How quickly our stars lose weight after giving birth. Tips from celebrity mothers: how to recover after childbirth. How stars lose weight after giving birth - Salma Hayek

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Pregnancy is a time when even Hollywood beauties look like ordinary women. But just a few weeks after giving birth, their figures again amaze with their slimness. In what ways did they return to their former forms?

Jennifer Lopez I almost always struggled with excess weight. But the most difficult thing for the beauty was after the birth of her children. During pregnancy, she gained 20 kilograms, which stubbornly refused to go away after giving birth. It took the singer 10 months to regain her former form. Jennifer herself admitted that staying slim after having children was incredibly difficult for her. However, grueling workouts in the gym for 2 hours, as well as a low-calorie diet, have borne fruit: J. Lo now looks even better than in the old days.

Adriana Lima admits that during pregnancy she allowed herself to completely relax. Filming and screenings were interrupted, and therefore the girl allowed herself any goodies. The result was a significant weight gain. The girl gained 15 kilograms. After giving birth, I had to try hard to return to the model parameters. The young mother spent several hours in the gym, where she devoted most of her time to cardio training. Nutrition has also undergone significant changes. Sweets, bread and meat disappeared from the beauty’s menu. And a few days before the first show, Adriana completely switched to protein shakes and water.

Beauty model Heidi Klum can be called a super-woman. She managed to give birth to four children, and without interruption from production, or rather, from the podium. According to Heidi herself, her last pregnancy was the hardest for her. "Getting your body in shape when you're well over 30 is a difficult job. Plus, your skin and muscles aren't the same as they were when you were 20.", says the model. Nothing special Heidi I didn’t – just exercise and a low-calorie diet, plus a lot of water. Sometimes Heidi jokes when asked by journalists about her weight: “You would also lose weight quickly, having four brats around your neck.”.

Doutzen Kroes I quickly returned to my model parameters after pregnancy. Cardio training, avoiding food after 6 pm in the evening, as well as an abundance of freshly squeezed juices and clean water.

Jessica Alba in August 2011 she became a mother for the second time. And she has already managed to return to her ideal shape. Of course, it wasn't easy. In 4 months, Jessica lost 18 kg, most of which was lost in the first weeks. Alba owes her slimness to a Hollywood trainer Ramone Braganza, which has developed a special nutrition system for women who have recently given birth. It's called "3+2+1", which stands for three full meals, two snacks and one liter of water per day. Taboos on sweets, flour, sauces, salt and sugar. The main emphasis is on fresh vegetables and lean meats and fish. Daily caloric intake is no more than 1700 kcal.

To the spouse Orlando Bloom, Miranda Kerr, who recently became a mother, the pregnancy only benefited her. Only the lazy one didn't notice that Miranda acquired more seductive forms, while remaining just as slender. Just three months later, Miranda was already posing in a swimsuit for Victoria's Secret. And all thanks to a special diet based on blood type, which was developed for the model by a “civilian” Hollywood nutritionist. The difficulty was that the model practically does not eat meat, but suffers from anemia. Therefore, her diet consisted mainly of foods rich in iron - citrus fruits, a variety of cereals and seafood.

The result of the first pregnancy of the former athlete and now popular TV presenter Laysan Utyasheva was 15 kilograms. After all, when she was carrying her son Robert, the gymnast did not limit herself in food.

“In 7 months I managed to lose 12 kilograms, then the remaining 3 kg. It only took me to get back into shape. Don't go on strict diets, think about your health. Sports, massages and protein shakes helped me. I wish all mothers who want to recover after childbirth good luck!”

But after the birth of her daughter, the athlete gained only 10 kilograms and lost them very quickly. Because now she knew how to do it.

How celebrities lose weight: what doctors think

And doctors believe that the intensive process of losing weight, which star mothers resort to, is very harmful and is a great stress for the body. In “normal” life, losing weight in this mode is not recommended; stars simply live according to the strict laws of the stars.

Remember above we said that the desire of the public is the law for celebrities? This was no joke. The public wants to see a beautiful, slender star on the podium, at the Oscars, on stage - and not be disappointed by her plumpness, albeit temporary. As they say, time is money, and the time of stars is a lot of money.

Only a few celebrities lose weight calmly and measuredly, giving preference to proper nutrition and moderate physical activity. But basically these are tough and strict methods.

The examples above show us that even the best celebrity diets are based on severe restrictions and intensive physical activity. In my opinion, to mock yourself like this is to risk your life and your baby’s.

Varvara M. Krasa

Milla Jovovich

The actress “ate” as much as 30 kilograms during pregnancy! Thanks to the “5 Factors” diet, developed by Harley Pasternak, Mila returned to her usual weight in a few months.

