Determine that you are being deceived. External physiological signs. How to tell by facial expressions that a person is lying

Often it only seems that we are telling the truth, we don’t even notice that we are lying. Count how many times during the day you deceive others.

But we ourselves don’t like it if we are deceived. And everyone wants to know how to spot a lie. Police and security experts often use techniques to reveal lies. These techniques will also be useful to you in order to reveal lies your interlocutor. By using them, you will protect yourself from deceivers and scammers.

A lie can always be recognized, no matter how hard a person tries to hide it. Deception can be determined by the interlocutor’s facial expressions, gestures and eyes.

Men are bad liars - their lies are easily recognized. They give themselves away through facial expressions, eyes, and gestures. They give themselves away by nervous laughter or voice intonation. They give themselves away by trying to tell a joke or change the topic of conversation.

Women are professionals of deception. But at the same time, they differ from men in that they are very ashamed of their lies. They lose sleep and worry.

There are many people who are absolutely not ashamed of their lies. They can lie with pleasure all their lives.

How to spot a lie by the eyes

Just by the eyes you can recognize lies.

A person can control the movements of his body, but he cannot control the movements of his eyes. Eyes always give away deception. No matter how hard a person tries to hide a lie, his eyes will always reveal his intentions.

Signs of deception:

  • constriction and dilation of the pupils. This happens very quickly and you should carefully watch your eyes to recognize a lie;

  • widened eyes. Briefly, no more than three seconds. The deceiver seems to be surprised how his interlocutor recognized the lie;
  • eyes downcast. He's lying, but he's ashamed. Probably the person has not yet completely lost his conscience;
  • the eyes are raised up and to the side. In this situation, the liar comes up with a fable, which he will soon try to present as the truth;
  • the deceiver's eyes dart around different sides. This indicates that you have caught him off guard and his brain is starting to search for an answer. At the same time, the person begins to sweat, his temperature rises, since a lot of energy is expended during deception;
  • Usually a person looks the other person in the eyes for most of the conversation. During a conversation, the deceiver tries not to meet the gaze of his interlocutor;

  • an overly intense gaze. Sometimes a person knows sign of deception, described above, and therefore overdoes it - for a long time and without blinking, he looks at the interlocutor.

Identify lies by facial expressions

Identify lies by facial expressions quite difficult, as in the narrowing or dilation of the pupils. The process lasts no more than three seconds. It is also necessary to watch the interlocutor’s face very carefully in order to notice any reaction. This is quite difficult, but after some practice it is quite possible.

If a person realizes that his lie has been exposed, he experiences a storm of emotions. For example, these:

  • anger and anger - lips are compressed, eyes sparkle, eyebrows are drawn together and lowered;

  • sadness - the corners of the mouth are lowered, the gaze is distracted, the upper eyelids are lowered;
  • contempt - the corner of the mouth is raised on one side;
  • fear - the lower eyelids are tense, the upper eyelids are raised, the lips are elongated, the eyebrows are slightly raised;
  • happiness - facial muscles form small wrinkles in the corners of the eyes, cheeks are raised;
  • surprise - the mouth is slightly open, the eyes are wide open, the eyebrows are slightly raised;
  • disgust - wrinkled face, raised upper lip.

How to detect a lie by gestures

It is easier to notice a deceiver's gestures than to detect a lie by the eyes. Professional liars have learned to control their limbs and facial expressions, but they also have movements that they themselves do not notice:

