Kidney tea: beneficial properties and contraindications for older people. Kidney tea: its beneficial properties and contraindications

Orthosiphon kidney tea is named after the plant of the same name, which is part of it. Orthosiphon is perennial plant and refers to shrubs and herbaceous family Lamiaceae, and is also a close relative of Basil and Salvia. The popular name for this shrub is “cat’s whisker” due to its long stamen structure. The part of the plant that grows above the ground is the most valuable; medicines, including kidney tea, are produced from it. For the production of bud tea, the foliage and apical shoots of Orthosiphon are used.

Useful substances included in Orthosiphon

Cat's whisker foliage contains a large number of healing and highly effective chemical compounds. The leaves contain bitter orthosiphonine glycoside, essential oils, triterpene saponins, as well as a large amount of organic acids. Organic acids in the composition of orthosiphonide include: phenolcarboxylic, tartaric, citric and rosmarinic acids. Besides organic matter, cat's whisker leaves are rich in potassium ions and salts.

Positive effects

The subshrub Orthosiphon staminate has a huge number of positive effects, among which the following is worth noting: a pronounced diuretic effect. In this case, increased diuresis does not lead to significant losses of potassium. Thereby unique property renal collection orthosiphon can be considered a potassium-sparing diuretic drug. In addition to the diuretic effect, phenolcarbon compounds have a remarkable anti-inflammatory effect, which is why the renal collection can be used for kidney diseases such as glomerulonephritis, pyelonephritis, cystitis and urethritis.

The anti-inflammatory effect of orthosiphon is achieved by activating the local immune response, reducing venous stagnation, thereby reducing tissue swelling and improving microcirculation in the tissues of the kidneys and urinary tract. The drug has proven itself well in both acute and chronic inflammatory diseases. Kidney tea perfectly complements conservative therapy in the treatment of kidney stones.

Dried orthosiphon leaves, ready for infusion

Many doctors recommend the use of Orthosiphon kidney tea during pregnancy to relieve the woman’s body. Renal collection helps to gently, without increased load on the filtration glomerular apparatus of the kidneys, remove the main metabolic products and metabolites.

When orthosiphon is used together with the herbs bearberry and horsetail, the therapeutic effects of both drugs are enhanced. Kidney collection has proven itself in the treatment of edema syndrome of various etiologies, including those arising due to diseases of the urinary system and pathology of the liver.

Mechanism of action

Kidney tea increases the rate of glomerular filtration, improves the function of reabsorption in the renal tubules, and is a muscle relaxant for smooth muscle fibers, thereby promoting the expansion of the renal tubules and relieving spasm in their system. The drug promotes alkalinization of urine, which is the prevention of urolithiasis, and also has a good effect on cystitis.

Medicinal use

In urological practice, orthosiphon is used for inflammatory diseases of the kidneys, ureters, bladder and urethra, as well as for metabolic disorders in the body. The drug well complements the therapeutic effect of crushing kidney stones using ultrasound.

In addition to the direct effect on the filtration activity of the kidneys and improving their functioning, orthosiphon has other positive effects. Thus, in case of chronic diseases of the gallbladder, cholecystitis, pancreatitis and cholelithiasis, renal collection promotes improved discharge of bile by reducing the concentration of mucus and leukocytes in it. The choleretic effect helps prevent the occurrence of obstructive jaundice due to obstruction of the cystic duct. Orthosiphon has a therapeutic effect in the treatment of gastritis with low acidity of gastric juice.

Orthosiphon kidney tea can be used in the treatment of the following diseases:

  • urolithiasis disease;
  • gout;
  • cystitis and urethritis;
  • cholelithiasis;
  • cholecystitis;
  • gastritis;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • diabetes.

Orthosiphon can be purchased at any pharmacy

Thanks to its wide range of positive effects on the body, orthosiphon has proven itself not only in urological practice, but also in gastroenterology and endocrinology. Many people will include orthosiphon in their diet for weight loss, as tea helps to effectively remove waste and toxins from the body, helping to cleanse it as quickly as possible.

The use of the drug orthosiphon during pregnancy and lactation deserves special attention. Kidney collection improves the well-being of a pregnant woman and her general health, relieves swelling, which is sure to form in absolutely any woman.

It is worth noting that orthosiphon should be used in pure form, without additional additives, so be sure to take this point into account when choosing a drug, since there are a large number of fees that include a complex of medicinal substances.

Taking the drug

Be sure to read the instructions before starting to use the drug. The instructions are attached to the drug, it details the pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics of the drug, as well as side effects from taking it. Be sure to read the contraindications for the drug!

Orthosiphon is used 30 minutes before meals. To prepare kidney tea, you need to pour 5 grams of orthosiphon into 250 ml. boiling water and leave for 3 hours. After this, the tea is ready to drink. The drug is used 2 times a day, in the morning and at lunch.

Orthosiphon can also be used as an infusion; for this, 1 teaspoon of the drug is poured into 200 ml. boiling water and incubate for 20 minutes, after which the infusion is ready for use. It is advisable not to use kidney tea in the afternoon. Orthosiphon is used as a course of treatment, which directly depends on the disease. On average, the cycle of taking kidney tea takes 2-3 months, followed by discontinuation of the drug and control testing.

