Creation of a quest game (fairy tale quest for students) methodological development on the topic. Interesting quest tasks. Tasks for an indoor quest What kind of quest can you do?

Now that teambuilding is a mandatory component in the work of any organization, many interesting event programs have begun to appear, including, of course, quests. To play quests, you don't need to know any special rules. Simple ingenuity will be enough. Event companies, as a rule, organize quests, but this does not mean that you cannot prepare a quest yourself. This is a fairly doable task, it just takes a little work.

How to make an quest game yourself?

1. Consider the features of the process.

This point implies that you clearly define your goals and objectives, agree on the team composition and think through the game itself. So, for example, you can choose as goals:

Team building;
- getting to know the city;
- just fun;
- advertise the sponsor.

As for the number of participants in each team, you should not exceed the number of 10. It is best when these are groups of 5 people. But still, one should proceed from the scale of the quest; the larger it is, the more participants will have to be involved.

And the last thing is the game process itself. There is plenty to choose from. You can play:
- time tracking;
- by the number of points;
- for the final passage.

2. Prepare tasks of different levels of difficulty.

The main thing in quest tasks is that they should be interesting. As for complexity, try to choose the best option. Not too complicated, but not childish either. Before including tasks in a quest, “test” them on your friends or acquaintances, see how long it takes them to solve the task. If the quest participants cannot solve the task for a long time, offer them hints, for each of which you can deduct points. You can have additional tasks in stock in case of hints, etc.

As for the tasks themselves, these could be:
- charades;
- puzzles;
- logic puzzles;
- historical;
- gaming (for example, “crocodile”).

3. Route for completing the quest.

If the quest takes place in a city, then you can simply take a map of the city, select the most interesting places and place positions with tasks on them. By the way, if you conduct a real theatrical quest, you can invite real actors who will be dressed in the spirit of the time or events on which the idea of ​​the quest is based. The distances between “points” should be chosen taking into account many factors. This includes the age of the participants and their method of movement. If this is a walking quest, then it is better not to make the distance more than 1 km, but less than 50 m is also not the best option.

4. Prize fund of the quest.

Of course, prizes should be relevant to the entire team and not individual. In addition, all teams without exception should receive prizes. An excellent gift for the winners could be a cup and a joint trip for the whole team to some place.

5. Informing all quest participants.

First, prepare a list that includes everything that the quest participants will need. This could be a compass, pen, paper, map, stopwatch, etc. Distribute this list to participants.

Remind everyone that it is better to come to the quest in comfortable shoes so that you can cover the distance without any problems. Just in case, make first aid kits yourself, which will contain a plaster, a bandage, and peroxide.

How to make a quest more fun?

To ensure that the participants are fully immersed in the atmosphere of the game, collect their phones, tablets and everything that allows them to access the Internet. Only ingenuity, a map and a compass - and you will see how interesting and lively everything will be.

How to make a quest for children?

You can entertain children in different ways. However, it is much better if all this takes place in the form of an interesting game. An adventure quest in the form of a game is what active kids need. Here's a small example.

1. Draw an interesting map. Label them with clues and directions. If you want to give the paper an aged effect, dip it in coffee and dry it. Burn the edges.

2. Hide the next clues and let the children look for them. Under branches, in a hollow tree, etc.

3 . Add tasks and pictures to each clue. These can be sports tasks, logic or team tasks. The main thing is that it is interesting!

4. You can make original signs from scrap materials.

5. Some tasks can be written with “invisible” ink. To do this, you need to write with milk or lemon ink. Children can see what is written if illuminated with a candle.

6. You can bury the bottle with tasks or hide it. Leave hints nearby.

7. The final task should be a treasure. There you need to leave gifts for all the children. Don't forget anyone! These can be balls, candies, toys.

How to do a quest for a birthday?

A birthday quest is an individual gift. You need to proceed from what your loved one likes. If he is a fan of science fiction films, you can organize a quest in the style of a movie. For example, based on the plot of Bond or Terminator.

If the birthday boy is delighted with cartoons, you can organize this too. However, remember, if the birthday person is going through a quest, there is no need to prepare overly complex tasks and make long distances between points on the route. Still, it can be boring for one. It is much better to organize a fun quest in the company of friends who will help you complete the tasks.

