Online service for creating advertising banners

Place a banner on your website to promote your web project on the Internet as effectively as possible. This is the most popular method of advertising on the Internet, which helps both start-up and established companies to make themselves known and attract new visitors.

But in order to place a banner on a website, you first need to get it somewhere. There are two ways to do this:

  • draw yourself;
  • take a finished image from another site.

The second method is mainly used when you need to place an advertisement on a partner site (for example, Yandex). Most often, those banners that advertise your products are drawn manually. They are then posted on other sites.

Why are banners needed?

Their main goal is to attract large quantity users to your Internet resource. But in addition, they perform another task - they form an idea of ​​the company, promote its brand and positive image. They can also advertise any paid services, while helping online store owners.

A banner from a partner site will earn you a percentage of sales or simply a reward for clicking on a link. This is a great look on your web resource.

for site?

If you decide to place an advertisement for another resource on your website, then everything is simple. Go to this resource and look for the column about the partnership agreement. In addition, the banner you need (another name is a site button) and instructions for placing it can simply be placed there.

But if you decide to create your own banner for the site, you will inevitably face a number of issues that need to be resolved before starting the process.

Image Dimensions

Of course, you can create a banner with any size, and then look for sites where you can place it. However, most web resources have commonly used standardized sizes for advertising images. Here are the most popular of them: 728x90, 468x60, 336x280, 300x600, 300x250, 250x250, 234x60, 200x200, 180x150, 160x600, 125x125, 120x600, 120x240. Most likely, this entire set will not be available on every site, but the information about the affiliate program will indicate the specific requirements for your banner.

Banner type

According to the method of implementation, banners are divided into three categories:

Applications for creating banners

The popularity of any site depends on its promotion on the Internet. Attendance is determined not only by positions in search engines, but also by advertising campaigns. One of the most popular types of advertising, which originated long before the advent of the Internet, was the banner - a graphic poster with some image. The World Wide Web borrowed this idea, and now banners are often found on virtual spaces of the network - websites.

A banner is one of the most common types of advertising, but to launch an advertising company you still need to create it. This article will discuss how to make a regular or animated banner for a website online (using website builders) or using programs.

Banner (English banner - banner) graphic image of an advertising nature. In the Internet sphere, a banner is a special advertising format containing a hyperlink to the advertised site.

It is a misconception to consider the only task of a banner to attract users. Banner advertising has another role - to form a recognizable brand and create a positive image for it. AND excellent example Internet banners of popular operators serve this purpose cellular communications. Many types of advertising use their logos, which are actively promoted by advertising. But banners make a greater contribution to this matter.

The use of banners is very useful for advertising any paid goods or services, which will help the owner of an online store.

1.1 Banner formats

First of all, the question arises about the geometric dimensions of the banner. After all, it is planned to be posted on various Internet sites. In fact, you can use any size at your discretion, and then find sites that are willing to place such a banner. However, standardization helps to greatly simplify this matter. For example, many web resources initially contain static areas intended for banner advertising (of certain sizes).

Most often the following standard banner sizes are used on the Internet (the grid is taken from advertising campaign Google Adsense):

Note: Dimensions (horizontal X vertical) are indicated in pixels (px).

You can see what banners of these formats look like.

1.2 Types of banners

In addition to the format, one more feature should be taken into account. A banner, according to the method of its implementation, is classified into one of three types:

  • Static banner- the simplest option. In this case, the banner is one static picture (an unchanging image). Advantages: ease of implementation, no heavy weight file. Disadvantage: minimum expressiveness; Such banners are usually less effective than other types.
  • Animated banner represents several images that alternately change over time. The format of such a file is “.gif”. Advantages: high efficiency, good expressiveness. The disadvantage is that the banner is quite heavy compared to the previous version.
  • Flash banner (Java banner)– the most difficult option in terms of implementation. Created using technology Adobe Flash. Thanks to its features (using vector graphics instead of raster graphics), the file size is significantly reduced, but additional features appear (sound effects, smooth frame changes, etc.). Some banners provide the opportunity to perform interactive actions (press buttons on the banner, play mini-games, etc.). And the advertising is inside and is not visible to the user. In essence, this banner is a program. Advantages - highest efficiency, excellent expressiveness, small file size. Disadvantage: additional requirements for sites (Java support is required) and browsers (may not work on older versions of browsers that do not support Flash animation).

2. How to make a banner online

One way to make an animated banner online is the service. Its advantage is that the banner creation functionality is superior to similar resources. It is possible to change the language (Russian is supported).

Before you start creating a banner, you can download several suitable templates, on the basis of which the layout will be designed. The fact is that it is very difficult to create beautiful banners on your own without being a web designer. And the templates are completely ready to use; you just need to add text to them (and, possibly, edit the color scheme).

You can take several beautiful banner templates. And to work in Photoshop, you can use these.

Using this service, you can create not only banners, but also logos, favicons and, possibly, your own unique ones for the site.

Now let's talk about how to create a banner for a website using bannerfans. This is done in 5 steps.

