Painting polyurethane skirting boards. How and how to paint a foam plastic ceiling plinth: make a choice. Materials for the production of products

Even minor repairs can radically change the entire look of a room and painting skirting boards is one of those small but interesting touches that will allow you to amazingly transform a room or create a complete updated look after renovation. Painting skirting boards (floor and ceiling) is considered the final touch in repair work, however, it is recommended to paint them before wallpapering or painting the walls, so as not to stain them. There are certain nuances to how to paint a baseboard correctly, so we suggest you read this material to the end and use the recommendations below to get the job done efficiently and quickly.

First of all, to paint the baseboard, we will need:

Primer– you can use acrylic primer
Dye– alkyd or acrylic, aerosol or regular
Brushes if you use regular paint rather than spray paint
Acrylic clear varnish– it will protect the painted wooden surface from damage, and also adds depth to the color and shine of the new coating
Respirator and gloves for protection while working
Solvent for degreasing the surface before painting (you can use white spirit, kerosene or special degreasing compounds)
Cloth napkins or just dry clean cotton rags
Masking tape and paper or covering film
Very fine grit sandpaper
Spatula and putty, best car, you will need it if you plan to clean deep scratches or chips.

Why do you need to paint the baseboard?

3 Hide the joints. Often, when joining skirting boards, gaps or irregularities remain that can be successfully hidden with putty and paint.

4 Protection. Painted with paint or varnish wooden skirting boards, you will protect them from pests and wear.

5 Decoration. You can also paint the plinth so that it matches the color of the ceiling or walls and fits harmoniously into general interior rooms.

How to paint the baseboard?

Skirting boards made of polyurethane, duroplymer, and foam require a special approach, since this material does not tolerate the ingress of any solvents. In this case, use only acrylic, latex or water based paints. For plastic skirting boards Acrylic spray paints or special paints for plastic are ideal. As experience shows, it is most convenient and best to paint skirting boards that have not yet been attached with aerosol paint, but if the skirting board is already attached to the wall, then it is better to use regular paint, since the use of aerosols may damage the walls or ceiling. For those who are serious and sensitive about the interior of their home, we advise you to pay attention to tinting varnishes (glazes) for wood - they are perfect for finishing and decorating unpainted wooden baseboards. This tint varnish is sprayed from a can, then rubbed with a sponge or brush over the surface. In addition, you can use textured paints, for example with the effect natural stone.
Knowing now what to use to paint the baseboard, you can do this job yourself.

Step-by-step instructions for painting baseboards at home

Step_2 Eliminate installation defects using silicone sealant or fine-grained putty. Apply putty to a rubber spatula, cover any errors (joints, corners, dents, scratches), trying to follow the curves of the profile.

Step_3 Remove excess materials for covering cracks, joints and small scratches with a damp cloth.

Step_4 Waiting completely dry and remove irregularities with sandpaper.

Step_5 Clean the baseboard from dirt using warm water and sponges.

Step_6 Degrease the surface using any solvent (acetone, white spirit or a special degreaser).

If you are painting a fixed baseboard, then to use spray paints you will need to cover the walls and floor at a distance of at least half a meter from the baseboard.
If you are painting with a brush and regular paint, use wide masking tape around the perimeter of the baseboard to avoid paint smears on the walls and floor, or use a wide putty knife or a sheet of cardboard to cover the wall when painting the edges of the baseboard.

Step_9 Let the first layer dry, then apply the second and subsequent layers (if required).

Step_10 After painting, you can coat the surface of the baseboard with varnish to give the paint a deeper color and protect it from abrasion and damage.

1 With aerosol cans the paint is applied more evenly and efficiently, the surface is perfectly smooth.

2 Water-based paint, which gets on the wallpaper, is easier to wash off than other types of coloring paints and varnishes.

3 Use only quality materials when working at home.

4 Painting a textured baseboard with a roller will be difficult, so use brushes or spray paint.

5 Work with acrylic sealant much easier because it washes off without any problems.

So, we tried to highlight the main important points in painting skirting boards, all that remains is to pick up the paints and get to work. A skirting board that you painted yourself will not only allow you to get a unique room design, but will also give you an emotional charge directed towards the future. Surely, more than once, glancing around the room, you will remember how you adjusted and painted the baseboard with your own hands, feeling like an artist and designer!