A quest is a game consisting of several tasks (levels) united by one storyline. Each completed level provides a key (hint) to the next task or overall goal.

As a rule, there can be 7 - 10 such levels, but there may be fewer, or there may be more, depending on their complexity and the age of the players. The main thing is that the quest does not get boring for its participants, so its duration usually takes no more than 1.5 - 2 hours.

Advantages of the quest at home:

1) Easily accessible props - you can use everything you have in the house.

2) Minimum costs

3) You don't need to go anywhere.

4) One person or several teams can play, if the size of the room allows.

Step-by-step instructions "How to make a quest at home?"

Step 1. Come up with a plot for the quest at home: script and game mechanism

You can play around the holiday itself, as well as your favorite films or cartoons. Thus, you can congratulate the birthday person, make an offer, surprise and entertain guests, and conduct a ransom.

Particular attention should be paid to the spectacular finale. Possible options for ending the scenario:

Find a gift or ring;

Solve a crime, find a treasure, save a princess from a terrible dragon - any plot of your favorite fairy tales.

Open the room with the bride;

Save the birthday cake from being captured by monsters;

Sometimes the desired ending can lead to a plot idea.

Step 2. Create assignments

For example, tasks could be:

Decipher messages and codes;

Apply props in a special way;

Solve puzzles, rebuses, riddles;

Remember some joyful moments in life.

For example, the easiest way to play the game is to place small notes with hints around the apartment. In each note you need to guess the place where to look for the next note, and at the end - the final super prize (gift, key, magic sword, etc., depending on the plot).

Below you can watch a video review of the clue for finding the cache from the quest "Fairyland".

Participants need to hold the card over the candle so that the black paint disappears, revealing the name of the place where the magic potion ingredient is hidden.

Step 3. Prepare the necessary props

Following the script, you need to prepare in advance everything you need to carry it out, put the clues in their places, and hide the surprise for the ending.

You can send themed invitations to players in advance to not only invite them, but also set them up for the upcoming adventure.

In order not to get confused and not miss anything, it is better to lay out the clues in the order in which they are mentioned in the script. It is best to write down this sequence, as well as the correct answers.

Ready-made sets and scenarios

You can purchase ready-made quests with the necessary tasks, materials and detailed instructions on our website. All that remains is to carefully hide everything and enjoy the game.

How to organize an educational quest: methodological recommendations, rules of conduct and quest script for an English lesson.

A little bit about yourself: My name is Vadim Suslov, I am a teacher of English and economics, screenwriter, writer, entrepreneur. Worked with children of different ages from 5 to 16 years old.

What motivated me to create educational quests?

Firstly, this is the strict framework of the program. You and I must understand that in 1 year or, for example, 6 years, a child will not learn English. God willing, if he masters it in 11 years. This is important to understand and accept. Therefore, the main thing is to instill interest in the child and motivate him to learn the language.

Secondly, many children need an individual approach, and educational quests, in this case, serve as an ideal universal tool.

Thirdly, quests help to involve students with poor academic performance in the educational process.

And, of course, what could be better than children's emotions, genuine and pure? That long-awaited feedback that every teacher is waiting for.

Information is absorbed better during the game - that was and is my motto. Children aged 5,6,7 years are not very interested in grammar or rules, they are interested in the teacher and his tools.

Synopsis of the educational quest (point by point) or guideline for beginners

1. Give the children a printed quest (sheet with tasks).
2. Explain the rules and procedure, set strict timing.
3. Test in beta test mode quest for a small group of students.

4. Present the legend in parts, do not “unload” everything at once, if it is not
Olympiad or competition.
5. Try to make the riddles parallel so that all participants are involved in the process. At the same time, do not forget about the logic of the quest.
6. When creating a quest, come up with a problem and smoothly lead the players to its solution. If we are talking about elementary school, then try to introduce a negative character into the game.
7. Use as many tools as possible when conducting the quest, such as a safe, UV flashlight, UV marker, combination locks, etc.

