How to glue melamine edge: technology and step-by-step instructions with photos and videos. How to glue edge tape with adhesive layer. Glue melamine edge Sticker PVC edge at home

The edge is used to protect the end edges of parts made of MDF, chipboard, PVC from abrasion, moisture and impact. This finish performs a decorative function, and also gives the edges and corners of furniture strength and protects people from the harmful effects of substances such as formaldehyde, which is used in the production of compressed wood boards.

If the border becomes damaged or comes off, it is necessary urgent repairs. And in this case, the primary task is to select the material and glue for the edges made of PVC, melamine paper or other material.

Varieties of edges

From the variety of edges you have to choose the most suitable one.


Made in the form of a self-adhesive tape made of decorative paper, which is impregnated with melamine resins. Typically used for interior decoration furniture. This a budget option edges for chipboard, not characterized by high quality. It has a short service life, is susceptible to moisture and often falls off on its own over time.

Undoubted positive attribute The advantage of melamine edging is that it is easy to glue; you can do this at home yourself using a regular iron. The second advantage is the absence of a side, a curb protruding above the edged surface, which sometimes irritates when it gets under your hands when working with the keyboard, and also interferes with sweeping away small debris, for example, crumbs from dining table in the office.

It is a flexible tape with curved edges that form a side. This edging is made of PVC (polyvinyl chloride). Types of edging differ in width and profile: in cross-section, the edge resembles either the letter “t” (T-shaped) or the letter “p” (U-shaped).

The latter is easier to attach, but less reliable; craftsmen do not recommend using it on surfaces that are often subject to friction: on the seats of stools or benches, on the front edge computer desk, which is constantly in contact with the forearms.

PVC edging increases the durability and wear resistance of furniture parts, and reliably protects edges and corners from damage.

The edging is similar to the previous type of edging tape, but is more environmentally friendly. Made from chlorine-free plastic. It has found successful application in furniture production due to its heat resistance and impact resistance.

How to glue melamine edge

Update if desired old furniture and at the same time save money, use a melamine edge with glue. It’s easy to stick it, for example, on a tabletop:

  1. Cut a piece of tape with a margin of about two centimeters.
  2. Place the adhesive side to the tabletop and press with a hot iron or heat with a hair dryer.
  3. Hold until the glue words melt.
  4. Move the iron along the edge gradually, preferably no more than 0.5 cm at a time.
  5. Immediately after warming up and removing the iron, press the edge strip with a dry cloth and hold to fix it.

Advice! An iron or hair dryer will also help you remove the old edge tape. Just warm it up and remove it with a knife or thin spatula.

Fastening PVC and ABS edging

Plastic edging tapes, theoretically, can simply be fixed to the edge of the furniture, but this is extremely unreliable. Additional fixation with glue is preferable.

To attach the T-shaped profile, you will have to lay a recess along the entire edge to be processed. The easiest way to do this is milling machine. If you have the skill, it will be replaced by a drill with a circular attachment. However, in general the profile is intended for professionals.

To fix PVC or ABS edges at home, use PVC glue, as well as universal formulations“Moment” and “88-lux”, it is desirable that they be marked “for PVC” or “for ABS”.

Professionals use hot melt adhesives, which are part of a range of thermoplastics. When heated, they become highly elastic, and when cooled, they instantly turn into a solid state. The high fluidity and drying strength of the adhesives is due to the ethylene polymer with vinyl acetate they contain. The main disadvantage of hot melt adhesives, of course, is the need for appropriate equipment for the job.

When working with any border, try to calculate the sequence of pasting so as to avoid joints. Go around the corners with a profile - preferably they should be rounded. If the corners are normal, a thick (PVC or ABS) profile will not go around them, and the melamine edge will most likely break. In this case, you will have to make joints at the corners, which must be sanded at the end so that they are smooth. If you run your hand along the edge of the part, the roughness should not be felt.

Advice! You can get rid of excess edge tape with a very sharp knife, and cut off the ends first. Be careful not to accidentally damage the corners of the furniture. The direction of the knife should be towards the inside of the part.

If the factory edge is damaged or partially fallen off, remove it and replace it with a new one. A little effort and the table is like new!

Hello dear friends!

As a rule, the melamine (paper) edge is self-adhesive and 0.5 mm thick.

Although, I believe that everything that can be cheaply ordered on the side should be ordered, freeing yourself from unnecessary routine work.