  • The deceiver's gestures are usually stingy and constrained. His hands are inactive and constantly reach for his face. A liar scratches behind his ear, touches the tip of his nose;
  • hands to mouth. A habit from childhood. If a child is lying, it is as if he is covering his mouth with his hand or finger, it is clear that he is lying;
  • one hand in your pocket. This gesture shows that the person is hiding something;
  • fiddling with clothes. When a person is nervous, he unbuttons or buttons his clothes, fiddling with the edge of his jacket or sweater;
  • shifts from foot to foot. A liar cannot stand still. It's not easy for him. He walks, sits down, gets up, can turn on and then turn off the TV... With this he tries to veil the deception;
  • object in hands. A liar opens and closes a pen, twirls a phone or something else in his hands. He is worried, which means he may not be telling something;
  • subconsciously tries to isolate himself from the interlocutor - places some objects, for example a book, a cup of coffee, in the space between you;
  • emotions stop as suddenly as they begin. The reaction is slow or lasts longer than necessary;
  • facial expressions and spoken words do not coincide in time. The deceiver, having received a gift, will say “Thank you, I like it” and only then smile - usually this happens at the same time;
  • the facial expression does not correspond to what was said, for example, frowning eyebrows when declaring love;
  • facial expression is only in the movements of the mouth, and not the entire face. When truthful people smile, their whole face moves; when a liar smiles on duty, their eyes are motionless;
  • a liar will not bring his hand to his heart or stomach when speaking.

More signs of lies

If you suspect that the other person is deceiving you, try unexpectedly changing the topic of conversation. The deceiver will happily agree to change the conversation, but the innocent one will be embarrassed by the sudden change of topic and want to continue the previous conversation.

  • a liar often tries to avoid a “sick” topic with the help of sarcasm or humor;
  • the question asked is restructured into an answer, for example: “Did you break the last plate?” - “No, I didn’t break the last plate”;
  • speaks in hints instead of directly denying;
  • during a conversation he adds unnecessary details, and during pauses in the conversation he feels clearly uncomfortable;
  • when he tells the truth, he emphasizes pronouns more than other words; when he lies, he speaks monotonously and omits pronouns;
  • speaks too quietly or distorts words;
  • The liar's speech is grammatically incorrect.

Of course, if you notice signs of deception in someone, this does not mean 100 percent that the person is a liar. His behavior must be compared with everyday behavior before drawing conclusions.

Try to look at people at home, at work, in transport and try to recognize lies. Believe me, this is quite an interesting activity.

And one last thing. Ignorance can be bliss and it is quite possible that you will have a hard time when you find out about the lies of people close to you.


Often during a conversation with another person, you cannot understand whether he is telling the truth or lying. And you don’t want to be deceived by your interlocutor at all. So is it possible to determine whether a person is telling the truth or outright lying to you? Are there any methods?

Of course, there are methods for distinguishing lies from truth. And there is no need to be professional psychologist, in order to quickly see a liar and almost accurately determine the falsity of his promises and arguments.

You just need to carefully observe a person’s behavior, analyze what he says, and record the obvious dissonance between his words and gestures. In this case, you need to trust your eyes more than your ears.

How can you tell from a person's appearance that he is lying?

Identifying a lie is easy and simple by observing facial expressions, listening to the voice and spoken words, and also paying attention to Special attention on the gestures and postures used by the person lying to you. Here are some examples.

One person is trying to appear before you as extremely honest, an opponent of all lies. Therefore, he constantly repeats: “honestly,” “trust me,” “I swear to you,” “this is one hundred percent true.” He doesn't believe himself and tries to convince himself.

Another, in order not to lie, will try in every possible way to evade the topic under discussion and the direct questions asked. To this end, he will convince you that he is not aware of what he is talking about. we're talking about. Or he just doesn't want to talk about it.

Sometimes a liar becomes outright rude and may begin to be rude and rude so as not to talk about what he has to lie about. In such cases, things can escalate to shouting, scandal and even assault.

Remember that an honest person, on the contrary, will try to tell you everything in detail, defend his position, and explain in detail the circumstances of the case. In some cases, he may simply be deliberately mistaken, but not lie.

Often you have to deceive in the name of your own salvation or shielding loved one. This is the so-called “white lie.” This has probably happened to each of us at home in the family and at work with colleagues.

Some try to cover their bodies, others start scratching their noses, others look around. As you know, his eyes can say a lot about a person. A liar will try not to look you straight in the eyes, he will look away and dart his eyes.

If you ask him some specific question, he will start to get confused out of surprise, stammer, stammer, blush, because... a false legend, as a rule, is not thought through to the end and has to be invented on the fly.

A person who lies feels emotionally uncomfortable, his behavior is unnatural, he may be too active or too passive. If you know your interlocutor well, you can easily determine that he is lying.

