Fortune telling from book quotes - find out the future with the help of your favorite work. Fortune telling from books online

Fortune telling based on quotes from books is rooted in the deep past, but has not lost its relevance today. In such fortune telling there are three important points. The first thing is to decide on a book for fortune telling. More about this below. The second is to prepare for fortune telling, that is, calm the mind and relax. Some people can achieve this by short meditation, others by concentrating on a candle flame. Just light it, place it at a distance of 30-50 cm from you and look at the fire. Third, interpret the answer correctly. Traditional interpretations of fortune telling and your own intuition will help you with this.

Classics and poetry will help you look into the future

One of the most common options for fortune telling is based on works of classical literature. You can use your favorite book for this purpose. In this case, the selected quote will tell you more than a passage of text from an unfamiliar work. The fortune telling scheme is standard: meditate for a minute or two or just sit in calm atmosphere to calm down and put your thoughts in order, then clearly formulate your question, after that, without thinking for a long time, tear off the book on any page and point your finger at the line, read the answer. The highlighted sentence and the following one matter.

When guessing from a book, listen to your heart - the answer may be direct or veiled, but you will still understand its meaning

“She immediately realized that he felt embarrassed, and this even flattered her,” for example, you read from Turgenev in response to asked question about attitude towards you a certain person. The answer is quite straightforward - he (she) definitely has warm feelings for you. The method of fortune telling is quite simple, but it is important at this moment to note the first thought that comes to mind. The reasoning that comes after does not count. Inside you already know the answer to the question asked. And an excerpt of text from the book is the key to it. It’s even easier to get the answer in verse. Choose a classic who preferred poetic form, a book on a relevant topic, and guess according to the standard pattern. You can take into account the whole poem or just part of it. Perhaps just one quatrain will give you the exact answer.

The most favorable time for fortune telling from a book is in the morning immediately after waking up or in the evening before bed. Of course, you can resort to such fortune-telling at other times, but in this case, do not forget about the short preparatory ritual (relaxation and concentration).

Answers in poetic form are, as a rule, more capacious and accurate. The main thing is to choose poems on topics that interest you

For some, it will be more preferable to use things that are little known to them personally. classical works, because then they can avoid the temptation to tailor the answers to the questions. After reading a certain work many times, you may subconsciously tend to open the book closer to the middle or end, where there is a better chance of getting the desired answer. It’s easier to abstract yourself with an unfamiliar work. However, regardless of which classic book you use for fortune telling, it is important to agree with yourself: you are open to information and do not influence the result. Be honest with yourself and the fortune telling will be as accurate as possible.

Fortune telling from the Holy Scriptures

First of all, the church ministers themselves have an ambiguous attitude towards fortune telling from the Bible. In their opinion, the answers (the will of God) regarding this or that life situation you need to search through prayer, and not by guessing from the Holy Scriptures. Searching for answers in this way is rather a voluntary renunciation of the freedom of choice granted to a person.

According to the priests, fortune telling from the Bible is the same as using books on magic and astrology and turning a shrine into a “bargaining chip.” However, there are cases in history when the ascetics themselves opened the Gospel at random and read the answer. Before this, it was necessary to fast, read prayers and ask God to reveal His will. In a word, this could happen in exceptional situations once or only a couple of times in a life, and it would not be appropriate to use Holy Scripture to analyze numerous situations.

The Holy Scriptures are more suitable not for fortune-telling, but for raising your own spiritual level

It's another matter if you read the Bible and know the text well enough to decide on the passages of Holy Scripture that are most consonant with your soul. In difficult life situations, it is recommended to read them in order to find the right answer in your own heart. If you yourself follow a particular religion, or to avoid offending the feelings of other believers, the Bible is more appropriate to use for spiritual enhancement.

The use of Holy Scripture for fortune telling is not encouraged by the church. It is recommended to consider the Bible as a source of wisdom, and other books are suitable for resolving everyday situations.

Whether to use the Bible for fortune telling is a personal choice and responsibility of each person. However, it is better to look for an answer through fortune telling in thematic books specifically intended for this, primarily because there you are more likely to receive an answer. In the Holy Scriptures, many chapters are considered prophetic and for their deep understanding, both certain knowledge of theology and accumulated spiritual experience are necessary.

Predictions of the I Ching

The answer to the everyday situation that worries you, the relationship with a loved one, can most likely be found in the Book of Changes (I Ching) or “Zhou Yi”, compiled by the ruler Fu Xi. The Book of Changes is one of the most ancient fortune-telling systems in Chinese history. The system consists of 64 symbols associated with one or another hexagram - a set of various combinations of whole or broken lines. Each hexagram corresponds to a description of a certain situation (a set of aphorisms) with a recommendation on what to do to achieve success.

The Book of Changes is great for getting answers to domestic issues, about relationships between people and predictions for the near future.

The I Ching system is perfectly structured and ideal for express fortune telling.

