Install an overflow and skimmer system to purify the pool water.

Place reinforcing bars around the perimeter of the pit in 30 cm increments. Maintain a 50 mm gap between the reinforcement and the edges of the reservoir. Fasten the reinforcement bars with wire.

Fold from boards. Maintain a 15-centimeter gap between the formwork and the walls of the pit.

At the same stage, consider installing pipes and equipment for pumping and supplying water. Or you can use external systems of pumps and hoses - whichever is more convenient for you.

Start concreting the pool. You can order or make it yourself.

Pour the concrete gradually and slowly, in a horizontal layer.

Also fill the voids between the formwork panels and the pit walls. Give the mixture a month to gain strength and begin arranging the pool.

Do the interior design at your own discretion. You can tile the bowl. Or you can line the bottom with a 10-centimeter layer of clean sand, and then the pool will look like a body of natural origin.

Other private pool options

Frame systems

Such structures are constructed from wood with finishing cladding of tin or aluminum. Aluminum sheets have an attractive appearance and are superior to tin in terms of reliability and service life.

The frame straps are made from pine timber. Intermediate parts can be made from any thick, high-quality boards. To provide additional rigidity to the structure, braces made of strong boards are used.

Among the main advantages of frame pools, it should be noted that there is no need to carry out large volumes of excavation work and the possibility of dismantling the structure during the cold season.

Changing the water in such a pool is carried out using a flexible garden hose, which can be conveniently fixed at the bottom of the tank. Waste water from the pool can be used to water the garden.

All joints of the frame structure are subject to mandatory sealing. To give the structure the required tightness, even ordinary polyethylene film is well suited.

Wooden elements must be treated with an antiseptic.

The installation of frame pools usually costs less money compared to the cost of erecting a monolithic structure, while such reservoirs have a fairly solid appearance and fit well into the design of the site.

Find out how to build with step-by-step instructions in our new article.

To arrange a pool, if desired, you can even use ordinary polyvinyl chloride film. This material has a rather attractive appearance and acceptable performance characteristics.

The film tolerates contact with water normally, ensures proper tightness of the structure and allows you to save on waterproofing the reservoir.

Even if cracks appear in the container, a properly installed polyvinyl chloride film will retain water.

PVC film can be used both when arranging a new reservoir and when repairing an old pool. Moreover, to build such a structure, there is no need to carry out extensive excavation work: the film elements are simply fastened together using the temperature welding method, resulting in a very durable bowl.

The pool is installed on a pre-prepared base and fixed with a frame made of boards.

Today, swimming pools with a base made of fiberglass are very popular. This durable material can withstand even the most severe mechanical loads and does not require any additional coating.

Among the disadvantages of the design under consideration, one can only highlight the need for mandatory connection of all communications.

The bowl is installed on a solid concrete base.

Thus, there are many pool options available for the owner to choose from. Having studied the features of each type of artificial reservoir considered, you can come to the optimal solution and build the pool of your dreams without outside help.

Good luck!

Prices for prefabricated and inflatable pools from the manufacturer Azuro

Prefabricated and inflatable pools Azuro

Video - How to build a swimming pool with your own hands