Such quests should not be arranged every day. 1-2 per month is enough, primarily for the purpose of consolidating the material covered.

Is it difficult to implement such a quest? No, it's not difficult. To carry out a simple quest it is enough have this modest set:

  • Whatman sheet
  • Colored markers or markers
  • Scissors
  • Paper
  • Pens
  • A pinch of fantasy

As my experience shows, optimal number of participants in one team - from 4 to 5 people.

The topics can be any: Olympics of the Future or Investigation of the Century.

According to research, the most popular quest themes are prison escape or robbery. These themes are universal, they appeal to both men and women equally, and at the same time can be adapted for educational quests.

For example, the legend may be as follows: the students were locked in the hold on board the ship "Ignorance".

I suggest a ready-made educational quest script. The script has been tested in the Open World.

Educational quest in English

Scenario introduction:
The Players are a group of professional Olympic athletes from the future. Legend (told to the players or written on a sheet with tasks): the distant future has come, the year is 2166. Many things known in the 21st century have undergone significant changes: flying cars, environmental concerns, vegetarian society and much more. Sports, or more precisely, the Olympic Games, have also suffered; now athletes are valued not for strength, but for knowledge or skills. So, today the very day has come for you, which all athletes from all over the world are looking forward to. It is here and now that you have to show yourself and reveal all your skills and abilities. Do not forget that your aim– this is to score as many points as possible and get to the TOP of the ranking. As you know, all winners receive a prize.

So, your team is ready, it's time!

Quest specifics:

  1. Before the quest, all teams are given special sheets with tasks.
  2. There are few tasks, all of them are designed for 15-20 minutes.
  3. Players will have to fill out several fields on the quest sheet, so it is recommended that players be provided with a pen or pencil.
  4. To complete the quest you You will need the following items or props:
    pencils, pens, worksheets, 2 sheets of Whatman paper (several), projector and
    presenter - actor (but you can do without him), timer, voice recorder with recording, cork
    stand (like in schools), blindfolds (4 pieces), tennis balls, 4 vessels
    things with filling, a whistle and a visual start line.
  5. Incentive system - three teams in the TOP rating receive prizes:
    a Porsche car, a ticket to life, a trip to the planet England.
  6. Players receive points for completing tasks (obstacles).
  7. Players must read the assignments very carefully.

Progress of the quest:

Players take and receive sheets with quests (tasks) and reading the legend. As players read the legend, they understand that they are players and that some kind of competition awaits them.

After reading the legend, players will have to fill in the field at the top quest list. In the free “TEAM:” field, players must come up with and enterEnglish languagename of your team.

TEAM: (for example: FOX, Balls)

Task No. 1 (on whatman paper)

After the players have entered the team name, they go to Whatman paper with the characteristic number one(under the number: one).

What's on Whatman paper: In addition to the number, players will also see a drawing on the Whatman paper, and under it an encrypted message and a small crossword puzzle (5 words).

Decipher the message: pmizb n(a heart icon or a letter in a heart with a hint of the next task) is possible only with the help of a “master letter” (the letter with which coding begins), using the Julius Caesar cipher.

Julius Caesar code

Caesar Cipher is a type of substitution cipher in which each character in the plaintext is replaced by a character located at some constant number of positions to the left or right of it in the alphabet. For example, in a cipher with a right shift of 3, A would become D, B would become D, and so on.

In order to get the “master letter” and solve the encryptedmessage - players must solve the crossword puzzle(located on the same sheet Whatman paper).

The crossword consists of five words and is absolutely linear, i.e. To solve it, you need to write words sequentially, but pictures (drawings or something else) are used as questions. Divide each picture like a field in a sea battle game.

Crossword drawing

Sample questions/answers

  1. What do you see in the picture? (animals)
  2. 3X1 (sheep)
  3. 2X5 (pig)
  4. An animal with a long neck? (giraffe)
  5. This letter is in the alphabet between the first letter of the answer to the fourth
    question and you (you – I)
  6. The players deciphered the code and received the following message: “heart” (heart F in English).

With the help of the decrypted message, players understand which stand they need to go to next, and which card they need to draw from the next table.

Players will receive the maximum for this task 5 points. At the discretion of the presenter.