How to recognize a lie by the eyes?

1) Psychologists have long noticed that a person who lies, as a rule, takes his eyes away from his interlocutor to the left, and then lowers them down. So he's trying to pick up the right words or invent images to lie.

If you notice such behavior in your interlocutor, there is reason to believe that he is insincere with you. But it is not yet an established fact that he is outright lying to you. We need to continue monitoring his behavior.

2) If during a conversation a person raises his eyes upward, it means that he is trying to isolate and describe images from visual or visual memory. If he turns his head to the right or left side, it means he is working with auditory or auditory memory.

If your interlocutor lowers his head down, it means that he wants to concentrate and carefully controls everything that is said. Watch him carefully, it is at this moment that he may begin to invent and voice lies.

3) It is important to record the interlocutor’s first reaction to the question asked to him. If at the same time he begins to roll his eyes up and to the right or lowers them down and to the left, it means that he is panickingly trying to come up with some acceptable false legend.

It should be remembered that a professional liar, i.e. A person who lies constantly, is skilled in this matter, and also has good acting skills, is very difficult to catch in a lie by looking at his eyes.

4) If you have repeatedly encountered the fact that a particular interlocutor is lying to you, then try to remember how he behaves in this case. This will help you catch him in a lie in the future.

You should remember the entire strategy of his behavior: how he “runs” his eyes, what phrases he pronounces, which direction he looks, how he behaves in general. This information will help you in the future to avoid becoming a victim of a liar.

Every person knows how to lie. This begins with a child's tendency to fantasize, and adults, over the course of their lives, simply get used to lying to each other, even about little things. Some people do it without thinking.

However, the deceived party suffers from unreliable information and receives psychological trauma: Parents lie to children, and children of parents, spouses lie to each other, and friends mercilessly misinform their best friends.

A story made up on the fly is just as easily forgotten. If you ask a liar a second time about the same topic, he will come up with a completely or partially different version. And you will understand that you have been blatantly deceived.

Sometimes constant lies turn into real pathology. In psychology there is a concept of a pathological liar. This disease destroys the patient’s consciousness; he himself ceases to understand where the truth is and where the lie is.

Let's figure out what a lie is, and when can it become a problem not only for others, but also for the liar himself, and turn into a difficult-to-treat pathology? A lie is untrue information expressed by one person to another.

In modern psychology, there are three types of people who are prone to lying.

1) A person who wants to always look smarter than everyone else in society. He likes to take an active part in a variety of discussions, proving to his interlocutors that they have a good classical education and extensive life experience.

To identify his lies, it is enough to ask a couple of simple clarifying questions on the topic under discussion. A person who is lying will immediately try to answer specific questions. in general phrases, and it will become clear that he is deceiving.

2) A person who lies for selfish reasons is inclined to make a lot of different, sometimes simply inappropriate, compliments. In this way, he wants to lull the vigilance of his interlocutor and achieve his own selfish benefits from him.

This is how scammers of all stripes work, deceiving gullible and suggestible citizens. These are deceivers in the style of Sergei Mavrodi. Only your own life experience and intelligence can help here.

3) There are people who have the ability to deceive from birth. They lie “for the soul”, perceiving lying as an art. As a rule, they have good acting skills and are able to fool anyone.

Often there is no protection from them. Such a liar will put on a whole performance in front of you, rob you of everything, and you will like it. While playing, for a minute he himself believes in what he is saying. These are liars in the style of Ostap Bender.

4) Pathological liars deceive both people and themselves. They come up with own life(test pilot, confidant of the President, son of the Prosecutor General) and they themselves believe in their fiction. In real life, such liars, as a rule, have a low social status.

If you demand proof of his words from a pathological liar, he will immediately tell a beautiful story about how he was forgotten or confused in the maternity hospital, deliberately deprived of his status, or simply burned documents at the behest of the Kremlin.

How to recognize a lie?

Developed by psychologists whole line methods that should be used to understand whether a person is telling you the truth or simply lying. These methods do not provide a 100% guarantee, but they undoubtedly provide serious assistance.

