Touching wedding congratulations from the bride's parents. A beautiful and touching congratulation from a mother to her daughter in verse. Congratulations from the groom's parents

You can maintain a special festive atmosphere at a wedding with the help of beautiful and original congratulations. To do this, guests need to show a little imagination and devote their personal time to prepare good congratulations.

Oddly enough, it is often much easier for many people to choose a gift for the newlyweds than to write wedding congratulations. They may suffer for several hours or even days, and as a result the written words will turn out to be banal and boring. How can you be sure that the newlyweds will like your wedding congratulations? After all, we all want to say something special, something that they will remember forever. The wish must be ideal so that it evokes a storm of positive emotions in the bride and groom.

How to write wedding congratulations

The most important thing is to remember to address the bride and groom correctly. Often guests may not know the names of one of them. For example, if they are very familiar with one of them, they may have never seen the other. Oddly enough, but this happens quite often. That is why double-check the names of the bride and groom several times. If you are not sure about the correct pronunciation of the name of the bride or groom, then check with their parents, for example, their mother. Nowadays it is quite common to come across unusual or foreign names. Therefore, it is better to ask again than to find yourself in an awkward situation when congratulating.

When writing congratulations, it is important to address them not to someone specifically (the bride or groom), but to both newlyweds. You should focus on them as a pair, as a single whole. At the same time, you should not speak in banal memorized phrases or mention proverbs and sayings. Come up with something new, something that no one except you will tell them.

Congratulations from parents on the wedding

The wedding of a daughter and son is a serious and very important matter. Wedding congratulations from parents should not be instructive. Of course, no one diminishes your importance in a couple's life, but today is their day. Just be happy for the young people. Tell them how glad you are that they met each other. Wish your daughter or son long and happy years of married life. But don’t forget to mention that they can always count on your support and help. Of course, all mothers worry about the fate of their children, but it’s still better to leave your advice for other days. They will definitely need them. This must also be taken into account if you decide to write a congratulation from the groom’s parents to their son.

Congratulations from relatives on the wedding

A wedding congratulation from your godmother can be in the form of a letter to your “son-in-law.” It's no secret that for any mother there is nothing more important than the happiness of her beloved daughter and son. In your speech, address him as your son, because from now on he is such.

When writing congratulations on a mother’s wedding for her daughter, you should not frighten her with stories about family life. This is not the time. They will definitely think about all possible difficulties, but a little later. Now they have a holiday. In your congratulations, do not forget to say a few words that you are glad to be present at this holiday.

We write poems with congratulations on the wedding

If you know how to write poetry, then you can come up with a poem about the bride and groom. Otherwise, any other found on the Internet will do. But keep in mind that your wish should not be too long, especially if you plan to read it out loud at the banquet. Here it is better to use quatrains.
Of course, parents can ask their daughter for help or invite their son to write a congratulation for them himself. But this is not the best option.

As a rule, at weddings, newlyweds make solemn speeches for their mother and father. We thank them for organizing this holiday, for raising them to be who they are now. Mom and dad are always pleased to hear their speeches and understand that their children have already grown up and are ready to take such a serious step - starting a family. And most importantly, do not forget to sign your greeting cards so that the newlyweds know who exactly they received them from.

Wedding congratulations from parents in verse

    Beloved daughter, as always you are beautiful,
    Son, we always love you too,
    Today you are together and it became clear to us
    What in new life you're coming, hooray!
    And may this life be wonderful for you,
    Health, good luck, warmth for a hundred years!
    Bring us the kids soon,
    Do not know sadness, anxiety and troubles!

    Your family is new, everything is ahead of you.
    We wish you only a good journey.
    Let bad weather and troubles not come to you.
    And happiness, health, warmth and comfort.
    Let wealth and luck await you
    Wherever and always let you be surrounded
    Good, kind, loyal people
    And may everything be good in your life.
    In life, always and everywhere be together,
    And remain faithful to each other for two hundred years!

    Our dear children, we wish you now,
    So that troubles and bad weather never know you.
    If they get in your way, quickly drive them away,
    Well, you always greet happiness and good luck with warmth!
    And when suddenly it becomes difficult, then you will cling to each other,
    Don't show your tears, don't skimp on your smiles,
    And of course, we expect more children from you,
    Well, you can live together happier and longer!

