GOST 2.306 68 graphic images of materials. Designations of graphic materials and rules for their application on drawings. Reference regulatory and technical documents

GOST 2.306-68






Unified system of design documentation


Unified system for design documentation.
Graphical designations of materials and rules for their representation


Date of introduction 01.01.71

1. This standard establishes graphic designations of materials in sections and on facades, as well as rules for applying them to drawings of all industries and construction.

la . General graphic designation materials in sections, regardless of the type of materials, must correspond A.

Crap. la

(Introduced additionally, Amendment No. 1).

2. Graphic designations of materials in sections, depending on the type of materials, must correspond to those given in .

It is allowed to use additional designations for materials not provided for in this standard, explaining them in the drawing.

Table 1


1. Metals and hard alloys

2. Non-metallic materials, including fibrous monolithic and slab (pressed), with the exception of those indicated below

4. Natural stone

7. Glass and other translucent materials

8. Liquids

9. Natural soil


1. Composite materials containing metals and non-metallic materials are designated as metals.


1. Metals

2. Corrugated steel

3. Expanded steel

4. Masonry of building and special bricks, clinker, ceramics, terracotta, artificial and natural stones of any shape, etc.


1.(Deleted, Amendment No. 1).

2. To clarify the type of material, in particular, materials with the same type of designation, the graphic designation should be accompanied by an explanatory inscription in the drawing field.

3. In special construction structural drawings for reinforcement reinforced concrete structures designations according to GOST 21.501 must be used.

4. The designation of the material on the view (facade) is allowed to be applied not completely, but only in small areas along the contour or in spots within the contour.

5. Oblique parallel hatch lines should be drawn at an angle of 45° to the image contour line ( a) or to its axis ( ), or to the drawing frame lines ( ).

Crap. 2a

Crap. 2b

If the hatch lines are aligned to the drawing frame lines at an angle of 45° , coincide in direction with the contour lines or center lines, then instead of an angle of 45° you should take an angle of 30° or 60 ° ( and ).

Crap. 2

Crap. 3

Crap. 4

Hatch lines should be drawn with an inclination to the left or right, but as a rule, in the same direction on all sections belonging to the same part, regardless of the number of sheets on which these sections are located.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

6. The distance between parallel straight hatching lines (frequency) should, as a rule, be the same for all sections of a given part performed on the same scale and is selected depending on the hatching area and the need to diversify the hatching of adjacent sections. The specified distance should be from 1 to 10 mm, depending on the hatching area and the need to diversify the hatching of adjacent sections.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 2).

7. Narrow and long cross-sectional areas (for example, stamped, rolled and other similar parts), the width of which in the drawing is from 2 to 4 mm, may be completely hatched only at the ends and at the contours of the holes, and the remaining cross-sectional area - in small sections in several places ( And ). Glass hatch lines ( ) should be applied with a slope of 15-20° to the line of the larger side of the section contour.

Crap. 5

Crap. 6

Crap. 7

(Changed edition, Change No. 4 )

8. Narrow cross-sectional areas, the width of which in the drawing is less than 2 mm, may be shown blackened, leaving gaps between adjacent sections of at least 0.8 mm ( ,

GOST 2.306-68



Official publication


Unified system of design documentation

Unified system for design documentation.

Graphical designations of materials and rules for their representation

Date of introduction 01/01/71

1. This standard establishes graphic designations of materials in sections and on facades, as well as rules for applying them to drawings of all industries and construction. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 2).

1a. The general graphic designation of materials in sections, regardless of the type of materials, must correspond to the following. 1 a.

(Introduced additionally, Amendment No. 1).

2. Graphic designations of materials in sections, depending on the type of materials, must correspond to those given in table. 1.

It is allowed to use additional designations for materials not provided for in this standard, explaining them in the drawing.