Orthosiphon kidney tea is a medicinal product that has a positive effect not only on the body’s urinary function, but also on bile formation, as well as most parts of metabolism. The drug is suitable for the treatment of a large number of diseases associated with the genitourinary and digestive systems of the human body, which is why it has earned such good feedback not only from patients, but also from doctors.

Orthosiphon is an excellent addition to the treatment of a wide variety of diseases.

Medicinal herbs today are used not only by traditional healers and herbalists. Many of them are part of complex therapy in traditional medicine. Among the numerous healing herbs on the pharmacy windows you can see a box with the inscription “Kidney tea”.

It is easy to guess that this remedy is intended to treat various kidney diseases. People suffering from such illnesses know how painful these diseases are and how difficult their treatment is. Perhaps pharmacy tea for the kidneys is a panacea for serious diseases? What does it contain? Who is it shown to? What properties does it have? In this article we will try to answer these questions.

Kidney tea plant: description

Kidney tea (orthosiphon stamen, cat's whisker) is a perennial evergreen, most often a subshrub, which in natural conditions grows in northern Australia, tropical America, the island of Java, and Southeast Asia. In our country it is successfully cultivated in the Caucasus and Crimea.

The height of the plant ranges from a meter to one and a half. Well branched stem, tetrahedral. The lower part is colored purple, and at the top - in green. The leaves on it are located on short petioles, opposite. They have an ovoid-lanceolate shape, resembling an elongated rhombus. The edges of the leaf blade are jagged. The length of the leaves is about six centimeters, and the width does not exceed two centimeters.

Light purple (or lilac) flowers are located in the upper part of the branches, in the axils of the leaves. They form a racemose inflorescence with a pyramidal shape. The plant is popularly called the cat's whisker, due to the fact that each flower has four long stamens, reminiscent of a cat's whiskers.

The fruits are oval or round nuts. The plant blooms from mid-July to the end of August. The procurement of raw materials is carried out in several stages: summer season: collect leaves or leafy apical shoots (flesh). The crushed and dried raw materials are packaged in pharmaceutical packaging.

A large pack usually contains fifty grams of kidney tea or thirty (twenty) filter bags.

Medicinal properties and composition

The following beneficial substances were found in orthosiphon (kidney tea):

  • glycoside orthosiphonin;
  • citric, rosemary, phenolcarboxylic, tartaric acids;
  • flavonoids, triterpene saponins;
  • mesoinoside, essential oils;
  • fatty acid;
  • tannins;
  • selenium, manganese, zinc, boron, aluminum, cobalt;
  • iron, potassium, magnesium, calcium.

Kidney tea is an excellent medicinal plant with a powerful diuretic effect. It is used in the treatment of many serious kidney diseases and is effective in urinary retention.

IN European countries this plant has been used since 1927. Since then it has been included in herbal collections and ready-made drugs. For example, with the so-called wrinkled kidney, it is used as a diuretic tea, which helps remove chlorides, urea, and uric acid from the body.

As a result of the use of this plant, glomerular filtration is enhanced and tubular function is normalized. This tea has a mild antispasmodic and analgesic effect for the treatment of kidney diseases. But at the same time, it does not have an irritating effect on kidney tissue. In addition, orthosiphon exhibits relaxing (antispastic) properties on organs with smooth muscles. It improves appetite, enhances the production and secretion of bile, and promotes the formation of gastric juice. This plant maximally saturates the body with many macro- and microelements, potassium salts.

How to make tea for kidney disease?

There are several cooking options medicines based on the staminate orthosiphon. Let's consider them further.


Pour two tablespoons (tablespoons) of orthosiphon leaves into a thermos in the evening. Pour 500 ml of boiling water over them. In the morning the infusion will be ready for use. It must be filtered and taken three times a day, 150 ml. This tea is useful for pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis, cystitis, urethritis, cholecystitis, gout, diathesis, atherosclerosis.

Cold infusion

Place a spoon full of dry crushed orthosiphon leaves in a mug. They should be filled with 250 ml of chilled boiled water. Stir the medicine periodically. It should sit for twelve hours. Take it one or two glasses a day, warmed. This remedy is suitable for “flushing” the urinary system in case of various inflammatory diseases, the presence of sand or kidney stones.

By the way, many herbalists recommend taking milk tea to treat kidneys. However, this issue remains controversial among representatives of traditional medicine. Some experts believe that if you have kidney stones, you should not drink this remedy at all, since milk promotes the deposition of oxalates in the kidneys and the formation of urate-oxalate stones.

Another group of doctors believes that milk is harmful to the kidneys because it contains a large amount of calcium, from which stones are formed. Nevertheless, tea prepared on the basis of orthosiphon for kidney stones is quite effective. It really cleanses the body of toxins and removes stones.


Place four grams of crushed dry orthosiphon leaves in a small enamel container, pour a quarter liter of boiling water over them and cover with a lid. Place the container on water bath for a quarter of an hour. Then leave the composition for forty-five minutes at room temperature: during this time, the flow of active substances from plant materials continues. The decoction is taken seventy milliliters three times a day, before meals.

Does the plant have any contraindications?

None side effects was not detected when patients who strictly followed the dosage took this drug. To get the maximum effect, you can drink kidney tea in long courses (up to eight months), taking a break for six days after each month.