2.1 Step one: creating a layout

So, first you need to go to the online banner maker - here is the link. Having switched the interface language to Russian (upper right corner of the site), select the “ Layout» ( first area on the screen ). Here the background for the future banner is created.

After this, you need to select the image size (your own, fixed or template). If you use a template, then select the first item ( second area).

Now you can select the background of the image ( third region). You can upload your image by selecting the third option. If you don’t have a template, select the first option (solid color) or the second (gradient fill). The screenshot shows the option with a gradient.

In the fourth area The initial color of the gradient and the final color are selected.

In the fifth area the type (mode) of the gradient is selected.

2.2 Step two: creating an inscription

At this stage, you can create up to 6 different inscriptions. But first you need to go to the “ Text" In the screenshot below, the area is divided into seven parts.

First area– preview, where you can see what the banner will look like. This area is notable for the fact that you can “move” the inscriptions right on it, changing their position on the background. The disadvantage of the service for creating banners is that all the changes that you will make do not occur online (to do this you have to click on the “ Change banner»).

Second area– directly the inscriptions. You can create up to 6 various options. But the length of the inscription should be such that it fits against the background of the banner.

Third area– selecting the font of the inscription. You should be careful here - the choice is huge, but not all fonts support Cyrillic.

Fourth region - font size.

Fifth region– color of the inscription. Quite a large selection available.

Sixth region– inclination of the inscription (relative to the horizontal).

Seventh region– “change banner” button. Used to display changes made.

At this stage, you can create effects that lead to the appearance of shadows from the inscriptions. This helps create banners that are more expressive. First you need to go to the “ Impact».

Shadow– selecting the position of the shadow (right, left, top, bottom, etc.)

Distance– distance of the shadow from the main inscription.

Color– select the shadow color (gray is selected by default).

Brightness– select shadow brightness.

Plan text– selecting the thickness of the inscription frame (when creating, the text is outlined in an additional color, which makes the inscription three-dimensional).

Sketches of flowers– select the frame color.

This stage is very simple. Here you can make a frame for your future banner if necessary.

The screenshot below shows the frame options (absent, solid, dotted, double solid and double dotted).

Under the frames there are other settings - color, size, distance from the background borders and line brightness.

2.5 Step five: saving the banner

The final stage. All that remains is to select the format in which the image will be saved, and then download the finished banner.

. PNG– a format that guarantees high quality image, but its size will be large.

. GIF– the “lightest” format. Low quality, but also small file size.

. JPG- something in between the two previous options.

3. Programs for creating a banner

There are many programs that allow you to create simple animated banners for your website yourself. There is no point in considering all of them, but one should be examined in more detail.

3.1 Easy GIF Animator

A very convenient program for creating banners is Easy GIF Animator, which can be downloaded for free from this link (about 4 MB). Although the program itself is paid (costs about $30), the first 20 runs are free (trial). The program creates simple animated GIF banners for the site.

After installing the program and launching it, select “ Create an animated banner».

After this, a window will appear to create a background image. You can specify standard size banner from those offered by the program, or you can specify a non-standard one - your own (thanks to which you can even create your own animated one). It is also possible to determine the dimensions of the banner template for further processing.

The next window defines the parameters color range banner. You can upload your own template, or you can choose a simple color or gradient.

Next comes the label creation window. Texts (no more than 3 pieces) will follow one after another with the selected delay. For the inscription you can choose the font, size and color. Alignment and fading/disappearing effects of texts are also specified.

This last step create an animated banner for a website using this program. The banner, of course, turns out to be simple, but for a start this will do. Here's what you might end up with:

3.2 Other programs for creating banners

  1. Banner Maker Pro– another small program (about 6 MB), which makes it possible to create animated simple banners, mini-logos or buttons. It is very simple and easy to use, but its capabilities are limited.
2 votes

Good day, dear readers of my blog. We continue to talk about how to make your website work. Not long ago I wrote about contextual advertising in general and in particular. This method is a little more suitable for young projects than Yandex Direct.

Today I will tell you a little about another method of banner advertising. We will not talk about the context, but something approximate. This method of earning money is incredibly simple and more profitable.

You can receive money even if you just opened your website yesterday and only 5 people visit it. I will tell you how to make a banner for a website and give a young project a chance to bring in many times more money.

Shall we get started?

Service for creating banners

Online service bannerovich perfect for a beginner. It's a little complicated, not in terms of technology, but in the process of getting the banner itself for the first time. Nevertheless, the result that you will get in the end is very good, and this article will help you understand all the nuances.

The great thing is that you can use it completely free and. It will even allow you to create animated advertisements, much easier than Photoshop and more than ideal for a beginner.

Well, let's get started.

The first thing you need to do is go to the Bannerovich website and go to the banner designer. Be careful, not the editor, but the designer.

Now enter the project name. Set the width and height of the banner, you can use the sliders above the “Create Banner” button or enter numbers on the sides of the visual sketch. Please note that it is not presented here in full size, but only with the same proportions. My result will be several times greater.

This is what the editor panel looks like. Here you can add a background, image, button, text or animation.

It all starts with the background, as it is located at the very bottom. After you click on this button, many options will appear in front of you, from which you will have to choose the most suitable one.

