Calendar of low prices for flights from Kuala Lumpur to Langkawi. Flights from Kuala Lumpur to Langkawi

Tours to Malaysia are especially popular among tourists today. To look at unusual nature, take a walk between local attractions and not waste your existing finances too much - what could be better? But when it comes to a specific exotic place - the island of Langkawi, not all travelers can tell which route is the most optimal and simple. Let's try together to decide on the best way to get from Kuala Lumpur to Langkawi Island.

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As you know, there are no direct flights from Russia or other countries to the island of Langkawi. Therefore, initially you should come to terms with the fact that the trip will pass through the capital of Malaysia.

Which company to choose for a flight from Kuala Lumpur to Langkawi is up to everyone to decide for themselves, but most tourists who have repeatedly made the long journey to this exotic place agree that a more advantageous offer than the offer of the budget company AirAsia cannot be found.

This option will do for those who have chosen a direct course to the island and do not plan to stay in Kuala Lumpur, and if at the same time they also look for great deals on tickets, ordering them in advance before the trip, then the total cost of the trip will pleasantly surprise you. For example, you can get to the island from the capital of Malaysia for only 1,000 rubles.

This method of travel impresses with its speed. If you make a simple comparison with the “terrestrial” route, it turns out that you will be able to save at least a day. Experienced travelers know that the best flight fares can be purchased on special airline websites.

You just need to go to the carrier’s website and enter the initial data, flight time, or just look at the lucrative offers and discounts that are systematically advertised on the websites. Thus, you will significantly reduce both your travel time and your expenses.

If you have chosen this particular method of travel, then it will be useful for you to know that there is a significant distance between the terminals of Kuala Lumpur International Airport. It will have to be overcome by buses that run every 20 minutes. Distance between the terminal where international flights arrive and the terminal domestic flights LCCT is more than 20 km, which is not possible to travel under your own power.

Accordingly, when planning your flight time and ordering tickets, you should not forget about the reserve period that you will have to spend in line to claim your baggage and move to another terminal, as well as go through all the necessary formal procedures at the border. You should not neglect the time that may be needed in case of a flight delay. As practice shows, three hours between the flight arrival in Malaysia and departure to the island is enough to complete all formal procedures.

And finally, to make finding a bus much easier, you should follow the “LCCT shuttle transfer” signs, which will lead you to the public transport parking lot, where you can easily get to the terminal you need. Everything is very simple and clear, so you won’t get lost.

For those who decide to stay in the capital of Malaysia, there is alternative way get to the treasured island by air. In addition to the already mentioned terminal at the international airport, you can fly to Langkawi from another airport - Subang. Budget planes fly here daily, so everyone can choose the right flight and time.

Finally, it is worth noting that flights to the Malaysian islands are very popular. Many tourists prefer to overpay a little for travel, getting in return a comfortable seat in the aircraft cabin and reducing flight time.

Train + ferry to Langkawi

If you prefer to travel on dry land, there is one thing to be aware of: traveling is unlikely to be more economical, but every rule has its exceptions. For example, traveling by train or bus will be a little, but still cheaper than air travel. Since the path to the island is only partially by land, some distance will have to be covered using watercraft.

One of the most popular routes is the one that runs overland to the ferry crossing. Then tourists board a ferry and travel part of the way along the water surface.

Let us immediately note that ferries to Langkawi run from the cities of Kuala Kedah and Kuala Perlis, so they will be the goal of the first part of the trip. But there is one drawback: direct railway communication there are no connections with these cities, so every tourist will have to make a transfer.

The nearest stations where you will need to get off the train are Alor Setar (Kedah) and Arau. And the most popular trains are those that run at night. After all, you don’t have to spend a day traveling, and you can have a good rest at night. The cost of such a trip will be from 24 to 100 ringit, depending on the level of comfort you choose. To make it clearer, 1 ringit roughly corresponds to 10 rubles.

As soon as you arrive at one of the above-mentioned stations, you should immediately find the next bus to the ferry crossing. This part of the journey will cost you a modest 1.5 ringit. Although there is an alternative, more quick way trips. This is a taxi. But calling it budget (a trip from the station to the ferry will cost 18 ringit) is clearly not possible.