    We want to congratulate you with all our hearts,
    May your marriage be strong and happy,
    For my wife, son, be loved by me,
    And you, daughter, be his favorite.
    Never quarrel or swear
    Always try to be together everywhere,
    Let there be only happiness in your home,
    Let all bad weather pass by!

    We wish you to grow love in your garden!
    We wish you to always be together, close
    Treat each other as a reward
    Fate gifted to you for a long time!
    We wish you ten children!
    We wish to eat not only hake fish,
    And the banks of the jelly and milk rivers!
    We wish you... Sorry, but already
    Your luggage is full of wishes!

    Become each other's support
    Happiness and part of the same,
    Grief, sadness and blizzards
    Let them fly by.
    Let it last for years
    Tender strong feeling.
    Together in love and adversity -
    This is the art of family!

    Congratulating you on this bright day,
    We wish you a long and happy life,
    Love you passionate and beautiful,
    So that misfortunes are not covered by a shadow.
    We wish you only success in your worries,
    So that the house rings with songs, joyful laughter,
    So that a child's smile warms the heart,
    So that nothing hurts you
    And so that adversity does not touch you,
    It seemed like minutes for years!

    Please accept congratulations,
    You love each other deeply.
    And let sadness not find you,
    And money always comes into the house!

    It's a great day for you today!
    You connected two destinies
    And at the registry office they signed it.
    That's the first step in life
    In the family - to further years of happiness!
    The fire of love lit the hearth,
    So that there is light in the house, not darkness,
    So that we can take part together.

    In the construction of a nest of love,
    So that children grow up in joy
    And wherever you are along the way,
    I felt drawn to come to my dear home.
    Let your home be a full cup!
    Keep love until your gray hairs,
    May your union be unbreakable
    And it became stronger and more beautiful over the years.

    Dear children!
    We are ready to wish you everything,
    What would you wish for yourself:
    Health, joy, happy days
    And a lot of smart children!
    May the sun always shine pleasantly on you,
    Let the blessed rain pour over your head,
    We wish you with all our hearts, with all our soul:
    Prosperity, harmony, love, peace!

    You have to walk uphill to find happiness
    And take more than one height.
    So let unnecessary quarrels
    They walk around your house a mile away.
    May your hearts never grow old
    And they fight without any love.
    And let year after year
    Lives more friendly than everyone else
    Happy your family!

    Our dear children.
    We give you bread and salt,
    Our parting words for you in this world
    Everything was divided in half.

    Will there be joy or sorrow?
    Avoid personal drama
    Give in to each other in a dispute
    You need to learn.

    Live by faith and law,
    Don't look for an easy life,
    Greet family, friends,
    Respect father and mother.

    There will be children, there will be grandchildren,
    Everything will go its own way.
    Husband, take your wife in your arms!
    Young people, please come home!

A wedding is a very important event not only for the bride and groom, but also for parents. On this day, they usually throw a feast for the whole world and invite all close relatives and friends to share the joy of birth with them. new family.

Newly-made spouses hear warm words, congratulations and wishes addressed to them all day long. To congratulate the newlyweds, you can prepare the elements or say wishes in prose.

Here are examples of beautiful ones on your wedding day. They can be divided into several groups:

  • Parting words from a mother to her daughter at a wedding;
  • Wishes from father;
  • Congratulations from both parents.

From the mother of the bride

My beloved daughter! Today you have become a wife, and together you have created a new family. It will have its own rules and traditions. You will pass on your life experience to your children, of whom I hope you will have many! I want you to try and be a real housewife, the keeper of the family hearth and a caring mother. Be wiser and give in to your husband, at least sometimes, because compromise is a very wise decision. You'll see, after some time you will learn to act wisely and everything will definitely work out. Always remember that I am nearby and always waiting for you to visit!

Dear daughter! Today is the very desired day for you - your wedding day! I know how long you have been waiting for this and how much you love (husband’s name). The main thing is to know that a wedding is the beginning of a journey. This is the beginning of your love, not youthful passion! And in order for magical feelings to continue to reign in the family, you, daughter, must become patient, loving and wise. This new family rests on you and let it be happy and friendly! We wish you to increase the size of your family as soon as possible, because children are real happiness, the meaning of life!