Official publication ★

Reproduction is prohibited

© Standardinform, 2007

Table 1



1. Metals and hard alloys

2. Non-metallic materials, including fibrous monolithic and slab (pressed), with the exception of those indicated below

3. Wood

4. Natural stone



5. Ceramics and silicate materials for masonry

7. Glass and other translucent materials


8. Liquids

9. Natural soil


1. Composite materials containing metals and non-metallic materials are designated as metals.

2. The graphic designation of paragraph 3 should be used when there is no need to indicate the direction of the fibers.

3. The graphic designation of clause 5 should be used to designate brick products (fired and unfired), refractories, building ceramics, electrical porcelain, cinder blocks, etc.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1, 2).

3. Install the following designations for mesh and backfill made of any material (in cross-section), indicated in the drawing. 1.

a - mesh; b - backfill Fig. 1

4. When highlighting materials and products on a view (facade), their graphic designations must correspond to those indicated in the table. 2.

1. Metals

table 2



2. Corrugated steel

3. Expanded steel

4. Masonry of building and special bricks, clinker, ceramics, terracotta, artificial and natural stones of any shape, etc.


1. (Deleted, Amendment No. 1).

2. To clarify the type of material, in particular materials with the same type of designation, the graphic designation should be accompanied by an explanatory inscription in the drawing field.

3. In special construction design drawings for the reinforcement of reinforced concrete structures, designations in accordance with GOST 21.501 should be used.

4. The designation of the material on the view (facade) is allowed not to be applied completely, but only in small areas along the contour or spots inside the contour.

5. Oblique parallel hatch lines should be drawn at an angle of 45 ° to the contour line of the image (Fig. 2a) or to its axis (Fig. 26), or to the lines of the drawing frame (Fig. 2).

If the hatch lines attached to the drawing frame lines at an angle of 45° coincide in direction with the contour lines or center lines, then instead of an angle of 45°, an angle of 30° or 60° should be taken (Fig. 3 and 4).

Hatch lines should be drawn with an inclination to the left or right, but as a rule, in the same direction on all sections belonging to the same part, regardless of the number of sheets on which these sections are located.

6. The distance between parallel straight hatching lines (frequency) should, as a rule, be the same for all sections of a given part performed on the same scale and is selected depending on the hatching area and the need to diversify the hatching of adjacent sections. The specified distance should be from 1 to 10 mm, depending on the hatching area and the need to diversify the hatching of adjacent sections.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 2).

7. Narrow and long cross-sectional areas (for example, stamped, rolled and other similar parts), the width of which in the drawing is from 2 to 4 mm, may be completely hatched only at the ends and at the contours of the holes, and the remaining cross-sectional area - in small sections in several places (Figures 5 and 6). The glass hatch lines (Fig. 7) should be drawn with an inclination of 15-20 ° to the line of the larger side of the section contour.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 4).

8. Narrow cross-sectional areas, the width of which in the drawing is less than 2 mm, may be shown blackened, leaving gaps between adjacent sections of at least 0.8 mm (drawings 8, 9).

In construction drawings, it is allowed to designate any material as metal on sections of a small area or not to use the designation at all, making an explanatory inscription in the drawing field.

Crap. 8 Damn. 9

9. Designation specified in paragraph 3 of table. 1, and the designation of the backfill in the cross-section is done by hand.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

10. For adjacent sections of two parts, you should take the slope of the hatching lines for one section to the right, for the other - to the left (counter hatching).

When shading “in a cage” for adjacent sections of two parts, the distance between the hatch lines in each section should be different.

In adjacent sections with hatching of the same slope and direction, you should change the distance between the hatching lines (Fig. 10) or shift these lines in one section relative to the other without changing the angle of their inclination (Fig. 11).

11. When large areas sections, as well as when indicating the soil profile, it is allowed to apply the designation only at the contour of the section with a narrow strip of uniform width (Fig. 12). (Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).


