Beautiful sayings about sunset. Quotes about sunset

Remind me of love, how the sunset disappears, memories at dawn to look back*

Sunset, nature, they are together and happy... And you continue to drink in the same spirit, play WOW, and fuck women from the gateway...

And somewhere there is the sea, beaches, macho... The sunset is intoxicating, beautiful! Everything is simpler here - summer, dacha... Shovels, rakes... Vodka and beer...

Is it an evening sunset or a milky dawn... YEEH!! seaside holiday! Fun! Sunshine, beach... this is what our summer is like;)

Red wine, orange sunset. Tired eyes, and there are no more barriers. Silence will calm my nerves again, my life flows like a transparent river...

Sunset is amazingly beautiful and good. But a sunset with your loved one is simply amazing. When your breath is taken away and your heart is pounding so wildly, there is joy in your eyes, and butterflies in your stomach...

Take your eyes off the monitor and look out the window where the sunset, the last rays of the sun, is a beautiful sight)

If you drive west along the equator at a speed of 1669.8206667 km/h, then sunset will never come. :)

One sunset is not like another, the colors of the sky are not the same.

And so I sit and look at the sunset. I listen to relaxing music... and I don’t give a fuck about a shitload of problems and life is shit. I'm just admiring the sunset, smiling like fuck...

Sunset. I close my eyes. I pretend that everything is fine. I'm drowning in rage because of all these lies. I can't pretend that everything is fine. Please don't let me disappear forever. Can you tell me it's all over?

Open nights, sunset without dawn, How much I want: to fly with the wind, And it’s bad in the wild, and it’s hard to be closed, I remember how it hurts, but I’m not broken.

Often love turns into hatred as imperceptibly as a June sunset turns into sunrise.

I want chocolate, a teddy bear, to be loved, flowers, warmth, sun, a soft blanket, coffee, sunset. I want to be a capricious little girl...

Day after day you dream. Again you watch the sunset. And you see the sun away with a wet look. You won't be able to understand. You can't get it. You won't be able to learn to love again.

Here is my home - slippers, sunset, Small apartment, but there are a lot of guys in it.

Sunset is a great time for photography)

There are three things you can stare at forever: drizzling rain, sunset and formatting the C drive.

The sunset is burning, the storm has passed, Your face is shining again. I will look into your eyes and there I will find my love.

You walk quietly along the white soft sand, the salty wind from the sea tickles your body and slightly blows your hair... and there is a beautiful sunset ahead... and the still departing rays of the sun are shining in your face... and the sound of the quiet surf soothes and mesmerizes you from the inside.

Give me the sunset, don't take away the dawn.

Don't envy someone who is strong and rich. Sunset always follows dawn. Treat this short life, equal to a sigh, as if it was given to you on loan.

How you still want to sit down on the seashore in the summer, watch the sunset and think about good things...

The sunset shone in her eyes, eclipsing everything with its light...

Sometimes I’ll get drunk again with harmony, I’ll shed tears over fiction, And maybe at my sad sunset Love will flash with a farewell smile.

There was nothing romantic in our relationship! - How was it not? Well, remember how we licked each other at sunset?

Exhibitions, sunset walks along the embankment, and in the evening I still got drunk...

I really want summer, a beach at sunset, champagne and you...

You shouldn’t judge your own greatness by the size of your shadow at sunset.

From dawn to dusk, boys are finally guys.

Just him. To your fingertips. From dawn to dusk. Up to 7th heaven. Just him.

Soon - sunset, Soon - back; For me - in the nursery, for you - to read daring letters, to bite your mouth. And the ice is still going.

Grab my hand and kiss me tightly - and it will be better than the sunset...

Oh, how amazing are these magical, iridescent shades of yellow and red, violet and purple, gentle and strict, crying and enchanting, warm and soft, beloved and mirror sunsets! They say that only on earth can such a miracle of the world be seen, and it blooms when God lies down in his cradle. And at this moment, quotes and aphorisms of the sages begin to curl with the colors of the evening sunset. Only with the birth of sunset does a quote appear, and it flies into the open spaces, filling mountains with wisdom.