The essence of the diet:

  • duration - 5 months;
  • 5 meals a day (3 main courses and 2 snacks);
  • 5-ingredient meals (proteins, complex sugars, dietary fiber, fats and water).

Despite the actress’s “dislike” for sports, sweating in gym she still had to. After all, at stake was a role in the film “Perfect Trawl,” for which losing weight was simply necessary.

Few people could recognize Mila after pregnancy, because the actress gained 30 kilograms. And everyone remembers how slim she was. She managed to recover after giving birth thanks to a personal trainer and daily one-and-a-half-hour classes.

Katie Holmes: nothing but hunger

Katie Holmes, Tom Cruise's beloved wife, gained sixteen kilograms during pregnancy. But it was largely thanks to her thin figure that star Tom Cruise turned his attention to the girl.

Therefore, immediately after giving birth, Katie Holmes went on a very strict diet: her daily caloric intake was only 1000 calories, and at the same time she was breastfeeding her daughter. In a month and a half of this regime, the actress lost 16 kilograms.

Elena Temnikova.

Gennady Avramenko

According to the artist, she had excellent motivation for losing weight - shooting in a swimsuit for the cover of a glossy publication three months after giving birth. Elena accepted the challenge and approached the issue systematically. “I combined sports with weight loss procedures and did it for six hours every day,” the singer shared her weight loss recipe. — I went on a diet during pregnancy. I gave up sweet, salty and fried foods. And after giving birth, nutritionists prescribed a strict diet: essentially only buckwheat porridge, turkey or chicken.” The singer also reassured those who criticized her for strenuous exercise, which could harm the young mother. “There are such specialists - postpartum rehabilitation doctors,” explained Elena. — They create a program for you that you can do as a young mother. And they monitor the progress of its implementation. I can say that you can play a lot of sports, but carefully. There is a certain range of exercises after pregnancy that improve metabolic processes, get rid of swelling, and quickly get into shape without harm to health. By the way, don’t forget about yoga. I believe that yoga is one of the most effective ways to lose weight.”

Keti Topuria
On June 15, 2015, she gave birth to a daughter, Olivia.

The recipe of the lead singer of the group A’Studio turned out to be simple. “Girls, I decided to write to you, because everyone started asking how I got into shape so quickly,” Topuria wrote on her page in social network(hereinafter, the authors’ spelling and punctuation have been preserved, - approx. WomanHit). — I answer: this is only by closing my mouth, although I now have an extra 5 kg (it’s not visible in the photos, because I know how to pose). Now I'm not losing weight anymore. Apparently, the body does not want to dump everything at once, although I am on a diet, and my diet is protein + fiber and a lot of water, that is, proper nutrition!!!"

Natalia Podolskaya
On June 5, 2015, she gave birth to a son, Artem.

“Girls! Now admit it, who gained how much during pregnancy? After weighing myself on Friday, I turned out to be 11.3 kg,” the singer wrote on her microblog a few days before giving birth. This is considered the norm, so it is not surprising that almost immediately after the maternity hospital, the young mother began wearing tight clothes. According to the artist, doctors prescribed her a strict diet, which is followed by all nursing mothers. And with this proper nutrition Losing weight is not at all difficult. True, Podolskaya believes that she still has two extra pounds.

Mariya Kozhevnikova
On January 26, 2015, she gave birth to her second son, Maxim.

The mother of two sons of the same age, Ivan and Maxim, happily talks about how she got into shape. “You often ask me how I got into shape. I answer. First of all, I’m still coming, I still have a couple of extra kilos left,” the actress wrote on her microblog. - Secondly, and probably the most important thing, do not lose weight suddenly, it is harmful to the body, as prolapse may occur internal organs. Don’t believe in miracle pills that supposedly make you lose weight instantly, don’t drink teas to lose weight, I tried it on myself - the effect is short-term, but it helps useful material from the body. And now my very simple secret - external beauty is a reflection of internal health. Personally, I prefer to eat healthy (vegetables, meat, steamed fish, seasonal fruits, move more during the day (for example, use the stairs instead of the elevator), and choose swimming or cycling as a sport (I don’t recommend running, as it puts stress on the spine and knees ), I go to B-FLEXY (the procedure works and is safe). Well, be sure to enjoy life..."