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It is an element that is necessary for the final design of any interior. It gives a feeling of completeness and cleverly hides the joints of the materials used to finish the floor and walls.

But not everyone knows that they come in different varieties and are made from different materials. Let's take a closer look at the polyurethane floor plinth, its pros and cons, and installation features.

In recent years, it is the polyurethane baseboard for the floor that has gained enormous popularity, in contrast to analogues made from other materials.

This is largely due to:

  • Resistance to external factors and long service life: if you treat this type of skirting boards with care, it will retain its original appearance for at least 25-30 years. In addition, during its entire service life you will not see that the baseboard is susceptible to water/steam, and also does not absorb odor and is very convenient to clean. Such skirting boards are used in the bathroom, as they can withstand high humidity very well.
  • Because it is not sensitive to temperature changes, which means it is perfect for rooms with many heating devices. Thanks to heating, it does not deform, retains its original shape and does not dry out.

Important: If you need to decorate a place located next to the fireplace with a plinth, you should use a polyurethane plinth.

Features of use

The main function of flexible polyurethane floor skirting

Selecting skirting boards: how to achieve a successful combination?

It would seem - what could be easier than going to the store and purchasing a polyurethane plinth? However, even choosing this element requires good taste, otherwise this small detail can ruin everything.

When choosing, you should take into account the following data:

  • Style/color.
  • Color design and texture.
  • Finishing material and coating color.

It cannot be said that bold experiments involve only the use of contrasts, but choosing the right shade and doing everything tastefully is not as easy as it seems. Therefore, we recommend using the traditional color selection model: the baseboard should differ from the floor covering by 1-2 tones.

If your reference point is not the floors, but the walls, then it will be easier to take ready-made samples with you to the store - this way you will reduce the likelihood of a mistake. It's not that difficult to "match" the color to the floors and walls, but things get more complicated when you take into account doors. An excellent design move would be to create a smooth transition of shades from the baseboard to the door trim of the same color, which will help create the effect of an unbroken line.

Choosing a plinth by size

Floor polyurethane plinths come in different varieties, and they are chosen based on several indicators: interior design, room size and ceiling height. Naturally, for small rooms it is better not to use high and wide baseboards - it is better to give preference to thin samples that will not take up much space and will visually outline the perimeter of the room.

But the use of thin skirting boards is unacceptable in large and spacious rooms, as they will only disrupt the perception of space and spoil the overall geometry. Opt for wider designs that attach directly to the wall.

The standard size of the plinth is 0.45-0.7 cm, but on sale you will probably find a wide variety of models that will be both smaller and larger than the specified parameters. Flexible polyurethane floor plinth can reach up to 20 cm. The main thing is that the height of the room allows for such “acceleration”.

Price of polyurethane skirting board for floor

It would be wrong to say that polyurethane skirting boards are expensive, but at the same time, it is better to familiarize yourself with the prices for them in advance. You should also pay attention to the installation of skirting boards. The installation price can be significantly higher than purchasing the material, and before calling a specialist, you should find out about his experience and reviews.

As an example, we suggest considering the pricing policies of TOP companies that sell their products at affordable prices:

Manufacturer Dimensions (w*d), cm Length, cm Material Price, r/piece
Orac Decor 0,2*0,2 200 duropolymer 220
NMC 0,19*0,12 250
Perfect Plus 0,54*0,15 278
0,79*0,13 332
0,69*0,15 345
Fabello Decor 0,3*0,2 244 polyurethane 378
Europlast 0,7*0,17 200 Composite material 410
0,8*0,22 539
Perfect Plus 1,26*0,16 200 Duropolymer 783
1*0,15 854
Fabello Decor 0,8*0,12 240 954

As you can see, the prices are reasonable, and there is nothing more expensive than 1000 rubles, but such skirting boards are worth the money, as they perfectly transform the interior and add sophistication. After considering all the benefits, you can decide whether you need a polyurethane baseboard. Their prices are affordable, and the installation procedure is so simple that even a person who has no experience in repair work can handle it.