Bus + ferry to Langkawi

But most in a simple way traveling by land is considered a trip by bus. There are two advantages of such a trip:

  • buses will take you directly to the crossing point, and you won’t have to change trains or spend extra money along the way
  • It's just a few minutes' walk from the bus stop to the ferry boarding point

Buses leave for the ferry every hour, and the cost of the trip rarely exceeds 40 ringit. It is recommended to book your ticket a day or two before departure.

To Langkawi by boat

But this is not the end of the ways to get to the exotic island. There is another popular way. Since Langkawi is an island in the Andaman Sea, one of the popular ways to get to its shores is by sea. And a boat or ferry is ready to help with this. We already mentioned the ferry a little earlier, but it’s still worth talking about this method in more detail.

The final destination for the boat trip is an island town called Kua. It is from here that the easiest way to get to the island is by water. Several boats and ferries operate here every day, starting at 8 am. The last one departs at approximately 18.30. Getting on a boat or ferry is quite easy - they run every hour.

Lankawi Ferry Services

Now let's talk about the most sought-after watercraft operators. Lankawi Ferry Services is considered the first and one of the most popular among tourists. This is the largest company that has almost the largest mini-fleet in the entire country. Small but very high-speed ferries are ready to take on board up to 200 passengers at a time. Moreover, for tourists, they are created as much as possible. comfortable conditions: working air conditioning, a small but cozy dining room and even a place to watch a video film.

Bahagia Express

The services of Bahagia Express are no less popular. You can board this carrier's ferry both in the morning and in the afternoon. Fast, modern ferries depart from Weld Quay and take passengers to Kuah Pier in Langkawi. The cost of the trip is on average up to 35 ringit, and the time required for the journey is 2.5 hours. You can board the company's boat in Georgetown at 8.30 and 3.45 am. But you can leave the island only after lunch - at 14.40 or 17.30.

Langkawi Island can be reached from different parts of Malaysia and neighboring countries. In this article we will tell you how to get to Langkawi from Kuala Lumpur. Let us immediately note that there is no direct road or rail connection between Kuala Lumpur and Langkawi, so a trip by land will necessarily be supplemented by a trip by sea.

Distance Kuala Lumpur - Langkawi

The distance from Kuala Lumpur to Langkawi is 420 km in a straight line, but this distance may only be of interest to those who plan to fly to Langkawi by plane. And even then, such people are more concerned about the flight time than the distance. If you are planning to travel to Langkawi by land and water, then the distance between these famous places in Malaysia will be about 500 km.

Flight Kuala Lumpur - Langkawi

Air Asia, FireFly and Malaysian Airlines fly daily from Kuala Lumpur to Langkawi. Flight time from Kuala Lumpur to Langkawi is approximately 55 minutes.
Flying by plane is the easiest and fastest way to get from Kuala Lumpur to Langkawi. About half of all flights from Kuala Lumpur arrive in Langkawi during daylight hours. More than 23,000 seats per week in total are offered on all aircraft that fly from Kuala Lumpur to Langkawi.
international Airport Langkawi is relatively small but provides amenities such as ATMs, souvenir shops, restaurants and car rental companies.

From Kuala Lumpur to Langkawi by bus

There are no direct buses from Kuala Lumpur to Langkawi, but from the capital of Malaysia you can get to the cities of Kuala Perlis and Kuala Kedah, where there are ferry terminals from which ferries depart daily to Langkawi. The travel time by bus from Kuala Lumpur to Kuala Perlis is 6-7 hours. Buses mainly depart from Pudu Sentral Bus Terminal in Kuala Lumpur, although some buses pass through Hentian Duta Bus Terminal. The journey from Kuala Lumpur to Kuala Kedah takes on average about 6 hours.

From Kuala Lumpur to Langkawi by car

Before renting a car, we advise you to carefully consider everything, since renting a car in Malaysia is often unprofitable from a financial point of view. It makes sense to rent a car when you are in Langkawi, but it is not recommended to rent a car in Kuala Lumpur to drive to Langkawi.
But if you still decide to rent a car, then you need to drive from Kuala Lumpur to the town of Alor Setar. Here you can leave your car for a few days in a secure parking lot and go to Kuala Kedah Pier by bus or taxi. You can also transport your car on a cargo ferry, which runs less frequently than the passenger ferry. The cost of transporting a car will be about RM 160.