1. DEVELOPED AND INTRODUCED by the Committee on Standards, Measures and measuring instruments under the Council of Ministers of the USSR

2. APPROVED AND ENTERED INTO EFFECT by Resolution of the Committee of Standards, Measures and Measuring Instruments under the Council of Ministers of the USSR dated May 28, 1968 No. 758

Change No. 4 was adopted by the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification by correspondence (Minutes No. 23 of February 28, 2006)

3. (Deleted, Amendment No. 4)

4. INSTEAD OF GOST 3455-59 and GOST 11633-65


6. EDITION (August 2007) with Amendments No. 1, 2, 3, 4, approved in August 1980, September 1987, March 1989, June 2006 (NUS 11-80, 12-87 , 7-89, 9-2006)

GOST 2.306-68

Group T52


Unified system of design documentation


Unified system for design documentation. Graphical designations of materials and rules for their representation

ISS 01.080.30

Date of introduction 1971-01-01


1. DEVELOPED AND INTRODUCED by the Committee of Standards, Measures and Measuring Instruments under the Council of Ministers of the USSR

2. APPROVED AND ENTERED INTO EFFECT by Resolution of the Committee of Standards, Measures and Measuring Instruments under the Council of Ministers of the USSR dated May 28, 1968 N 758

Change No. 4 was adopted by the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification by correspondence (Minutes No. 23 of February 28, 2006)

The national standardization bodies of the following states voted for the adoption of the change: AZ, AM, BY, KZ, KG, MD, RU, TJ, TM, UZ, UA [alpha-2 codes according to MK (ISO 3166) 004]

3. (Deleted, Amendment No. 4).

4. INSTEAD OF GOST 3455-59 and GOST 11633-65


Item number

6. EDITION (August 2007) with Amendments No. 1, 2, 3, approved in August 1980, September 1987, March 1989, June 2006 (IUS 11-80, 12-87, 7-89, 9-2006)

1. This standard establishes graphic designations of materials in sections and on facades, as well as rules for applying them to drawings of all industries and construction.

1a. The general graphic designation of materials in sections, regardless of the type of materials, must correspond to Fig. 1a.

(Introduced additionally, Amendment No. 1).

2. Graphic designations of materials in sections, depending on the type of materials, must correspond to those given in Table 1.

It is allowed to use additional designations for materials not provided for in this standard, explaining them in the drawing.

Table 1



1. Metals and hard alloys

2. Non-metallic materials, including fibrous monolithic and slab (pressed), with the exception of those indicated below

3. Wood

4. Natural stone

5. Ceramics and silicate materials for masonry

6. Concrete

7. Glass and other translucent materials

8. Liquids

9. Natural soil


1. Composite materials containing metals and non-metallic materials are designated as metals.

2. The graphic designation of paragraph 3 should be used when there is no need to indicate the direction of the fibers.

3. The graphic designation of paragraph 5 should be used to designate brick products (fired and unfired), refractories, building ceramics, electrical porcelain, slag concrete blocks, etc.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1, 2).

3. Install the following designations for the mesh and backfill made of any material (in cross-section), indicated in Figure 1.

a - mesh; b - backfill

4. When highlighting materials and products on a view (façade), their graphic designations must correspond to those indicated in Table 2.

table 2



1. Metals

2. Corrugated steel

3. Expanded steel

4. Masonry of building and special bricks, clinker, ceramics, terracotta, artificial and natural stones of any shape, etc.

5. Glass


1. (Deleted, Amendment No. 1).

2. To clarify the type of material, in particular, materials with the same type of designation, the graphic designation should be accompanied by an explanatory inscription in the drawing field.

3. In special construction design drawings for the reinforcement of reinforced concrete structures, designations according to GOST 21.501 should be used.

4. The designation of the material on the view (facade) is allowed not to be applied completely, but only in small areas along the contour or spots inside the contour.

5. Oblique parallel hatching lines should be drawn at an angle of 45° to the contour line of the image (Fig. 2a) or to its axis (Fig. 2b), or to the lines of the drawing frame (Fig. 2).

Drawing 2a

Drawing 2b

If the hatch lines attached to the drawing frame lines at an angle of 45° coincide in direction with the contour lines or center lines, then instead of an angle of 45°, an angle of 30° or 60° should be taken (Fig. 3 and 4).


Hatch lines should be drawn with an inclination to the left or right, but as a rule, in the same direction on all sections belonging to the same part, regardless of the number of sheets on which these sections are located.

6. The distance between parallel straight hatching lines (frequency) should, as a rule, be the same for all sections of a given part performed on the same scale and is selected depending on the hatching area and the need to diversify the hatching of adjacent sections. The specified distance should be from 1 to 10 mm, depending on the hatching area and the need to diversify the hatching of adjacent sections.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 2).