First method: detect lies by answer

If a person, after asking a question, repeats it completely or partially or is silent for several minutes, it means that he is thinking about how to answer correctly so as not to harm himself or other people.

This behavior indicates that he is insincere with you and most often ends up answering falsely. A truthful person, without hesitation, lays out all the information he has on your question.

Second method: detect lies by lack of answer

If, in response to a question, your interlocutor tells a joke or otherwise diverts the conversation, it means that he does not want to share with you, he has something to hide. According to the rules of etiquette, you should appreciate his wit and laugh.

If you continue to insist on receiving an answer, you may come across as a bore. This is such a well-known tactic of not lying, but not telling the truth, often used by liars in society.

Third method: detect lies by behavior

Instead of an answer, you receive a nervous reaction from your interlocutor. He begins to cough, scratch himself, may suddenly change the pace of his speech, etc. This indicates that he is psychologically preparing to lie to you.

You should be careful with such a person, because... You can really become a victim of deception. Although such behavior is not typical for a professional liar, because he has long been accustomed to lying and benefits from it.

Fourth method: detect lies by gestures

Sometimes, during a conversation, the interlocutor begins to automatically make specific gestures: (scratching the back of his head, touching his face, etc.). This suggests that he is trying to subconsciously isolate himself from you.

Sometimes he backs away from the interlocutor, shifts from foot to foot, and tries to move away. This means that at the subconscious level he understands that now he will have to tell a lie. And this is unpleasant for him.

Carefully study the behavior of your family and friends at a time when, according to your assumptions, they are lying. This will help you not to waste your relationship with them, but simply to know when they told a lie and to protect yourself from it in a timely manner.

In this article we will discuss nonverbal signs of lying. I'll tell you how a man's body during a conversation signals that he is trying to deceive you. You will learn how the posture, gestures, gaze and voice of a liar changes. By following my recommendations, you will learn to recognize lies and learn why it is important not to give away your suspicions right away.

Confidence is a necessary component of a strong union. Statistics say that men cheat almost twice as often as women. To trust or verify is a personal choice for everyone. Undoubtedly, being deceived is very unpleasant, so it is important to be able to recognize the markers of lies.

It also happens that trust is lost, but everything can be fixed. It is important for strong and loving relationships.

What indirect signs will help you spot a liar? Firstly, this nonverbal cues: posture, gestures, facial expressions, gaze. Secondly, this is the manner of speech: volume, timbre and even the number and duration of pauses in the conversation. And thirdly, these are seemingly insignificant details of his story. Below we will consider each point in more detail.

Learn his body language

The body of a liar involuntarily gives signals to others that the person is being disingenuous.

  • Pose. Pay attention to what position the interlocutor takes. If a man is sitting, his arms and legs can be crossed, and the posture as a whole can be called closed. If you are talking while standing, then the person who is trying to deceive you tilts his body a little back.
  • Movements. Top part The deceiver's body is most often tense and motionless, while the legs are actively moving. A man may twitch his leg, shake it - all this indicates that he is trying to deceive you.
  • Gesticulation. When we emotionally describe something in a conversation, our hands involuntarily help us convey impressions through gestures. But a liar behaves differently, since it is impossible to indicate a lie with gestures.

The deceiver’s hands are busy with something else: the man pulls and scratches the tip of his nose, rubs his palms, straightens his hair, touches his face, covers his mouth with his palm.

  • Sight. Usually in a conversation people look into each other's eyes. A person who wants to deceive you will avoid direct gaze. Psychologists say that deceivers often look away to the left or up, blink more often or, on the contrary, do not blink at all and look very intently.

When a person lies, his pupils constrict. It’s difficult to notice, so don’t stare intensely into your partner’s eyes. You will involuntarily give away your suspicions, and the man will understand on a non-verbal level that he should be more careful. If you want to see through a deceiver, watch him gradually.

  • Smile. We have all noticed how the eyes of a person who smiles sincerely and from the heart glow. But a cold gaze, raised corners of the lips, or, on the contrary, a too wide, unnatural smile clearly betray a liar. In addition to a smile, nervous giggles and insincere, feigned laughter will help you spot a deceiver.