You can ask the Book of Changes any questions you are interested in, naturally, observing the same condition - to formulate them as clearly as possible. You can use the rules of the system for choosing a hexagram or guess only from the section with descriptions. You ask a question, open the Book of Changes on any page and spontaneously select a line. Here is the answer. In the Book of Changes, it is better to read not one sentence, but a whole paragraph to which you pointed your finger. This will be a kind of express fortune telling. To obtain more complete and detailed answers, of course, it is better to use the rules of the I Ching system.

Predictions based on the novel “The Master and Margarita”

Fortune telling based on Mikhail Bulgakov’s novel “The Master and Margarita” is considered quite accurate due to the special history of the creation of the work itself. Regarding the interpretation of the answer obtained from this book, one should not rush to conclusions. Pay attention not only to the meaning of what was said - the answer may not be presented in direct form - but also to the circumstances described.

The special history of the creation of Mikhail Bulgakov's novel makes this book suitable for thematic fortune-telling

If the sentence is presented in interrogative form, it means that you have an equal chance of receiving both a positive and a negative answer, exclamatory sentences - you will experience a lot of positive emotions, and affirmative ones indicate that no external factors will not interfere with the implementation of the plan.

When guessing from a book, look for your own signs. A certain word or phrase can become the “on-point answer” that you were counting on.

When the selected passage of text mentions the time of year (we are talking about any book you have chosen for fortune telling) - this is a clear hint: spring - the situation will develop quickly, summer - events will happen in the very next few days, autumn - everything will come true, but you need to make an effort, winter - you'll have to wait. The mention of fire in the text is an indication that the situation will unfold in full view of everyone; water - the events will not leave you indifferent. If the text contains the words “land”, “house” - you will be able to overcome all the difficulties and the answer to the question asked is positive.

Whatever fortune telling book you use, it is important to remember that the choice is yours. Use the results of fortune telling not as an inevitable future, but as a hint that will make it better. Fortune telling from a book will give you a lot of pleasant moments if you learn to hear the answers that your own heart gives in this way. Subconsciously, we always know which option is most preferable, but we allow the mind to interfere and then we lose all guidelines. Fortune telling from the book will help restore them.

Do you want an answer to important question? In this case, our virtual Book of Fates will help you - online fortune telling on the Bible will clarify the situation. Using this online fortune telling is very simple, you need to mentally make a question, and then press the “fortune” button. The wise Bible will answer you with one of its quotations, of which it contains many thousands.

You may be interested in other online fortune telling: The most truthful fortune telling online

The Bible is often called the Book of Fates; many believe that it contains not only the centuries-old experience of mankind, but also divine wisdom. Fortune telling from the Bible has been practiced in Rus' for several centuries, and in Lately this interesting way getting answers to life's questions has migrated to the Internet.

Now, in order to perform online fortune telling using the Book of Fates, it is not necessary to have the Bible at your disposal. Press the “guess” button, and within a few seconds you will receive a prediction!

Have you ever used the Bible to tell fortunes “the old fashioned way”? To do this, you need to ask a question that interests you, for example, “Will I get married this year?” or “Will the planned business be successful?” The fortuneteller must randomly name the page and line number, and then open the book and read the corresponding quote.

Of course, fortune telling online about a situation is much easier to do. In addition, not everyone has a Bible in their family library. Therefore, we invite you to use our online prediction. However, in order for the result to meet your expectations, we recommend adhering to the following simple rules:

  • Don't ask too many questions at once;
  • Guess only on serious matters, do not disturb the Bible over trifles;
  • Don't guess for fun;
  • Remember that the Bible is allegorical.

It's not called the Bible for nothing Holy Scripture. It is not advisable to use this fortune telling online to answer a question if we're talking about about unimportant everyday problem. It is better to leave it “as a last resort,” when you need to make a responsible decision or clarify a situation that is of great importance to you.

Our Book of Fates does not set limits on the number of questions you can ask at one time. But we recommend not to exceed the limit of 3-5 requests. Focus on the issues that matter most to you. If you are going to guess for fun, we recommend using other methods, for example, or.

And lastly, the Bible rarely gives direct answers to the questions posed; it almost always answers with allegories and symbols. So feel free to use your imagination, just like with .

Perhaps the simplest and most uncomplicated fortune telling that has been used since Ancient Greece. The fortune telling process is very simple. Formulate a question, open any book in a random place and select a random paragraph. What is written in this paragraph will be the answer to your question. Sometimes the answer is given in an allegorical form, sometimes it is very vague. Don’t be discouraged and try to tell your fortune again; if you add up all the answers, you will most likely get a fairly clear picture.

If after three attempts the answer seems too “vague” to you, try turning to another oracle.

This virtual fortune telling uses the same principle as in classical way. The selected paragraph is highlighted in bold, and the two previous and two subsequent paragraphs are shown in gray, because sometimes their content can be useful if in the main paragraph necessary information not enough. Listed below are the books available for fortune telling; select the one you need and start fortune telling.