7. Narrow and long cross-sectional areas (for example, stamped, rolled and other similar parts), the width of which in the drawing is from 2 to 4 mm, may be completely hatched only at the ends and at the contours of the holes, and the remaining cross-sectional area - in small sections in several places (Figures 5 and 6). The glass hatch lines (Fig. 7) should be drawn with an inclination of 15-20° to the line of the larger side of the section contour.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 4).

8. Narrow cross-sectional areas, the width of which in the drawing is less than 2 mm, may be shown blackened, leaving gaps between adjacent sections of at least 0.8 mm (drawings 8, 9).

In construction drawings, it is allowed to designate any material as metal on sections of a small area or not to use the designation at all, making an explanatory inscription in the drawing field.

9. The designation specified in paragraph 3 of Table 1 and the designation of the backfill in the cross-section are done by hand.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

10. For adjacent sections of two parts, you should take the slope of the hatching lines for one section to the right, for the other - to the left (counter hatching).

When shading “in a cage” for adjacent sections of two parts, the distance between the hatch lines in each section should be different.

In adjacent sections with hatching of the same slope and direction, you should change the distance between the hatching lines (Fig. 10) or shift these lines in one section relative to the other without changing the angle of their inclination (Fig. 11).

11. For large cross-sectional areas, as well as when indicating the soil profile, it is allowed to apply the designation only at the contour of the section with a narrow strip of uniform width (Fig. 12).

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

Electronic document text

prepared by Kodeks JSC and verified against:
official publication
Unified system of design documentation:
Sat. GOST. - M.: Standartinform, 2007

GOST 2.306-68

Group T52


Unified system of design documentation


Unified system for design documentation. Graphical designations of materials and rules for their representation

ISS 01.080.30

Date of introduction 1971-01-01


1. DEVELOPED AND INTRODUCED by the Committee of Standards, Measures and Measuring Instruments under the Council of Ministers of the USSR

2. APPROVED AND ENTERED INTO EFFECT by Resolution of the Committee of Standards, Measures and Measuring Instruments under the Council of Ministers of the USSR dated May 28, 1968 N 758

Change No. 4 was adopted by the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification by correspondence (Minutes No. 23 of February 28, 2006)

The national standardization bodies of the following states voted for the adoption of the change: AZ, AM, BY, KZ, KG, MD, RU, TJ, TM, UZ, UA [alpha-2 codes according to MK (ISO 3166) 004]

3. (Deleted, Amendment No. 4).

4. INSTEAD OF GOST 3455-59 and GOST 11633-65


Item number

6. EDITION (August 2007) with Amendments No. 1, 2, 3, approved in August 1980, September 1987, March 1989, June 2006 (IUS 11-80, 12-87, 7-89, 9-2006)

1. This standard establishes graphic designations of materials in sections and on facades, as well as rules for applying them to drawings of all industries and construction.

1a. The general graphic designation of materials in sections, regardless of the type of materials, must correspond to Fig. 1a.

(Introduced additionally, Amendment No. 1).

2. Graphic designations of materials in sections, depending on the type of materials, must correspond to those given in Table 1.

It is allowed to use additional designations for materials not provided for in this standard, explaining them in the drawing.

Table 1



1. Metals and hard alloys

2. Non-metallic materials, including fibrous monolithic and slab (pressed), with the exception of those indicated below

3. Wood

4. Natural stone

5. Ceramics and silicate materials for masonry

6. Concrete

7. Glass and other translucent materials

8. Liquids

9. Natural soil


1. Composite materials containing metals and non-metallic materials are designated as metals.

2. The graphic designation of paragraph 3 should be used when there is no need to indicate the direction of the fibers.

3. The graphic designation of paragraph 5 should be used to designate brick products (fired and unfired), refractories, building ceramics, electrical porcelain, slag concrete blocks, etc.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1, 2).