About sunset: aphorisms and quotes

Let's look at a few examples. Here are smart, gentle, philosophical aphorisms and quotes about sunset:

  • Every heart dreams of cozy and gentle sunsets, of spring and flowers, of beloved eyes in silence, and not once, but now.
  • I admire you because you are the most magnificent beauty of nature - sunsets and sunrises, seas and mountains.
  • What is life? This is the light of fireflies in the silence of the night. This is the breath of animals in winter. These are shadows enveloping the grass and melting at sunset.
  • All sunsets are the birth of big and bright sunrises.
  • Sunsets over the seas and oceans are an indescribable and fascinating sight. Today it is quiet and windless, and looks like a blood orange that has decided to drown itself in the mirror.
  • Playing with fire is my destiny, in which I burn bridges and watch the bloody sunset.
  • I go for a walk at sunset, through the twilight mountains and forests. I see how the world is enveloped in darkness, and then everything is filled with eternal life.
  • True love is sunrises and sunsets. They write about it more often than they can see it in person.
  • Life begins counting down with every sunrise, not sunset.
  • No matter how beautiful the sunset, your heart always groans at it.
  • For some reason, in uninhabited cities you want to whisper and watch the lonely sunset.
  • The scarlet sunset, impulsively rumbled, burned out my feelings.
  • The sunset flared up and went out, and every moment of it was eternal, but the transformation from scarlet to ashen color took only a few magical seconds.
  • The sunset passed, leaving the glass to fade, and it immediately became quieter and colder.
  • Their eyes are filled with sunset, and their hearts with dawn.
  • Wherever you move your chair, but again admire the sunset sky, just look up.

Quotes about sunset in English

There are many sunsets, as well as people. Every person loves to look at the fantastic evening skies. All countries of the world, in different dialects, have their own sunsets bursting with beauty. And let's read quotes about sunset with English translation:

  1. At dawn, when you wake up, remember that sunset will come next, which you are not expecting at all. At dawn, when you wake up, remember that an order will follow, which you do not expect at all (from the film “The Camp Goes to the Sky”).
  2. Each sunset is unique and beautiful in its own way. Each sunset is unique and beautiful in its own way (Jared Leto).
  3. Everything in the world ends with sunset, only every night comes to life with dawn. Everything in the world ends in decline, only every night comes to life with dawn (Vladislav Grzegorczyk).
  4. It’s a pity that I won’t be able to convey this marvelous sunset over the lake. I wish I could! could pass this marvelous sunset over the lake. And I would like to! (Liu Yong).
  5. Sunsets are sometimes sad, because while watching them you realize that this one is beautiful or is leaving me forever. Sunsets are sometimes sad, because, seeing them off, you realize that this wonderful or bad day is leaving me forever (Elchin Safarli).
  6. We look at the sunset that united us, and with it we will remain forever. We look at the sunset that united us, and with it we will remain forever (Qayamat Se Qayamat Tak).
  7. When you see off the sunset with your loved one, it is beautiful and precious. When you walk off with your loved one, it is beautiful and expensive (Bones).
  8. They change shades in weird ways, like sunsets and bruises. They change shades quaintly, as it happens with sunsets and bruises (Max Fry).
  9. None of the sunsets will ever be like the others, because the colors of the sky are multicolored and unique. None of the sunsets will ever be similar to others, because the colors of the sky are multicolored and unique

Some more quotes about sunset

And of course, one cannot exclude the sun from the beautiful pictures of sunsets. It is this that gives such colors to the clouds on the horizon that the soul sings. Therefore, we have selected quotes about sunset that mention the great luminary.

  • When the sun sets or rises, one can never be confused by such exciting landscapes.
  • When the sun sets, the demons are called to retribution.
  • Marriage is an ocean in which the bright sun bathes. A wedding is a romantic plot of sunrises and sunsets.
  • The sunset is created so beautiful and inevitable that we think every day about the meaning of our purpose in the Universe.
  • There are times of the year when the sun sets for three long hours. The sun seemed to have lost sleep and decided to admire the new, wonderful beauty of this world.
  • The sunsets over the ocean are mesmerizing. In calm weather, the disk of the sun above the water mirror looks like two red tangerines that extend to each other the elements of water and air.
  • While the sky lulled the sun into the red glow of sunset, the Glen Mor Valley was just awakening. Invisible life flew on the wings of eagle owls, looking around, emerging from hiding. The day hurried away, striding widely to the west, towards the sharp peaks of the mountains. He left behind only a scattering of stars.
  • Sunsets are never the same. In Moscow it was as if a cold samovar had been taken out. In Odessa, it was like a bunny being rolled on a drum... In Ryazan, it was like a deck eaten up by an anthill. In Astrakhan, it’s like a red fish being fried on coals. In Arkhangelsk, it was as if they wanted to treat you to fish, but they slipped past. In Riga, the sun is like a pill dissolving under the tongue. In St. Petersburg - how they stuck Peter's coin up his sleeve.

We hope you enjoyed the sunset and sun quotes. Read them to your family and friends, friends and acquaintances. Bring the beautiful thoughts of philosophers into the world, and it will become warmer.