Task No. 2 (stand)

On the next stand there is a heart drawn. On the table near the stand there are 10 cards with various tasks (on the front side of each card players see a letter of the English alphabet). Turning over card with a letter, players will discover a task.

  • Speak for 5 minutes in a squeaky voice.
  • After each word, say the word SIR for 10 minutes.

The task is to complete the previous tasks and not guess on the “coffee grounds”, but to pull out the card with the required task the first time.

For completing this task, players will receive a maximum of 4 points (at the discretion of the leader).

Task No. 3

Players need to take a selfie with the presenter in front of him and post it on Instagram or another social network with the hashtag (for example) #scenarioquestcloud, #questplanetainland

For completing this task, players will receive a maximum of 4 points ( at the discretion of the presenter).

Task No. 4

Agility task. The task is simple and is carried out (and assessed) by the presenter: say the phrase and simultaneously throw and catch balls (tennis).

  • “Whether the weather be fine
  • Whether the weather be cold
  • Or whether the weather be not.
  • We will walk together.
  • Whatever the weather
  • Whether we like it or not.”

After the leader’s assessment, players receive points from 1 to 5. And they make up a word from the letters on the balls (players can get additional points) “ courage"- courage.

Task No. 5

All players are waiting for the back on courage. The players (the entire team) are blindfolded. They need to put their hand into certain four niches. You have a choice: vase, jar, hole, hat. After that, feel the object there (inside) and describe it in English words, and other team members must guess it and fill in the empty cells on the quest list.

The difficulty and specificity lies in the fact that in addition to the description, players have to stick their hand into different vessels with “vile contents”(in tactile terms).” An example of filling vessels with “abominations”: a vessel with insects (toys), a vessel with plush or hair, a vessel with rice, a vessel with a slug, a vessel with Legos or water.

Descriptive items(popular words):

  • star (toy)
  • book or plastic fork
  • ring
  • glasses, stone (flower)

Note: vessels or boxes are located on the table.

For a greater WOW effect, at the time of completing the task of courage, it is worth using local sounds (from the speaker) from “horror films”.

Safety precautions: It is advisable to use plastic vessels so that they do not break and there is no damage from splinters.


The players go to the school board. The players' results are recorded by the presenter, after which they leave the quest area.

Congratulations from the presenter!

Annex 1.Contents of the quest list (for players)

The Players are a group of professional Olympic athletes.
Legend (told to players or written on the task sheet):
The distant future has arrived, the year is 2166. Many famous at 21
century, things have undergone significant changes: flying cars, caring for
ecology, vegetarian society and much more. Including got
sports, or rather the Olympic Games, what is now valued in athletes is not strength,
but knowledge or skills. So, today is the day for you,
which all athletes from all over the world are looking forward to. This is where
Now, you have to show yourself and reveal all your skills and abilities. Not
remember that your goal is to score as many points as possible and get to the TOP
rating. As you know, all winners receive a prize. So, yours
The team is ready, the time has come!
✔️ Obstacle ONE awaits you.
✔️ Pull out the card you want. The extra one found in the decryption will help you.
✔️ Say the phrase and throw and catch balls at the same time.
✔️ Be brave and smart. (4 free fields)
✔️ Final score. Say four “groped” words.

Vadim Suslov. I hope my article was useful! You can also order my book “Quest” - in it you will find all the answers to your questions regarding quests. If you have any questions, please email me ( [email protected]) or search on VKontakte: My website:

My memories from childhood + imagination were enough for exactly one quest: a dozen tasks that are not duplicated.
But the children liked the fun, they asked for more quests and had to go online.
This article will not describe the script, legends, or design. But there will be 13 ciphers to encode the tasks for the quest.

Code number 1. Picture

A drawing or photo that directly indicates the place where the next clue is hidden, or a hint at it: broom + socket = vacuum cleaner
Complication: make a puzzle by cutting the photo into several parts.

Code 2. Leapfrog.

Swap the letters in the word: SOFA = NIDAV

Cipher 3. Greek alphabet.

Encode the message using the letters of the Greek alphabet, and give the children the key:

Code 4. Vice versa.