But there are still times when you have to do this procedure yourself.

In general, I do not recommend using melamine edges to process the ends of parts, since the savings are meager, and the quality of such a product will be low.

But sometimes you can glue PVC (but not thick one, so if its thickness is 2 mm, then special equipment will be needed for such an operation).

So, what do you need for gluing?

Firstly, you need special stops into which the part is inserted.

They are usually made from waste chipboards yourself (they can be clearly seen in the photographs).

At a minimum, there should be two of them, in case the part is large.

Secondly, you need an iron.

It should be heavy and on a spiral (old versions). In this case, it will maintain a high temperature for a long time (it is measured visually with a finger on which there is saliva).

Such irons can be bought at flea markets.

Warm it up and try it.

It should not burn the edge, but it should also melt the glue that is applied to its reverse side well.

The measure of all this, of course, is experience. You just need to try it a couple of times and everything will become clear.

Next, you need to have either a sharp knife, or a scalpel, or a razor, etc. They trim off the excess edge hanging from the edges of the part.

And the last thing you need is a block with small “knife” stuffed on it. The processed ends are smoothed with it.

This is done so that the glued edge cannot be accidentally torn off.

Yes, I forgot. You also need a piece of felt to press against the newly glued edge.

And the process itself is quite simple

The part is installed on the stop.

According to its size, a piece of the edge is broken off (cut off) (with a small margin) and placed on the desired edge.

After this, a heated iron is passed over it “under pressure”, while at the same time rubbing the glued part of the part with felt with force.

When the edge has “set”, it is cut with a knife.

This operation must be done correctly.

The blade of the knife should go along the plane of the part, thus evenly cutting off the protruding part of the edge.

If it goes at an angle to the plane of the part, it will constantly “cut” into the corner edge, and this will leave chips.

After the remains are cut off from the part, all edges along the edges of the part are rubbed down with a sandpaper.

If the part is , or with curves, then the situation is more complicated.

First, you need to process such a part with a router so that it has the correct edges, and only after that proceed to gluing.

But in this case, the whole procedure, of course, will be more complicated.

Therefore, I repeat: order these things “outside”.

That's all.

In furniture production, edging is necessary to protect the end edges of the product from chips, cracks and other damage, and it also protects against moisture and formaldehyde vapors.

You will learn about what types of edges there are, as well as methods for gluing them and how to glue the edges with an iron and hairdryer from this article.

Types of edges - why are they needed?

  1. The most common type is melamine edge with glue on paper based . Used for finishing interior areas of furniture. Available, inexpensive, but not the best quality option. Does not tolerate moisture and wears out quickly. Easily glued at home with a simple iron.
  2. T-shaped flexible profile - is a T-shaped strip, it is inserted into a slot in the side of chipboard or MDF. It is convenient to replace the damaged element in the future without disassembling the furniture. Installation requires a milling machine.
  3. PVC edging - reliably protects the ends of furniture from damage, is wear-resistant and resistant to moisture. To glue PVC edging, you will need an edge processing machine, so using this type of edges at home is difficult.
  4. ABS plastic is an eco-friendly option without chlorine. Valued for its resistance to high temperatures and physical damage.

All options can be divided into two subtypes - edges without glue and with glue.

Average cost of a profile per linear meter:

  • PVC 0.4 mm thick - about 25 rubles,
  • PVC 2 mm thick - about 40 rubles,
  • Melamine material for chipboard – about 25 rubles.

In our country, they actively use products from the company Rehau, which offers big choice color solutions, and different widths tapes from 15 to 45 mm.

To simplify the work, you can use various specialized furniture programs that will calculate how much material is required for gluing the edges.

PVC edge - how to glue it step by step at home

To work you will need:

  • iron or hair dryer,
  • and of course buy PVC edges with glue
  • hard roller,
  • newspaper or paper sheet

The material is heated to make the glue sticky. Heating is performed with an iron in the “Synthetic” mode.

  • The profile is applied to the end so that it overlaps the end of the section.
  • Next, the iron is used to heat again through the newspaper. Since the glue dissolves quickly, the process is quite active, and it is convenient to move the iron along the PVC edge.
  • The edge itself must be carefully pressed and ironed until it sticks along its entire length.
  1. Gluing with a hair dryer. Instead of an iron, you can use a hair dryer. The PVC edge is heated from the adhesive side and when the composition becomes sticky, the material is applied to the end the desired area, clamp and gently smooth.
  2. Gluing with Moment glue. This method is suitable if there is no adhesive layer on the edge. The quality of the end is checked manually, sawdust, debris, and dust are removed until the surface is clean. Then glue is applied to both the material and the end and wait until it sets. After this, apply and press. Using a roller, roll the area so that the glue sets faster.