Vladimir Zhikarentsev. “LOVE OF LIFE. A practical system for returning to life"



/ Fortune telling from books online

Fortune telling from books

Fortune telling from books has long been considered the most accurate and accessible fortune telling. In order to use it, you just had to intelligently ask a question that concerns you and open the book on a random page. The first paragraph or sentence read was the answer to the question asked.

We bring to your attention a modern version of fortune telling from books. All you need to do is select the book that you think is most suitable for solving your problem, focus on the question and click the "Get Answer" button. Don't ask the same question over and over again and try to get the answer you want. After all, by doing so you will only deceive yourself. Sometimes it happens that at first glance the answer received seems meaningless. Don't rush to conclusions. Often the answers can be in the form of allegories. The more often you use these fortune telling, the easier it will be over time for you to interpret the answers received. Here are some tips for correctly interpreting the predictions received:

  • Descriptions of the violence of nature are negative; rain - on the contrary, means new life, changes for the better. Great importance has a season. Spring is joy, rebirth. Autumn - on the contrary, fading, sadness. Winter is a symbol of waiting, don't expect quick changes. Summer has very diverse interpretations, rely on your intuition. For example, summer rain is a favorable sign, but extreme heat or drought is a negative sign.
  • Please note that any interrogative sentences(for example, in dialogues) carry uncertainty and hope, exclamatory sentences - confidence and unambiguousness of the situation (also interpreted as an affirmative answer to your question).
  • If you get the beginning of a chapter or its title, this is good sign, symbolizing changes for the better, the beginning of a new life.
Fortune telling from the Bible
Fortune telling based on the book The Master and Margarita (M.A. Bulgakov)
Fortune telling based on the book Romeo and Juliet (W. Shakespeare)
Fortune telling by book Dark alleys(I.A. Bunin)
Fortune telling from the book Alice in Wonderland (L. Carroll)
Fortune telling based on the book of Eugene Onegin (A.S. Pushkin)
Fortune telling by book A little prince(A. Saint-Exupery)

Other virtual online fortune telling.

Looking for an answer to a question that bothers you, you decided to turn to the wisdom of ancient books. Where are the ancient wise books that collected the wisdom of many generations? Of course, in the old library. You headed to the outskirts of town to a dilapidated building. old building in the hope of finding that very “wise book” that can give you the answer. Entering a dimly lit hall with a huge number of bookcases, You look around discouraged, amazed at the number of valuable manuscripts and not understanding how you can find the copy you are interested in.

Choose the book you are going to use to tell fortunes

Mikhail Bulgakov "The Master and Margarita"
Lewis Carroll "Alice in Wonderland"
Antoine de Saint-Exupery "The Little Prince"
Erich Maria Remarque "Three Comrades"
Colin McCullough "The Thorn Birds"
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe "Faust"
Dmitry Glukhovsky "Metro 2033"
Terry Goodkind "The Wizard's First Rule"
Stephenie Meyer "New Moon"

Everyone has difficult situations in life when they don’t know what to do. How does this or that person treat you? What is the best way to deal with this situation? What decision should I make? And anyway, what's going on? It is very difficult to find the right answers to such questions. All that remains is fortune telling, for example, from a book.

Fortune telling from a book has been known since ancient times. Then they believed that the manuscripts contained all the knowledge of the world, and they treated the texts with great respect. Afterwards, at all times, the book was associated with wisdom, which means it could give wise and comprehensive advice. And now young girls often resort to fortune telling from their favorite book, because it effective way find answers to many questions.

A suitable book is the key to truthful fortune telling

But before you look for answers to your questions, you need to decide which book to use in order to get the most adequate answer. Firstly, you need to take a book that is close to the fortuneteller. It is advisable that they read it more than once. In addition, you can pay attention to the meaning of the work. If you have a question about matters of the heart, then love story, lyrics. If you need to find out about the situation at work, then take an adventure story or fantasy. When you have a question about everyday problems, or the well-known “what to do?”, use Russian fairy tales.

How to guess correctly from a book

After you have chosen a book that suits you, you need to tune in to fortune telling. Take the book in your hands and hold it on your open palm, feel its weight, touch the cover. Try to get in touch with her. Flip through the pages, you might even linger on the illustrations. But it is strongly recommended not to read sections of the text in advance.

Now, without thinking, but slowly, open the book to any random page and place your finger on any line. This paragraph will be the answer to your question.

It is not difficult to interpret the result of fortune telling from a book. Typically this is figurative meaning. Perhaps you should put yourself in the shoes of one of the characters, and if this is a dialogue, then think about the meaning of the questions. Don't count on what you'll get step by step instructions how to make your world a better place. You need to turn on your imagination, imagine your question and situation from the book, look for coincidences, and draw conclusions based on all this.

Fortune telling from your favorite book can help you in difficult situation, will tell you the answers to some questions, or will amuse you with a successful coincidence. You cannot take it as an unambiguous instruction for action, but you can always enlist the support of universal wisdom and receive good advice. Also, a similar effect can be achieved if you read regularly good literature, and learn from the mistakes of fictional characters.