Write the assignment backwards:

  • every word:
    Etishchi dalk extra Jonsos
  • or an entire sentence, or even a paragraph:
    Etsem morkom momas v - akzaksdop yaaschuudelS. itup monrev an yv

Code 5. Mirror.

(when I did the quest for my children, at the very beginning I gave them a “magic bag”: there was a key to the “Greek alphabet”, a mirror, “windows”, pens and sheets of paper, and all sorts of unnecessary things for confusion. Finding the next riddle , they had to figure out for themselves what from the bag would help them find the answer)

Code 6. Rebus.

The word is encoded in pictures:

Cipher 7. Next letter.

We write a word, replacing all the letters in it with the following ones in alphabetical order (then I is replaced by A, in a circle). Or the previous ones, or the next ones after 5 letters :).


Code 8. Classics to the rescue.

I took a poem (and told the children which one) and a code of 2 numbers: line number number of letters in the line.


Pushkin "Winter Evening"

The storm covers the sky with darkness,
Whirling snow whirlwinds;
Then, like a beast, she will howl,
Then he will cry like a child,
Then on the dilapidated roof
Suddenly the straw will rustle,
The way a belated traveler
There will be a knock on our window.

21 44 36 32 82 82 44 33 12 23 82 28

Did you read it, where is the hint? :)

Code 9. Dungeon.

Write the letters in a 3x3 grid:

Then the word WINDOW is encrypted like this:

Code 10. Labyrinth.

My children liked this code; it is unlike the others, because it is not so much for the brain as for attention.


On a long thread/rope you attach the letters in order, as they appear in the word. Then you stretch the rope, twist it and entangle it in every possible way between the supports (trees, legs, etc.). Having walked along the thread, as if through a maze, from the first letter to the last, the children will recognize the clue word.

Imagine if you wrap one of the adult guests in this way!
Children read - The next clue is on Uncle Vasya.
And they run to feel Uncle Vasya. Eh, if he is also afraid of tickles, then everyone will have fun!

Code 11. Invisible ink.

Use a wax candle to write the word. If you paint over the sheet with watercolors, you can read it.
(there are other invisible inks... milk, lemon, something else... But I only had a candle in my house :))

Code 12. Rubbish.

The vowels remain unchanged, but the consonants change according to the key.
For example:
reads as - VERY COLD, if you know the key:

Code 13. Windows.

The kids loved it incredibly! They then used these windows to encrypt messages to each other all day long.
So: on one sheet of paper we cut out windows, as many as there are letters in the word. This is a stencil, we apply it to a blank sheet of paper and write a clue word in the windows. Then we remove the stencil and write many different unnecessary letters on the remaining blank space of the sheet. You can read the code if you attach a stencil with windows.
The children were at first stupefied when they found a sheet covered with letters. Then they twisted the stencil back and forth, but you still need to put it on the right side!

Code 14. Map, Billy!

Draw a map and mark (X) the location with the treasure.
When I did the quest for mine for the first time, I decided that the map was very simple for them, so I needed to make it more mysterious (then it turned out that just a map would be enough for the children to get confused and run in the opposite direction)...

This is the map of our street. Hints here are house numbers (to understand that this is actually our street) and huskies. This dog lives with a neighbor across the street.
The children did not immediately recognize the area and asked me leading questions..
Then 14 children took part in the quest, so I united them into 3 teams. They had 3 versions of this map and each one had its place marked. As a result, each team found one word:
This was the next task :). He left behind some hilarious photos!
For my son’s 9th birthday, I didn’t have time to invent a quest, so I bought it on the MasterFuns website.. At my own peril and risk, because the description there is not very good.
But my children and I liked it because:
  1. inexpensive (similar to about 4 dollars per set)
  2. quickly (paid - downloaded, printed - everything took 15-20 minutes)
  3. There are a lot of tasks, with plenty to spare. And although I didn’t like all the riddles, there was plenty to choose from, and you could enter your own task
  4. everything is decorated in the same monster style and this gives the holiday effect. In addition to the quest tasks themselves, the kit includes: a postcard, flags, table decorations, and invitations to guests. And it's all about monsters! :)
  5. In addition to the 9-year-old birthday boy and his friends, I also have a 5-year-old daughter. The tasks were beyond her, but she and her friend also found entertainment - 2 games with monsters, which were also in the set. Phew, in the end - everyone is happy!