The collection includes phrases and quotes about sunset and sunrise:
  • I look at the sunset, which at this time of year lasts three hours. As if the sun, at the last minute before setting, finally found some merit in this world... Peter Heg. Smilla and her sense of snow
  • ... In Moscow, the sun sets - as if a cold samovar was taken away. In St. Petersburg, it’s like they hid Peter’s nickel behind one’s sleeve. In Odessa, it was like riding a hare on a drum... In Astrakhan, the sunset was as if they were frying red fish. In Arkhangelsk - they treated me to frozen fish, but they passed me by. In Ryazan - like a deck eaten by ants. In Riga it was as if they had put a pill under the tongue. Zakhar Prilepin. Abode
  • A good lawyer will bring the process to a close. Georgy Alexandrov
  • ... Every now and then, fancifully changing shades, as is typical only for sunsets and bruises... Max Fry. Labyrinth of Menin
  • Did you think that your robot and I would leave the landfill beautifully and ride off into the sunset? Real Steel
  • Don't wake me up at dawn, Don't wake me up at sunset... Don't wake me up in the toilet, Don't wake me up on the bed... Don't wake me up under the fence, And don't wake me up at a party. Do without words and reproaches, lie down next to him and sleep too.
  • The sun sets behind the towers, turning the world into smoke, I realized that my happiness is simply to be next to him. Song Alai Oli - There is happiness
  • We can recognize the dawn and dusk of love by how embarrassed we are as soon as we are alone. Jean de La Bruyère
  • Look at every dawn as the beginning of your life, and at every sunset as the end of it. Let each of these short lives will be marked somehow good deed, some kind of victory over oneself or acquired knowledge. John Ruskin
  • Everything has its sunset, only the night ends with dawn. Vladislav Grzegorczyk
  • The heart aches at sunset, no matter how beautiful it may be. Romain Gary. Your ticket is no longer valid
  • If only I could convey this sunset over the river in colors on canvas!.. It’s a pity I can’t! Liu Yun
  • With the decline of the general’s stars, the “kickbacks” ended. A.V. Ivanov
  • The sunset was pure, naive, as if it had been painted by a provincial young lady long before the first, terrible thoughts about men came into her head. Ilya Ilf and Evgeny Petrov. One-story America
  • Dawn was rising, giving way to us; the sunset blushed, ashamed of our dawn... Henry Lyon Oldie. Paradise Raisers
  • The sunset flared and died out - every moment seemed eternal, but the transition from scarlet to ashen took no more than a few demonic moments. Mervyn Peak. Gormenghast. Book 1. Titus Groan
  • Nature confirms every day that every dawn always ends with sunset. Leonid S. Sukhorukov
  • Made a scene of jealousy.
  • The conflagration of the sunset died down, sprinkled with the white ashes of the stars. Alina Illarionova. Blades of the North
  • I threw such a concert with my wife that there was a full house raging under the windows. Leonid S. Sukhorukov
  • One sunset is not like another, the colors of the sky are not the same. Mark Levy. Meet again
  • Sometimes at sunset you see something unusual, which you don’t believe later when you see the same thing in a picture. Anton Pavlovich Chekhov
  • A real wife is a woman who knows how to throw three things: - cups - eyes - hysteria Maureen Murphy
  • When the wife throws a tantrum, the husband rolls up his sleeves. A.V. Ivanov
  • When you look at the sunset, I will look at it too. You and I met at sunset and I know that someday the sunset will unite us forever.
  • When I look at the sunset, I feel cramped here. Olga Ozertsova. Stonefly
  • What a well-trodden road to the future if democracy and freedom of speech are rolled into asphalt!
  • A real man should go to bed at sunset and get up at dawn!
  • When rolling into a corner, the tool will hit your toes first. Arthur Bloch
  • Why does the Sun always set somewhere when it descends to the West? Leonid S. Sukhorukov
  • Sunsets over the ocean are an absolutely mesmerizing sight... Boris Akunin. Falcon and Swallow

Any heart wants spring, a cozy and gentle sunset, one, but shared silence with someone, beloved eyes now, and not once...

The sun is red at sunrise, and it is red at sunset as well. The great remain unchanged in both happiness and misfortune.

Real lovers are like sunsets and sunrises - they are more often written about than observed in person.

One sunset is not like another, the colors of the sky are not the same.

The conflagration of the sunset died down, sprinkled with the white ashes of the stars.

By the way, do you know what I noticed? In Moscow the sun sets - as if a cold samovar was taken away. In St. Petersburg, it’s like they hid Peter’s nickel behind one’s sleeve. In Odessa, it was like riding a hare on a drum... In Astrakhan, the sunset was as if they were frying red fish. In Arkhangelsk - they treated me to frozen fish, but they passed me by. In Ryazan - like a deck eaten by ants. In Riga it was as if they had put a pill under the tongue.

You can be admired as one admires the beauty of nature - sunrise, sunset, mountains, sea.

Did you think that your robot and I would leave the landfill beautifully and ride off into the sunset?