Notice what and how he says

Even the most skilled speaker is unable to control his voice if he has to spontaneously come up with lies on the fly.

  • Voice. When deceiving, a person always speaks louder than usual, and the timbre of his voice changes. A liar speaks more slowly than usual, drawing out his words and being distracted by his watch, phone or a sip of coffee in order to gain time and successfully get out.

  • Confusion in indications. Spontaneous lies are always forgotten very quickly. If you suspect that your partner is deceiving you, gently find out the details in a conversation. In two days the man won’t even remember what exactly he lied about. Most likely, he will be confused and give completely different information when you ask him again a few days later.

This tactic will only work in the case of a spontaneous lie. If a partner has thought through all the details of his deception in advance, he will repeat them in all subsequent conversations.

  • Munchausen complex. If you notice that your partner often deceives you in small things, then he is capable of big lies. Unless, of course, he suffers from mythomania, or the Munchausen complex.

People with this trait tend to regularly and enthusiastically distort facts and lie about even the most insignificant things. Moreover, they themselves sincerely believe in the alternative reality that they create with the help of lies.

  • The topic of conversation. Spontaneous lies are always stressful. If you suspect that your partner is trying to deceive you, try abruptly changing the subject. A liar will gladly support such an initiative, just to distract himself from his own lies.

If a man is telling the truth, he will be unpleasant that you spontaneously left the topic. In this case, your partner will try to return your attention to the subject of the conversation.

Don't give away your suspicions

Remember that you are not the only one watching the man. If your partner is deliberately deceiving you, he will unconsciously try to track your reaction to his words. Your task is not to give away your suspicions. Only in this case will you be able to find out whether there are reasons not to trust the man.

Develop dialogue. If you realize that the man just lied, continue the conversation. Don’t get hung up on lies and don’t try to catch all the markers of deception at once. You will see much more if you can convince your partner that you did not notice the lie.

Don't interrogate or incriminate. A barrage of questions and attempts to catch your interlocutor in a lie will alert him and push him away. It’s better to continue the friendly conversation, but notice and remember the voiced inconsistencies. Later, you will be able to analyze the information and understand whether there was a deception.

Answers on questions

My husband constantly deceives me in small things. Nothing serious, but these little daily lies are terribly annoying.

Pay attention to how you become aware of these lies. Perhaps there is excessive control over the husband, and with the help of such small insignificant deceptions he is trying to win at least part of his personal space.

If he is simply a pathological liar, you have two options: come to terms with and accept this feature, or have a heart-to-heart talk. Perhaps a frank, confidential conversation will help your spouse understand how his behavior is interfering with your relationship.

I know for sure that the man lied to me, this is indicated by many facts and inconsistencies in his stories. I tried to discuss the situation, to which he refuses, says that I am paranoid and even gets offended with the words “How can you not trust me?” How to get him to admit to deception?

By accusing you of being excessively suspicious and expressing resentment at your lack of trust, a man is manipulating you. He tries to take the conversation in a different direction, making you feel guilty for daring to suspect him of lying.

Calmly say that you have nothing to feel guilty about, but you have facts that directly indicate deception. Unfortunately, it is very difficult to come to an agreement with a manipulator. Therefore, if your partner deceived you on a grand scale and got away with it, be prepared for the lie to be repeated more than once.

In the family, I distribute expenses and control income. Previously, my husband’s salary came to the card, and I could track the amounts through Internet banking, but on new job he is paid in cash. For several months now he has been giving away an amount much less than what he was promised when he was hired. When I ask where the rest of the salary is, he claims that he gave me everything, but I feel some kind of omission. How to bring it to clean water?

Either he is actually paid less than promised, or he is withholding part of his salary. In the first case, you can ask him to show the payslip. If he refuses, this may indicate that he is keeping part of the money for himself. There are two possible scenarios here: he either secretly saves money (which, in general, is normal - to want to manage your finances), or spends this money on something.

