Removing the plant layer. Calculation of work volumes

Clearing the area construction site- this is a set of measures that includes cutting down trees and bushes, uprooting stumps and removing stones, preserving the fertile layer of soil, demolishing buildings, utility networks and communications, filling holes, pits and trenches, cleaning and planning the territory and other types of work.

Land clearing and cutting vegetable soil is carried out in accordance with the work project, which indicates: the thickness of the layer of plant soil to be cut, the location of cutting, collecting and bunding of plant soil; methods of protecting from damage or replanting trees and plants used in the future; storage areas for plant soil cut from the construction site, suitable for use in landscaping and landscaping; methods and procedures for soil reclamation.

The boundaries of areas to be cleared must be secured with clearly visible milestones, signs, and benchmarks.

Cutting down or replanting forests and shrubs on the construction site is carried out only with the approval of the authorities local government and State technical supervision authorities and obtaining a felling ticket strictly within the boundaries established by the project. Green spaces that are not subject to felling must be marked with signs or fenced and transferred for safekeeping construction organization according to the act with the attachment of a diagram of their location on the ground.

Tree clearing can be done by cutting the trees on site and then removing the logs or cutting downed trees off-site.

Removal of root remains from the plant layer is carried out immediately after clearing the area of ​​stumps and logs. Seized roots and bushes are removed from the cleared area to specially designated areas for subsequent removal.

Vegetable soil to be removed from built-up areas must be cut off, moved to specially designated places on the construction site or beyond, and placed in dumps for further use in the reclamation of disturbed lands or for other needs in accordance with the project.

Before the start of work on cutting the soil of the plant layer, the following work must be completed:

  • the axes are set out and the boundaries of the work site (route) are marked;
  • the locations for dumping plant soil dumps are indicated;
  • a working layout of the site was carried out with the alignment signs secured;
  • familiarized with the technology and organization of work and trained safe methods labor workers and engineering workers.

When working with plant soil, you should not mix it with the underlying non-vegetative soil, or contaminate it with waste or construction debris.

Reclamation of disturbed lands is a complex of engineering measures to technical training lands for subsequent targeted use and biological development of lands to restore their fertility.

All lands disturbed by construction, in which changes have occurred, expressed in the disturbance of soil cover, the formation of new forms of relief, changes in the hydrogeological regime of the territory (drying out, flooding), as well as adjacent lands on which productivity has decreased as a result of construction, are subject to reclamation.

Reclamation is carried out in two stages - technical and biological.

The technical stage involves the implementation of measures to prepare the lands released after the development of the deposit for the subsequent intended use in the national economy. These include: rough and fine leveling of the surface of disturbed lands; leveling and (or) terracing of dump slopes and sides of quarry excavations; preparation of sites (cutting down forests, bushes, removing stones, etc.); selective removal, transportation, storage (if necessary) and application of potentially fertile rocks and fertile soil layer to reclaimed lands; elimination of the consequences of settlement of open-pit mining dumps and anti-erosion measures; backfilling with rock or filling residual quarry excavations with water; a set of reclamation measures aimed at improving chemical and physical properties dump soils constituting the surface layer of reclaimed lands (if necessary); construction of roads and hydraulic structures, etc.

The biological stage of reclamation includes measures to restore the fertility of reclaimed lands. These include: planting trees and shrubs, sowing perennial grasses, carrying out agrotechnical measures, phytomeliorative and other work aimed at restoring flora and fauna.

The question is especially typical for tired lands, clearing the area for a foundation, and horticultural areas. The latter tended to be distributed by “good” officials in those territories where there was no point in using agricultural enterprises due to poor soil. To understand all the features, you need to consider everything in order.

Replacing fertile soil for a lawn

Creating a beautiful and even lawn is not easy; you need to get the foundation in perfect condition. First, the earth is cleared of all flowers, roots, weeds, and flower beds. Vegetation is removed in two ways:

– herbicides, which cause severe harm to the land;

bayonet shovel or an excavator.

Both methods have their pros and cons. The optimal, but difficult method is with a shovel. Shooting should be minimal thin layer, while capturing everything growing with roots. To turn the removed turf into, you need to leave it for three years in compost pit. Next steps: adding new clean fertile soil, leveling, replenishment.