3. Install the following designations for the mesh and backfill made of any material (in cross-section), indicated in Figure 1.

a - mesh; b - backfill

4. When highlighting materials and products on a view (façade), their graphic designations must correspond to those indicated in Table 2.

table 2



1. Metals

2. Corrugated steel

3. Expanded steel

4. Masonry of building and special bricks, clinker, ceramics, terracotta, artificial and natural stones of any shape, etc.

5. Glass


1. (Deleted, Amendment No. 1).

2. To clarify the type of material, in particular, materials with the same type of designation, the graphic designation should be accompanied by an explanatory inscription in the drawing field.

3. In special construction design drawings for the reinforcement of reinforced concrete structures, designations according to GOST 21.501 should be used.

4. The designation of the material on the view (facade) is allowed not to be applied completely, but only in small areas along the contour or spots inside the contour.

5. Oblique parallel hatching lines should be drawn at an angle of 45° to the contour line of the image (Fig. 2a) or to its axis (Fig. 2b), or to the lines of the drawing frame (Fig. 2).

Drawing 2a

Drawing 2b

If the hatch lines attached to the drawing frame lines at an angle of 45° coincide in direction with the contour lines or center lines, then instead of an angle of 45°, an angle of 30° or 60° should be taken (Fig. 3 and 4).


Hatch lines should be drawn with an inclination to the left or right, but as a rule, in the same direction on all sections belonging to the same part, regardless of the number of sheets on which these sections are located.

6. The distance between parallel straight hatching lines (frequency) should, as a rule, be the same for all sections of a given part performed on the same scale and is selected depending on the hatching area and the need to diversify the hatching of adjacent sections. The specified distance should be from 1 to 10 mm, depending on the hatching area and the need to diversify the hatching of adjacent sections.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 2).

7. Narrow and long cross-sectional areas (for example, stamped, rolled and other similar parts), the width of which in the drawing is from 2 to 4 mm, may be completely hatched only at the ends and at the contours of the holes, and the remaining cross-sectional area - in small sections in several places (Figures 5 and 6). The glass hatch lines (Fig. 7) should be drawn with an inclination of 15-20° to the line of the larger side of the section contour.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 4).

8. Narrow cross-sectional areas, the width of which in the drawing is less than 2 mm, may be shown blackened, leaving gaps between adjacent sections of at least 0.8 mm (drawings 8, 9).

In construction drawings, it is allowed to designate any material as metal on sections of a small area or not to use the designation at all, making an explanatory inscription in the drawing field.

9. The designation specified in paragraph 3 of Table 1 and the designation of the backfill in the cross-section are done by hand.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

10. For adjacent sections of two parts, you should take the slope of the hatching lines for one section to the right, for the other - to the left (counter hatching).

When shading “in a cage” for adjacent sections of two parts, the distance between the hatch lines in each section should be different.

In adjacent sections with hatching of the same slope and direction, you should change the distance between the hatching lines (Fig. 10) or shift these lines in one section relative to the other without changing the angle of their inclination (Fig. 11).

11. For large cross-sectional areas, as well as when indicating the soil profile, it is allowed to apply the designation only at the contour of the section with a narrow strip of uniform width (Fig. 12).

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

Electronic document text

prepared by Kodeks JSC and verified against:
official publication
Unified system of design documentation:
Sat. GOST. - M.: Standartinform, 2007


Unified system of design documentation


Unified system for design documentation.
Graphical designations of materials and rules for their representation


Date of introduction 01.01.71

1. This standard establishes graphic designations of materials in sections and on facades, as well as rules for applying them to drawings of all industries and construction.

(Changed edition, Rev. No. 2).

1a. The general graphic designation of materials in sections, regardless of the type of materials, must correspond to the following. 1 A.

(Introduced additionally, Amendment No. 1).

2. Graphic designations of materials in sections, depending on the type of materials, must correspond to those given in table. 1.

It is allowed to use additional designations for materials not provided for in this standard, explaining them in the drawing.