Pay attention to your husband's behavior. Do you know where and with whom he spends time? Try to find out what or who he spends part of his salary on. As a rule, women's intuition allows them to very subtly sense changes in their partner's behavior. Trust yourself. If you suspect deception, have a heart-to-heart talk with your husband and pay attention to the markers of lies in the conversation.

Watch this video from practical psychologist Nadezhda Mayer. Nadezhda will tell you how to survive the betrayal of a loved one. Find out how to behave if you decide to forgive a man and save the relationship.

What to remember

  1. The liar's posture can be described as "closed".
  2. The deceiver's hands touch the face, hair, tug or scratch the tip of the nose, and cover the mouth.
  3. When a person lies, he looks to the left or up, blinks too often or, on the contrary, does not blink at all and looks intently into the eyes.
  4. A crooked smile, nervous chuckles and feigned laughter are clear markers of lies.
  5. When deceiving, people speak louder and slower than usual.
  6. If, after asking a question, a man is distracted by his phone, watch, or asks again - this is an obvious “symptom” of deception.
  7. Pay attention to the details - in a couple of days the deceiver will give completely different information.
  8. A barrage of questions and attempts to instantly catch a man in a lie will alert him and scare him away. You will learn much more if you can convince your partner that you did not notice the deception.

Do you want to know if your chosen one is deceiving you? You have reasons for such thoughts, and various ways to find out the truth.

Disappointing statistics

If you're worried that your partner is lying to you, you may well be right - lying is much more common than we would like. Sometimes it's not just a white lie or omission, but a serious deception related to your relationship or infidelity.
Unfortunately, there is no scientific way to determine whether your partner is cheating on you. However, you can easily tell when he is cheating. Here are seven ways you can tell if he's hiding something important from you.

Ask your friends

Other people, sometimes even strangers, often have no trouble noticing when something is wrong with someone's relationship. Psychologists use a test in which a couple must create a drawing together. One participant draws blindfolded, and the other helps him with instructions. Everything that happens is recorded on camera. Before the experiment begins, participants are asked to answer several questions about the relationship, including whether they have ever been cheated on.
After this, the researchers gave a tape of the drawing process to strangers, who had to guess which couple had cheated. Surprisingly, the volunteers guessed incredibly accurately. This research suggests that simply looking at partners' interactions may sometimes be enough to sense betrayal or conflict. People make surprisingly accurate judgments about others in a wide variety of situations, even from the briefest observation. At least, this is the conclusion scientists came to. If you begin to have serious doubts about whether everything is okay in your relationship, advice from friends or loved ones can help you.

Pretend nothing is happening and watch

People often judge other people's behavior quite poorly, especially when they try to do it consciously. If you have the opportunity to observe someone's behavior longer, it will be much easier for you to figure out whether you are being deceived. In 2013, a team of scientists conducted an experiment in which students had to observe people testifying in court and then determine whether those people were telling the truth or a lie.
Students who were given more time to think before making a verdict did a much better job of identifying liars. Human consciousness does not always cope with the separation of truth and lies. It takes time to assess the situation. If something worries or worries you, you should simply give yourself the opportunity to orient yourself - perhaps the strange behavior was a temporary phenomenon associated with stress or other life circumstances. If, over time, you become confident that you are being deceived, you will have a more compelling reason to sort out the relationship.

Pay careful attention to your choice of words

In a recent study, psychology professor James Pennebaker analyzed data collected by a text evaluation program. It has been discovered that there are certain formulations that signal that the speaker is trying to hide the truth. For example, liars are less likely to use personal pronouns, avoid saying “I think” or “I understand,” and are less likely to use “but” and “except.” In addition, they often use negative words, such as “anger” or “enemy,” as well as verbs that describe movement. Of course, all this is only relevant if the manner of communication has changed in some way - if your partner has always preferred harsh language and has not talked too much about his own feelings, such words may not signal anything.