From Kuala Lumpur to Langkawi by train

Obviously, there is no direct train from Kuala Lumpur to Langkawi, but if you want your trip to include a trip railway, you can take a train to Alor Setar or Arau. From Alor Setar you can take a bus or taxi to Kuala Kedah Jetty, and from Aarau you can also take a taxi or bus to Kuala Perlis Jetty.
The ferry ride from Kuala Perlis to Langkawi takes about 1 hour and 15 minutes and costs RM13 per child and RM18 per adult. The first ferry from Kuala Perlis to Langkawi departs at 7am and the last at 7pm.
As for the Kuala Kedah - Langkawi ferry, the journey takes 1 hour and 30 minutes, although there are slower ferries. The ferry ride from Kuala Kedah to Langkawi costs RM23 per adult and RM17 per child. The ferry service between Kuala Kedah and Langkawi also operates from 7am to 7pm.

Langkawi is an amazing island in Malaysia that has everything for comfortable rest. After reading a lot of information about the islands of Malaysia, we decided on it and in this article we want to describe how we got there. Since we try to travel on a budget, we immediately determined for ourselves the most effective method to get there is a night bus, since the price is not expensive and you don’t need to pay for a night in a hotel.

So, let's take it in order.

How to get from Kuala Lumpur Airport to Puduraya Bus Station?

When leaving the airport in Kuala Lumpur, there are bus ticket offices, where the prices are the same as at the airport bus station, so you can safely buy tickets right away without worrying that you are overpaying. You need to buy a ticket at the Starwira ticket office to the Pudu Raya station (this is the local bus station). Ticket price is 8 ringgits (24 UAH or 96 rubles). Buses leave every half hour. If you arrive in the evening and want to take a night bus, then it is better to hurry, since at the bus station itself we were faced with the fact that in the evening many tickets were already sold out.

Upon arrival at the bus station, you need to buy tickets and move to Kuala Perlis or Kuala Kedah - these are the piers from which you can sail to Langkawi. If you are planning to visit Penang and Langkawi, it will be cheaper to visit Langkawi first and then Penang due to ferry prices.

Puduraya bus station

In Pudu Raya, the bus ticket office is located on the 4th floor. There are a lot of ticket offices, and on the way to them you will be intercepted by brokers who will take you to the ticket office and receive a percentage of the ticket sale. You can use their services, but do not be shy and, before buying a ticket at the first box office, ask for prices at others. We found a difference of RM5 for 1 ticket and bought it from another ticket office. average price tickets 40 ringgit per person.

How to get from the bus station to the ferry terminal in Langkawi?

It is advisable to buy a ticket to Kuala Perlis station. From this station it is more profitable to sail to Langkawi for two reasons:

  1. At the port, the price of tickets to Langkawi is lower than in other ports and is 19 ringgit;
  2. Travel time by ferry is 1:15 hours, which is also faster.

If suddenly tickets to Kuala Perlis are sold out in the near future, you can buy tickets to Kuala Kedah station. The cost of a ticket at the port to the island is 23 ringgit, the total travel time by ferry is 1:45.

If suddenly there are no tickets to Kuala Kedah (which is what we actually encountered), then you need to buy tickets to the Alor Setar station - this is a town not far from the Kuala Kedah pier. Upon arrival there, you will need to get to the ferry, which is about 20 minutes away.

There are 2 options for how to get to the pier from Alor Setar:

  1. Hire a taxi, but bargain a lot and do not listen to taxi drivers about the fact that the bus is not on time for the ferry; that the next one will have to wait as much as 2 or 3 hours;
  2. Don’t be shy to ask the local passengers who are sitting on the street waiting benches about the local bus to Kuala Kedah. Tickets for such buses are not sold at the ticket office, so almost no one knows about them, but they exist!