If individual intolerance to the dosage form to this plant or allergic reactions occurs, stop taking the drugs. If you have chronic serious diseases, you should consult your doctor before starting treatment.

Tea "Evalar Bio" for kidneys

Modern pharmaceuticals today offer quite wide choose herbal preparations intended for the treatment of kidneys. Judging by the reviews, Evalar kidney tea is one of the most effective of them. This collection is obtained from herbs that first undergo a tea leaf processing process. This achieves a pleasant taste and exquisite aroma. Plant plantations are located in Altai and are the property of the manufacturing enterprise of the Evalar line.

The drug consists of herbs grown using specially developed technologies (without the use of artificial fertilizers and GMOs). It is recommended to improve the functioning of the urinary tract and kidneys. This is a natural product that does not contain dyes or aromatic substances.

Features of the composition and form of release

The packaging of Evalar Bio kidney tea contains twenty filter bags. They are designed for a twenty-day course of treatment. The collection includes:

  • cherry stalks, which relieve inflammatory processes, have a diuretic property;
  • birch leaves are an antiseptic that takes part in the processes of urine excretion from the body;
  • bearberry, which relieves inflammation, has antimicrobial properties and a diuretic effect;
  • knotweed herb, which relieves pain and spasms, and also improves the condition of the urinary tract.

This kidney tea is recommended for kidney diseases, as an adjuvant in complex therapy. The product is an active food additive. In addition, the drug is recommended for cleansing the body. Cellulite and excess weight are also indications for taking this remedy.

Mode of application

Pour 200 ml of boiling water over one bag of kidney tea. Let it sit for ten minutes. Adults need to take a glass of this remedy twice a day. Reception food additives lasts for twenty days. If necessary, you can repeat the course, but after a ten-day break.

"Evalar Bio" retains its properties for two years in a dry place, out of reach of children, at a temperature not exceeding +25 °C. The price of Evalar Bio tea for the kidneys is from 120 to 140 rubles.


Despite the fact that this is a completely safe, environmentally friendly product, it has some contraindications. These include:

  • pregnancy;
  • lactation period;
  • individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

Precautions and overdose

It is not recommended to start taking this medication on your own, without consulting your doctor. Carefully read the instructions for use and strictly follow the dosage. Do not replace kidney treatment with prescribed medications with tea. Cases of overdose with this pharmacological agent have not been described by the manufacturer.

In ancient times, when medical chemicals had not yet been invented, the only medicines for the sick were plants. People treated nature as a deity, and accordingly, medicinal herbs were perceived as divine gifts. An unconditional gift of nature - kidney tea has long been used in folk medicine Asia and Europe for the treatment of kidney diseases. A distinctive and beneficial property of this tea is its mild diuretic and antispasmodic effect, which alleviates the course of many diseases.

Composition and beneficial properties

The kidneys are a complex multifunctional organ human body. Despite this, many kidney disorders can be corrected by regular use of certain medicinal plants. One of these plants is the evergreen tropical shrub orthosiphon staminate (bud tea, popularly cat's whisker).

Be careful not to confuse kidney tea with kidney medicine. Kidney tea is the leaves and shoots of Orthosiphon staminate, and bud teas include several different herbs.

Cat's whiskers do not grow wild in Russia, but, fortunately, they are sold in any pharmacy. Its leaves and shoots contain a wide range of useful substances:

  • glycoside Orthosiphonin
  • terpene saponins
  • flavonoids
  • beta-sitosterol
  • tannins
  • potassium salts
  • organic acids
  • fatty oil
  • alkaloids

The components are useful for a number of diseases. The glycoside Orthosiphonine improves blood circulation and is used in the treatment of hypertension and heart failure. Saponins regulate mineral and water-salt metabolism, which explains the famous diuretic effect of orthosiphon, which brings relief from edema. Swelling decreases due to the removal of uric acid, chlorides and urea from the body.

The anti-inflammatory properties of kidney tea are provided by both saponins and tannins. Flavonoids have an antioxidant effect and also strengthen the walls of blood vessels. Thanks to organic acids (citric, tartaric, rosemary and phenolcarbonic), orthosiphon tea stimulates bile secretion, the production of gastric juice and maintains the normal acid-base balance of the body. Beta-sitosterol reduces the absorption of cholesterol from digestive tract, which protects against obesity and atherosclerosis. Due to the high content of potassium salts in the leaves, the cat's whisker does not wash away, but, on the contrary, helps accumulate potassium, unlike other diuretics. But alkaloids in the leaves of this plant are found in such small quantities that they do not have a noticeable effect.

The far protruding stamens of the orthosiphon resemble a cat's whiskers.

The diuretic, anti-edematous, hypotensive, choleretic and antispasmodic properties of orthosiphon facilitate the treatment of diseases that are accompanied by edema and stone formation: urethritis, cholecystitis, urolithiasis, cystitis and pyelonephritis. Infusions of this medicinal plant prescribed for hypertension and heart diseases. A mild sedative effect of orthosiphon was also noticed.

Drink more water during treatment, as long-term use of diuretic herbs can lead to dehydration.