Three weeks after Ilyusha was born, the wife of the famous TV presenter wrote on her page: “The ideal is still far away, but success is obvious! Now I’m +9 kg, I went to give birth +23, left the maternity hospital +15. The baby is now 3 weeks old, during which time I have lost 6 kg - in my opinion, great. But the most difficult kilograms remain at the end, in general, Ilya will soon be a month old, and it will be possible to include sports and massage!” In addition, Polina believes that a slimming corset helped her lose weight, as well as special diet cocktails that can be drunk even while breastfeeding. “Ilyusha is one month and 5 days old, I have 7 extra kg left,” Dibrova wrote with joy in the middle of summer. “Although my husband asks me not to lose weight anymore, he really likes the proportions.” By the way, my favorite corset is already fastened with the last hooks... To be honest, I put on the corset 3 hours after giving birth and am still wearing it. It doesn't squeeze me too much, I feel great and after 10 minutes I forget it's on me. The corset is needed to help the skin. To make it easier for the tummy and skin to contract. I apply a special cream under the corset. But you have to wear it all the time.”

Due to problems that arose during childbirth, Anna underwent surgery and spent more than two weeks in the hospital. Therefore, at first, doctors forbade the young mother to play sports. But Anna set herself the goal of returning to her prenatal shape by her birthday (June 13). “My mother is a cosmetologist, so we have already outlined some plans,” Kalashnikova said immediately after being discharged from the maternity hospital. — I watch my diet, drink more water, wear special shapewear. “I recently started manual body contouring – this is a series of special massages.” As soon as the actress recovered from the operation and the doctors allowed her to play sports, she immediately went to the gym and to the pool. She also completed a course of special hardening procedures. “The key to cheerfulness for the whole day is a cryosauna! — Anna wrote with joy. “It perfectly tightens the skin, improves mood and productivity at work!”

Almost every woman after giving birth, when she goes through the adaptation process, looks in the mirror and understands that it’s time to take on not only raising offspring, but also putting herself in order.

And we quite often set ourselves as examples of some actresses or friends who have successfully coped with this task.

WITHOn the one hand, famous women simply have to look good, since they live in public view. But they, too, are women first, and only then famous women. Then, I ask you, why are we worse? After all, to lose excess weight, you don’t have to spend a lot of money.

Some Homework helps burn calories, and you can play sports without leaving home, and sometimes even with your child. This requires desire and inspiration. Therefore, we read and are inspired to do great things. If they can do it, so can you!

How stars lose weight after giving birth - Jennifer Garner

After the birth of her daughter, she regained her shape with the help of diet and well-organized training. The essence of the diet is to eat small portions, but often. The daily calorie intake is 1,600, the number of meals is 5-6.

The training included exercises for all muscle groups: push-ups, squats, lunges, abdominal presses, which were performed 2 approaches each, twice a week - Pilates classes to develop strength and endurance, once a week cardio training for 40 minutes. The latter can be an exercise bike, an elliptical trainer, or just jogging.

How stars lose weight after giving birth - Cindy Crawford

This famous model no need to introduce it to anyone. She has released several DVDs with workouts of varying intensity, for various women. The basis of her training is strength exercises and cardio.

How stars lose weight after giving birth - Reese Witherspoon

“Legally Blonde” still looks gorgeous after giving birth to two children. The actress is a keen supporter of running. Sports helped her cope with stress after a divorce. Instead of overeating on sweets and crying into her pillow, she ate fiber-rich foods, exercised regularly, and the result was two dress sizes minus. In addition, the actress attends yoga classes.

How stars lose weight after giving birth - Jessica Alba

The actress quickly returned to shape and, despite the fact that everyone savors the cellulite left after childbirth, she doesn’t care, because she looks good and feels good. Jessica Alba worked out 4 times a week for 40 minutes with weights.

The training began with a 10-minute jog: 2 minutes at a moderate pace, 6 at a fast pace, and again 2 minutes at a slow pace. After this, some exercises on the legs.

Then do cardio again for 5 minutes. Alternating tempo: 30 seconds moderate pace, 30 seconds fast. After this, exercise your arms and chest.

Again 5 minutes of cardio. And finally, we work on the abs. Such training helps to keep muscles in good shape all the time, and, therefore, the efficiency of exercise is much higher, and weight loss occurs quickly.

How stars lose weight after giving birth - Salma Hayek

Actress Salma Hayek, who gave birth to a daughter last September, follows a Mediterranean diet: lots of fish, fruits, vegetables and foods containing “healthy” fats (for example, olive oil and nuts). And he tries to eat often, but little by little.

How stars lose weight after giving birth - Catherine Zeta-Jones

The mother of two children, actress Catherine Zeta-Jones, was on the Kremlin diet for a long time, which helped her lose a lot of weight. The principle of the diet is simple: eat plenty of proteins, but stay away from sweets and starchy foods. Katherine tries to eat 3 times a day and only when she is really hungry.