Imagine, we arrived in Alor Setar at 6:00 am. ALL bus passengers ran to take a taxi, because... the bus to Kuala Kedah would be at 7:00, and the ferry leaves at 7:15, the next one at 8:30. We tagged along with a local young man, who convincingly stated that he grew up in Langkawi and would take us to the port on time by bus. We believed him and for good reason! When everyone left by taxi, and we were already beginning to panic, saying that we couldn’t make it and would have to walk for a long time, he took us to two drivers sitting on waiting benches on the platform and said that the bus was leaving in 15 minutes. Indeed, the bus departed at the promised time. Yes, he was a wreck, but we also have enough of them, even in more or less large cities. The driver himself sold us the ticket; it cost (in the sense of a ticket) 2 ringgit per person. Exactly at 07:00 we were at the pier and bought tickets to Langkawi island. The ticket cost 23 ringgit.

We bought the second to last places). Although we managed to get there right away, we saved 36 ringgit or 12 cu. But even if we didn’t have time, we would have waited an hour, no big deal!

If you have any questions, ask in the comments!

How to get from Kuala Lumpur to Langkawi, one of the most amazing islands in Malaysia? There are at least two ways to bridge the distance between two points, each of which will be discussed in detail in the text below.

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By plane

At the moment, there are no planes making direct flights from Russia to the island of Langkawi. For this reason, everyone who wants to get to this fabulous place should build their route through Kuala Lumpur (the capital of Malaysia).

There are several companies in the country offering such flights, but many tourists agree that the most affordable Kuala Lumpur – Langkawi air tickets can be purchased using the website. You can also buy tickets for trains and ferries there.

The challenge for travelers transiting the capital is that most international flights arrive at the terminal called KLIA, while departures to Langkawi island usually depart from the LCCT terminal. Despite the fact that the two terminals are located at a distance of about 20 kilometers from each other, you will have to travel there by bus, which takes from 20 to 30 minutes.

Public transport runs from early morning until midnight, however, you should definitely take into account the time that will be spent on solving border and customs formalities (from 30 minutes to two hours).

Those who decide to get to know the capital's life better can be advised to buy a plane ticket departing from the terminal called Sultan Abdul (the old name is Subang). A lot of budget flights depart from here every day, tickets for which are sold both at the box office and through the Internet resources of airlines and intermediaries.

Marc van der Chijs /

When purchasing a cheap travel document, it is worth considering that many low-cost airlines require you to pay separately for the following items:

  • luggage weighing over 20 kilograms;
  • insurance;
  • the ability to choose a comfortable place;
  • expanded menu and drinks;
  • additional accessories such as glasses or a blanket.

A standard ticket usually includes one meal. Travel time is about 40 minutes, of which more than half is spent on takeoff and landing. Compared to routes on land and water, tourists traveling by air can save about 20-24 hours while spending the same (or less) amount of cash.

By train and ferry

How to get from Kuala Lumpur to Langkawi for those who prefer to travel by land? The most popular alternative to air travel is this:

  1. From the capital's central railway station you need to get to Arau or Kedah (Alor Setar). Since this route is very popular, it is recommended to buy tickets in advance at terminals located at railway stations or via the Internet.
  2. The cost of train tickets varies from $8 to $20, so this method is unlikely to save money more money than in the case of air travel.
  3. From settlements Ferries run between Kualla Perlis and Kualla Kedah, which can be reached with just one transfer. You will have to take a bus to get to the ship (the cost of the trip will be less than $1).

Jimmy Harris /

The price of train tickets is influenced by the class: the most expensive is the first sleeping class, the most budgetary is the economy class with seats. Most trains leave at night and arrive early in the morning. At the moment, daytime flights in this direction have been completely canceled or suspended, so you should turn your attention to night express trains or bus services.

The cost of the night bus, which takes tourists directly to the pier, is about 10-12 dollars. Ferries to the island depart every day from 7:00 to 18:30 at intervals of 30-50 minutes. The cost of an adult travel document is about $6; discounts are provided for children (up to 50%).

Waegook Travel /

It will take about one and a half to two hours to get there by water through the expanses of the Andaman Sea. Those wishing to speed up the passage of this section can purchase a ticket for speed-boat. The most popular “water” carriers are:

  • Telaga Terminal. The vessels of this operator daily deliver tourists from mainland Malaysia to Langkawi and other islands, among which there are a number of resorts in Thailand.
  • Bahagia Express boats and ferries regularly operate between Langkawi (Kua Pier) and Weld Quay. Travel time is about two and a half hours.
  • Ferry Services Lankawi is one of the most popular operators in the entire country, with an impressive modern fleet. This carrier's ferries are equipped with air conditioning, cinema rooms, dining rooms and bars, and can take on board more than two hundred people at a time.

Video: Malaysia - Kota Kinabalu, Kuala Lumpur, Langkawi, Borneo.

Those who are looking for a way to get from Kuala Lumpur to Langkawi with maximum comfort should pay attention to this option: take a taxi from the town of Alor Setar to the ferry departure point.

Michael Coghlan /

However, such a vehicle in places large cluster tourists will be quite expensive. Two people can save about $16 by using public transport instead of a taxi. Taxi rates in Malaysia are strictly fixed.

How to get to Langkawi - important question for tourists in Southeast Asia. Langkawi is a tropical island paradise in Malaysia, the largest of all the islands in the Adaman Sea. It is located about 30 kilometers away from the mainland of the country. There are very well-groomed and cozy beaches here, White sand and crystal pure water in the sea. On the island of Langkawi you can visit a crocodile farm, tropical plantations, and admire African buffalos. That is why many tourists rush to get here to spend their holidays here, as well as to visit this Malaysian resort for a few days, being nearby in neighboring countries. We'll show you how to get to Langkawi from Kuala Lumpur, Moscow and other places.

How to get to Langkawi by plane

It doesn’t matter which country you are coming from to Langgawi Island, be it Russia, Asia or Oceania, you can always fly to this tropical island by plane. Airlines flying to Langkawi are Malaysian Airlines (flying from Kuala Lumpur), AirAsia (from Kuala Lumpur, Penang and Singapore), SilkAir (connecting flights to Singapore), Firefly (also from Kuala Lumpur and Penang).

Low-cost airlines flying from Kuala Lumpur's Sepang Airport depart and arrive from its low-cost terminal, which is located a few tens of kilometers from the main international terminal where Malaysian Airlines flies. This is important to remember if you have a connecting flight. And once you arrive in the capital of the country and cross the border and customs, you will have to take a shuttle or taxi to another terminal to catch a local flight with a budget airline. Of course, if you continue your flight with Malaysian Airlines, your flight to Langkawi will take place from the same terminal.

How to get to Langkawi from Moscow: cheap flights

How to get from Kuala Lumpur to Langkawi by train

You can get to Langkawi Island by train by leaving Kuala Lumpur and going to the following stations:

Arau - where you need to take a bus or taxi to the Kuala Perelis ferry pier, where you can catch a ferry. The boat journey from this pier to Langkawi will take 1 hour and 15 minutes.

Alor Setar – From this station you can also take public transport to the pier called Kuala Kedah and from there you can get to Langkawi. Travel time by ferry will be 1 hour and 45 minutes.

By car from Kuala Lumpur

By car you can reach the above ports in about 6 hours. There is no connection to the island, but if you come to Malaysia for a few days, you can take a rented car to the ports closest to the island. From Kuala Lumpur, head north along the AH2 to Kudah, turning off at junction K138, which becomes Route 78.

In order to get to Perelis, in Kudakha you need to turn onto road 7, and from there, according to the signs, turn left onto road 194, along which you can get to the port.

Ferries from Kuala Lumpur

LFS ferries or Lankawi Ferry services are owned by the largest company that provides the most best service. This operator's ferries are large, air-conditioned and can accommodate up to 200 passengers. There are also plasma panels where you can watch entertainment programs, a small cafe and much more for a comfortable travel time. Ferries depart from 07.00 am regularly every hour until 19.00.

Bahagia Express operates its service to Langkawi only from Perelis and there are only two flights per day - early in the morning at 08.30 and 08.45.

Ferries from Thailand to Langkawi

From Thailand you can also get to Langkawi island by LFS ferry from Satun. The company operates 4 flights per day, which depart every two hours, starting at 09.45.

In addition, you can go to Langgawi from the Thai tropical island of Lipe. Flights from Koh Lipe are operated by Telaga terminal from October to May, that is, during the peak tourist season. The distance is relatively short, and the travel time takes only one hour.

To get to your destination on Langkawi from the airport, you can take a taxi. Taxis can be caught after arriving at the airport, and can also be ordered online in advance.