Daughter, my sunshine! Do you remember how, as a little girl, you dreamed of marrying a handsome prince... You imagined yourself in a wedding dress and made a veil out of tulle... The day has come for your childhood dream to come true! Both of you must try to turn this fairy tale into reality and at the same time not lose tenderness, magic and love. There will be unpleasant moments in family life: quarrels, resentments, unrest. No matter what happens, you must always move forward, holding hands. Together you will overcome any obstacle.

Always remember that you are two halves! If something happens to one, the other will never stay away. You are the closest people to each other! You are now family! Let beautiful babies be born in this family, to the joy of everyone! Daughter, take care home! A woman has certain responsibilities that she must fulfill to preserve the domestic idyll. That's why:

  • take care of your husband;
  • be an exemplary housewife;
  • become a patient and loving mother.

I love you! Bitterly!

My dear girl! You have grown up so quickly... You are a wife! I believe that family life it won't be a problem for you. You will become a caring housewife, affectionate mother and gentle wife. If you suddenly need my maternal advice, then remember - I’m nearby! Never “cut from the shoulder” , don't rush to make decisions. Always listen to your heart.

You have chosen a wonderful man as your husband and I am sure that he will do everything to make you happy and smile every day! Love more every day and always be there no matter what! BITTERLY!

Daughter! My dear! Dad and I tried to raise you with tenderness, care and love. We did everything to make you grow up good and interesting person and a wonderful hostess. Without undue modesty, we can admit that we succeeded! We raised you to be the ideal wife for your husband! Now it’s your turn to raise wonderful people, take care of your family and your love for them! Be happy! Bitterly!

Our dear daughter! Today is the day that all the girls dream about! A beautiful wedding dress, a flowing veil, gold rings and a beloved husband! Let your new family be friendly, strong and rich! Always be sure of the correctness of your choice! I am calm for you, you have been given as a wife to a wonderful man! Be the happiest!

From the father of his beloved daughter

Today is the most exciting day in my life - the wedding of my beloved daughter! As a father, I ask you to understand and give me a little attention. Today you embarked on a new one life path and have already taken the first step. There's more to come. What this one will be depends entirely on both of you! You must work every day to maintain the well-being of your family. Be patient and you will be able to overcome any obstacle in your way. I raise this glass to the fulfillment of my wish!

My beloved children! I sincerely congratulate you on the birth of your new family! May your home be warm bright and cozy! Let love and harmony reign in him. Let the new family grow and make us happy! Live like swans: be faithful, love and trust your spouse! All the best to you! Bitterly!

Let me tell you a few parting words on this wonderful day! Build together your little world that you have dreamed of! May everyone in the family be healthy, happy and loved! Prosperity to you and success in everything! Try to choose the right path and walk along it together, hand in hand!

Today a lot has been said about love and family happiness. I won’t stand out and I’ll only say one thing - The happiness of a family lies in each other's exceptional ability to go beyond their principles. I wish you trust, support and understanding! If everyone tries to be a little better, then the relationship will only benefit from this.

Our beloved children! Live happily, amicably and unitedly! We wish you selfless love, good health and the most faithful friends nearby! Let children's laughter sound in your home as soon as possible! Today we drink only for you! Bitterly!

We, your parents, bless you for this wonderful marriage! Build your happiness together! Help each other in everything, create a friendly family! We wish you to live together until have a good day your children's weddings. Now, let’s fill our glasses and drink to the wonderful couple! To our dear and loved ones (names of the newlyweds)! May love, faith and hope always be with you!

I'll say this wedding toast How parting words newlyweds! Live in peace and harmony! Love with all your heart and know how to give in! In family life it is very important to find a compromise, it cannot be otherwise! Spouses are the people closest to each other and should always be together in everything! Share joys and problems together! Keep your youthful fiery feelings throughout your life's journey! Don't lose what you have now! We are always there!

Nice words for both newlyweds

Beloved son-in-law! Daughter! Congratulations on your first family holiday! I would like to wish that this wonderful date becomes a significant event for you that you will celebrate from year to year! May your love grow stronger with time. Let your eyes shine with love and tenderness when you look at each other! Happiness, goodness and health to you! I love you very much!