Removing plant soil under the foundation

Before any construction begins, it is necessary to remove the turf for the following reasons:

– save on the purchase and delivery of soil;

– use the natural fertile layer;

- to prevent the process of rotting organic matter in the foundation and on the sides.

The boundaries and thickness of the layer being removed are determined by the project, or rather by preliminary analysis.

1. The minimum depth is 10 cm, the maximum is 50 cm.

2. On a sandy base, plant soil lies at a depth of 5–10 cm.

3. On turfed areas - 12 cm.

4. On arable fields - 20 cm.

5. In forests up to 25 cm.

The process is carried out using heavy construction equipment: a bulldozer or excavator, loader, dump truck or tractor for transportation. Not fertile soil often has a yellowish color, fertile can be gray-brown-black. The cut layers are placed in piles of 1.5–3 meters.

Replacement of tired soil in agricultural areas

The earth tends to become depleted. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out technical or biological reclamation. On large areas soil up to 10 cm is not removed. Special rules are established by GOST “Requirements for the protection of fertile soil during production earthworks».

In the yard or garden, owners try to constantly fertilize with organic matter, peat and minerals. If this process has not been carried out, then the soil has no fertile power. In order not to raise the area, you will have to remove part of it and refresh it with new high-quality soil. In built-up areas it is impossible to use heavy equipment; manual labor is used.

After the breakup Soviet Union Plots for dachas and vegetable gardens were distributed en masse. Most are in unsuitable swampy areas or with minimal topsoil. In these cases, it is necessary to clear the territory and purchase new fertile layers. If the fertile soil was removed during construction and no effort was made to return it, then new soil will have to be imported again.

Removing plant soil. The fertile soil layer, including the turf-vegetative layer, must be removed from the entire area occupied by embankments, excavations, reserves, quarries and other structures of the road complex. The boundaries in plan, the thickness of removal and storage locations of the fertile soil layer are determined by the project. Qualitative indicators and standards for removing the fertile soil layer are established by GOST

The breakdown of soil removal work consists of outlining the boundaries of cutting and the contours of storage stacks. To mark the cutting boundaries, poles 1.0-1.5 m high are used, installed every 20-25 m. The contours of the storage shafts are marked with stakes; the cutting boundary before starting work is a furrow (plough or ripper).

In order to prevent breakage or backfilling, previously installed signs for the project to be taken to the area should be protected with fences of three slats, fastened with the upper ends “in a tent”, or marked with special poles. After the removal of the fertile soil layer is completed, the layout established for this work is removed.

If the layer to be removed has high density or there are roots left in it after removing the forest, the layer is loosened before cutting begins or plowed with multi-furrow plows.

The fertile layer of soil is usually removed in a thawed state. In case of difficult passage of vehicles, it is allowed to remove the soil in spring period when the soil thaws to the appropriate depth.

The fertile soil layer is cut off and moved to storage areas using bulldozers or motor graders, using the following work schemes:

when constructing embankments from imported soil, when the width of the strip from which the soil layer must be cut does not exceed 25 m, use shuttlediagram transverse movement of soil relative to the axis of the road;

when constructing embankments from lateral reserves or high embankments, as well as when developing deep excavations, when the road strip is 30-40 m wide or more, cutting and moving the soil should be done first from one half of the strip, starting cutting from the axis, and then from its the other half, according to the so-called transverse or cross-sectional traffic pattern;

for large volumes of work to remove the soil layer (thick layer, large width of the road lane), the soil is first cut off and moved by a motor grader or bulldozer with a rotary blade into the longitudinal shafts, from which later soil bulldozers move them off the road. In this case, the transverse movement of soil on half the width of the road strip is carried out by oblique passes of the bulldozer (at an angle to the longitudinal axis of the road), so that with each pass the full load of the bulldozer is ensured, corresponding to its power. This scheme is called longitudinal-transverse.

When removing soil from large areas, a scheme is used to form shafts-stacks in the contour of the structure. Before the start of the next type of work, the soil must be transported to the storage areas established by the project by vehicles with loading by forklifts.

When vertically planning areas and strips with grass cover wider than 50 m, it is allowed to collect soil into transverse shafts within the contour with subsequent distribution along the planned area.