How to use kidney tea

Bulk or in filter bags, orthosiphon is sold in any form. Brew tea in bags with half a cup of boiling water and infuse, stirring occasionally. After a quarter of an hour top up warm water to the top of the cup, after squeezing and removing the bag. For edema and impaired renal function, diseases of the cardiovascular system and cholecystitis, this tea is consumed 30 minutes before meals twice a day.

Kidney tea from the leaves and shoots of orthosiphon is prepared in the form of decoctions and infusions. There are hot and cold infusions depending on the temperature of the water with which the leaves are poured.

Instructions for use of kidney tea

Any ready-made decoctions and infusions of orthosiphon are stored in a cold place for no longer than 2 days!

Infusion for kidney stones

Due to its diuretic and antispasmodic properties, kidney tea is used to expel stones. However, such therapy will take a long time. Strict contraindications to removing stones with tea are diseases of the urinary system: anuria, narrowing of the ureters and inflammation of the kidneys.

For sand and stones in the kidneys, urinary and gall bladder, orthosiphon is brewed according to the following recipe: 1 tbsp. Pour 250 ml of boiling water over a spoonful of leaves and leave for half an hour. After straining, add a little water to the original volume. Tea is drunk warmed twice a day 30 minutes before meals. Single serving: half a glass. The course of treatment with infusion is from 3 to 6 months, depending on the doctor’s recommendations.

During infusion, kidney tea is stirred from time to time.

Kidney tea is unique in that, unlike other diuretics, it does not flush potassium from the body and is therefore recommended for heart disease. Lack of potassium leads to disturbances in the functioning of the heart muscle, convulsions, slow healing of wounds and severe cases, to nervous exhaustion.

Decoction for hypertension, heart disease, edema

High blood pressure, atherosclerosis and heart disease are often accompanied by acute or chronic renal dysfunction. The process of urine formation slows down and the fluid is removed from the body too slowly. For heart and kidney failure, doctors advise drinking a decoction of orthosiphon.

Recipe No. 1

1 tbsp. a spoonful of dry leaves is poured into a glass of boiling water and boiled for a quarter of an hour in a water bath. Next, the decoction is infused for an hour, squeezed out and taken 1 tbsp. spoon 30 minutes before meals three times a day.

Recipe No. 2

1 tablespoon of the drink is poured into a glass of boiling water and boiled over low heat for 5 minutes, then infused for 3 hours and squeezed out. Next, the resulting decoction is divided into 2 equal doses. Take 1 serving twice a day before meals.

Decoctions to relieve swelling are taken for up to six months with mandatory breaks every 2 weeks for 5 days.

Diseases of the kidneys, bladder, gall bladder, and liver are too serious; you should not rely on the power of herbs alone. Surely it will be necessary drug treatment, consult your doctor so that the disease does not become chronic.

Cold infusion for inflammation of the genitourinary organs, diseases of the liver, gastrointestinal tract

Urethritis, cystitis, nephritis, pyelonephritis and other inflammatory processes cause severe pain during exacerbation. Treatment consists of suppressing infection and pain relief. A strong, cold infusion of kidney tea will help achieve this. Brew 2 tbsp in a thermos overnight. spoons of orthosiphon, pour 500 ml of boiling water. The next morning, filter the drink and drink it 3 times a day before meals for one week. Single dose: half a glass.

Due to the choleretic properties of orthosiphon, cold infusion is also recommended as an adjuvant therapy for cholecystitis and gastritis with low acidity. However, for these diseases, the infusion is taken 30 minutes after meals.

The infusion is kept in a thermos for 6 to 12 hours

Decoction for chronic glomerulonephritis, pyelonephritis, cystitis

Treatment of chronic diseases of the urinary organs is not complete without infusion of cat's whiskers: 3 tbsp. spoons of leaves are poured into 200 ml hot water and boil in a water bath for 15 minutes. Then add water to the cooled infusion to 200 ml. Drink a third of a glass 2-3 times a day for six months, taking a break every month for 5 days.

Kidney tea is best prepared in enamel dishes; the surface of such dishes does not react with the active substances of orthosiphon.

Cold infusion for urinary retention

For difficulties with emptying the bladder (urethritis, cystitis), a cold infusion of orthosiphon is successfully used. Pour 1 tbsp into a glass of cold water. spoon of herbs and filter after 12 hours. This remedy is taken twice a day, one glass at a time until the desired diuretic effect is achieved.

Before drinking the infusion, make sure that urinary retention is not due to stones blocking the urethra. A blocked canal causes severe pain and will require surgery.

Tea and infusion of orthosiphon for excess weight

Cat's whiskers without additives are used in the fight against obesity in cases where extra pounds have formed due to metabolic disorders, water-salt balance and fluid stagnation in the body. Leaf kidney tea: 1 dessert spoon of leaves is poured with 250 ml of boiling water, simmered in a water bath for 15 minutes, filtered. Bagged tea: brew 2 tea bags at once with a glass of boiling water, leave for a quarter of an hour under the lid, then squeeze and remove. Drink the infusion in 2 or 3 doses half an hour before meals. The daily dose of tea is no more than 1 glass.

Orthosiphon has a calming effect, so the infusion is safe to take at night. On the other hand, this is a diuretic, and the night is given to us for sleep, so it is wiser to take Orthosiphon in 2 doses, morning and afternoon, unless the attending physician prescribes otherwise.