Installation of polyurethane floor plinth


The more thoroughly you prepare the surface, the better and easier it will be to fix the baseboard. To do this, use silicone or polyurethane glue. It should be applied to the back side of the baseboard and the corner cut area.

A simpler method of fastening would be to use nails or self-tapping screws. They are hidden using overlays, which are sold in the same place as baseboards. You can easily choose the right shade.

Advice: If you decide to install the plinth yourself, do not expect that everything will work out the first time, especially the perfect cuts. It’s better to leave a margin of at least 10 cm so that you can correct mistakes later if something happens.

No less attention should be paid to transporting skirting boards. Since polyurethane is quite fragile and requires careful handling, in order to avoid breakage, be careful during transportation. And to successfully adapt the material to your conditions, leave it to stand in the house for at least a day.

Beginning of work

Before you begin, make sure the surface is perfectly clean and dry. It is important that during installation all finishing work on the walls and floors has already been completed. For neat and even placement, markings should be made that will help create an even mount. To begin with, we do everything as evenly as possible - attach one element to the corner of the wall and make a mark along the edges. When crossing the line, they will indicate exactly where the cut should be.

Typically the angle is 90 degrees, but there are interesting cases where additional adjustments need to be made.

Cutting flexible polyurethane baseboard for flooring

After you have made the necessary markings, you can proceed directly to trimming. If everything is done according to technology, then it is better to use a miter box, which allows you to cut correctly and with small errors. According to reviews, using this tool significantly simplifies the process.

According to different stencils, the miter box makes cuts from 45 to 90 degrees. To make a straight joint, use a 90 degree stencil. And to design a corner it is better to use a 45 degree stencil.

The sequence is as follows: insert the plinth into the miter box on the left so that it is pressed against the side. Next, insert a hacksaw into the desired stencil and cut it. If you decide to do without this tool, you can use a sharp knife or a miter saw with small teeth.

Important: To ensure economical consumption of materials, the corners are first trimmed, and then the plinth is adjusted to length.

The simplest solution in this situation would be to purchase accessories that are designed for this purpose. Such elements will simplify installation and save you from difficulties. The only thing you should not forget about is that if the corners and walls are too uneven, problems may arise with fastening the finished elements. In this case, it is better to do the pruning yourself.

We fix the baseboard ourselves

The most common method of fixing skirting boards is gluing. For this purpose, a special composition is selected. We have prepared some practical tips for you on choosing an adhesive:

You need to glue the baseboards from the corner of the room, and apply glue to the back side of each element. On the reverse side you will find grooves called shelves. They are needed to distribute the glue evenly. For high quality, the joint and groove are coated. The baseboard should be held with your hands until the glue sets. Sometimes this can last up to 20 minutes.

If the panel comes off in some place after drying, use a small nail. The glue will set completely within 24 hours, and at this time you will be able to pull out the nail. You can mask the holes with putty and paint.

Finally, remove any remaining adhesive. To do this, use a spatula or a sponge soaked in water. To fill voids, use clear sealant, then fill and paint.

You can paint the baseboard with water-based paint, acrylic paint, or glaze. You can apply paint using an aerosol (use masking tape to protect the walls) and a spray gun.

Tips for painting polyurethane floor skirting boards

A few simple but effective tips will help you paint baseboards at home.

Advice: Also, do not neglect the manufacturer’s advice, which is always indicated on the paint container. The drying time and application features are also indicated.

When renovating premises today, such a functional decorative element as a ceiling plinth is often used. It is made from polystyrene foam, polyurethane, polystyrene and is usually white. This uniformity of colors led to the idea that it could be painted, making its appearance more suitable to the interior of a particular room or space. This is often necessary because the wallpaper is bright or because the ceiling wallpaper has been painted, etc. Let's look at the most common reasons why you need to paint skirting board fillets, how to do it and what specific features of this process you need to know.

Purposes of painting ceiling plinths

What motives might the owners of the premises have that encourage them not only to glue, but also to paint the baseboard during renovation? Many such reasons can be given. Let's look at the main ones.

The materials from which fillets are made are quite porous materials, and therefore, when the fillets are not painted, dust accumulates heavily on them.