Stacks of soil are placed taking into account the terrain and other local conditions with a strip width of up to 25 m, usually on one side; for larger widths - on both sides with gaps for passage construction machines, drain surface waters. In forests, arable lands and other valuable lands, soil storage is carried out in areas specially allocated for these purposes.

When removing and storing the fertile soil layer, measures must be taken to prevent its loss (erosion, swelling), as well as a decrease in its quality (mixing with underlying layers, roots, forest waste, pollution, etc.). If the storage period is more than a year, the surface of the soil banks is strengthened by sowing grass or other methods provided for by the project.

Basic activities for preparing the subgrade base. Before the construction of the embankment begins, the prepared base surface must be leveled with a bulldozer. Pits, trenches, ditches and other local depressions in which water can stagnate are filled layer by layer with compaction to the required density for the base (SNiP 2.05.02-85, Table 22). To ensure drainage in horizontal sections, a transverse slope from the axis is provided that is no less than that established for the surface of the coating.

When using highly compressible non-draining soils (peat, silt, low-density clay, etc.) as a base, and draining soils in the embankment, when leveling, a construction rise should be created in the middle part, the value of which should be greater than the value of the calculated foundation settlement provided for by the project .

Compaction of the soil base of low embankments and soil layers under the bottom of the working layer of road pavement in excavations and zero points is carried out in cases provided for by SNiP 2.05.02-85 and SNiP 3.06.03-85. The base soils are compacted immediately before filling the overlying layers of soil or layers of road pavement (airfield pavement).

If the required compaction depth exceeds the thickness of the layer effectively compacted by the means used, the excess soil layer should be removed with a bulldozer and the underlying layer should be compacted. After compaction and leveling of the bottom layer, the removed soil is returned and compacted to the required density.

When reconstructing roads using an existing embankment, plant soil from the sides and slopes of the reconstructed embankment is removed and moved to the border of the right-of-way for subsequent reclamation. If it is impossible to use it biological properties distributed at the base of the additional part. Before pouring additional layers, the surface of the old embankment must be loosened to a depth of 10-15 cm and compacted together with the next layer. The need to dismantle and remove layers of old road pavement is established by the project.

Before starting work on the construction of the embankment, culverts and communication pipes, as a rule, must be completed completely and backfilled on both sides to a width of at least 4 m on each side, on top - with a layer of thickness not less than specified in the project, with layer-by-layer compaction to the required density . In this case, the movement and leveling of the soil, as well as compaction with rollers, is carried out by machine passages longitudinal to the pipe while simultaneously building up the embankment on both sides. It is necessary to constantly monitor the approach of the machine to the pipe wall in order to avoid its shift or possible destruction. The thickness of the soil layer on top of the pipe, at which it is possible to compact the backfill soil and allow vehicles and vehicles to pass through, must be indicated in the pipe design, but not less than that provided for by current standards.

When conducting any construction, a need necessarily arises. At the same time, the price of soil development has a significant impact on the overall level of costs for the developer. In this regard, it is very important to properly organize and carry out these types of work, which may include preparation for laying communications, digging wells, etc. During the work process, the soil finds a new use or is recycled.

The cost of soil development work depends on a number of factors. Its size is also influenced by the volume of work performed and the complexity of the terrain. Also, the price of developing soil with slopes largely depends on the technology for performing the work.

Prices for soil development per 1m3 using mechanized methods

Soil development mechanized way


Layout and layout of the base, m2

Mechanized development of soil with an excavator into a dump, m3

Cutting of vegetation layer (up to 250 mm thick) with a bulldozer, m3

Mechanized soil development, m3

Removal of developed soil by mechanized means with loading onto vehicles, m3

Removal of developed soil by motor transport

Soil compaction, m3

Mechanized excavation of soil with an excavator with loading into dump trucks, m3


Backfilling of soil using mechanized means, m3

Backfilling of soil into the sinuses of trenches and pits with thrombosing and watering, m3

Development of soil using a mechanized method to design marks with loading and removal of soil up to 1 km.

from 110 rub.

Development of a pit by mechanized method to the design marks with loading and removal of soil up to 1 km. and contents of the dump

from 200 rub.

Development of a pit by mechanized method to the design marks with loading and removal of soil up to 20 km.

from 350 rub.

Development of a pit by mechanized method to design marks with loading and removal with confirmation of INTUS (coupons) of soil up to 20 km.

from 400 rub.

Visit of a specialist to draw up estimates and consultations

For free

Development of a master plan for excavation work

From 70,000 rub.

Development of a Production Plan (PPP) for earthworks


Cleaning the area, preparing the area for construction, m2

From 45,000 rub.

From 130 rub.

Backfilling of soil with layer-by-layer compaction, m3

From 300 rub.

Sand bedding (cushion 100-150 mm), m3

From 700 rub.

Mechanized soil movement, m3

From 750 rub.

Manual cleaning of the bottom and walls of trenches and pits, m2

From 180 rub.

Immersion of supports, pipes, sheet piles up to 20 m, linear meters.

From 750 rub.

From 270 rub.

Soil development - we will choose the best method

The choice of technology depends on the individual characteristics of the soil on the site and other features. Also, the method used is selected based on considerations of economic feasibility, since the cost of developing 1 m3 of soil is different for each method.

There are the following main methods of work in construction and road construction:

  • - using earthmoving equipment. Most often used for this purpose different kinds excavators.
  • Hydromechanical method. Provides for the development of soil with a stream of water, turning it into pulp. Used when device artificial reservoirs, installation of hydraulic structures, construction of road and other embankments and excavations.
  • Explosive method. Development is carried out by performing drilling and blasting operations on the soil. It is used when it is necessary to work on rocks or frozen soil. The prices for soil development using this method are quite high.
  • Drilling – development using special drilling machines.
  • Combined method. Provides for the combined use of two or more of the listed methods. The most common method is to carry out work using explosive and mechanical methods.

Prices for soil development per 1m3 manually

Cutting plant soil to a depth of 300 mm. manually, m3

Manual digging of a pit and trenches into a dump

Digging frozen soil by hand

Backfilling of trenches and pit cavities manually with compaction

Manual filling of trenches and pit cavities

Manual excavation, m3

Manual territory planning, m3

Manual cleaning of the bottom and walls of pits and trenches, m3

Loading developed soil onto a dump truck manually, m3

Manual backfilling of the trench with soil, m3

Manual crushed stone preparation device, m3

Digging land for a garden/vegetable garden, 100 m2 (one hundred square meters)

Manual soil transfer up to 20 meters

Manual soil transfer up to 40 meters

Manual soil transfer up to 60 meters

Manual soil transfer up to 80 meters

Manual soil transfer up to 100 meters

Installation of sand and crushed stone bases manually, m3

Manual movement of soil across the territory with leveling and compaction, t

From 130 rub.

The most common is . It is used in more than 80% of cases. This method is universal. It is good for various types soil, can be used in fairly complex terrain, including in fairly cramped conditions.

It allows you to excavate soil while simultaneously loading it into the body of a vehicle. The excavator can also form a dump or embankment. If necessary, the development of trenches of considerable length is carried out using chain (depth up to 3.5 meters) or rotary excavators (depth up to 1.5 meters).

Also, when performing excavation work, graders are often used, with the help of which the site is leveled and the previously removed soil is moved over a certain distance. The composition of the special equipment used and its functionality affect how much soil development costs for site owners.

Favorable cost of soil development per 1 cubic meter. from professionals

Earthmoving machines are expensive special equipment, the purchase and maintenance of which is impractical for private developers and small construction companies.

For one-time or occasional work, the cost using your own equipment will be unreasonably high. That's why optimal solution in such cases, special equipment will be rented under the control of qualified operators. This will ensure high-quality work at an affordable price for developing m3 of soil.

Our company also offers other special equipment for excavation work of any level of complexity. We offer favorable prices - soil development in Moscow is available to individuals and organizations. At the same time, an extensive fleet of equipment allows us to ensure high efficiency in the execution of each order.

In addition, we can provide our own vehicles with the necessary approvals. Thus, it is fulfilled comprehensive solution tasks to prepare the site for construction or installation work. The price of soil development with loading and removal is optimal for our customers.