Have you ever noticed that the sunset is much more beautiful if you admire it with someone special to you?

Get up early at dawn and remember that sunset will come when you least expect it.

The sunset was pure, naive, as if it had been painted by a provincial young lady long before the first, terrible thoughts about men came into her head.

The sunset left the glass after playing.

The sunset flared and died out - every moment seemed eternal, but the transition from scarlet to ashen took no more than a few demonic moments.

What is life? This is the light of a firefly in the night. This is the breath of the buffalo when winter comes. This is a shadow falling on the grass and melting at sunset.

I really love sunset. Let's go watch the sun set, we'll just have to wait a little. What to expect? For the sun to go down.

I just love playing with fire and “burning bridges” and watching the bloody sunset.

I look at the sunset, which at this time of year lasts three hours. As if the sun, at the last minute before sunset, finally found some merit in this world and because of this now does not want to leave.

What do you think is the best thing in the world? - Mom says it's sunset. - Okay, then what is the best thing in the world made by man? - Mom says - Mona Lisa. - Look, with all due respect to your mom, buddy, a curveball is better than anything else in the world.

Sunrises and sunsets are winged in youth: And if it rains in the evening, then it’s sunny in the morning! Sunsets and sunrises Familiar signs: Spring has come and with it the time for love has come!

All you have to do is move the chair a few steps. And you look at the sunset sky again and again, if you just want to.

Everything has its sunset, only the night ends with dawn.

Both at the birth and at the end of love, people always experience confusion when left alone with each other.

"AND. Labruyère"

And you look at the sunset sky again and again, if you just want to.

Sometimes at sunset you see something unusual, which you don’t believe later when you see the same thing in a picture.

Sometimes I go for a walk at sunset, through the forest to the twilight mountains. I watch the world go dark and fill everything up White light eternity.

Look at the sunset. Beautiful. The one above is a real painter.

Why can you never confuse whether the sun is rising or setting when you see it over the sea?

Previously, people admired sunsets, but now they admire kickbacks.

The most unfortunate person in the world is an atheist, he sees a sea sunset, and he has no one to thank for this beauty.

Weddings are like sunsets. Romance of the moment. Marriage is a sea into which the red sun sets.

Sunsets over the ocean are an absolutely mesmerizing sight. Today there is no wind, and the sunset looks as if a blood orange has decided to drown itself in the mirror.

See also -

Nature has a lot of beautiful phenomena, one of them is sunset, quotes about which are specially collected on this page. If you love sunsets, then you will love sunset quotes.

Sunsets are saturated with sadness. Because every time you see him off, you think: no matter how successful or unsuccessful, the day is my day, and it goes away forever.
Elchin Safarli. I'll come back

Everything has its sunset, only the night ends with dawn.
Vladislav Grzegorczyk

Their eyes are full of sunset,
Their hearts are full of dawn.
Joseph Alexandrovich Brodsky

Have you ever noticed that the sunset is much more beautiful if you admire it with someone special to you?
TV series "Bones"

Great quote about sunset.

Why can you never confuse whether the sun is rising or setting when you see it over the sea?
Sergei Lukyanenko. Draft

... And the sunset, thundering restlessly, burns my insides.
Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov. Morphine

One sunset is not like another, the colors of the sky are not the same.
Mark Levy. Meet again

Sunsets over the ocean are an absolutely mesmerizing sight. Today there is no wind, and the sunset looks as if a blood orange has decided to drown itself in the mirror.
Boris Akunin. Falcon and Swallow

When I look at the sunset, I feel cramped here.
Olga Ozertsova. Stonefly

Sometimes at sunset you see something unusual, which you don’t believe later when you see the same thing in a picture.
Anton Pavlovich Chekhov

Get up early at dawn and remember that sunset will come when you least expect it.
Film "The Camp Goes to Heaven"

...after the sun sets, there comes a moment when the color and lighting become amazingly beautiful. This effect lasts only a few seconds when the sun has just gone below the horizon, but its rays, as if ricocheting, continue to illuminate the earth.
Robert James Waller. Bridges of Madison County

I look at the sunset, which at this time of year lasts three hours. As if the sun, at the last minute before sunset, finally found some merit in this world and because of this now does not want to leave.
Peter Hoeg. Smilla and her sense of snow

If only I could convey this sunset over the river in colors on canvas!.. It’s a pity I can’t!
Liu Yun

The sunset flared and died out - every moment seemed eternal, but the transition from scarlet to ashen took no more than a few demonic moments.
Mervyn Peak. Gormenghast. Book 1. Titus Groan

Explaining the sunset does not take away from its beauty...
Stephen Fry. Hippopotamus

These, of course, are not all aphorisms about sunset, there are many more sayings about sunset = on the Internet, but we tried to choose the best.