Table 1



1. Metals and hard alloys

2. Non-metallic materials, including fibrous monolithic and slab (pressed), with the exception of those indicated below

3. Wood

4. Natural stone

5. Ceramics and silicate materials for masonry

7. Glass and other translucent materials

8. Liquids

9. Natural soil


1. Composite materials containing metals and non-metallic materials are designated as metals.

2. The graphic designation of paragraph 3 should be used when there is no need to indicate the direction of the fibers.

3. The graphic designation of clause 5 should be used to designate brick products (fired and unfired), refractories, building ceramics, electrical porcelain, cinder blocks, etc.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1, 2).

3. Install the following designations for mesh and backfill made of any material (in cross-section), indicated in the drawing. 1.

A - net; b - backfill

4. When highlighting materials and products on a view (facade), their graphic designations must correspond to those indicated in the table. 2.

table 2


1. (Deleted, Amendment No. 1).

2. To clarify the type of material, in particular materials with the same type of designation, the graphic designation should be accompanied by an explanatory inscription in the drawing field.

3. In special construction design drawings for the reinforcement of reinforced concrete structures, designations according to GOST 21.501 should be used.

4. The designation of the material on the view (facade) is allowed not to be applied completely, but only in small areas along the contour or spots inside the contour.

5. Oblique parallel hatching lines should be drawn at an angle of 45 ° to the image contour line (draw. 2a) or to its axis (Fig. 2b), or to the lines of the drawing frame (Fig. 2).

If the hatch lines attached to the drawing frame lines at an angle of 45° coincide in direction with the contour lines or center lines, then instead of an angle of 45°, an angle of 30° or 60° should be taken (Fig. 3 and 4).

Hatch lines should be drawn with an inclination to the left or right, but as a rule, in the same direction on all sections belonging to the same part, regardless of the number of sheets on which these sections are located.

(Changed edition, Rev. No. 1).

6. The distance between parallel straight hatching lines (frequency) should, as a rule, be the same for all sections of a given part performed on the same scale and is selected depending on the hatching area and the need to diversify the hatching of adjacent sections. The specified distance should be from 1 to 10 mm, depending on the hatching area and the need to diversify the hatching of adjacent sections.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 2).

7. Narrow and long cross-sectional areas (for example, stamped, rolled and other similar parts), the width of which in the drawing is from 2 to 4 mm, may be completely hatched only at the ends and at the contours of the holes, and the remaining cross-sectional area - in small sections in several places (Figures 5 and 6). Glass hatch lines (Fig. 7) should be applied with an inclination of 15-20 ° to the line of the larger side of the section contour.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 4).

8. Narrow cross-sectional areas, the width of which in the drawing is less than 2 mm, may be shown blackened, leaving gaps between adjacent sections of at least 0.8 mm (drawings 8, 9).

In construction drawings, it is allowed to designate any material as metal on sections of a small area or not to use the designation at all, making an explanatory inscription in the drawing field.

9. designation specified in paragraph 3 of the table. 1, and the designation of the backfill in the cross-section is done by hand.

(Changed edition, Rev. No. 1).

10. For adjacent sections of two parts, you should take the slope of the hatching lines for one section to the right, for the other - to the left (counter hatching).

When shading “in a cage” for adjacent sections of two parts, the distance between the hatch lines in each section should be different.

In adjacent sections with hatching of the same slope and direction, you should change the distance between the hatching lines (Fig. 10) or shift these lines in one section relative to the other without changing the angle of their inclination (Fig. 11).

11. For large cross-sectional areas, as well as when indicating the soil profile, it is allowed to apply the designation only at the contour of the section with a narrow strip of uniform width (Fig. 12).

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).


1. DEVELOPED AND INTRODUCED by the Committee of Standards, Measures and Measuring Instruments under the Council of Ministers of the USSR

2. APPROVED AND ENTERED INTO EFFECT by Resolution of the Committee of Standards, Measures and Measuring Instruments under the Council of Ministers of the USSR dated May 28, 1968 No. 758

Change No. 4 was adopted by the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification by correspondence (Minutes No. 23 of February 28, 2006)

3. (Deleted, Amendment No. 4)


6. EDITION (August 2007) with Amendments No. 1, 2, 3, 4, approved in August 1980, September 1987, March 1989, June 2006 (IUS 11-80, 12-87 , 7-89, 9-2006)