How stars lose weight after childbirth - Julia Roberts

The beautiful Julia Roberts, who gave birth to her third child, claims: good body 95% depends on genetics. The main thing is to try not to gain too much weight during pregnancy.

How stars lose weight after childbirth - Yulia Menshova

Actress Yulia Menshova believes that you can only lose weight according to the principle of the great ballerina Maya Plisetskaya: “You need to eat less!” After the birth of her daughter, Yulia gained a lot of weight. And in order to lose weight, for three months I ate only vegetables, giving up meat, fish and dairy.

How stars lose weight after giving birth - Milla Jovovich

After giving birth, Milla Jovovich lost more than 30 kilograms in just a couple of months. How did she manage to do this? For 5 months, Milla Jovovich ate exclusively following the advice of her trainer, without deviating even an ounce from the instructions. For 5 months, Milla Jovovich ate exclusively following the advice of her trainer, without deviating even an ounce from the instructions.

9 months after giving birth!!!

How stars lose weight after childbirth - Natalia Vodianova

Three years ago, the supermodel gave birth to her third child, Victor. who spent the first month of his life... behind the scenes of shows. Paris Fashion Week was then in full swing, so... maternity leave the famous mother spent only.. 5 days.

How did she do it? Just! Many mothers return from the maternity hospital at the same weight as before pregnancy. They just take care of themselves and don’t gain too much! After all, as you know, the body loses about 7-10 kg of weight during childbirth!!!

How stars lose weight after childbirth - Alena Vodonaeva

“And this is how I look today,” wrote a former participant in the “House 2” project in a blog already 1.5 weeks after the birth of the first child. According to Alena, during pregnancy she gained as much as 15 kilos, but was also quickly able to get rid of them.

“My body has certainly undergone metamorphosis, but all this is very easily fixable in a healthy way life, activity and willpower! In general, if after childbirth everything returns to normal so easily, then I’m ready to do it once every two years.”.

How stars lose weight after childbirth - Tatyana Totmyanina

2 weeks after the baby was born, Tanya began training. Immediately after the birth of the child, the famous mother decisively took care of herself: she began to follow a special diet (yogurt, coffee and a piece of chocolate for breakfast, salad during the day and sashimi in the evening), train on a treadmill and go for a massage.

“I like that I am a size smaller than before pregnancy. I had a desire to see a certain number on the scales, and what happened (44 kilograms) exceeded all my expectations.”

How stars lose weight after childbirth - Vera Brezhneva

At the end of last year, the former lead singer of VIA Gra became a mother for the second time - she gave her eldest daughter Sonya a sister, Sarah.

However, less than two weeks after giving birth, the singer... returned to the stage and showed off her slim figure to fans. The exploits of Vera Brezhneva did not end there - two months after the birth of my second daughter she graced the cover of Maxim magazine almost naked. Vera calls the secret to the miraculous restoration of her figure “a balanced diet and regular Pilates and yoga classes with the help of professional trainers.”

“I have good genetics. My mother gave birth to four children and is still in great shape. And the banal “eating for two” is not for me. I gained a little extra weight during pregnancy. Considering that I was constantly hungry, it could have been even bigger!”

How stars lose weight after giving birth - Gisele Bundchen

Even during pregnancy, the beautiful Brazilian continued to actively keep in shape and monitor her diet, so the results were not long in coming. “I went to kung fu until recently,” recalls baby Benjamin’s mother. “And I did yoga three times a week.” The supermodel achieved her goal - she has never looked so sexy as in advertising campaign Calzedonia swimsuits, two months after giving birth (in the photo, Gisele is in a hurry to train a month after the birth of her son).

"I guess, that main mistake Many women feel that during pregnancy they turn their body into a “trash can.” I was very careful about what I ate and gained less than 15 kilograms.”

How stars lose weight after childbirth - Alessandra Ambrosio

Three months after Anya was born in 2008, the Victoria Secret angel showed off her stunning body at the show of the famous lingerie brand. After the show, Alessandra said that “she had to pay dearly for the ice cream that she ate during pregnancy” - for all three months she regained her former slimness every day under the guidance of trainer Liandro Carvalho. “I did strength training, took capoeira and samba lessons. It’s quite fun, but it takes a lot of strength and energy,” she complained.

“During pregnancy, my body acquired sexy curves that I really liked. Now that I’m back in shape, I admit that a little volume wouldn’t hurt me.”

Activity of a young mother

In general, there are many famous women who can boast of willpower and a beautiful figure. However, it's worth taking note that certain routine activities can also speed up your weight loss process.