  1. First of all, painting the baseboard can be motivated by the need to bring its appearance into line with the overall interior design of the room. From our point of view, this is the main reason why in certain cases it is necessary not only to glue, but also to paint the baseboard. The color scheme of the wall wallpaper and ceiling may necessitate drawing a bright, contrasting line between these large planes or, conversely, a certain tonal smoothing of the strong contrast between the walls and ceiling. In this case, the baseboard itself, as well as its specific tonal and color scheme, can create a truly harmonious combination between the planes of the walls and ceiling, which is one of the determining factors in the formation of the interior of a living space.
  2. The second most important reason that the baseboard needs to be not only glued, but also painted, is that it is made from materials that are quite soft and susceptible to damage and deformation. With the help of paint, you can strengthen the outer layer of this design element, emphasize its texture and make the molded forms more contrasting.
  3. Polystyrene, polyurethane, foam plastic, from which fillets are made, are quite porous materials, and therefore, when the fillets are not painted, dust accumulates heavily on them, which significantly reduces the presentability of the design element. If you paint it, then, firstly, it will not look so dull, and secondly, it can be periodically wiped from dust and other contaminants.
  4. No matter how carefully you try, there will definitely remain gaps and cracks between its different parts, which are then sealed with materials (for example, putty) that differ from the main one. If you paint on top, then such imperfections are very successfully hidden and the impression of complete solidity of the design element is created.

Thus, although painting the fillets of the ceiling plinth is not a mandatory procedure during renovation, there are still many reasons why it can, and sometimes even needs to be done.

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What do you need during the painting process?

The process of painting skirting boards is quite simple and does not require any special skills. However, in order for it to go as quickly and easily as possible, you should choose the right paint and prepare all the necessary tools that may be needed to perform this or that action.

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Which paint to choose?

The paint must be exclusively water-based: acrylic, water-dispersion, latex.

When choosing paint for painting baseboards, you should pay attention to two determining factors:

  1. Firstly, the paint must be exclusively water-based: acrylic, water-dispersion, latex. Paints based on aggressive chemicals will melt polystyrene and polyurethane.
  2. Secondly, the color of the paint should be in harmony with the range of colors that form the basis of the wallpaper that you are going to glue on the walls, and the paint or wallpaper that will be used to decorate the ceiling space.

The convenience of modern painting of decorative elements during renovation is that today they sell water-based paints that you can tint yourself, getting exactly the shade of a specific color that seems most appropriate to you in this case.

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Required tools and materials

What might be needed when painting a baseboard, besides paint and the fillets themselves?

  1. A brush that should be approximately equal in width to the outer plane of the fillet. You should not choose a brush that is too wide or too narrow.
  2. A rag or sponge for gently wiping areas of unwanted paint.
  3. Protective masking tape used to prevent paint from getting onto the areas adjacent to the fillet.
  4. A stepladder for working at ceiling height if the plinth is painted after installation.

As you can see, here we do not need any complex devices or tools. Painting ceiling fillets is carried out in the most usual way, using a regular brush and water-based paint. But there are some features that we will consider further.

Painting the ceiling plinth when renovating a room is quite an important point. After all, he must be flawless. The slightest flaw will be visible. First you need to decide how to paint the foam plastic ceiling plinth and then do the job correctly. Below you will find complete instructions on the rules for performing this work.

Currently, many people decorate the junction of the ceiling and the wall with special ceiling skirting boards or, as they are more correctly called, fillets. They produce a beautiful effect.

Such skirting boards, even with ordinary wallpaper, familiar trim, and a chandelier, can create a new, unusual, individual image. Now there is no need to attach heavy massive elements.

Attention: These baguettes are made from polystyrene, polystyrene foam, and polyurethane. Initially they are white. Due to its natural white color, many people wonder whether it is necessary to paint the ceiling plinth, if the color is already suitable? Let's look at this question one by one to understand some points.