Today my daughter gave me a son! Yes! Yes! She fell in love with (the name of her daughter’s husband), and he became my family! I love him like my own child and will always consider him my son!

Children! Before you is a long life path that you must walk together. It will have mountains and plains and waterfalls. There will even be cliffs, but you must hold on to each other no matter what. This is how you can overcome any obstacles in your path! Always remember this, if you were destined to become a family, then you need to be in the same team! I wish your family to be friendly, strong and reliable! Happiness to you, my beloved!

Congratulations from mother and father

Dear children! The exciting day has come when you leave your father’s house together for your new family and new life. ! From now on you will always be together! You are the dearest people in the world! Don’t quarrel or be offended by your significant other, because quarrels do not lead to anything good. You must always look for a way out and a compromise. If it suddenly becomes difficult, hug your loved one, and everything will pass right away! May everything be fine with you! This is the most important thing for us!

Son and daughter! Today you both have become children for us! I would like to wish you all the best on this wonderful day! Take care of your family and constantly work on your relationships! This is very important for both! Good luck, beloved children! Let it be light and light! Love, good luck and good luck to you!

All parents, without exception, sincerely rejoice and cry with happiness on their children’s wedding day! You must do everything to make your new family a joy and joy for both! Avoid conflicts, omissions and mistrust! Respect each other and listen! Together, step through the dark patches that, unfortunately, will inevitably be in family life! Let it be in yours common house Children's laughter will ring out and there will always be many guests! Happiness to you, our dears! Bitterly!

Dear children! Everything has already been said and it is very difficult to wish you something new! Let's not repeat ourselves and say only one thing - let your family life have everything you want! There will be quarrels and resentments, there will be no way around it! Take this as the norm and don’t worry too much, your love will withstand anything!

What can I wish you on this wonderful day? I don't want to say banal things. I will only say that you should always remember that you will build your happiness yourself. Build it in such a way that we all rejoice seeing love, devotion and a friendly family! Advice and love!

Well, what can I tell you, young people! We are now no less worried than you! Congratulations on your marriage! From now on, the husband must take the reins of government into his own hands, and the wife must carefully guard the family hearth! Unity, joy and beautiful love to you!

My dear (names)! On this exciting day we would like to wish you a sea of ​​love, an ocean of joy and rivers of health! If it happens that the sea becomes shallow, the ocean disappears and the river becomes a stream, let there remain a transparent lake of hope! May they always go with you through life:

  • wisdom;
  • faith;
  • Love;
  • hope.

They will help you prevent your family from becoming a swamp of everyday life. I wish you happiness and success in your family swim! May the boat of your endless love never stray from its intended course!

We raised wonderful people and on this solemn day we cannot hold back our tears! Emotions overwhelm our hearts! Dear ones, we wish you that your happiness will not be overshadowed by any adversity or problems! Always and everywhere be there! Happy birthday to your family!

Dear and beloved children! Today you have created a new unit of society! A family, like a ship, must be strong! This strength directly depends on how the spouses treat each other. Trust, respect and value your other half and then your family ship will not be afraid of any storms! Of course, you may encounter icebergs on your way, but if your ship is strong, then together you will overcome this obstacle! We wish the family ship (Last Name) fair winds and calm seas!

Our relatives (names of the couple)! Today is a special day! It is filled with triumph and happiness! Today our (bride's name) and (groom's name) became husband and wife! They climbed the next one and very important step own life! We would like to wish the young people the sea happy days! Raise beautiful and healthy children and be proud of them! Take everything from life! But most importantly, do not lose your magical feelings on this long path! We love you and are always waiting for you!

How wonderful it is that your couple was finally reunited today in marriage union! Now there is always a loved one next to you, who understands and with all his heart loving person, which will be a support in later life! We raise these crystal glasses to you, my dears! For your union! For your health! For your sincere love! Bitterly!

Our dear children!
Let the sun shine on you!
May your union be strong
And your home is very happy,

Let babies be born -
Both girls and boys
May there always be enough money
And friends don’t leave.

Daughter, stay sweet
Don't quarrel with our son-in-law!
Be a friendly family
Well, we are rooting for you!