For example, active play with a child for 40 minutes burns 200 calories. And skating for an hour will “eat” 246 calories. By the way, some muscle groups can be trained while the child plays on his own.

What if to each physical work approach it as an opportunity to bring yourself closer to beautiful figure, then ironing, washing the floor, playing with children, etc. will not seem like a punishment.

Three main women's myths about overweight after childbirth

1. There's no way you'll lose weight while you're breastfeeding.

Of course, when feeding, factors that contribute to obesity arise, such as a slight increase in appetite, limited mobility, stress and disturbed sleep. But there is also a plus. When breastfeeding, fat leaves the woman's body along with milk. It’s a sin not to take advantage of this - we reduce the fat content of our diet, add tonic exercises as best we can, normalize sleep, and lose weight!

2. You need to eat as much fatty and sweet foods as possible so that the milk is nutritious and healthy.

This is wrong. The nutritional value and benefits of milk do not depend in any way on the amount of fat and sugar in food. The best thing to do when feeding is to stick to a balanced diet rich in vitamins, protein and calcium. Optimal in this regard are low-fat dairy and dairy products. For a nursing woman, it is advisable to have more of them in her diet.

3. After giving birth, you will never be the same again: during pregnancy, the pelvic bones diverge and you automatically gain weight by a couple of sizes.

And this is not true, there are many examples where after giving birth women weighed less than before pregnancy. There are no changes in the skeleton and ligamentous apparatus. It’s just that after giving birth, many people begin to lead a more sedate lifestyle, calm down, limit mobility - energy consumption is reduced, and often, even with the same diet, extra pounds appear.

How stars lose weight after childbirth - photo

Many famous mothers During pregnancy, they gained a significant amount of kilograms. To return forms they used like individual approaches, and quite traditional.

During pregnancy it is not customary to talk about extra pounds and calories, and even more so to go on diets. Curvy shapes, generous portions of goodies and weight gain of +20 kg, or even +25 kg, some would call a feature of the “pregnant” state.
But many pregnant women often worry about how they will get back in shape after giving birth. And famous mothers are no exception.
We chose best recipes from the stars, how to lose weight after childbirth. Find out how you can quickly get back in shape after giving birth.
1. How Victoria Beckham lost weight after giving birth
The recipe for losing weight for Victoria Beckham, who recently became a mother for the fourth time, lies in the special “Five Fistfuls” diet.
Just a week after giving birth, David Beckham's wife took on her figure with the goal of losing weight.
Victoria eats 5 small meals a day, combining vegetables and foods high in protein. He also tries to drink at least 1.5-2 liters of clean water a day and snack only on healthy snacks - nuts and fresh berries.
In addition, to remove belly fat after childbirth and tighten muscles, Victoria does Pilates.

2. How Angelina Jolie lost weight after giving birth
The secret of losing weight to Brad Pitt's wife and mother of many children, Angelina Jolie, is breast-feeding, which is known to burn a lot of calories. As well as a low-calorie diet of vegetables and fruits and yoga.
In addition, the star tries to add garlic and ginger root to her various dishes. According to Angelina, these products speed up metabolism and the process of losing weight.

3. How Milla Jovovich lost weight after giving birth
During pregnancy, Milla Jovovich gained a lot of weight, gaining about 30 kg.
“I have become so huge! – the actress wrote on her website. - Incredible! All I did was eat three buttered bagels, some donuts, jelly and cream for breakfast. And suddenly, bam! My scales started going through the roof.”
To lose weight, Milla went on an individual diet developed by the famous nutritionist Harley Pasternak.
The essence of the diet: eating 5 times a day - 3 full meals a day and 2 snacks. Each serving should include the five essential elements: protein, complex carbohydrates, dietary fiber, fat and water.

4. How Jennifer Lopez lost weight after giving birth
The mother of twins, actress Jennifer Lopez, lost weight after giving birth thanks to a low-calorie diet and regular dance and fitness classes.
The essence of Jennifer Lopez's diet: consume about 1200-1400 calories per day (no more), dividing food into 4 meals. In the diet - raw vegetables, fruits, dairy products, as well as lean meat and poultry. In addition, you must drink 2 liters of water per day.
Prohibited: salt, sugar, flour and confectionery products, red meat, as well as all fatty, fried and carbonated drinks.

5. How Natalie Portman lost weight after giving birth
The famous actress Natalie Portman recently became a mother and is still working to regain her former slender (even skinny) shape.
Natalie runs, does Pilates, and also watches her diet. The star is an experienced vegetarian, but during pregnancy she was forced to consume dairy products, meat and poultry. Now Natalie is gradually returning to her vegetarian diet, which, according to her, has helped her keep her figure slim all this time.