  • Ceiling moldings have pores and scratches. At a certain incidence of the light beam they can be visible.
  • The material from which the plinths are made becomes slightly translucent, and after painting it, the appearance changes and it becomes stronger.
  • If the baseboard is not painted, then after a while it will not be difficult to notice dust and yellowness - without paint the material takes on an unbearable appearance. In the case of painted ones, dust and stains can be easily removed with a damp sponge.
  • When fastening skirting boards, there is one nuance: joints. Many people are afraid of them. So these places become invisible only after puttying and subsequent painting. Otherwise, gaps remain. This situation hurts the look and spoils the integrity of the entire image.
  • If the baguette is made of wood, it is also processed and painted with paints or varnishes. This really makes insect prevention even more beautiful.
  • Of course, they also paint to change the color of the baseboard. For example, to match the ceiling.

But is it possible to paint the baseboard if it is already attached to the ceiling? It is possible, but you must first seal the cracks and joints. It’s more convenient, of course, to paint before gluing, but then you’ll have to paint again after caulking the joints. Thus, first you need to glue, then seal the joints, and then paint. With this technology, the result will be magnificent. Even experienced repairmen will appreciate your work.

How to choose paint for ceiling plinth

First of all, when deciding what to paint the ceiling plinth with, you need to think carefully, because the planned result depends on the choice of paint.

  • There are paints that contain solvents, and from them the structure can simply dissolve. Therefore, it is necessary to select water-soluble paints. Water-based acrylic or water-dispersed latex are suitable. Wooden baguettes are more resistant to different paint compositions, so you can experiment with them.
  • There are spray paints for skirting boards on sale. It is used before gluing to the wall. With this method of application, coloring occurs quickly and evenly. If you need to change the color of the plinth and you haven’t found one ready-made, then this issue can be solved with the help of pigments. Buy the color you need, mix it with a white base paint, and stir until the color is uniform. You can do this either independently or in the construction department with the help of consultants.

The final point in decorating the walls is to decorate them with skirting boards. Today, foam products are widely used. You can glue a white baseboard, but the painted part will look original and bright. The question of how to paint a foam plastic ceiling plinth remains relevant today. We suggest taking a closer look at the paint selection process and work technology.

When purchasing ceiling fillets, consumers often do not think about painting them. Since the ceiling is made in white, why not leave the baseboards in the same color scheme? This decision is to some extent incorrect. Painting the baseboard is necessary, as it provides the product with the following properties:

  • Often, polyurethane foam baseboards have minor defects and dents; this is not a big deal, but in bright lighting and when the light hits the product at a certain angle, all scratches become visible.
  • Foam plastic is characterized by low density, sometimes products are translucent, and paint will give them a solid and modern look.
  • When answering the question of whether it is necessary to paint the ceiling plinth, remember that white polyurethane foam is subject to fading in the sun and also collects dust particles.
  • Painted parts are much easier to clean; to do this, you just need to wipe them with a damp cloth.
  • The main problem when gluing white fixtures is the visibility of the joints, but paint allows you to hide these transitions.
  • Painting the foam ceiling plinth will help create the right combination of wallpaper or paint finishes with the products.

In the video: is it necessary to paint a foam plastic ceiling plinth?

It is best to paint the product before gluing it to the wall. It is at this moment that the painting will be comprehensive, but on the wall you will have to additionally protect the finish from paint.

Do I need to paint foam ceiling skirting boards if they are already white? If you decide to leave the original color, painting is still necessary. You can also use white paint for this. This procedure will give the product additional strength and protection from external factors.

Types of paints

Knowing that the material of the ceiling plinth for painting is loose and has certain properties, never use mixtures based on white spirit or solvent for painting. It is easy to ruin the product with such a coloring composition. For work, use paints based on water-dispersed mixtures.

The peculiarity of applying such paint to polyurethane baseboards is that solid polymer substances, concentrated in water, remain on the surface of the product, forming a dense layer of film of a certain color. Water evaporates when it dries. In addition, when choosing how to paint a foam plastic ceiling plinth, pay attention to the fire safety of the composition and its environmental friendliness.

Today the following types of paints are on sale:

  • Acrylic. It has excellent decorative qualities that are not lost even after many years of use. Painting ceiling plinths with this mixture guarantees the consumer resistance to color fading, water resistance and vapor permeability. The product will “breathe”, which is very important for rooms with high humidity.
  • Polyvinyl acetate paints for ceiling skirting boards. Ideal for rooms with dry temperatures and no constant exposure to moisture. This paint should only be used in corridors or other rooms not exposed to dampness. Polyvinyl acetate compounds are not water-repellent.