The main advantage of business activities related to quest projects is a high level of profitability and good prospects for further development. The target audience is people under 35 years of age who prefer to relax actively and unconventionally. And there are many of them! How to open your own quest? What needs to be taken into account in a business plan for successful activities? Let's consider all the nuances of organizing the quest.

Analysis of quest business - assessment of opportunities

When starting to organize quests, it is necessary to take into account the influence of various factors:

  • External - unchangeable. They can be seen as a threat that is avoided, or as an opportunity that should be immediately pursued:
Possibilities Threats
Low competition market Constant monitoring of demand for one or another type of scenario for timely replacement of an “obsolete” project
New ideas attract consumers Sometimes it is difficult to determine customer preferences
Relatively low start-up costs Demand appears spasmodically, it depends on holidays, weekends, seasons, the beginning of the academic session, as well as its end, and so on.
Free flight of creative thought, you can develop completely new ideas, there are almost no restrictions It is possible that regulations will be introduced at the state level in relation to this business.
Free entry into the market The level of purchasing power determines the demand for quests
Attractive ROI Conducting potentially dangerous quests requires ensuring safety measures for clients
  • Domestic – depending on the organizational approach, that is, on the businessman himself. There are some nuances here:

The sequence of actions when implementing a quest project consists of three main steps:

  • Correct selection of premises.
  • Script development.
  • Unmistakably selected and arranged scenery.

Consumers are attracted by a fascinating plot and high-quality implementation of the conceived idea.

Organizing quests legally - necessary documents

The package of documents in the business in question is not the largest:

  1. will be quite enough for legal work.
  2. Choosing a simplified taxation system will greatly facilitate relations with the tax authorities.
  3. It is necessary to have an agreement with the landlord.
  4. You can avoid buying a cash register if the entrepreneur opens a bank account, that is, payment for services will be accepted by bank transfer.

Don't forget about the safety briefing, which ends with the signatures of the players. The execution of such a document means that clients are warned about possible risk factors. In this option, all responsibility is shifted to the quest participants, although it is recommended to avoid risky elements in the game.

The choice of quest format determines the location of the room

It is important for a future businessman to choose the quest format and only after that look for a suitable premises or do without it:

Type of quest Where is it held? Concept Note
Finding a way out – players need to go outside the room by solving a series of problems Rented rooms in anti-cafes and so on. You can agree on mutually beneficial conditions to get rid of the costs of renting space Appropriate equipment is required to conduct intellectual competitions and immersion in alternative reality It is advisable to find a place with high traffic volumes
City quest In any area of ​​the city or other locality A game with a distribution of roles in the spirit of a detective story or with solving a mystery, searching for a villain, and a similar scenario. As an entourage, abandoned buildings, streets of city outskirts, landfills Great dependence on weather conditions
Children's quest Rented premises in shopping centers and other buildings in areas with good foot traffic Option for family fun or peer groups Estimated age of participants 6-7 years or more
Quest with a trip to nature Any terrain that meets the playing conditions is suitable It is carried out without special equipment with the participation of 2-4 people. All you need is costumes and a captivating plot. Features increased safety requirements

Thus, the operation of a quest room is impossible without a decent premises with proper repairs. It is also important to take into account good transport accessibility. Role-playing games are usually organized in an anti-cafe, where a large number of people come. This is a kind of toy library. But city, search, and away quests (for example, for a wedding celebration or corporate event) do not require premises.

Scenario for a quest - rules for creating it

To begin with, a topic is selected. In this matter, they rely on the interests of the target audience. Children under 7 years old are interested in the adventures of fairy-tale heroes. Older players are attracted to pirate themes; those over 20 like to unravel detective mysteries, and so on. It is important to study the demand. What computer games are young people interested in? What is important to transfer to reality? A unique scenario is one of the most important elements for attracting customers.

The game mechanism can be changed, but there are unchanged components: