Interior with stucco on the walls. Stucco molding in the interior: what it is and possibilities of application. Features of finishing of modeling

Stucco molding in the interior has become quite a popular means of interior decoration among owners of cottages and expensive apartments. However, you don’t have to own a luxury apartment to be able to decorate a room with stucco; you just need to correctly calculate how to reunite all the interior elements together so that appearance looked harmonious.

Stucco ceilings and the walls add luxury and aristocracy to the interior. Naturally, the furniture, atmosphere and even should correspond to the stylistic idea with the presence of stucco.

Stucco in the interior

In order for the stucco molding to look exactly the way it should look, that is, neatly and unobtrusively, you need to do everything correctly. First, let's figure out what stucco can be:

Each type is selected individually for the interior. Many people now make stucco molding to order or purchase it in stores, because making it with your own hands is quite difficult.

Stucco molding from plaster mortar

The method of creating stucco molding from plaster mortar has long been outdated, but it has the right to be at least remembered, because this is where it all began.

Plaster stucco

Gypsum decorative stucco appeared relatively recently, but it has already been replaced with a more advanced material.

Polyurethane stucco

The last word in the development of types of stucco beyond polyurethane. It has many advantages, from ease of installation to lightness and low cost. But such stucco molding also has disadvantages, namely:

  • poor connection with each other;
  • large seams between elements;
  • unified stucco molding.

Despite this, polyurethane stucco is superior to gypsum.

They often add some elements of stucco or make it one of the main accents in the interior. However, decor is something that should catch your eye, so if you decide to decorate your apartment with stucco, you should do it as it should be.

Ceiling decoration is often incomplete without stucco. Beautiful patterned stripes are attached directly to the damp plaster during repairs. There are completely different sizes of strips on sale, ranging from the smallest to the very wide. There is an opinion that wide stripes are suitable for large rooms, and thin ones are for little ones. However, everything is exactly the opposite if we're talking about Oh, because a wide stripe on a small square can create a second-level effect, and large patterns will add sophistication and attract a lot of attention.

In a huge room, on the contrary, large elements may get lost on the ceiling, so it is advisable to take smaller ones as a basis, and upper parts walls, use larger patterns, gradually narrowing them towards the middle of the wall. Such maneuvers are more suitable for apartments whose rooms are not separated by walls, as has become common in new buildings, as well as for large rectangular rooms.

DIY stucco molding

Do-it-yourself stucco molding is enough difficult process, requiring great precision. If we compare all types of stucco molding, it is worth focusing only on creating gypsum decor, which does not require many tools and additional professional equipment.

To make stucco molding yourself, you first need to have patterned shapes. Next, if there are any, we take on the production of the composition itself, which will become the main one when creating stucco. This is a gypsum solution into which you can add a special additive (natural or synthetic fiber), which will increase the strength of the finished product at the stage of its installation and operation. In general, very useful thing.

Next, the gypsum solution is poured into specially prepared molds and left in a room with no high level humidity. After the solution has completely hardened, the finished stucco molding should be “taken out” from the molds and processed, removing all unnecessary defects and sharpening rough transitions in places where they should not be.

IN modern interior stucco is also used for visual increase ceiling height. This is especially true for bedrooms elongated shapes, where you can use stucco to create the look of “ multi-level ceiling" Gluing all the elements of stucco for this is not at all difficult, and in the case of pre-production of stucco yourself, you will not need to think about how to create patterns, because direct transitions in the form of steps come in handy here.

For the living room, stucco molding on the upper parts of the walls, as well as in places closer to the window, is perfect. This way you can hide the cornice if its appearance annoys you. There is an opinion that stucco molding can visually lower the ceiling, but in fact this is not the case if you use decorative elements in moderation.

Stucco can be used in a variety of ways, including painting. So, if the wallpaper or flow in your room is not white, then white stucco will not go well with it. To do this, you can color the stripes in desired color. However, in the case of using paint, stucco molding in the form of an elongated plinth would be an excellent option, unless, of course, you have one in your room.

IN Lately Molding, which is relevant for apartments with perfectly smooth walls, is also gaining momentum in popularity. This is also a type of stucco, however, it is more complex, so you can make it yourself because large sizes thematic patterns are very difficult.

Stucco molding will suit the interior of classical styles. You shouldn't sculpt just anything. Remember, too much is not always pretty!

Previously, all protruding elements on the surface of the walls and ceiling were made using gypsum. Nowadays, gypsum is often replaced with polyurethane. However, not all ready-made templates are able to convey the sophistication and uniqueness of materials created by hand and applied directly to the wall.

Let's look at how exactly you can use stucco in the interior, how to apply plaster and how best to highlight the advantages of the room through the use of such detailing.

Decoration of stucco walls

The most common area of ​​application for gypsum stucco has been and remains vertical surfaces walls You can be inspired by numerous examples, but it is better to think through the layout of the moldings based on the layout features of each individual room. Consider where certain items will be placed and their dimensions. This way you can present the design of the wall itself to the maximum advantage - so that in the end it is clearly visible from several points in the room.

It is better to use the width of gypsum moldings no more than 6cm - on large surfaces it is the thin and graceful edging that looks good.


We imitate caissons on the ceiling

Using stucco decoration, you can successfully imitate the installation of wooden caissons on the ceiling. All you need for this is to create a frame of equivalent cells around the entire perimeter of the ceiling, and then decorate the ends with plaster moldings. This will cost much less than wood products, and promises to look even more elegant and lighter.

Aim to create atmosphere and volume, and leave color for other decorative elements.

As for color, don’t go overboard and color combinations- V modern interpretation Working with plaster involves minimal color experiments.




We create bas-reliefs

A professional plaster worker will help you realize any of your ideas. Using this material, you can create magnificent volumetric bas-reliefs protruding from the surface by 2-3 cm, or even more. Order a decorator to create a landscape on the wall, repeating the appearance of your favorite work of art. These can also be abstract paintings, landscapes, still lifes - in a word, any images at your discretion.

Ask the master to do a freehand sketch initially, or simply give him a source photo or other image so that you have an idea of ​​​​what this section of the wall will ultimately look like. When designing an interior, knowing where the bas-relief will be located, immediately think about how to illuminate it at night.

Top or bottom decorative lighting will favorably emphasize the volume of the composition using the play of light and shadow.


We create the edging of door and window openings

Any window and doorway, without exception, when decorated around with stucco or a simple plaster molding, will look much more luxurious and even pompous. This is especially true for the currently popular Scandinavian style, loft, contemporary and minimalism. It would seem that there is nothing more suitable for French classics - but no, modern tendencies combining incompatible things dictate their own rules.

And now we are decorating the walls almost in the best palace traditions, and then placing in such an interior a red sofa from Ikea and a rough table made from construction pallets on huge wheeled legs. Don't be afraid that the stucco looks too formal. These are all cliches. After all, the very obligatory absence of patina and patali makes it just the same bas-relief, simply limited to a strict rhythm. The best thing you can do is to paint the molding around the windows and doors afterwards. White color. Use white doors and window frames- this technique will only enhance the desired effect.



We frame significant objects and emphasize accents

Even at the planning stage, think about what exactly will become the center of the composition or the most attractive element in the room for those present. You can also direct people's attention in the right direction by highlighting worthy things with stucco decoration. Create a nice frame around your intended monitor location. Its edges can be left rectangular, or it can be decorated more elegantly using hand-sculpted elements created by the master in advance.

When painting the walls further, again use the same color for the stucco molding and the main surface. Although in some cases tonal transitions also look very appropriate, but not in too much contrast.


We decorate the ceiling with an ornament

Decorating the ceiling with plaster is the most pleasant way to work. You are not bound by any standard sizes template production, a certain design and degree of relief. Absolutely every detail can be thought out independently and brought to life by correctly setting the task for professionals in this field.

Remember symmetry and composition. When looking at the ceiling from the bottom up, it should be perfectly thought out and verified to the smallest detail. Otherwise, it’s not even worth taking on.

When working with stucco, be extremely meticulous and meticulous - any element simply must be in its place and interact harmoniously with others. And again, don’t take into account the color - paint both the stucco and the ceiling itself in a white, simple and monochrome shade.

Remember about the height of your ceiling - the higher it is, the more expressive the volume of stucco molding you can afford.


Another more creative way is to tie the pattern of the plaster panels to a pattern in the room. Probably textile, pattern ceramic tiles, wallpaper, will have a certain rhythm and degree of pattern repetition. This is what you can “transfer” to a plaster wall by asking a professional to draw the outlines you need in vector in advance. Later, using these samples, they will make you a custom-made set of individual 3D panels, unlike anyone else’s.


Needless to say, there will be no analogues to individual sculpting for a very long time. This pleasant opportunity to realize any fantasy and idea captivates. You understand that you can create whatever your heart desires. Of course, you shouldn’t abuse this privilege - in 90% of cases you can get by with fairly standard preparations. But by working with gypsum stucco, you can always change the course of events and create a corner in your home that will make it unlike any other.

Gypsum stucco was widely used back in the days ancient Greece. Gypsum products were used in the decoration of interiors, facades, as well as bas-reliefs, sculptures and more. For many centuries, gypsum stucco was extremely popular, but in the 20th century it was replaced by similar elements made of cheaper and lighter materials such as polystyrene foam and polyurethane. But still, many connoisseurs of genuine, classic beauty even today prefer this material. Let's take a look at the photos of stunningly luxurious modern interiors with plaster stucco and give it its due!

How does gypsum stucco differ from other materials?

The main disadvantages of gypsum stucco compared to modern analogues are considered to be low water resistance and the fact that the material turns yellow over time. Therefore, stucco decoration, which is destined to often come into contact with water and direct sunlight (in particular on the facades of buildings), today is almost always made of or.

Another disadvantage of gypsum stucco is the relatively large weight of the elements when they are large, as well as their fragility, which is especially characteristic of small products. This leads to the fact that installing gypsum decor takes a little more time and effort than installing products made from other materials. So, when making large decor from plaster, they insert metal hinges, for which this decor will be attached to the wall or ceiling, or they are secured with dowel nails. Then, like stucco molding made of polystyrene foam and polyurethane, it’s quite easy to glue it on.

Surprisingly, it is precisely the “disadvantages” of gypsum that many people consider as its advantages. The yellowed surface, chips and cracks are evidence of the antiquity and authenticity of the stucco. Heavy weight The material gives the products a powerful, expressive look and depth to each line. That’s why you just want to touch the plaster decor with your hand. For you to have such a desire, just look at the following photos of interiors.

Plaster stucco in photos of modern interiors

IN modern design In interiors, gypsum stucco is usually found as decorative finishing ceiling. The following 9 photos show us that finishing the ceiling with gypsum stucco can look gorgeous not only in classic style design, but also in combination with modern and even minimalist furniture.

Plaster columns and wall decoration in the interior (10 photos)

Moldings, cornices, bas-reliefs, columns and other elements of gypsum stucco on the walls of the interior are practically obligatory to adhere to, if not classic design, then at least a very elegant modern style. The last 10 photos in this article show us how gypsum stucco brings the effect of luxury to the design of private houses and apartments.

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How to make stucco molding from plaster with your own hands

Working with plaster is not very difficult when it comes to the simplest details. Almost any solid or hollow object can be made into a mold into which plaster can be poured. General procedure actions:

  1. Wipe the mold with soapy water.
  2. Pour in the 1st layer of plaster. Note that all layers of gypsum are poured sequentially, and each layer should not exceed 1 cm.
  3. The next layer is poured only after the previous one has completely hardened. During pouring, try to avoid air entry and bubble formation. Shake the mold lightly to ensure it is completely filled with plaster mortar. You should not speed up the drying process using improvised means. If you dry the mold at temperatures above +16 degrees Celsius, the product will be fragile.
  4. After a while, we carefully remove the decorative element from the mold and process it depending on our goals. Gypsum stucco molding is sanded with sandpaper and must be coated with a primer before painting - this will prevent the paint from being quickly absorbed and will also simplify the process of painting the surface.

When preparing molded products from gypsum with your own hands, among other things, you need to take into account the fluidity time of the solution. It takes approximately 2-3 minutes. During this time, the gypsum remains pliable for work, and after it becomes viscous. The final drying time for the gypsum solution is approximately 40-50 minutes. The product can then be removed from the mold. Please note that the drying time of the solution can be slowed down by adding glue. Concentrated 25 percent glue solution will give strength to the gypsum stucco element.

How plaster stucco is used in a modern interior (20 photos) updated: July 26, 2016 by: Denis Avilov