  • Latex. These mixtures have proven themselves to be excellent in damp areas. The coloring of baguettes forms a hard film that does not absorb water. In addition, the products can be washed with detergents and a damp cloth. The only disadvantage of this paint is its ability to fade in the sun, so this mixture is perfect for the bathroom.

Choose paint based on the purpose of the room in which the ceiling plinth will be installed. Water-based mixtures are also good for coating polyurethane foam products; they have an affordable cost and good protective properties.

Preparatory stage of work

The procedure can be carried out with your own hands, thus saving money and performing simple decorative manipulations yourself.

The work does not require specialized skills and is carried out quickly. Before painting a foam ceiling plinth, select the type of paint and the product itself. In addition, it is necessary to carry out preparatory work on the surface and eliminate all visible defects. We suggest considering the procedure for preparing foam plastic products for painting directly on the wall. To get started, prepare your tools:

  • container with water;
  • sponges;
  • gloves;
  • rubber spatula;
  • cloth for wiping hands.

On video: how to decorate a ceiling plinth.

If you don't have a suitable spatula at home, you can use cardboard or a small plastic spatula. Initially, it is necessary to cover the ceilings with skirting boards. After this, a fine dispersion finishing putty is used. It is applied with a finger or a spatula and the joints are carefully covered. Before painting the ceiling plinth, it is important to also apply putty to all visible holes between the wall and the ceiling decoration fixtures.

Be careful not to accidentally cover up the relief design. To do this, fill all the cracks with a thin layer and remove the remaining material with a sponge. The peculiarity of polyurethane products is that they are quite fragile and can break under force. Don't forget about this when filling the seams.

Advice! After the putty has completely dried, go over the cornice with fine-grained sandpaper to ensure better adhesion of the surface to the paint.

Product coloring technology

Depending on the sequence of work and on the moment at which it was decided to paint the foam baseboards, the painting method will also vary. We suggest considering 2 options. The first of them will occur in the case of painting the products before gluing, and the second option involves painting directly on the established plane:

  1. Make room in your home for painting baseboards. Cover the floor with paper or film to prevent paint from getting onto the finish. It is important that there is no through wind or direct sunlight in this room. If you purchased a can of paint, start spraying it on the fillets at a distance of 30 cm from the fixture. If you are using paint, apply the mixture to a brush and apply the paint with light and smooth movements along the baseboard. To answer the question: is it necessary to paint the ceiling plinth a second time, you need to check how well the paint has applied. If the first layer does not give the desired result, brush again, only after it has completely dried.
  2. It is necessary to process the plinth, which is already glued to the base, differently. Before painting polyurethane baseboards, use masking tape. Stick it along the entire perimeter of the room on the walls and ceilings. Don't worry about damaging the finish; masking tape can be easily removed from any surface. After the preparatory work, use paint and a thin brush to paint the product lengthwise. You can remove the masking tape only after the coating has dried.

Drying will occur faster if there is sufficient air circulation, but do not forget that the products should not be exposed to ultraviolet radiation.

During the painting process, make sure that the brush does not leave streaks or lint. The decor should remain in the same form, without flaws.

Recommendations for painting ceiling plinths

In order for the coloring process to proceed correctly, it is important to listen to the following advice from masters who have experience in this work:

  • Use wide tape to protect the finish before painting the baseboard; this option will help protect the wallpaper and ceiling more reliably.

  • Choose high-quality embossed or smooth foam ceiling plinth. Whether the product needs to be painted after installation or before this procedure is up to the consumer to decide.

  • Do not forget about caring for the product - the painted surface must be washed with a damp cloth as it gets dirty.

  • Work with coloring compositions in special clothing and gloves, and also ensure the safety of the selected composition.

Choose a product that matches the style of the room’s interior. How to paint a ceiling plinth is now known from our article. Relief models are most suitable for classic interiors, and straight fillets without patterns will be appropriate in modern room designs.