Listen to the sound of the voice

Canadian researchers recently asked a group of volunteers to listen to several recordings of voices and rate how attractive each one sounded. After this, the scientists were asked to estimate how likely it was that a particular person would be unfaithful to his partner.
Female volunteers most often noted that men with a low-pitched voice were more likely to cheat, while male volunteers, on the contrary, believed that women would cheat more often if they had a high-pitched voice. Men with higher testosterone levels have deeper voices, according to a study. high level testosterone is associated with the likelihood of infidelity. However, scientists could not explain where people get the psychological awareness of this. In the future, they will study this fact, but for now you can simply evaluate your partner’s voice and, based on this, understand whether he is generally inclined to cheat - the timbre will tell you this.

Pay attention to social networks

If your partner spends more time with his mobile phone than with you, it may be suspicious. Research has shown that people who are highly active on social media are more likely to experience infidelity, breakup, or divorce. According to scientists, most people spend no more than an hour on social networks. Those who use social media for longer periods of time are more likely to fight with their partners, cheat on them, or get divorced. The longer the time spent in social network, the worse the effect on the relationship. However, this does not mean that the phone leads to cheating; however, there is still some connection. If you have a problem like this in your relationship, it's time to have a serious conversation with your partner. A seemingly harmless habit of surfing the Internet can ruin your life. life together in the future, even if no betrayal occurs.

Watch for sudden changes in behavior

If you've been in a relationship for a long enough period of time, most likely you already know how your partner behaves under normal circumstances - what he likes to eat, how he reacts to challenges and surprises, whether he's a good listener, and so on. Sudden changes in body language, facial expressions, speech patterns, and others can be signals of ambivalent behavior, according to scientists who specialize in recognizing deceivers during detective investigations. A person's body shows certain signals if he is nervous and feels tense - which is what happens when a person lies. Learn to recognize them and it will be much easier for you to navigate what they tell you, because you will notice the truth or lies even without words.

Pay attention to silence, repetition, or negative reactions

There is a clear sign of lying - a sudden refusal to talk. When a person's tongue seems to be taken away, this may be due to the fact that nervous system automatically reacts to stress, and the mouth becomes dry. Another sign is a negative reaction even to fairly innocent questions. Finally, people who lie often repeat the question before answering it, most likely to give themselves time to come up with an answer. If you notice any of these signs in your partner, this can be considered sufficient grounds for suspicion. You shouldn’t draw quick conclusions, but you definitely shouldn’t turn a blind eye to what’s happening.

Despite the fact that lies are found everywhere in life, there is a list of gestures that help to recognize them. This, in turn, is used to reveal the truth, and to find out the main nuances of the case that the person wanted to hide.

The easiest way to recognize a person who is telling a lie is through video. It clearly shows the facial expressions that are typical of a liar.

  • When telling information that is a lie in advance, a person constantly experiences anxiety. It is easily captured in the sound of a voice, a shifting gaze, a sharp change in movements. When announcing a lie, a person suddenly begins to involuntarily change his intonation. There appears a sharp acceleration in the voice or, conversely, a smooth slowdown and stretching of the conversation.
  • If a person is very worried about the information he is conveying, the interlocutor’s voice will tremble. In this case, changes in combination with other signs affect the timbre and volume of the voice, hoarseness appears, or the person pronounces words at high notes.
  • Another sign by which it is easy to determine that they are lying to you is the appearance of a shifting gaze. This behavior is interpreted as a natural sign of a person’s insincerity. True, if you are interviewing a candidate or catching people in an awkward situation, then a shifting gaze means shyness and even a kind of anxiety. If this happens when discussing a personal issue, the reliability of the information people provide should still be checked and treated with doubt. This behavior is primarily associated with a state of shame, since one becomes embarrassed by the lies being told.
  • Experts in the civil service can easily determine whether a person is lying or not by his smile. When people reproduce false information, a smile may involuntarily appear on their face. There are also cheerful people for whom this behavior is the norm, but for others, an inappropriate smile expresses a lie towards to the question asked. This is explained by the fact that thanks to a slight smile, a person manages to internally hide his excitement and tell a lie much more believably.

Facial expressions indicating a lie

In addition to external excitement and a shifting gaze, you can determine a lie with the help of signs on the face. If you take a careful look at your interlocutor, pay attention to the micro-tension along the contour of the facial muscles. In this regard, they say about a lying person that “a shadow ran across his face.” This tension on the face lasts literally 1–2 seconds. Experts note that the manifestation of instant tension in the facial muscles is exact indicator insincerity.

Another indicator in the facial expressions of a lie that recognizes a lie is the appearance of an involuntary reaction on the skin and other parts of the interlocutor’s face. This takes into account the change in color shade skin(the interlocutor will blush or turn pale), the pupils dilate, the lips tremble, and both eyes blink frequently. However, the factors determining lies do not end with changes in color and facial expressions. Great values To determine that the interlocutor has spoken a lie, they use gestures.

What human gestures cannot be trusted

American researchers conducted a large number of experiments during which they were able to identify those gestures that indicate lying. The main ones are:

  • involuntary touching of the face with a hand;
  • covering your mouth with your hands;
  • constant rubbing or any other touching of the nose;
  • gestures in the eye area (rubbing, touching eyelids);
  • periodically pulling back the collar of a shirt or jacket.

By gestures you will understand at what point in the conversation they will lie to you. In principle, a person can use gestures to show both lies and his insecurity. In this case, an example is a regular interview. When announcing responsibilities, a person is often simply not confident that he will fulfill all the responsibilities assigned to him. However, in other cases, involuntary gestures should be trusted and you should clarify what the person is hiding from you.

One of the main points is the understanding that gestures and facial expressions should be trusted only if their manifestations are systemic. To put it simply, gestures will never be a concrete criterion to determine a lie. For a full assessment, experts record a person on video and compare facial expressions and gestures.

How to encourage facial expressions and gestures when lying

If the interlocutor introduces himself as a calm person and it is impossible to read on his face whether he is trying to lie or not, you need to bring the interlocutor out of balance.

  • First of all, this is easy to do with the help of leading questions. At the same time, questions should be asked in such a way that in the case of an honest person he did not recognize the trick, but in the case of a liar, on the contrary, he got the feeling that he was caught, and you already know all the information.
  • During a conversation, ask your interlocutor for advice for a friend who is in an awkward situation in which the person opposite is suspected. If you have a sincere interlocutor in front of you, then he will give advice as he thinks, and you will not be able to recognize changes in gestures and facial expressions. If the interlocutor decides to deceive, he will begin to joke awkwardly and get nervous.
  • In addition, another technique is to tell the person that you can and masterfully master the tools for recognizing lies from gestures and facial expressions. Then the person will be afraid of being exposed, and will show just the signs of a liar - he will begin to periodically glance to the sides, fidget with his tie or collar, and create obstacles from objects on the table between you.

How to recognize a lie

The following reaction will help you recognize whether your interlocutor actually lied or not:

  • Changes in emotional expression and slower reactions. Speech may begin incoherently and end abruptly.
  • Little time passes between the spoken words and the accompanying emotion. A person who speaks to you in a sincere tone immediately displays an emotional coloring along with the words spoken.
  • If the expression on the interlocutor’s face does not agree with what was just said, he is lying.
  • If, when expressing emotions on a person’s face, only a slight grin appears or only the muscles of the face are involved, it means that he is hiding something from you.
  • When a person tells a lie, it is as if he is physically trying to “shrink.” This is accompanied by an attempt to sit in the chair as much as possible. less space, in one motion, press your hands towards you and take a position that is not comfortable for sitting.
  • The interlocutor avoids meeting your eyes.
  • Constantly touches or scratches his ears, eyes, or nose.
  • Periodically turns away from you, while tilting both his head and the entire body. This symbolizes an unpleasant flow of conversation for the interlocutor given topic.
  • When talking, he unconsciously places objects between himself and you: a napkin, a vase, wine glasses, a chair. Thus, a person creates a kind of “protective barrier” around himself.
  • When answering the specified question, he uses only those words that he heard from the question itself.
  • Indicates much more detail and answers the question much more extensively than was generally required. Thus, he tries to better disguise a well-thought-out lie with other facts that will supposedly distract the interlocutor’s attention.

Knowing the list of changes in people’s behavior and facial expressions indicated in the article, you will be able to accurately determine whether they are telling you a lie or not.