Orthosiphon during pregnancy

During the hot summer months, pregnant women often complain of swollen legs and take orthosiphon anti-edema tea at their own risk. However, this should not be done. Kidney tea is contraindicated during pregnancy due to the risk of impaired fetal development and miscarriage.

Kidney tea mixed with other herbs

Sometimes it is necessary to enhance the diuretic, anti-inflammatory or antispasmodic effect of orthosiphon. In such cases, other herbs with the desired properties are added to the kidney tea.

Adding other herbs to kidney tea enhances its healing effect

Bearberry mixture

The following herbal tea is used for infectious and other inflammatory diseases of the kidneys: pyelonephritis, cystitis, urethritis and nephritis. Not only orthosiphon is used here, bearberry (bear ears) is added as a powerful disinfectant component: 2.5 tablespoons of orthosiphon and 2.5 tablespoons of bearberry, pour 250 ml of cold water and leave for 10 hours. The infusion is consumed slightly warmed, 2-3 glasses per day. Course duration: 1 week.

Due to its strong kidney irritant effect, bearberry is not recommended for acute inflammatory processes. This herb is also prohibited during pregnancy, as consumption overstimulates the uterine muscles.

Lingonberry mixture

The therapeutic effect of the duet of kidney tea and lingonberry leaf in the treatment of bladder inflammation cannot be overestimated. Lingonberries enhance the antiseptic and diuretic effects of tea and help disinfect the urinary tract.

A dessert spoon of orthosiphon and a tablespoon of lingonberries are brewed with 250 ml of boiling water, left for 1 hour and squeezed. Drink a mixed infusion three times a day, 125 ml, half an hour before meals.

Lingonberry leaves contain arbutin, a potent natural antiseptic.

Collection No. 1 for glomerulonephritis

Good results in the treatment of glomerulonephritis, urethritis, cystitis and other diseases are obtained from a complex collection based on kidney tea. To compose the mixture, take 1 part calamus root, 2 parts each of thyme, mint, flax seeds, oak bark, rose hips, 3 parts each of orthosiphon leaf, lingonberry and calendula, 4 parts knotweed herb, 5 parts St. John's wort herb and 6 parts marsh grass. . Every evening, brew 2-3 tbsp in a thermos. spoons of mixture 500 ml boiling water. In the morning (no less than 6 hours later) filter and take 3 times a day half an hour before meals. The course lasts 1–2 months.

Collection No. 2 for urolithiasis and pyelonephritis

In case of exacerbation of urolithiasis and chronic pyelonephritis, a herbal tea with this tea will significantly alleviate the patient’s condition: it will relieve inflammation and relieve pain. The collection includes: 10 parts each of orthosiphon, lingonberry (or bearberry), horsetail and 15 parts each of plantain leaves, chamomile and calendula flowers. A tablespoon of herbal mixture is poured into a glass of boiling water and left for 30 minutes in a water bath. Then remove from the stove and leave for another hour at room temperature. The decoction is taken 8 times a day, a quarter glass, until the exacerbation is relieved.

Collection No. 3 for gout

It is known that orthosiphon removes uric acid from the body, which facilitates the treatment of gout. Taken in equal parts kidney and Kuril tea, licorice, bearberry, knotweed, yarrow, St. John's wort and bay leaf. Two tablespoons of the thoroughly mixed mixture are poured into a thermos and 500 ml of boiling water is brewed. After 6 hours, the infusion is ready. Take 50 ml 3 times a day. The course of treatment is 1 month.

A special Qigong exercise “Golden Rooster Standing on One Leg” will help enhance the effect of tea: stand straight, raise one leg, bending it at the knee and close your eyes. Your goal is to maintain your balance for as long as possible and cause a flow of energy to your legs. The ancient Chinese claim that regular practice of this exercise helps to heal and overcome fear, which is the cause of kidney disease.

Contraindications and possible harm

Orthosiphon has no analogues regarding the safety of use, however, there are contraindications:

  • children under 12 years old
  • individual intolerance
  • overdose
  • hypotension
  • gastritis and stomach ulcers with high acidity
  • allergy to components
  • pregnancy

Good day, dear friends! When you hear the phrase kidney tea, what comes to mind is either that it is tea from the buds of a tree, or a medicinal drink for human kidneys. So we won’t consider the first option, but the second one practically coincides with the chosen topic.

Firstly, this drink contains useful substance– orthosiphon staminate. And secondly, it helps eliminate many kidney problems. However, not only them. Search the Internet for kidney tea reviews and you will receive comprehensive information about what misfortunes people have managed to get rid of with its help.

Renal herbal teas They bring the functioning of the kidneys and urinary system back to normal, cleanse the body of toxins, and remove stones from it. Meanwhile, such drinks should not be tried “out of the blue,” but in compliance with the instructions in order to avoid harm to health.

Kidney herbal teas normalize the functioning of the kidneys and urinary system, cleanse the body of toxins, and remove stones from it.

Let us recall that the key component of such tea is orthosiphon stamen; in addition, to enhance its effect, other plants are added to the drink. Kidney tea helps strengthen the entire body, which makes it even more popular. The product contains a huge amount of useful essential oils, microelements and vitamins.