How to remove excess material

If it was not possible to carefully glue the edge the first time, the procedure will have to be repeated. To do this, apply glue to the area again and clamp the profile using a roller or manually.

Since the width of PVC edges is usually taken with a margin, you need to carefully remove the excess along the edges. To do this, use a regular stationery knife or file. Take it with both hands and press on the protruding fragment. As a result, the excess parts break off and an edge remains that matches the width of the area.


After everything is glued, all that remains is to sand the uneven surfaces with sandpaper.

How to glue an edge to chipboard - description

Melamine edge is best option for use at home when it is necessary to restore old furniture with minimal costs. If the furniture is expensive, it is better to turn to professionals who use other more expensive and high-quality materials.

Let's consider how to glue edges to chipboard tabletops at home.


For work you will need the following materials:

  • skin,
  • sharpened knife-jamb,
  • wallpaper roller,
  • melamine edge,
  • hair dryer or iron.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. choose the operating mode of the iron so that it does not heat up too much and does not burn the chipboard and at the same time ensures proper melting of the glue,
  2. Process the edges of the chipboard for gluing with sandpaper, remove irregularities,
  3. measure the profile,
  4. heat it with an iron and press it tightly to the area using a roller (if there is no adhesive layer, you will need self-application glue on the edge, for example, “Moment” glue),
  5. cut off the overhanging edges of the edge with a knife.

It is necessary to cut at an angle along the edge, slightly bending the material. Then all that remains is to sand the edges so that there are no burrs or irregularities left.

If the cut of the edge and the chipboard part itself are slightly different, stain will help correct the difference.

In the case where the part has complex shape, and the edge of the surface is characterized by complex relief, it is not always possible to glue the material evenly the first time. In such a situation, it is worth turning to professionals so as not to damage the product.

Types of edging glue

Which glue to choose for edges

Professionals furniture production actively use hot melt adhesives for edges. They are convenient if production will be put on stream, and it is required as high quality results and fast speed.

Hot melt adhesives are thermoplastics, which means they become very elastic when heated and quickly harden when cooled. The ethylene polymer with vinyl acetate included in the adhesive is responsible for these properties. The disadvantage of using it is the need to use special equipment, namely appropriate machines or hand pistols for applying glue to parts and heating it.

  1. At home, PVC glue is often used, which glues paper materials well to various surfaces. Homogeneous without lumps light color The mass glues surfaces well, but is afraid of moisture. Does not require application additional equipment, therefore it is convenient for use by non-professional craftsmen.
  2. Will fit universal adhesives“Moment” and “88-lux”, which will reliably glue the material to the surface of chipboard and PVC. After 3-4 hours the product can be used. Adhesives are inexpensive, safe and available.
  3. Among professional furniture adhesives for edges, it is worth noting products from Kleiberit. The company offers hot melt adhesives for cladding, for gluing material using the soft-forming method (if the surface is embossed), as well as for cladding.

Chipboard is the most suitable material for the production of reliable and high-quality inexpensive furniture. In order to hide the not very aesthetically pleasing internal structure of the product, edging is performed on the end side - the installation of special decorative panels from melamine, PVC or other available types of synthetic plastics.

Why else do they edge furniture?

In addition to the most obvious goal - to provide an elegant appearance, edging furniture performs several more equally important tasks:

Where should edging be done?

Furniture manufacturers often edge only the visible parts of the end surfaces. From the point of view of economy, this seems quite understandable, but taking into account the above facts, this approach can lead to certain problems - the protective edge must be present in all places where there is an open internal structure of the chipboard.

If you purchased furniture with unprotected edges, you can easily do their edging yourself at home. To do this, you do not need to have any special equipment - the edge can be glued with a regular iron.

Don’t be lazy to spend a few minutes on this operation - you will reliably protect yourself and your furniture and significantly extend its service life. Next, we will look in detail at how to properly glue the edge tape with your own hands.

Edge materials

Edging open furniture surfaces can be done using various decorative elements that differ in the quality of the material, appearance and, accordingly, cost.