Images are stored in the category of the same name and “Miscellaneous”. There are all sorts of pictures with gifts, vector people, arrows, and so on. Select and use the mouse to drag to the desired location. I added a little man. If you change your mind about using an element, click on it and in the right top corner The “Delete” button will appear.

Now you can add a button. Click on this element, I will tell you in more detail about its functions.

With the basic settings I think there will be no problems. Surely you yourself will understand what the top and bottom colors, rounding corners and text are. I want to talk about Open Link Tab. Since the button itself is not animated, only images change at a given time, I recommend that you do not put a link to it, but use a link for the entire image.

In this case, it will not make a difference whether a project visitor clicks on the button or anywhere else in the picture, he will go exactly where you need. Just don't touch anything in this column.

Now you can add text. There is nothing complicated here either.

If you want to make the banner animated, then click on “Add Animation”, change the image completely or partially, and then click “Add Animation” again. Another frame will appear. You can add many frames, they will replace one another.

Now you need to click on “Get Banner”.

This simple form will appear. Enter your email address and click “Get Banner” Wait for the email to arrive; for some reason it always ended up in spam. Enter this code and “Get Banner” again.

How to create a banner for a website? A question that is very popular today. There are many ways. I have described only the easiest and most tested ones. Everyone can do it

Hi all! If you are an Internet webmaster and have your own website, then you are probably interested in the issue of promotion. So, a banner for a website is a key part of a complete and functional promotion.

Every month over 500 people are interested in this issue. Recently I was interested in this question myself.

But first, let's learn how to create a banner using programs.

Programs for creating banners

1. Sothink_SWF_Easy.A program that can be safely put in first place. Reviews about this program are only good. Big choice different templates. You can create any banner with different sizes. All you need to know is just basic knowledge of the visual editor. There are also over 100 ready-made banners. All you have to do is change the name of the banner and download it to your computer. However, I recommend using this program if you are a beginner. If you have any questions, please post in the comments.

2. Atani_4. Software that is still very popular among RuNet webmasters today. Creating banners with this program will not be difficult. When creating a banner with Atani you can use pictures of any format. The editor in the program is very sophisticated. You can create whatever you dream of. I recommend use only by professionals. For beginners, this program will be difficult.

3. AleoFlash_Intro_Banner_Maker. The program I put in third place. Why? AleoFlash Even a schoolchild can use it. Easy to use. The downside of the program is only a small selection of templates and effects.

To be honest, out of these three programs I only use this one. For me it is very convenient in terms of work. I can brag about my work. Rate

I created this banner in just 5-10 minutes. In my opinion, it is very beautiful. Download and create your first banner right now.

How to create a banner for an online website

There are a lot of such sites on the Internet. I chose bannerfans. I really liked it. As for me, the main thing in it is the presence of the Russian language. Creating a banner with this service will not be difficult at all. Also, using this service you can create a favicon and logo for yourself. Which may well be useful for your site.

Creating a banner can be divided into five stages:

  1. Choosing a banner background
  2. Selecting banner size
  3. We write the text
  4. Working with special effects on text
  5. And finally, working with shadows, frames and the like

The service gives us the opportunity to save the banner in various formats (.PNG, .GIF and .JPG).

That's all, dear friends. I hope that creating a banner using these programs will not be difficult for you. But still, if you have any questions, write in the comments.

Thank you for your attention! See you again!

The first advantage of the banner builder is that it is available online and does not require the installation of additional software. As you can see in the screenshot, the service itself is small and not overloaded with menu links, control buttons and various settings. On home page There are only 4 of them. We need the My Projects and Inspiration section. After authorization via Facebook or regular registration (email + password), we can begin creating a banner, poster or invitation.

How to make a banner

The service has everything necessary tools to make a banner quickly and efficiently and download in the format we need. Several image formats for ready-made banners are available: JPG, PNG and PDF.

To make a banner, you just need to start. Go to the designer's website.

  1. We can choose ready-made design from the proposed library of ready-made variants. In fact, if we are satisfied with the picture and design, we can only replace the text with our own;
  2. Or, you can start creating from scratch by setting right size or by choosing from the proposed formats (for Facebook, Instagram, Poster, etc.) and uploading your picture to the service.

Having selected the desired size from the template or specified your own dimensions, go to the banner creation page. The menu on the left will change and look like the screenshot. Now we can add photos, backgrounds or patterns to the background from the gallery or upload your own. In the remaining sections we can find Lines, Frames, Shapes and more.

Each added element can be recolored in different colors, change size, location and transparency. The text is added separately and you can also do all the modifications listed above with it. Russian fonts are available in the service.

The finished project will be stored in your account and you can return to editing whenever you need. You can download the finished banner or poster at any time in image or PDF format. If something doesn’t work out for you, watch the video below (the sound is quiet, alas, it turned out that way), where we will try to make a banner, something simple, and download it.

To work with the designer, it is better to use the Chrome browser, since I noticed that when saving, Mozile does not fit the .png extension - this can be solved by simply renaming the file and adding the desired (in which it was downloaded) dot and name (png or jpg). Look like that's it.