This miracle tea helps cure diseases such as:

  • gout;
  • urethritis;
  • diabetes;
  • cholecystitis.

Kidney tea for cystitis is perhaps the main remedy. Indispensable kidney teas with pyelonephritis. However, the drink should be used strictly according to the recommendation of the attending physician, and in a certain amount for each age. Take any kidney tea, instructions for use read:

  • Children aged 3 to 7 are recommended to drink a teaspoon of the drink twice a day;
  • from 7 to 12 – two teaspoons with the same frequency;
  • from 12 to 14 – a third of a glass twice a day;
  • Teenagers over 14 and adults are recommended to take half a glass of tea on the same schedule.

Kidney tea: instructions

When purchasing the described product at a pharmacy, you should carefully read the printed insert included with it. According to one of the instructions, orthosiphon kidney tea is consumed in the following order:

  • brew two bags or a teaspoon of tea per two hundred milliliters of boiling water at once;
  • infuse the drink for about fifteen minutes in a water bath;
  • cool for about forty-five minutes;
  • drink half an hour before meals, and for cholecystitis - half an hour after a meal.

When purchasing the described product at a pharmacy, you should carefully read the printed insert included with it.


Taking kidney tea should not be thoughtless; it is recommended to first visit your doctor, who will advise and tell you what dose will benefit a particular patient.

Recipe for those suffering from pyelonephritis:

  • pour 5 grams of raw material with a glass of boiled water and boil over low heat for 5 minutes;
  • let the product stand for 3 hours, then filter;
  • drink the drink twice a day before meals, half a glass;
  • the course of treatment is designed for a month.

Recipe for cystitis, gout, kidney stones:

  • Infuse 3 grams of tea leaves in a glass of boiling water for 20 minutes;
  • then filter the kidney tea and add hot water to complete the volume;
  • take the product twice a day before meals, ½ cup;
  • the course of treatment lasts a month, and then there is a break for one and a half to two months, and the procedure is repeated if necessary.

Recipe for urinary problems:

  • pour one tablespoon of orthosiphon in 250 milliliters of cold water;
  • insist on drinking for half a day;
  • we drink the infusion twice a day, 200 milliliters;
  • course - month.

For inflammation of the bladder:

  • make a mixture of orthosiphon and bearberry leaf (one teaspoon of each herb);
  • fill it with 250 milliliters of cold water;
  • infuse kidney tea for 10 hours;
  • drink the product in a warm state, 2 glasses a day;
  • The course lasts about six months (possibly 4 months) with a break of 6 days every month.

For kidney and bladder diseases:

  • Brew one tablespoon of lingonberry leaves and kidney tea in a glass of boiling water;
  • leave for about an hour, then filter;
  • take the drink two or three times a day, ½ glass, 20 minutes before meals;
  • the course lasts a month.

Kidney tea helps with high blood pressure

Recipe for high blood pressure:

  • brew kidney tea leaves in 400 milliliters of boiling water;
  • insist in a thermos from the evening until the next morning;
  • In the morning, filter the infusion and drink 150 milliliters before meals;
  • the course lasts a month.

For cholecystitis:

  • pour a glass of boiling water into a tablespoon of herbal kidney tea;
  • leave for one hour;
  • drink the infusion ½ glass twice a day after meals;
  • course – one month followed by a week break;
  • The total treatment period is about six months.

Recipe for improving blood circulation:

  • according to the instructions, pour the leaves of orthosiphon stamen renal tea with a glass of boiled water;
  • close the container with a lid and place in a steam bath for about 15 minutes;
  • infuse the product for 45 minutes, then strain and squeeze;
  • add water to 200 milliliters;
  • drink the heated infusion ½ cup before meals three times a day;
  • course - month.

You can buy kidney tea in bags at the pharmacy.

And for dessert - kidney tea in bags. How to brew correctly:

  • pour a tea bag with ½ cup of boiling water;
  • leave for 15 minutes, squeeze out the bag;
  • use boiled water to bring the volume of infusion to 100 milliliters;
  • how to drink kidney tea in bags: before use, the infusion should be shaken and drunk half an hour before meals, ½ glass two to three times a day;
  • the course lasts two to three weeks.

Useful properties and contraindications

Like many other medicinal products, orthosiphon stamen has unique composition. However, its properties are not capable of bringing tangible benefits to every person. A medical examination can show how suitable this plant is for treating a particular individual.

By the way, if you carefully study the composition of kidney tea, you can find out that the collection may include a whole assortment of all kinds of herbs. On the packaging it is easy to find mention of birch leaves, knotweed, juniper berries, rose hips, etc. In addition, manufacturers often add St. John's wort, string, sage, dandelion root and much, much more to the mixture. Ultimately, it all depends on the specific purpose of the product.

The properties of kidney tea are clearly manifested in the treatment of cystitis, when the medicine has a complex effect:

  • eliminates stagnation of urine;
  • removes infection from the bladder and urethra by washing it out;
  • stops the proliferation of pathogenic microbes.

For cystitis, you can drink almost any herbal infusion; kidney tea with lingonberries and bearberry is especially useful. This medicine is good because it is natural and affordable.

The beneficial properties of kidney tea are understandable, because it contains substances such as:

  • tannin (has a tonic effect);
  • organic acids (improve digestion);
  • triterpene saponins (have expectorant properties);
  • tannins (have anti-inflammatory effects);
  • potassium salts (regulate water balance in the body, reduce swelling and relieve chronic fatigue);
  • alkaloids (stimulate the heart);
  • bioflavonoids (good antioxidants);
  • beta-sitosterol (lowers cholesterol in blood vessels, reduces the risk of cancer);
  • essential oils (have bactericidal properties and regenerating effects).

Kidney tea is a diuretic drink. With its help, the level of production of urea and uric acid in the body and the secretion of bile increase, which improves the removal of harmful substances.

The use of “cat's whisker” (as orthosiphon is popularly called) significantly improves the functioning of the gastric mucosa and reduces the content of leukocytes in bile.

Orthosiphon kidney tea is used in urology. For example, it is recommended for kidney disease, which causes edema and increased protein content in the urine. For diseases of the urinary system (cystitis and urethritis) it is prescribed as a disinfectant.

Unfortunately, this wonderful remedy has disadvantages, namely: for some categories of citizens, the use of kidney tea is contraindicated... In no case should it be used by hypersensitive people with allergic reaction on this plant. It is also dangerous:

  • for gastritis and ulcers;
  • when combined with alcohol.

Also, this tea should not be drunk by children under three years of age. It is not recommended for teenagers under twelve unless prescribed by a doctor.

Kidney tea during pregnancy

Can pregnant women drink kidney tea? In most cases, orthosiphon teas are prohibited for such patients, although with some reservations and at a negligible dosage - it is allowed, why not!

Just as in other cases, a course of treatment with kidney tea for pregnant women is prescribed by a specialist, because not every tea is suitable for use by expectant mothers.

Doctors are confident that natural diuretics, despite their ambiguity, bring fewer side problems than tablets, which are mostly full of chemicals. During the gestation period, you can drink a little of this decoction (for example, in such cases, we advise you to pay attention to kidney tea with lingonberries), the main thing is to strictly follow the instructions.

Can pregnant women drink kidney tea?

During pregnancy, the prepared infusion of kidney tea is drunk during one day in tiny portions (less than a third of a cup) three times a day. The course is carried out under the supervision of a doctor and for about a month. Kidney tea is useful because it reduces swelling in pregnant women and restores acceptable blood pressure.

Kidney tea in case of kidney failure removes excess uric acid from the body and prevents nephropathy.

From any point of view, it is preferable to buy kidney tea at a pharmacy - here it is unlikely to run into a “left product”, low-quality products. A normal pharmacy sells certified herbs with a medicinal effect. There should be instructions inside the tea package, and the expiration date should be indicated on the package itself.

The price of kidney tea in a pharmacy is very, very affordable.

People who need it often buy “cat whiskers” at the market, but this, you see, is risky. How can you know where, when and how the raw materials were collected, and whether they were collected correctly? How was it dried and stored? You can buy kidney tea on the Internet, but even there you buy a “pig in a poke”, and besides, you also pay for the delivery of fairly inexpensive raw materials!

However, there is an opportunity to seriously save money if you try to prepare orthosiphon kidney tea yourself, but herbs of this type require too much time to prepare.

Collecting herbs for tea is a useful and interesting activity.

Firstly, the staminate orthosiphon is not so easy to find. Secondly, at home it is not easy to ensure proper fermentation of raw materials. But if you still decide to “go hunting”, then know:

  • Orthosiphon bud tea leaves are collected exclusively in summer;
  • When collecting, it is necessary to cut off only the tops of the plant;
  • for fermentation tea renal orthosiphon lay in a thick layer and press down with a press;
  • dry the leaves at high temperature and sunny weather;
  • Drying of bud tea plants is done in a dry and ventilated place.

If you are going to buy kidney tea (photo) at a pharmacy, then your costs will be negligible. In Russian pharmacy stores, a package of such medicine weighing 50 grams will cost a hundred rubles, or even less.

The best kidney tea even has certain names. As examples, we can recommend spending money on Nephron kidney tea, which helps get rid of kidney disease and ailments in the urinary system. Or kidney monastery tea, which affects the improvement of everyone’s work internal organs, and in particular – to normalize blood pressure.

Kidney tea is a herbal tea used to treat diseases of the urinary organs.

Its action is based on the diuretic, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect provided by medicinal plants included in the composition.

How to take kidney tea correctly - we will study the instructions for phytotherapeutic treatment of the kidneys.


Most medicinal mixtures consist of diuretic herbs (cat's whisker, lingonberry and bearberry leaves), antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory ingredients. Real kidney tea is called orthosiphon stamen and its leaves or cat's whisker - a mild plant diuretic from the Lamiaceae family.

The herb is used according to indications:

  • chronic and acute inflammation of the kidneys;
  • urethritis;
  • cystitis;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • edema associated with cardiovascular pathologies, hypertension;
  • swelling in pregnant women.

Orthosiphon helps normalize urodynamics, improving glomerular filtration and tubular functioning; promotes the removal of excess salts and the dissolution of urate and oxalate stones due to alkalization of urine; the separation of fluid in the body doubles, flushing the kidneys and urinary tract.

The antispastic effect of the plant is used to relieve pain in renal colic. The monocomponent herbal medicine Orthosiphon is produced based on cat's whiskers.

You can get other ready-made kidney preparations at the pharmacy:

  1. Urophyton: bearberry, birch, plantain leaves, horsetail and St. John's wort herbs, calendula flowers, licorice root. Herbal tea acts as a diuretic uroseptic, promotes the dissolution of sand, destroys fungal infection in the urinary tract. Taking Urophyton relieves swelling, reduces allergic manifestations, and has a sedative effect.
  2. Phytonephrol is a urological collection of bearberry and peppermint leaves, marigold inflorescences, dill seeds, and Eleutherococcus roots. It is used in the complex treatment of nephropathologies and urological diseases as an antiseptic, antispasmodic and diuretic.
  3. Nephron is a kidney tea with uroseptic and diuretic effects, normalizes water-salt metabolism. The medicine contains: lingonberry leaves, St. John's wort, knotweed, goldenrod, calendula, nettle, peppermint, horsetail, corn silk, calamus root, hop cones.

Instructions for taking renal fees

Methods of using kidney tea depend on the disease:

  1. Orthosiphon herb is brewed and drunk for chronic inflammation and for preventive purposes at the rate of 2 - 3 tablespoons of raw material per glass of boiling water. A single dose of tea is half or a third of a glass before each meal. Courses last 30 days with weekly breaks for 6 – 8 months.
  2. For inflammation in the bladder, urethra, kidneys, hypertension and mild swelling, add 5 grams. herbs into a saucepan with 250 ml of hot water, place the container in a water bath for 5 minutes. Remove the broth from the stove, leave for 3 hours, drain through cheesecloth. Take half a glass of tea before meals twice a day.
  3. Cystitis and kidney stones are treated with tea brewed in this way: 3 g. Leave the herbs in a glass of boiling water for 20 minutes, then filter and add hot water to the top. Take in the same way as the previous recipe.
  4. Brew the kidney collection in a thermos overnight (2 tablespoons of raw material per 2 cups of boiling water). Drink 150 ml of strained tea before meals. This method of preparing a decoction is suitable for high blood pressure, uric acid diathesis, stone deposits in the kidneys, and inflammation of the urinary system.
  5. Urinary retention and painful sensations can be relieved with infused cold water(250 ml) for 12 hours with cat's whisker grass (1 tbsp). Brew cool tea and drink 1 glass per meal - 2 times a day.
  6. Urophyton herbal tea is sold in filter bags. 1-2 bags of the mixture should be brewed in a glass of water 30-35 minutes before meals and drunk at the time of eating. Per day – 2 doses.
  7. Nephron kidney tea is infused a little less - 10 - 15 minutes, taken in the same way as Urophyton.
  8. The Phytonephron collection (2 tbsp) is poured into an enamel bowl with a glass of boiled water and left for about half an hour in a water bath. After 10 minutes of cooling, the broth is filtered, the raw materials remaining in the gauze are squeezed out. The volume of liquid is adjusted by diluting with water to 200 ml. A glass of medicine is divided into 3 doses.

Want to know other ways Read about modern methods kidney cleansing.

In you will find everything about the symptoms of urolithiasis in women.

Do you know if you can drink kidney tea if you find sand in your kidneys? Here full review possible ways treatments, including recipes for herbal remedies to remove sand from the urinary system.

Contraindications for use

Kidney teas are a good therapeutic and prophylactic remedy for kidney problems.

Their ingredients are safe, but each herbal medicine has its own contraindications.

The instructions for urological collections describe few restrictions and side effects, but they cannot be ignored:

  • a reaction may occur to plants in the collection if the patient is allergic;
  • It is not allowed to give kidney tea to children under 12 years of age;
  • diuretics are contraindicated in patients with severe renal and heart failure;
  • if there are stones in the pelvis, agents with diuretic activity can cause the movement of stones and blockage of the ureters;
  • It is forbidden to drink kidney teas if you have urinary retention;
  • almost all renal herbs, except for the herb orthosiphon, are not recommended for pregnant and lactating women.

Use during pregnancy

Despite the fact that pregnancy is one of the contraindications to treatment with diuretic herbs, herbal teas are often prescribed to expectant mothers to combat edema and improve kidney function.

Doctors believe that natural diuretics are gentler than chemical drugs, and therefore more harmless for a pregnant woman.

During the gestation period, the use of Orthosiphon kidney tea is allowed, but it is important to follow the dosage indicated in the instructions. The decoction is drunk throughout the day in small portions (a third of a cup) 3 to 4 times a day. The course of treatment is up to a month, as prescribed by the doctor.

Kidney tea during pregnancy helps reduce edema, normalize blood pressure, removes excess uric acid from the body, and serves as a prevention of nephropathy.

In the treatment of cystitis

It is difficult to imagine treating an inflamed bladder without the use of herbal infusions.

How kidney tea works

Kidney tea for cystitis has a complex effect: eliminates stagnation of urine, flushes out infection from the bladder and urethra, prevents the proliferation of pathogenic microbes and their migration towards the kidneys.

For cystitis, you can drink any herbal infusion with a diuretic and antiseptic effect; tea for the kidneys based on lingonberry and bearberry leaves is especially useful.