How to glue an edge with an iron

In production, edging is done using tape with a clean base. The adhesive composition is applied to it during installation when high temperature ensuring the formation of a thin, even layer. In order to glue the edge, several rollers are used, pressing it tightly to the base of the chipboard. Then special cutters cut the tape to the size of the part, remove any remaining glue and base material, and sand the joint until a smooth and beautiful surface is obtained.

You can also glue the edge at home. To do this, you need to use a tape with already applied adhesive composition. Further, the process largely repeats industrial edging, since it is performed in a similar way:

You can learn more about the process of gluing edges on chipboard in the video below:

Gluing the U-shaped profile to the end of the chipboard is somewhat easier. We have already discussed this method earlier. This edge is much stronger than melamine, bends quite easily and reliably protects against damage.

The presence of microgaps between the U-profile edge and the front surface of the chipboard does not allow gluing it in the kitchen or bathroom, so edging with this material is mainly used for office furniture.

Edging chipboard, of course, is best done in the factory. In production, you can order tape from any materials, including plastic, PVC and other modern composite materials. Edging on a machine will ensure perfect evenness and precision of application. decorative cladding, but requires certain costs. If the main task is to meet a predetermined small budget, applying melamine tape with your own hands will allow you to combine acceptable quality and the minimum price.

Chipboard is the most suitable material for the production of reliable and high-quality inexpensive furniture. In order to hide the not very aesthetically pleasing internal structure of the product, edging is performed on the end side - the installation of special decorative panels made of melamine, PVC or other available types of synthetic plastics.

Why else do they edge furniture?

In addition to the most obvious goal - to provide an elegant appearance, edging furniture performs several more equally important tasks:

Where should edging be done?

Furniture manufacturers often edge only the visible parts of the end surfaces. From the point of view of economy, this seems quite understandable, but taking into account the above facts, this approach can lead to certain problems - the protective edge must be present in all places where there is an open internal structure of the chipboard.

If you purchased furniture with unprotected edges, you can easily do their edging yourself at home. To do this, you do not need to have any special equipment - the edge can be glued with a regular iron.

Don’t be lazy to spend a few minutes on this operation - you will reliably protect yourself and your furniture and significantly extend its service life. Next, we will look in detail at how to properly glue the edge tape with your own hands.

Edge materials

Edging the open surfaces of furniture can be done using various decorative elements that differ in the quality of the material, appearance and, accordingly, cost.

How to glue an edge with an iron

In production, edging is done using tape with a clean base. The adhesive composition is applied to it during installation at a high temperature, ensuring the formation of a thin, even layer. In order to glue the edge, several rollers are used, pressing it tightly to the base of the chipboard. Then special cutters cut the tape to the size of the part, remove any remaining glue and base material, and sand the joint until a smooth and beautiful surface is obtained.

You can also glue the edge at home. To do this, you need to use tape with an adhesive composition already applied. Further, the process largely repeats industrial edging, since it is performed in a similar way:

You can learn more about the process of gluing edges on chipboard in the video below:

Gluing the U-shaped profile to the end of the chipboard is somewhat easier. We have already discussed this method earlier. This edge is much stronger than melamine, bends quite easily and reliably protects against damage.

The presence of microgaps between the U-profile edge and the front surface of the chipboard does not allow gluing it in the kitchen or bathroom, so edging with this material is mainly used for office furniture.

Edging chipboard, of course, is best done in the factory. In production, you can order tape from any materials, including plastic, PVC and other modern composite materials. Edging on a machine will ensure ideal evenness and accuracy of application of decorative cladding, but it requires certain costs. If the main task is to meet a predetermined small budget, applying melamine tape with your own hands will allow you to combine acceptable quality and the minimum price.

You might be interested to know

This article will most likely not be of interest to professional furniture makers. But for amateurs who, for some reason, do not have access to PVC edges with glue applied, but really want to cover their furniture with PVC, it will have to be “at the box office”. Moreover, you can sculpt not only 2 mm, but also 0.4 mm PVC edges.

Today we will talk about the process of gluing this type of edge not with traditional hot melt adhesive, but with contact adhesive.

I use glue, but you can use the traditional one.

We cut the edge into pieces slightly larger (about 10 mm) than the length of the part to be glued (in the photo I will glue the ends). A garden pruner is great for cutting, but you can simply scratch the edge with a sharp object - it will break exactly where the scratch is.

Apply glue to the part (some adhesives require application to both surfaces being glued - read the instructions).

Then we turn the part over and place it on the edge, pressing it against a flat surface.

Now the part needs to be fixed until the glue dries.

To do this, you can use specialized edge clamps. I use them - they are screwed onto regular F-shaped ones.

It is better to press through a wooden block for a more even distribution of pressure.

The second option is to use special clamps. I made these out of a couple pieces of plywood and some dowels.

After the glue has dried, release the parts from the clamps and trim the ends. This can be done either with the same pruning shears or again by scratching and breaking off.

In both cases, the result is a cut like this, which sometimes has to be fine-tuned a little with fine sandpaper on a block.

Now we move on to removing overhangs from the edges.

Glue the edge on the chipboard

For a 0.4 mm edge, a knife or ruler is sufficient (similar to melamine). For a 2 mm edge, you will need an edge router.

The figured () cutter, running along the edge with a bearing, cuts off its protruding part.

The result is a slightly rough cut that needs to be polished.

To do this, use a piece of felt to make several vigorous movements along the edge. As it warms up, it smoothes out the roughness.

The result is a smooth edge no worse than with professional equipment

Although more expensive and longer. The technique, of course, is artisanal, but it has the right to life.

Posted in: Practical part.
Tagged: chipboard end

Design, processing, sealing chipboard edges. Edge, edge, end, finishing. To close up, to arrange, to process, to finish

How to beautifully seal the edge of chipboard? Finishing the end of the polished plate, processing the laminated edge. Techniques for edging chipboard. (10+)

Chipboard end design

Edging chipboard is necessary when making furniture. We present to your attention materials for making furniture with your own hands.

Chipboard edge structure

Particle board consists of sawdust mixed with glue and pressed. Moreover, the process of pressing and drying the glue is organized in such a way as to obtain dense surfaces and a rather rotten center. This is done so that the chipboard springs and does not break. If the entire mass of the sheet is made dense, the sheet will crack due to very slight deformation.

We usually do not contact the internal structure chipboard sheet. It is fenced off from us by dense surfaces and a laminating coating (if the chipboard is laminated). But the end reveals this beauty to us. Our goal is to hide it from the eyes of those who will admire our product.

In addition to aesthetic ones, there are several other reasons why it is necessary to seal the end of the chipboard, even in places that are not visible to the eye. Moisture. Chipboard is very sensitive to moisture, even small amounts absorbed from the air. The surfaces of laminated chipboard do not allow moisture to pass through; the surface of sanded chipboard is usually painted and also does not allow moisture to pass through. The edge should also not allow moisture to pass through. Mushrooms. Through the end, microorganisms and insects can penetrate into the slab and decompose the wood. Harmful substances. Harmful substances contained in the glue and the sawdust themselves from which the chipboard is made do not penetrate the laminated or painted surface, but will enter the room through the end.

Options for edging and chipboard edge design

Options for end processing (edging) depend, first of all, on how the sheet itself will be finished. If the sheet is laminated, and you plan to use its laminated surface completely, that is, not paint or cover it with anything, then an edge tape that matches the appearance of the laminated surface must be glued to the visible edges, and the hidden edges must be puttied and sealed with a construction bandage. If the sheet is laminated or sanded, and you plan to paint it, then the sheet itself must be primed, its edges must be puttied, sealed with a construction bandage that goes over the plane of the sheet, the bandage must be puttied and painted.

The end of the laminated chipboard

Visible end

When cutting such chipboard, you need to be very careful and use a sawing tool that leaves a smooth edge. The laminate coating of chipboard loves to crumble and chip when cut. If this happens, then it will not be possible to correct the situation. I don’t know of any way to beautifully fix such a chip. You'll either have to put up with it or saw off a new piece. Next, I recommend filling the edge. Many people glue the edge tape directly to the sawn edge, but I tried this and gave up. The tape does not adhere well to such a surface. I fill the edge with acrylic universal putty. After drying, sand the skin with medium-grain sandpaper. I do this very carefully so as not to chip the laminate with chipboard. Next, I paste the tape onto the leveled surface.

I will focus on the types of tapes - edges. Usually this is paper (in the general sense of the word ‘paper’) tape and plastic. Paper tape Sold with hot melt adhesive already applied. It is glued with an iron. I will not dwell on this process in detail; there is enough material on this topic on the Internet. You need to pay attention to the quality of the tape and glue. If the tape subsequently lags behind, it can be glued with regular glue, it will not be noticeable. The plastic tape is glued with glue. The adhesive may already be applied to plastic tape and covered with paper protective strip. This is a bad case. This glue sticks very poorly. Do not buy plastic edging with glue already applied.

What glue should I use? It is better to use the glue recommended by the edge manufacturer. However, note, You should make sure that there is a solvent for this glue that allows you to remove excess glue and not damage the plastic border and the coating of the chipboard sheet itself. Then you will be comfortable.

How to glue edges on chipboard and PVC

According to the instructions for the glue, you will glue the edge, and remove the protruding glue with a swab moistened with the specified solvent. Difficulties can arise if the glue is dissolved only by solvents that dissolve plastic. Excess glue cannot be removed with this solvent; such glue is not suitable for us.

Design of the invisible end

Let's putty it. Sand with medium-grain sandpaper. Be careful not to chip, as in the previous case. In principle, we can stop there. However better with glue PVA glue a strip of construction bandage to the putty end. It (the bandage) will prevent the putty from splitting and spilling out. Usually the bandage is slightly wider than the edge. We glue the bandage so that the edge is in the middle of it. When the glue dries, use a sharp knife, carefully so as not to damage the laminated chipboard, remove the excess bandage.

Chipboard end for painting

In this case, cutting can be carried out without much danger, since chips and defects can easily be corrected with putty. If we are working with laminated chipboard, but still want to paint it, then we apply primer to the entire product. Primer GF-021 or Otex from Tikkurila is suitable. If sanded chipboard is used, then priming is not necessary, although it is advisable. We putty the end. I use acrylic putty with fine filler. We skin it. We should get a smooth rectangular edge. Sometimes this requires several iterations of sanding and putty. When we are happy with the edge, it needs to be secured, otherwise it will chip or crack. Putty is not a very durable and reliable material. We glue the edge with a construction bandage 4 - 5 cm wider than the end. We use PVA glue. We bend the bandage so that it sticks to the end of the chipboard and extends onto the upper and lower planes. See picture. After the glue has dried, we fill the construction bandage with fine acrylic putty. Usually one putty is used for all these works. We especially pay attention to the strip where the bandage ends and the chipboard itself begins. Here you need to putty especially carefully so that after sanding and painting the transition is absolutely not noticeable. We dry the putty, sand it with fine sandpaper, and paint it.

Despite the monstrous appearance on the diagram on an enlarged scale, in reality the presence of bandage and putty on the end of the chipboard, if everything is done correctly, is completely unnoticeable.

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Furniture edging PVC

PVC furniture edge is a narrow strip of polyvinyl chloride, which is used for gluing the ends of laminated chipboards. It not only protects the chipboard from damage, but is also a decorative element.

Melamine edging is also widely used in furniture production. But since it is made from paper soaked in saline solution, it has a number of disadvantages. These include small thickness, fragility and susceptibility to mechanical damage. That is why many manufacturers of furniture and interior items prefer PVC tape.

PVC edges have the following advantages:

  • high level of strength;
  • reliable protection against chips and moisture, which allows you to increase the service life of products;
  • high resistance to chemical compositions, ultraviolet radiation, ignition;
  • relatively low cost.

PVC edge is a narrow strip of polyvinyl chloride. Edge tape is an elegant addition to furniture structures made from chipboard. It protects products from physical, chemical and biological damage, while at the same time giving the furniture elegance, be it a tabletop, cabinet or any other product. It is enough to paste over the ends of the furniture to give it a finished look. Edge PVC tape capable of performing miracles even with ordinary furniture, giving it notes of sophistication and sophistication. There is a huge variety of colors, shades, decor and textures, so you can use this decorative element to any furniture. In addition, the edge material will add to the furniture performance characteristics, protecting furniture from moisture and reducing evaporation of resins.

Furniture edging is an easy-to-use and very practical decorative element that facilitates the operation of laminated chipboard furniture.

High-quality edging tape gives furniture products durability, reliability and strength. The tape is easy to wash as it is moisture resistant. The PVC facing edge is additionally coated acrylic resin so that it is not exposed to any influence.

In the production of furniture and components on an industrial scale, several types of tapes are used, including ABS, adhesive-based edge tape and PVC. If we're talking about about exclusive designer furniture or premium class furniture, then original edge materials are used, including aluminum edge, high gloss, 3D edge, etc.

Products are rightfully considered one of the best edging tapes PVC production China. This edging material is distinguished by its particular aesthetics and functionality, as well as its long service life.

PVC edging China is produced in accordance with the latest advances and in accordance with all sanitary and hygienic standards. Furniture edge China is considered the best option for furniture made of chipboard and decorating an office or home.

Our company offers a large range of PVC edges different textures and colors. Based on your choice, we will offer you an adhesive that will most securely attach the edge material to the furniture. Of course, the issue of accuracy in furniture design will directly depend on the quality of the equipment and the qualifications of the staff. If you want to choose a unique stone surface or wood texture classic type, then we will help you choose the required edging tape option.

Gluing the ends of the chipboard with plastic edges.

All you have to do is specify the texture, decor and color of the material, in accordance with your taste preferences. With edging tape you can literally transform the furniture in your home. The products, as well as their production technology, meet the highest standards of quality, safety and environmental friendliness.

We offer you a wide range of PVC edges at an attractive price.

Having pasted the end of a chipboard with a melamine edge, have no doubt that the treated surface will look worse than pasting the edge on a low-quality machine - if you glue the edge correctly, in accordance with the algorithm, the result is brilliant.

What is the edge glued to?

  • For parts in contact with the floor.
  • To elements that will be subject to mechanical stress in the future.
  • TO internal details, for example, parts drawers chest of drawers or bedside tables, laminated boards.

What do you need for gluing the edges?

  • Iron.
  • A cutting knife or a stationery knife is a necessary thing, it can be used both when assembling furniture and when assembling various elements, for example a mosquito net.
  • A piece of felt or a damp piece of fabric - a rag.
  • Sandpaper, or even better, a block covered with sandpaper, it will be more convenient to work with.
  • Parts holder or vice.
  • Actually the edge itself.

How to prepare for gluing edges

So that the final result of your work looks impeccable and looks quite aesthetically pleasing when gluing the edges, you should use a good iron; it is advisable that Teflon be used as the basis for the surface. Make sure that the ironing surface of the iron is clean - if there is dirt, it must be removed. If you picked this tool You can start gluing the shelves of a wardrobe, for example.

To make the work more convenient, you should not use ordinary knives; a cutter is ideal. If you do not have such a knife, then you need to find an old knife blade and construct a cutter from it yourself.

You can make the block yourself - you even need to take an ordinary piece of chipboard and cover it with sandpaper on one side.

A melamine edge is sold with a layer of glue already prepared on it, but if you are “lucky enough” to purchase an edge without adhesive coating, you need to apply glue to it yourself.

The holder can also be easily constructed independently from the remnants of chipboard; to do this, you need to take two small pieces of material and stuff them at a short distance from each other perpendicular to the base.

The process of gluing the edges is carried out in stages

  • After unwinding the coil, attach it to the end of the part, leaving a little edge for trimming.

    How to glue PVC edges to chipboard at home

    The standard edge width is 2.1 cm, and chipboard, as a rule, has a width of 1.6-1.8 cm, so there will also be room for trimming and rubbing the edges. To not do extra work and do not cut the edge lengthwise from both edges, it is better to align it along one side, and subsequently trim off the excess only on the other side.

  • Having attached the edge to the facade, begin to heat it and iron it. Special attention It is worth paying attention to the edges of the ends - ironing there is necessary most carefully.
  • Parts of short length are ironed entirely and immediately, while longer sections should be heated and ironed in parts - sections of 40 centimeters each. The end is cooled with felt or a damp cloth.
  • Based on the quality of the tape used, the heating temperature of the iron is selected and adjusted. If everything is set correctly, the iron glides directly across the surface and does not catch on anything or scratch the edge. If the heating is correct, the glue under the edge will spread evenly. And if you overdo it and overheat the edge, then bubbles will appear and the edge will have to be removed and thrown away.
  • If you do spoil some area, then in order to remove the damaged material, you need to heat it again and pry it off with a knife. Having cleaned the surface, you can start gluing again.
  • If the edge is of high quality, it will stick only after it has completely cooled. Having discovered that the edge has completely cooled, you can begin trimming the excess. You can cut it correctly by bending the edge and rubbing it with a block until the chamfer is visible. white. Having seen the substrate, you can already trim off the unnecessary material.
  • After trimming, all edges are carefully and thoroughly rubbed with a block of sandpaper. At this stage, the gluing of the melamine edge is completed. And you can safely begin installing the handles.