We're giving our daughter away in marriage,
Be happy together!
We congratulate the young
We wish you understanding.

Live in harmony and love,
Have kids soon.
So that prosperity reigns in the family
And the work was in order.

Our dear daughter,
You are our beauty and pride.
Let everything work out for you,
Our children, good morning!

Our dear children, we congratulate you on this wonderful event, on your marriage. Now our daughter is in strong arms and under reliable protection. We wish you, our beloved ones, to build a strong and prosperous family, we wish you many years of health and sincere love, we wish you great success and good prosperity, we wish you bright joy and tenderness. And let us wish ourselves healthy and strong grandchildren.

Our dear daughter and our beloved son-in-law,
You connected destinies on this day!
We wish you to create a happy family,
May you love each other forever!

Let children's laughter ring in your house,
And happiness covers you completely,
Let harmony reign in hearts
And God will protect your marriage from troubles!

Like the years in your father's house
They flew by quickly
For you today, daughter,
We put on the veil.

Wedding Dress
It suits you so well
Let you through life
The husband leads by the hand.

Let him, daughter,
Will make you happy
We wish it were you
The only one, beloved.

We wish the nest
You created a family
We took care of each other
And they loved me all my life.

We raised our daughter
Kept from worries
Every day and night
She was loved so much.

The beauty has grown up
And now the bride
A little embarrassed
Can't find a place.

Dear daughter
And a wonderful groom
Life will be happy
And happy holiday!

Take care, darlings
Feelings are golden
On leisurely days,
Years are young!

Today you have become a legal family,
Take care of your feelings and your beautiful union,
Be respectful and faithful to each other,
Reach your desired height together!

Son-in-law, dear, love your wife dearly,
Appreciate her, give her your strong shoulder,
In the family, be a leader and a stone wall,
Let your daughter be happy with you!

Our dear, dear children,
Now you have taken the most important step,
You won’t find anyone dearer on the planet,
May your marriage be strong and happy.

May happiness unexpectedly burst into your home,
Let luck knock loudly, loudly,
And let loyalty remain in our hearts,
And let love and passion run through your veins.

Today my daughter is wearing a snow-white dress
Crosses the parental threshold,
Our child, caring and gentle,
Many life paths await you.

Walk together, without letting go,
Along all the paths of fate,
Let great love warm you with warmth,
And success awaits you in any discoveries!

Beautiful daughter, today you are the bride,
Out of excitement we can’t find a place,
How quickly the years have flown by.
Let families not be touched by adversity!

Our son-in-law and daughter, always live together,
And we will give advice if necessary!
May you have both a son and a daughter,
Let happiness be given every day and night!

Happy wedding day, dear children,
We love you with all our hearts,
Be happy, dear ones,
And live well.

Achieve and try
Create comfort in the family,
Confess your love more often,
May success always await you.

Congratulations from: | | |
Congratulation format: | | | | | | |
Type of congratulations: |

Wedding congratulations from parents

We congratulate you today, hurray!
Listen to these words from your parents:
We wish you to live in peace,
Avoid all problems.
You should never swear,
Stay young.
So that your health does not suffer,
And there should be little hassle.
And love will be eternal,
Tender, warm, endless!

Congratulations on your wedding from your parents

It's a great day for you today!
You connected two destinies
And at the registry office they signed it.
That's the first step in life
In the family - to further years of happiness!
The fire of love lit the hearth,
So that there is light in the house, not darkness;
To take part together
A love nest is in the making;
So that children grow up in joy
And wherever you are along the way,
I felt drawn to come to my dear home.
Let your home be a full cup!
Keep love until your gray hairs,
May your union be unbreakable
And it became stronger and more beautiful over the years.

Congratulations on your wedding day from your parents

Our dear children,
Honey from parental hearts!
So the bonds have become strong
Durable gold rings.

Noble metal
You know one property:
So that nothing happens to the gold,
It doesn't fade!

Fire can't take him,
Water will not reduce shine.
So are your feelings too
They will never fade!

If you need anything
To your young couple,
My parents and I are friendly
Let's come running in a crowd to help.

If you need to babysit
Grandson, when you are at the cinema,
We'll stand in line together,
To take him in your arms!

There is a bright beginning in wives,
Strong husband's shoulder!
Congratulations, hugs
And we kiss you warmly!

Wedding congratulations from the bride's parents

Our dear children!
You are now one family,
You are responsible for each other,
You are the crew of the ship.
Your ship has already been built,
The wind beats in the sails,
And none of you are free
Make decisions yourself.
So that always on your ship
There was a supply of provisions,
So that on damp, angry weekdays.
The light of love in you has not gone out.
There are no complaints about the table,
The wine just let me down
We were told in confidence:
It's too bitter!

Wedding congratulations from the groom's parents

Dear, beloved children!
You're walking down the aisle now,
Be the best couple in the world
The strongest union of hearts!

Always find compromises
And try to understand each other
So that you have neither problems nor crisis
They couldn’t crush and crush it.

So that you freeze with happiness,
Waking up together in the morning,
To passionate feelings and passions
We haven’t lost an ounce of energy in our souls.

Let the kids grow up - a sight for sore eyes,
There will be prosperity and comfort in the house,
And blessings to the parents
Protect from any misfortunes.

Congratulations on your wedding day from your parents

On this memorable and happy day,
We want to say so much
Words both warm and very beautiful
And with all my heart I wish:
Bright happiness, great happiness,
Lots of joy, lots of love,
Daughter - first, son - second,
Strong, friendly, cheerful family!
So that there is tenderness and freedom,
So that the circle of friends does not decrease,
Be happy for many years!
And know neither troubles nor separations!

Congratulations to parents on their daughter's wedding

We are very sincere to our daughter
Congratulations on your white wedding.
And let your eyes shine with happiness,
Let the marriage be unsinkable!

Live so that life sparkles
Warmed with rays, warm light.
And I never knew dashing
So let all this come true!

Congratulations from parents on their son's wedding

We just didn't notice
How the time came to get married,
After all, completely grown up today
You are becoming, son.

We speak reverently -
Be an exemplary husband
And the ship is your family
Guard vigilantly from storms.

I would also like to say:
After many years and days
Have you ever been to a wedding?
Take your children.

Congratulations to parents on the wedding in your own words

Dear (names of the newlyweds)! Today a solemn and wonderful day has come in your life - you have become husband and wife. Undoubtedly, this is a very important step. We want to wish that only clear and sunny weather reigns in your home, goodness to you, happiness, let your relationships, your children, your home become the source of your pride. Still, the most important thing in every person’s life is not material wealth, but a strong and loving family. Take care and appreciate your soul mate, become a support for each other and never be separated!

Wedding congratulations from parents in prose

Dear newlyweds! I wish you to always walk through life by your side, let your husband not forget that his wife always needs help, so that there is always a happy smile on her lips, so that the joyful sparkle in her eyes does not disappear. Let the wife not forget that it is up to her to create an atmosphere of warmth, love and mutual understanding in the house, so that the husband always hurries home, knowing that his beloved is waiting for him there. May your family life always be happy! May your home always be the happiest and most reliable place in this life for you. Let your love bloom and grow stronger!

Congratulations on the wedding to the newlyweds from their parents

You children have become adults,
Unnoticed, very soon,
You are more valuable than anyone in the world,
And everyone is talking about you.

You live together as a family
And respect each other
Contact us if necessary
We will be glad, you know that.

You are the most beautiful couple
What's there, just a sight for sore eyes,
May your wedding day be bright

Beautiful wedding congratulations from parents

Our dear children,
Please accept your wishes:
On this bright day of life
You take care of each other.

You have united forever
And hearts and souls.
Now there are two of you in the world
And you just have to listen to yourself!

Your wedding is our pride:
We raised you, we tried.
And we wish you prosperity,
So that you love and laugh.

New additions to the family
We still wish you
To be grandparents
Soon everyone was calling us!

Be happy, dear ones,
And take care of each other.
Every moment, every moment is nearby
You are cherished and appreciated!

Wedding congratulations from parents to tears

Newlyweds! Congratulations!
To our delight, you got married
At this truly wonderful hour
We have a little left to wish you:
May your life be bright in everything!
Let the sun shine brightly from the sky,
And may the fate that brought you together today
She will always be kind to you from now on!

Touching wedding congratulations from parents

Our dear children,
Congratulations to you today.
On this day in wide world
Family unites you!

Be happy, dear ones,
And love tenderly, right.
So that all the years of your life
We spent it in the warmth of our souls.

A wedding, how important it is.
Here you are the groom and the bride.
May the whole wide world
It will be crowded without each other!

Respect and appreciate
Every moment of such happiness.
Fate has brought you together
For centuries and overnight!

Wedding congratulations from parents in verse

Oh, our beloved children!
Please accept our congratulations!
May your family be your joy!
You always live with love!
Joined in holy union,
You took the oath of allegiance!
So as not to become a burden to each other,
You love as promised!

Original wedding congratulations from parents

We have already held back our tears,
But I can’t contain my excitement,
We want a lot for the young
We wish you all the best and happiness!

Preparing for a wedding is always a hassle and worry. Usually, they fall on the shoulders of the young parents. Here you need to organize everything to the highest standard: invite all your friends and relatives, order a beautiful ceremony, a cheerful host, an exquisite banquet. With all this pre-holiday bustle, you can easily forget about congratulations. But it is parental words, paternal parting words and maternal blessings that are the most important congratulations for newlyweds on their wedding day! Dear parents, mothers and fathers, remember that your children’s wedding is a holiday of love, tenderness and light! Do not skimp on beautiful and sincere speeches! Congratulate your children!

Congratulations in beautiful verses from parents to the newlyweds on their wedding day

Where to find words to congratulate

You, dear children, on your holiday,

The husband now heads his family,

And the wife began her family life.

May the sun always shine on you,

Let misfortune find no way to you,

Let love look through your window

And he will live with you forever.

May there be good luck and joy in the house

Every day and night, seven days a week,

May all sorrows forget about you,

Nightingales always sing for you two!

Marriage is a very important step,

You handed each other's destinies

Yours, so that for eternal happiness and benefits

You opened the common door.

You are very beautiful and very young,

Life ahead of you is like a fairy tale.

You on a sunny day and by the light of the moon

Give each other only affection.

Care, love, happiness, joy, success

May they always be by your side,

Let there be happy and sincere laughter,

And tenderness radiates in the looks.

Let us give you one last piece of advice:

Parental indestructible,

See off the sunset, meet the dawn,

With each other, to the song of the Cherubim!

Happy wedding day greetings for daughter-in-law from the groom's parents

Today is such a beautiful day,

Our son created his own family.

He will be a first-class husband,

After all, he found his ideal.

With such a beautiful wife,

Everything will be simple and easy,

Be calm, daughter-in-law,

He is infatuated with you alone.

You will live with him as a queen,

Know neither grief nor separation,

And through the cheerful tunes

You can only hear his heartbeat!

Live together, without knowing tears,

Love tenderly, from the heart,

And you, our dear daughter-in-law,

Hurry up to become a better mom!

All the guests today are very beautiful,

Smart, neat, generous, cheerful,

But more beautiful than all and more excellent than all

The bride, she deserves praise.

Our dear daughter-in-law, beloved daughter,

You entered the family like a bright star,

Be preserved by the Lord God forever,

May you always be a happy wife.

Let healthy babies be born soon,

Love will not weaken one bit, not one gram,

Let sorrows and grief go by,

And we wish you long life!

Happy wedding day wishes for son-in-law from the bride's parents

Happiness and joy have knocked on our house,

Our daughter is getting married

She brought her handsome son-in-law to our house,

With him she is happy and cheerful.

Son-in-law, dear, from our hearts we wish,

Long life to you, without knowing sorrow,

Let there be a home" full cup" Always,

The tenth road is bypassed by trouble.

Let the young wife cook deliciously,

Let him give a smile when greeting you from work,

The kids will be born, they will look like their dad,

The advance and salary will be worthy.

Let love never go out in our hearts,

Let happiness always be reflected in your eyes,

Be gentle and open to each other,

After all, from this day on you are husband and wife!

Well, our dear son-in-law, we congratulate you,

We wish you to live forever with our daughter.

So that there are no tears and no offense, so that there is only happiness,

So that the wife of only one loves you all her life.

Let our daughter become a support for you,

May you have no separations or disputes at all.

In a year, son-in-law, you will give us a grandson,

And then you go to the maternity hospital for the girl.

In general, son-in-law, we give advice, so as not to lose happiness,

Never forget about love and passion!

Congratulations from parents at their children's wedding in their own words

Love is a magical land where everyone sails on their own ship, and everyone is a captain on their own ship and leads their ship on their own course! We wish you a bright guiding star, a fair wind and a happy voyage without storms, without losses and without troubles! Happy wedding day to you, our dear children! Bitterly!

Dear children! On this bright holiday, accept our parental blessing. May your path in life be strewn with rose petals. Let your hearts know no pain, your souls no callousness, and your eyes no tears. Live together! Love tenderly! Respect and appreciate each other! Bitterly!

Our beloved children! Congratulations on the bright and happy day of your life, on your wedding day! Keep in your souls and carry through your entire life those tender feelings that were born in your hearts on the day of your first meeting! Treat each other with tenderness, love sincerely, appreciate every minute spent together! Give smiles, words of love, tears of happiness! Let your children become a continuation of your fairy tale! Take care of each other! Much, much happiness to you! Bitterly!

Playful congratulations from parents on their wedding day

"Husband and wife, one of Satan" -

The wisdom of the people has been accumulated,

And our kids are a match for each other,

They had their eye on each other.

The groom is great, it’s immediately obvious that he’s a man,

Everything is clear: I came, I won!

And the fox bride slightly closed her eyes,

And Cupid pierced the guy’s heart.

Inspire, win, don’t swear,

Keep love in your heart, forgive and love everything,

And go to the maternity hospital two or three times!

Congratulations on your wedding day,

We wish you happiness many times,

More passionate love to you,

During the day, in the evening and at night.

Let the neighbors understand from now on,

For a very good reason

You don't let them sleep at night,

Lying down together in one bed.

We need grandchildren, so you,

No vacation, no days off,

Both bright day and dark night,

Try passionately and immodestly.

How are your kids doing?

So that both girls and boys

You sleep sweetly until dawn,

In the meantime, kiss: “Bitter!”

Today you got married,

And now your husband is a leader,

The wife is the best housewife

May the family enjoy continued success.

For the husband to carry money into the house,

He was affectionate and sweet with his wife,

To let them go to the shops,

Helped carry shopping.

The wife is a beauty, everyone’s envy,

The company could have been

Spouse, going out with him

For a dinner or lunch party.

Well, in general, children, we wish you

Let love be unearthly,

Health, joy, laughter, honor,

And the stork will bring babies!

The wedding is dancing! It's bitter, children!

You are the happiest in the world

We want to say so much

But first we bless you.

Live long in perfect harmony,

Kiss at the table and in the shower,

In bed, in a chair, in a hammock,

In the forest, in the country attic,

Both in the garden and in the planting,

Without taking your eyes off your sweet lips,

Kiss tenderly, but only

Today just let it be bitter!

Short congratulations from parents for children on their wedding day

Our dear children, we congratulate you,

We wish you all to live smiling at each other,

May there always be love and happiness in your family,

And let them bypass grief and bad weather!

Today is a bright holiday for you,

You swore love to each other,

Let that feeling live in our hearts,

He will be by your side all his life.

Let the nightingales sing songs to you,

The dawn gives tenderness,

May your whole life be sweet,

Only today may it be bitter for you!

Joy and fun have come into your life,

Today, holding hands, you entered the family.

Let your family life be happy only,

Well, today let all the guests shout at once: “Bitter!”

We wish you, children, care and tenderness,

Grace and freshness to your hearts,

Let love and happiness shine in the eyes,

And passion is like a current, so that it sparkles in bodies!

Congratulations on your wedding day from your parents are very important and necessary. After all, parents know their children best. They know their dreams, their desires, their hopes. Dads who secretly wipe away their tears look so touching, and mothers who don’t hide their tears of joy and happiness look so sincere! Congratulate your beloved children! Do not spare them beautiful words and cheerful instructions on such an important day for the new family. Joke and have fun, cry and smile! Don't hold back your feelings! After all, the most expensive and necessary gifts are parental blessings!